Kabupaten Solok memiliki potensi perikanan yang mumpuni dalam bidang penangkapan, budidaya dan pe... more Kabupaten Solok memiliki potensi perikanan yang mumpuni dalam bidang penangkapan, budidaya dan pengolahan. Potensi perikanan dapat dikembangkan dengan cara meningkatkan peranan sumber daya manusia yang menjadi motor penggerak bagi aspek perikanan. Tujuan praktik keahlian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi potensi perikanan dan permasalahannya di Kecamatan Junjuang Sirih. Hasil identifikasi wilayah perikanan diharapkan dapat bermanfaat dijadikan acuan dalam menentukan kegiatan penyuluhan melalui aksi penyuluhan yang tepat. Praktik keahlian dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1 sampai dengan 30 Oktober 2019. Metode penelitian menggunakan Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) yang melibatkan masyarakat dalam merumuskan permasalahan. Penentuan jumlah responden diperoleh dengan metode Snowball yaitu menemui tokoh masyarakat/ pamong desa, setelah itu diarahkan menemui pelaku utama dan anggota kelompok perikanan yang ada di desa sampel yang aktif sebagai responden. Didapatkan 15 responden. Data primer mela...
Pemalang is one of the sub-districts in the Pemalang district which has considerable fishery pote... more Pemalang is one of the sub-districts in the Pemalang district which has considerable fishery potential. One area of business is the processing of fisheries. Products in each group vary, such a fish thrown, salted fish, fish cake, and fish chips. Identifying the problem hasn’t added to the variety of fisheries processing products. Packaging is less attractive. The purpose of research is to increase knowledge, skill, and attitude through outsourcing activities about product diversification and the marketing strategy. The study was carried out on 2nd March – 15 Mei 2020. Counseling methods with group meetings, demonstrations of tutorials, lectures, and group discussion with the aim of Wanita Gemari Poklahsar. Counseling activities include (1) diversification of processed fish, (2) marketing strategy through packaging designs, and (3) counseling about online marketing. The T-test conducted with SPSS shows a significant value of 0,000, which indicates that the counseling activities have ...
Cigasong District has fisheries potential like poklahsars. Poklahsar produces rebon shrimp brittl... more Cigasong District has fisheries potential like poklahsars. Poklahsar produces rebon shrimp brittle and carp. The development of fisheries potential can be done by diversifying processed fish. The research aims to study (1)changes in knowledge, attitudes, and skills of poklahsar after counseling on diversification of processed fisheries; (2) the process of adopting innovations; (3) the group that adopts the best innovation. Counseling was carried out using a demonstration method of diversification of processed fish. Respondents are members of poklahsar Sehati, Mitra Harapan and Pandawa Opat. Responses were observed using questionnaires, interviews, and observations; the data is displayed descriptively and simple tabulations are diagrams. The results showed; (1) an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills in the whole poklahsar; (2) the process of adopting innovations in each group is different; (3) the results of the evaluation of the adoption of krispi eel innovation in poklahsar...
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal, 2018
Presence of browning or black-spot in fresh foods can adversely affect consumer acceptance. Onion... more Presence of browning or black-spot in fresh foods can adversely affect consumer acceptance. Onion has been reported to exert inhibitory activity against browning reaction. This research aimed to uncover the mechanism and identify active compounds in onion responsible for PPO inhibitors based on metabolomic approach. Onion was fractioned using different solvents, i.e n-hexane; chloroform; ethyl acetate; water, respectively. As a result, ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) of the onion demonstrated the strongest inhibition to PPO in comparison with other fractions, i.e. n-hexane, chloroform, and water. The reversible inhibitory activity of PPO by EAF occurred with presence of L-DOPA as substrate through competitive inhibition and Cu chelation in the active side of the PPO. Based on 1H-NMR (X) score plot and PPO inhibition (Y) using OPLS, NMR signals revealed that active compounds accounting for inhibition of PPO included quercetin, kaempferol, cyanidin 3.4’-di-O-β-glucopyranoside, quercetin ...
Increased volume and high export value of frozen snapper products in Indonesia, can produce scrap... more Increased volume and high export value of frozen snapper products in Indonesia, can produce scrap meat that can be processed into high nutritional products. Fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) is produced from an enzymatic process using the alcalase enzyme, which contains peptides and amino acids that can be applied to other derived products. The aim of this study is to produce FPH on a scale up production, determine the characteristics of raw materials and FPH products. The method used is the enzymatic hydrolysis process, which uses alcalase enzyme at 55 C with 20.000 U/kg substrate of enzyme concentration for 7 hours. The parameters measured are the degree of hydrolysis (DH), yield, proximate analysis, and the amount of amino acids in raw materials and FPH. DH value was 71.88% ± 6.48 at the 7 hour and based on the ANOVA results the P-value < 0.05, so that the measurement at 0 7 hours shows a significantly different DH value. The yield of FPH was 89.30%, the protein content of raw ma...
