Global warming is one of the things that causes environmental damage. Factors causing environment... more Global warming is one of the things that causes environmental damage. Factors causing environmental damage include development that is not environmentally friendly, such as wasting energy, reducing green land, and others. The Green Building concept is one of the solutions to reduce global warming related to Civil Engineering buildings. The City of Langsa has recently rehabilitated the Integrated Hajj and Umrah Service Center (IHUSC) office, from a simple building to a 2-storey building, therefore the building has become the object of the author's research to assess how much the building has implemented the Green Building concept. The purpose of this study is to provide information regarding the value of the Green Building concept obtained by the Langsa City IHUSC building and provide advice regarding the suitability of implementing the Green Building concept in the IHUSC building so that it can be implemented as well as possible. The research steps use interview techniques and f...
Jalan Wisata Lut Atas Bener Meriah Aceh is a road leading to the tourist attraction of the lake, ... more Jalan Wisata Lut Atas Bener Meriah Aceh is a road leading to the tourist attraction of the lake, located at 2,100 meters above sea level. The lake called Lut Atas located in Bener Meriah, Aceh, exactly in Waq Pondok Sayur Village, Bukit District. The current status of the Lut Atas Tourist Road is still in the form of a rock and gravel cover, making it difficult to access the tourist area. The purpose of this study is to calculate the throughput capacity and road age plan on the Lut Atas Tourism section, knowing the required soft pavement thickness on the Lut Atas Tourism section with the manual road design method. 2017, knows how to climb slopes and bends to ensure safety and comfort for road users. Based on the results of the 4-day LHR survey, the total number of vehicles is 125 vehicles. Calculation results of pavement thickness of Upper Lut tourist road Waq Pondok Sayur village from STA 0+000 - 3+000, with pavement thickness AC-WC 40 mm, AC-BC 60 mm, aggregate layer 400mm materia... merupakan salah satu usaha kue kering yang ada di kota Langsa. terletak di ... more merupakan salah satu usaha kue kering yang ada di kota Langsa. terletak di Dusun Mawar 2 Gampong Seulalah Kota Langsa. Usaha kue kering ini merupakan industri rumah tangga yang sedang mengalami permasalahan dalam memproduksi makanan olahan karena semakin banyaknya usaha kue kering yang ada di kota Langsa. Bahan utama yang sering digunakan saat ini untuk pembuatan kue dan roti adalah tepung terigu. Mitra juga belum mampu memproduksi tepung sendiri untuk mengurangi harga penjualan agar dapat bersaing dengan usaha roti/kue lainnya. Hal tersebut membuat mitra mengalami penurunan omzet penjualan. Solusi yang diberikan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah Memberikan pelatihan cara pembuatan Mocaf; Memberikan sosialisi tentang manfaat dan keunggulan dari Mocaf; Memperkenalkan dan menyerahkan alat penggiling tepung kepada mitra. Hasil dari pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat tentang Penerapan Teknologi Pembuatan Cassava Flour (Mocaf) yait...
Lake Maninjau is a lake formed by volcanic activity. Many human activities occur on the catchment... more Lake Maninjau is a lake formed by volcanic activity. Many human activities occur on the catchment area, but also in exploited waters. This study aims to mapping the depth of the waters in the Lake Maninjau and assess the effect of field sample distribution on the quality results of the image transformation. The data used are satellite imagery Sentinel 2A, results of point survey. The analysis technique uses the normalized difference water index algorithm, sun glint, empirical bathymetry method and linear regression. The result of the research which is has found that variations of distribution into the dispersion of the recording process of the depth of the object represented by cell. The depth of the water from the results of this transformation refers to the measurement sample in the field survey. The maximum depth of the waters is in the range of 107m. Shallow waters are predominantly distributed in the northern region which is the out late of Lake Maninjau. The southern area form...
