The existence of the coast in the northern part of Karawang Regency is very worrying. Seawater th... more The existence of the coast in the northern part of Karawang Regency is very worrying. Seawater that was far up to tens of meters from the side of the road, is now on the lip of the road, even some parts of the road are cut off due to abrasion of seawater. Some villages were affected by abrasion erosion. One of the effects of damage due to abrasion and sedimentation is the occurrence of shoreline changes. This change in coastline will affect people's lives and spatial planning for the development of the area. For this reason, this study aims to determine the extent and rate of shoreline changes that occurred on the coast of
The condition of coral reefs in Indonesia is experiencing high degradation. Human factors have co... more The condition of coral reefs in Indonesia is experiencing high degradation. Human factors have contributed more to the coral reefs damage than natural causes. Coral transplantation is an effort made to rehabilitate coral reefs by cutting live coral to accelerate the regeneration process of damaged coral reefs, to support population availability. The purpose of this study was to transplant corals Acropora formosa and Acropora aspera using the rock pile method, namely the use of dead coral as a natural substrate. The research was conducted in Legon Lele waters, Karimunjawa, Central Java, Indonesia. We were able to observe and collect data on the growth rate of corals and the survival rate of transplanted corals. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that corals A. formosa and A. aspera experienced positive growth in 3 months. The absolute growth height of A. formosa was 13.04 cm, while that of A. aspera was 7.74 cm. The average growth rate of A. formosa and A. aspera were 4.3 and 2.5 cm month-1 , respectively. The survival rate until the end of the observation of A. formosa was 93.3%, while for A. aspera it was 90%. Based on these results, the transplant was considered successful.
International Journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture
Coral reef ecosystems are coastal ecosystems that are rich in biodiversity. At this time many cor... more Coral reef ecosystems are coastal ecosystems that are rich in biodiversity. At this time many coral reefs are in a damaged condition which results in reduced coral reef ecosystems. Therefore, it is necessary to anticipate that coral reefs are not lost or reduced. Saving coral reefs can be done by propagation of coral with artificial reef. This study aims to carry out coral reef propagation techniques by using Coconut Shell Media and Paralon Concrete Media and see comparisons of coral reef growth. The research was conducted from March to June 2021 in Wangi-Wangi Island, Wakatobi, and Province Southeast Sulawesi. From the results of observations and measurements for 11 weeks, the absolute average growth of coral reefs on coconut shell media is 1.05 mm while on concrete media is 0.54 mm. Coral growth rate on coconut shell media is 0.10 mm/week and on concrete media is 0.05 mm/week. The survival rate of coral reefs on coconut shell media is 94.4% while on concrete media is 88.8%.
Terumbu karang adalah ekosistem di perairan laut yang berperan penting untuk keberlangsungan hidu... more Terumbu karang adalah ekosistem di perairan laut yang berperan penting untuk keberlangsungan hidup biota ikan dan biota-biota lainnya. Pertumbuhan terumbu karang memerlukan kualitas perairan yang baik dengan melihat kondisi kecerahan, suhu dan salinitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tutupan terumbu karang di perairan Pulau Panjang Kecil dan Pulau Kelapa yang terletak di Kepulauan Seribu, dengan mengolah data persentase tutupan, keanekaragaman dan dominasi terumbu karang. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan Underwater Photo Transek (UPT), kemudian dianalisa dengan Coral Point Count with Excel extentions (CPCe). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentase tutupan karang di Pulau Panjang Kecil adalah 34,98% dan di Pulau Kelapa 23,29 %. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman di kedua pulau ini 1,06 dan 1,09 serta dominasi karang adalah 0,12 dan 0,24.
Mangroves are forest vegetation that grows between tidal lines so that mangrove forests are also ... more Mangroves are forest vegetation that grows between tidal lines so that mangrove forests are also called tidal forests. Mangrove ecosystems have high biodiversity. The mangrove ecosystem has a physical function to protect the coast from abrasion and erosion, this ecosystem also has ecological and economic value. The purpose of this study was to determine the condition and extent of mangrove distribution on the coast of Karawang Regency. The research was carried out on the coast of Karawang Regency from March to June 2021. The data used is primary data by directly observing the research location and secondary data using remote sensing data from the Landsat 8 satellite. Image data processing and analysis is carried out using the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) method which can create a boundary between mangrove and non-mangrove. With this method, it can be seen the changes in the mangrove distribution area from year to year. The results of data processing and analysis sho...