The technological aspect in fish farming becomes an essential factor associated with meat quality... more The technological aspect in fish farming becomes an essential factor associated with meat quality. The present work aimed to investigate the effects of water exchange and protein content on carcass composition, ratio, color and growth performance of striped catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. The experiment was arranged according to a 2 × 2 factorial design: water exchange at 0 and 100% day-1 (treatments W0 and W100, respectively) and feed protein at 16 and 32% (treatments P16 and P32, respectively). The results showed that the water quality fitted the requirement for fish growth: the plankton abundance in W0 was higher than in the treatment W100. The protein content of the flesh was significantly higher in treatment P32 than in treatment P16. Conversely, the fat content of the flesh was significantly higher in treatment P16 than in treatment P32. All the treatments revealed a significant effect on the carcass ratio, in which the highest weight was found in both treatments, P32 and W100. The highest yellowness (b*) score of the fillet was found in treatments P16 and W0. In addition, the redness (a*) value was found higher in treatment P32 than in treatment P16. The protein levels had a significant difference in the weight gain and SGR of the fish, while the water exchange did not significantly affect them. The survival rate did not significantly differ among treatments, while the FCR in treatment P32 was lower than in treatment P16. The water exchange could be applied to improve the P. hypophthalmus meat quality by inducing a color improvement.
Pemalang is one of the sub-districts in the Pemalang district which has considerable fishery pote... more Pemalang is one of the sub-districts in the Pemalang district which has considerable fishery potential. One area of business is the processing of fisheries. Products in each group vary, such a fish thrown, salted fish, fish cake, and fish chips. Identifying the problem hasn't added to the variety of fisheries processing products. Packaging is less attractive. The purpose of research is to increase knowledge, skill, and attitude through outsourcing activities about product diversification and the marketing strategy. The study was carried out on 2 nd March-15 Mei 2020. Counseling methods with group meetings, demonstrations of tutorials, lectures, and group discussion with the aim of Wanita Gemari Poklahsar. Counseling activities include (1) diversification of processed fish, (2) marketing strategy through packaging designs, and (3) counseling about online marketing. The T-test conducted with SPSS shows a significant value of 0,000, which indicates that the counseling activities have a substantial effect on improving the aspects of respondents' knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ikan dan Periakanan Perairan Darat, Jambi, 17 Juli 2019, 2019
Kegiatan pembesaran ikan cupang hias di tingkat pembudidaya ikan, nampaknya mampu memberi peluang... more Kegiatan pembesaran ikan cupang hias di tingkat pembudidaya ikan, nampaknya mampu memberi peluang usaha yang menjajikan, jika dilakukan dengan baik. Salah satu uapaya guna memperoleh hasil pada kegiatan pembesaran adalah peningkatan penambahan bobot ikan cupang. Karenanya dilakukan penelitian pemberian pakan yang berbeda untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan ikan cupang pada kelompok pembudidaya ikan (Pokdakan) Mina Hasanah di Kecamatan Karangtengah, Kabupaten Cianjur. Pilihan Pakan yang berbeda dalam penelitian ini adalah: Daphnia sp, cacing sutra (Tubivex sp.) dan pakan buatan: pellet. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 20 Maret-20 Mei 2019. Metode penelitian adalah dempond untuk aspek teknis, analisa usaha untuk aspek bisnis dan wawancara mengunakan kuesioner untuk aspek penyuluhan. Hasil yang diperoleh untuk aspek teknis adalah pertumbuhan relatif terbaik dihasilkan dari perlakuan B pemberian pakan menggunakan cacing sutra (Tubivex sp.) 76%, dengan tingkat kelangsungan hidup teringgi 84%. Untuk aspek bisnis, diperoleh keuntungan terbesar pada perlakuan B sebesar Rp. 137.361 per siklus, dengan R/C sebesar 1,4. Untuk aspek penyuluhan, terjadi peningkatan tertinggi untuk nilai keterampilan sebesar 40%; serta sebanyak 40% sasaran mulai emnerapkan hasil oenyuluhan pada minggu kesembilan.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penyuluhan dan Perikanan II, tanggal 5 September 2019, Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan, Kampus Jurusan Penyuluhan Perikanan, Bogor, 2019
ABSTRAK Hasil samping industri perikanan memiliki komposisi gizi tidak jauh berbeda dengan ikan s... more ABSTRAK Hasil samping industri perikanan memiliki komposisi gizi tidak jauh berbeda dengan ikan segar karena kualitas produksinya terjaga sehingga terhindar dari penurunan mutu. Hasil samping tersebut berpotensi menghasilkan produk yang memiliki nilai tambah. Tujuan penulisan adalah mengkaji potensi pemanfaatan hasil samping industri perikanan untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah sebagai bahan baku penyedap rasa. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi literatur yang mendalam dari beberapa jurnal penelitian sepuluh tahun terakhir. Hasil samping perikanan dapat dihidrolisis secara enzimatis menjadi hidrolisat protein ikan (HPI). Karakteristik organoleptik HPI adalah rasa yang savory, sehingga berpotensi memanfatkan HPI sebagai produk alternatif penyedap rasa alami yang aman. HPI dari ikan berasal dari protein yang mempunyai beberapa kelebihan secara fungsional. HPI dapat menambah cita rasa, kelarutan tinggi dalam air, serta pembentuk tekstur dan kualitas bahan pangan karena memiliki daya cerna protein tinggi, kandungan asam amino lengkap, dan protein tinggi. Secara perinsip proses pembuatan HPI diperoleh dari memecah satu molekul protein menjadi senyawa lebih sederhana seperti asam amino atau peptida-peptida rantai pendek. Hpi dapat diproduksi skala laboratorium dan industri menggunakan media pelarut asam, basa atau menggunakan enzim protease sebagai penghidrolisisnya. Tahapan pembuatan HPI secara enzimatis adalah membuat substrat dengan menambahkan aquades dan enzim, hidrolisis, inaktifasi enzim, sentrifugasi dan drying. Kesimpulan dari kajian ini yaitu hasil samping industri perikanan berpotensi dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku utama pembuatan