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Abel-Struth, Sigrid, and Ulrich Groeben. Musikalische Hrfhigkeiten des Kindes.

Musikpdagogik: Forschung und Lehre, ed. Sigrid Abel-Struth, vol. 15. Mainz: Schott,
Abramson, Robert M. Rhythm Games for Perception & Cognition. Pittsburgh, PA:
Volkwein Bros., 1973.
Agrell, Jeffrey. Improvisation Games for Classical Musicians: 500+ Non-jazz Games
for Performers, Educators, and Everyone Else. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2008.
Aiello, Rita, ed., with John A. Sloboda. Musical Perceptions. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1994.
AIGAM: 2000-2005: First Five Years Report. Rome: AIGAM, 2005.
Allen, F. Sturges, A.B., L.L.B. Allens Synonyms and Antonyms. New York: Harper &
Brothers, 1938.
American Institute of Dalcroze Eurhythmics. New York: n.p., 1929.
Ames, Roger. Choral Ensemble Intonation: Modal Exercises for Choirs, ed. James
Jordan. Chicago: GIA Publications, n.d.
Apostoli, Andrea. "LApprendimento Musicale in et Prescolare: Il Concetto di
Audiation nella Music Learning Theory di Edwin E. Gordon." In Musica Ricerca e
Didattica: Profili culturali e competenza musicale, eds. Antonella Nuzzaci e Giorgio
Pagannone, Non solo Scuola, ed. Franco Frabboni, Vol. 7. Lecce: Pensa Multimedia,
Apostoli, Andrea. Ma che Musica in dolce attesa! Brani da ascoltare con il tuo
bambino: scelti secondo criteri della Music Learning Theory di Edwin E. Gordon.
Milan: Edizioni Curci, 2011. Includes compact disc.
Apostoli, Andrea. Ma che Musica!: Brani di Classica e Jazz da Ascoltare e da
Guardare Per Bambino Da 0 A 6 anni (Secondo l a Music Learning Theory di Edwin
E. Gordon). Milano: Edizioni Curci, 2010. Includes compact disc.
Apostoli, Andrea, and Alexandra Dufey. Ma che Musica!: Brani di Classica e Jazz da
Ascoltare e da Guardare Per Bambino Da 0 A 6 anni (Secondo l a Music Learning
Theory di Edwin E. Gordon). Milano: Edizioni Curci, 2006. Includes compact disc.
Apostoli, Andrea. What Great Music! (Based on the Music Learning Theory of Edwin
E. Gordon). Chicago: GIA Publications, 2010.
Apostoli, Andrea, and Edwin E. Gordon. Ascolta con lui, canta per lui. Milano:
Edizioni Curci, 2005. Includes compact disc.

Azzara, Christopher D., and Richard F. Grunow. Developing Musicianship Through

Improvisation Vocal Edition Book 1. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2006. Includes two
compact discs.
Azzara, Christopher D., and Richard F. Grunow. Developing Musicianship Through
Improvisation C Instruments Edition Book 2. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2010.
Includes two compact discs.
Azzara, Christopher D., and Richard F. Grunow. Developing Musicianship Through
Improvisation C Instruments Edition Book 3. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2010.
Includes two compact discs.
Azzara, Christopher D., Richard F. Grunow, and Edwin E. Gordon. Creativity in
Improvisation, Book 1: Treble Clef. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1997. Includes
compact disc and Creativity in Improvisation: Getting Started (1998).
________. Creativity in Improvisation, Book 2: Treble Clef. Chicago: GIA Publications,
1997. Includes compact disc.
Balzs, Bla. A kkszakllu herceg vra. Budapest: Pesti Szalon Knyvkiad, 1993.
________. Prince Bluebeards Castle: The Book of the Opera Composed by Bla
Bartk. Translated by Thomas Orszg-Land. London: Universal Edition, 1980.
Balzs, Istvn. A Musical Guide to Hungary. Budapest: Corvina Books, 1992.
Bamberger, Jeanne. The Mind Behind the Musical Ear: How Children Develop
Musical Intelligence. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1991.
Benner, Charles H. Teaching Performing Groups. From Research to the Music
Classroom, no. 2. Washington, DC: MENC, 1972. (Two copies)
Bentley, Arnold. Fixed or Movable Do? Journal of Research in Music Education7,
no. 2 (Fall 1959):163-168. (Article of Interest shelved with general books)
Bentley, Arnold. "Monotones": A Comparison with "Normal" Singers in Terms of
Incidence and Musical Abilities. Music Education Research Papers, no. 1. London:
Novello, 1968.
________. Musical Ability in Children and Its Measurement. London: George G. Harrap
& Co., 1966.
________. Musical Ability in Children and Its Measurement. New York: October House,
Bernstein, Leonard. The Unanswered Question: Six Talks at Harvard. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press, 1976.
Biferali, Silvia. Il Bambino e La Musica. Milan: Edizione Curci, 2010.

Billingham, Lisa A. The Complete Conductors Guide to Laban Movement Theory.

Chicago: GIA Publications, 2009.
Birge, Edward Bailey. History of Public School Music in the United States. Boston:
Oliver Ditson, 1928.
Bluestine, Eric. The Ways Children Learn Music: An Introduction and Practical Guide
to Music Learning Theory. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1995. (Two copies)
________. The Ways Children Learn Music: An Introduction and Practical Guide to
Music Learning Theory, rev. ed. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2000. (Three copies)
Bolton, Beth M. Katangaroo: Songs with Words. Philadelphia: Bestbael Music, 2010.
Bolton, Beth M. Musicianship: Developing Audiation. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Bestbael
Music, 2010.
Britton, Lesley. Montessori Play and Learn: A Parents' Guide to Purposeful Play from
Two to Six. New York: Crown Publishers, 1992.
Brommer, Hermann. Gengenbach, 4th ed. Mnchen: Verlag Schnell & Steiner, 1989.
Brophy, Timothy. Assessing the Developing Child Musician: A Guide for General
Music Teachers. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2000.
Brophy, Timothy S., ed. Assessment in Music Education: Integrating Curriculum,
Theory, and Practice. Proceedings of the 2007 Symposium on Assessment in Music
Education held at the University of Florida. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2008. (Two
Brown, Merrill. The Optimum Length of the Musical Aptitude Profile Subtests.
Journal of Research in Music Education17, no. 2 (Summer 1969): 2240-247. (Article
of interest shelved with general books.)
Bruner, Jerome. The Process of Education: A Searching Discussion of School
Education Opening New Paths to Learning and Teaching. New York: Vintage, 1963.
Buck, Percy C. Psychology for Musicians. London: Oxford University Press, 1961.
Budd, Malcolm. Music and the Emotions. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985.
Burnam, Tom. The Dictionary of Misinformation. New York:Crowell, 1975.
Campbell, Mark Robin, ed. On Musicality and Milestones: Selected Writings of
Marilyn Pflederer Zimmerman with Contributions from the Profession. Champaign,
IL: Crouse Printing, 2002.

Carr, Maureen. Stravinskys Histoire du Soldat: A Facsimile of the Sketches.

Middleton, WI: A-R Editions, 2005. Inscribed, Dear Ed, In Appreciation and
with admiration. Sincerely, Maureen.
Carter, Ronald, et al. Teaching Music through Performance in Jazz. Compiled and
edited by Richard Miles and Ronald Carter. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2008.
China Conservatory of Music. The 40th Anniversary of China Conservatory of Music,
Cohen, Albert. tienne Louli: Elements or Principles of Music. New York: Institute of
Medieval Music, 1965.
Coleman, Satis N. Creative Music for Children. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1922.
Colwell, Richard. A Critique of Research Studies in Music Education. Urbana, IL:
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1969.
________. The Evaluation of Music Teaching and Learning. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 1970.
________. The Theory of Expectation Applied to Musical Listening. Urbana, IL:
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1966.
Cowden, Robert L. Review of The Effectiveness of Musical and Nonmusical
Measures as Predictors of Success in Beginning Instrumental Music Classes, by
George Harrison Webber. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education 49
(Winter 1976): 36-39. Article of interest shelved with general books)
Creston, Paul. Rational Metric Notation. Hicksville, NY: Exposition Press, 1979.
Cunningham, Luvern. Directions for the Future in Education. Current Issues in
Music Education4 (1967): 72-75. (Article of interest shelved with general books)
Czowiek - muzyka - psychologia (Man - music - psychology): Ksika dedykowana
Professor Marii Manturzewskiej (Festschrift). Warsaw: Akademia Muzyczna im.
Fryderyka Chopina, 2000.
Dadak-Kozicka, J. Katarzyna. Polska Muzyka Ludowa w Pocztkach Edukacji z Prac
Nad Polsk Adaptacja ,Kodlya. Warszawa, 1990.
Davies, John Booth. The Psychology of Music. Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Press, 1978.
Dell, Cecily. A Primer for Movement Description: Using Effort-Shape and
Supplementary Concepts. New York: Dance Notation Bureau Press, 1977.
dePaola, Tomie. The Legend of the Bluebonnet. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1983.
Inscribed: "To the Gordon Institute Library! When your students