Kecamatan Langsa Baro merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang ada di Kota Langsa. Seperti kota pada u... more Kecamatan Langsa Baro merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang ada di Kota Langsa. Seperti kota pada umumnya, Kota Langsa juga menghasilkan sampah tiap tahunnya yang bersumber dari berbagai tempat baik dari kawasan penduduk, sekolah, pasar, tempat wisata maupun dari perkantoran. Sampah-sampah tersebut dibuang ke TPS dan timbulan sampah untuk diangkut nantinya, namun ternyata masih banyak sampah dilokasi tertentu yang belum terangkut dan dilalui truk sampah. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan evaluasi mengenai jumlah truk sampah yang dibutuhkan serta rute pembuangan sampah yang ada di Kecamatan Langsa Baro. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan metode survey dan observasi yang menggunakan persamaan Stationary Container System (SCS), penelitian dilakukan dengan mengikuti truck sampah yang sedang beroperasi untuk mengetahui rute angkutan sampah di Kecamatan Langsa Baro dan lokasi TPS/Timbulan sampah yang tersedia, selanjutnya data yang didapat dihitung dengan menggunakan persamaan SCS...
Pada wilayah timur Aceh terdapat Sesar Langsa yang dapat memicu terjadinya gempa di wilayah Kota ... more Pada wilayah timur Aceh terdapat Sesar Langsa yang dapat memicu terjadinya gempa di wilayah Kota Langsa dan Kabupaten Aceh Timur. Desa Afdelling II Bukit Aceh Timur berada diperbukitan dan rentan terhadap bencana gempa bumi. Masyarakat Desa Afdelling II Bukit membangun konstruksi rumah di tanah lempung yang labil. Konstruksi rumah yang dibangun berdasarkan pengalaman turun temurun tanpa memperhatikan kaidah-kaidah dan standar rumah tahan gempa. Hal ini disebabkan masyarakat tidak memiliki pengetahuan tentang standar dan tatacara membangun rumah tahan gempa. Tim PKM melakukan pelatihan kepada masyarakat Desa Afdelling II Bukit tentang konsep membangun rumah tahan gempa yang sesuai dengan Pedoman Teknis Rumah dan Bangunan Tahan Gempa tahun 2006. Modul Pelatihan dan penggunaan istilah ilmiah disesuaikan dengan latar belakang pendidikan, sosial, dan budaya setempat. Hal ini maksudkan agar masyarakat lebih mudah memahaminya. Pada akhir kegiatan juga dilakukan simulasi dan evaluasi mengen...
Abstrak Desa Meurandeh, Kecamatan Manyak Payed, Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang yang berada didaerah pesis... more Abstrak Desa Meurandeh, Kecamatan Manyak Payed, Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang yang berada didaerah pesisir mengakibatkan sulitnya mendapatkan air bersih. Air yang digunakan oleh masyarakat adalah air payau yang tidak layak dikonsumsi. Tujuan penelitian yaitu membuat model desalinator dengan tenaga surya dan mengetahui tingkat kualitas air. Maka diperlukan sistem pengolahan air payau menjadi air bersih dengan membuat model prototipe desalinator tenaga surya berukuran 100x100 cm, dengan skala 1:100 menggunakan metode desalinasi evaporasi. Dari pengujian destilasi diperoleh volume air yang kemudian dilakukan analisa debit aliran melalui lubang kecil yang menghasilkan debit nyata Q = 7,838 x 10-8 m3/dtk pada hari ke-1 lebih kecil dari debit teoritis Qt = 7,4 x 10-4 m3/dtk yang disebabkan adanya pelepasan uap panas. Kualitas air hasil destilasi diperoleh warnanya jernih, tidak berasa, tidak berbau, dengan hasil pengujian alat TDS diperoleh nilai 21 Mg/l dan pH meternya 7,3 Mg/l, hasil tersebut ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
WiFi and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) based the smart home security system is a s... more WiFi and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) based the smart home security system is a system that designed to improve security in most private housing. The main devices in this research are sensor for motion detection using Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR), Arduino Mega2560 as microcontroller board, NodeMCU V3 ESP8266 as WiFi development board that helps to prototype IoT product with few Lua script lines, or through Arduino IDE and then SIM800L as GSM module that also features GPRS support. The detection of motion is based on the principle of infrared radiation produced by human body heat which triggers a Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR). When the microcontroller received and processed the signal from human motion, then the trigger the buzzes the alarm, the microcontroller also activates the GSM module and sends SMS message to the user’s mobile phone device. This system enables to control the home by using android device, such as door, garage, and lamp in the rooms.
