Journal of Islamic Philanthropy and Social Finance
Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi tentang bagaimana pengelolaan dan pengembangan wakaf produktif di K... more Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi tentang bagaimana pengelolaan dan pengembangan wakaf produktif di Kabupaten Bengkalis. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan instrumen wawancara dan dokumentasi pada objek penelitian yakni nazhir wakaf produktif di Kabupaten Bengkalis. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pengelolaan dan pengembangan wakaf produktif di Kabupaten Bengkalis masih sederhana dengan manajemen tradisional. Oleh karenanya peran pemerintah dalam hal ini Kementerian Agama harus lebih giat lagi dalam mensosialisasikan dan membina nazhir agar wakaf yang telah ada dapat terus menerus berkembang dan memberikan manfaat yang luas kepada kesejahteraan sosial umat Islam yang merupakan penduduk mayoritas. Keywords: Wakaf; Produktif; Kabupaten Bengkalis
Fungsi bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa Ekonomi islam ditandai dengan terjadinya krisis ekonomi yang me... more Fungsi bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa Ekonomi islam ditandai dengan terjadinya krisis ekonomi yang melanda dunia akhir-akhir ini membuat perhatian masyarakat untuk melirik pengembangan ekonomi dan perbankan dengan sistem syari’ah. Bahkan di Indonesia, hampir-hampir tidak ada bank yang tidak membuka bank syari’ah. Hal ini memberi efek kepada perkembangan dan pertumbuhan kosa kata Arab (mufradat)baru yang berhubungan dengan perekonomian dan perbankan. Maka populerlah istilah mudharabah,muamalah, baitul mal, qardhul hasan, shadaqah, zakat, infaq, waqaf, dan sebagainya. Semua kosa kata ini berbahasa Arab yang harus dipahami maksud dan konteks pemakaiannya oleh para pelajar/mahasiswa agar tidak ketinggalan zaman dan buta makna. Dengan demikian, gengsi bahasa Arab terus berkembang ke arah yang positif dan modern, karena menjadi bahasa pergaulan antar masyarakat, kaum terpelajar dan lain-lain. Kegiatan mempelajari al Quran dan bahasa Arab ini amat diperlukan guna lebih memahami makna ekonomi ...
This paper aims to discuss the concept of business in Islamic review. In Islamic teachings, Allah... more This paper aims to discuss the concept of business in Islamic review. In Islamic teachings, Allah guarantees sustenance for his creatures. This belief in assurance is what encourages business people to keep trying even though they have failed repeatedly. This treasure is also believed to be a deposit from God which must be treated as a means to achieve the common good. In describing the relationship between man and God, it turns out that the Al-Quran uses many terms commonly used in the business world. The key to success in business is faith as a foundation in righteous deeds. The higher the success achieved, the greater the responsibility and benefits that are carried out.
The most felt failure of modernization which is a direct result of the era of globalization is in... more The most felt failure of modernization which is a direct result of the era of globalization is in the economic field. Modern capitalism which although finally able to prove its superiority from socialism, in fact, has given birth to various problems, especially for third world countries (including Muslim countries) which tend to be objects rather than subject to capitalism. Associated with the failure of Western capitalism in these Muslim countries, the realization that the roots of capitalism are not from Islam, then arouse the desire to reconstruct economic systems that are considered "authentic" derived from Islam. Moreover, history shows that economic thought has also been carried out by Islamic scholars, even long before Adam Smith wrote his monumental book The Wealth of Nations. In a very general sense, it can be said that the capitalist world is already very familiar with the teachings of Islam and its leaders. These conditions get the legitimacy of the verses of th...
Productive zakat is something that can support productivity for the economy and mustahiq life. Mu... more Productive zakat is something that can support productivity for the economy and mustahiq life. Mustahiq satisfaction in getting productive zakat is a reflection of the success of the service. This study aims to analyze the effect of the quality of productive zakat distribution services on mustahiq satisfaction at the national zakat agency (NZA) Bengkalis district. This study was built using a quantitative descriptive method based on primary and secondary data in questionnaires, documentation, and literature studies. The total population of productive zakat mustahiq at the NZA Bengkalis regency is 327 people. Sampling used random sampling with a total sample of 77 people. Data were analyzed using simple linear regression, previously tested using validity, reliability, and normality tests. This study indicates that the quality of productive zakat distribution services has urgency in creating satisfaction for mustahiq, with evidence that the quality of productive zakat distribution ser...
