Bu çalışmada; fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının Bilgisayarlı Deney Kitleriyle (BDK) ortaokul öğren... more Bu çalışmada; fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının Bilgisayarlı Deney Kitleriyle (BDK) ortaokul öğrencilerine yönelik hazırladıkları deneylerin e-rubrikle değerlendirilme güvenirliğinin, deney kitleriyle geliştirilen etkinliklerin konu kazanımı, yapılabilirlik, kavramsal ve bilimsel uygunluk gibi ölçütlere göre niteliklerinin ve deney kitleriyle geliştirilen deneylerin beğeni durumlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma nicel araştırma geleneği içerisinde yer alan tarama yöntemiyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmaya 2012-13 yılında Buca Eğitim Fakültesinden 78 fen bilgisi öğretmen adayı katılmıştır. Öğretmen adayları fen ve teknoloji dersindeki konularından esinlenerek kimyada özel konular dersinin içeriğine uygun deneyler tasarlamışlardır. Öğretmen adaylarının deney kitleriyle deney tasarımında üst düzeyde beceri sergiledikleri görülmüştür. Öğretmen adayları, tasarladıkları deneylerin çevre eğitiminde kullanımı, bilimsel bilginin anlaşılırlığı, deneyin sunumu gibi kıstaslar açı...
Bu çalışmada “TÜBİTAK Bilim Genç” web sayfasındaki bilim videoları, fen bilgisi öğretmen adayları... more Bu çalışmada “TÜBİTAK Bilim Genç” web sayfasındaki bilim videoları, fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarıyla yenilikçi fen deney kriterlerine göre incelenmiştir. Araştırma, 2019-2020 eğitim-öğretim yılı güz döneminde Buca Eğitim Fakültesinde iki denk sınıfta gerçekleştirilmiştir. Katılımcılar, fen öğretimi laboratuvar uygulamaları I dersini alan üçüncü sınıftaki öğretmen adaylarıdır. Seçkisiz (yansız) atama yöntemine göre iki denk sınıftan biri deney 1 grubu (n:24), diğeri de deney 2 grubu (n:25) olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada karma yöntem türlerinden iç içe deneysel desen kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın uygulama kısmında ise yarı deneme modellerinden rotasyon modeli benimsenmiştir. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak, “Yenilikçi Fen Deney Kriterleri (YFK)” ölçeği ve “Yarı Yapılandırılmış Görüşme Formu” kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın YFK ölçeğinden elde edilen nicel veriler analiz edilerek, yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu ile elde edilen nitel veriler ile desteklenmiştir. Nicel veriler beti...
MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices
This study aims to determine the factors affecting the fear levels of secondary school students d... more This study aims to determine the factors affecting the fear levels of secondary school students during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose, a parallel design approach was used in the study. The quantitative data were collected using the ’Corona virus Fear Scale’. Results of the study show that the students’ fear of corona virus was moderate. Students expressed that the factors which increased their fear levels in per- centage terms are: an increase in the number of cases (26.24%), increase in the number of deaths (12.69%), death of family members (2.40%), death of close relatives (1.20%), fear of losing loved ones (0.86%), being COVID positive (6.52%), a family member being COVID positive (5.15%), people in immediate surroundings being COVID positive (5.15%), people’s insensitivity (7.20%), people not wearing masks (4.29% ) and people not following social distancing (2.40%). To reduce their fears during the COVID-19 pandemic, students stated that they took measures such as stayi...
The global acceleration of studies on the Flipped Classroom Model (FCM) has revealed the necessit... more The global acceleration of studies on the Flipped Classroom Model (FCM) has revealed the necessity of literature review analyzes that shed light on research activities by examining the research data as a whole. Therefore, in this study, it is aimed to examine academic publications on the FCM studies applied in biology teaching in terms of bibliographic variables. For this aim, the bibliometric analysis method was preferred in the study, which was carried out with a case study approach for an in-depth examination. Within the scope of the study, 53 publications obtained from the Scopus database for the entire time period were examined. In order to analyze these publications as a whole, the Scopus database and the VOSviewer program was used. According to the results, it is determined that the most preferred keywords are flipped classroom, active learning, online learning, flipped learning and biology, the most commonly used terms in the title and abstract section are students, courses...
