Klasik donem Osmanli Devleti’nde diger devletlerde oldugu gibi cagin geregi olarak temel ekonomik... more Klasik donem Osmanli Devleti’nde diger devletlerde oldugu gibi cagin geregi olarak temel ekonomik uretim tarimsal faaliyetlerle gerceklestirilmekteydi. Bu ekonomik faaliyet toplumu olusturan katmanlar ozellikle reaya tarafindan gerceklestirilmektedir. Elde edilen gelir devlet icerisinde olusturulan bir teskilat tarafindan yine devlet tarafindan gelistirilen farkli din inanc ve ictimai duzen icerisinde bir vergi sistemi ile toplanip Osmanli merkezi butcesine aktarilmaktadir.
XVII. yüzyılın başlarından itibaren Hindistan’a yerleşmeye başlayan
İngilizler, Doğu Hindistan T... more XVII. yüzyılın başlarından itibaren Hindistan’a yerleşmeye başlayan
İngilizler, Doğu Hindistan Ticaret Şirketi marifetiyle bölgeyi
sömürgeleri haline getirmişler ve zamanla askeri güçlerini de
genişleterek bölgenin hâkimi olmuşlardır. Bölgenin artan önemi ve
Rusların sıcak denizlere inmek üzere Ceyhun kıyılarına ulaşmaları
Hindistan’ın kuzey sınırını oluşturan Afganistan’ı jeopolitik olarak
daha da önemli hale getirmiştir. İngilizler olası Rus işgaline karşı
Afganistan’ı etki alanına almak istemiş ve bölgeye Mountstuart
Elphinstone, Charles Masson ve Alexander Burnes gibi Doğu
Hindistan Ticaret Şirketi mensubu oryantalistlerini göndererek bu
ülke hakkında tafsilatlı bilgiler toplamışlardır. Oryantalistlerin
topladığı bu bilgiler sayesinde 1839 yılında Afganistan’ı kolaylıkla
işgal eden İngilizler, Afgan halkının üç yıllık direnişi sonucunda bu
ülkeden mağlup bir şekilde çekilmişlerdir. Ancak İngilizler bu
mağlubiyete rağmen istihbarat faaliyetlerine devam etmiş ve 1878
yılında ikinci kez Afganistan’ı işgal etmekten çekinmemişlerdir. Bu
işgal öncesi ve sırasında İngiliz oryantalistler bölgede görev yapmış
ve çok önemli istihbarat bilgilerini merkeze aktarmışlardır. İkinci
İngiliz-Afgan Savaşı’nda Afganistan’da gözlemlerde bulunan ve savaş
muhabiri olarak işgale katılan oryantalistlerden birisi de Phil
Robinson’dur. Bu çalışmada Robinson’un Afganistan’ın coğrafyası,
etnik yapısı, yönetim şekli, ordusu ve sosyo-ekonomik durumuyla
ilgili topladığı bilgiler ve İngiliz hükümetine sunduğu rapor konu
XIX. yüzyılın sonlarında Sömürgecilik yarışına katılan İtalya, 29 Eylül 1911 tarihinde Osmanlı De... more XIX. yüzyılın sonlarında Sömürgecilik yarışına katılan İtalya, 29 Eylül 1911 tarihinde Osmanlı Devleti idaresinde bulunan Trablusgarp’ı işgal etmek üzere savaş ilan ederek Akdeniz ve Adriyatik’te bulunan Osmanlı donanmasına saldırmıştı. 5 Ekim 1911 tarihinde Trablusgarp’a asker çıkararak Osmanlı topraklarında ilk işgal harekâtını başlatmıştı. Bu işgal harekâtı üzerine aralarında Mustafa Kemal’in de bulunduğu gönüllü Türk subayları Trablusgarp’a giderek yerel ahaliyi örgütleyip İtalyan işgaline karşı mücadele vermişlerdi. Trablusgarp Harbinde İtalyan Kuvvetleri Osmanlı ordusuna karşı uçakları kullanmıştır. Henüz emekleme döneminde olan uçakların askerî amaçla harp meydanında etkin olarak kullanıldığı ilk savaş olmuş ve bu savaşta havacılık tarihinde ilk kez gerçekleşen havadan keşif ve hava bombardımanı gibi harekâtlar icra edilmişti. Bu çalışmada Trablusgarp harbi ve havacılık tarihinde gerçekleşen ilk hava harekâtları ele alınmıştır./Italy that participated in the race of colonialism at the end of XIXth century attacked the Ottoman Navy in the Mediterranean and Adriatic on September 29 of 1911 declaring war to occupy Tripoli, which was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. On October 5 of 1911, she started the first invasion in Ottoman lands by landing soldiers in Tripoli. Upon this invasion operation, volunteer Turkish officers, including Mustafa Kemal, went to Tripoli and organized the local population and fought against the Italian occupation. Italian forces utilized aircraft against the Ottoman army in the Tripoli War. It was the first war in which the aircraft, which were in their infancy period, were used effectively on the battlefield for military purposes and in this war, operations such as aerial reconnaissance and air bombardment, which were the first in aviation history, were carried out. In this study, the Tripoli war and the first air operations in aviation history have been discussed.
