Pantai merupakan salah satu objek wisata yang memiliki daya tarik bagi wisatawan karena wujud dan... more Pantai merupakan salah satu objek wisata yang memiliki daya tarik bagi wisatawan karena wujud dan suasana yang variatif, dengan melandaskan pada aspek eksplorasi, konservasi, dan pengelolaan secara terpadu. Salah satu aspek pembangunan pada bidang ekowisata diharapkan mampu mewujudkan pengelolaan ekosistem secara berkelanjutan adalah melalui pengembangan ekowisata. Pembangunan pariwisata berkelanjutan harus memanfaatkan sumber daya alam secara optimal sesuai daya dukung sehingga tidak menimbulkan kerusakan, menghormati sosial budaya masyarakat, memastikan manfaat ekonomi yang berkelanjutan serta terdistribusi secara adil pada seluruh stakeholders. Untuk mewujudkan kondisi yang berkelanjutan ini seluruh stakeholder membutuhkan suatu informasi yang ilmiah tentang sumberdaya alam baik biotik maupun abiotik yang dapat memberikan informasi yang selanjutnya akan membantu keputusan dalam menjalankan pengelolaan suatu wilayah ekowisata yang berkelanjutan. Dengan adanya database sumberdaya b...
ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian adsorpsi logam berat timbal (Pb) dengan menggunakan tanaman Hy... more ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian adsorpsi logam berat timbal (Pb) dengan menggunakan tanaman Hydrilla. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui effektivitas tanaman Hydrilla dan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mereduksi timbal (Pb) dalam badan perairan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimental laboratorik. Penelitian menggunakan sintesa perairan yang tercemar Pb sebesar 2 ppm dengan perlakuan berat tanaman sebesar 30 gram; 35 gram; 40 gram dimana masing-masing perlakuan mendapat 2 kali pengulangan dan sebagai kontrol adalah sintesa perairan tercemar Pb tanpa adanya penambahan tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Hydrilla dapat menyerap logam berat timbal(Pb). Lama waktu pengolahan terbaik adalah 7 hari dengan variabel berat Hydrilla 40 gram dapat menghasilkan sisa kadar Pb di perairan 0,7174 ppm sehingga terjadi penyerapan pada akar sebesar 0,47 mg/Kg, pada batang sebesar 0,36 mg/Kg dan pada daun sebesar 0,38 mg/Kg. ABSTRACT Has done studied research of...
Kelimpahan serta biodiversitas zooplankton sangat tergantung pada keberadaan fitoplankton sebagai... more Kelimpahan serta biodiversitas zooplankton sangat tergantung pada keberadaan fitoplankton sebagai makanan utamanya. Fitoplakton berperan penting sebagai produsen primer di perairan. Keberadaan fitoplankton sendiri selain bergantung faktor fisika-kimiawi perairan, juga nutrien seperti nitrat dan fosfat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan sebaran biodiversitas zooplankton serta faktor yang mempengaruhinya di pesisir utara dan selatan Madura, Jawa Timur. Lokasi pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive di Pantai Pasongsongan, Sumenep dan pantai Pantai Branta Pamekasan di tiga stasiun yang berbeda. Pengukuran parameter kualitas air dilakukan secara in situ dan ex situ, dan analisis biodiversitas zooplankton dilakukan dengan indeks biologi meliputi indeks keanekaragaman, indeks dominansi dan juga dilakukan analisis distribusi spasial menggunakan QGIS Las Palmas 3.10.2 untuk mengetahui peta distribusi kelimpahan nitrat, fosfat, fitoplankton dan zooplankton. Hasil penelitian men...
JFMR-Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research, 2021
Perairan Selat Bali secara tidak langsung dipengaruhi oleh peristiwa yang terjadi di Samudera Hin... more Perairan Selat Bali secara tidak langsung dipengaruhi oleh peristiwa yang terjadi di Samudera Hindia Selatan Jawa. Variabilitas musim dan antar-tahunan dari konsentrasi klorofil-a permukaan (SSC) di Selat Bali, berhubungan erat dengan periode Indian ocean dipole (IOD) dan upwelling kuat yang terjadi di sepanjang Pantai Selatan Jawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis variabilitas musiman dan antar-tahunan secara spasial dan temporal dari klorofil-a periode IOD di Selat Bali. Data oseanografi diperoleh dari Satelit Aqua/Terra MODIS ( Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) level 2 harian, selama periode Maret 2000-Mei 2020, dan analisis data menggunakan Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF). Analisis EOF dilakukan pada data harian yang dikomposit menjadi bulanan dan dinormalisasi untuk mengisi data kosong. Hasil analisis EOF variasi temporal yang koheren dalam pemompaan klorofil-a di Selat Bali. Deret waktu dari mode pertama yang terbentuk mengungkapkan variasi musiman ...