Today teacher-centred instruction is in decline, while learning and teaching approaches putting s... more Today teacher-centred instruction is in decline, while learning and teaching approaches putting student in the centre and aiming to encourage them to learn by doing and living started to take place in the curricula. One of these methods is problem-based learning. In problem-based learning, individuals construct their own knowledge, provide solutions to the problem they have encountered in the beginning and test their own hypothesis. As indicated in literature, problem-based learning has several contributions to learning process. Problem-based learning provides improvement for problem solving skills, self efficacy beliefs (Kaptan & Korkmaz, 2002; Hmelo-Silver, 2004; Yaman & Yalcın, 2005) self directed learning skills, critical thinking skills and cooperative learning skills (Sonmez & Lee, 2003; Akinoglu & Tandogan, 2007; Araz & Sungur, 2007; Tarhan & Acar, 2007). With this method students may arise their metacognitive skills to higher levels and their metacognitive awareness and moti...
Calismada, ilkogretim ogrencilerinin tuz yapisi, ozellikleri ve kullanim alanlarina yonelik gorus... more Calismada, ilkogretim ogrencilerinin tuz yapisi, ozellikleri ve kullanim alanlarina yonelik goruslerinin incelenmesi amaclanmistir. Bu nedenle 2012 yilinda Turkiye, Almanya, Italya, Polonya, Yunanistan; Ispanya, Estonya, Avusturya, Romanya, Iskocya'nin yer aldigi 10 Avrupa ulkesinin ortak yuruttugu "The SALT Comenius Project" kapsaminda etkinlikler baslatilmistir. Bu calismada yer alan projenin amaci, ogrencileri bilim, sanat, dil, teknoloji ve kultur bakimindan birbirlerine kaynastirmak ve toprakta yer alan, gunluk yasamlarinda kullandiklari tuz hakkinda algi ve farkindalik olusturmaktir. Ilk proje toplantisinda ogrencilerin tuzun yapisi, ozellikleri ve kullanim alanlarina yonelik gorusleri almak icin yari yapilandirilmis anket kullanilmistir. Arastirmaya 10 Avrupa ulkesinden 161 ilkogretim ogrencisi katilmistir. Arastirmada veriler nitel arastirma yontemiyle toplanmistir Arastirmanin sonucunda, Ogrencilerin cogunlugu tuzun yemeklerde kullanilan bir madde oldugunu, tu...
The aim of this study is to improve inquiry based science experiments’ criteria by science teache... more The aim of this study is to improve inquiry based science experiments’ criteria by science teachers and put forth the relationship between them. In order to improve the criteria, 45 science teachers working in Izmir participated in the workshop held at Buca Education Faculty of Dokuz Eylul University. The sub criteria of the main criteria determined from the literature were formed together with them. The main criteria are: Curiosity, Safe, Simple, Economic, Enjoyable and Relevant. The science experiment with these criteria was defined as the “Innovative Science Experiment” (ISE). As sub criteria of “curiosity” are; science experiment allows students to listen with interest, directs them to research and activates their imagination. The “simple” criterian contains: materials in the science experiment include the simplest, understandable, easy-to-find, the levels of the experiment are easy to understand, prevent the creation of misconceptions. The “safe” criterion covers both the physi...
Bu calismada Yenilikci Fen Deneyleriyle (YFD) sorgulamaya dayali ogrenmenin, kavramsal anlamaya e... more Bu calismada Yenilikci Fen Deneyleriyle (YFD) sorgulamaya dayali ogrenmenin, kavramsal anlamaya etkisi uzerine bir arastirma yapilmistir. YFD; ogrencide merak uyandiran, malzemeleri kolay bulunan ve anlasilabilir basitlikte (yalin), guvenli, ekonomik, eglenceli, gunluk hayatla ilgili deneylerdir. Yenilikci bir yaklasimla sunulan deneylerde ogrencinin sureci ve sonucu merak etmesi ve boylece sorgulama surecine girmesi, daha cok soru sormasi beklenmektedir. Uygulama 7. sinif “Kuvvet ve Enerji” unitesinde yapilmis, bu unite kazanimlariyla uyumlu olarak secilen Timms sorulari merkez alinarak kavramsal anlama testi (KAT) olusturulmustur. KAT, acik uclu ve uc asamali test sorularindan olusmaktadir. Uc asamali sorular bilissel yapiyi ortaya cikaran birinci asama sorulara, birinci asamada isaretledigi sikkin nedenini soran ikinci asama ve verdigi cevaplardan emin olup olmadigini yoklayan ucuncu asama eklenerek hazirlanmistir. Surec oncesinde ontest sonuclari arasinda anlamli fark olmadigi, ...
