This paper deals with the issue of arbitrage with differential information and incomplete financial markets, with a focus on information that no-arbitrage asset prices can reveal. Time and uncertainty are represented by two periods and a... more
This paper deals with the issue of arbitrage with differential information and incomplete financial markets, with a focus on information that no-arbitrage asset prices can reveal. Time and uncertainty are represented by two periods and a finite set S of states of nature, one of which will prevail at the second period. Agents may operate limited financial transfers across periods and states via finitely many nominal assets. Each agent i has a private information about which state will prevail at the second period; this information is represented by a subset S i of S. Agents receive no wrong information in the sense that the "true state" belongs to the "pooled information" set ∩ i S i , hence assumed to be non-empty.
This paper establishes the existence of a stationary equilibrium and a procedure to compute solutions to a class of dynamic general equilibrium models with two important features. First, occupational choice is determined endogenously as a... more
This paper establishes the existence of a stationary equilibrium and a procedure to compute solutions to a class of dynamic general equilibrium models with two important features. First, occupational choice is determined endogenously as a function of heterogeneous agent type, which is defined by an agent's managerial ability and capital bequest. Heterogeneous ability is exogenous and independent across generations. In contrast, bequests link generations and the distribution of bequests evolves endogenously. Second, there is a financial market for capital loans with a deadweight intermediation cost and a repayment incentive constraint. The incentive constraint induces a nonconvexity. The paper proves that the competitive equilibrium can be characterized by the bequest distribution and factor prices, and uses the monotone mixing condition to ensure that the stationary bequest distribution that arises from the agent's optimal behavior across generations exists and is unique. The paper next constructs a direct, non-parametric approach to compute the stationary solution. The method reduces the domain of the policy function, thus reducing the computational complexity of the problem. JEL Classification: C62; C63; E60; G38.
The Dynamic Programming approach for a family of optimal investment models with vintage capital is here developed. The problem falls into the class of infinite horizon optimal control problems of PDE's with age structure that have been... more
The Dynamic Programming approach for a family of optimal investment models with vintage capital is here developed. The problem falls into the class of infinite horizon optimal control problems of PDE's with age structure that have been studied in various papers (see e.g. , ) either in cases when explicit solutions can be found or using Maximum Principle techniques.
The paper represents the research of matching Hurst exponent to Elliott wave models for financial time series. It illustrates that there are some values of Hurst exponent which match the most efficient using of Elliot Wave Principle for... more
The paper represents the research of matching Hurst exponent to Elliott wave models for financial time series. It illustrates that there are some values of Hurst exponent which match the most efficient using of Elliot Wave Principle for time series prediction.
Keywords: wave models, Hurst exponent, financial time series, stock market, R/S-analysis
This paper proposes a multi-prize ''reverse'' nested lottery contest model, which can be viewed as the ''mirror image'' of the conventional nested lottery contest of Clark and Riis (1996a). The reverse-lottery contest model determines... more
This paper proposes a multi-prize ''reverse'' nested lottery contest model, which can be viewed as the ''mirror image'' of the conventional nested lottery contest of Clark and Riis (1996a). The reverse-lottery contest model determines winners by selecting losers based on contestants' one-shot effort through a hypothetical sequence of lotteries. We provide a microfoundation for the reverse-lottery contest from a perspective of (simultaneous) noisy performance ranking and establish that the model is underpinned by a unique performance evaluation rule. We further demonstrate that the noisy-ranking model can be interpreted intuitively as a ''worst-shot'' contest, in which contestants' performances are evaluated based on their most severe mistakes. The reverse-lottery contest model thus depicts a great variety of widely observed competitive activities of this nature. A handy closed-form solution for a symmetric equilibrium of the reverse-lottery contest is obtained. We show that the winner-take-all principle continues to hold in reverse-lottery contests. Moreover, we find that a reverse-lottery contest elicits more effort than a conventional lottery contest whenever the prizes available to contestants are relatively scarce.
We investigate the problem of constructing a Pareto-efficient social welfare function that respects individual rights when preferences are defined over the location of a public facility. Restricting individual preferences to be either... more
We investigate the problem of constructing a Pareto-efficient social welfare function that respects individual rights when preferences are defined over the location of a public facility. Restricting individual preferences to be either single-peaked or single-dipped, we find necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a Pareto-efficient social welfare function that respects individual rights.