Orta Asya’da stratejik bir konumda olan Afganistan XIX. yüzyılın başlarından itibaren İngiltere v... more Orta Asya’da stratejik bir konumda olan Afganistan XIX. yüzyılın başlarından itibaren İngiltere ve Rusya’nın mücadele alanına dönüşmüştür. İngiltere, sömürgesi olan Hindistan’ı emniyete almak, Afganistan’ın ticari pazarlarına sahip olabilmek ve Rusya’yı Afganistan’ın kuzeyinde tutabilmek amacıyla Afganistan’ı iki kez işgal etmeye kalkışmışsa da Afgan halkının mücadelesi ile her ikisinde de başarısız olmuştur. İkinci Afgan savaşından sonra Abdurrahman Han ile yapılan antlaşma ile İngiliz-Afgan ilişkileri dostluk dönemine girmiştir. Abdurrahman Han İngiliz Kraliçesi Victoria tarafından resmi ziyaret için İngiltere’ye davet edilmiş, ancak sağlık sorunlarından dolayı ziyarete kendi yerine ikinci oğlu Nasrullah Han’ı İngiltere’ye göndermiştir. Nasrullah Han, İngiltere’de yoğun ilgiyle karşılanmış ve ziyareti İngiliz basınında büyük yer bulmuştur. Çalışmamızda Şehzade Nasrullah Han’ın İngiltere ziyaretinin Londra’da yayımlanan The Illustrated London News gazetesine yansıması ele alınmıştır.
British Orientalist James Silk Buckingham, who came to Syria from Egypt, Palestine and Jordan, wh... more British Orientalist James Silk Buckingham, who came to Syria from Egypt, Palestine and Jordan, whose travelogue “Travels in Mesopotamia”, contains very important information about the southern provinces of the Ottoman Empire. James Silk Buckingham visited the cities of Diyarbakır, Mardin, Mosul, Kifri and Baghdad, starting from the city of Urfa on June 4, 1816. The observations and evaluations he made about these cities in Mesopotamia region, which was under the borders and administration of the Ottoman State in XIXth century, are quite remarkable. The observations and evaluations of Buckingham with the orientalist point of view regarding the description of the cities, their locations, population, ethnic structure, beliefs, commercial and economic conditions, markets, socio-cultural structures, military assets, defenses and administrative structures are important for the history of the region. In this study, the information about the cities in Mesopotamia that Silk Buckingham gave in his travelogue has been tried to evaluate.
Tax is one of the important sources for states in maintaining its existence and serving its peopl... more Tax is one of the important sources for states in maintaining its existence and serving its people. The Ottoman Empire, whose borders spread to a very wide geography, developed a unique tax collection and collection system in order to maintain its existence like other states and to serve its population as members of various races, religions and sects. Tax collection and distribution had been realized through a financial organization established in accordance with the geographical structure of the state. In this tax system, constituting the social structure of the state the governing sector “askeri” was exempted from tax paying, but the ruled sector “reaya” accepted as taxpayer. The taxes were regulated according to religious and customary rules, according to Muslim non-Muslim nationality, and taxes were determined on condation of in times of peace and war, geography, and so on. Taxes were collected and transferred to the central budget by the procedures shaped according to the political, military and economic situation of the state. In this article, the Ottoman tax system and the taxes collected in different names and forms will be discussed within the Ottoman economic and social structure.
