Papers by Miquel Guardiola
Journal of Lithic Studies, 2015
Journal of Archaeological Science
Journal of Archaeological Science
Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2018
Heavy-duty scrapers are documented as a specific morphotype in ancient African andEurasian toolki... more Heavy-duty scrapers are documented as a specific morphotype in ancient African andEurasian toolkits from the Oldowan into the Acheulian. They are characterized by a flatplatform perpendicularly oriented to a carinated edge. The convex surface of that edge dis-plays semi-peripheral, unidirectional removals associated with steep retouch and/or crushmarks. This morphotype has been described from numerous sites covering a long temporalscale and are diversely referred to in French as “rostro-carénés” or “nucléus-racloirs” andin English as “massive scrapers”, “core scrapers”, “large scrapers”, or “heavy end-scrapers”.Morpho-technological definitions and interpretations are reviewed to track the origin andevolution of heavy-duty scrapers over time and space. Results show that tools referred to asheavy-duty scrapers were made on thick cobbles during the Oldowan, and later, at the onsetof the Acheulian, on Large Flakes, while smaller-sized items in Late Acheulian sites assumeend-scraper morphologies. But should all of these tools really be grouped under a singledenomination? Experimental work explores whether heavy-duty scrapers are the result ofknapping processes, or if their morphology could be derived from other kinds of activities.Chronological continuity of the attributes specific to heavy-duty scrapers points to theirrole in ancient toolkits, suggesting that these scarce but ubiquitous primitive implementsare, on equal footing with chopper-cores, one of the oldest morphotypes in the world.© 2017 Acad´emie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The relationship between lithic technology, learning and language is a topic of growing interest ... more The relationship between lithic technology, learning and language is a topic of growing interest in human evolution studies, and has therefore been the subject of numerous scientific papers in recent years. To evaluate the role of language in the social transmission of lithic technology, we designed and developed an experimental protocol through which we compared the acquisition of knapping skills in thirty non-experts in the early stages of learning, by means of three mechanisms of social transmission: imitation-emulation, gestural communication, and verbal communication. All the apprentice knappers carried out the experimental task with blanks that were equal in shape and size, and were requested to replicate what the expert knapper was doing: the alternating method, a sufficiently simple, but systematic technique for detaching flakes from a core. We analysed each participant's actions, including those of the master knapper, the final products (flakes and cores), and the knapping sequences, by analysing the refits. Our results show that the apprentices improved their knapping skills in teaching conditions-both gestural and verbal communication-, and specially through the latter. In conclusion, our study supports the hypothesis of co-evolution between lithic technology and social learning, which could have favoured the emergence of verbal language. Complex lithic technological capacity and language compete with each other to be the insignia of human intelligence , due to their cognitive implications. While stone tools have remained more or less unchanged in the archaeological record and act as a window into the behaviour of pre-modern hominins 1 , language does not fossilise. This means indirect approaches are necessary to approximate this capacity in extinct hominins 2–4. This hinders the study of the relationship between lithic technology and language in evolutionary terms, and this currently remains controversial 5,6. Several experimental studies in cognitive neuroscience have focused on Broca's area in the frontal lobe which is involved in language production 7–10 , and manual praxis 11–13 , such as those involved in tool production 10,14–16. Some experimental works focusing on Broca's area have looked at the overlap between language and the production of Lower Palaeolithic tools 17 , both for Oldowan 18,19 and Acheulian industries 20,21 with opposite results. Furthermore, Stout and colleagues have also explored the brain processes involved in the acquisition of knowledge related to the knapping methods associated with these technologies 22. In addition, language and the production of Acheulian tools have been shown to cause the same lateralization of blood flow in the brain 23. This body of study comprises evidence supporting the technological hypothesis of the origin of language, and particularly the technological pedagogy hypothesis 6 , which contends that intentional pedagogical demonstration may have spurred the evolution of the verbal communication 24. In fact, some authors have proposed that social learning and pedagogy would have been key factors in the evolution of hominin brains 25–27. Furthermore, some ethnographic studies have reinforced the relationship between lithic technology and language , emphasising the social character of knapping in current human communities 28–33. In these groups, verbal
Métodos de talla y estrategias de reducción en la fabricación de foliáceos en el III milenio A.N.... more Métodos de talla y estrategias de reducción en la fabricación de foliáceos en el III milenio A.N.E.: El caso del yacimiento de El Tossal de la Munda (Vistabella del Maestrat, Castelló)
For more than a century, Senegal has yielded abundant Palaeolithic finds, in particular on the At... more For more than a century, Senegal has yielded abundant Palaeolithic finds, in particular on the Atlantic coast as well as in the Falémé Valley, but the lack of reliable and integrated chrono-cultural data has limited the possibilities of interpretation. These gaps were one of the main factors leading to the launch of a new research programme in the Falémé Valley (eastern Senegal). Its objective since 2012 has been to establish a new archaeological reference sequence in West Africa complementary to that of Ounjougou (Mali). Its more southerly location gave us the opportunity to obtain data to address the issue of human settlement and mobility in relation to changes in aridity and the position of the South-Saharan limit, along the north-south axis of the Falémé Valley.