The article provides basic information about operations research, introduces the experience of selected applications in terms of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic presents possible directions for further usage in favor of the... more
The article provides basic information about operations research, introduces the experience of selected applications in terms of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic presents possible directions for further usage in favor of the development of the security system of the Czech Republic.
We study a general class of pure exchange economies that have multiple equilibria. This class generalizes an example presented by Shapley and Shubik. For such economies, we find easily verified conditions that determine whether there are... more
We study a general class of pure exchange economies that have multiple equilibria. This class generalizes an example presented by Shapley and Shubik. For such economies, we find easily verified conditions that determine whether there are multiple equilibria. We also provide simple methods for constructing economies in which arbitrary pre-specified sets of prices are equilibria. These economies have strong comparative statics properties, since prices at interior competitive equilibrium depend on the parameters of utility but not on the endowment quantities. We believe that this easily manipulated special case is a valuable addition to the class of simple general equilibrium economies that can be used as testing grounds in economic theory.
In this paper we present a new auction, the bisection auction, that can be used for the sale of a single indivisible object. We discuss the issue concerning the information revelation requirement of this auction and the associated amount... more
In this paper we present a new auction, the bisection auction, that can be used for the sale of a single indivisible object. We discuss the issue concerning the information revelation requirement of this auction and the associated amount of data that needs to be transmitted. We show that in the truthtelling equilibrium the bisection auction is economical in its demand for information on the valuations of the players. It requires the players to transmit less information bits to the auctioneer than the Vickrey and English auctions. In particular, we prove that for integer valuations uniformly distributed on the interval [0, L) the bisection auction of n players requires in expectation transmission of at most 2n+log L information bits by the players. Compared with the corresponding number in the Vickrey auction which is n log L, and in the English auction which is on average at least (1/3)nL, the bisection auction turns out to be the best performer. JEL Codes. C72, D44.
This paper discusses optimally controlled economic growth models with linear aggregate production function of capital and labour. It compares and contrasts real per capita income performance over time in situations where the labour... more
This paper discusses optimally controlled economic growth models with linear aggregate production function of capital and labour. It compares and contrasts real per capita income performance over time in situations where the labour (population) growth dynamics vary from purely exponential to strongly logistic. The study seeks to identify, by means of analytical and qualitative methods, as well as numerical simulations, the causal factors and parameters, particularly population related ones, which induce qualitative changes in the performance of real per capita income over time. Furthermore, the paper discusses the concept of maximum sustainable population growth for the models and the conditions for exiting the Malthusian trap. Consumption per (effective) labour is used as the control variable, and capital per (effective) labour, as state variable, whereas income per (effective) labour is considered the output variable. A time-discounted welfare functional is applied as the models' objective functional, maximized subject to a differential equation in the control and state variables. Each system is found to be controllable and observable. The models' simulation results are reasonably intuitive and realistic. The results also indicate that, consistently, real per capita income grows faster and generates greater time values, however marginal, as the population growth dynamics tends increasingly logistic.
Su~c~ent 'conditions for a weaker approximability condition of some points in the graph of this correspondence are given. The result is applied to study the boundary behavior of supply functions of producers who maximize profit on a... more
Su~c~ent 'conditions for a weaker approximability condition of some points in the graph of this correspondence are given. The result is applied to study the boundary behavior of supply functions of producers who maximize profit on a convex set.
In this paper we argue that indeterminacy of equilibrium is a possibility inherent in economies with a double infinity of agents and goods, large-square economies. We develop a framework that is quite different from the overlapping... more
In this paper we argue that indeterminacy of equilibrium is a possibility inherent in economies with a double infinity of agents and goods, large-square economies. We develop a framework that is quite different from the overlapping generations one and that is amenable to analysis by means of differential calculus in linear spaces. The commodity space is a separable, inlinitedimensional Hilbert space, and each of a continuum of consumers is described by means of an individual excess demand function detined on an open set of prices. In this setting we prove an analog of the Sonnenschein-MantelLDebreu theorem. Using this result, we show that the set of economies whose equilibrium sets contain manifolds of arbitrary dimension is non-empty and open in the appropriate topology. In contrast, we also show that, if the space of consumers is sufficiently small, then local uniqueness is a generic property of economies. The concept of sufftciently small has a simple mathematical formulation (the derivatives of individual excess demands form a uniformly integrable family) and an equally simple economic interpretation (the variation across consumers is not too great).
