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FIoT Unit-II

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Introduction to M2M Communication

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication is a

form of data communication that involves one or more
entities that do not necessarily require human
interaction or intervention in the process of
communication. M2M is also named as Machine Type
Communication (MTC) in 3GPP. It is different from the
current communication models in the ways that it
involves: - new or different market scenarios - lower
costs and effort - a potentially very large number of
communicating terminals - little traffic per terminal, in
Applications of M2M
a. Security : Surveillances, Alarm systems, Access control, Car/driver
b. Tracking & Tracing : Fleet Management, Order Management, Pay as you
drive, Asset Tracking, Navigation, Traffic information, Road tolling,
Traffic optimization/steering
c. Payment : Point of sales, Vending machines, Gaming machines
d. Health : Monitoring vital signs, Supporting the aged or handicapped,
Web Access Telemedicine points, Remote diagnostics
e. Remote Maintenance/Control : Sensors, Lighting, Pumps, Valves,
Elevator control, Vending machine control, Vehicle diagnostics
f. Metering : Power, Gas, Water, Heating, Grid control, Industrial metering
g. Manufacturing : Production chain monitoring and automation h.
Facility Management : Home / building / campus automation
Simple M2M Architecture
components and elements of an M2M system

M2M Device: Device capable of replying to request for data

contained within those devices or capable of transmitting data
autonomously. Sensors and communication devices are the
endpoints of M2M applications. Generally, devices can connect
directly to an operator’s network, or they will probably
interconnect using WPAN technologies such as ZigBee or
Bluetooth. Backhaul to an operator’s network is than achieved via
gateways that encapsulate and manage all devices. Consequently,
addressing and identifying, e.g., routing, of the devices relies
heavily on the gateways. Devices that connect via gateways are
normally outside the operator’s responsibility but belong to M2M
applications that are provided by service or application providers.
• M2M Area Network (Device Domain): Provide connectivity
between M2M Devices and M2M Gateways, e.g. personal area
• M2M Gateway: Equipment that uses M2M capabilities to ensure
M2M Devices inter-working and interconnection to the
communication network. Gateways and routers are the
endpoints of the operator’s network in scenarios where sensors
and M2M devices do not connect directly to the network. Thus,
the task of gateways and routers are twofold. Firstly, they have
to ensure that the devices of the capillary network may be
reached from outside and vice versa. These functions are
addressed by the access enablers, such as identification,
addressing, accounting etc., from the operator’s platform and
have to be supported at the gateway’s side as well.
• M2M Communication Networks (Network
Domain): It covers the communications
between the M2M Gateway(s) and M2M
application(s), e.g. xDSL, LTE, WiMAX, and
• M2M Applications: It contains the middleware layer where
data goes through various application services and is used by
the specific business-processing engines. M2M applications
will be based on the infrastructural assets (e.g., access
enablers) that are provided by the operator. Applications may
either target at end users, such as user of a specific M2M
solution, or at other application providers to offer more
refined building blocks by which they can build more
sophisticated M2M solutions and services. e.g. customer care
functionality, elaborate billing functions, etc. Those services,
or service enablers, may be designed and offered by an
application prov
Key features of M2M
The following are a few of the various key features of the M2M technology:
a. Low Mobility : M2M Devices do not move, move infrequently, or move
only within a certain region
b. Time Controlled : Send or receive data only at certain pre-defined periods
c. Time Tolerant : Data transfer can be delayed
d. Packet Switched : Network operator to provide packet switched service
with or without an MSISDN
e. Online small Data Transmissions: MTC Devices frequently send or receive
small amounts of data.
f. Monitoring: Not intend to prevent theft or vandalism but provide
functionality to detect the events
g. Low Power Consumption : To improve the ability of the system to
efficiently service M2M applications
h. Location Specific Trigger : Intending to trigger M2M device in a particular
area e.g. wake up the device
Difference b/w IoT & M2M
Differences b/w IoT & M2M (Contd..)
Interoperability in Internet of Things
Why Interoperability is important in context
of IoT ?
Why Interoperability is required?
Why Interoperability is required? (Contd..)
Different types of Interoperability.
Example of Device and User
Example of Device and User Interoperability
User Interoperability
Device identification and categorization for
device discovery
Device identification and categorization for
device discovery
Arduino Uno Pin Configuration
Pin Category Pin Name Details
Power Vin, 3.3V, 5V, GND Vin: Input voltage to Arduino when using an external
power source.
5V: Regulated power supply used to power microcontroller
and other components on the board.
3.3V: 3.3V supply generated by on-board voltage regulator.
Maximum current draw is 50mA.
GND: ground pins.
Reset Reset Resets the microcontroller.
Analog Pins A0 – A5 Used to provide analog input in the range of 0-5V
Input/Output Digital Pins 0 - 13 Can be used as input or output pins.
Serial 0(Rx), 1(Tx) Used to receive and transmit TTL serial data.
External 2, 3 To trigger an interrupt.
PWM 3, 5, 6, 9, 11 Provides 8-bit PWM output.
SPI 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 Used for SPI communication.
(MISO) and 13 (SCK)
Inbuilt LED 13 To turn on the inbuilt LED.
TWI A4 (SDA), A5 (SCA) Used for TWI communication.
AREF AREF To provide reference voltage for input voltage.
Arduino Uno Specifications
Microcontroller ATmega328P – 8 bit AVR family
Operating Voltage 5V
Recommended Input Voltage 7-12V
Input Voltage Limits 6-20V
Analog Input Pins 6 (A0 – A5)
Digital I/O Pins 14 (Out of which 6 provide PWM
DC Current on I/O Pins 40 mA
DC Current on 3.3V Pin 50 mA
Flash Memory 32 KB (0.5 KB is used for Bootloader)
Frequency (Clock Speed) 16 MHz
Blinking LED
void setup ()
pinMode ( 8, OUTPUT); // to set the OUTPUT mode of pi
n number 8.
void loop ()
digitalWrite (8, HIGH);
delay(1000); // 1 second = 1 x 1000 milliseconds
digitalWrite (8, LOW);
delay(500); // 0.5 second = 0.5 x 1000 milliseconds
Integrate Temperature
include <LiquidCrystal.h>
// initialize the library with the pins on the Arduino board
LiquidCrystal lcd(13, 12, 6, 4, 3, 2);
const int temperature = A0; //A0 is the analog pin
const int D = 8; // Vo of LCD is connected to pin 8 of the Ard
void setup()
lcd.begin(16, 2);
pinMode(D, OUTPUT);
void loop()
int Temp = analogRead(temperature);
float volts = (Temp / 965.0) * 5;
float celcius = (volts - 0.5) * 100;
float fahrenheit = (celcius * 9 / 5 + 32);
lcd.setCursor(5, 0);
// time delay of 2000 microseconds or 2 seconds
Sketch to integrate Ultra sonic sensor
#define ECHOpin 5 // it defines the ECHO pin of the sensor to pin
5 of Arduino
#define TRIGpin 6
// we have defined the variable
long duration; // variable for the duration of sound wave travel
int distance; // variable for the distance measurement
void setup()
pinMode(TRIGpin, OUTPUT); // It sets the ECHO pin as OUTPUT
pinMode(ECHOpin, INPUT); // It sets the TRIG pin as INPUT
Serial.begin(9600); // // Serial Communication at the rate of 960
0 bps
Serial.println("Test of the Ultrasonic Sensor HC-
SR04"); // It will appear on Serial Monitor
Serial.println("with the Arduino UNO R3 board");
void loop()
// It first sets the TRIG pin at LOW for 2 microseconds
digitalWrite(TRIGpin, LOW);
// It now sets TRIG pin at HIGH for 15 microseconds
digitalWrite(TRIGpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(TRIGpin, LOW);
// It will read the ECHO pin and will return the time
duration = pulseIn(ECHOpin, HIGH);
// distance formula
distance = duration*(0.034/2); // (speed in microseconds)
// Speed of sound wave (340 m/s)divided by 2 (forward and backward bounce)
// To display the distance on Serial Monitor
Serial.print("Distance: ");
Serial.println(" cm"); //specified unit of distance