Abstract: Spatial planning of Langsa City is still required in order to realize clean city, neat ... more Abstract: Spatial planning of Langsa City is still required in order to realize clean city, neat and beautiful. Spatial planning can also improve performance of drainage channels so that flood and inundation do not occur. Gampong Teungoh village and Gampong Baru village is an area of development and entrance Langsa City from the east, that still occur floods and inundation of up to 0.3-0.5 m so that performance improvement of drainage channels is required. Drainage channel performance is good if the dimensions of channels enough to drain rainwater runoff. Drainage performance was evaluated before and after spatial planning is done by comparing discharge or capacity of channel with discharge of flood design of rainwater runoff. Spatial planning is done by providing a green space area of 10 % of the land area of residential parcels, maintain the function of public green space that has been there, and make a parking lot out of the water absorptive material. After spatial planning is d...
Padang City is the region where the area covered by tsunami red zone. Purpose of this research is... more Padang City is the region where the area covered by tsunami red zone. Purpose of this research is to know the service area of the shelter and tsunami evacuation route use GIS and to compare evacuation route between government map and result from GIS. Method in the research is multi ring buffer and network analysis. The secondary data used for GIS where has took from government, and primary data has took from survey evacuate building, road wide and road condition. Result of the research has taken 35 buildings where the object can use as temporary evacuation or shelter. The smallest building is RS Hernia with the area is 114 m 2 and capacity 114 persons. The biggest building is Plaza Andalas with the area is 5983 m 2 and capacity 5983 persons. The high service area of the shelter to building around the location in circle 200 m from center point of the shelter where covering 2854 buildings. The smallest service area of the shelter in circle 50 m where covering 499 buildings. The long evacuate from number location 22 to STMIK Indonesia Padang is 1926 m. The short route from number location 10 to Weekend Market is long 26 m. The average evacuation route is 440 m.
Padang City is the region where the area covered by tsunami red zone. Purpose of this research is... more Padang City is the region where the area covered by tsunami red zone. Purpose of this research is to know the service area of the shelter and tsunami evacuation route use GIS and to compare evacuation route between government map and result from GIS. Method in the research is multi ring buffer and network analysis. The secondary data used for GIS where has took from government, and primary data has took from survey evacuate building, road wide and road condition. Result of the research has taken 35 buildings where the object can use as temporary evacuation or shelter. The smallest building is RS Hernia with the area is 114 m 2 and capacity 114 persons. The biggest building is Plaza Andalas with the area is 5983 m 2 and capacity 5983 persons. The high service area of the shelter to building around the location in circle 200 m from center point of the shelter where covering 2854 buildings. The smallest service area of the shelter in circle 50 m where covering 499 buildings. The long evacuate from number location 22 to STMIK Indonesia Padang is 1926 m. The short route from number location 10 to Weekend Market is long 26 m. The average evacuation route is 440 m.
Kota Padang yang merupakan wilayah yang terletak di tepi pantai yang sangat rawan terhadap gempa ... more Kota Padang yang merupakan wilayah yang terletak di tepi pantai yang sangat rawan terhadap gempa bumi dan memungkinkan terjadi tsunami. . Dari beberapa sumber sejarah mengatakan bahwa pada tahun tahun 1833 Residen Jamesde Puy melaporkan terjadi gempa bumi yang diperkirakan berkekuatan 8,6-8,9 skala richter di Padang yang menimbulkan tsunami. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut rute evakuasi tsunami sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk, mengetahui pelayanan shelter dan rute evakuasi tsunami dari hasil QGIS serta membandingkan rute evakuasi yang telah ditentukan oleh pemerintah dengan rute yang didapat dari QGIS. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah multi ring buffer dan network analysis. Data sekunder yang digunakan yaitu data peta jaringan jalan, peta administrasi, peta landaan tsunami, peta rute evakuasi yang diperoleh dari pemerintah dan primer diperoleh dari survey bangunan evakuasi, lebar jalan, dan kondisi jalan yang diperoleh dari pemerintah ...
Plastik merupakan produk industri yang banyak digunakan karena manfaatnya bagi kebutuhan rumah ta... more Plastik merupakan produk industri yang banyak digunakan karena manfaatnya bagi kebutuhan rumah tangga. Plastik banyak digunakan sebagai pembungkus makanan, kemasan air mineral, perabot rumah tangga, dan plastik kresek. Dibalik manfaatnya itu, tersimpan bahaya yang besar bagi lingkungan. Sampah plastik tidak terurai secara biologis, melainkan oleh foton (partikel elektromagnetik). Upaya mengatasi sampah plastik dengan cara pembakaran sangat tidak disarankan karena dapat menyebabkan polusi udara. Metode ecobrick dapat diterapkan untuk meminimalisir timbulan sampah plastik rumah tangga. Metode yang digunakan berupa pemanfaatan botol plastik bekas sebagai media penyimpan yang diisi penuh dengan sampah anorganik hingga keras dan padat. Media yang digunakan pada berupa botol bekas air mineral kapasitas 1500 ml dan 600 ml. Satu buah botol ini mampu menyimpan sampah plastik seberat 500 gr untuk botol kapasitas 1500 ml, dan 200 gr untuk botol kapasitas 600 ml. Kumpulan botol ecobrick ini dap...
