Pemetaan keunggulan daya saring komparatif dan kompetitif agro-industri dan bisnis halal Indonesi... more Pemetaan keunggulan daya saring komparatif dan kompetitif agro-industri dan bisnis halal Indonesia diperlukan untuk menjamin keberhasilan bisnis halal di pasar internasional, terutama di negara-negara anggota ASEAN. Analisis SWOT- kuantitatif digunakan sebagai metode perencanaan strategis dan untuk mengevaluasi kekuatan,kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman yang terjadi pada agroindustri halal eksisting Indonesia. Lima faktor yang dikelompokkan dianalisa dengan dua belas faktor daya saing yang dinilai untuk mengubah keunggulan komparatif menjadi keunggulan kompetitif. Penilaian dilakukan oleh tujuh belas responden pelaku agroindustri halal nasional yang terdiri atas pengambil kebijakan, industri pakar dan pengamat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Agroindustri halal dapat menjadi altrenatif kebijakan yang sangat baik (skor kekuatan 4,19 dan skor kelemahan -2,25), mengingat kemampuannya melibatkan keterkaitan antara pengembangan industri hulu pertanian, industri hilir pertanian serta jas...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The existence of floating net cages/KJA (Keramba Jaring Apung) in the Cirata reservoir is one of ... more The existence of floating net cages/KJA (Keramba Jaring Apung) in the Cirata reservoir is one of the suppliers that stock fisheries needs in West Java by 40%. But along with this, the number of KJA is increasing and its existence has exceeded the legimate amount determined by the Decree of the Governor of West Java No. 41 of 2002 as many as 85,393 plots. The increase in the number of KJA in the Cirata reservoir has an impact on the decline in water quality and fish productivity. This study aims to determine the processes that cause the dynamics of fish productivity and changes in water quality for KJA aquaculture, building models that can be used as a means of analysis to explain the dynamics that occur, designing a sustainable KJA policy. The depiction of the situation is carried out using the system dynamics approach. System dynamics methodology is one of the policy modeling approaches, especially in terms of increasing understanding of how and why dynamic symptoms of a system occ...
<p><em>T</em><em>he phenomenon of Shrinking Defense Capabilities is only ... more <p><em>T</em><em>he phenomenon of Shrinking Defense Capabilities is only the tip of the iceberg of Indonesian Defense System's problem. The root of the problem that lies beneath and outside is keep untouched. This journal is the part of the efforts to reveal the phenomenon's structure that binding as a system. The present structure is a cause of that phenomenon and the basis of the current organization responsible for Republic Indonesia Defense sector. With the Systems thinking analysis, the research has revealed the structure that become the problem cause and give a holistic solution trough redesigning new structure based on two theories namely the Strategic-Operational Management with Vision Dissemination of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Strohhecker and the Defense System Generic Dr. Ir. Muhammad Tasrif, M.Eng and Ir. Ade Muhammad, M.Han. The logical consequences would also changing of formation of Indonesian Defense Organization.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><strong>Keywords :</strong><em> Design, Redesigning, Defense System, System, Defense, Holistic</em></p>
... INDUSTRI TEH. Tomy Perdana, E. Gumbira -Sa'id, Syamsul Ma'arif, Muhammad Tasrif. Ab... more ... INDUSTRI TEH. Tomy Perdana, E. Gumbira -Sa'id, Syamsul Ma'arif, Muhammad Tasrif. Abstract. The tea industry participants have to deliver their products with a good quality, quantity, continuity, right time,and the lower price. ...
It is an accepted view that technological progress is an extremely important, perhaps the most im... more It is an accepted view that technological progress is an extremely important, perhaps the most important, determinant in the growth in output per man. Therefore, the government's policies related to the R & D activities to spur the development of the technology in order to enhance economic growth in Indonesia are becoming very important to be analyzed. For this purpose, a process oriented model of technology-economy interactions (Technology-Economy Model) was developed; and through the simulation of the model a clear and distinct understanding of the role of the technology in the Indonesian economy can be obtained. In the model, the capital-labor ratio (KLR) is proposed as an indicator of the technology in an economic system. This implies that the development of technology will be strongly determined by the decisions those related to the development of capital (investment and depreciation) and the growing of labor (hire and fire). The structure of decision making process is natu...