Tides are the rise and fall of sea level caused by the attraction of objects in the sky, especial... more Tides are the rise and fall of sea level caused by the attraction of objects in the sky, especially the moon and sun, to the mass of seawater on earth. Tidal research is useful for providing information about the components and types of tides and predicting tides and for mitigating natural disasters. Tidal measurements were carried out in the Nasik Strait, Bangka Belitung using the Valeport 106 tool. Tidal data was processed using the Admiralty Method. The Admiralty method is a method used to calculate tidal harmonic constants from observations of water levels. With this method, it is possible to know the amplitude and phase difference of the tides, the value of the Formzahl number, and the type of tide. From the results of data processing and analysis, the value of the Formzahl number in the waters of the Nasik Strait is 11,454 and the tidal type is a single daily tidal type that only occurs at one high tide and one low tide in one day.Keywords: tides; tidal types; admiralty method...
Dinamika oseanografi pantai Karawang sangat dipengaruhi oleh gelombang dari Laut Jawa. Proses hid... more Dinamika oseanografi pantai Karawang sangat dipengaruhi oleh gelombang dari Laut Jawa. Proses hidro-oseanografi ini menyebabkan kerusakan di beberapa tempat di Pantai Utara Karawang. Penyebab kerusakan yang paling utama adalah gelombang laut yang datang dari arah timur laut. Gelombang ini menyebabkan adanya arus sejajar pantai dan tegak lurus pantai yang menyebabkan terjadinya abrasi dan sedimentasi pantai. Kerusakan pantai dapat dicegah dengan mendirikan bangunan pengaman pantai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan jenis bangunan pengaman pantai sebagai salah satu cara mencegah kerusakan pantai di pesisir kabupaten Karawang dengan cara mengumpulkan, mengolah dan menganalisis data batimetri, angin dan pasang surut. Berdasarkan analisis data pasang surut dapat menentukan elevasi bangunan, dari pengolahan data angin diperoleh peramalan gelombang berupa tinggi, periode, dan arah gelombang. Hasil analisis gelombang, batimetri dan topografi, diperoleh bahwa jenis bangunan pantai y...
Pantai Karawang merupakan salah satu wilayah yang memiliki kesuburan perairan dan potensi sumber ... more Pantai Karawang merupakan salah satu wilayah yang memiliki kesuburan perairan dan potensi sumber daya ikan yang cukup baik. Kondisi hidro-oseanografi yang meliputi arus laut, gelombang laut, dan pasang surut sampai saat ini belum dipublikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati kondisi hidro-oseanografi wilayah tersebut. Pengamatan kondisi hidro-oseanografi dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2017 di 3 kecamatan. Secara umum perairan kabupaten Karawang mempunyai kedalaman berkisar antara 0-20 meter. Pada bagian pinggir pantai mempunyai kedalaman antara 0-5 meter. Peta batimetri perairan kabupaten Karawang memperlihatkan morfologi yang berbentuk punggungan berselingan dengan cekungan kemiringan lereng yang relatif datar. Berdasarkan pengamatan dan hasil pengolahan data, parameter hidro-dinamika di perairan kabupaten Karawang memiliki tinggi gelombang laut antara 2,0-3,0 m dengan arah dari timur menuju Barat, kecepatan arus antara 0,125-0,167 m/detik dengan arah arus membentang dar...
The existence of the coast in the northern part of Karawang Regency is very worrying. Seawater th... more The existence of the coast in the northern part of Karawang Regency is very worrying. Seawater that was far up to tens of meters from the side of the road, is now on the lip of the road, even some parts of the road are cut off due to abrasion of seawater. Some villages were affected by abrasion erosion. One of the effects of damage due to abrasion and sedimentation is the occurrence of shoreline changes. This change in coastline will affect people's lives and spatial planning for the development of the area. For this reason, this study aims to determine the extent and rate of shoreline changes that occurred on the coast of Karawang Regency in the periods of 1989, 1995, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2016, and 2018. The shoreline data was obtained from the extraction of Landsat 3 MSS, Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM +, and Landsat 8 OLI-TIRS after the NDWI process was previously carried out. While the rate of change is calculated at 6 sample point locations scattered along the northern coast of K...
