Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti meneliti tentang analisa cluster dan association rule pada data web log server dengan studi kasus pada data web log server di situs www.fschool.us. Analisis cluster digunakan untuk... more
Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti meneliti tentang analisa cluster dan association rule pada data web log server dengan studi kasus pada data web log server di situs www.fschool.us. Analisis cluster digunakan untuk mengidentifikasikan kelompok alamat IP berdasarkan content yang di-click, sedangkan association rule digunakan untuk mengidentifikasikan pola hubungan click alamat IP dengan content yang di click berdasarkan data web log server pada situs www.fschool.us. Hasil analisis dalam penelitian tersebut bisa digunakan dalam meningkatkan kualitas desain dan pelayanan website.
Kata Kunci: Data Web Log Server, Analisis Cluster, Association Rule, Website.
Sebuah kebijakan publik akan efektif jika publik mendukungnya. Hal yang sama berlaku dalam konteks wabah Covid-19. Sejauh ini belum ada studi tentang kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia, khususnya terkait Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar... more
Sebuah kebijakan publik akan efektif jika publik mendukungnya. Hal yang sama berlaku dalam konteks wabah Covid-19. Sejauh ini belum ada studi tentang kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia, khususnya terkait Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB), dan kepatuhan warga terhadapnya. Tulisan ini mengisi kekosongan tersebut dengan bertumpu pada hasil penelitian opini publik nasional tentang sikap dan perilaku publik terkait PSBB dan protokol kesehatan. Hasilnya adalah perilaku dan sikap pada kebijakan tersebut berhubungan dengan latar belakang perilaku politik, kepercayaan pada kemampuan pemerintah menangani Covid-19, status pekerjaan, pendapatan, pendidikan, agama, dan gender. PSBB tidak akan efektif karena jumlah warga yang harus bekerja di luar rumah sangat banyak. Sebaliknya, memberikan subsidi pada warga agar tidak bekerja selama pandemi tetapi tidak jelas kapan akan berakhir, tentu bukan kebijakan yang realistis. Untuk itu, kebijakan mengubah PSBB dengan kembali membolehkan warga bekerja...
Perpindahan merek (brand switching) majalah berita mingguan (MBM) akibat kelangkaan produk di pasur sering kali terjadi. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah persepsi konsumen yang tetap merasa terpenuhi kebutuhannya dengun membeIi majalah lain.... more
Perpindahan merek (brand switching) majalah berita mingguan (MBM) akibat kelangkaan produk di pasur sering kali terjadi. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah persepsi konsumen yang tetap merasa terpenuhi kebutuhannya dengun membeIi majalah lain. Dalam ...
Metode Statistika merupakan salah satu mata kuliah interdept IPB, oleh karena itu, perlu diadakan evaluasi untuk mengetahui preferensi atau keinginan mahasiswa terhadap mata kuliah tersebut. Analisis konjoin merupakan analisis yang dapat... more
Metode Statistika merupakan salah satu mata kuliah interdept IPB, oleh karena itu, perlu diadakan evaluasi untuk mengetahui preferensi atau keinginan mahasiswa terhadap mata kuliah tersebut. Analisis konjoin merupakan analisis yang dapat digunakan untuk ...
The chili is an important commodity in Indonesia, which has a fairly large price fluctuations. Fluctuations in prices often raises the risk of loss even have contributed to inflation. Chili price data is time series data that is not... more
The chili is an important commodity in Indonesia, which has a fairly large price fluctuations. Fluctuations in prices often raises the risk of loss even have contributed to inflation. Chili price data is time series data that is not independent between observations (autocorrelation) and do not spread to normal. In addition, chili price data does not have the diversity of homogeneous data. One method that can be used to predict the pattern of the data is spline regression. The data used in this study is data the average weekly price of chili in Jakarta from January, 2010 to October, 2015. The best spline model is a second order spline models with three knots. The model has a value of Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 9.57% and determination coefficient of 86.41%. The model obtained in this research is already well in predicting the pattern of the chili price, but it was only able to predict well for a period of one month. Prediction chili prices in Jakarta for November are in ...
This study investigates the financial behavior and preferences of the bottom of the pyramid (BOP) group, and thus, contributes to the financial inclusion demand-side literature. A survey of 100 households was conducted. A cluster analysis... more
This study investigates the financial behavior and preferences of the bottom of the pyramid (BOP) group, and thus, contributes to the financial inclusion demand-side literature. A survey of 100 households was conducted. A cluster analysis was used to analyze the data and portray the characteristics of the BOP. Further analysis was conducted using chi-square and ANOVA tests. The results reveal three sub-groups within the BOP which consists of the very low, low, and medium. Financial behaviors are found to be indifferent among the sub-groups, except for savings allocations and financial planning. Households with a better economic condition are found to have a higher attention to use banking services. The financial literacy category indicates different attitudes in conducting long-term financial planning and service preferences. This result implies that financial literacy and adequate financial products are beneficial towards the financial inclusion of the BOP group.
The economy is shifting into the digital economy and to overcome it, the banking industry competes through innovation and digital strategy. Smartphone-based mobile banking is the key component of the digital strategy with 70% of the banks... more
The economy is shifting into the digital economy and to overcome it, the banking industry competes through innovation and digital strategy. Smartphone-based mobile banking is the key component of the digital strategy with 70% of the banks agree to focus their strategy on mass customer segment (PWC, 2017).The purposes of the study are to identify the predicting factors influencing the intention to use mobile banking and empirically validate a model explaining the behavioral intention to use it, especially on the Bottom of Pyramid (BOP) segment. The model used was Structural Equation Model (SEM) based on Partial Least Square (PLS). The data used for developing the model was based on a survey to 100 BOP households.The results of this study show that the variables that have the highest significant effect on BOP’s customer intention to use mobile banking are involuntary barriers, followed by perceived risk, and attitude. This result can be further used by researchers and mobile banking p...
This paper presents a useful tool to help universities to increasing the level of their graduate outcome by using the information about social network among students. Such a quantitative tool is a sociogram which depicts how students... more
This paper presents a useful tool to help universities to increasing the level of their graduate outcome by using the information about social network among students. Such a quantitative tool is a sociogram which depicts how students interact with others. The graph can be easily generated when the pattern of the connectivity among individuals is known. We apply sociogram to portray the network of a class of students in Department of Statistics – Bogor Agricultural University which represent the way they interact when they want to discuss the academic related problems. We found some interesting results are practically valuable for the one who is responsible to the study result of the students. Some results are not new, but this approach could provide more informative features than conventional tables or such things. Keywords : sociogram, social network analysis
Regresi Komponen Utama (RKU) merupakan salah satu analisis regresi yang menggunakan komponen utama untuk mengatasi adanya multikolinearitas pada regresi berganda. Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) biasanya digunakan untuk menduga ...
Statistical Methods (STK211) is an interdept course under coordination of Statistic Departement Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Bogor Agricultural University (BAU). The final grade received by student who follow... more
Statistical Methods (STK211) is an interdept course under coordination of Statistic Departement Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Bogor Agricultural University (BAU). The final grade received by student who follow Statistical Methods is measurement in ordinal scale, that is A, B, C, D and E. In the 2008/2009 academic year there are 7 parallel classes in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, BAU. By considering the hierarchical structure contained in the score of student achievement data, the student (first level) is nested in a parallel class (second level), hence this study used multilevel ordinal logistic regression analysis to model the final score of Statistical Methods with the factors that influence it. Explanatory variables that significantly affect the final score of Statistical Methods are the GPA of TPB (student’s first year of college) and gender, with the variability of the intercepts across parallel classes in t...