It is an accepted view that technological progress is an extremely important, perhaps the most im... more It is an accepted view that technological progress is an extremely important, perhaps the most important, determinant in the growth in output per man. Therefore, the government's policies related to the R & D activities to spur the development of the technology in order to enhance economic growth in Indonesia are becoming very important to be analyzed. For this purpose, a process oriented model of technology-economy interactions (Technology-Economy Model) was developed; and through the simulation of the model a clear and distinct understanding of the role of the technology in the Indonesian economy can be obtained. In the model, the capital-labor ratio (KLR) is proposed as an indicator of the technology in an economic system. This implies that the development of technology will be strongly determined by the decisions those related to the development of capital (investment and depreciation) and the growing of labor (hire and fire). The structure of decision making process is natu...
Indonesia is the largest Muslim population in the world. By establishing Halal-based agro-industr... more Indonesia is the largest Muslim population in the world. By establishing Halal-based agro-industry, Indonesia is expected to avoid the status of the largest world’s largest Halal market. Indonesia need to gradually develop its capability as internationally recognized competitive Halal products producer. Malaysia, Thailand and Brunei Darussalam as ASEAN members have been globally recognized as the world’s Halal products hub and building their Halal industry as their main platform of agro-industry development to penetrate international market. High level of competition abounds from both Muslim and non-Muslim nations, including ASEAN members which have been aggressively setting up their industrial estates and marketing their Halal products around the global market. This study observed Halal-based Agro-industry Competitiveness among six ASEAN countries. Quantitative SWOT analysis and Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) analysis were used to find out the details of intrinsic and extrin...
The models of technological change and economic growth those have been developed so far do not pr... more The models of technological change and economic growth those have been developed so far do not provide satisfying directions for policy purposes. In this study, a simple system dynamics model based on an integration of microand macroeconomic theories is constructed to explore the process of technological change affecting the economic growth. It is hoped that by understanding the process, the developing country may have some directions more clearly how to design its technology policies. The capital-labor ratio change is used to represent the technology change and the mathematical equations of the model are derived from the underlying economic concepts. The main point of deriving the equations is that the production function has a capital intensity which is not constant. The study resulted in an important finding that the capital intensity is affected by the average life of capital in a negative direction. The study shows that the increase in capital intensity is an important source o...
Fenomena Mengerutnya Kemampuan Pertahanan adalah semata ujung dari sebuah gunung es masalah Siste... more Fenomena Mengerutnya Kemampuan Pertahanan adalah semata ujung dari sebuah gunung es masalah Sistem Pertahanan Indonesia. Akar dari masalah yang terletak di bawah dan di luar tetap tidak tersentuh. Thesis ini adalah bagian dari usaha untuk mengungkapkan struktur fenomena yang terikat sebagai sebuah sistem. Struktur yang sekarang adalah penyebab fenomena dan menjadi dasar organisasi yang sekarang bertanggung jawab pada sektor Pertahanan Republik Indonesia. Dengan analisa Berpikir Sistim, riset ini mengungkapkan struktur yang menjadi penyebab masalah dan memberikan solusi holistik dengan mendesain ulang struktur yang berdasarkan dua teori dari the Strategic-Operational Management with Vision Dissemination dari Prof. Dr. Jurgen Strohhecker dan Sistem Pertahanan Generik. Sebagai konsekuensi logis juga akan merubah formasi dari organisasi organisasi Pertahanan Indonesia. Dengan thesis ini, mudah mudahan Revolusi pada Urusan Militer di Indonesia dalam semangat Reformasi Indonesia untuk mas...