We provide an axiomatic characterization of a family of criteria for ranking completely uncertain and/or ambiguous decisions. A completely uncertain decision is described by the set of all its consequences (assumed to be finite). An... more
We provide an axiomatic characterization of a family of criteria for ranking completely uncertain and/or ambiguous decisions. A completely uncertain decision is described by the set of all its consequences (assumed to be finite). An ambiguous decision is described as a finite set of possible probability distributions over a finite set of prices. Every criterion in the family compares sets on the basis of their conditional expected utility, for some probability function taking strictly positive values and some utility function both having the universe of alternatives as their domain.
This paper seeks to build a deterministic optimal control model to fit the Ghanaian economy. The model looks at a simple closed economy with government participation. The Hamilton-Pontryagin’s theory was employed to analyze the systems... more
This paper seeks to build a deterministic optimal control model to fit the Ghanaian economy. The model looks at a simple closed economy with government participation. The Hamilton-Pontryagin’s theory was employed to analyze the systems obtained. Numerical simulations were also used to obtain numerical solutions to the model. Results obtained from the analysis performed suggest that the system is controllable. The short to long term predictions of the system are generally very good. The results obtained also suggest that the 2020 goal of Ghana becoming a middle income economy is attainable if the control measures prescribed are applied.
or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume,... more
or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the "Taverne" license above, please follow below link for the End User
Whereas "convexification by aggregation" is a well-understood procedure in mathematical economics, "convexification by randomization" has largely been limited to theories of statistical decision-making, optimal control and non-cooperative... more
Whereas "convexification by aggregation" is a well-understood procedure in mathematical economics, "convexification by randomization" has largely been limited to theories of statistical decision-making, optimal control and non-cooperative games. In this paper, in the context of classical Walrasian general equilibrium theory, we offer a comprehensive treatment of relaxed economies and their relaxed Walrasian equilibria: our results pertain to a setting with a finite or a continuum of agents, and a continuum of commodities modeled either as an ordered separable Banach space or as an L ∞ -space. As a substantive consequence, we demonstrate that the convexity hypothesis can be removed from the original large economy under the saturation hypothesis, and that existing results in the antecedent literature can be effortlessly recovered.
This survey article (in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) offers an introduction to the field of social choice theory. It covers: (i) the history of social choice theory; (ii) three formal arguments for majority rule (procedural,... more
This survey article (in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) offers an introduction to the field of social choice theory. It covers: (i) the history of social choice theory; (ii) three formal arguments for majority rule (procedural, epistemic, and utilitarian); (iii) preference aggregation; (iv) welfare aggregation; (v) judgment aggregation; and (vi) other topics.
Available at:
One of the principal ways nations are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic is by locking down portions of their economies to reduce infectious spread. This is expensive in terms of lost jobs, lost economic productivity, and lost freedoms.... more
One of the principal ways nations are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic is by locking down portions of their economies to reduce infectious spread. This is expensive in terms of lost jobs, lost economic productivity, and lost freedoms. So it is of interest to ask: What is the optimal intensity with which to lockdown, and how should that intensity vary dynamically over the course of an epidemic? This paper explores such questions with an optimal control model that recognizes the particular risks when infection rates surge beyond the healthcare system's capacity to deliver appropriate care. The analysis shows that four broad strategies emerge, ranging from brief lockdowns that only ''smooth the curve'' to sustained lockdowns that prevent infections from spiking beyond the healthcare system's capacity. Within this model, it can be optimal to have two separate periods of locking down, so returning to a lockdown after initial restrictions have been lifted is not necessarily a sign of failure. Relatively small changes in judgments about how to balance health and economic harms can alter dramatically which strategy prevails. Indeed, there are constellations of parameters for which two or even three of these distinct strategies can all perform equally well for the same set of initial conditions; these correspond to so-called triple Skiba points. The performance of trajectories can be highly nonlinear in the state variables, such that for various times t, the optimal unemployment rate could be low, medium, or high, but not anywhere in between. These complex dynamics emerge naturally from modeling the COVID-19 epidemic and suggest a degree of humility in policy debates. Even people who share a common understanding of the problem's economics and epidemiology can prefer dramatically different policies. Conversely, favoring very different policies is not evident that there are fundamental disagreements.