1. Uluslararası 20.y.y.'ın İlk Yarısında Türk-Ermeni İlişkileri Sempozyumu, 2019
Ahmed Serif Bey is a correspondent and writer of the newspaper of Tanin published in
İstanbul. Be... more Ahmed Serif Bey is a correspondent and writer of the newspaper of Tanin published in İstanbul. Between 1909-1914 He traveled along Anatolian provinces on behalf of Tanin and his observations were published in Newspaper Tanin. Ahmed Serif Bey’s one of the stops he visited during his visit along Anatolia was the Adana province, where the Armenian events took place in 1909, which has a historical, religious and strategic importance for the Armenians, and the Haçin district, which is today called Saimbeyli. Ahmed Serif Bey's visit to Adana and Haçin was published in a newspaper with a title “A Turkish Correspondent’s Views” called “The Orient”, which was the publication organ and informing about the activities of American Board Mission that established Protestant missionary activities schools, hospitals and orphanages aimed at mostly Armenian and Greek subjects in Ottoman geography. In this notification, Ahmed Serif Bey’s observations published in “The Orient” after 1909 Adana Incidents will be handled.
The British Government of India took a decision in 1838 to relinquish the Afghan ruler Dost Muham... more The British Government of India took a decision in 1838 to relinquish the Afghan ruler Dost Muhammad Khan, whom he claimed to be approaching Russia and Iran, and to return Shah Sjuha, the ex-emperor Shah, who was in exile, to the throne. In order to emphasize this determination, an agreement was signed between the parties with Sind's ruler Ranjit Singh and Shah Sjuha in Tripatrie. The armies of one of the British and allies shipped to Kabul via Peshawar-Jalalabad from the Bolan Pass through Kandahar Ghaznah and the other through the Khyber Pass occupied Kabul in a short period of time. Dost Muhammad Khan was removed from power and in place of him Shah Sjuha who was under British patronage was throned. However the Afghan people who were not satisfied with the attitudes and behaviors of the occupation army in the neighboring provinces started a great struggle in a short period of time. National forces headed by Mohammad Akbar Khan, the son of Dost Mohammad Khan and the other important Serdars forced the army of the occupation to withdraw from Afghanistan giving them big casualties in a short time. The British army, which agreed to retreat, was virtually destroyed by the attacks of the tribes in the steep and narrow passages of Afghanistan. In this study, the causes and consequences of the British Afghan War that occurred between 1839-1842 were tried to be put forward.
TÜRKKÜM 2018, Uluslararası Türk Kültürü ve Medeniyeti Kongresi, 2018
Orientalism which gained momentum especially in XIXth century encompasses all of the scientific a... more Orientalism which gained momentum especially in XIXth century encompasses all of the scientific activities that Western civilization has developed to discover and familiarize the Orient. The curiosity of getting to know the Orient has started from the socio-cultural level and gradually increased to the level of economy, politics, occupation and seizure. For this purpose, many orientalists from Western societies have been sent to the East, mainly to Asia and Africa, and these orientalists have accomplished general investigations and private researches in their own fields of science in the regions they have visited. The information that Orientalists have gained satisfied the curiosity of the Western civilization and at the same time enabled them to get information about socio-cultural, demographic, economic, geographical and military information of the regions. Charles Masson is one of the Orientalists who traveled to Eastern civilizations. Charles Masson is an archaeologist, numismatics and intelligence agent who has made extensive archaeological investigations in the cities of Bagram, and Kabul in Afghanistan between 1832 and 1838, especially on Buddhist settlement areas, revealing archaeological information and coin collections in the region. Charles Masson, a soldier of the Bengal Regiment of Artillery, based in the East India Company, closely examined the Ghiljis who lived in the region of Candahar, Ghuznee, Jalalabad and Kabul during his time in Afghanistan. In his observations, he made determinations towards the regions where they lived, their origins, characters and their military power.
The travelogue of Portuguese historian and traveler Pedro (Peter) Teixeira who traveled from Indi... more The travelogue of Portuguese historian and traveler Pedro (Peter) Teixeira who traveled from India to Italy by land titled The Travels of Peter Teixeira from India to Italy by Land narrates the journey that began from Goa in February of 1604 and continued to Venice via Hurmuz-Basra over Mediterranean Sea at the beginning of early XVIIth century. Teixeira visited Basra, Najaf, Karbala, Baghdad, Ana, Aleppo, Antioch, Alexandretta and Cyprus during this journey. The information about the Ottoman State’s southern provinces given by him just at the beginning of XVIIth century is quite remarkable. Especially, the information about the description of the cities, population, ethnic structures, religious faith, historical structures, military existence, administrative and financial organizations are both important historically and accepted as examples of orientalist perspective in terms of early period. In our study, we have tried to evaluate the travelogue of Pedro Teixeira and the information about the southern provinces of The Ottoman State on the route.