The ESP8266 is a popular and versatile microcontroller and Wi-Fi module that is
widely used in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) and embedded systems. It's
developed by Espressif Systems, a company based in China. The ESP8266 module
combines a microcontroller with Wi-Fi capabilities, making it an excellent choice
for connecting various devices to the internet and building IoT projects
Basics of wireless networks
Basics of wireless networks (Cont..)
Wireless Networks Types
Wi-Fi Technology
IEEE 802.11b
IEEE 802.11a
IEEE 802.11 g
Latest Technology in Wi-Fi
IEEE 802.11ac
• Integrated Wi-Fi Connectivity: The ESP8266 comes with built-in 2.4GHz Wi-
Fi capabilities, making it easy to connect to Wi-Fi networks and the internet.
It supports both infrastructure (connecting to a router) and soft-AP (creating
its own access point) modes.
• Low Cost: ESP8266 modules are cost-effective, making them accessible for
hobbyists, students, and professionals on a budget.
• Low Power Consumption: It's designed to be energy-efficient, allowing
battery-powered applications to run for extended periods.
• Onboard Flash Memory: Most ESP8266 modules have onboard flash
memory, which can be used for storing program code, web pages, or other
• Open-Source Support: The ESP8266 is well-supported by the open-source
community. This includes extensive libraries, code examples, and active
forums for troubleshooting and support.
• Easy Programming: You can program the ESP8266 using the Arduino IDE,
PlatformIO, or other popular programming environments. It uses C/C++ for
programming, making it accessible to a wide range of developers.
• GPIO Pins: The ESP8266 has multiple General-Purpose Input/Output
(GPIO) pins that allow you to interface with sensors, displays, and other
hardware components. These pins can be used for digital input/output
and even analog input.
• UART Communication: It supports UART (Universal Asynchronous
Receiver-Transmitter) communication, which is handy for serial
communication and debugging.
• SPI and I2C Support: It supports Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) and Inter-
Integrated Circuit (I2C) communication protocols, making it compatible
with various sensors and peripherals.
• Small Form Factor: ESP8266 modules come in compact form factors,
making them suitable for projects with limited space constraints.
• Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Support: It can establish secure connections
over the internet, which is important for IoT applications that require data
• Community and Ecosystem: There is a large and active community around
the ESP8266, which means there are plenty of resources, tutorials, and
project examples available online.
• Over-the-Air (OTA) Updates: Some ESP8266-based projects can receive
firmware updates over Wi-Fi, reducing the need for physical access to the
Hardware Overview of ESP8266
Pin Description of ESP8266
• LabelGPIOInputOutputNotesD0GPIO16no interruptno PWM or I2C
supportHIGH at boot
used to wake up from deep sleepD1GPIO5OKOKoften used
as SCL (I2C)D2GPIO4OKOKoften used as SDA (I2C)D3GPIO0pulled
upOKconnected to FLASH button, boot fails if pulled
LOWD4GPIO2pulled upOKHIGH at boot
connected to on-board LED, boot fails if pulled
Boot fails if pulled HIGHRXGPIO3OKRX pinHIGH at bootTXGPIO1TX
pinOKHIGH at boot
debug output at boot, boot fails if pulled LOWA0ADC0Analog InputX

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