penyedap rasa, sehingga perlu adanya penelitian pemanfaatan hasil samping industri perikanan untuk memproduksi penyedap rasa dengan metode optimasinya, formulasi dan menguji atribut mutu yang dapat diterima konsumen. Kata kunci: Enzim, hasil samping, hidrolisat protein ikan, proses hidrolisis ABSTRACT The by product of the fishing industry has a nutritional composition not much different from fresh fish because the quality of production is maintained so as to avoid a decrease in quality. These by-products have the potential to produce products that have added value. The purpose of writing is to examine the potential byproducts of the fishing industry as raw material for flavoring. The method used is a deep literature study from several research journals of the past 10 years. Fishery by-products can be hydrolyzed into fish protein hydrolyzate (HPI). HPI is a safe alternative product for natural flavoring as a substitute for commercial flavorings. The advantages of fish protein functional compounds can add flavor, high solubility in water, as well as forming the texture and quality of food because it has a high protein digestibility, complete amino acid content, and high protein. HPI is produced from the hydrolysis process, breaking one molecule into simpler compounds that are produced in laboratory and industrial scales using acid, base or using a protease enzyme as a hydrolyzing agent. The stages of making enzymatic HPI are making substrates by adding aquadest and enzymes, hydrolysis, enzyme inactivation, centrifugation and drying. The conclusion of this study is that the byproducts of the fishing industry have the potential to be used as the main raw material for flavoring, so there is a need to research the use of fishery industry byproducts to produce flavorings with its optimization methods, formulations and testing quality attributes that can be accepted by consumers. PENDAHULUAN Pengertian industri perikanan adalah mencakup semua usaha dan kegiatan di bidang ekonomi yang sifatnya produktif dengan mentranformasikan bahan-bahan hasil perikanan sebagai input menjadi produk komersial yang memiliki nilai tambah atau nilai ekonomi lebih
Cigasong District has fisheries potential like poklahsars. Poklahsar produces rebon shrimp brittl... more Cigasong District has fisheries potential like poklahsars. Poklahsar produces rebon shrimp brittle and carp. The development of fisheries potential can be done by diversifying processed fish. The research aims to study (1)changes in knowledge, attitudes, and skills of poklahsar after counseling on diversification of processed fisheries; (2) the process of adopting innovations; (3) the group that adopts the best innovation. Counseling was carried out using a demonstration method of diversification of processed fish. Respondents are members of poklahsar Sehati, Mitra Harapan and Pandawa Opat. Responses were observed using questionnaires, interviews, and observations; the data is displayed descriptively and simple tabulations are diagrams. The results showed; (1) an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills in the whole poklahsar; (2) the process of adopting innovations in each group is different; (3) the results of the evaluation of the adoption of krispi eel innovation in poklahsar Sehati have the highest value of attitude change that is 10 and the value of knowledge 4, faster to implement than other poklahsar that is on the 5th week by two respondents from seven respondents, the 6th week the number of adopters increased into seven people and included in the early adopter category.
Cigasong District has fisheries potential like poklahsars. Poklahsar produces rebon shrimp brittl... more Cigasong District has fisheries potential like poklahsars. Poklahsar produces rebon shrimp brittle and carp. The development of fisheries potential can be done by diversifying processed fish. The research aims to study (1)changes in knowledge, attitudes, and skills of poklahsar after counseling on diversification of processed fisheries; (2) the process of adopting innovations; (3) the group that adopts the best innovation. Counseling was carried out using a demonstration method of diversification of processed fish. Respondents are members of poklahsar Sehati, Mitra Harapan and Pandawa Opat. Responses were observed using questionnaires, interviews, and observations; the data is displayed descriptively and simple tabulations are diagrams. The results showed; (1) an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills in the whole poklahsar; (2) the process of adopting innovations in each group is different; (3) the results of the evaluation of the adoption of krispi eel innovation in poklahsar Sehati have the highest value of attitude change that is 10 and the value of knowledge 4, faster to implement than other poklahsar that is on the 5th week by two respondents from seven respondents, the 6th week the number of adopters increased into seven people and included in the early adopter category.
Increased volume and high export value of frozen snapper products in Indonesia, can produce scrap... more Increased volume and high export value of frozen snapper products in Indonesia, can produce scrap meat that can be processed into high nutritional products. Fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) is produced from an enzymatic process using the alcalase enzyme, which contains peptides and amino acids that can be applied to other derived products. The aim of this study is to produce FPH on a scale up production, determine the characteristics of raw materials and FPH products. The method used is the enzymatic hydrolysis process, which uses alcalase enzyme at 55 0 C with 20.000 U/kg substrate of enzyme concentration for 7 hours. The parameters measured are the degree of hydrolysis (DH), yield, proximate analysis, and the amount of amino acids in raw materials and FPH. DH value was 71.88% ± 6.48 at the 7 th hour and based on the ANOVA results the P-value < 0.05, so that the measurement at 0-7 hours shows a significantly different DH value. The yield of FPH was 89.30%, the protein content of raw materials 81.93% ± 1.39 and FPH 95.30% ± 0.73. Snapper scrap meat and FPH contain glutamic acid as a non-essential amino acid and lysine as an essential amino acid. The conclusion of this study is that snapper meat has good potential as a raw material for FPH because it contains essential amino acids needed by the human body.