Wood twig waste comes from felling trees or from fallen trees. The only part of the tree that can... more Wood twig waste comes from felling trees or from fallen trees. The only part of the tree that can be used is the trunk of wood, while the wood branches that have a large amount cannot be used. The waste that nags at the wood will be burned so that it will pollute the air for the surrounding environment. Waste wood twigs can be used into handicraft products that have a higher economic value by using the lamination technique. Lamination technique is to join small pieces of wood to form an object or plane with a strong adhesive. With this technique, tree branches that have been used as waste can be turned into handicraft products such as serving mats, photo frames, tissue holders and other containers. Utilization of wood waste into handicraft products can open business opportunities for the community. The covid 19 virus pandemic has caused many people to lose their jobs and wood waste management can be one of the community's creative efforts. The resulting handicraft products can b...
Wood twig waste comes from felling trees or from fallen trees. The only part of the tree that can... more Wood twig waste comes from felling trees or from fallen trees. The only part of the tree that can be used is the trunk of wood, while the wood branches that have a large amount cannot be used. The waste that nags at the wood will be burned so that it will pollute the air for the surrounding environment. Waste wood twigs can be used into handicraft products that have a higher economic value by using the lamination technique. Lamination technique is to join small pieces of wood to form an object or plane with a strong adhesive. With this technique, tree branches that have been used as waste can be turned into handicraft products such as serving mats, photo frames, tissue holders and other containers. Utilization of wood waste into handicraft products can open business opportunities for the community. The covid 19 virus pandemic has caused many people to lose their jobs and wood waste management can be one of the community's creative efforts. The resulting handicraft products can b...
Global warming is one of the things that causes environmental damage. Factors causing environment... more Global warming is one of the things that causes environmental damage. Factors causing environmental damage include development that is not environmentally friendly, such as wasting energy, reducing green land, and others. The Green Building concept is one of the solutions to reduce global warming related to Civil Engineering buildings. The City of Langsa has recently rehabilitated the Integrated Hajj and Umrah Service Center (IHUSC) office, from a simple building to a 2-storey building, therefore the building has become the object of the author's research to assess how much the building has implemented the Green Building concept. The purpose of this study is to provide information regarding the value of the Green Building concept obtained by the Langsa City IHUSC building and provide advice regarding the suitability of implementing the Green Building concept in the IHUSC building so that it can be implemented as well as possible. The research steps use interview techniques and f...
Jalan Wisata Lut Atas Bener Meriah Aceh is a road leading to the tourist attraction of the lake, ... more Jalan Wisata Lut Atas Bener Meriah Aceh is a road leading to the tourist attraction of the lake, located at 2,100 meters above sea level. The lake called Lut Atas located in Bener Meriah, Aceh, exactly in Waq Pondok Sayur Village, Bukit District. The current status of the Lut Atas Tourist Road is still in the form of a rock and gravel cover, making it difficult to access the tourist area. The purpose of this study is to calculate the throughput capacity and road age plan on the Lut Atas Tourism section, knowing the required soft pavement thickness on the Lut Atas Tourism section with the manual road design method. 2017, knows how to climb slopes and bends to ensure safety and comfort for road users. Based on the results of the 4-day LHR survey, the total number of vehicles is 125 vehicles. Calculation results of pavement thickness of Upper Lut tourist road Waq Pondok Sayur village from STA 0+000 - 3+000, with pavement thickness AC-WC 40 mm, AC-BC 60 mm, aggregate layer 400mm materia... merupakan salah satu usaha kue kering yang ada di kota Langsa. terletak di ... more merupakan salah satu usaha kue kering yang ada di kota Langsa. terletak di Dusun Mawar 2 Gampong Seulalah Kota Langsa. Usaha kue kering ini merupakan industri rumah tangga yang sedang mengalami permasalahan dalam memproduksi makanan olahan karena semakin banyaknya usaha kue kering yang ada di kota Langsa. Bahan utama yang sering digunakan saat ini untuk pembuatan kue dan roti adalah tepung terigu. Mitra juga belum mampu memproduksi tepung sendiri untuk mengurangi harga penjualan agar dapat bersaing dengan usaha roti/kue lainnya. Hal tersebut membuat mitra mengalami penurunan omzet penjualan. Solusi yang diberikan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah Memberikan pelatihan cara pembuatan Mocaf; Memberikan sosialisi tentang manfaat dan keunggulan dari Mocaf; Memperkenalkan dan menyerahkan alat penggiling tepung kepada mitra. Hasil dari pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat tentang Penerapan Teknologi Pembuatan Cassava Flour (Mocaf) yait...