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan adanya perkembangan daya tarik Taman Bunga Cihideung (TBC)... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan adanya perkembangan daya tarik Taman Bunga Cihideung (TBC) yang tidak berkelanjutan dengan adanya konflik dalam ketersediaan lahan untuk pertanian bunga dengan kegiatan permukiman dan komersial yang seharusnya dapat mendukung daya tarik tersebut. Di samping itu juga, perkembangan pariwisata di TBC ini memiliki keterbatasan. Lokasinya yang berada di Kawasan Bandung Utara membuat pembangunan di wilayah tersebut harus berhati-hati sehingga tidak mengganggu fungsinya sebagai daerah resapan air.Berdasarkan persoalan tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis prospek pengembangan daya tarik Taman Bunga Cihideung dengan memodelkan keterkaitannya dengan komponen-komponen pariwisata berkelanjutan yaitu komponen ekonomi, sosial-kependudukan, dan ekologi. Model daya tarik TBC disusun berdasarkan identifikasi kajian normatif berupa komponen pariwisata berkelanjutan serta potensi dan persoalan yang didapat dari data sekunder, hasil pengamata...
The international price increase in fuel and food has direct impact on production cost and domest... more The international price increase in fuel and food has direct impact on production cost and domestic prices. Fuel and fertilizers are agricultural inputs in paddy production. Fuel is needed for operating paddy machineries such as tractors and harvesters, while fertilizers are important for keeping the soil for paddy crop fertile. Increment in fuel prices will affect paddy productivity and farmer’s expenditure. Farmer’s expenditure includes fuel (petrol and diesel), input (fertilizer, pesticides and seed) and labour cost. (i) What is the current behaviour of paddy expenditure in 1990 to 2015? (ii) What is the future trend of farmer’s expenditure under the fuel price change in 2016 to 2030? (iii) How the farmer’s will decide to allocate their expenditure on inputs under the different world fuel price rate? The situation requires one to seek a methodology that could explain the complexity of the system and to establish an insight on the interrelation of the key variables. The system dyn...
Agricultural enterprises have a very high dependence on land. If the availability of agricultural... more Agricultural enterprises have a very high dependence on land. If the availability of agricultural land is threatened, the agricultural products are threatened. The development of a region also requires land, but sometimes due to land constraints, there is a lot of conversion of agricultural land, including rice fields that ultimately impact on rice production. Bandung Regency is one of the areas that cannot be separated from the problem of development and conversion of agricultural land, meanwhile Bandung Regency is one of the contributors to the availability of food crops, one of them is rice. The government's target to be self-sufficient in food and make Indonesia as the world's food granary in 100 years of Indonesia's independence makes Bandung Regency must join efforts to increase rice production in the midst of widespread land use. This research was conducted to model the dynamics of rice production in Bandung regency. The approach used is system dynamics methodolog...
Semakin banyaknya pengangguran dan kemiskinan, maka semakin dirasakan pentingnya dunia wirausaha.... more Semakin banyaknya pengangguran dan kemiskinan, maka semakin dirasakan pentingnya dunia wirausaha. Pembangunan akan berjalan dengan baik jika ditunjang oleh wirausahawan karena kemampuan pemerintah sangat terbatas. Oleh karena itu wirausaha merupakan potensi pembangunan, baik dalam jumlah maupun dalam mutu wirausaha itu sendiri. Kenyataan yang dihadapi bahwa jumlah wirausaha Indonesia masih sedikit dan mutunya masih rendah,sehingga pembangunan wirausaha merupakan persoalan yang mendesak bagi suksesnya pembangunan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai orientasi kewirausahaan yang dimiliki untuk mengurangi angka pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Memperoleh gambaran mengenai kerelasian antara pengusaha dengan pembeli untuk mengurangi angka pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Memperoleh gambaran mengenai kerelasian antara pengusaha dengan pemasok untuk mengurangi angka pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Memperoleh gambaran mengenai kerelasian antara pengusaha dengan produk komplement...