Current research in Nutrition and Food Science, 2018
Presence of browning or black-spot in fresh foods can adversely affect consumer acceptance. Onion... more Presence of browning or black-spot in fresh foods can adversely affect consumer acceptance. Onion has been reported to exert inhibitory activity against browning reaction. This research aimed to uncover the mechanism and identify active compounds in onion responsible for PPO inhibitors based on metabolomic approach. Onion was fractioned using different solvents, i.e n-hexane; chloroform; ethyl acetate; water, respectively. As a result, ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) of the onion demonstrated the strongest inhibition to PPO in comparison with other fractions, i.e. n-hexane, chloroform, and water. The reversible inhibitory activity of PPO by EAF occurred with presence of L-DOPA as substrate through competitive inhibition and Cu chelation in the active side of the PPO. Based on 1H-NMR (X) score plot and PPO inhibition (Y) using OPLS, NMR signals revealed that active compounds accounting for inhibition of PPO included quercetin
Blackening is a problem occurring in crustaceans, such as shrimps, during post-mortem storage. Al... more Blackening is a problem occurring in crustaceans, such as shrimps, during post-mortem storage. Although blackspot seems to be harmless to consumers, it decreases the product's market value, consu-mer's acceptance and causes a considerable financial loss. The objective of the study was to determine the best Allium extracts from five Allium types with the ability to inhibit blackspot and apply the extracts on vannamei shrimp. The five types of Allium were red onion (Allium cepa L. var Aggregatum), garlic (Allium sativum), yellow onion (Allium cepa Linneaus), leek (Allium fistulosum) and chives (Allium schoenoprasum L). Extraction of Allium was conducted using 80% methanol as the solvent. The dry extracts were tested in vitro using a commercial polyphenol oxidase (PPO) enzyme and a melanosis test was conducted on vannamei shrimp treated with the extracts and stored at 0°C for 10 days. The results showed that the highest inhibition of blackspot formation was obtained by red onion extract at 69.79±1.91% and the lowest was by garlic extract at 14.06±1.41%. The shrimps dipped in red onion extract had the lowest melanosis values and browning index values at 5.1±0.8 and 16.76±0.94, respectively. Red onion extract had the best ability to inhibit blackspot and has the potential to be used in shrimp. ABSTRAK Peristiwa blackspot adalah terbentuknya warna hitam pada udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) yang terjadi selama penanganan pasca panen dan penyimpanan dingin. Blackspot menyebabkan penu-runan kualitas sensori yang mengakibatkan jatuhnya harga, sehingga memerlukan bahan tambahan yang dapat menghambat laju pembentukan blackspot. Tujuan penelitian adalah menentukan ekstrak bawang terbaik dari lima jenis bawang (Allium) yang mempunyai kemampuan menghambat blackspot pada udang vaname. Kelima jenis bawang tersebut adalah bawang merah (Allium cepa L. var Aggregatum), bawang putih (Allium sativum), bawang bombai (Allium cepa Linnaeus), bawang daun (Allium fistulosum), bawang lokio (Allium schoenoprasum L.). Ekstraksi bawang menggunakan pelarut metanol 80%. Ekstrak kering diuji kemampuan antiblackspot secara in vitro menggunakan enzim polifenol oksidase (PPO) komersial dan diaplikasikan pada udang vaname yang disimpan pada suhu 0°C selama 10 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada penyimpanan hari ke-10, ekstrak bawang merah menghambat aktivitas enzim PPO tertinggi yaitu 69,78±1,91%, dibandingan dengan ekstrak bawang lainnya. Udang yang direndam meng-gunakan ekstrak bawang merah mempunyai nilai melanosis dan Indeks browning terendah berturut-turut yaitu 5,1±0,8 dan 16,76±0,94. Ekstrak bawang merah mempunyai kemampuan menghambat blackspot terbaik dan berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai ingredien pangan yang berfungsi antiblackspot pada bahan pangan segar. Kata kunci: blackspot, bawang, enzim PPO, udang vaname PENDAHULUAN1 Pembentukan browning atau blackspot biasa-nya terjadi pada bahan pangan segar yang tidak di-tangani dengan baik. Istilah browning terjadi pada *Penulis Korespondensi: E-mail: dsukarno@apps.ipb.ac.id buah-buahan dan sayuran segar setelah dipotong dan istilah blackspot biasanya digunakan pada pe-ristiwa yang sama pada hewan seperti crustacea pasca panen. Pangan segar menjadi berwarna ke-coklatan. Walaupun pigmen ini tidak berbahaya, tetapi dapat menurunkan tingkat penerimaan konsu-men (Senapati et al., 2017).
Kabupaten Solok memiliki potensi perikanan yang mumpuni dalam bidang penangkapan, budidaya dan pe... more Kabupaten Solok memiliki potensi perikanan yang mumpuni dalam bidang penangkapan, budidaya dan pengolahan. Potensi perikanan dapat dikembangkan dengan cara meningkatkan peranan sumber daya manusia yang menjadi motor penggerak bagi aspek perikanan. Tujuan praktik keahlian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi potensi perikanan dan permasalahannya di Kecamatan Junjuang Sirih. Hasil identifikasi wilayah perikanan diharapkan dapat bermanfaat dijadikan acuan dalam menentukan kegiatan penyuluhan melalui aksi penyuluhan yang tepat. Praktik keahlian dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1 sampai dengan 30 Oktober 2019. Metode penelitian menggunakan Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) yang melibatkan masyarakat dalam merumuskan permasalahan. Penentuan jumlah responden diperoleh dengan metode Snowball yaitu menemui tokoh masyarakat/ pamong desa, setelah itu diarahkan menemui pelaku utama dan anggota kelompok perikanan yang ada di desa sampel yang aktif sebagai responden. Didapatkan 15 responden. Data primer mela...