İnönü University International Journal of Social Sciences, 2016
In this article, changing and modernizations in realm of Internal Affairs in Ottoman Empire durin... more In this article, changing and modernizations in realm of Internal Affairs in Ottoman Empire during XIXth century have been examined. Ottoman Empire, coming on verge of disintegration with Karlowitz and Passarowitz treaties, started to implement reforms in order to prevent the country from disintegration. These reforms have been first made in military field. After the military reforms that have been made, it emerged that these reforms were not sufficient and other reforms in administrative field, an unavoidable part of social and economical life, must be done, too. These reforms started with Tanzimat and went on with Meşrutiyet. With these reforms central and provincial administrative systems have been reformed.
Klasik donem Osmanli Devleti’nde diger devletlerde oldugu gibi cagin geregi olarak temel ekonomik... more Klasik donem Osmanli Devleti’nde diger devletlerde oldugu gibi cagin geregi olarak temel ekonomik uretim tarimsal faaliyetlerle gerceklestirilmekteydi. Bu ekonomik faaliyet toplumu olusturan katmanlar ozellikle reaya tarafindan gerceklestirilmektedir. Elde edilen gelir devlet icerisinde olusturulan bir teskilat tarafindan yine devlet tarafindan gelistirilen farkli din inanc ve ictimai duzen icerisinde bir vergi sistemi ile toplanip Osmanli merkezi butcesine aktarilmaktadir.
XVII. yüzyılın başlarından itibaren Hindistan’a yerleşmeye başlayan
İngilizler, Doğu Hindistan T... more XVII. yüzyılın başlarından itibaren Hindistan’a yerleşmeye başlayan
İngilizler, Doğu Hindistan Ticaret Şirketi marifetiyle bölgeyi
sömürgeleri haline getirmişler ve zamanla askeri güçlerini de
genişleterek bölgenin hâkimi olmuşlardır. Bölgenin artan önemi ve
Rusların sıcak denizlere inmek üzere Ceyhun kıyılarına ulaşmaları
Hindistan’ın kuzey sınırını oluşturan Afganistan’ı jeopolitik olarak
daha da önemli hale getirmiştir. İngilizler olası Rus işgaline karşı
Afganistan’ı etki alanına almak istemiş ve bölgeye Mountstuart
Elphinstone, Charles Masson ve Alexander Burnes gibi Doğu
Hindistan Ticaret Şirketi mensubu oryantalistlerini göndererek bu
ülke hakkında tafsilatlı bilgiler toplamışlardır. Oryantalistlerin
topladığı bu bilgiler sayesinde 1839 yılında Afganistan’ı kolaylıkla
işgal eden İngilizler, Afgan halkının üç yıllık direnişi sonucunda bu
ülkeden mağlup bir şekilde çekilmişlerdir. Ancak İngilizler bu
mağlubiyete rağmen istihbarat faaliyetlerine devam etmiş ve 1878
yılında ikinci kez Afganistan’ı işgal etmekten çekinmemişlerdir. Bu
işgal öncesi ve sırasında İngiliz oryantalistler bölgede görev yapmış
ve çok önemli istihbarat bilgilerini merkeze aktarmışlardır. İkinci
İngiliz-Afgan Savaşı’nda Afganistan’da gözlemlerde bulunan ve savaş
muhabiri olarak işgale katılan oryantalistlerden birisi de Phil
Robinson’dur. Bu çalışmada Robinson’un Afganistan’ın coğrafyası,
etnik yapısı, yönetim şekli, ordusu ve sosyo-ekonomik durumuyla
ilgili topladığı bilgiler ve İngiliz hükümetine sunduğu rapor konu
XIX. yüzyılın sonlarında Sömürgecilik yarışına katılan İtalya, 29 Eylül 1911 tarihinde Osmanlı De... more XIX. yüzyılın sonlarında Sömürgecilik yarışına katılan İtalya, 29 Eylül 1911 tarihinde Osmanlı Devleti idaresinde bulunan Trablusgarp’ı işgal etmek üzere savaş ilan ederek Akdeniz ve Adriyatik’te bulunan Osmanlı donanmasına saldırmıştı. 