Rebecca Seaton resides in Sevierville, Tennessee, with her husband of fifty years. Sevierville is his hometown. Since he attended school with Dolly Parton, Rebecca jokes that he ma...visualizza altroRebecca Seaton resides in Sevierville, Tennessee, with her husband of fifty years. Sevierville is his hometown. Since he attended school with Dolly Parton, Rebecca jokes that he married her instead of Dolly because she could cook and Dolly could only sing. Rebecca, the mother of two, enjoys her three grandkids.
As a freelance writer, many of her writings have been published in Christian magazines. A cookbook entitled BECKY’S FAVORITES has been published while being employed as Creative Food Specialist at a tourist food/gift shop. She has prepared many of her recipes as featured guest for a television cooking show.
Rebecca has taught in a Christian School and also served on staff as children’s pastor in Hampton, Virginia. Serving as leader of a home Bible study group has readied her to share the gospel with the hurting and with anyone who will lend an ear.
Having experienced the trials of life, she has learned to live victoriously. The many requests by friends and acquaintances resulted in the writing of this book. Her desire is that all who read it will be inspired.visualizza meno