Lake Maninjau is a lake formed by volcanic activity. Many human activities occur on the catchment... more Lake Maninjau is a lake formed by volcanic activity. Many human activities occur on the catchment area, but also in exploited waters. This study aims to mapping the depth of the waters in the Lake Maninjau and assess the effect of field sample distribution on the quality results of the image transformation. The data used are satellite imagery Sentinel 2A, results of point survey. The analysis technique uses the normalized difference water index algorithm, sun glint, empirical bathymetry method and linear regression. The result of the research which is has found that variations of distribution into the dispersion of the recording process of the depth of the object represented by cell. The depth of the water from the results of this transformation refers to the measurement sample in the field survey. The maximum depth of the waters is in the range of 107m. Shallow waters are predominantly distributed in the northern region which is the out late of Lake Maninjau. The southern area form...
Kecamatan Langsa Baro merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang ada di Kota Langsa. Seperti kota pada u... more Kecamatan Langsa Baro merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang ada di Kota Langsa. Seperti kota pada umumnya, Kota Langsa juga menghasilkan sampah tiap tahunnya yang bersumber dari berbagai tempat baik dari kawasan penduduk, sekolah, pasar, tempat wisata maupun dari perkantoran. Sampah-sampah tersebut dibuang ke TPS dan timbulan sampah untuk diangkut nantinya, namun ternyata masih banyak sampah dilokasi tertentu yang belum terangkut dan dilalui truk sampah. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan evaluasi mengenai jumlah truk sampah yang dibutuhkan serta rute pembuangan sampah yang ada di Kecamatan Langsa Baro. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan metode survey dan observasi yang menggunakan persamaan Stationary Container System (SCS), penelitian dilakukan dengan mengikuti truck sampah yang sedang beroperasi untuk mengetahui rute angkutan sampah di Kecamatan Langsa Baro dan lokasi TPS/Timbulan sampah yang tersedia, selanjutnya data yang didapat dihitung dengan menggunakan persamaan SCS...
Pada wilayah timur Aceh terdapat Sesar Langsa yang dapat memicu terjadinya gempa di wilayah Kota ... more Pada wilayah timur Aceh terdapat Sesar Langsa yang dapat memicu terjadinya gempa di wilayah Kota Langsa dan Kabupaten Aceh Timur. Desa Afdelling II Bukit Aceh Timur berada diperbukitan dan rentan terhadap bencana gempa bumi. Masyarakat Desa Afdelling II Bukit membangun konstruksi rumah di tanah lempung yang labil. Konstruksi rumah yang dibangun berdasarkan pengalaman turun temurun tanpa memperhatikan kaidah-kaidah dan standar rumah tahan gempa. Hal ini disebabkan masyarakat tidak memiliki pengetahuan tentang standar dan tatacara membangun rumah tahan gempa. Tim PKM melakukan pelatihan kepada masyarakat Desa Afdelling II Bukit tentang konsep membangun rumah tahan gempa yang sesuai dengan Pedoman Teknis Rumah dan Bangunan Tahan Gempa tahun 2006. Modul Pelatihan dan penggunaan istilah ilmiah disesuaikan dengan latar belakang pendidikan, sosial, dan budaya setempat. Hal ini maksudkan agar masyarakat lebih mudah memahaminya. Pada akhir kegiatan juga dilakukan simulasi dan evaluasi mengen...