The study investigated the effect of visual anthropomorphic stories on students' understandin... more The study investigated the effect of visual anthropomorphic stories on students' understanding of the particulate nature of matter and their level of anthropomorphic discourse. The study was planned in a...
In this study, pre-service teachers' views on inclusive education were evaluated from a quant... more In this study, pre-service teachers' views on inclusive education were evaluated from a quantitative research perspective. The survey model, one of the quantitative research designs, was used. The sample of the study consists of 482 prospective teachers studying at the same state university. The "Opinions Related to Mainstreaming Scale" was used to evaluate the views of pre-service teachers about inclusion. In the study, frequency and percentage values for each item were calculated for the data obtained from the study. In addition, Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated to determine whether there was a relationship between the sub-dimensions of the scale depending on the data collected. Although the results of the research are generally positive, the opinions of the pre-service teachers about inclusive education are inconsistent with each other, indicating that the knowledge and skill levels of the pre-service teachers about students with special needs are insu...
... edi-lerek Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Projesi baslatilmistir (KARA-KÜTÜK, K., 2002, 57). Diger taraf... more ... edi-lerek Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Projesi baslatilmistir (KARA-KÜTÜK, K., 2002, 57). Diger taraftan, Milli Egitim Ba-kanhgi ve YÖK'nun Dünya Bankasi ile gerçeklestirdikleri ortak projelerin öngördügü çalismalar ve uygulamalar ...
This study was aimed at examining the effects of argumentation based concept cartoon activities o... more This study was aimed at examining the effects of argumentation based concept cartoon activities on students’ scientific process skills. These activities were adapted by “Electricity In Our Life” unit in science and technology course. This study was conducted in a semi-experimental design by using pre-test and post-test design with control group. The participants were seventh grade students from a public school in 2012-13, Izmir, Turkey. The experimental group (n=28) and the control group (n=26) were chosen randomly. Data were gathered by “Science Process Skills Scale” consisting of 28 items. This scale covers skills such as “observation”, “classification”, “measurement”, “prediction”, “inference”, “forming hypotheses”, “identifying variables”, “controlling variables and replacement”, “designing experiments”, “saving data”, “data processing and modeling”, “reporting results and interpretation”. The results showed that students in the experimental group were much better in the development of science process skills towards “Electricity In Our Life” unit than the control group.
Bu çalışmada; fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının Bilgisayarlı Deney Kitleriyle (BDK) ortaokul öğren... more Bu çalışmada; fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının Bilgisayarlı Deney Kitleriyle (BDK) ortaokul öğrencilerine yönelik hazırladıkları deneylerin e-rubrikle değerlendirilme güvenirliğinin, deney kitleriyle geliştirilen etkinliklerin konu kazanımı, yapılabilirlik, kavramsal ve bilimsel uygunluk gibi ölçütlere göre niteliklerinin ve deney kitleriyle geliştirilen deneylerin beğeni durumlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma nicel araştırma geleneği içerisinde yer alan tarama yöntemiyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmaya 2012-13 yılında Buca Eğitim Fakültesinden 78 fen bilgisi öğretmen adayı katılmıştır. Öğretmen adayları fen ve teknoloji dersindeki konularından esinlenerek kimyada özel konular dersinin içeriğine uygun deneyler tasarlamışlardır. Öğretmen adaylarının deney kitleriyle deney tasarımında üst düzeyde beceri sergiledikleri görülmüştür. Öğretmen adayları, tasarladıkları deneylerin çevre eğitiminde kullanımı, bilimsel bilginin anlaşılırlığı, deneyin sunumu gibi kıstaslar açı...
Bu çalışmada “TÜBİTAK Bilim Genç” web sayfasındaki bilim videoları, fen bilgisi öğretmen adayları... more Bu çalışmada “TÜBİTAK Bilim Genç” web sayfasındaki bilim videoları, fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarıyla yenilikçi fen deney kriterlerine göre incelenmiştir. Araştırma, 2019-2020 eğitim-öğretim yılı güz döneminde Buca Eğitim Fakültesinde iki denk sınıfta gerçekleştirilmiştir. Katılımcılar, fen öğretimi laboratuvar uygulamaları I dersini alan üçüncü sınıftaki öğretmen adaylarıdır. Seçkisiz (yansız) atama yöntemine göre iki denk sınıftan biri deney 1 grubu (n:24), diğeri de deney 2 grubu (n:25) olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada karma yöntem türlerinden iç içe deneysel desen kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın uygulama kısmında ise yarı deneme modellerinden rotasyon modeli benimsenmiştir. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak, “Yenilikçi Fen Deney Kriterleri (YFK)” ölçeği ve “Yarı Yapılandırılmış Görüşme Formu” kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın YFK ölçeğinden elde edilen nicel veriler analiz edilerek, yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu ile elde edilen nitel veriler ile desteklenmiştir. Nicel veriler beti...
MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices
This study aims to determine the factors affecting the fear levels of secondary school students d... more This study aims to determine the factors affecting the fear levels of secondary school students during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose, a parallel design approach was used in the study. The quantitative data were collected using the ’Corona virus Fear Scale’. Results of the study show that the students’ fear of corona virus was moderate. Students expressed that the factors which increased their fear levels in per- centage terms are: an increase in the number of cases (26.24%), increase in the number of deaths (12.69%), death of family members (2.40%), death of close relatives (1.20%), fear of losing loved ones (0.86%), being COVID positive (6.52%), a family member being COVID positive (5.15%), people in immediate surroundings being COVID positive (5.15%), people’s insensitivity (7.20%), people not wearing masks (4.29% ) and people not following social distancing (2.40%). To reduce their fears during the COVID-19 pandemic, students stated that they took measures such as stayi...
The global acceleration of studies on the Flipped Classroom Model (FCM) has revealed the necessit... more The global acceleration of studies on the Flipped Classroom Model (FCM) has revealed the necessity of literature review analyzes that shed light on research activities by examining the research data as a whole. Therefore, in this study, it is aimed to examine academic publications on the FCM studies applied in biology teaching in terms of bibliographic variables. For this aim, the bibliometric analysis method was preferred in the study, which was carried out with a case study approach for an in-depth examination. Within the scope of the study, 53 publications obtained from the Scopus database for the entire time period were examined. In order to analyze these publications as a whole, the Scopus database and the VOSviewer program was used. According to the results, it is determined that the most preferred keywords are flipped classroom, active learning, online learning, flipped learning and biology, the most commonly used terms in the title and abstract section are students, courses...
Today teacher-centred instruction is in decline, while learning and teaching approaches putting s... more Today teacher-centred instruction is in decline, while learning and teaching approaches putting student in the centre and aiming to encourage them to learn by doing and living started to take place in the curricula. One of these methods is problem-based learning. In problem-based learning, individuals construct their own knowledge, provide solutions to the problem they have encountered in the beginning and test their own hypothesis. As indicated in literature, problem-based learning has several contributions to learning process. Problem-based learning provides improvement for problem solving skills, self efficacy beliefs (Kaptan & Korkmaz, 2002; Hmelo-Silver, 2004; Yaman & Yalcın, 2005) self directed learning skills, critical thinking skills and cooperative learning skills (Sonmez & Lee, 2003; Akinoglu & Tandogan, 2007; Araz & Sungur, 2007; Tarhan & Acar, 2007). With this method students may arise their metacognitive skills to higher levels and their metacognitive awareness and moti...
Calismada, ilkogretim ogrencilerinin tuz yapisi, ozellikleri ve kullanim alanlarina yonelik gorus... more Calismada, ilkogretim ogrencilerinin tuz yapisi, ozellikleri ve kullanim alanlarina yonelik goruslerinin incelenmesi amaclanmistir. Bu nedenle 2012 yilinda Turkiye, Almanya, Italya, Polonya, Yunanistan; Ispanya, Estonya, Avusturya, Romanya, Iskocya'nin yer aldigi 10 Avrupa ulkesinin ortak yuruttugu "The SALT Comenius Project" kapsaminda etkinlikler baslatilmistir. Bu calismada yer alan projenin amaci, ogrencileri bilim, sanat, dil, teknoloji ve kultur bakimindan birbirlerine kaynastirmak ve toprakta yer alan, gunluk yasamlarinda kullandiklari tuz hakkinda algi ve farkindalik olusturmaktir. Ilk proje toplantisinda ogrencilerin tuzun yapisi, ozellikleri ve kullanim alanlarina yonelik gorusleri almak icin yari yapilandirilmis anket kullanilmistir. Arastirmaya 10 Avrupa ulkesinden 161 ilkogretim ogrencisi katilmistir. Arastirmada veriler nitel arastirma yontemiyle toplanmistir Arastirmanin sonucunda, Ogrencilerin cogunlugu tuzun yemeklerde kullanilan bir madde oldugunu, tu...