(especially 18 mo. olds) have a break from their audiationPlease read

this to them! Chere Reneau, on behalf of our Texas musicians."
Deutsch, Diana, ed. The Psychology of Music. Series in Cognition and Perception.
New York: Academic Press, 1982.
Deutsch, Herb. Moog Opus 3 Owners Manual. Buffalo, NY: Moog Music, 1980.
Dias, Pedro. History and Art Heritage in Coimbra. 3rd ed. (revised and extended)
Minerva, 1997.
Doerr, Evelyn. Rudolf Laban: The Dancer of the Crystal. Lanham, MD: The
Scarecrow Press, 2008.
Dostoevski, Fyodor. The Grand Inquisitor on the Nature of Man. Translated by
Constance Garrett. With introduction by William Hubben, 11 th Ed. Indianapolis:
Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1948.
Dowling, W. Jay, and Dane L. Harwood. Music Cognition. Orlando, FL: Academic
Press, 1986.
Duerksen, George L. Teaching Instrumental Music. From Research to the Music
Classroom, no. 3. Washington, DC: MENC, 1972. (Two copies)
Ebel, Robert L. Essentials of Educational Measurement. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 1972.
Eble, Kenneth E. The Recognition and Evaluation of Teaching. Salt Lake City, UT:
Project to Improve College Teaching, 1971.
Ecker, David, ed. Qualitative Evaluation in the Arts. New York: New York University,
Eisner, Elliot W. Cognition and Curriculum: A Basis for Deciding What to Teach. New
York: Longman, 1982.
Ely, Mark C., and Amy E. Rashkin. Dictionary of Music Education: A Handbook of
Terminology. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2005.
Entsminger, Deen E. Nostalgic Afterthoughts. Plymouth Choral Series. Fort
Lauderdale, FL: Plymouth Music Co., 1983. Includes a letter from Deen thanking Dr.
Gordon for helping him discover the sound within him.
Esze, Lszl. Zoltn Kodly: His Life in Pictures and Documents. Budapest: Kossuth
Printing House, 1982.
Epperson, Gordon. The Musical Symbol: A Study of the Philosophic Theory of Music.
Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1967.

Farnsworth, Charles Hubert. Education through Music. New York: American Book
Company, 1909.
_______________________. Short Studies in Musical Psychology. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1930.
Farnsworth, Paul R. The Social Psychology of Music. New York: The Dryden Press,
_______________. The Social Psychology of Music, 2d ed. Iowa City, IA: University of
Iowa Press, 1969.
Faulds, Bruce. The Perception of Pitch in Music: A Technical Report. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University, 1959.
Feldenkrais, Moshe. The Elusive Obvious. Capitola, CA: Meta Publications, 1981.
Ferguson, Donald N. The Why of Music. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota
Press, 1969.
Filharmonia Pomorska. Bydgoszcz: The Pomeranian Philharmonic of I. J. Paderewski,
Flanagan, John C., et al. Design for a Study of American Youth. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 1962.
Flanagan, John C., et al. Studies of the American High School. Project Talent
Monograph Series. n.p.: U.S. Office of Education, 1962.
Fleming, William. Arts & Ideas. 7th ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1986.
Fonder, Mark, ed. The Grandmaster Series: Collected Thoughts of Leaders in
Twentieth Century Music Education. n.p.: The National Association for Music
Education, 2003.
Fowler, Charles, ed. The Crane Symposium: Toward an Understanding of the
Teaching and Learning of Music Performance. Potsdam, NY: Potsdam College of the
State University of New York, 1988.
Franklin, Erik. Music Education: Psychology and Method. London: George G. Harrap
& Co., 1972.
________. Tonality as a Basis for the Study of Musical Talent. Gteborg: Gumperts
Frlag, 1956. Inscribed by the author: "Mr. Hiller with compliments...the
Fresco, Grazia Honegger, ed. I bambini, che belle persone!: Uno sguardo attento e
rispettoso sul mondo incantato dellinfanzia con la guida di Maria Montessori. Como:
Centro Nascita Montessori, 1995.

Froseth, James O. Using MAP Scores in the Instruction of Beginning Students in

Instrumental Music. Journal of Research in Music Education19, no. 1 (Spring 1971):
98-105. (Article of interest shelved with general books)
Fyk, Janina. Melodic Intonation, Psychoacoustics, and the Violin. Translated by
Joanna Ciecierska. Poland: Organon, 1995.
Gabrielsson, Alf. Music Psychology: A Survey of Problems and Current Research
Activities. Reprint of Basic Musical Functions and Musical Ability, no. 32. Stockholm:
Royal Swedish Academy of Music, 1981.
Gagne, Robert M. The Conditions of Learning. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
Gaston, E Thayer. A Rationale for Research in Music Education. Current Issues in
Music Education3 (1967): 1-3. (Article of interest shelved with general books)
Gawrykiewiczowa, Mirosawa. Nutka Milutka: O literach opowiada. Bydgoszcz:
Wydawnictwo Pamela Records, 1998. See audio cassette, Box 4. Inscribed by the
Gawrykiewiczowa, Mirosawa, and Ewa A. Zwoliska, eds. Retropiewnik: Polskich
Gordonowcw. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo KRESKA, 2006. Inscribed by the editors.
Gawrykiewicz, Jolanta and Miosz. Wstp do nauki improwizacji. Krakw, Impuls,
2011. Includes CD
Getzels, Jacob W., and Philip W. Jackson. Creativity and Intelligence: Explorations
with Gifted Students. London: John Wiley & Sons, 1962.
Glenn, Neal, and Robert Glidden. The Development of Content and Materials for a
Music Literature Course in the Senior High School. Cooperative Research Project No.
H243. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa, 1966.
Gordon, Edwin E. "6 Books by Edwin E. Gordon." Chicago: GIA Publications. Includes
CD with audio commentary. Holdings:
Learning Sequences in Music: Skill, Content, and Patterns. 1997, 2012.
Study Guide for Learning Sequences in Music: Skill, Content, and Patterns. 1997.
A Music Learning Theory for Newborn and Young Children. 1997.
Introduction to Research and the Psychology of Music. 1998.
Rhythm: Contrasting the Implications of Audiation and Notation. 2000.
Preparatory Audiation, Audiation, and Music Learning Theory: A Handbook of a
Comprehensive Music Learning Sequence. 2001.
________. Advanced Measures of Music Audiation. Manual. Chicago: GIA Publications,
1989. (Four copies)

________. The Advanced Measures of Music Audiation and the Instrument Timbre
Preference Test: Three Research Studies. GIA Monograph Series. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 1991. (Four copies)
________. Am I Musical?: Discover Your Music Potential. Music Audiation Games for
Adults and Children Ages 7 and Up. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2003.
________. Apollonian Apostles: Conversations About the Nature, Measurement, and
Implications of Music Aptitudes. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2009. (Three copies)
_________. lApprendimento musicale del bambino dalla nascita alleta prescol re.
Milano: Edizioni Curci, 2003. Italian translation of Music Learning Theory for
Newborn and Young Children.
________. Ascolta tu. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2003. Italian edition by Edizioni
Curci, 2005. Includes compact disc. Italian translation of Am I Musical.
_______. Audie: A Game for Understanding and Analyzing Your Childs Music
Potential. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1989. Includes game sheets.
________. The Aural/Visual Experience of Music Literacy: Reading & Writing Music
Notation. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2004.
________. Awakening Newborns, Children, and Adults to the World of Audiation: A
Sequential Guide. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2007. (Two copies)
________. BUFFALO Music Learning Theory: Resolutions and Beyond. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 2006.
________. Clarity by Comparison and Relationship: A Bedtime Reader for Music
Educators. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2008.
________. A Comparison of Scores on the 1971 and 1993 Editions of the Iowa Tests of
Music Literacy: Implications for Music Education. With Selecting an Appropriate
String Instrument for Study Using the Instrument Timbre Preference Test. GIML
Monograph Series, no. 1. West Berne, NY: GIML, 1994. (Two copies)
_________. Continuing Studies in Music Aptitudes. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2004.
(Seven copies)
________. Corybantic Conversations: Imagined Encounters between Dalcroze, Kodly,
Laban, Mason, Orff, Seashore, and Suzuki. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2008.
________. Designing Objective Research in Music Education: Fundamental
Considerations. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1986. (Two copies)

________. Developmental and Stabilized Music Aptitudes: Further Evidence of the

Duality. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2002. (Two copies)
________. Discovering Music from the Inside Out: An Autobiography. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 2006. (Three copies)
_________. Essential Preparation for Beginning Instrumental Music Instruction.
Chicago: GIA Publications, 2010. (Eight copies)
________. Factor Analytic Study of Tonal and Rhythmic Patterns: A Factor Analytic
Description of Tonal and Rhythm Patterns and Objective Evidence of Pattern
Difficulty Level and Growth Rate. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1978.
__________. Guidebook for the Instrument Timbre Preference Test. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 2008. (Eighteen copies)
________. Guiding Your Child's Musical Development: Birth Through Age Five.
Chicago: GIA Publications, 1991. Includes audio cassette, Box 3.
________. Harmonic Improvisation for Adult Musicians. Chicago: GIA Publications,
________. Harmonic Improvisation Readiness Record. Chicago: GIA Publications,
1996. (Three copies)
________. Harmonic Improvisation Readiness Record and Rhythm Improvisation
Readiness Record. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1998.
________. How Children Learn When They Learn Music. Iowa City, IA: University of
Iowa, 1967. View
________. How Children Learn When They Learn Music. Iowa City, IA: University of
Iowa, 1968. View
________. Improvisation in the Music Classroom: Sequential Learning. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 2003. (Two copies)
________. Intermediate Measures of Music Audiation: A Music Aptitude Test for First,
Second, Third, and Fourth Grade Children. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1982.
________. Introduction to Research and the Psychology of Music. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 1998.
________. An Investigation of the Objective Validity of Music Audiation Games.
Chicago: GIA Publications, 2004.
________. Iowa Tests of Music Literacy. Manual. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa,