5 Ekim 1911 tarihinde Trablusgarp’a asker çıkararak Osmanlı topraklarında ilk işgal harekâtını başlatmıştı. Bu işgal harekâtı üzerine aralarında Mustafa Kemal’in de bulunduğu gönüllü Türk subayları Trablusgarp’a giderek yerel ahaliyi örgütleyip İtalyan işgaline karşı mücadele vermişlerdi. Trablusgarp Harbinde İtalyan Kuvvetleri Osmanlı ordusuna karşı uçakları kullanmıştır. Henüz emekleme döneminde olan uçakların askerî amaçla harp meydanında etkin olarak kullanıldığı ilk savaş olmuş ve bu savaşta havacılık tarihinde ilk kez gerçekleşen havadan keşif ve hava bombardımanı gibi harekâtlar icra edilmişti. Bu çalışmada Trablusgarp harbi ve havacılık tarihinde gerçekleşen ilk hava harekâtları ele alınmıştır./Italy that participated in the race of colonialism at the end of XIXth century attacked the Ottoman Navy in the Mediterranean and Adriatic on September 29 of 1911 declaring war to occupy Tripoli, which was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. On October 5 of 1911, she started the first invasion in Ottoman lands by landing soldiers in Tripoli. Upon this invasion operation, volunteer Turkish officers, including Mustafa Kemal, went to Tripoli and organized the local population and fought against the Italian occupation. Italian forces utilized aircraft against the Ottoman army in the Tripoli War. It was the first war in which the aircraft, which were in their infancy period, were used effectively on the battlefield for military purposes and in this war, operations such as aerial reconnaissance and air bombardment, which were the first in aviation history, were carried out. In this study, the Tripoli war and the first air operations in aviation history have been discussed.
Orta Asya’da stratejik bir konumda olan Afganistan XIX. yüzyılın başlarından itibaren İngiltere v... more Orta Asya’da stratejik bir konumda olan Afganistan XIX. yüzyılın başlarından itibaren İngiltere ve Rusya’nın mücadele alanına dönüşmüştür. İngiltere, sömürgesi olan Hindistan’ı emniyete almak, Afganistan’ın ticari pazarlarına sahip olabilmek ve Rusya’yı Afganistan’ın kuzeyinde tutabilmek amacıyla Afganistan’ı iki kez işgal etmeye kalkışmışsa da Afgan halkının mücadelesi ile her ikisinde de başarısız olmuştur. İkinci Afgan savaşından sonra Abdurrahman Han ile yapılan antlaşma ile İngiliz-Afgan ilişkileri dostluk dönemine girmiştir. Abdurrahman Han İngiliz Kraliçesi Victoria tarafından resmi ziyaret için İngiltere’ye davet edilmiş, ancak sağlık sorunlarından dolayı ziyarete kendi yerine ikinci oğlu Nasrullah Han’ı İngiltere’ye göndermiştir. Nasrullah Han, İngiltere’de yoğun ilgiyle karşılanmış ve ziyareti İngiliz basınında büyük yer bulmuştur. Çalışmamızda Şehzade Nasrullah Han’ın İngiltere ziyaretinin Londra’da yayımlanan The Illustrated London News gazetesine yansıması ele alınmıştır.
British Orientalist James Silk Buckingham, who came to Syria from Egypt, Palestine and Jordan, wh... more British Orientalist James Silk Buckingham, who came to Syria from Egypt, Palestine and Jordan, whose travelogue “Travels in Mesopotamia”, contains very important information about the southern provinces of the Ottoman Empire. James Silk Buckingham visited the cities of Diyarbakır, Mardin, Mosul, Kifri and Baghdad, starting from the city of Urfa on June 4, 1816. The observations and evaluations he made about these cities in Mesopotamia region, which was under the borders and administration of the Ottoman State in XIXth century, are quite remarkable. The observations and evaluations of Buckingham with the orientalist point of view regarding the description of the cities, their locations, population, ethnic structure, beliefs, commercial and economic conditions, markets, socio-cultural structures, military assets, defenses and administrative structures are important for the history of the region. In this study, the information about the cities in Mesopotamia that Silk Buckingham gave in his travelogue has been tried to evaluate.