Journal of Islamic Philanthropy and Social Finance
Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi tentang bagaimana pengelolaan dan pengembangan wakaf produktif di K... more Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi tentang bagaimana pengelolaan dan pengembangan wakaf produktif di Kabupaten Bengkalis. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan instrumen wawancara dan dokumentasi pada objek penelitian yakni nazhir wakaf produktif di Kabupaten Bengkalis. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pengelolaan dan pengembangan wakaf produktif di Kabupaten Bengkalis masih sederhana dengan manajemen tradisional. Oleh karenanya peran pemerintah dalam hal ini Kementerian Agama harus lebih giat lagi dalam mensosialisasikan dan membina nazhir agar wakaf yang telah ada dapat terus menerus berkembang dan memberikan manfaat yang luas kepada kesejahteraan sosial umat Islam yang merupakan penduduk mayoritas. Keywords: Wakaf; Produktif; Kabupaten Bengkalis
Fungsi bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa Ekonomi islam ditandai dengan terjadinya krisis ekonomi yang me... more Fungsi bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa Ekonomi islam ditandai dengan terjadinya krisis ekonomi yang melanda dunia akhir-akhir ini membuat perhatian masyarakat untuk melirik pengembangan ekonomi dan perbankan dengan sistem syari’ah. Bahkan di Indonesia, hampir-hampir tidak ada bank yang tidak membuka bank syari’ah. Hal ini memberi efek kepada perkembangan dan pertumbuhan kosa kata Arab (mufradat)baru yang berhubungan dengan perekonomian dan perbankan. Maka populerlah istilah mudharabah,muamalah, baitul mal, qardhul hasan, shadaqah, zakat, infaq, waqaf, dan sebagainya. Semua kosa kata ini berbahasa Arab yang harus dipahami maksud dan konteks pemakaiannya oleh para pelajar/mahasiswa agar tidak ketinggalan zaman dan buta makna. Dengan demikian, gengsi bahasa Arab terus berkembang ke arah yang positif dan modern, karena menjadi bahasa pergaulan antar masyarakat, kaum terpelajar dan lain-lain. Kegiatan mempelajari al Quran dan bahasa Arab ini amat diperlukan guna lebih memahami makna ekonomi ...
This paper aims to discuss the concept of business in Islamic review. In Islamic teachings, Allah... more This paper aims to discuss the concept of business in Islamic review. In Islamic teachings, Allah guarantees sustenance for his creatures. This belief in assurance is what encourages business people to keep trying even though they have failed repeatedly. This treasure is also believed to be a deposit from God which must be treated as a means to achieve the common good. In describing the relationship between man and God, it turns out that the Al-Quran uses many terms commonly used in the business world. The key to success in business is faith as a foundation in righteous deeds. The higher the success achieved, the greater the responsibility and benefits that are carried out.
The most felt failure of modernization which is a direct result of the era of globalization is in... more The most felt failure of modernization which is a direct result of the era of globalization is in the economic field. Modern capitalism which although finally able to prove its superiority from socialism, in fact, has given birth to various problems, especially for third world countries (including Muslim countries) which tend to be objects rather than subject to capitalism. Associated with the failure of Western capitalism in these Muslim countries, the realization that the roots of capitalism are not from Islam, then arouse the desire to reconstruct economic systems that are considered "authentic" derived from Islam. Moreover, history shows that economic thought has also been carried out by Islamic scholars, even long before Adam Smith wrote his monumental book The Wealth of Nations. In a very general sense, it can be said that the capitalist world is already very familiar with the teachings of Islam and its leaders. These conditions get the legitimacy of the verses of th...
Productive zakat is something that can support productivity for the economy and mustahiq life. Mu... more Productive zakat is something that can support productivity for the economy and mustahiq life. Mustahiq satisfaction in getting productive zakat is a reflection of the success of the service. This study aims to analyze the effect of the quality of productive zakat distribution services on mustahiq satisfaction at the national zakat agency (NZA) Bengkalis district. This study was built using a quantitative descriptive method based on primary and secondary data in questionnaires, documentation, and literature studies. The total population of productive zakat mustahiq at the NZA Bengkalis regency is 327 people. Sampling used random sampling with a total sample of 77 people. Data were analyzed using simple linear regression, previously tested using validity, reliability, and normality tests. This study indicates that the quality of productive zakat distribution services has urgency in creating satisfaction for mustahiq, with evidence that the quality of productive zakat distribution ser...
Papers by sukma mehilda