________. Iowa Tests of Music Literacy, rev. ed. Manual. Iowa City, IA: University of
Iowa, 1991. (Five copies)
________. Jump Right In: The Music Curriculum: Reference Handbook for Using
Learning Sequence Activities, 3d rev. ed. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2001. (Two
________. Learning Sequence and Patterns in Music. n.p.: Tometic Associates, 1976.
(Two copies)
________. Learning Sequence and Patterns in Music, rev. ed. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 1977. (Two copies)
________. Learning Sequences in Music: Skill, Content, and Patterns. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 1980. (Three copies)
________. Learning Sequences in Music: Skill, Content, and Patterns, 1984 Edition.
Chicago: GIA Publications, 1984. (Two copies)
________. Learning Sequences in Music: Skill, Content, and Patterns, 1988 Edition.
Chicago: GIA Publications, 1988. (Two copies)
________. Learning Sequences in Music: Skill, Content, and Patterns, 1993 Edition.
Chicago: GIA Publications, 1993. (Three copies)
________. Learning Sequences in Music: Skill, Content, and Patterns, 1997 Edition.
Chicago: GIA Publications, 1997. (Two copies)
________. Learning Sequences in Music: Skill, Content, and Patterns, 2003 Edition.
Chicago: GIA Publications, 2003. (Four copies)
________. Learning Sequences in Music: A Contemporary Music Learning Theory,
2007 Edition. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2007, 2012.
________. Learning Theory, Patterns, and Music. Buffalo, NY: Tometic Associates,
________. The Manifestation of Developmental Music Aptitude in the Audiation of
"Same" and "Different" as Sound in Music. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1981. (Two
________. Manual for the Instrument Timbre Preference Test. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 1984.
________. More Songs and Chants Without Words. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2000.
________. Music Aptitude and Related Tests: An Introduction. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 2001. (Four copies)

_________. Music Education: The Forgotten Past, Troubled Present, and Unknown
Future. Special Edition. Norristown, PA: GIML Audeates, 1997. View
________. Music Education Doctoral Study for the 21st Century. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 2011. (Eight copies)
________. Music Education Research: Taking a Panoptic Measure of Reality. Chicago:
GIA Publications, 2005.
________. A Music Learning Theory for Newborn and Young Children. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 1990. (Three copies)
________. A Music Learning Theory for Newborn and Young Children, 1997 Edition.
Chicago: GIA Publications, 1997. (Three copies)
________. A Music Learning Theory for Newborn and Young Children (in Chinese).
Chicago: GIA Publications, 1997. Chinese edition by Psychological Publishing Co.,
1999. (Two copies)
________. A Music Learning Theory for Newborn and Young Children (in Korean).
Translated by Helen K. Yi. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1997. Korean edition by IEC
Music English, 2000.
________. A Music Learning Theory for Newborn and Young Children, 2003 Edition.
Chicago: GIA Publications, 2003.
__________. Music Listening Experiences for Newborn and Preschool Children:
Notation and Recording of Brief Tunes and Rhythm Chants in Many Tonalities and
Meters. Includes 2 CDs. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2012. (Seven copies)
________. Musical Aptitude Profile. Manual. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1965. (Four
________. Musical Aptitude Profile. Manual. Chicago: Riverside Publishing Co., 1988.
(Two copies)
________. Musical Aptitude Profile. Manual. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1995. (Two
________. Musikalische Begabung: Beschaffenheit, Beschre`ibung, Messung und
Bewertung. Musikpdagogik: Forschung und Lehre, ed. Sigrid Abel-Struth, vol. 25.
Mainz: Schott, 1986. (Two copies) Translation of Nature, Description, Measurement,
and Evaluation of Music Aptitudes by Edwin Gordon.
________. The Nature, Description, Measurement, and Evaluation of Music Aptitudes.
Chicago: GIA Publications, 1987. (Two copies)

________. Pattern Sequence and Learning in Music. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1978.
(Two copies)
________. Podstawowa miara suchu muzycznego i rednia miara suchu
muzycznego. Warszawa: Akademia Muzyczna im. Fryderyka Chopina Centrum
Edukacji Artystycznej, 1999. (Four copies) Polish translation of: Manual for the
Primary Measures of Music Audiation, and the Intermediate Measures of Music
________.Podstawy Teorii Uczenia si Muzyki Wedug Edwina E. Gordona. Materiay z
III Seminarium Gordonowskiego held in Zamo, 2-12 August 1998. Bydgoszcz:
Wydawnictwo Uczelniane WSP, 2000. (Translation of Music Learning Theory for
Newborn and Young Children)
________. Possible Impossibilities in Undergraduate Music Education. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 2010.

________. Predictive Validity Studies of IMMA and ITPT: A Two-Year Longitudinal

Predictive Validity Study of the Instrument Timbre Preference Test and the
Intermediate Measures of Music Audiation. GIA Monograph Series. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 1989. (Two copies)
________. Predictive Validity Study of AMMA: A One-Year Longitudinal Predictive
Validity Study of the Advanced Measures of Music Audiation. GIA Monograph Series.
Chicago: GIA Publications, 1990. (Three copies)
________. Preparatory Audiation, Audiation, and Music Learning Theory: A Handbook
of a Comprehensive Music Learning Sequence. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2001.
________. Primary Measures of Music Audiation: A Music Aptitude Test for
Kindergarten and Primary Grade Children. Manual. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1979.
(Two copies)
________. Primary Measures of Music Audiation and the Intermediate Measures of
Music Audiation: Music Aptitude Tests for Kindergarten and First, Second, Third, and
Fourth Grade Children. Manual. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1986. (Three copies)
________. Psychology of Music Teaching. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1971.
(Two copies)
________. Psychology of Music Teaching (in Korean). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PrenticeHall, 1973.
________. Rating Scales and Their Uses for Measuring and Evaluating Achievement in
Music Performance. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2002. (Two copies)

________. Rhythm: Contrasting the Implications of Audiation and Notation. Chicago:

GIA Publications, 2000. (Two copies)
________. Rhythm: Contrasting the Implications of Audiation and Notation, 2 nd
Edition. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2009. (Ten copies)
_________. Roots of Music Learning Theory and Audiation. Chicago: GIA Publications,
2011. (Two copies). View
________. Sekwencje Uczenia si w Muzyce: Umiejtnoci, Zawarto i Motywy.
Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uczelniane, 1999. (Two copies) Russian translation of
Learning Sequences in Music, Skill, Content, and Patterns.
________. Selecting an Appropriate String Instrument for Study Using the Instrument
Timbre Preference Test. With A Comparison of Scores on the 1971 and 1993 Editions
of the Iowa Tests of Music Literacy: Implications for Music Education. GIML
Monograph Series, no. 1. West Berne, NY: GIML, 1994. (Two copies)
________. Society and Musical Development: Another Pandora Paradox. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 2010.
________. Studies in Harmonic and Rhythmic Improvisation Readiness. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 2000. (Two copies)
________. Study Guide for Learning Sequences in Music: Skill, Content, and Patterns.
Chicago: GIA Publications, 1984. (Two copies)
________. Study Guide for Learning Sequences in Music: Skill, Content, and Patterns,
1997 Edition. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1997. (Six copies)
________. Study Guide for Learning Sequences in Music: A Contemporary Music
Learning Theory, 2007 Edition. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2007.
_________. Study Guide for Learning Sequences in Music: A Contemporary Music
Learning Theory, 2007. 2012 Supplement. (Questions Supplementing the 2007
Study Guide to be Compatible with the 2012 Edition of Learning Sequences in
_________. Study to Determine the Effects of Training and Practice on Drake Musical
Aptitude Test Scores. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa, 1958. Dissertation (Original)
________. Taking a Reasonable and Honest Look at Tonal Solfege and Rhythm
Solfege . Chicago: GIA Publications, 2009.
________. Taking Another Look at the Established Procedure for Scoring the
Advanced Measures of Music Audiation. With Music, the Brain, and Music Learning,
by Eckart Altenmller and Wilfried Gruhn. GIML Monograph Series. Narberth, PA:
GIML, 1997. (Two copies). View