Pemalang is one of the sub-districts in the Pemalang district which has considerable fishery pote... more Pemalang is one of the sub-districts in the Pemalang district which has considerable fishery potential. One area of business is the processing of fisheries. Products in each group vary, such a fish thrown, salted fish, fish cake, and fish chips. Identifying the problem hasn’t added to the variety of fisheries processing products. Packaging is less attractive. The purpose of research is to increase knowledge, skill, and attitude through outsourcing activities about product diversification and the marketing strategy. The study was carried out on 2nd March – 15 Mei 2020. Counseling methods with group meetings, demonstrations of tutorials, lectures, and group discussion with the aim of Wanita Gemari Poklahsar. Counseling activities include (1) diversification of processed fish, (2) marketing strategy through packaging designs, and (3) counseling about online marketing. The T-test conducted with SPSS shows a significant value of 0,000, which indicates that the counseling activities have ...
Cigasong District has fisheries potential like poklahsars. Poklahsar produces rebon shrimp brittl... more Cigasong District has fisheries potential like poklahsars. Poklahsar produces rebon shrimp brittle and carp. The development of fisheries potential can be done by diversifying processed fish. The research aims to study (1)changes in knowledge, attitudes, and skills of poklahsar after counseling on diversification of processed fisheries; (2) the process of adopting innovations; (3) the group that adopts the best innovation. Counseling was carried out using a demonstration method of diversification of processed fish. Respondents are members of poklahsar Sehati, Mitra Harapan and Pandawa Opat. Responses were observed using questionnaires, interviews, and observations; the data is displayed descriptively and simple tabulations are diagrams. The results showed; (1) an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills in the whole poklahsar; (2) the process of adopting innovations in each group is different; (3) the results of the evaluation of the adoption of krispi eel innovation in poklahsar...
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal, 2018
Presence of browning or black-spot in fresh foods can adversely affect consumer acceptance. Onion... more Presence of browning or black-spot in fresh foods can adversely affect consumer acceptance. Onion has been reported to exert inhibitory activity against browning reaction. This research aimed to uncover the mechanism and identify active compounds in onion responsible for PPO inhibitors based on metabolomic approach. Onion was fractioned using different solvents, i.e n-hexane; chloroform; ethyl acetate; water, respectively. As a result, ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) of the onion demonstrated the strongest inhibition to PPO in comparison with other fractions, i.e. n-hexane, chloroform, and water. The reversible inhibitory activity of PPO by EAF occurred with presence of L-DOPA as substrate through competitive inhibition and Cu chelation in the active side of the PPO. Based on 1H-NMR (X) score plot and PPO inhibition (Y) using OPLS, NMR signals revealed that active compounds accounting for inhibition of PPO included quercetin, kaempferol, cyanidin 3.4’-di-O-β-glucopyranoside, quercetin ...
Increased volume and high export value of frozen snapper products in Indonesia, can produce scrap... more Increased volume and high export value of frozen snapper products in Indonesia, can produce scrap meat that can be processed into high nutritional products. Fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) is produced from an enzymatic process using the alcalase enzyme, which contains peptides and amino acids that can be applied to other derived products. The aim of this study is to produce FPH on a scale up production, determine the characteristics of raw materials and FPH products. The method used is the enzymatic hydrolysis process, which uses alcalase enzyme at 55 C with 20.000 U/kg substrate of enzyme concentration for 7 hours. The parameters measured are the degree of hydrolysis (DH), yield, proximate analysis, and the amount of amino acids in raw materials and FPH. DH value was 71.88% ± 6.48 at the 7 hour and based on the ANOVA results the P-value < 0.05, so that the measurement at 0 7 hours shows a significantly different DH value. The yield of FPH was 89.30%, the protein content of raw ma...
The technological aspect in fish farming becomes an essential factor associated with meat quality... more The technological aspect in fish farming becomes an essential factor associated with meat quality. The present work aimed to investigate the effects of water exchange and protein content on carcass composition, ratio, color and growth performance of striped catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. The experiment was arranged according to a 2 × 2 factorial design: water exchange at 0 and 100% day-1 (treatments W0 and W100, respectively) and feed protein at 16 and 32% (treatments P16 and P32, respectively). The results showed that the water quality fitted the requirement for fish growth: the plankton abundance in W0 was higher than in the treatment W100. The protein content of the flesh was significantly higher in treatment P32 than in treatment P16. Conversely, the fat content of the flesh was significantly higher in treatment P16 than in treatment P32. All the treatments revealed a significant effect on the carcass ratio, in which the highest weight was found in both treatments, P32 and W100. The highest yellowness (b*) score of the fillet was found in treatments P16 and W0. In addition, the redness (a*) value was found higher in treatment P32 than in treatment P16. The protein levels had a significant difference in the weight gain and SGR of the fish, while the water exchange did not significantly affect them. The survival rate did not significantly differ among treatments, while the FCR in treatment P32 was lower than in treatment P16. The water exchange could be applied to improve the P. hypophthalmus meat quality by inducing a color improvement.