"Abstract Many healthcare finance mechanisms involve transferring uncertain costs to healthcare providers in lieu of fixed payments or global capitation. Global capitation violates basic principles of risk management through insurance.... more
Many healthcare finance mechanisms involve transferring uncertain costs to healthcare providers in lieu of fixed payments or global capitation. Global capitation violates basic principles of risk management through insurance. Risk-theoretic analysis of capitation shows that risk disaggregation forces efficient providers to become inefficient insurers. Risk-assuming providers face lower profitability and increased exposure to operating losses, and must reduce patient benefits. Global capitation causes inefficiency, increases healthcare costs, and threatens patient-provider relationships."
The equivalence in the finite agent model between the families of efficient dominant strategy and Vickrey-ClarkeGroves mechanisms is extended to continuum economies. The concept of an individual's marginal product is used to link the two... more
The equivalence in the finite agent model between the families of efficient dominant strategy and Vickrey-ClarkeGroves mechanisms is extended to continuum economies. The concept of an individual's marginal product is used to link the two families of mechanisms when agents are non-atomic. Unlike the finite agent model, feasible and efficient dominant strategy mechanisms exist in the continuum, but these mechanisms do not guarantee individual rationality. For individual rationality to hold, the environment must also satisfy full-appropriation: each individual receives a payoff exactly equal to his/her marginal product. Full-appropriation is shown to be equivalent to the condition that each individual fully internalizes any external effects he/she creates. Environments and examples are given that exhibit or fail to exhibit full-appropriation.
Se propone una lectura antropológica de la génesis e itinerario de la ciencia económica moderna en orden a comprender su situación contemporánea de crisis. La pretensión de garantías y resultados ante la incertidumbre de la actividad... more
Se propone una lectura antropológica de la génesis e itinerario de la ciencia económica moderna en orden a comprender su situación contemporánea de crisis. La pretensión de garantías y resultados ante la incertidumbre de la actividad económica por ser una ciencia humana condujo al hombre moderno a reestructurar las claves de su actuar. Se trata en definitiva de un reduccionismo antropológico que abandona el crecimiento humano como eje central en orden a la adquisición de resultados que abre paso al utilitarismo materialista. En este trabajo se abordan seis claves del principio rector de la ciencia moderna y su vertiente económica.
Abstract: This article offers an anthropological reading of the origin and subsequent path of modern economics in order to understand its contemporary crisis. In negation of economic activity as a human and uncertain science, the pretension that it can offer guarantees and results in the face of uncertainty led modern man to restructure his way of acting. This change ultimately corresponds to an anthropological reductionism that abandons human growth as its central axis in favor of obtaining results, opening the way to materialistic utilitarianism. This article addresses six keys to the guiding principle of modern science and its economic instantiation.
En este documento se demuestra que la suma de conjuntos cerrados es cerrada, y se toman los conos asintóticos como conjuntos normalizadores de los elementos de producción en una economía.
We develop the ordinal theory of (semi)continuous multi-utility representation for incomplete preference relations. We investigate the cases in which the representing sets of utility functions are either arbitrary or finite, and those... more
We develop the ordinal theory of (semi)continuous multi-utility representation for incomplete preference relations. We investigate the cases in which the representing sets of utility functions are either arbitrary or finite, and those cases in which the maps contained in these sets are required to be (semi)continuous. With the exception of the case where the representing set is required to be finite, we find that the requirements of such representations are surprisingly weak, pointing to a wide range of applicability of the representation theorems reported here. Some applications to decision theory under uncertainty and consumer theory are also considered.
The paper attempts to examine IRAN’s trade potential with her 161 trading partners in 2011 by using an econometric gravity model and examine the gaps between potential and actual trade among member... more
This book presents introductory economics ("principles") material using standard mathematical tools, including calculus. It is designed for a relatively sophisticated undergraduate who has not taken a basic university course in economics.... more
This book presents introductory economics ("principles") material using standard mathematical tools, including calculus. It is designed for a relatively sophisticated undergraduate who has not taken a basic university course in economics. It also contains the standard intermediate microeconomics material and some material that ought to be standard but is not. The book can easily serve as an intermediate microeconomics text. The focus of this book is on the conceptual tools and not on fluff. Most microeconomics texts are mostly fluff and the fluff market is exceedingly overserved by $100+ texts. In contrast, this book reflects the approach actually adopted by the majority of economists for understanding economic activity. There are lots of models and equations and no pictures of economists.