_______. Teoria de Aprendizagem Musical: Competncias, Contedos e Padres.

(Learning Sequences in Music: Skill, Content, and Patterns.) Translated by Paulo
Maria Rodrigues. Lisboa: Fundao Calouste Gulbenkian, 2000.
________. Teoria de Aprendizagem Musical Para Recem-Nascidos e Criancas em
Idade Pre-Escolar (Music Learning Theory for Newborn and Young Children).
Translated by Paulo Maria Rodrigues. Lisboa: Fundao Calouste Gulbenkian, 2000.
(Two copies)
________. Test Validity and Curriculum Development: Three Longitudinal Studies in
Music. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2001. (Two copies)
________. A Three-Year Longitudinal Predictive Validity Study of the Musical Aptitude
Profile. Studies in the Psychology of Music, vol. 5. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa
Press, 1967. (Nine copies)
________. A Three-Year Study of the Musical Aptitude Profile. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 2001. (Two copies)
________. Tonal and Rhythm Pattern Audiation Cassettes. Manual. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 1981. (Two copies)
________. Tonal and Rhythm Patterns: An Objective Analysis (A Taxonomy of Tonal
Patterns and Rhythm Patterns and Seminal Experimental Evidence of Their
Difficulty and Growth Rate). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1976.
(Three copies)
_________.Untying Gordian Knots. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2011.
________. Umuzykalnianie Niemowlt i Maych Dzieci: Teoria i Wskazwski
Praktyczne. Krakw: Wydawnictwo 'Zamiast Korepetycji,' 1997. (Three copies) Polish
translation of Music Learning Theory for Newborns and Young Children.
________. Whittled Wordscapes: Essays on Music and Life. Chicago: GIA Publications,
Gordon, Edwin E., and Andrea Apostoli. l'Apprendimento musicale del bambino dalla
nascita all'et prescolare: Canti melodici e rimici senza parole. Milan: Edizioni Curci,
2004. (Three copies)
Gordon, Edwin E., et al. The Early Childhood Music Curriculum: Songs and Chants
Without Words, Book. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1993. (Two copies)
Gordon, Edwin E., et al. Vaiko muzikalumo puoselejimas. Vilnius: Kronta, 1999.
Gordon, Edwin E., and Andrea Apostoli. Canti melodici e ritmici senza parole. Milano:
Edizioni Curci, 2004.

Gordon, Edwin E., and David G. Woods. Jump Right In: The Music Curriculum.
Chicago: GIA Publications, +1984. Holdings (Two copies of each):
Rhythm Register: Books 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8
Tonal Register: Books 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8
________. Jump Right In: The Music Curriculum, rev. ed. Chicago: GIA Publications,
1990. Holdings:
Rhythm Register: Book 1 (Two copies), Book 2
Tonal Register: Book 1 (Two copies), Book 2
____. Jump Right In: The Music Curriculum: Reference Handbook for Using Learning
Sequence Activities. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1985.
________. Jump Right In: The Music Curriculum: Reference Handbook for Using
Learning Sequence Activities, 2d rev. ed. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1992. (Two
________. Jump Right In: The Music Curriculum: Reference Handbook for Using
Learning Sequence Activities, 3d rev. ed. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2001. (Two
________. Jump Right In: The Music Curriculum: Song Collection (Songs 1-309).
Chicago: GIA Publications, 1986.
________. Jump Right In: The Music Curriculum: Song Collection (Songs 310-684).
Chicago: GIA Publications, 1986.
________. Zanurz si w program nauszania muzyki: Dziaania w kolejnoci uczenia
si podrcznik dla nauczycieli. Bydgoszczy: Wydawnictwo Uczelniane WSP, 1999.
(Two copies)
Gordon, Edwin E., David G. Woods, and Darrel Walters. Jump Right In: The Music
Curriculum: Coordinating Classroom Activities and Learning Sequence Activities.
Chicago: GIA Publications, 1988. (Three copies)
________. Jump Right In: The Music Curriculum: Learning Sequence Activities
Introductory Manual. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1987. (Three copies)
Gordon, Karen Elizabeth. The Well-tempered Sentence: A Punctuation Handbook for
the Innocent, the Eager, and the Doomed. New York: Ticknor & Fields, 1983.
Gould, Stephen Jay. The Mismeasure of Man. New York: W. W. Norton and Co., 1981.
Green, Elizabeth A. H. Practicing Successfully: A Masterclass in the Musical Art.
Chicago: GIA Publications, 2006.
Gruhn, Wilfried. Geschichte der Musikerziehung. Hofheim: Wolke Verlag, 1993.

____________. Kinder brauchen Musik: Musikalitt bei kleinen Kindern entfalten und
frdern. Weinheim: Beltz Verlag, 2003.
_______ ____.Musikalische Sprachartikulation seit Schnbergs Melodramen Pierrot
Lunaire." Reprinted from Dichtung und Musik: Kaleidoskop ihrer Beziehungen, ed.
Gnter Schnitzler, 265-280. n.p.: Klett-Cotta, n.d.
________. Wahrnehmen & Verstehen: Untersuchungen zum Verstehensbegriff in der
Musik. Taschenbcher zur Musikwissenschaft, ed. Richard Schaal, no. 107.
Wilhelmshaven: Florian Noetzel Verlag, 1989. Signed by the author.
Grunow, Richard F., and Edwin E. Gordon. Introducing Jump Right In: The
Instrumental Series. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1991.
________. Jump Right In: The Instrumental Series: Teachers Guide, Soprano Recorder
Book One. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1987.
Grunow, Richard F., Edwin E. Gordon, and Christopher D. Azzara. Jump Right In: The
Instrumental Series: Composition Book One. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2000.
________. Jump Right In: The Instrumental Series for Winds and Percussion, rev. ed.
Chicago: GIA Publications, 2000. Includes compact disc. Holdings:
Soprano Recorder: Book 1, Book 2
Flute: Book 1, Book 2, Solo Book 1A (Two copies), Solo Book 1B (Two copies)
Clarinet: Book 1 (Two copies), Book 2 (Two copies), Solo Book 1A (Two copies), Solo
Book 1B (Two copies)
Oboe: Book 1, Book 2, Solo Book 1A (Two copies), Solo Book 1B (Two copies)
Bassoon: Book 1, Book 2, Solo Book 1A (Two copies), Solo Book 1B (Two copies)
Alto Saxophone: Book 1, Book 2, Solo Book 1A (Two copies), Solo Book 1B (Two
Tenor Saxophone: Book 1, Book 2, Solo Book 1A (Two copies), Solo Book 1B (Two
Trumpet: Book 1, Book 2, Solo Book 1A (Two copies), Solo Book 1B (Two copies)
French Horn: Book 1, Book 2, Solo Book 1A (Two copies), Solo Book 1B (Two copies)
Trombone: Book 2, Solo Book 1A (Two copies), Solo Book 1B (Two copies)
Baritone (B.C.): Book 1, Book 2, Solo Book 1A (Two copies), Solo Book 1B (Two
Baritone (T.C.): Book 1, Book 2, Solo Book 1A (Two copies), Solo Book 1B (Two
Tuba: Book 1, Book 2, Solo Book 1A (Two copies), Solo Book 1B (Two copies)
Percussion: Book 1, Book 2, Solo Book 1A (Two copies), Solo Book 1B (Two copies)
________. Jump Right In: The Instrumental Series for Winds and Percussion:
Teachers Guide, Book 1 & 2, rev. ed. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2001. (Two copies)

Grunow, Richard F., et al. Jump Right In: The Instrumental Series for Strings, rev.
ed. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2002. Includes compact disc. Holdings:
Violin: Book 1 (Three copies), Book 2 (Two copies), Solo Book 1A (Two copies), Solo
Book 1B (Two copies)
Viola: Book 1 (Two copies), Book 2 (Two copies), Solo Book 1A (Two copies), Solo
Book 1B (Two copies)
Cello: Book 1 (Two copies), Book 2 (Two copies), Solo Book 1A (Two copies), Solo
Book 1B (Two copies)
Bass: Book 1 (Five copies), Book 2 (Two copies), Solo Book 1A (Two copies), Solo
Book 1B (Two copies)
________. Jump Right In: The Instrumental Series for Strings: Teachers Guide, Book
1 & 2, rev. ed. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2002. (Two copies)
Guilford, J. P. Psychometric Methods. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1954.
Gulliksen, Harold. Theory of Mental Tests. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1950.
Hainstock, Elizabeth G. The Essential Montessori: An Introduction to the Woman, the
Writings, the Method, and the Movement. New York: The Penguin Group, 1997.
Hamilton, Clarence G. Sound and Its Relation to Music. Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1912.
Hanslick, Eduard. The Beautiful in Music. Translated by Gustav Cohen. Indianapolis,
IN: Bobbs-Merrill, 1957.
Hargreaves, David J. The Developmental Psychology of Music. Cambridge, MA:
Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Harms, Thelma, Richard M. Clifford, and Debby Cryer. Early Childhood Environment
Rating Scale, rev. ed. New York: Teachers College Press, 1998.
Harrington, Charles J. An Investigation of the Primary Level Musical Aptitude Profile
for Use with Second and Third Grade Students. Journal of Research in Music
Education7, no. 4 (Winter 1969): 359-368. (Article of interest shelved with general
Harrison, Carole S., Edward P. Asmus, and Richard T. Serpe. Effects of Musical
Aptitude, Academic Ability, and Motivation on Aural Skills. Journal of Research in
Music Education42, no. 2 (Summer 1994): 131-144. (Article of interest shelved with
general books)
Hartshorn, William C., ed. Music for the Academically Talented Student in the
Secondary School. Washington, DC: MENC, 1960.
Haselbach, Grner, and Salmon. Im Dialog: Elementare Musik und Tanzpdagogik
im Interdisziplinren Kontext (In Dialogue: Elemental Music and Dance Education in

Interdisciplinary Contexts). Salzburg: Schott Music, 2007. (shelved with articles by