Field survey enabled the identification of a very large number of sites, some in primary context, thus confirming the potential of the region. Geomorphological analysis and initial chronological results indicate relatively continuous and fairly complex deposition, with the alternation of fine-grained and coarser deposits, in particular for Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 3 and 2. From an archaeological viewpoint, while artefacts attributed to very early periods (prior to isotope stages 4/5) were found in reworked contexts, several MIS 2, or even MIS 3 occupations up to the early Holocene (Ravin des Guêpiers, Fatandi, Toumboura, Missira), attracted significant attention. These sites provide complete, precise and reliable information. They contain assemblages using different techniques of production, which raise questions regarding cultural rhythms and changes, and show evidence of populations present during the hyperarid “Ogolian”, during which the Ounjougou sequence has a major sedimentary and archaeological hiatus for this period.
The research for referential data on current livestock contexts is essential for correctly interp... more The research for referential data on current livestock contexts is essential for correctly interpreting archaeological records documented in prehistoric livestock spaces. Experimental programmes such as the one begun in 2014 in the Mas del Pepet pen (Rojals, Tarragona) has permitted an understanding, among other matters, of fold characteristics according to the type of livestock, the seasonality of occupations and herd management. This study also contributes to the identification of taphonomic processes that have taken place and to determine the representativeness of the botanical content in the deposit, in relation to the environment and pasture areas. Finally, the dung burning experiments conducted have provided data that will help to reveal the way manure was treated in prehistoric fold caves.
The research for referential data on current livestock contexts is essential for correctly interp... more The research for referential data on current livestock contexts is essential for correctly interpreting archaeological records documented in prehistoric livestock spaces. Experimental programmes such as the one begun in 2014 in the Mas del Pepet pen (Rojals, Tarragona) has permitted an understanding, among other matters, of fold characteristics according to the type of livestock, the seasonality of occupations and herd management. This study also contributes to the identification of taphonomic processes that have taken place and to determine the representativeness of the botanical content in the deposit, in relation to the environment and pasture areas. Finally, the dung burning experiments conducted have provided data that will help to reveal the way manure was treated in prehistoric fold caves.
The archaeological site of El Mirador is located in the southern slope of the Sierra de Atapuerca... more The archaeological site of El Mirador is located in the southern slope of the Sierra de Atapuerca. The work developed at the site is providing a substantial set of data from the Upper Palaeolithic and Early Neolithic to the Middle Bronze Age. Throughout at least about 4000 years of occupation, the cave was used for various activities, among which, burial, habitation and animal stalling. The practices related with this last use is, at the moment, the main origin of the archaeological deposits, which are mainly composed by burnt animal dung with vegetal residues, potsherds, lithics and faunal remains. In addition, it is characterized by high sedimentation rates that have enabled an individual and clear record of different episodes, providing high resolution chronological data. Due to these particularities, specific excavation methodology and interdisciplinary studies of the archaeological data have been developed in order to understand the genesis of this archaeological sequence and, at the same time, to provide information about the introduction and development of the production economy in the Submeseta Norte region.
Los grabados al aire libre de la zona noroeste de Castellón están mayoritariamente hechos... more Resumen
Los grabados al aire libre de la zona noroeste de Castellón están mayoritariamente hechos sobre gres o arenisca.
En esta zona, la geología determina una rígida organización en la explotación del territorio, por la escasez de litología
blanda para cultivar. Esto provoca que las formaciones litorales cretácicas, compuestas por margas y arcillas, e intercaladas
entre los potentes estratos calizos, concentren gran parte del poblamiento agrícola. Derivado de esto, los afloramientos
de gres, sólo existentes en estas formaciones cretácicas concentran la gran mayoría de los 50 conjuntos de grabados
localizados en la comarca de Els Ports. Hemos documentado varios aspectos sobre el diseño, la inclinación y su posición
sobre el soporte rocoso, identificando algunas relaciones entre morfología, lugar y función. Algunos morfo-tipos de sistemas,
analizados dentro del contexto arqueológico y geológico, pensamos que ofrecen algunas asociaciones relevantes
sobre la función de estos sistemas conectados.