Keberadaan pesisir pantai di wilayah bagian utara Kabupaten Karawang sangat mengkhawatirkan akiba... more Keberadaan pesisir pantai di wilayah bagian utara Kabupaten Karawang sangat mengkhawatirkan akibat terjadinya abrasi dan sedimentasi dimana air laut yang tadinya jauh dari sisi jalan kini sudah berada pada bibir jalan dan beberapa wilayah disepanjang pantai telah rusak terkena dampak abrasi tersebut. Proses terjadinya abrasi dan sedimentasi dapat dipantau dengan menggunakan teknologi Remote Sensing yaitu teknologi yang mengunakan gelombang elektro magnetic untuk menghasilkan gambar/citra yang diperoleh dari sensor yang dibawa oleh satelit dengan sifat-sifat fisik obyek yang diamati di permukaan bumi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses terjadinya abrasi dan sedimentasi yang terjadi di pantai kabupaten Karawang dengan mengunakan teknologi remote sensing. Beberdasarkan hasil pengolahan dan analisa data yang dilakukan di 6 kecamatan disepanjang pantai Karawang, telah terjadi abrasi dan sedimentasi, dimana 4 desa mengalami abrasi sedangkan 2 desa mengalami sediment...
ABSTRAKPasang surut air laut merupakan salah satu gejala alam yang tampak di laut, yakni gerakan ... more ABSTRAKPasang surut air laut merupakan salah satu gejala alam yang tampak di laut, yakni gerakan naik turunnya muka air laut. Gerakan tersebut disebabkan oleh pengaruh gaya tarik menarik antara bumi, bulan dan matahari. Data pasang surut dapat memberikan gambaran hidrodinamika di daerah pesisir dan dapat digunakan untuk perencanaan pembangunan dan mitigasi bencana di wilayah pesisir. Untuk mengetahui pasang surut dapat dilakukan dengan pengukuran langsung di lapangan atau dapat dilakukan dengan pemodelan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat pemodelan pasang surut pantai Karawang dan dimanfaatkan untuk mengetahui genangan rob yang sering terjadi di pesisir Karawang. Metode yang digunakan dalam pemodelan pasang surut ini adalah Metode Flexible Mesh Simulasi yang terdapat pada Software Mike 2 dengan mengunakan data batimetri, garis pantai dan topografi. Hasil pemodelan pasang surut di perairan Karawang diketahui tipe pasang surut adalah tipe campuran condong harian tunggal dengan ni...
The existence of the coast in the northern part of Karawang Regency is very worrying. Seawater th... more The existence of the coast in the northern part of Karawang Regency is very worrying. Seawater that was far up to tens of meters from the side of the road, is now on the lip of the road, even some parts of the road are cut off due to abrasion of seawater. Some villages were affected by abrasion erosion. One of the effects of damage due to abrasion and sedimentation is the occurrence of shoreline changes. This change in coastline will affect people's lives and spatial planning for the development of the area. For this reason, this study aims to determine the extent and rate of shoreline changes that occurred on the coast of
The condition of coral reefs in Indonesia is experiencing high degradation. Human factors have co... more The condition of coral reefs in Indonesia is experiencing high degradation. Human factors have contributed more to the coral reefs damage than natural causes. Coral transplantation is an effort made to rehabilitate coral reefs by cutting live coral to accelerate the regeneration process of damaged coral reefs, to support population availability. The purpose of this study was to transplant corals Acropora formosa and Acropora aspera using the rock pile method, namely the use of dead coral as a natural substrate. The research was conducted in Legon Lele waters, Karimunjawa, Central Java, Indonesia. We were able to observe and collect data on the growth rate of corals and the survival rate of transplanted corals. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that corals A. formosa and A. aspera experienced positive growth in 3 months. The absolute growth height of A. formosa was 13.04 cm, while that of A. aspera was 7.74 cm. The average growth rate of A. formosa and A. aspera were 4.3 and 2.5 cm month-1 , respectively. The survival rate until the end of the observation of A. formosa was 93.3%, while for A. aspera it was 90%. Based on these results, the transplant was considered successful.
International Journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture
Coral reef ecosystems are coastal ecosystems that are rich in biodiversity. At this time many cor... more Coral reef ecosystems are coastal ecosystems that are rich in biodiversity. At this time many coral reefs are in a damaged condition which results in reduced coral reef ecosystems. Therefore, it is necessary to anticipate that coral reefs are not lost or reduced. Saving coral reefs can be done by propagation of coral with artificial reef. This study aims to carry out coral reef propagation techniques by using Coconut Shell Media and Paralon Concrete Media and see comparisons of coral reef growth. The research was conducted from March to June 2021 in Wangi-Wangi Island, Wakatobi, and Province Southeast Sulawesi. From the results of observations and measurements for 11 weeks, the absolute average growth of coral reefs on coconut shell media is 1.05 mm while on concrete media is 0.54 mm. Coral growth rate on coconut shell media is 0.10 mm/week and on concrete media is 0.05 mm/week. The survival rate of coral reefs on coconut shell media is 94.4% while on concrete media is 88.8%.
