Dentinal repair in the postnatal organism occurs through the activity of specialized cells, odont... more Dentinal repair in the postnatal organism occurs through the activity of specialized cells, odontoblasts that are thought to be maintained by unclear prelude population associated with pulp tissue. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) live-in bone marrow are one of the most studied and clinically major populations of adult stem cells. In this study the researcher addressed the present state of knowledge regarding these cells, their properties, origins, locations, functions and potential uses in tooth tissue engineering and restore. However, the ultimate therapeutic use of hASCs requires that these cells and their derivatives maintain their genomic stability. To explore cytogenetic integrity of cultured human dental stem cell (hDSC) lines,the researcher analyzed four expanded hDSC cultures using classical G banding and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) with X chromosome specific poke. Our preliminary results revealed that about 70% of the cells exhibited karyotypic abnormalities incl...
Dentinal repair in the postnatal organism occurs through the activity of specialized cells, odont... more Dentinal repair in the postnatal organism occurs through the activity of specialized cells, odontoblasts that are thought to be maintained by unclear prelude population associated with pulp tissue. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) live-in bone marrow are one of the most studied and clinically major populations of adult stem cells. In this study the researcher addressed the present state of knowledge regarding these cells, their properties, origins, locations, functions and potential uses in tooth tissue engineering and restore. However, the ultimate therapeutic use of hASCs requires that these cells and their derivatives maintain their genomic stability. To explore cytogenetic integrity of cultured human dental stem cell (hDSC) lines,the researcher analyzed four expanded hDSC cultures using classical G banding and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) with X chromosome specific poke. Our preliminary results revealed that about 70% of the cells exhibited karyotypic abnormalities incl...
Papers by hajar Akbari