Palabras Clave: gres, cazoletas y canalillos, Cordillera Ibérica, recogida de agua.
The open-air engravings of the northern part of Castellón province (Spain) are usually made on sandstone outcrops.
The geology of Els Ports region determines a rigid organization of land exploitation, caused by a shortage of soft
lithology to grow. As a result, coastal Cretaceous formations (loams and clays) concentrate the archeological sites and the
traditional-farmer settlement. Derived to this, sandstone outcrops of these coastal formations include large part of the fifty known engraving sites. We have documented several aspects about the style, the slope of the engraved blank and the
position of the site, identifying some relations between system’s morphology, place and function. Some of these systems
types can be analyzed from an archaeological and geological framework, and they offer important conclusions about some
of the connected cup-marks systems.
Keywords: sandstone, connected cup-marks, Iberian Range, water collectors.
El conjunto de grabados rupestres de la Peguesa, se localiza en el T.M. de Morella, junto... more Resumen
El conjunto de grabados rupestres de la Peguesa, se localiza en el T.M. de Morella, junto a la actual carretera que une las poblaciones de Morella y Cinctorres. Al mismo tiempo esta vía de tránsito comunica las cuencas de dos de los principales ríos de la comarca, el Bergantes y el Calders. Los grabados se distribuyen sobre un pequeño afloramiento de roca arenisca que apenas sobresale del campo de cultivo donde se localiza el conjunto. Los motivos representados muestran una interesante combinación de motivos figurativos (antropomorfos, cruciformes, ramiformes, etc...), junto con motivos abstractos (reticulado, cazoletas, cúpulas, trazos, etc...) y han sido realizados con la técnica del picado, aunque existen diferencias en dicha técnica de ejecución.
Palabras Clave: grabados, Els Ports, antropomorfos y cruciformes.
The open-air engravings site of la Peguesa is located into Morella Township, close to the road between Morella and Cinctorres. This actual road takes profit of a natural passage between the main rivers of the region, Bergantes and Calders. The engravins are on a sandstone outcrop, located in discrete way in the middle of a field. The site displays an interesting combination of figurative motifs (anthropomorphus, cruciforms, ramiforms, etc.), together with another abstracts motifs (reticulated and cup-marks). The making technique was chipping to great part of motifs but other ones have been made with abrasion.
Keywords: open-air engravins, Els Ports region, anthropomorphous and cruciforms.
Two main knapping strategies can be used to start bifacial reduction on a lithic cobble or nodule... more Two main knapping strategies can be used to start bifacial reduction on a lithic cobble or nodule: the alternate strategy, in which first one face is knapped and then the other; and the alternating strategy, in which both faces are removed in the same sequence, interspersing core about-turns between strikes. Flaking reduction of spherical and elliptical blanks (cobbles or nodules) is a common knapping process documented in many archaeological records. Rounded and thick edges require different fracture parameters and give rise to constraints in terms of viable knapping methods. When analysing abandoned cores, it is only possible to see the last strikes, so it is important to know how they were shaped or exploited in the earlier knapping stages in order to understand the entire reduction process. As cortical flakes are the direct evidence of the first reduction phases, we undertook an experimental programme for the purpose of comparing the first flakes generated using the alternate and alternating knapping strategies. We have focused our efforts on identifying and diagnosing distinctive features produced by each strategy in the first or cortical flakes. Our study indicates that several platform attributes can be considered as diagnostic features to differentiate between the alternate and alternating knapping strategies, and that this kind of analysis can be translated to archaeological assemblages.
Neolithic Arch. by Miquel Guardiola
The research for referential data on current livestock contexts is essential for correctly interp... more The research for referential data on current livestock contexts is essential for correctly interpreting archaeological records documented in prehistoric livestock spaces. Experimental programmes such as the one begun in 2014 in the Mas del Pepet pen (Rojals, Tarragona) has permitted an understanding, among other matters, of fold characteristics according to the type of livestock, the seasonality of occupations and herd management. This study also contributes to the identification of taphonomic processes that have taken place and to determine the representativeness of the botanical content in the deposit, in relation to the environment and pasture areas. Finally, the dung burning experiments conducted have provided data that will help to reveal the way manure was treated in prehistoric fold caves.