Terumbu karang adalah ekosistem di perairan laut yang berperan penting untuk keberlangsungan hidu... more Terumbu karang adalah ekosistem di perairan laut yang berperan penting untuk keberlangsungan hidup biota ikan dan biota-biota lainnya. Pertumbuhan terumbu karang memerlukan kualitas perairan yang baik dengan melihat kondisi kecerahan, suhu dan salinitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tutupan terumbu karang di perairan Pulau Panjang Kecil dan Pulau Kelapa yang terletak di Kepulauan Seribu, dengan mengolah data persentase tutupan, keanekaragaman dan dominasi terumbu karang. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan Underwater Photo Transek (UPT), kemudian dianalisa dengan Coral Point Count with Excel extentions (CPCe). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentase tutupan karang di Pulau Panjang Kecil adalah 34,98% dan di Pulau Kelapa 23,29 %. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman di kedua pulau ini 1,06 dan 1,09 serta dominasi karang adalah 0,12 dan 0,24.
Mangroves are forest vegetation that grows between tidal lines so that mangrove forests are also ... more Mangroves are forest vegetation that grows between tidal lines so that mangrove forests are also called tidal forests. Mangrove ecosystems have high biodiversity. The mangrove ecosystem has a physical function to protect the coast from abrasion and erosion, this ecosystem also has ecological and economic value. The purpose of this study was to determine the condition and extent of mangrove distribution on the coast of Karawang Regency. The research was carried out on the coast of Karawang Regency from March to June 2021. The data used is primary data by directly observing the research location and secondary data using remote sensing data from the Landsat 8 satellite. Image data processing and analysis is carried out using the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) method which can create a boundary between mangrove and non-mangrove. With this method, it can be seen the changes in the mangrove distribution area from year to year. The results of data processing and analysis sho...
Tides are the rise and fall of sea level caused by the attraction of objects in the sky, especial... more Tides are the rise and fall of sea level caused by the attraction of objects in the sky, especially the moon and sun, to the mass of seawater on earth. Tidal research is useful for providing information about the components and types of tides and predicting tides and for mitigating natural disasters. Tidal measurements were carried out in the Nasik Strait, Bangka Belitung using the Valeport 106 tool. Tidal data was processed using the Admiralty Method. The Admiralty method is a method used to calculate tidal harmonic constants from observations of water levels. With this method, it is possible to know the amplitude and phase difference of the tides, the value of the Formzahl number, and the type of tide. From the results of data processing and analysis, the value of the Formzahl number in the waters of the Nasik Strait is 11,454 and the tidal type is a single daily tidal type that only occurs at one high tide and one low tide in one day.Keywords: tides; tidal types; admiralty method...
Dinamika oseanografi pantai Karawang sangat dipengaruhi oleh gelombang dari Laut Jawa. Proses hid... more Dinamika oseanografi pantai Karawang sangat dipengaruhi oleh gelombang dari Laut Jawa. Proses hidro-oseanografi ini menyebabkan kerusakan di beberapa tempat di Pantai Utara Karawang. Penyebab kerusakan yang paling utama adalah gelombang laut yang datang dari arah timur laut. Gelombang ini menyebabkan adanya arus sejajar pantai dan tegak lurus pantai yang menyebabkan terjadinya abrasi dan sedimentasi pantai. Kerusakan pantai dapat dicegah dengan mendirikan bangunan pengaman pantai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan jenis bangunan pengaman pantai sebagai salah satu cara mencegah kerusakan pantai di pesisir kabupaten Karawang dengan cara mengumpulkan, mengolah dan menganalisis data batimetri, angin dan pasang surut. Berdasarkan analisis data pasang surut dapat menentukan elevasi bangunan, dari pengolahan data angin diperoleh peramalan gelombang berupa tinggi, periode, dan arah gelombang. Hasil analisis gelombang, batimetri dan topografi, diperoleh bahwa jenis bangunan pantai y...