Heiks, James, ed., Alice Parker's Hand-Me-Down Songs. Chicago: GIA Publications,
Heim, Alyn. Rehearsal Warmups for Band Chorus Orchestra. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 1981.
Helmholtz, Hermann L. F. On the Sensations of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the
Theory of Music. Translated by Alexander J. Ellis. New York: Dover Publications,
Herboly-Kocsr, Ildik. Teaching of Polyphony, Harmony and Form in Elementary
School. Translated by Alexander Farkas. Kecskemt: Petfi Nyomda, 1984.
Hess, Lisa M. Learning in a Musical Key: Insight for Theology in Performative Mode.
Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2011.
Hickman, A. T. Electronic Apparatus for Music Research. Music Education Research
Papers, no. 3. London: Novello, 1968. (Two copies)
Hillway, Tyrus. Handbook of Educational Research. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1969.
Hodges, Donald A., ed. Handbook of Music Psychology. Lawrence, KS: National
Association for Music Therapy, 1980.
Horner, V. Music Education: The Background of Research and Opinion. Hawthorn:
Australian Council for Educational Research, 1965.
Houle, George. Meter in Music, 1600-1800: Performance, Perception, and Notation.
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1987.
Howell, Peter, Ian Cross, and Robert West, eds. Musical Structure and Cognition.
London: Academic Press, 1985.
Howes, Frank. The Borderland of Music and Psychology. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1927.
Huck, Schuyler W., William H. Cormier, and William G. Bounds, Jr. Reading Statistics
and Research. New York: Harper & Row, 1974.
Huff, Darrell. How to Lie with Statistics. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1954.
Hutter, Clemens M. The Hohensalzburg Fortress. Translated by Lawrence Brazier.
Salzburg: Salzburg State Board of Tourism, Spring 2003.

Isaac, Stephen, and William B. Michael. Handbook in Research and Evaluation, 3d

ed. For Education and the Behavioral Sciences. San Diego: Educational and
Industrial Testing Services, 1995.
Jacoby, Heinrich. Jenseits von Musikalisch und Unmusikalisch: Die Befreiung der
schpferischen Krfte dargestellt am Beispiele der Musik, ed. Sophie Ludwig.
Hamburg: Christians, 1984. Includes photocopied timeline of Jacoby's life.
Jacques-Dalcroze, Emile. Rhythm, Music and Education. London: Riverside Press,
________. Rhythmic Solfege. n.p.: R. Abramson, 1975.
Jordan, James. Evoking Sound: The Choral Conductors Aural Tutor: Training the Ear
to Diagnose VocalProblems. A Companion to The Choral Warm-Up. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 2006. Includes two compact discs.
___________. Evoking Sound: The Choral Warm-Up: Method, procedures, Planning,
and Core Vocl Exercises. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2005.
_______. Evoking Sound: Fundamentals of Choral Conducting. 2 nd Edition. Chicago:
GIA Publications, 2009.
________. The Conductors Gesture: A Practical Application of Rudolf von Labanss
Movement Language. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2011.
________. The Musician's Walk: An Ethical Labyrinth. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2006.
Jordan, James with Mark Moliterno and Nova Thomas. The Musicians Breath: The
Role of Breathing in Human Expression.Chicago:GIA Publications, 2011.
The Julliard Report on Teaching the Literature and Materials of Music. New York: W.
W. Norton, 1953.
Kamiska, Barbara. Kompetencje wokalne dzieci i modziey - ich poziom, rozwj i
uwarunkowania. Warszawa: Akademia Muzyczna im. Fryderyka Chopina, 1997.
Inscribed by the author: "To Professor Edwin E. Gordon with my best
wishes. Barbara Kamiska. Zamo, August 1998."
Kataryczuk-Mania, Lidia, ed. Innowacje pedagogiczne w edukacji muzycznej dzieci
i modziey. Zielona Gra: Wysza Szkoa Pedagogiczna im. Tadeusza
Ketarbiskiego, 2000. Inscribed: "Prof. Edwin E. Gordon, Thank you for being
our teacher, master, guide, and friend. Thank you for showing us how we
should love what we do. Bydgoszcz, 26.08.2001." Multiple signatures.
Keetman, Gunild. Elementaria: First Acquaintance with Orff-Schulwerk. London:
Schott, 1970.

Kellogg, Rhoda, with Scott ODell. The Psychology of Childrens Art. n.p.: CRM, 1967.
Kemp, Anthony E. The Musical Temperament: Psychology and Personality of
Musicians. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. Inscribed by the author: "To
Edwin, with fond memories of our significant meeting at Reading which I
still hope will be repeated before too long. As you will see in these pages I
remain indebted to you for all your work in audiation. Warmest wishes,
Tony. University of Reading, February 1997."
_______________. Research in Music Education: A Festschrift for Arnold Bentley. n.p.:
ISME, n.d.
________________. Some Approaches to Research in Music Education. Reading: IMSE,
1992. Inscribed by the editor: "To Edwin, with warmest wishes. Tony Kemp,
October 1993."
Kerman, Joseph. Contemplating Music: Challenges to Musicology. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1985.
Kilpatrick, William Heard. A Reconstructed Theory of the Educative Process. New
York: Columbia University, 1935.
Klohr, Paul R., Curriculum in a Climate of Change. Current Issues in Music
Education v.2 (1964): 1-9. (Article of interest shelved with general books)
A Kodly Intzet IV., Jubileumi vknyve (Year-Book of the Kodly Institute, IV) 1975
2000. Kecskemt: Kodly Intzet, 2001.
Komada, Wiesawa. Kanony. Zielona Gra: Orodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli, 1997.
Krbaa, Peter. Psycholgia Hudby: Pre Hudobnikov. Presov: Mats music, 1994.
Krone, Beatrice Perham. Teaching Music in the Elementary School. Chicago:
Progressive Education Association, 1941.
Kwalwasser, Jacob. Exploring the Musical Mind. New York: Coleman-Ross Co., 1955.
________. Problems in Public School Music. New York: M. Witmark and Sons, 1932.
________. Tests and Measurements in Music. Boston: C. C. Birchard and Co., 1927.
Laban, Rudolf. Modern Educational Dance. London: Macdonald & Evans, 1948.
Lange, Diane M. Together in Harmony: Combining Orff Schulwerk and Music
Learning Theory. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2005. (Two copies)
____________. Together Again in Harmony: Combining Orff Schulwerk and Music
Learning Theory. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2012.

Larson, Ruth Crewdson. Studies on Seashore's "Measures of Musical Talent." Series

on Aims and Progress of Research vol. 2, no. 6. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa, 1
March 1930.
Lawrence, Lynne. Montessori Read & Write: A Parents Guide to Literacy for
Children. New York: Three Rivers Press, 1998.
Lee, Robert E. An Investigation of the Use of the Musical Aptitude Profile with
College and University Freshman Music Students. Journal of Research in Music
Education15, no. 4 (Winter 1967): 278-288. (Article of interest shelved with general
Lehman, Paul R. Tests and Measurements in Music. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PrenticeHall, 1968. (Two copies)
Leichtentritt, Hugo. Music, History, and Ideas. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press, 1961.
Lewis, Don. "The Construction of a Timbre Test." Reprinted from The Psychological
Record 3, no. 9 (June 1939): 115-136. (February 1937). Mutilated copy. (Article of
interest shelved with general books)
_________. Pitch: Its Definition and Physical Determinants. Reprinted from Iowa
Studies in the Psychology of Music4 (February 1937):[346]-373. (Article of interest
shelved with general books)
Lewis, Don, Milton Cowan, and Grant Fairbanks. "Pitch and Frequency Modulation."
Reprinted from Journal of Experimental Psychology27, no. 1 (July 1940):23-36.
(Article of interest shelved with general books)
Lillard, Paula Polk. Montessori in the Classroom: A Teacher's Account of How
Children Really Learn, rev. ed. New York: Schocken Books, 1997.
________. Montessori Today: A Comprehensive Approach to Education from Birth to
Adulthood. New York: Schocken Books, 1996.
Lindquist, E. F. Design and Analysis of Experiments in Psychology and Education.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1953.
________. Educational Measurement. Washington, DC: American Council on
Education, 1961.
Liszt ferenc arcai: Fotportrk. Budapest: Mzsk kzmuvelodsi kiad, n.d.
Lowe, Marilyn, and Michael Brill, with Edwin E. Gordon. Music Moves for Piano:
Boogies and Blues. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2004. (Two copies)