Pemetaan keunggulan daya saring komparatif dan kompetitif agro-industri dan bisnis halal Indonesi... more Pemetaan keunggulan daya saring komparatif dan kompetitif agro-industri dan bisnis halal Indonesia diperlukan untuk menjamin keberhasilan bisnis halal di pasar internasional, terutama di negara-negara anggota ASEAN. Analisis SWOT- kuantitatif digunakan sebagai metode perencanaan strategis dan untuk mengevaluasi kekuatan,kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman yang terjadi pada agroindustri halal eksisting Indonesia. Lima faktor yang dikelompokkan dianalisa dengan dua belas faktor daya saing yang dinilai untuk mengubah keunggulan komparatif menjadi keunggulan kompetitif. Penilaian dilakukan oleh tujuh belas responden pelaku agroindustri halal nasional yang terdiri atas pengambil kebijakan, industri pakar dan pengamat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Agroindustri halal dapat menjadi altrenatif kebijakan yang sangat baik (skor kekuatan 4,19 dan skor kelemahan -2,25), mengingat kemampuannya melibatkan keterkaitan antara pengembangan industri hulu pertanian, industri hilir pertanian serta jas...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The existence of floating net cages/KJA (Keramba Jaring Apung) in the Cirata reservoir is one of ... more The existence of floating net cages/KJA (Keramba Jaring Apung) in the Cirata reservoir is one of the suppliers that stock fisheries needs in West Java by 40%. But along with this, the number of KJA is increasing and its existence has exceeded the legimate amount determined by the Decree of the Governor of West Java No. 41 of 2002 as many as 85,393 plots. The increase in the number of KJA in the Cirata reservoir has an impact on the decline in water quality and fish productivity. This study aims to determine the processes that cause the dynamics of fish productivity and changes in water quality for KJA aquaculture, building models that can be used as a means of analysis to explain the dynamics that occur, designing a sustainable KJA policy. The depiction of the situation is carried out using the system dynamics approach. System dynamics methodology is one of the policy modeling approaches, especially in terms of increasing understanding of how and why dynamic symptoms of a system occ...
<p><em>T</em><em>he phenomenon of Shrinking Defense Capabilities is only ... more <p><em>T</em><em>he phenomenon of Shrinking Defense Capabilities is only the tip of the iceberg of Indonesian Defense System's problem. The root of the problem that lies beneath and outside is keep untouched. This journal is the part of the efforts to reveal the phenomenon's structure that binding as a system. The present structure is a cause of that phenomenon and the basis of the current organization responsible for Republic Indonesia Defense sector. With the Systems thinking analysis, the research has revealed the structure that become the problem cause and give a holistic solution trough redesigning new structure based on two theories namely the Strategic-Operational Management with Vision Dissemination of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Strohhecker and the Defense System Generic Dr. Ir. Muhammad Tasrif, M.Eng and Ir. Ade Muhammad, M.Han. The logical consequences would also changing of formation of Indonesian Defense Organization.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><strong>Keywords :</strong><em> Design, Redesigning, Defense System, System, Defense, Holistic</em></p>
... INDUSTRI TEH. Tomy Perdana, E. Gumbira -Sa'id, Syamsul Ma'arif, Muhammad Tasrif. Ab... more ... INDUSTRI TEH. Tomy Perdana, E. Gumbira -Sa'id, Syamsul Ma'arif, Muhammad Tasrif. Abstract. The tea industry participants have to deliver their products with a good quality, quantity, continuity, right time,and the lower price. ...
It is an accepted view that technological progress is an extremely important, perhaps the most im... more It is an accepted view that technological progress is an extremely important, perhaps the most important, determinant in the growth in output per man. Therefore, the government's policies related to the R & D activities to spur the development of the technology in order to enhance economic growth in Indonesia are becoming very important to be analyzed. For this purpose, a process oriented model of technology-economy interactions (Technology-Economy Model) was developed; and through the simulation of the model a clear and distinct understanding of the role of the technology in the Indonesian economy can be obtained. In the model, the capital-labor ratio (KLR) is proposed as an indicator of the technology in an economic system. This implies that the development of technology will be strongly determined by the decisions those related to the development of capital (investment and depreciation) and the growing of labor (hire and fire). The structure of decision making process is natu...