Pantai Karawang merupakan salah satu wilayah yang memiliki kesuburan perairan dan potensi sumber ... more Pantai Karawang merupakan salah satu wilayah yang memiliki kesuburan perairan dan potensi sumber daya ikan yang cukup baik. Kondisi hidro-oseanografi yang meliputi arus laut, gelombang laut, dan pasang surut sampai saat ini belum dipublikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati kondisi hidro-oseanografi wilayah tersebut. Pengamatan kondisi hidro-oseanografi dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2017 di 3 kecamatan. Secara umum perairan kabupaten Karawang mempunyai kedalaman berkisar antara 0-20 meter. Pada bagian pinggir pantai mempunyai kedalaman antara 0-5 meter. Peta batimetri perairan kabupaten Karawang memperlihatkan morfologi yang berbentuk punggungan berselingan dengan cekungan kemiringan lereng yang relatif datar. Berdasarkan pengamatan dan hasil pengolahan data, parameter hidro-dinamika di perairan kabupaten Karawang memiliki tinggi gelombang laut antara 2,0-3,0 m dengan arah dari timur menuju Barat, kecepatan arus antara 0,125-0,167 m/detik dengan arah arus membentang dar...
The existence of the coast in the northern part of Karawang Regency is very worrying. Seawater th... more The existence of the coast in the northern part of Karawang Regency is very worrying. Seawater that was far up to tens of meters from the side of the road, is now on the lip of the road, even some parts of the road are cut off due to abrasion of seawater. Some villages were affected by abrasion erosion. One of the effects of damage due to abrasion and sedimentation is the occurrence of shoreline changes. This change in coastline will affect people's lives and spatial planning for the development of the area. For this reason, this study aims to determine the extent and rate of shoreline changes that occurred on the coast of Karawang Regency in the periods of 1989, 1995, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2016, and 2018. The shoreline data was obtained from the extraction of Landsat 3 MSS, Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM +, and Landsat 8 OLI-TIRS after the NDWI process was previously carried out. While the rate of change is calculated at 6 sample point locations scattered along the northern coast of K...
Keberadaan pesisir pantai di wilayah bagian utara Kabupaten Karawang sangat mengkhawatirkan akiba... more Keberadaan pesisir pantai di wilayah bagian utara Kabupaten Karawang sangat mengkhawatirkan akibat terjadinya abrasi dan sedimentasi dimana air laut yang tadinya jauh dari sisi jalan kini sudah berada pada bibir jalan dan beberapa wilayah disepanjang pantai telah rusak terkena dampak abrasi tersebut. Proses terjadinya abrasi dan sedimentasi dapat dipantau dengan menggunakan teknologi Remote Sensing yaitu teknologi yang mengunakan gelombang elektro magnetic untuk menghasilkan gambar/citra yang diperoleh dari sensor yang dibawa oleh satelit dengan sifat-sifat fisik obyek yang diamati di permukaan bumi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses terjadinya abrasi dan sedimentasi yang terjadi di pantai kabupaten Karawang dengan mengunakan teknologi remote sensing. Beberdasarkan hasil pengolahan dan analisa data yang dilakukan di 6 kecamatan disepanjang pantai Karawang, telah terjadi abrasi dan sedimentasi, dimana 4 desa mengalami abrasi sedangkan 2 desa mengalami sediment...
ABSTRAKPasang surut air laut merupakan salah satu gejala alam yang tampak di laut, yakni gerakan ... more ABSTRAKPasang surut air laut merupakan salah satu gejala alam yang tampak di laut, yakni gerakan naik turunnya muka air laut. Gerakan tersebut disebabkan oleh pengaruh gaya tarik menarik antara bumi, bulan dan matahari. Data pasang surut dapat memberikan gambaran hidrodinamika di daerah pesisir dan dapat digunakan untuk perencanaan pembangunan dan mitigasi bencana di wilayah pesisir. Untuk mengetahui pasang surut dapat dilakukan dengan pengukuran langsung di lapangan atau dapat dilakukan dengan pemodelan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat pemodelan pasang surut pantai Karawang dan dimanfaatkan untuk mengetahui genangan rob yang sering terjadi di pesisir Karawang. Metode yang digunakan dalam pemodelan pasang surut ini adalah Metode Flexible Mesh Simulasi yang terdapat pada Software Mike 2 dengan mengunakan data batimetri, garis pantai dan topografi. Hasil pemodelan pasang surut di perairan Karawang diketahui tipe pasang surut adalah tipe campuran condong harian tunggal dengan ni...
Papers by Roberto Pasaribu