ÖZET Teknoloji kabul modeli (Technology Acceptance Model) 1986 yılında Fred. D. Davis tarafından ... more ÖZET Teknoloji kabul modeli (Technology Acceptance Model) 1986 yılında Fred. D. Davis tarafından geliştirilmiştir. Bu modelin ortaya çıkışı, iş yaşamında enformasyon sistemlerinin kullanımının kabulünü ve reddini açıklayabilmektir. Modelin asıl amacı ise, teknolojik yenilikleri kullananların adaptasyon faktörlerini açıklamaktır. Tüketicilerin teknolojiye adaptasyon sürecine birçok dışsal faktör etki eder. Bu faktörlerden en önemlisi de bireyin içinde bulunduğu kuşağa ait kişisel özelliklerinin, davranışlarına yansımasıdır. Çalışmamızda akıllı telefonlardaki uygulamaların bireyler tarafından kabul edilmesinin ve kullanılmasının kuşaklara göre ne derecede farklılık göstereceği incelenmektedir. Buna göre teknoloji kabul modeli boyutları olan algılanan yarar, algılanan kullanım kolaylığı ve algılanan risk değişkenlerinin farklı kuşaklarda nasıl yorumlandığı ortaya koyulacaktır. Araştırmamız Kahramanmaraş ilinde yaşayan X, Y ve Z kuşaklarını kapsamaktadır. ABSTRACT Technology Acceptance Model was developed by Fred. D. Davis in 1986. The appearance of this model can explain the acceptance and refusing of using of information systems in business life. However, the primary objective of the model is to explain adaptation factors of the users of technological innovations. A number of external factors affect the adaptation process of consumers to technology. The most important of them is to reflection of personal features belonging to generation in which person is included to his/her behaviours. In our study, to what extent the acceptance and using of applications in smart phones will be different according to generations is being examined. According to this, how technology acceptance model dimensions perceived benefit, ease of use and risk variations are being commented in different generations will be revealed. Our study comprises X,Y and Z generations living in Kahramanmaraş.
Consumers are influenced by many psychological, social and personal factors that influence their ... more Consumers are influenced by many psychological, social and personal factors that influence their perception of a brand. Brand is a powerful tool to attract more consumers to buy particular products and, has become important in the luxury market. A very important factor that influences consumer's perceptions of a brand is strong brand image. The main purpose of this article is to study and analyze the role of brand image on consumer behaviour. This study examines how brand image affects consumer behaviour from a consumer's perspective. In order to more practical approach, the study concerned case study of LVMH. All data and result based on literature is collected from mainly books, journal, articles, and online material. The methodology for this study was quantitative. A questionnaire was designed to provide answer to research question. In this study, one hundred four random participants were collected online.
ÖZET Teknoloji kabul modeli (Technology Acceptance Model) 1986 yılında Fred. D. Davis tarafından ... more ÖZET Teknoloji kabul modeli (Technology Acceptance Model) 1986 yılında Fred. D. Davis tarafından geliştirilmiştir. Bu modelin ortaya çıkışı, iş yaşamında enformasyon sistemlerinin kullanımının kabulünü ve reddini açıklayabilmektir. Modelin asıl amacı ise, teknolojik yenilikleri kullananların adaptasyon faktörlerini açıklamaktır. Tüketicilerin teknolojiye adaptasyon sürecine birçok dışsal faktör etki eder. Bu faktörlerden en önemlisi de bireyin içinde bulunduğu kuşağa ait kişisel özelliklerinin, davranışlarına yansımasıdır. Çalışmamızda akıllı telefonlardaki uygulamaların bireyler tarafından kabul edilmesinin ve kullanılmasının kuşaklara göre ne derecede farklılık göstereceği incelenmektedir. Buna göre teknoloji kabul modeli boyutları olan algılanan yarar, algılanan kullanım kolaylığı ve algılanan risk değişkenlerinin farklı kuşaklarda nasıl yorumlandığı ortaya koyulacaktır. Araştırmamız Kahramanmaraş ilinde yaşayan X, Y ve Z kuşaklarını kapsamaktadır. ABSTRACT Technology Acceptance Model was developed by Fred. D. Davis in 1986. The appearance of this model can explain the acceptance and refusing of using of information systems in business life. However, the primary objective of the model is to explain adaptation factors of the users of technological innovations. A number of external factors affect the adaptation process of consumers to technology. The most important of them is to reflection of personal features belonging to generation in which person is included to his/her behaviours. In our study, to what extent the acceptance and using of applications in smart phones will be different according to generations is being examined. According to this, how technology acceptance model dimensions perceived benefit, ease of use and risk variations are being commented in different generations will be revealed. Our study comprises X,Y and Z generations living in Kahramanmaraş.
Consumers are influenced by many psychological, social and personal factors that influence their ... more Consumers are influenced by many psychological, social and personal factors that influence their perception of a brand. Brand is a powerful tool to attract more consumers to buy particular products and, has become important in the luxury market. A very important factor that influences consumer's perceptions of a brand is strong brand image. The main purpose of this article is to study and analyze the role of brand image on consumer behaviour. This study examines how brand image affects consumer behaviour from a consumer's perspective. In order to more practical approach, the study concerned case study of LVMH. All data and result based on literature is collected from mainly books, journal, articles, and online material. The methodology for this study was quantitative. A questionnaire was designed to provide answer to research question. In this study, one hundred four random participants were collected online.
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