________. Music Moves for Piano: Music Moves for Two. Chicago: GIA Publications,
2004. Holdings (Two copies of each):
Book 1
Book 2
Lowe, Marilyn, with Edwin E. Gordon. Music Moves for Piano. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 2004. Holdings (Two copies of each):
Preparatory Book
Teacher's Guide, Preparatory Book
Book 1
Teacher's Lesson Plans, Book 1
Book 2
Teacher's Lesson Plans, Book 2
Lundin, Robert W. An Objective Psychology of Music. New York: The Ronald Press
Co., 1953.
________. An Objective Psychology of Music, 2d ed. New York: The Ronald Press Co.,
________. An Objective Psychology of Music, 3d ed. Malabar, FL: Robert E. Krieger
Co., 1985.
Lyman, Howard B. Test Scores and What They Mean. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PrenticeHall, 1963.
MENC: the New Handbook of Research on Music Learning. Editors: Richard Colwell
and Carol Richardson. v.1, New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
MENC Handbook of Research on Music Learning. Edited by Richard Colwell and Peter
R. Webster. v.2, New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Macdonald, Dwight. Against the American Grain: Essays on the Effects of Mass
Culture. New York: andon House, 1956.
Magnasco, John, and Harry Semerjian. Communication and the Arts, Edina, MN:
Bellwether Press, 1985.
Manhattanville Music Curriculum Program: A Synthesis. Purchase, NY:
Manhattanville College, 1967.
Manhattanville Music Curriculum Program: A Synthesis, rev. ed. Purchase, NY:
Manhattanville College, 1969.
Manturzewska, Maria. Materiay do psychologii muzyki (III): Psychologiczne
wyznaczniki powodzenia w studiach muzycznych. Materialy pomocnicze dla

nauczycieli szkol i ognisk artystycznych, Zeszyt 149. Warsaw: Centralny srodek

Pedagogiczny Szkolnictwa Artystycznego, 1974. Inscribed by the author.
Manturzewska, Maria, Kacper Miklaszewski, and Andrzej Biakowski, eds. Psychology
of Music Today: Proceedings of the International Seminar of Researchers and
Lecturers in the Psychology of Music Held in Radziejowice, Poland, 24-29 September
1990. Warsaw: Fryderyk Chopin Academy of Music, 1995. (Two copies)
Mark, Michael L. Contemporary Music Education, 3d ed. New York: Schirmer, 1996.
Martin, Michael E. Jump Right In: The Instrumental Series: Parents Guide. Chicago:
GIA Publications, 2002. (Nine copies)
Matthay, Tobias. An Introduction to Psychology for Music Teachers. London: Oxford
University Press, 1939.
McCall, William A. Measurement of Teacher Merit. n.p.: State of North Carolina
Department of Public Instruction, 1951.
McCauley, Clara Josephine. A Professionalized Study of Public School Music.
Knoxville, TN: Joseph E. Avent, 1932.
McLaughlin, Kenneth F. Interpretation of Test Results. Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1964.
McLeish, John. The Factor of Musical Cognition in Wing's and Seashore's Tests.
Music Education Research Papers, no. 2. London: Novello, 1968. (Two copies)
Meyer, Leonard B. Music, the Arts, and Ideas: Patterns and Predictions in TwentiethCentury Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1967.
________. Music, the Arts, and Ideas: Patterns and Predictions in Twentieth-Century
Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1967; Phoenix Books, 1969.
Meyer, Max F. How We Hear: How Tones Make Music. Boston: Charles T. Branford
Co., 1950.
Miles, Richard, and Ronald Carter, eds. Teaching Music through Performance in Jazz.
Chicago: GIA Publications, 2008.
Miles, Walter R. Carl Emil Seashore (1866-1949): A Biographical Memoir.
Washington, D.C.: Naval Academy of Sciences, 1956.
Moldovn, Tams, ed. Zoltn Kodly Pedagogical Institute of Music. Kecskemt:
Publishing and Promotion Co. for Tourism (IPV), n.d.
Montessori, Maria. From Childhood to Adolescence, 2d ed. New York: Schocken
Books, 1976.

________________.The Montessori Method. New York: Schocken Books, 1964.

Montoya-Stier, Gabriela. El Patio de mi Casa. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2008.
Moog, Helmut. The Musical Experience of the Pre-School Child. Translated by
Claudia Clarke. London: Schott & Co., 1976.
Moorhead, Gladys Evelyn, and Donald Pond. Music of Young Children, 5th ed. Santa
Barbara, CA: Pillsbury Foundation for Advancement of Music Education, 1978. (Two
Motycka, Arthur, ed. Music Education for Tomorrows Society: Selected Topics.
Jamestown, RI: GAMT Music Press, 1976.
Mller-Buscher, Dr. Henning. Musikpdagogische Forschung: Band 1:
Einzeluntersuchungen. Berlin: Laaber-Verlag, 1980. Shelved with articles about
Mursell, James L. Psychological Testing. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1947.
______________. The Psychology of Music. New York: W. W. Norton, 1937.
_______________. The Psychology of Music. New York: W. W. Norton, 1937. Reprint,
New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1970.
Mursell, James L., and Mabelle Glenn. The Psychology of School Music Teaching.
New York: Silver Burdett Co., 1931.
_______________________________. The Psychology of School Music Teaching, 2d ed.
New York: Silver Burdett Co., 1938. (Two copies)
Music in Education: International Conference on the Role and Place of Music in the
Education of Youth and Adults Held in Brussels, 29 June-9 July 1953. Paris: Unesco,
Music of Young Children. Santa Barbara, CA: Pillsbury Foundation for Advancement
of Music Education, 1978. (Two copies)
Nardozzi, Ricardo. LApprendimento della Musica Nel Bambino da 0 A 6 Anni. Roma:
Albatros, 2010.
National Assessment of Educational Progress: Music Objectives. Ann Arbor, MI:
Education Commission of the States, 1970.
The New Curwen Method: Book One Tonic Sol-Fa in Class. London: The Curwen
Institute, 1980.

Nuzzaci, Antonella e Giorgio Pagannone. Musica Ricerca e Didattica. Lecce [Italy]:

Pensa Multimedia Editore, 2008.
Nye, Robert E. Music for Elementary School Children. New York: The Center for
Applied Research in Education, 1963.
Olson, Harry F. Music, Physics, and Engineering. New York: Dover Publications, 1967.
Oppenheim, A. N. Questionnaire Design and Attitude Measurement. New York: Basic
Books, 1966.
Osgood, Charles E., George J. Suci, and Percy H. Tannenbaum. The Measurement of
Meaning. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1957.
An Outline of German History. Bonn: Press and Information Office of the
Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1977.
Papers from Session II of the National Symposium on the Applications of Psychology
to the Teaching and Learning of Music. Held in Ann Arbor, Michigan, 30 July-2 August
1979. n.p.: MENC, 1979.
Parker, Alice. The Anatomy of Melody: Exploring the Single Line of Song. Chicago:
GIA Publications, 2006.
Parker, Olin G. Review of An Investigation of the Use of the Musical Aptitude Profile
with College and University Freshman Music Students, by Robert Edward Lee.
Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education15 (Winter 1969): 46-51.
Article of Interest shelved with general books.
Perdigo, Jos de Azeredo. Calouste Gulbenkian Collector. Lisbon: Calouste
Gulbenkian Foundation, 1969.
Petzold, Robert G. Directions for Research in Music Education. Bulletin of the
Council for Research in Music Education1 (1963): 18-23.
(Article of interest
shelved with books)
Pines, Maya. The Brain Changers: Scientists and the New Mind Control. New York:
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973.
Pinzino, Mary Ellen. Come Children, Sing: A Preschool Music Show. Homewood, IL:
Come Children Sing Institute, 2001.
________________. Letters on Music Learning from the Come Children Sing Institute.
Compiled Electronic Edition. Homewood, IL: Come Children Sing Institute, 2007.
Podolsky, Edward, ed. Music Therapy. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954.

Practice of Assessment in Music education: Frameworks , Models, and Designs.

Proceedings of the 2009 Florida Symposium on Assessment in Music Education.
Chicago: GIA. 2010.
Proceedings of the Suncoast Music Education Forum on Creativity.Tampa: University
of Florida, 1989.
Progressive Education: A Quarterly Review of the Newer Tendencies in Education.
v.3 1926. Washington, D.C.:Progressive Education Association, 1927.
Rado, Ksenija Mirkovi. Psihologija Muzikih Sposobnosti. Beograd: Zavod Za
Udbenike I Nastavna Sredstva, 1983. Inscribed by the author: "To Dr. Gordon
with respect. Ksenija Rado. Beograd, 1984."
Rainbow, Bernarr. The Land Without Music: Musical Education in England 1800-1860
and Its Continental Antecedents. London: Novello, 1962. Inscribed: "To Edwin:
Warm and pleasant memories of your first visit to the Music Education
Centre at Reading University. Tony Kemp, June 1982."
________. Music in Educational Thought and Practice: A Survey from 800 B.C.
Aberystwyth: Boethius Press, 1989.
Rainbow, Edward L. A Pilot Study to Investigate the Constructs of Musical Aptitude.
Journal of Research in Music Education13, no. 1 (Spring 1965): 3-14. (Article of
interest shelved with general books)
Read, Gardner. Modern Rhythmic Notation. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University
Press, 1978.
Redfield, John. Music: A Science and an Art. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1928.
Reimer, Bennett. A Philosophy of Music Education. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PrenticeHall, 1970.
______________. Performing with Understanding: The Challenge of the National
Standards for Music Education. Reston, VA: MENC, 2000.
Renzulli, Joseph S., et al. Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior
Students. Mansfield Center, CT: Creative Learning Press, 1976.
Reti, Rudolph. Tonality in Modern Music: A Distinguished Modern Composer Clarifies
the Creative Trends in Contemporary Music. New York: Collier Books, 1962.
Rvsz, G. Introduction to the Psychology of Music. Translated by G. I. C. de Courcy.
Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1954.
Rhea, Thomas L. The Moog Sonic Six Operation Manual. Williamsville, NY: Moog
Music, 1972.