Total Suspended Matter (TSM) dan klorofil-a merupakan parameter kualitas air yang dapat dipetakan... more Total Suspended Matter (TSM) dan klorofil-a merupakan parameter kualitas air yang dapat dipetakan dengan penginderaan jauh. Nilai TSM yang tinggi dapat mempengaruhi klorofil-a dalam fitoplankton untuk berfotosintesis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sebaran, akurasi, serta hubungan antara parameter TSM dan klorofil-a berdasarkan data in situ dan data citra di perairan Pesisir Prigi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif. Data yang digunakan adalah citra Landsat 8 tanggal 20 Mei 2018 dan sampel in situ yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling di 9 lokasi pada tanggal 19 Mei 2018. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil nilai TSM in situ berkisar 41-64 ppm, nilai TSM citra berkisar 44–65 ppm, nilai klorofil-a in situ berkisar 1,15-2.68 mg/m3, dan nilai klorofil-a citra berkisar 1,24-2,41 mg/m3. Dari hasil data in situ dan citra didapatkan akurasi sebesar 74,37% untuk TSM dan 80,33% untuk klorofil-a. Nilai hubungan TSM dan klorofil...
Corals in the genus Porites are among the most dominant scleractinian corals in the coral reef ec... more Corals in the genus Porites are among the most dominant scleractinian corals in the coral reef ecosystems yet highly vulnerable to climate change impacts and diseases. In the Kondang Merak and Sempu Strait waters of Indian Ocean, it has been reported that more than 45% of the corals were infected with Pink Line Syndrome (PLS). The objectives of this study are to isolate, morphologically and molecularly characterize, and identify the PLS associated bacteria that infected Porites lutea coral. The sampling was performed at the Kondang Merak waters in June 2018 by snorkeling during low tide. In order to isolate and purify the dominant bacterial colony, quadrants streak-plating technique was performed using ZoBell marine agar culture media. 16S rRNA sequencing and BLAST homology were performed for the molecular identification of the bacterial colony. Results showed that the bacterial colony associated with PLS was of Bacillus cereus, which was closely related to Bacillus pseudomycoides, ...
This article describes a new approach to the study of the environmental conditions that relate to... more This article describes a new approach to the study of the environmental conditions that relate to the Sardinella lemuru habitat in the Bali Strait, through remote sensing data and fish catch data using the generalized additive model. Data that are acquired daily and then compiled into monthly data for sea surface temperature, sea surface chlorophyll-a concentration, photosynthetically available radiation, and sea surface depth (SSD) were used for the years 2008–2010. The objectives of the study are to describe the variability of the environmental conditions in the Bali Strait, to analyze a combination model of environmental factors in estimating the Sardinella lemuru habitat, and to map potential Sardinella lemuru fishing areas. We illustrate the proposed method by constructing seven generalized additive models with catches of Sardinella lemuru as a variable response and use sea surface temperature, sea surface chlorophyll-a concentration, photosynthetically available radiation, and...
The coastal region is a meeting point of land and sea. The coastal area utilization has developed... more The coastal region is a meeting point of land and sea. The coastal area utilization has developed intensively, which causes the sustainability or capacity of coastal ecosystems, and the pollution potential in this area exceeded due to various human activities. This condition affects the existence of microalgae, which play an important role not only in the food chain in the aquatic environment but also in humans at the end. This research was carried out in Sendang Biru Waters, South Malang Regency. The purpose of this study was to map and determine the biodiversity as well as the distribution of microalgae in coastal waters using in situ data. The data were analyzed using geographic information system techniques in the form of microalgae distribution and biodiversity maps. The results showed that the microalgae identified from the genera Chaetoceros and Navicula showing the highest frequency. The biodiversity index value at station 1 was 3,312, at station 2 was 3,184. These values in...