Pemalang is one of the sub-districts in the Pemalang district which has considerable fishery pote... more Pemalang is one of the sub-districts in the Pemalang district which has considerable fishery potential. One area of business is the processing of fisheries. Products in each group vary, such a fish thrown, salted fish, fish cake, and fish chips. Identifying the problem hasn't added to the variety of fisheries processing products. Packaging is less attractive. The purpose of research is to increase knowledge, skill, and attitude through outsourcing activities about product diversification and the marketing strategy. The study was carried out on 2 nd March-15 Mei 2020. Counseling methods with group meetings, demonstrations of tutorials, lectures, and group discussion with the aim of Wanita Gemari Poklahsar. Counseling activities include (1) diversification of processed fish, (2) marketing strategy through packaging designs, and (3) counseling about online marketing. The T-test conducted with SPSS shows a significant value of 0,000, which indicates that the counseling activities have a substantial effect on improving the aspects of respondents' knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ikan dan Periakanan Perairan Darat, Jambi, 17 Juli 2019, 2019
Kegiatan pembesaran ikan cupang hias di tingkat pembudidaya ikan, nampaknya mampu memberi peluang... more Kegiatan pembesaran ikan cupang hias di tingkat pembudidaya ikan, nampaknya mampu memberi peluang usaha yang menjajikan, jika dilakukan dengan baik. Salah satu uapaya guna memperoleh hasil pada kegiatan pembesaran adalah peningkatan penambahan bobot ikan cupang. Karenanya dilakukan penelitian pemberian pakan yang berbeda untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan ikan cupang pada kelompok pembudidaya ikan (Pokdakan) Mina Hasanah di Kecamatan Karangtengah, Kabupaten Cianjur. Pilihan Pakan yang berbeda dalam penelitian ini adalah: Daphnia sp, cacing sutra (Tubivex sp.) dan pakan buatan: pellet. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 20 Maret-20 Mei 2019. Metode penelitian adalah dempond untuk aspek teknis, analisa usaha untuk aspek bisnis dan wawancara mengunakan kuesioner untuk aspek penyuluhan. Hasil yang diperoleh untuk aspek teknis adalah pertumbuhan relatif terbaik dihasilkan dari perlakuan B pemberian pakan menggunakan cacing sutra (Tubivex sp.) 76%, dengan tingkat kelangsungan hidup teringgi 84%. Untuk aspek bisnis, diperoleh keuntungan terbesar pada perlakuan B sebesar Rp. 137.361 per siklus, dengan R/C sebesar 1,4. Untuk aspek penyuluhan, terjadi peningkatan tertinggi untuk nilai keterampilan sebesar 40%; serta sebanyak 40% sasaran mulai emnerapkan hasil oenyuluhan pada minggu kesembilan.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penyuluhan dan Perikanan II, tanggal 5 September 2019, Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan, Kampus Jurusan Penyuluhan Perikanan, Bogor, 2019
ABSTRAK Hasil samping industri perikanan memiliki komposisi gizi tidak jauh berbeda dengan ikan s... more ABSTRAK Hasil samping industri perikanan memiliki komposisi gizi tidak jauh berbeda dengan ikan segar karena kualitas produksinya terjaga sehingga terhindar dari penurunan mutu. Hasil samping tersebut berpotensi menghasilkan produk yang memiliki nilai tambah. Tujuan penulisan adalah mengkaji potensi pemanfaatan hasil samping industri perikanan untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah sebagai bahan baku penyedap rasa. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi literatur yang mendalam dari beberapa jurnal penelitian sepuluh tahun terakhir. Hasil samping perikanan dapat dihidrolisis secara enzimatis menjadi hidrolisat protein ikan (HPI). Karakteristik organoleptik HPI adalah rasa yang savory, sehingga berpotensi memanfatkan HPI sebagai produk alternatif penyedap rasa alami yang aman. HPI dari ikan berasal dari protein yang mempunyai beberapa kelebihan secara fungsional. HPI dapat menambah cita rasa, kelarutan tinggi dalam air, serta pembentuk tekstur dan kualitas bahan pangan karena memiliki daya cerna protein tinggi, kandungan asam amino lengkap, dan protein tinggi. Secara perinsip proses pembuatan HPI diperoleh dari memecah satu molekul protein menjadi senyawa lebih sederhana seperti asam amino atau peptida-peptida rantai pendek. Hpi dapat diproduksi skala laboratorium dan industri menggunakan media pelarut asam, basa atau menggunakan enzim protease sebagai penghidrolisisnya. Tahapan pembuatan HPI secara enzimatis adalah membuat substrat dengan menambahkan aquades dan enzim, hidrolisis, inaktifasi enzim, sentrifugasi dan drying. Kesimpulan dari kajian ini yaitu hasil samping industri perikanan berpotensi dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku utama pembuatan penyedap rasa, sehingga perlu adanya penelitian pemanfaatan hasil samping industri perikanan untuk memproduksi penyedap rasa dengan metode optimasinya, formulasi dan menguji atribut mutu yang dapat diterima konsumen. Kata kunci: Enzim, hasil samping, hidrolisat protein ikan, proses hidrolisis ABSTRACT The by product of the fishing industry has a nutritional composition not much different from fresh fish because the quality of production is maintained so as to avoid a decrease in quality. These by-products have the potential to produce products that have added value. The purpose of writing is to examine the potential byproducts of the fishing industry as raw material for flavoring. The method used is a deep literature study from several research journals of the past 10 years. Fishery by-products can be hydrolyzed into fish protein