Ribire-Raverlat, J. Musical Education in Hungary. Translated by Margaret Safranek.

Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1971.
Ribke, Juliane. Musikalitt als Variable von Intelligenz, Denken und Erleben. Beitrge
zur Systematischen Musikwissenschaft, ed. Helga de la Motte-Haber, Bd. 3.
Hamburg: Verlag der Musikalienhandlung Karl Dieter Wagner, 1979. See audio
cassette, Box 2.
Ross, C. C. Measurement in Todays Schools. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1947.
Rowell, Lewis. Thinking About Music: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Music.
Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 1983.
Rowntree, John P. The Bentley Measures of Musical Abilities-A Critical Evaluation.
Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education22 (Fall 1970): 25-32.
(Article of interest shelved with general books )
Rdiger, Wolfgang. Der musikalische Atem: Atemschulung und Ausdrucksgestaltung
in der Musik. Schweiz: Musikedition Nepomuk, 1995. Inscribed by the author.
Runfola, Maria, and Cynthia Crump Taggart, eds. The Development and Practical
Application of Music Learning Theory. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2005.
Sacks, Oliver. Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain. New York: Alfred A. Knopf,
Saetveit, Joseph G., Don Lewis, and Carl E. Seashore. Revision of the Seashore
Measures of Musical Talent. Series on Aims and Progress of Research, no. 65. Iowa
City, IA: University of Iowa, October 1940. Photocopied.
Santiago, Elvira. Morte e Nascimento de uma Flor [histrias de vida e estudo de
campo]. Lisboa: O Bichinho de Conto, 2004. Inscribed by the author.
Scheinfeld, Amram. The Basic Facts of Human Heredity. New York: Washington
Square Press, 1961.
Schiffels, Herbert. Rhythmus-Training: Ein bungsprogramm fr die Ganze Klasse.
Musicmachen im Klassenverband, Heft 18. Leipzig: Ernst Klett Schulbuchverlag,
Schleuter, Stanley L. Use of Standardized Musical Aptitude Tests with University
Freshmen Music Majors. Journal of Research in Music Education22, no. 4 (Winter
1974): 258-269. (Article of interest shelved with general books)
Schleuter, Stanley L., and Robert De Yarman. Musical Aptitude Stability Among
Primary School Children. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education51
(Summer 1977): 14-22. (Article of interest shelved with general books)

Schoen, Max. The Psychology of Music: A Survey for Teacher and Musician. New
York: Ronald Press, 1940.
___________. The Effects of Music. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1927.
Seashore, Carl E. In Search of Beauty in Music: A Scientific Approach to Musical
Esthetics. New York: Ronald Press Co., 1947.
____________. The Measurement of Pitch Intonation with the Tonoscope in Singing
and Playing. Series on Aims and Progress of Research. Iowa City, IA: University of
Iowa, 1929.
___________. Music Before Five. Child Welfare Pamphlets, no. 72. Iowa City, IA:
University of Iowa, 6 May 1939.
______________. New Approaches to the Science of Voice. Reprinted from The
Scientific Monthly 49 (October 1939):340-350. (Article of interest shelved with
general books)
______________. Objective Analysis of Musical Performance. Studies in the Psychology
of Music vol. 4. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Press, 1936. Photocopied.
______________. Psychology and Life in Autobiography. Washington, DC: privately
printed, 1964. (Two copies).
______________. Psychology of Music. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1938.
______________. The Psychology of Musical Talent. Boston: Silver Burdett, 1919.
______________. Psychology of the Vibrato in Voice and Instrument. Studies in the
Psychology of Music, vol. 3. Iowa City, IA: The University Press, 15 February 1936.
(Two copies)
______________. A Survey of Musical Talent in the Public Schools. Studies in Child
Welfare, vol. 1, no. 2. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa, November 1920.
___________. The Vibrato. Studies in the Psychology of Music, vol. 1. Iowa City, IA:
University of Iowa, 1932.
__________. Why We Love Music. Philadelphia: Oliver Ditson, 1941.
Seashore, Carl E., and Edwin E. Gordon. Various letters, publications, etc. (Seashore
Memorabilia in drawer)
Seeliger, Maria. Das Musikschiff: Kinder und Eltern Erleben Musik von der
Prnatalen Zeit bis ins Vierte Lebensjahr. Regensburg: ConBrio Verlagsgesellschaft,
2003. (Two copies)

Seffer, Yochko, and Alain Bouhey. Improvisation et Modes pour Flutes, Saxophones,
Clarinettes, Hautbois, Violin. Paris: Editions Henry Lemoine, 1992.
Seoul Arts Center. Seoul: Sung In Printing Co., n.d.
Serafine, Mary Louise. Music as Cognition: The Development of Thought in Sound.
New York: Columbia University Press, 1988.
Seymour, Harriet Ayer. How to Think Music, 6th rev. ed. New York: G. Schirmer,
1915. Photocopied.
________. The Philosophy of Music (formerly What Music Can Do for You). n.p.: Harper
and Brothers, 1920. Photocopied.
Shuter, Rosamund. The Psychology of Musical Ability. London: Methuen & Co., 1968.
Inscribed by the author: "To Edwin E. Gordon--my new Master--with
deepest respect and affection. Rosamund Shuter."
Shuter-Dyson, Rosamund. "Musical Giftedness." In The Psychology of Gifted
Children, ed. Joan Freeman, Chapter 9:159-183. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1985.
Inscribed by the author: "With compliments and cordial greetings.
________. Psychologie musikalischen Verhaltens: Angloamerikanische
Forschungsbeitrge. Musikpdagogik: Forschung und Lehre, ed. Sigrid Abel-Struth,
vol. 14. Mainz: Schott, 1982.
Shuter-Dyson, Rosamund, and Clive Gabriel. The Psychology of Musical Ability, 2d
ed. London: Methuen, 1981. Inscribed by Shuter-Dyson: "To Edwin and Carol.
With the author's compliments; and respect and affection to you both.
Rosamund S.D., 16-5-82."
Sidnell, Robert. Building Instructional Programs in Music Education. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1973.
Silbermann, Alphons. The Sociology of Music. Translated by Corbet Stewart. London:
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1963.
Simons, Gene M. Early Childhood Musical Development: A Bibliography of Research
Abstracts 1960-1975. Reston, VA: MENC, 1978.
Sinclair, Upton. The Goose-Step: A Study of American Education. Pasadena, CA: by
the author; dist. by Economy Book Shop, 1923.
Sinsel, Tiffany J., Wallace E. Dixon, and Elizabeth Blades-Zeller. Psychological Sex
Type and Preferences for Musical Instruments in Fourth and Fifth Graders. Journal of
Research in Music Education45, no. 3 (Fall 1997): 390-402. (Article of interest
shelved with general books)

Sloboda, John A. The Musical Mind: The Cognitive Psychology of Music. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1985.
Small, Christopher. Music, Society, Education. Hanover, NH: Wesleyan University
Press, 1966.
Smith, G. Milton. A Simplified Guide to Statistics: For Students of Psychology and
Education. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1983.
Smoliar, Stephen. A Parallel Processing Model of Musical Structures. Cambridge, MA:
M.I.T., 1971.
Stamford High School. Spirit of 45. Stamford, CT: Stamford High School, 1945.
Standards for Educational and Psychological Tests. Washington, DC: American
Psychological Association, 1974. (Two copies)
Standards for Educational and Psychological Tests and Manuals. Washington, DC:
American Psychological Association, 1966.
Stanton, Hazel Martha. Measurement of Musical Talent: The Eastman Experiment.
Studies in the Psychology of Music, ed. Carl E. Seashore, vol. 2. Iowa City, IA:
University of Iowa, 15 January 1935. (Two copies)
Stanton, Hazel M., and Wilhelmine Koerth. Musical Capacity Measures of Children
Repeated After Musical Training. Series on Aims and Progress of Research, no. 42.
Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa, 15 September 1933.
Stein, Morris I., and Shirley J. Heinze. Creativity and the Individual: Summaries of
Selected Literature in Psychology and Psychiatry. A Publication of the Graduate
School of Business at the University of Chicago. Glencoe, IL: The Free Press, 1960.
Stroud, James B. Psychology in Education. New York: Longmans, Green and Co.,
Strunk, William, Jr., and E. B. White. The Elements of Style. New York: The Macmillan
Co., 1959.
Sberkrb, Almuth. Musiklernen: Verstehen und Geschehen: Didaktische
Interpretation von Musik und Music Learning Theory als Grundlage fr
vieldimensionales Musiklernen. Saarbrchen: PFAU-Verlag, 2005. Inscribed by the
author: "Edwin Gordon, mit herzlichem Dank fr die vielen Anregungen
und die wertvollen Begegnungen! Almuth Sberkrb." Entire book on Dr.
Gordons Music Learning Theory.
________. Patternspiele 1. Oberbiel: Rosenbaum Offsetdruck, 2007.