The common carp (Cyprinus carpio) with sizes of 3 - 5 cm are usually culture in the paddy fields ... more The common carp (Cyprinus carpio) with sizes of 3 - 5 cm are usually culture in the paddy fields when the plants still need water for its growth. However, the water which is used to irrigate the paddy fields often contains pollutants, comes from polluted rivers. This study aimed to determine the value of lethal concentrations (Lc60–96 H) in the waste water of leather industry and pyrethroid insecticide with Deltametrin active compound toward mortality of common carp seeds. The research was conducted in two different stages and performed in an experimental method with completely ran-domized design. The experiments for liquid waste of leather industry used seven experiments, while for insecticides with eight experiments. The result of probit analysis for waste of leather industry indicated that LC50 – 96 H was 0,056 ml L-1, while for pyretroid insecticide was 0.0042 mg L-1. It could be said that insecticide had stronger effect on fish seeds mortality because only small amount of conce...
An interdisciplinary study of the waters across the continental shelf off Perth, Western Australi... more An interdisciplinary study of the waters across the continental shelf off Perth, Western Australia, has provided the first detailed climatology of the physical, chemical, optical, and biological processes across the shelf. In support of this work, remote-sensing data were utilised to provide a broad view of the spatial and temporal chlorophyll concentration dynamics, to support in situ observations, and to
Understanding the impact of Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) on fishery around Indonesia is important as... more Understanding the impact of Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) on fishery around Indonesia is important as the fishery resources are small compared to the demand. In this study, we analyzed the effect of positive and negative phases of IOD on chlorophyll-a concentration and the catch of Sardinella lemuru in the Bali Strait. Data are based on field surveys in the Bali Strait during the positive and negative phase of IOD and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Sea Surface Chlorophyll (SSC) obtained from the analysis of satellite images. The results suggest that SSC concentration in the strait significantly correlates with the positive and negative phase of IOD, possibly through a change of upwelling and downwelling there. It is suggested that the change of phytoplankton biomass due to positive IOD would result in an increase of Sardinella lemuru in the Bali Strait. This research has direct implications as important information for the government in planning lemuru fisheries management in the Bal...
Pantai merupakan salah satu objek wisata yang memiliki daya tarik bagi wisatawan karena wujud dan... more Pantai merupakan salah satu objek wisata yang memiliki daya tarik bagi wisatawan karena wujud dan suasana yang variatif, dengan melandaskan pada aspek eksplorasi, konservasi, dan pengelolaan secara terpadu. Salah satu aspek pembangunan pada bidang ekowisata diharapkan mampu mewujudkan pengelolaan ekosistem secara berkelanjutan adalah melalui pengembangan ekowisata. Pembangunan pariwisata berkelanjutan harus memanfaatkan sumber daya alam secara optimal sesuai daya dukung sehingga tidak menimbulkan kerusakan, menghormati sosial budaya masyarakat, memastikan manfaat ekonomi yang berkelanjutan serta terdistribusi secara adil pada seluruh stakeholders. Untuk mewujudkan kondisi yang berkelanjutan ini seluruh stakeholder membutuhkan suatu informasi yang ilmiah tentang sumberdaya alam baik biotik maupun abiotik yang dapat memberikan informasi yang selanjutnya akan membantu keputusan dalam menjalankan pengelolaan suatu wilayah ekowisata yang berkelanjutan. Dengan adanya database sumberdaya b...
ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian adsorpsi logam berat timbal (Pb) dengan menggunakan tanaman Hy... more ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian adsorpsi logam berat timbal (Pb) dengan menggunakan tanaman Hydrilla. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui effektivitas tanaman Hydrilla dan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mereduksi timbal (Pb) dalam badan perairan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimental laboratorik. Penelitian menggunakan sintesa perairan yang tercemar Pb sebesar 2 ppm dengan perlakuan berat tanaman sebesar 30 gram; 35 gram; 40 gram dimana masing-masing perlakuan mendapat 2 kali pengulangan dan sebagai kontrol adalah sintesa perairan tercemar Pb tanpa adanya penambahan tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Hydrilla dapat menyerap logam berat timbal(Pb). Lama waktu pengolahan terbaik adalah 7 hari dengan variabel berat Hydrilla 40 gram dapat menghasilkan sisa kadar Pb di perairan 0,7174 ppm sehingga terjadi penyerapan pada akar sebesar 0,47 mg/Kg, pada batang sebesar 0,36 mg/Kg dan pada daun sebesar 0,38 mg/Kg. ABSTRACT Has done studied research of...