Tax is one of the important sources for states in maintaining its existence and serving its peopl... more Tax is one of the important sources for states in maintaining its existence and serving its people. The Ottoman Empire, whose borders spread to a very wide geography, developed a unique tax collection and collection system in order to maintain its existence like other states and to serve its population as members of various races, religions and sects. Tax collection and distribution had been realized through a financial organization established in accordance with the geographical structure of the state. In this tax system, constituting the social structure of the state the governing sector “askeri” was exempted from tax paying, but the ruled sector “reaya” accepted as taxpayer. The taxes were regulated according to religious and customary rules, according to Muslim non-Muslim nationality, and taxes were determined on condation of in times of peace and war, geography, and so on. Taxes were collected and transferred to the central budget by the procedures shaped according to the political, military and economic situation of the state. In this article, the Ottoman tax system and the taxes collected in different names and forms will be discussed within the Ottoman economic and social structure.
1. Uluslararası 20.y.y.'ın İlk Yarısında Türk-Ermeni İlişkileri Sempozyumu, 2019
Ahmed Serif Bey is a correspondent and writer of the newspaper of Tanin published in
İstanbul. Be... more Ahmed Serif Bey is a correspondent and writer of the newspaper of Tanin published in İstanbul. Between 1909-1914 He traveled along Anatolian provinces on behalf of Tanin and his observations were published in Newspaper Tanin. Ahmed Serif Bey’s one of the stops he visited during his visit along Anatolia was the Adana province, where the Armenian events took place in 1909, which has a historical, religious and strategic importance for the Armenians, and the Haçin district, which is today called Saimbeyli. Ahmed Serif Bey's visit to Adana and Haçin was published in a newspaper with a title “A Turkish Correspondent’s Views” called “The Orient”, which was the publication organ and informing about the activities of American Board Mission that established Protestant missionary activities schools, hospitals and orphanages aimed at mostly Armenian and Greek subjects in Ottoman geography. In this notification, Ahmed Serif Bey’s observations published in “The Orient” after 1909 Adana Incidents will be handled.
The British Government of India took a decision in 1838 to relinquish the Afghan ruler Dost Muham... more The British Government of India took a decision in 1838 to relinquish the Afghan ruler Dost Muhammad Khan, whom he claimed to be approaching Russia and Iran, and to return Shah Sjuha, the ex-emperor Shah, who was in exile, to the throne. In order to emphasize this determination, an agreement was signed between the parties with Sind's ruler Ranjit Singh and Shah Sjuha in Tripatrie. The armies of one of the British and allies shipped to Kabul via Peshawar-Jalalabad from the Bolan Pass through Kandahar Ghaznah and the other through the Khyber Pass occupied Kabul in a short period of time. Dost Muhammad Khan was removed from power and in place of him Shah Sjuha who was under British patronage was throned. However the Afghan people who were not satisfied with the attitudes and behaviors of the occupation army in the neighboring provinces started a great struggle in a short period of time. National forces headed by Mohammad Akbar Khan, the son of Dost Mohammad Khan and the other important Serdars forced the army of the occupation to withdraw from Afghanistan giving them big casualties in a short time. The British army, which agreed to retreat, was virtually destroyed by the attacks of the tribes in the steep and narrow passages of Afghanistan. In this study, the causes and consequences of the British Afghan War that occurred between 1839-1842 were tried to be put forward.
TÜRKKÜM 2018, Uluslararası Türk Kültürü ve Medeniyeti Kongresi, 2018
Orientalism which gained momentum especially in XIXth century encompasses all of the scientific a... more Orientalism which gained momentum especially in XIXth century encompasses all of the scientific activities that Western civilization has developed to discover and familiarize the Orient. The curiosity of getting to know the Orient has started from the socio-cultural level and gradually increased to the level of economy, politics, occupation and seizure. For this purpose, many orientalists from Western societies have been sent to the East, mainly to Asia and Africa, and these orientalists have accomplished general investigations and private researches in their own fields of science in the regions they have visited. The information that Orientalists have gained satisfied the curiosity of the Western civilization and at the same time enabled them to get information about socio-cultural, demographic, economic, geographical and military information of the regions. Charles Masson is one of the Orientalists who traveled to Eastern civilizations. Charles Masson is an archaeologist, numismatics and intelligence agent who has made extensive archaeological investigations in the cities of Bagram, and Kabul in Afghanistan between 1832 and 1838, especially on Buddhist settlement areas, revealing archaeological information and coin collections in the region. Charles Masson, a soldier of the Bengal Regiment of Artillery, based in the East India Company, closely examined the Ghiljis who lived in the region of Candahar, Ghuznee, Jalalabad and Kabul during his time in Afghanistan. In his observations, he made determinations towards the regions where they lived, their origins, characters and their military power.
