An experienced mixed-methods research analyst in the fields of Countering Violent Extremism (CVE). A particular expertise in the terrorist exploitation of technology and data driven research utilising social media and technology.
'Radicalisering' maakt sinds enkele jaren deel uit van ons politieke vocabularium. In België groe... more 'Radicalisering' maakt sinds enkele jaren deel uit van ons politieke vocabularium. In België groeide zowel bij de overheid als in het middenveld een hele catalogus aan beleidsinitiatieven. De sleutel tot de preventie van gewelddadig extremisme ligt op lokaal vlak. De doelstelling van dit boek is dan ook om internationaal onderzoek over gewelddadig extremisme te vertalen naar het beleid en de praktijk in Vlaanderen. Het Vlaams Vredesinstituut vroeg aan zeven internationale experten om het bestaande empirisch onderzoek samen te vatten. We brachten deze auteurs in het voorjaar van 2017 samen met praktijkdeskundigen uit Vlaanderen. Het resultaat van die vruchtbare dialoog vormt de basis voor de conclusies van dit boek, waarin we de bevindingen toepassen op de Vlaamse beleidsaanpak van radicalisering.
This chapter aims to show how radical beliefs and violent action relate to each other. It summari... more This chapter aims to show how radical beliefs and violent action relate to each other. It summarises the current landscape of academic research that has, in different ways, attempted to identify the causes of terrorist action. In showing the current trends, areas of consensus and areas of dispute, the chapter aims to show the complex relationship between drivers based on ideas, ideologies and beliefs and drivers based on other factors. Terrorists, like normal people, are influenced on a number of different levels and in ways that they do not always realise or acknowledge themselves. Whether through social ties, the power of counter-culture, or the desire to seek thrills, status or recognition, the story of why people undertake political violence is more complex and subtle than simply a question of belief.
'De-radicalisation' Scientific insight for policy, 2017
This chapter aims to show how radical beliefs and violent action relate to each other. It summari... more This chapter aims to show how radical beliefs and violent action relate to each other. It summarises the current landscape of academic research that has, in different ways, attempted to identify the causes of terrorist action. In showing the current trends, areas of consensus and areas of dispute, the chapter aims to show the complex relationship between drivers based on ideas, ideologies and beliefs and drivers based on other factors. Terrorists, like normal people, are influenced on a number of different levels and in ways that they do not always realise or acknowledge themselves. Whether through social ties, the power of counter-culture, or the desire to seek thrills, status or recognition, the story of why people undertake political violence is more complex and subtle than simply a question of belief.
'Radicalisering' maakt sinds enkele jaren deel uit van ons politieke vocabularium. In België groe... more 'Radicalisering' maakt sinds enkele jaren deel uit van ons politieke vocabularium. In België groeide zowel bij de overheid als in het middenveld een hele catalogus aan beleidsinitiatieven. De sleutel tot de preventie van gewelddadig extremisme ligt op lokaal vlak. De doelstelling van dit boek is dan ook om internationaal onderzoek over gewelddadig extremisme te vertalen naar het beleid en de praktijk in Vlaanderen. Het Vlaams Vredesinstituut vroeg aan zeven internationale experten om het bestaande empirisch onderzoek samen te vatten. We brachten deze auteurs in het voorjaar van 2017 samen met praktijkdeskundigen uit Vlaanderen. Het resultaat van die vruchtbare dialoog vormt de basis voor de conclusies van dit boek, waarin we de bevindingen toepassen op de Vlaamse beleidsaanpak van radicalisering.
This chapter aims to show how radical beliefs and violent action relate to each other. It summari... more This chapter aims to show how radical beliefs and violent action relate to each other. It summarises the current landscape of academic research that has, in different ways, attempted to identify the causes of terrorist action. In showing the current trends, areas of consensus and areas of dispute, the chapter aims to show the complex relationship between drivers based on ideas, ideologies and beliefs and drivers based on other factors. Terrorists, like normal people, are influenced on a number of different levels and in ways that they do not always realise or acknowledge themselves. Whether through social ties, the power of counter-culture, or the desire to seek thrills, status or recognition, the story of why people undertake political violence is more complex and subtle than simply a question of belief.
'De-radicalisation' Scientific insight for policy, 2017
This chapter aims to show how radical beliefs and violent action relate to each other. It summari... more This chapter aims to show how radical beliefs and violent action relate to each other. It summarises the current landscape of academic research that has, in different ways, attempted to identify the causes of terrorist action. In showing the current trends, areas of consensus and areas of dispute, the chapter aims to show the complex relationship between drivers based on ideas, ideologies and beliefs and drivers based on other factors. Terrorists, like normal people, are influenced on a number of different levels and in ways that they do not always realise or acknowledge themselves. Whether through social ties, the power of counter-culture, or the desire to seek thrills, status or recognition, the story of why people undertake political violence is more complex and subtle than simply a question of belief.
Books by Leah S C