Abstrak Desa Meurandeh, Kecamatan Manyak Payed, Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang yang berada didaerah pesis... more Abstrak Desa Meurandeh, Kecamatan Manyak Payed, Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang yang berada didaerah pesisir mengakibatkan sulitnya mendapatkan air bersih. Air yang digunakan oleh masyarakat adalah air payau yang tidak layak dikonsumsi. Tujuan penelitian yaitu membuat model desalinator dengan tenaga surya dan mengetahui tingkat kualitas air. Maka diperlukan sistem pengolahan air payau menjadi air bersih dengan membuat model prototipe desalinator tenaga surya berukuran 100x100 cm, dengan skala 1:100 menggunakan metode desalinasi evaporasi. Dari pengujian destilasi diperoleh volume air yang kemudian dilakukan analisa debit aliran melalui lubang kecil yang menghasilkan debit nyata Q = 7,838 x 10-8 m3/dtk pada hari ke-1 lebih kecil dari debit teoritis Qt = 7,4 x 10-4 m3/dtk yang disebabkan adanya pelepasan uap panas. Kualitas air hasil destilasi diperoleh warnanya jernih, tidak berasa, tidak berbau, dengan hasil pengujian alat TDS diperoleh nilai 21 Mg/l dan pH meternya 7,3 Mg/l, hasil tersebut ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
WiFi and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) based the smart home security system is a s... more WiFi and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) based the smart home security system is a system that designed to improve security in most private housing. The main devices in this research are sensor for motion detection using Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR), Arduino Mega2560 as microcontroller board, NodeMCU V3 ESP8266 as WiFi development board that helps to prototype IoT product with few Lua script lines, or through Arduino IDE and then SIM800L as GSM module that also features GPRS support. The detection of motion is based on the principle of infrared radiation produced by human body heat which triggers a Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR). When the microcontroller received and processed the signal from human motion, then the trigger the buzzes the alarm, the microcontroller also activates the GSM module and sends SMS message to the user’s mobile phone device. This system enables to control the home by using android device, such as door, garage, and lamp in the rooms.
Abstract: Spatial planning of Langsa City is still required in order to realize clean city, neat ... more Abstract: Spatial planning of Langsa City is still required in order to realize clean city, neat and beautiful. Spatial planning can also improve performance of drainage channels so that flood and inundation do not occur. Gampong Teungoh village and Gampong Baru village is an area of development and entrance Langsa City from the east, that still occur floods and inundation of up to 0.3-0.5 m so that performance improvement of drainage channels is required. Drainage channel performance is good if the dimensions of channels enough to drain rainwater runoff. Drainage performance was evaluated before and after spatial planning is done by comparing discharge or capacity of channel with discharge of flood design of rainwater runoff. Spatial planning is done by providing a green space area of 10 % of the land area of residential parcels, maintain the function of public green space that has been there, and make a parking lot out of the water absorptive material. After spatial planning is d...
Padang City is the region where the area covered by tsunami red zone. Purpose of this research is... more Padang City is the region where the area covered by tsunami red zone. Purpose of this research is to know the service area of the shelter and tsunami evacuation route use GIS and to compare evacuation route between government map and result from GIS. Method in the research is multi ring buffer and network analysis. The secondary data used for GIS where has took from government, and primary data has took from survey evacuate building, road wide and road condition. Result of the research has taken 35 buildings where the object can use as temporary evacuation or shelter. The smallest building is RS Hernia with the area is 114 m 2 and capacity 114 persons. The biggest building is Plaza Andalas with the area is 5983 m 2 and capacity 5983 persons. The high service area of the shelter to building around the location in circle 200 m from center point of the shelter where covering 2854 buildings. The smallest service area of the shelter in circle 50 m where covering 499 buildings. The long evacuate from number location 22 to STMIK Indonesia Padang is 1926 m. The short route from number location 10 to Weekend Market is long 26 m. The average evacuation route is 440 m.
Padang City is the region where the area covered by tsunami red zone. Purpose of this research is... more Padang City is the region where the area covered by tsunami red zone. Purpose of this research is to know the service area of the shelter and tsunami evacuation route use GIS and to compare evacuation route between government map and result from GIS. Method in the research is multi ring buffer and network analysis. The secondary data used for GIS where has took from government, and primary data has took from survey evacuate building, road wide and road condition. Result of the research has taken 35 buildings where the object can use as temporary evacuation or shelter. The smallest building is RS Hernia with the area is 114 m 2 and capacity 114 persons. The biggest building is Plaza Andalas with the area is 5983 m 2 and capacity 5983 persons. The high service area of the shelter to building around the location in circle 200 m from center point of the shelter where covering 2854 buildings. The smallest service area of the shelter in circle 50 m where covering 499 buildings. The long evacuate from number location 22 to STMIK Indonesia Padang is 1926 m. The short route from number location 10 to Weekend Market is long 26 m. The average evacuation route is 440 m.