Kelimpahan serta biodiversitas zooplankton sangat tergantung pada keberadaan fitoplankton sebagai... more Kelimpahan serta biodiversitas zooplankton sangat tergantung pada keberadaan fitoplankton sebagai makanan utamanya. Fitoplakton berperan penting sebagai produsen primer di perairan. Keberadaan fitoplankton sendiri selain bergantung faktor fisika-kimiawi perairan, juga nutrien seperti nitrat dan fosfat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan sebaran biodiversitas zooplankton serta faktor yang mempengaruhinya di pesisir utara dan selatan Madura, Jawa Timur. Lokasi pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive di Pantai Pasongsongan, Sumenep dan pantai Pantai Branta Pamekasan di tiga stasiun yang berbeda. Pengukuran parameter kualitas air dilakukan secara in situ dan ex situ, dan analisis biodiversitas zooplankton dilakukan dengan indeks biologi meliputi indeks keanekaragaman, indeks dominansi dan juga dilakukan analisis distribusi spasial menggunakan QGIS Las Palmas 3.10.2 untuk mengetahui peta distribusi kelimpahan nitrat, fosfat, fitoplankton dan zooplankton. Hasil penelitian men...
JFMR-Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research, 2021
Perairan Selat Bali secara tidak langsung dipengaruhi oleh peristiwa yang terjadi di Samudera Hin... more Perairan Selat Bali secara tidak langsung dipengaruhi oleh peristiwa yang terjadi di Samudera Hindia Selatan Jawa. Variabilitas musim dan antar-tahunan dari konsentrasi klorofil-a permukaan (SSC) di Selat Bali, berhubungan erat dengan periode Indian ocean dipole (IOD) dan upwelling kuat yang terjadi di sepanjang Pantai Selatan Jawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis variabilitas musiman dan antar-tahunan secara spasial dan temporal dari klorofil-a periode IOD di Selat Bali. Data oseanografi diperoleh dari Satelit Aqua/Terra MODIS ( Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) level 2 harian, selama periode Maret 2000-Mei 2020, dan analisis data menggunakan Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF). Analisis EOF dilakukan pada data harian yang dikomposit menjadi bulanan dan dinormalisasi untuk mengisi data kosong. Hasil analisis EOF variasi temporal yang koheren dalam pemompaan klorofil-a di Selat Bali. Deret waktu dari mode pertama yang terbentuk mengungkapkan variasi musiman ...
Total Suspended Matter (TSM) dan klorofil-a merupakan parameter kualitas air yang dapat dipetakan... more Total Suspended Matter (TSM) dan klorofil-a merupakan parameter kualitas air yang dapat dipetakan dengan penginderaan jauh. Nilai TSM yang tinggi dapat mempengaruhi klorofil-a dalam fitoplankton untuk berfotosintesis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sebaran, akurasi, serta hubungan antara parameter TSM dan klorofil-a berdasarkan data in situ dan data citra di perairan Pesisir Prigi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif. Data yang digunakan adalah citra Landsat 8 tanggal 20 Mei 2018 dan sampel in situ yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling di 9 lokasi pada tanggal 19 Mei 2018. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil nilai TSM in situ berkisar 41-64 ppm, nilai TSM citra berkisar 44–65 ppm, nilai klorofil-a in situ berkisar 1,15-2.68 mg/m3, dan nilai klorofil-a citra berkisar 1,24-2,41 mg/m3. Dari hasil data in situ dan citra didapatkan akurasi sebesar 74,37% untuk TSM dan 80,33% untuk klorofil-a. Nilai hubungan TSM dan klorofil...