Economic methodologists most often study the relations between models and reality while focusing on the issues of the model’s epistemic relevance in terms of its relation to the ‘real world’ and representing the real world in a model. We... more
Economic methodologists most often study the relations between models and reality while focusing on the issues of the model’s epistemic relevance in terms of its relation to the ‘real world’ and representing the real world in a model. We complement the discussion by bringing the model’s constructive mechanisms or self-implementing technologies in play. By this, we mean the elements of the economic model that are aimed at ‘implementing’ it by envisaging the ways to change the reality in order to bring it more in line with the model. We are thus concerned mainly not with the ways to change the model to ‘fit’ the reality, but rather with the model’s own armature that is supposed to transform the world along theoretical lines. The case we study is Arrow– Debreu–McKenzie general equilibrium model. In particular, we show the following: gradient methods and stability could be regarded as constructive mechanisms of general equilibrium modeling in the context of market socialism debates; the obsession of general equilibrium theorists with these concepts can be partly explained by the fact that they hoped not to be faithful to reality, but rather to adjust it to fit the theoretical model; mechanism design theory initiated by the stability theorist Leonid Hurwicz could be seen as a successor of this position. We conclude by showing the relevance of this analysis for epistemic culture of much of contemporary economics and hence, claim that it is an important complement to the traditional philosophy of economic modeling.
Variable is a term that is frequently used in research. One of the significant and challenging aspects of planning a study is identifying the variables. A variable, as the name implies, is something that varies. It can be defined as... more
Variable is a term that is frequently used in research. One of the significant and challenging aspects of planning a study is identifying the variables. A variable, as the name implies, is something that varies. It can be defined as something that can change and or can have more than one value. Income, education level, and height are examples of variables. It varies for each person and has different values along a continuum. In order to analyse data, the variables have to be defined and categorised using different scales of measurements. There are four scales of measurements- nominal scale, ordinal scale, interval scale, and ratio scale. The scale of measurement of a variable determines the kind of statistical test to be used. In a nutshell, scales of measurement are various measures to quantify the variables. These constitute a hierarchy where the lowest scale of measurement, nominal, has fewer mathematical properties than those further up this hierarchy of scales. Each scale of measurement has specific properties that determine the statistical analysis technique to be used. Nominal scales are used to label a series of values; ordinal scales give the order of values; interval scales quantify the difference between each value, and ratio scales explain the identity, magnitude, interval values, and absolute distance between any two points on the scale since a ‘true zero’ can be defined.
It has never been accomplished to describe our behavior mathematically. Due to the fact that human behavior is highly erratic even the understanding of its causes are still sketchy. Assuming that we are all equal in our regulation of... more
It has never been accomplished to describe our behavior mathematically. Due to the fact that human behavior is highly erratic even the understanding of its causes are still sketchy. Assuming that we are all equal in our regulation of thought and behavior there are simply too many differences and partially inconsistencies, the attempts stopped in its onset. For having defined the five major groups of mankind, the sociopath, the artist, the median, the, and the psychopath[1]each group is related to each other but his decision making is hardwired differently and thou probably more easy to grasp than sticking to the consistency of all appearance for the regulation of behavior is quite similar in the five groups but different in its limits. Using the more formalistic tools of mathematics, this can open the review of the equations in verifying or falsifying the predictions on future behavior in an individual, at least after defining the group affiliation. Therefore a self-test has been established[2]to predetermine the group. In a hybrid-species [3], the eight main neuro-receptors in each group to have two optional origins. Measuring each by its own dominating patterns not only the amalgamation in each group can be defined but also the native patterns of the non-hybrid ancestry [4]. Not only the variance of possible combination can distribute to the limits of brain-equations but also the time-axis of our memory, being rather different, illuminating the highly different decision making among offspring of hunters and farmers. A phenomenon probably explaining the variance in processing memory by peripheral distributed groups of ADHD and autism for ADHD memorizes in combining data with importance and such is been given an emotional response to the recall, while autism is mainly been given the exact time reference stored in a continuous frame of time-preference. The latter therefore have problems to distinguish between important and not important and the former lacks a passing timeframe, mirroring the primary form of acquiring resource, farming or hunting. With the boundaries set the graphs of the equation on resource-projection looks highly different by only changing its limits. Having not only focussed on the designation of human groups but also in behavioral shifts over time (from social to non-social) and the exact denomination of similar behavior, some rather simple equation could be defined to predict and consequently proof the predicate. Not only the proper use of words is necessary but also awareness that non-social individuals will often not answer truthfully. A topic that also can be mathematically predicted. The outcome will revolutionize our perception of mankind and ourselves, dawning more than one academic discipline, probably enabling us to go virtual and back again.