The aim of this study is to improve inquiry based science experiments’ criteria by science teache... more The aim of this study is to improve inquiry based science experiments’ criteria by science teachers and put forth the relationship between them. In order to improve the criteria, 45 science teachers working in Izmir participated in the workshop held at Buca Education Faculty of Dokuz Eylul University. The sub criteria of the main criteria determined from the literature were formed together with them. The main criteria are: Curiosity, Safe, Simple, Economic, Enjoyable and Relevant. The science experiment with these criteria was defined as the “Innovative Science Experiment” (ISE). As sub criteria of “curiosity” are; science experiment allows students to listen with interest, directs them to research and activates their imagination. The “simple” criterian contains: materials in the science experiment include the simplest, understandable, easy-to-find, the levels of the experiment are easy to understand, prevent the creation of misconceptions. The “safe” criterion covers both the physi...
Bu calismada Yenilikci Fen Deneyleriyle (YFD) sorgulamaya dayali ogrenmenin, kavramsal anlamaya e... more Bu calismada Yenilikci Fen Deneyleriyle (YFD) sorgulamaya dayali ogrenmenin, kavramsal anlamaya etkisi uzerine bir arastirma yapilmistir. YFD; ogrencide merak uyandiran, malzemeleri kolay bulunan ve anlasilabilir basitlikte (yalin), guvenli, ekonomik, eglenceli, gunluk hayatla ilgili deneylerdir. Yenilikci bir yaklasimla sunulan deneylerde ogrencinin sureci ve sonucu merak etmesi ve boylece sorgulama surecine girmesi, daha cok soru sormasi beklenmektedir. Uygulama 7. sinif “Kuvvet ve Enerji” unitesinde yapilmis, bu unite kazanimlariyla uyumlu olarak secilen Timms sorulari merkez alinarak kavramsal anlama testi (KAT) olusturulmustur. KAT, acik uclu ve uc asamali test sorularindan olusmaktadir. Uc asamali sorular bilissel yapiyi ortaya cikaran birinci asama sorulara, birinci asamada isaretledigi sikkin nedenini soran ikinci asama ve verdigi cevaplardan emin olup olmadigini yoklayan ucuncu asama eklenerek hazirlanmistir. Surec oncesinde ontest sonuclari arasinda anlamli fark olmadigi, ...
The study investigated the effect of visual anthropomorphic stories on students' understandin... more The study investigated the effect of visual anthropomorphic stories on students' understanding of the particulate nature of matter and their level of anthropomorphic discourse. The study was planned in a...
In this study, pre-service teachers' views on inclusive education were evaluated from a quant... more In this study, pre-service teachers' views on inclusive education were evaluated from a quantitative research perspective. The survey model, one of the quantitative research designs, was used. The sample of the study consists of 482 prospective teachers studying at the same state university. The "Opinions Related to Mainstreaming Scale" was used to evaluate the views of pre-service teachers about inclusion. In the study, frequency and percentage values for each item were calculated for the data obtained from the study. In addition, Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated to determine whether there was a relationship between the sub-dimensions of the scale depending on the data collected. Although the results of the research are generally positive, the opinions of the pre-service teachers about inclusive education are inconsistent with each other, indicating that the knowledge and skill levels of the pre-service teachers about students with special needs are insu...
... edi-lerek Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Projesi baslatilmistir (KARA-KÜTÜK, K., 2002, 57). Diger taraf... more ... edi-lerek Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Projesi baslatilmistir (KARA-KÜTÜK, K., 2002, 57). Diger taraftan, Milli Egitim Ba-kanhgi ve YÖK'nun Dünya Bankasi ile gerçeklestirdikleri ortak projelerin öngördügü çalismalar ve uygulamalar ...
This study was aimed at examining the effects of argumentation based concept cartoon activities o... more This study was aimed at examining the effects of argumentation based concept cartoon activities on students’ scientific process skills. These activities were adapted by “Electricity In Our Life” unit in science and technology course. This study was conducted in a semi-experimental design by using pre-test and post-test design with control group. The participants were seventh grade students from a public school in 2012-13, Izmir, Turkey. The experimental group (n=28) and the control group (n=26) were chosen randomly. Data were gathered by “Science Process Skills Scale” consisting of 28 items. This scale covers skills such as “observation”, “classification”, “measurement”, “prediction”, “inference”, “forming hypotheses”, “identifying variables”, “controlling variables and replacement”, “designing experiments”, “saving data”, “data processing and modeling”, “reporting results and interpretation”. The results showed that students in the experimental group were much better in the development of science process skills towards “Electricity In Our Life” unit than the control group.
Papers by suat turkoguz