Corals in the genus Porites are among the most dominant scleractinian corals in the coral reef ec... more Corals in the genus Porites are among the most dominant scleractinian corals in the coral reef ecosystems yet highly vulnerable to climate change impacts and diseases. In the Kondang Merak and Sempu Strait waters of Indian Ocean, it has been reported that more than 45% of the corals were infected with Pink Line Syndrome (PLS). The objectives of this study are to isolate, morphologically and molecularly characterize, and identify the PLS associated bacteria that infected Porites lutea coral. The sampling was performed at the Kondang Merak waters in June 2018 by snorkeling during low tide. In order to isolate and purify the dominant bacterial colony, quadrants streak-plating technique was performed using ZoBell marine agar culture media. 16S rRNA sequencing and BLAST homology were performed for the molecular identification of the bacterial colony. Results showed that the bacterial colony associated with PLS was of Bacillus cereus, which was closely related to Bacillus pseudomycoides, ...
This article describes a new approach to the study of the environmental conditions that relate to... more This article describes a new approach to the study of the environmental conditions that relate to the Sardinella lemuru habitat in the Bali Strait, through remote sensing data and fish catch data using the generalized additive model. Data that are acquired daily and then compiled into monthly data for sea surface temperature, sea surface chlorophyll-a concentration, photosynthetically available radiation, and sea surface depth (SSD) were used for the years 2008–2010. The objectives of the study are to describe the variability of the environmental conditions in the Bali Strait, to analyze a combination model of environmental factors in estimating the Sardinella lemuru habitat, and to map potential Sardinella lemuru fishing areas. We illustrate the proposed method by constructing seven generalized additive models with catches of Sardinella lemuru as a variable response and use sea surface temperature, sea surface chlorophyll-a concentration, photosynthetically available radiation, and...
The coastal region is a meeting point of land and sea. The coastal area utilization has developed... more The coastal region is a meeting point of land and sea. The coastal area utilization has developed intensively, which causes the sustainability or capacity of coastal ecosystems, and the pollution potential in this area exceeded due to various human activities. This condition affects the existence of microalgae, which play an important role not only in the food chain in the aquatic environment but also in humans at the end. This research was carried out in Sendang Biru Waters, South Malang Regency. The purpose of this study was to map and determine the biodiversity as well as the distribution of microalgae in coastal waters using in situ data. The data were analyzed using geographic information system techniques in the form of microalgae distribution and biodiversity maps. The results showed that the microalgae identified from the genera Chaetoceros and Navicula showing the highest frequency. The biodiversity index value at station 1 was 3,312, at station 2 was 3,184. These values in...
The common carp (Cyprinus carpio) with sizes of 3 - 5 cm are usually culture in the paddy fields ... more The common carp (Cyprinus carpio) with sizes of 3 - 5 cm are usually culture in the paddy fields when the plants still need water for its growth. However, the water which is used to irrigate the paddy fields often contains pollutants, comes from polluted rivers. This study aimed to determine the value of lethal concentrations (Lc60–96 H) in the waste water of leather industry and pyrethroid insecticide with Deltametrin active compound toward mortality of common carp seeds. The research was conducted in two different stages and performed in an experimental method with completely ran-domized design. The experiments for liquid waste of leather industry used seven experiments, while for insecticides with eight experiments. The result of probit analysis for waste of leather industry indicated that LC50 – 96 H was 0,056 ml L-1, while for pyretroid insecticide was 0.0042 mg L-1. It could be said that insecticide had stronger effect on fish seeds mortality because only small amount of conce...
An interdisciplinary study of the waters across the continental shelf off Perth, Western Australi... more An interdisciplinary study of the waters across the continental shelf off Perth, Western Australia, has provided the first detailed climatology of the physical, chemical, optical, and biological processes across the shelf. In support of this work, remote-sensing data were utilised to provide a broad view of the spatial and temporal chlorophyll concentration dynamics, to support in situ observations, and to
Understanding the impact of Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) on fishery around Indonesia is important as... more Understanding the impact of Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) on fishery around Indonesia is important as the fishery resources are small compared to the demand. In this study, we analyzed the effect of positive and negative phases of IOD on chlorophyll-a concentration and the catch of Sardinella lemuru in the Bali Strait. Data are based on field surveys in the Bali Strait during the positive and negative phase of IOD and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Sea Surface Chlorophyll (SSC) obtained from the analysis of satellite images. The results suggest that SSC concentration in the strait significantly correlates with the positive and negative phase of IOD, possibly through a change of upwelling and downwelling there. It is suggested that the change of phytoplankton biomass due to positive IOD would result in an increase of Sardinella lemuru in the Bali Strait. This research has direct implications as important information for the government in planning lemuru fisheries management in the Bal...
Papers by umi zakiyah