My purpose in writing this literature is to document the evolution of western-styled education in Ghana through the post-colonial era. This is not to say a broader conversation on the inclusion of traditional elements is without merit.... more
My purpose in writing this literature is to document the evolution of western-styled education in Ghana through the post-colonial era. This is not to say a broader conversation on the inclusion of traditional elements is without merit. However, this piece is an attempt to understand the modern elements in Ghanaian formal education as well as considerations of its economic elements.
This is 'chapter 2' of the Lecture notes from my module on computational methods for Economists. In this chapter we look at dynamic / intertemporal optimisation problems. This chapter focusses on (1) unconstrained optimization, (2) with... more
This is 'chapter 2' of the Lecture notes from my module on computational methods for Economists.
In this chapter we look at dynamic / intertemporal optimisation problems. This chapter focusses on (1) unconstrained optimization, (2) with and without future-discounting and (3) the conceptual differences between treating the resulting first-order conditions as boundary-value or initial-value problems.
The issues of stability, whether the extremization leads to proper minima or maxima and how to handle constraints are left for the next week/chapter.
The approach to dynamic optimisation is the standard Euler-Lagrange variational calculus in continuous time. This week's notes do not go into 'Hamiltonian' type formalisms, discrete-time optimization or 'optimal control theory'.
The analysis of archaeological material made it possible to answer the following questions: when, where, why and how was the system of economic accounting, mathematics, the art of writing and script originated and developed producing the... more
The analysis of archaeological material made it possible to answer the following questions: when, where, why and how was the system of economic accounting, mathematics, the art of writing and script originated and developed producing the social-economic revolution. The work describes an accounting system used in Near East since the Neolith Age. The accounting was kept with the help of clay tokens, denoting numbers and various goods. Sometimes the clay tokens were attached to clay bullae hung on wool ropes or were put into spherical bulla-envelopes and then sealed. They were stamped on the outer surface of the clay bullae and denoted the number of tokens in the bullae. The process of stamping with the tokens on the outer surface of the clay bullae resulted in the appearance of pictographic, linear and cuneiform scripts in 3500–2800 BC. These scripts are found on numerous clay tablets, the deciphering of which proves that writing is an immediate result of counting goods and was used for economic and administrative registration. The detailed correspondences between several Mesopotamian and Common Kartvelian forms are given in the appendix.
In this short document, we show that line search methods that satisfy the (weak) Wolfe conditions and for which the angle between the search direction and the steepest descent direction is bounded away from 90°, are globally convergent.... more
In this short document, we show that line search methods that satisfy the (weak) Wolfe conditions and for which the angle between the search direction and the steepest descent direction is bounded away from 90°, are globally convergent. To do this, we first provide a detailed proof for Zoutendijk's theorem, and we use the results thereof to derive global convergence results for such algorithms.
In this third 'chapter' of my computational methods lecture notes we complete our discussion of dynamic / inter-temporal optimization by a discussion of using constraints and time-dependent Lagrange multipliers or 'co-stat variables'.... more
In this third 'chapter' of my computational methods lecture notes we complete our discussion of dynamic / inter-temporal optimization by a discussion of using constraints and time-dependent Lagrange multipliers or 'co-stat variables'. The chapter finishes with a discussion of the second-order conditions to check whether the optimal path found represents a minimum, a maximum or a 'saddle-point' solution in the space of 'paths'. This leads us to contemplate the vector-space structure of space of functions and the use of integrals to define a dot-product on such spaces. That is the bridge to the material of next week.