The travelogue of Portuguese historian and traveler Pedro (Peter) Teixeira who traveled from Indi... more The travelogue of Portuguese historian and traveler Pedro (Peter) Teixeira who traveled from India to Italy by land titled The Travels of Peter Teixeira from India to Italy by Land narrates the journey that began from Goa in February of 1604 and continued to Venice via Hurmuz-Basra over Mediterranean Sea at the beginning of early XVIIth century. Teixeira visited Basra, Najaf, Karbala, Baghdad, Ana, Aleppo, Antioch, Alexandretta and Cyprus during this journey. The information about the Ottoman State’s southern provinces given by him just at the beginning of XVIIth century is quite remarkable. Especially, the information about the description of the cities, population, ethnic structures, religious faith, historical structures, military existence, administrative and financial organizations are both important historically and accepted as examples of orientalist perspective in terms of early period. In our study, we have tried to evaluate the travelogue of Pedro Teixeira and the information about the southern provinces of The Ottoman State on the route.
İnönü University International Journal of Social Sciences, 2016
In this article, changing and modernizations in realm of Internal Affairs in Ottoman Empire durin... more In this article, changing and modernizations in realm of Internal Affairs in Ottoman Empire during XIXth century have been examined. Ottoman Empire, coming on verge of disintegration with Karlowitz and Passarowitz treaties, started to implement reforms in order to prevent the country from disintegration. These reforms have been first made in military field. After the military reforms that have been made, it emerged that these reforms were not sufficient and other reforms in administrative field, an unavoidable part of social and economical life, must be done, too. These reforms started with Tanzimat and went on with Meşrutiyet. With these reforms central and provincial administrative systems have been reformed.
Papers by A. Sami Tekin
İngilizler, Doğu Hindistan Ticaret Şirketi marifetiyle bölgeyi
sömürgeleri haline getirmişler ve zamanla askeri güçlerini de
genişleterek bölgenin hâkimi olmuşlardır. Bölgenin artan önemi ve
Rusların sıcak denizlere inmek üzere Ceyhun kıyılarına ulaşmaları
Hindistan’ın kuzey sınırını oluşturan Afganistan’ı jeopolitik olarak
daha da önemli hale getirmiştir. İngilizler olası Rus işgaline karşı
Afganistan’ı etki alanına almak istemiş ve bölgeye Mountstuart
Elphinstone, Charles Masson ve Alexander Burnes gibi Doğu
Hindistan Ticaret Şirketi mensubu oryantalistlerini göndererek bu
ülke hakkında tafsilatlı bilgiler toplamışlardır. Oryantalistlerin
topladığı bu bilgiler sayesinde 1839 yılında Afganistan’ı kolaylıkla
işgal eden İngilizler, Afgan halkının üç yıllık direnişi sonucunda bu
ülkeden mağlup bir şekilde çekilmişlerdir. Ancak İngilizler bu
mağlubiyete rağmen istihbarat faaliyetlerine devam etmiş ve 1878
yılında ikinci kez Afganistan’ı işgal etmekten çekinmemişlerdir. Bu
işgal öncesi ve sırasında İngiliz oryantalistler bölgede görev yapmış
ve çok önemli istihbarat bilgilerini merkeze aktarmışlardır. İkinci
İngiliz-Afgan Savaşı’nda Afganistan’da gözlemlerde bulunan ve savaş
muhabiri olarak işgale katılan oryantalistlerden birisi de Phil
Robinson’dur. Bu çalışmada Robinson’un Afganistan’ın coğrafyası,
etnik yapısı, yönetim şekli, ordusu ve sosyo-ekonomik durumuyla
ilgili topladığı bilgiler ve İngiliz hükümetine sunduğu rapor konu
İstanbul. Between 1909-1914 He traveled along Anatolian provinces on behalf of Tanin and his observations were published in Newspaper Tanin. Ahmed Serif Bey’s one of the stops he visited during his visit along Anatolia was the Adana province, where the Armenian events took place in 1909, which has a historical, religious and strategic importance for the Armenians, and the Haçin district, which is today called Saimbeyli. Ahmed Serif Bey's visit to Adana and Haçin was published in a newspaper with a title “A Turkish Correspondent’s Views” called “The Orient”, which was the publication organ and informing about the activities of American Board Mission that established Protestant missionary activities schools, hospitals and orphanages aimed at mostly Armenian and Greek subjects in Ottoman geography. In this notification, Ahmed Serif Bey’s observations published in “The Orient” after 1909 Adana Incidents will be handled.