It is an accepted view that technological progress is an extremely important, perhaps the most im... more It is an accepted view that technological progress is an extremely important, perhaps the most important, determinant in the growth in output per man. Therefore, the government's policies related to the R & D activities to spur the development of the technology in order to enhance economic growth in Indonesia are becoming very important to be analyzed. For this purpose, a process oriented model of technology-economy interactions (Technology-Economy Model) was developed; and through the simulation of the model a clear and distinct understanding of the role of the technology in the Indonesian economy can be obtained. In the model, the capital-labor ratio (KLR) is proposed as an indicator of the technology in an economic system. This implies that the development of technology will be strongly determined by the decisions those related to the development of capital (investment and depreciation) and the growing of labor (hire and fire). The structure of decision making process is natu...
Indonesia is the largest Muslim population in the world. By establishing Halal-based agro-industr... more Indonesia is the largest Muslim population in the world. By establishing Halal-based agro-industry, Indonesia is expected to avoid the status of the largest world’s largest Halal market. Indonesia need to gradually develop its capability as internationally recognized competitive Halal products producer. Malaysia, Thailand and Brunei Darussalam as ASEAN members have been globally recognized as the world’s Halal products hub and building their Halal industry as their main platform of agro-industry development to penetrate international market. High level of competition abounds from both Muslim and non-Muslim nations, including ASEAN members which have been aggressively setting up their industrial estates and marketing their Halal products around the global market. This study observed Halal-based Agro-industry Competitiveness among six ASEAN countries. Quantitative SWOT analysis and Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) analysis were used to find out the details of intrinsic and extrin...
The models of technological change and economic growth those have been developed so far do not pr... more The models of technological change and economic growth those have been developed so far do not provide satisfying directions for policy purposes. In this study, a simple system dynamics model based on an integration of microand macroeconomic theories is constructed to explore the process of technological change affecting the economic growth. It is hoped that by understanding the process, the developing country may have some directions more clearly how to design its technology policies. The capital-labor ratio change is used to represent the technology change and the mathematical equations of the model are derived from the underlying economic concepts. The main point of deriving the equations is that the production function has a capital intensity which is not constant. The study resulted in an important finding that the capital intensity is affected by the average life of capital in a negative direction. The study shows that the increase in capital intensity is an important source o...
Fenomena Mengerutnya Kemampuan Pertahanan adalah semata ujung dari sebuah gunung es masalah Siste... more Fenomena Mengerutnya Kemampuan Pertahanan adalah semata ujung dari sebuah gunung es masalah Sistem Pertahanan Indonesia. Akar dari masalah yang terletak di bawah dan di luar tetap tidak tersentuh. Thesis ini adalah bagian dari usaha untuk mengungkapkan struktur fenomena yang terikat sebagai sebuah sistem. Struktur yang sekarang adalah penyebab fenomena dan menjadi dasar organisasi yang sekarang bertanggung jawab pada sektor Pertahanan Republik Indonesia. Dengan analisa Berpikir Sistim, riset ini mengungkapkan struktur yang menjadi penyebab masalah dan memberikan solusi holistik dengan mendesain ulang struktur yang berdasarkan dua teori dari the Strategic-Operational Management with Vision Dissemination dari Prof. Dr. Jurgen Strohhecker dan Sistem Pertahanan Generik. Sebagai konsekuensi logis juga akan merubah formasi dari organisasi organisasi Pertahanan Indonesia. Dengan thesis ini, mudah mudahan Revolusi pada Urusan Militer di Indonesia dalam semangat Reformasi Indonesia untuk mas...