Site/Project Reports by Miquel Guardiola
The archaeological site of El Mirador is located in the southern slope of the Sierra de Atapuerca... more The archaeological site of El Mirador is located in the southern slope of the Sierra de Atapuerca. The work developed at the site is providing a substantial set of data from the Upper Palaeolithic and Early Neolithic to the Middle Bronze Age. Throughout at least about 4000 years of occupation, the cave was used for various activities, among which, burial, habitation and animal stalling. The practices related with this last use is, at the moment, the main origin of the archaeological deposits, which are mainly composed by burnt animal dung with vegetal residues, potsherds, lithics and faunal remains. In addition, it is characterized by high sedimentation rates that have enabled an individual and clear record of different episodes, providing high resolution chronological data. Due to these particularities, specific excavation methodology and interdisciplinary studies of the archaeological data have been developed in order to understand the genesis of this archaeological sequence and, at the same time, to provide information about the introduction and development of the production economy in the Submeseta Norte region.
Poster abstracts by Miquel Guardiola
Papers by Miquel Guardiola
Field survey enabled the identification of a very large number of sites, some in primary context, thus confirming the potential of the region. Geomorphological analysis and initial chronological results indicate relatively continuous and fairly complex deposition, with the alternation of fine-grained and coarser deposits, in particular for Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 3 and 2. From an archaeological viewpoint, while artefacts attributed to very early periods (prior to isotope stages 4/5) were found in reworked contexts, several MIS 2, or even MIS 3 occupations up to the early Holocene (Ravin des Guêpiers, Fatandi, Toumboura, Missira), attracted significant attention. These sites provide complete, precise and reliable information. They contain assemblages using different techniques of production, which raise questions regarding cultural rhythms and changes, and show evidence of populations present during the hyperarid “Ogolian”, during which the Ounjougou sequence has a major sedimentary and archaeological hiatus for this period.
Los grabados al aire libre de la zona noroeste de Castellón están mayoritariamente hechos sobre gres o arenisca.
En esta zona, la geología determina una rígida organización en la explotación del territorio, por la escasez de litología
blanda para cultivar. Esto provoca que las formaciones litorales cretácicas, compuestas por margas y arcillas, e intercaladas
entre los potentes estratos calizos, concentren gran parte del poblamiento agrícola. Derivado de esto, los afloramientos
de gres, sólo existentes en estas formaciones cretácicas concentran la gran mayoría de los 50 conjuntos de grabados
localizados en la comarca de Els Ports. Hemos documentado varios aspectos sobre el diseño, la inclinación y su posición
sobre el soporte rocoso, identificando algunas relaciones entre morfología, lugar y función. Algunos morfo-tipos de sistemas,
analizados dentro del contexto arqueológico y geológico, pensamos que ofrecen algunas asociaciones relevantes
sobre la función de estos sistemas conectados.
Palabras Clave: gres, cazoletas y canalillos, Cordillera Ibérica, recogida de agua.
The open-air engravings of the northern part of Castellón province (Spain) are usually made on sandstone outcrops.
The geology of Els Ports region determines a rigid organization of land exploitation, caused by a shortage of soft
lithology to grow. As a result, coastal Cretaceous formations (loams and clays) concentrate the archeological sites and the
traditional-farmer settlement. Derived to this, sandstone outcrops of these coastal formations include large part of the fifty known engraving sites. We have documented several aspects about the style, the slope of the engraved blank and the
position of the site, identifying some relations between system’s morphology, place and function. Some of these systems
types can be analyzed from an archaeological and geological framework, and they offer important conclusions about some
of the connected cup-marks systems.
Keywords: sandstone, connected cup-marks, Iberian Range, water collectors.
El conjunto de grabados rupestres de la Peguesa, se localiza en el T.M. de Morella, junto a la actual carretera que une las poblaciones de Morella y Cinctorres. Al mismo tiempo esta vía de tránsito comunica las cuencas de dos de los principales ríos de la comarca, el Bergantes y el Calders. Los grabados se distribuyen sobre un pequeño afloramiento de roca arenisca que apenas sobresale del campo de cultivo donde se localiza el conjunto. Los motivos representados muestran una interesante combinación de motivos figurativos (antropomorfos, cruciformes, ramiformes, etc...), junto con motivos abstractos (reticulado, cazoletas, cúpulas, trazos, etc...) y han sido realizados con la técnica del picado, aunque existen diferencias en dicha técnica de ejecución.
Palabras Clave: grabados, Els Ports, antropomorfos y cruciformes.
