As members of legal fraternity judges, lawyers, academicians, researchers and students continuous... more As members of legal fraternity judges, lawyers, academicians, researchers and students continuously engage in legal research and writing, the legal researchers and writers play a double role in their academic exercise as both creators and users of copyrighted materials. It means, they have rights and duties with regard to copyright law. The present article analyzes the copyright issues involved in research and examines the ways by which the academic authors should protect themselves from the charges of copyright infringement and plagiarism.
As members of legal fraternity judges, lawyers, academicians, researchers and students continuous... more As members of legal fraternity judges, lawyers, academicians, researchers and students continuously engage in legal research and writing, the legal researchers and writers play a double role in their academic exercise as both creators and users of copyrighted materials. It means, they have rights and duties with regard to copyright law. The present article analyzes the copyright issues involved in research and examines the ways by which the academic authors should protect themselves from the charges of copyright infringement and plagiarism.
Papers by jassmeet brar