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan adanya perkembangan daya tarik Taman Bunga Cihideung (TBC)... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan adanya perkembangan daya tarik Taman Bunga Cihideung (TBC) yang tidak berkelanjutan dengan adanya konflik dalam ketersediaan lahan untuk pertanian bunga dengan kegiatan permukiman dan komersial yang seharusnya dapat mendukung daya tarik tersebut. Di samping itu juga, perkembangan pariwisata di TBC ini memiliki keterbatasan. Lokasinya yang berada di Kawasan Bandung Utara membuat pembangunan di wilayah tersebut harus berhati-hati sehingga tidak mengganggu fungsinya sebagai daerah resapan air.Berdasarkan persoalan tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis prospek pengembangan daya tarik Taman Bunga Cihideung dengan memodelkan keterkaitannya dengan komponen-komponen pariwisata berkelanjutan yaitu komponen ekonomi, sosial-kependudukan, dan ekologi. Model daya tarik TBC disusun berdasarkan identifikasi kajian normatif berupa komponen pariwisata berkelanjutan serta potensi dan persoalan yang didapat dari data sekunder, hasil pengamata...
The international price increase in fuel and food has direct impact on production cost and domest... more The international price increase in fuel and food has direct impact on production cost and domestic prices. Fuel and fertilizers are agricultural inputs in paddy production. Fuel is needed for operating paddy machineries such as tractors and harvesters, while fertilizers are important for keeping the soil for paddy crop fertile. Increment in fuel prices will affect paddy productivity and farmer’s expenditure. Farmer’s expenditure includes fuel (petrol and diesel), input (fertilizer, pesticides and seed) and labour cost. (i) What is the current behaviour of paddy expenditure in 1990 to 2015? (ii) What is the future trend of farmer’s expenditure under the fuel price change in 2016 to 2030? (iii) How the farmer’s will decide to allocate their expenditure on inputs under the different world fuel price rate? The situation requires one to seek a methodology that could explain the complexity of the system and to establish an insight on the interrelation of the key variables. The system dyn...
Agricultural enterprises have a very high dependence on land. If the availability of agricultural... more Agricultural enterprises have a very high dependence on land. If the availability of agricultural land is threatened, the agricultural products are threatened. The development of a region also requires land, but sometimes due to land constraints, there is a lot of conversion of agricultural land, including rice fields that ultimately impact on rice production. Bandung Regency is one of the areas that cannot be separated from the problem of development and conversion of agricultural land, meanwhile Bandung Regency is one of the contributors to the availability of food crops, one of them is rice. The government's target to be self-sufficient in food and make Indonesia as the world's food granary in 100 years of Indonesia's independence makes Bandung Regency must join efforts to increase rice production in the midst of widespread land use. This research was conducted to model the dynamics of rice production in Bandung regency. The approach used is system dynamics methodolog...
Semakin banyaknya pengangguran dan kemiskinan, maka semakin dirasakan pentingnya dunia wirausaha.... more Semakin banyaknya pengangguran dan kemiskinan, maka semakin dirasakan pentingnya dunia wirausaha. Pembangunan akan berjalan dengan baik jika ditunjang oleh wirausahawan karena kemampuan pemerintah sangat terbatas. Oleh karena itu wirausaha merupakan potensi pembangunan, baik dalam jumlah maupun dalam mutu wirausaha itu sendiri. Kenyataan yang dihadapi bahwa jumlah wirausaha Indonesia masih sedikit dan mutunya masih rendah,sehingga pembangunan wirausaha merupakan persoalan yang mendesak bagi suksesnya pembangunan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai orientasi kewirausahaan yang dimiliki untuk mengurangi angka pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Memperoleh gambaran mengenai kerelasian antara pengusaha dengan pembeli untuk mengurangi angka pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Memperoleh gambaran mengenai kerelasian antara pengusaha dengan pemasok untuk mengurangi angka pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Memperoleh gambaran mengenai kerelasian antara pengusaha dengan produk komplement...
Papers by Muhammad Tasrif