The open-air engravings site of la Peguesa is located into Morella Township, close to the road between Morella and Cinctorres. This actual road takes profit of a natural passage between the main rivers of the region, Bergantes and Calders. The engravins are on a sandstone outcrop, located in discrete way in the middle of a field. The site displays an interesting combination of figurative motifs (anthropomorphus, cruciforms, ramiforms, etc.), together with another abstracts motifs (reticulated and cup-marks). The making technique was chipping to great part of motifs but other ones have been made with abrasion.
Keywords: open-air engravins, Els Ports region, anthropomorphous and cruciforms.
Neolithic Arch. by Miquel Guardiola
Site/Project Reports by Miquel Guardiola
Poster abstracts by Miquel Guardiola
Field survey enabled the identification of a very large number of sites, some in primary context, thus confirming the potential of the region. Geomorphological analysis and initial chronological results indicate relatively continuous and fairly complex deposition, with the alternation of fine-grained and coarser deposits, in particular for Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 3 and 2. From an archaeological viewpoint, while artefacts attributed to very early periods (prior to isotope stages 4/5) were found in reworked contexts, several MIS 2, or even MIS 3 occupations up to the early Holocene (Ravin des Guêpiers, Fatandi, Toumboura, Missira), attracted significant attention. These sites provide complete, precise and reliable information. They contain assemblages using different techniques of production, which raise questions regarding cultural rhythms and changes, and show evidence of populations present during the hyperarid “Ogolian”, during which the Ounjougou sequence has a major sedimentary and archaeological hiatus for this period.
Los grabados al aire libre de la zona noroeste de Castellón están mayoritariamente hechos sobre gres o arenisca.
En esta zona, la geología determina una rígida organización en la explotación del territorio, por la escasez de litología
blanda para cultivar. Esto provoca que las formaciones litorales cretácicas, compuestas por margas y arcillas, e intercaladas
entre los potentes estratos calizos, concentren gran parte del poblamiento agrícola. Derivado de esto, los afloramientos
de gres, sólo existentes en estas formaciones cretácicas concentran la gran mayoría de los 50 conjuntos de grabados
localizados en la comarca de Els Ports. Hemos documentado varios aspectos sobre el diseño, la inclinación y su posición
sobre el soporte rocoso, identificando algunas relaciones entre morfología, lugar y función. Algunos morfo-tipos de sistemas,
analizados dentro del contexto arqueológico y geológico, pensamos que ofrecen algunas asociaciones relevantes
sobre la función de estos sistemas conectados.
Palabras Clave: gres, cazoletas y canalillos, Cordillera Ibérica, recogida de agua.
The open-air engravings of the northern part of Castellón province (Spain) are usually made on sandstone outcrops.
The geology of Els Ports region determines a rigid organization of land exploitation, caused by a shortage of soft
lithology to grow. As a result, coastal Cretaceous formations (loams and clays) concentrate the archeological sites and the
traditional-farmer settlement. Derived to this, sandstone outcrops of these coastal formations include large part of the fifty known engraving sites. We have documented several aspects about the style, the slope of the engraved blank and the
position of the site, identifying some relations between system’s morphology, place and function. Some of these systems
types can be analyzed from an archaeological and geological framework, and they offer important conclusions about some
of the connected cup-marks systems.
Keywords: sandstone, connected cup-marks, Iberian Range, water collectors.
El conjunto de grabados rupestres de la Peguesa, se localiza en el T.M. de Morella, junto a la actual carretera que une las poblaciones de Morella y Cinctorres. Al mismo tiempo esta vía de tránsito comunica las cuencas de dos de los principales ríos de la comarca, el Bergantes y el Calders. Los grabados se distribuyen sobre un pequeño afloramiento de roca arenisca que apenas sobresale del campo de cultivo donde se localiza el conjunto. Los motivos representados muestran una interesante combinación de motivos figurativos (antropomorfos, cruciformes, ramiformes, etc...), junto con motivos abstractos (reticulado, cazoletas, cúpulas, trazos, etc...) y han sido realizados con la técnica del picado, aunque existen diferencias en dicha técnica de ejecución.
Palabras Clave: grabados, Els Ports, antropomorfos y cruciformes.
The open-air engravings site of la Peguesa is located into Morella Township, close to the road between Morella and Cinctorres. This actual road takes profit of a natural passage between the main rivers of the region, Bergantes and Calders. The engravins are on a sandstone outcrop, located in discrete way in the middle of a field. The site displays an interesting combination of figurative motifs (anthropomorphus, cruciforms, ramiforms, etc.), together with another abstracts motifs (reticulated and cup-marks). The making technique was chipping to great part of motifs but other ones have been made with abrasion.
Keywords: open-air engravins, Els Ports region, anthropomorphous and cruciforms.