Kota Padang yang merupakan wilayah yang terletak di tepi pantai yang sangat rawan terhadap gempa ... more Kota Padang yang merupakan wilayah yang terletak di tepi pantai yang sangat rawan terhadap gempa bumi dan memungkinkan terjadi tsunami. . Dari beberapa sumber sejarah mengatakan bahwa pada tahun tahun 1833 Residen Jamesde Puy melaporkan terjadi gempa bumi yang diperkirakan berkekuatan 8,6-8,9 skala richter di Padang yang menimbulkan tsunami. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut rute evakuasi tsunami sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk, mengetahui pelayanan shelter dan rute evakuasi tsunami dari hasil QGIS serta membandingkan rute evakuasi yang telah ditentukan oleh pemerintah dengan rute yang didapat dari QGIS. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah multi ring buffer dan network analysis. Data sekunder yang digunakan yaitu data peta jaringan jalan, peta administrasi, peta landaan tsunami, peta rute evakuasi yang diperoleh dari pemerintah dan primer diperoleh dari survey bangunan evakuasi, lebar jalan, dan kondisi jalan yang diperoleh dari pemerintah ...
Plastik merupakan produk industri yang banyak digunakan karena manfaatnya bagi kebutuhan rumah ta... more Plastik merupakan produk industri yang banyak digunakan karena manfaatnya bagi kebutuhan rumah tangga. Plastik banyak digunakan sebagai pembungkus makanan, kemasan air mineral, perabot rumah tangga, dan plastik kresek. Dibalik manfaatnya itu, tersimpan bahaya yang besar bagi lingkungan. Sampah plastik tidak terurai secara biologis, melainkan oleh foton (partikel elektromagnetik). Upaya mengatasi sampah plastik dengan cara pembakaran sangat tidak disarankan karena dapat menyebabkan polusi udara. Metode ecobrick dapat diterapkan untuk meminimalisir timbulan sampah plastik rumah tangga. Metode yang digunakan berupa pemanfaatan botol plastik bekas sebagai media penyimpan yang diisi penuh dengan sampah anorganik hingga keras dan padat. Media yang digunakan pada berupa botol bekas air mineral kapasitas 1500 ml dan 600 ml. Satu buah botol ini mampu menyimpan sampah plastik seberat 500 gr untuk botol kapasitas 1500 ml, dan 200 gr untuk botol kapasitas 600 ml. Kumpulan botol ecobrick ini dap...
Wood twig waste comes from felling trees or from fallen trees. The only part of the tree that can... more Wood twig waste comes from felling trees or from fallen trees. The only part of the tree that can be used is the trunk of wood, while the wood branches that have a large amount cannot be used. The waste that nags at the wood will be burned so that it will pollute the air for the surrounding environment. Waste wood twigs can be used into handicraft products that have a higher economic value by using the lamination technique. Lamination technique is to join small pieces of wood to form an object or plane with a strong adhesive. With this technique, tree branches that have been used as waste can be turned into handicraft products such as serving mats, photo frames, tissue holders and other containers. Utilization of wood waste into handicraft products can open business opportunities for the community. The covid 19 virus pandemic has caused many people to lose their jobs and wood waste management can be one of the community's creative efforts. The resulting handicraft products can b...
Wood twig waste comes from felling trees or from fallen trees. The only part of the tree that can... more Wood twig waste comes from felling trees or from fallen trees. The only part of the tree that can be used is the trunk of wood, while the wood branches that have a large amount cannot be used. The waste that nags at the wood will be burned so that it will pollute the air for the surrounding environment. Waste wood twigs can be used into handicraft products that have a higher economic value by using the lamination technique. Lamination technique is to join small pieces of wood to form an object or plane with a strong adhesive. With this technique, tree branches that have been used as waste can be turned into handicraft products such as serving mats, photo frames, tissue holders and other containers. Utilization of wood waste into handicraft products can open business opportunities for the community. The covid 19 virus pandemic has caused many people to lose their jobs and wood waste management can be one of the community's creative efforts. The resulting handicraft products can b...
Papers by eka mutia