gained satisfied the curiosity of the Western civilization and at the same time enabled them to get information about socio-cultural, demographic, economic, geographical and military information of the regions. Charles Masson is one of the Orientalists who traveled to Eastern civilizations. Charles Masson is an archaeologist, numismatics and intelligence agent who has made extensive archaeological investigations in the cities of Bagram, and Kabul in Afghanistan between 1832 and 1838, especially on Buddhist settlement areas, revealing archaeological information and coin collections in the region. Charles Masson, a soldier of the Bengal Regiment of Artillery, based in the East India Company, closely examined the Ghiljis who lived in the region of Candahar, Ghuznee, Jalalabad and Kabul during his time in Afghanistan. In his observations, he made determinations towards the regions where they lived, their origins, characters and their military power.
systems have been reformed.
İngilizler, Doğu Hindistan Ticaret Şirketi marifetiyle bölgeyi
sömürgeleri haline getirmişler ve zamanla askeri güçlerini de
genişleterek bölgenin hâkimi olmuşlardır. Bölgenin artan önemi ve
Rusların sıcak denizlere inmek üzere Ceyhun kıyılarına ulaşmaları
Hindistan’ın kuzey sınırını oluşturan Afganistan’ı jeopolitik olarak
daha da önemli hale getirmiştir. İngilizler olası Rus işgaline karşı
Afganistan’ı etki alanına almak istemiş ve bölgeye Mountstuart
Elphinstone, Charles Masson ve Alexander Burnes gibi Doğu
Hindistan Ticaret Şirketi mensubu oryantalistlerini göndererek bu
ülke hakkında tafsilatlı bilgiler toplamışlardır. Oryantalistlerin
topladığı bu bilgiler sayesinde 1839 yılında Afganistan’ı kolaylıkla
işgal eden İngilizler, Afgan halkının üç yıllık direnişi sonucunda bu
ülkeden mağlup bir şekilde çekilmişlerdir. Ancak İngilizler bu
mağlubiyete rağmen istihbarat faaliyetlerine devam etmiş ve 1878
yılında ikinci kez Afganistan’ı işgal etmekten çekinmemişlerdir. Bu
işgal öncesi ve sırasında İngiliz oryantalistler bölgede görev yapmış
ve çok önemli istihbarat bilgilerini merkeze aktarmışlardır. İkinci
İngiliz-Afgan Savaşı’nda Afganistan’da gözlemlerde bulunan ve savaş
muhabiri olarak işgale katılan oryantalistlerden birisi de Phil
Robinson’dur. Bu çalışmada Robinson’un Afganistan’ın coğrafyası,
etnik yapısı, yönetim şekli, ordusu ve sosyo-ekonomik durumuyla
ilgili topladığı bilgiler ve İngiliz hükümetine sunduğu rapor konu
İstanbul. Between 1909-1914 He traveled along Anatolian provinces on behalf of Tanin and his observations were published in Newspaper Tanin. Ahmed Serif Bey’s one of the stops he visited during his visit along Anatolia was the Adana province, where the Armenian events took place in 1909, which has a historical, religious and strategic importance for the Armenians, and the Haçin district, which is today called Saimbeyli. Ahmed Serif Bey's visit to Adana and Haçin was published in a newspaper with a title “A Turkish Correspondent’s Views” called “The Orient”, which was the publication organ and informing about the activities of American Board Mission that established Protestant missionary activities schools, hospitals and orphanages aimed at mostly Armenian and Greek subjects in Ottoman geography. In this notification, Ahmed Serif Bey’s observations published in “The Orient” after 1909 Adana Incidents will be handled.
gained satisfied the curiosity of the Western civilization and at the same time enabled them to get information about socio-cultural, demographic, economic, geographical and military information of the regions. Charles Masson is one of the Orientalists who traveled to Eastern civilizations. Charles Masson is an archaeologist, numismatics and intelligence agent who has made extensive archaeological investigations in the cities of Bagram, and Kabul in Afghanistan between 1832 and 1838, especially on Buddhist settlement areas, revealing archaeological information and coin collections in the region. Charles Masson, a soldier of the Bengal Regiment of Artillery, based in the East India Company, closely examined the Ghiljis who lived in the region of Candahar, Ghuznee, Jalalabad and Kabul during his time in Afghanistan. In his observations, he made determinations towards the regions where they lived, their origins, characters and their military power.
systems have been reformed.