hydrolyzate (HPI). HPI is a safe alternative product for natural flavoring as a substitute for commercial flavorings. The advantages of fish protein functional compounds can add flavor, high solubility in water, as well as forming the texture and quality of food because it has a high protein digestibility, complete amino acid content, and high protein. HPI is produced from the hydrolysis process, breaking one molecule into simpler compounds that are produced in laboratory and industrial scales using acid, base or using a protease enzyme as a hydrolyzing agent. The stages of making enzymatic HPI are making substrates by adding aquadest and enzymes, hydrolysis, enzyme inactivation, centrifugation and drying. The conclusion of this study is that the byproducts of the fishing industry have the potential to be used as the main raw material for flavoring, so there is a need to research the use of fishery industry byproducts to produce flavorings with its optimization methods, formulations and testing quality attributes that can be accepted by consumers. PENDAHULUAN Pengertian industri perikanan adalah mencakup semua usaha dan kegiatan di bidang ekonomi yang sifatnya produktif dengan mentranformasikan bahan-bahan hasil perikanan sebagai input menjadi produk komersial yang memiliki nilai tambah atau nilai ekonomi lebih
Cigasong District has fisheries potential like poklahsars. Poklahsar produces rebon shrimp brittl... more Cigasong District has fisheries potential like poklahsars. Poklahsar produces rebon shrimp brittle and carp. The development of fisheries potential can be done by diversifying processed fish. The research aims to study (1)changes in knowledge, attitudes, and skills of poklahsar after counseling on diversification of processed fisheries; (2) the process of adopting innovations; (3) the group that adopts the best innovation. Counseling was carried out using a demonstration method of diversification of processed fish. Respondents are members of poklahsar Sehati, Mitra Harapan and Pandawa Opat. Responses were observed using questionnaires, interviews, and observations; the data is displayed descriptively and simple tabulations are diagrams. The results showed; (1) an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills in the whole poklahsar; (2) the process of adopting innovations in each group is different; (3) the results of the evaluation of the adoption of krispi eel innovation in poklahsar Sehati have the highest value of attitude change that is 10 and the value of knowledge 4, faster to implement than other poklahsar that is on the 5th week by two respondents from seven respondents, the 6th week the number of adopters increased into seven people and included in the early adopter category.
Cigasong District has fisheries potential like poklahsars. Poklahsar produces rebon shrimp brittl... more Cigasong District has fisheries potential like poklahsars. Poklahsar produces rebon shrimp brittle and carp. The development of fisheries potential can be done by diversifying processed fish. The research aims to study (1)changes in knowledge, attitudes, and skills of poklahsar after counseling on diversification of processed fisheries; (2) the process of adopting innovations; (3) the group that adopts the best innovation. Counseling was carried out using a demonstration method of diversification of processed fish. Respondents are members of poklahsar Sehati, Mitra Harapan and Pandawa Opat. Responses were observed using questionnaires, interviews, and observations; the data is displayed descriptively and simple tabulations are diagrams. The results showed; (1) an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills in the whole poklahsar; (2) the process of adopting innovations in each group is different; (3) the results of the evaluation of the adoption of krispi eel innovation in poklahsar Sehati have the highest value of attitude change that is 10 and the value of knowledge 4, faster to implement than other poklahsar that is on the 5th week by two respondents from seven respondents, the 6th week the number of adopters increased into seven people and included in the early adopter category.
Increased volume and high export value of frozen snapper products in Indonesia, can produce scrap... more Increased volume and high export value of frozen snapper products in Indonesia, can produce scrap meat that can be processed into high nutritional products. Fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) is produced from an enzymatic process using the alcalase enzyme, which contains peptides and amino acids that can be applied to other derived products. The aim of this study is to produce FPH on a scale up production, determine the characteristics of raw materials and FPH products. The method used is the enzymatic hydrolysis process, which uses alcalase enzyme at 55 0 C with 20.000 U/kg substrate of enzyme concentration for 7 hours. The parameters measured are the degree of hydrolysis (DH), yield, proximate analysis, and the amount of amino acids in raw materials and FPH. DH value was 71.88% ± 6.48 at the 7 th hour and based on the ANOVA results the P-value < 0.05, so that the measurement at 0-7 hours shows a significantly different DH value. The yield of FPH was 89.30%, the protein content of raw materials 81.93% ± 1.39 and FPH 95.30% ± 0.73. Snapper scrap meat and FPH contain glutamic acid as a non-essential amino acid and lysine as an essential amino acid. The conclusion of this study is that snapper meat has good potential as a raw material for FPH because it contains essential amino acids needed by the human body.
