FIoT Unit-II
FIoT Unit-II
FIoT Unit-II
The ESP8266 is a popular and versatile microcontroller and Wi-Fi module that is
widely used in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) and embedded systems. It's
developed by Espressif Systems, a company based in China. The ESP8266 module
combines a microcontroller with Wi-Fi capabilities, making it an excellent choice
for connecting various devices to the internet and building IoT projects
Basics of wireless networks
Basics of wireless networks (Cont..)
Wireless Networks Types
Wi-Fi Technology
IEEE 802.11b
IEEE 802.11a
IEEE 802.11 g
Latest Technology in Wi-Fi
IEEE 802.11ac
• Integrated Wi-Fi Connectivity: The ESP8266 comes with built-in 2.4GHz Wi-
Fi capabilities, making it easy to connect to Wi-Fi networks and the internet.
It supports both infrastructure (connecting to a router) and soft-AP (creating
its own access point) modes.
• Low Cost: ESP8266 modules are cost-effective, making them accessible for
hobbyists, students, and professionals on a budget.
• Low Power Consumption: It's designed to be energy-efficient, allowing
battery-powered applications to run for extended periods.
• Onboard Flash Memory: Most ESP8266 modules have onboard flash
memory, which can be used for storing program code, web pages, or other
• Open-Source Support: The ESP8266 is well-supported by the open-source
community. This includes extensive libraries, code examples, and active
forums for troubleshooting and support.
• Easy Programming: You can program the ESP8266 using the Arduino IDE,
PlatformIO, or other popular programming environments. It uses C/C++ for
programming, making it accessible to a wide range of developers.
• GPIO Pins: The ESP8266 has multiple General-Purpose Input/Output
(GPIO) pins that allow you to interface with sensors, displays, and other
hardware components. These pins can be used for digital input/output
and even analog input.
• UART Communication: It supports UART (Universal Asynchronous
Receiver-Transmitter) communication, which is handy for serial
communication and debugging.
• SPI and I2C Support: It supports Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) and Inter-
Integrated Circuit (I2C) communication protocols, making it compatible
with various sensors and peripherals.
• Small Form Factor: ESP8266 modules come in compact form factors,
making them suitable for projects with limited space constraints.
• Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Support: It can establish secure connections
over the internet, which is important for IoT applications that require data
• Community and Ecosystem: There is a large and active community around
the ESP8266, which means there are plenty of resources, tutorials, and
project examples available online.
• Over-the-Air (OTA) Updates: Some ESP8266-based projects can receive
firmware updates over Wi-Fi, reducing the need for physical access to the
Hardware Overview of ESP8266
Pin Description of ESP8266
• LabelGPIOInputOutputNotesD0GPIO16no interruptno PWM or I2C
supportHIGH at boot
used to wake up from deep sleepD1GPIO5OKOKoften used
as SCL (I2C)D2GPIO4OKOKoften used as SDA (I2C)D3GPIO0pulled
upOKconnected to FLASH button, boot fails if pulled
LOWD4GPIO2pulled upOKHIGH at boot
connected to on-board LED, boot fails if pulled
Boot fails if pulled HIGHRXGPIO3OKRX pinHIGH at bootTXGPIO1TX
pinOKHIGH at boot
debug output at boot, boot fails if pulled LOWA0ADC0Analog InputX