Suchora, Edward. The Rotunda of Zamo. Zamo: Voievodeship Tourist Office

"Roztocze," n.d.
Suzuki, Shinichi. Nurtured by Love: A New Approach to Education. Translated by
Waltraud Suzuki. New York: Exposition Press, 1969. Inscribed by the author: "To
Mr. Edwin Gordon with best wishes...Shinichi Suzuki."
Swanwick, Keith. Music, Mind, and Education. London: Routledge, 1988.
Swisher, Walter. Psychology for the Music Teacher. Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1927.
Taggart, Cynthia C., et al. Jump Right In: The Music Curriculum. Chicago: GIA
Publications, 2000-2006. Holdings:
Book 1 (Four copies)
Book 1 Piano Accompaniment (Two copies)
Book 1 Teachers Guide (Two copies)
Book 2 (Two copies)
Book 2 Piano Accompaniment (Two copies)
Book 2 Teachers Guide (Two copies)
Book 3 (Three copies)
Book 3 Piano Accompaniment (Two copies)
Book 3 Teachers Guide (Two copies)
Book 4
Book 4 Piano Accompaniment
Book 4 Teacher's Guide
Tapper, Thomas. The Music Supervisor: His Training, Influence, and Opportunity.
Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1906.
Tarrell, Vernon V. An Investigation of the Validity of the Musical Aptitude Profile.
Journal of Research in Music Education13, no. 4 (Winter 1965): 195-206. (Article of
interest shelved with general books)
Tate, Merle W. Statistics in Education. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1955.
Taylor, Stanford E. Listening. What Research Says to the Teacher, no. 29.
Washington, DC: National Education Association of the United States, 1964. Reprint,
Teplov, B. M. Psychologie des aptitudes musicales. Translated from Russian by Jean
Deprun. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1966.
Test Service Bulletin. Nos. 36-40 (1948-1950).
Thackray, Rupert. An Investigation into Rhythmic Abilities. Music Education
Research Papers, no. 4. London: Novello, 1969.

________. Rhythmic Abilities in Children. Music Education Research Papers, no. 5.

London: Novello, 1972. (Two copies)
Thompson, Keith P. "The Status of Music in Pennsylvania Schools." Bulletin of
Research in Music Education 17 (Fall 1986): 1-24.
(Article of interest shelved with
general books)
Thorndike, Robert L. The Concepts of Over- and Underachievement. New York:
Columbia University, 1963.
Thorndike, Robert L., and Elizabeth Hagen. Measurement and Evaluation in
Psychology and Education, 3d ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1969.
Thurmond, James Morgan. Note Grouping: A Method for Achieving Expression and
Style in Musical Performance. With a foreword by Weston H. Noble. Camp Hill, PA:
JMT Publications, 1982.
Tibbetts, Paul, ed. Perception: Selected Readings in Science and Phenomenology.
Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1969.
Trzos, Pawe A. Preferencje barwy dwiku I zdolnoci muzyczne w nauce gry na
instrumencie dtym:Badania edukacyjne nad adaptacj Teorii Uczenia si Muzyki E.
E. Gordona. Poznan, 2009.
University of Iowa. Multidisciplinary Perspective in Musicality: Essays from the
Seashore Symposium. Kate Gfeller, Don D. Coffman, Carlos X. Rodrigruez, and
David J. Nelson, Editors. Iowa City, Iowa: University of Iowa, 2006.
Valentine, C. W. The Experimental Psychology of Beauty. London: Methuen, 1962.
Valerio, Wendy H., et al. Music Play: The Early Childhood Music Curriculum: Guide
for Parents, Teachers, and Caregivers. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1998. (Four copies)
----------------------. Music Play: The Early Childhood Music Curriculum: Guide for
Parents, Teachers, and Caregivers (in Korean). Chicago: GIA Publications, 1998.
Van Bergeijk, William A., John R. Pierce, and Edward E. David, Jr. Waves and the Ear.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., 1960.
Vygotsky, L. S. Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes.
Edited by Michael Cole, et al. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978.
Wachole, Maria. Czytanie nut Glosem. Krakow: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne,
Wallis, W. Allen, and Harry V. Roberts. The Nature of Statistics. New York: Collier,

Walters, Darrel L., and Cynthia Crump Taggart, eds. Readings in Music Learning
Theory. With a foreword by Edwin E. Gordon. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1989. (Two
copies) Shelved with Articles by Gordon-Tonal Syllables.
Watkins, John Goodrich. Objective Measurement of Instrumental Performance. New
York: Columbia University Teachers College, 1942.
Wedge, George A. Advanced Ear-Training and Sight-Singing. New York: G. Schirmer,
What Is a Teacher-Scholar?: Symposium Proceedings 9-10 November 2001, edited
by Tonya Lambert. Saskatoon: The Gwenna Moss Teaching & Learning Centre at the
University of Saskatchewan, 2002. Inscribed by an author: "To Dr. Edwin Gordon in
appreciation of a thought provoking Fine Arts Research Lecture on 9 February 2003
in Saskatoon. Sincerely, Walter Kreyszig."
Whellams, Frederick S. Multiple Correlation in Music Education Research Studies.
Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education33 (Summer 1973): 34-45.
(Article of interest shelved with general books)
_________. Musical Abilities and Sex Differences in the Analysis of Aural-Musical
Capabilities. Journal of Research in Music Education21, no. 1 (Spring 1973): 30-39.
(Article of interest shelved with general books)
Whipple, Guy Montrose, ed. Thirty-Fifth Yearbook of the National Society for the
Study of Education. Bloomington, IL: Public School Publishing Co., 1936.
Whybrew, William E. Measurement and Evaluation in Music. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C.
Brown Co. Publishers, 1962.
________. Measurement and Evaluation in Music, 2d ed. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown
Co. Publishers, 1971.
Williams, Harold M., Clement H. Sievers, and Melvin S. Hattwick. The Measurement
of Musical Development. Studies in Child Welfare, vol. 7, no. 1. Iowa City, IA:
University of Iowa Studies, 15 January 1933. (Two copies)
Wilson, Frank R. Mind, Muscle and Music: Physiological Clues to Better Teaching.
Teachercraft Bulletin, no. 4. Elkhart, IN: Selmer, 1981.
Wilson, Frank R., and Franz L. Roehmann. Music and Child Development:
Proceedings of the 1987 Denver Conference. St. Louis, MO: MMB Music, 1990.
Winckel, Fritz. Music, Sound and Sensation: A Modern Exposition. Translated by
Thomas Binkley. New York: Dover Publications, 1967.

Wing, Herbert. Tests of Musical Ability and Appreciation: An Investigation into the
Measurement, Distribution, and Development of Musical Capacity, 2d ed.
Cambridge: The University Press, 1971.
Wolfle, Dael, ed. The Discovery of Talent. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
Wood, Dale. Hemidemisemiquavers and Other Such Things: A Concise Guide to
Music Notation. Dayton, OH: The Heritage Music Press, 1989.
Wyatt, Ruth F. Improvability of Pitch Discrimination. Psychological Monographs, ed.
John F. Dashiell, vol. 58, no. 2. Evanston, IL: The American Psychological Association,
1945. Inscribed by the author: "5/19/80...To Edwin E. Gordon with every
good wish--Ruth Wyatt."
elazny, Walemar, ed. Midzy Wis a Bugiem: Skarby Przyrody i Kultury. Lublin:
WFOiGW, 1998.
Zenatti, Arlette. Le dveloppement gntique de la perception musicale.
Monographies Francaises de Psychologie, no. 17. Paris: Centre national de la
Recherche Scientifique, 1969.
Zimmerman, Marilyn P. Musical Characteristics of Children. From Research to the
Music Classroom, no.1. Washington, DC: MENC, 1971. (Three copies)
Zimmerman, Walter. Morton Feldman Essays. Kln: Beginner Press, 1985. Inscribed
To Edwin Gordon
Zuckerkandl, Victor. Sound and Symbol: Man the Musician. Translated by Norbert
Guterman. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1973.
________. Sound and Symbol: Music and the External World. Translated by Willard R.
Trask. New York: Pantheon Books, 1956.
Zwoliska, Ewa Anna. Audiacja: Studium teorii uczenia si muzyki Edwina E.
Gordona. . Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego, 2011.
(Polish Audiation2 copies) About Dr. Gordon.
Zwoliska, Ewa Anna. Naucz swoje dziecko audiowa. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo
KRESKA, 2004. Includes compact disc. Inscribed by the author: "With gratitude for
all your help and knowledge. Ewa A. Zwoliska, 03.08.2004, Ciechocinek." (Two
copies) Polish translation of Music Learning Theory for Newborn and Young
Zwoliskiej, Ewy, ed. Podstawy Teorii Uczenia si Muzyki Wedug Edwina E.
Gordona. Materiay z III Seminarium Gordonowskiego held in Zamo, 2-12 August
1998. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uczelniane WSP, 2000. Translation of Music
Learning Theory for Newborn and Young Children)

________. Sposoby kierowania rozwojem muzycznym dziecka w wieku

przedszkolnym i wczesnoszkolnym. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uczelniane WSP,
1997. (Two copies)
Zwoliskiej, Ewy, and Wojciecha Jankowskiego, eds. Teoria Uczenia si Muzyki
Wedug Edwina E. Gordona. Materiay II Seminarium Autorskiego held in Krynicy, 27
April-3 May 1995. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uczelniane WSP, 1995. Inscribed: "To
Professor Edwin E. Gordon with respect and deep gratitude for the knowledge and
wisdom He passed to us in Krynica, the part of which has been included in the book.
Ewa Zwoliska, Bydgoszcz 1995.10.24."

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