Current research in Nutrition and Food Science, 2018
Presence of browning or black-spot in fresh foods can adversely affect consumer acceptance. Onion... more Presence of browning or black-spot in fresh foods can adversely affect consumer acceptance. Onion has been reported to exert inhibitory activity against browning reaction. This research aimed to uncover the mechanism and identify active compounds in onion responsible for PPO inhibitors based on metabolomic approach. Onion was fractioned using different solvents, i.e n-hexane; chloroform; ethyl acetate; water, respectively. As a result, ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) of the onion demonstrated the strongest inhibition to PPO in comparison with other fractions, i.e. n-hexane, chloroform, and water. The reversible inhibitory activity of PPO by EAF occurred with presence of L-DOPA as substrate through competitive inhibition and Cu chelation in the active side of the PPO. Based on 1H-NMR (X) score plot and PPO inhibition (Y) using OPLS, NMR signals revealed that active compounds accounting for inhibition of PPO included quercetin
Blackening is a problem occurring in crustaceans, such as shrimps, during post-mortem storage. Al... more Blackening is a problem occurring in crustaceans, such as shrimps, during post-mortem storage. Although blackspot seems to be harmless to consumers, it decreases the product's market value, consu-mer's acceptance and causes a considerable financial loss. The objective of the study was to determine the best Allium extracts from five Allium types with the ability to inhibit blackspot and apply the extracts on vannamei shrimp. The five types of Allium were red onion (Allium cepa L. var Aggregatum), garlic (Allium sativum), yellow onion (Allium cepa Linneaus), leek (Allium fistulosum) and chives (Allium schoenoprasum L). Extraction of Allium was conducted using 80% methanol as the solvent. The dry extracts were tested in vitro using a commercial polyphenol oxidase (PPO) enzyme and a melanosis test was conducted on vannamei shrimp treated with the extracts and stored at 0°C for 10 days. The results showed that the highest inhibition of blackspot formation was obtained by red onion extract at 69.79±1.91% and the lowest was by garlic extract at 14.06±1.41%. The shrimps dipped in red onion extract had the lowest melanosis values and browning index values at 5.1±0.8 and 16.76±0.94, respectively. Red onion extract had the best ability to inhibit blackspot and has the potential to be used in shrimp. ABSTRAK Peristiwa blackspot adalah terbentuknya warna hitam pada udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) yang terjadi selama penanganan pasca panen dan penyimpanan dingin. Blackspot menyebabkan penu-runan kualitas sensori yang mengakibatkan jatuhnya harga, sehingga memerlukan bahan tambahan yang dapat menghambat laju pembentukan blackspot. Tujuan penelitian adalah menentukan ekstrak bawang terbaik dari lima jenis bawang (Allium) yang mempunyai kemampuan menghambat blackspot pada udang vaname. Kelima jenis bawang tersebut adalah bawang merah (Allium cepa L. var Aggregatum), bawang putih (Allium sativum), bawang bombai (Allium cepa Linnaeus), bawang daun (Allium fistulosum), bawang lokio (Allium schoenoprasum L.). Ekstraksi bawang menggunakan pelarut metanol 80%. Ekstrak kering diuji kemampuan antiblackspot secara in vitro menggunakan enzim polifenol oksidase (PPO) komersial dan diaplikasikan pada udang vaname yang disimpan pada suhu 0°C selama 10 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada penyimpanan hari ke-10, ekstrak bawang merah menghambat aktivitas enzim PPO tertinggi yaitu 69,78±1,91%, dibandingan dengan ekstrak bawang lainnya. Udang yang direndam meng-gunakan ekstrak bawang merah mempunyai nilai melanosis dan Indeks browning terendah berturut-turut yaitu 5,1±0,8 dan 16,76±0,94. Ekstrak bawang merah mempunyai kemampuan menghambat blackspot terbaik dan berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai ingredien pangan yang berfungsi antiblackspot pada bahan pangan segar. Kata kunci: blackspot, bawang, enzim PPO, udang vaname PENDAHULUAN1 Pembentukan browning atau blackspot biasa-nya terjadi pada bahan pangan segar yang tidak di-tangani dengan baik. Istilah browning terjadi pada *Penulis Korespondensi: E-mail: dsukarno@apps.ipb.ac.id buah-buahan dan sayuran segar setelah dipotong dan istilah blackspot biasanya digunakan pada pe-ristiwa yang sama pada hewan seperti crustacea pasca panen. Pangan segar menjadi berwarna ke-coklatan. Walaupun pigmen ini tidak berbahaya, tetapi dapat menurunkan tingkat penerimaan konsu-men (Senapati et al., 2017).
Papers by Tatty Yuni
development of fisheries potential can be done by diversifying processed fish. The research aims to study
(1)changes in knowledge, attitudes, and skills of poklahsar after counseling on diversification of processed
fisheries; (2) the process of adopting innovations; (3) the group that adopts the best innovation. Counseling was
carried out using a demonstration method of diversification of processed fish. Respondents are members of
poklahsar Sehati, Mitra Harapan and Pandawa Opat. Responses were observed using questionnaires,
interviews, and observations; the data is displayed descriptively and simple tabulations are diagrams. The
results showed; (1) an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills in the whole poklahsar; (2) the process of
adopting innovations in each group is different; (3) the results of the evaluation of the adoption of krispi eel
innovation in poklahsar Sehati have the highest value of attitude change that is 10 and the value of knowledge 4,
faster to implement than other poklahsar that is on the 5th week by two respondents from seven respondents, the
6th week the number of adopters increased into seven people and included in the early adopter category.
Teaching Documents by Tatty Yuni
development of fisheries potential can be done by diversifying processed fish. The research aims to study
(1)changes in knowledge, attitudes, and skills of poklahsar after counseling on diversification of processed
fisheries; (2) the process of adopting innovations; (3) the group that adopts the best innovation. Counseling was
carried out using a demonstration method of diversification of processed fish. Respondents are members of
poklahsar Sehati, Mitra Harapan and Pandawa Opat. Responses were observed using questionnaires,
interviews, and observations; the data is displayed descriptively and simple tabulations are diagrams. The
results showed; (1) an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills in the whole poklahsar; (2) the process of
adopting innovations in each group is different; (3) the results of the evaluation of the adoption of krispi eel
innovation in poklahsar Sehati have the highest value of attitude change that is 10 and the value of knowledge 4,
faster to implement than other poklahsar that is on the 5th week by two respondents from seven respondents, the
6th week the number of adopters increased into seven people and included in the early adopter category.