The main goal of this research is to give the complete conception about numerical integration including Newton-Cotes formulas and aimed at comparing the rate of performance or the rate of accuracy of Trapezoidal, Simpson's 1/3, and... more
The main goal of this research is to give the complete conception about numerical integration including Newton-Cotes formulas and aimed at comparing the rate of performance or the rate of accuracy of Trapezoidal, Simpson's 1/3, and Simpson's 3/8. To verify the accuracy, we compare each rules demonstrating the smallest error values among them. The software package MATLAB R2013a is applied to determine the best method, as well as the results, are compared. It includes graphical comparisons mentioning these methods graphically. After all, it is then emphasized that the among methods considered, Simpson's 1/3 is more effective and accurate subdivision is only even the when the condition of for solving a definite integral.
Reservados todos los derechos de publicación en cualquier idioma. La reproducción total o parcial de esta obra mediante cualquier procedimiento, ya sea mecánico, óptico, reprografía o bien tratamiento informático, así como la distribución... more
Reservados todos los derechos de publicación en cualquier idioma. La reproducción total o parcial de esta obra mediante cualquier procedimiento, ya sea mecánico, óptico, reprografía o bien tratamiento informático, así como la distribución de ejemplares por medios de alquiler o préstamo, están rigurosamente prohibidos sin la autorización escrita previa del autor, excepto citas, siempre que se mencione su procedencia, y serán sometidos a las sanciones establecidas por la ley. Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra sólo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Deben dirigirse a CEDRO (Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos, si se necesita fotocopiar o escanear algún fragmento de esta obra.
Fungsi biaya merupakan hubungan antara biaya dengan jumlah produksi yang dihasilkan. Dalam membicarakan biaya ada beberapa macam biaya, yaitu: a. Biaya Total (Total Cost = TC = C) b. Biaya Variabel (Variable Cost = VC) c. Biaya Tetap... more
Fungsi biaya merupakan hubungan antara biaya dengan jumlah produksi yang dihasilkan. Dalam membicarakan biaya ada beberapa macam biaya, yaitu: a. Biaya Total (Total Cost = TC = C) b. Biaya Variabel (Variable Cost = VC) c. Biaya Tetap (Fixed Cost = FC) d. Biaya Total Rata-Rata (Average Total Cost = AC) e. Biaya Variabel Rata Rata (Average Variable Cost = AVC) f. Biaya Tetap Rata-Rata (Average Fixed Cost = AFC) g. Biaya Marginal Rumus : 1. C = AC x Q atau C = FC + VC 2. FC = AFC X Q 3. VC = AVC X Q Dalam menganalisa biaya umumnya tidak terlepas dari analisa penerimaan atau revenue atau total revenue. Pengertian revenue atau penerimaan adalah seluruh pendapatan yang diterima dari hasil penjualan barang pada tingkat harga tertentu. 1. Total Penerimaan (TR) dirumuskan TR = PQ. TR = Penerimaan Total, P = Harga Barang dan Q = Jumlah barang yang dijual. 2. Penerimaan Rata-rata (AR) adalah penerimaan rata-rata tiap unit produksi, dapat dirumuskan AR = TR/Q 3. Penerimaan Marginal atau Marginal Revenue adalah tambahan penerimaan sebagai akibat dari tambahan produksi, dirumuskan MR = ∆TR/∆Q. MR = Marginal Revenue, ∆TR = Tambahan penerimaan, ∆Q = Tambahan Produksi. Berdasarkan konsep penerimaan dan biaya (TR dan TC) dapat diketahui beberapa kemungkinan diantaranya : TR < TC = keadaan untung / laba TR = TC = keadaan Break Even Point TR > TC = Keadaan rugi.
Buku ini diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai konsep dan teknik dari berbagai metodologi matematika yang banyak digunakan dalam ekonomi. Buku ini mencakup beberapa pokok bahasan, yaitu kalkulus diferensial, komparatif statik,... more
Buku ini diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai konsep dan teknik dari berbagai metodologi matematika yang banyak digunakan dalam ekonomi. Buku ini mencakup beberapa pokok bahasan, yaitu kalkulus diferensial, komparatif statik, kalkulus integral, optimisasi, matriks dan penerapannya, persamaan diferensial linear, persamaan beda linear, serta optimasi dinamik. Semua pokok bahasan tersebut disajikan secara ringkas baik secara konsep dasar matematika maupun penerapan dalam ekonomi.
COVID-19 pandemic may be disastrous for the global economy and may result in a prolonged economic recession. The Virus incorporates negative shocks to the economy. Consumer demand shock might be one of the largest and longest lasting... more
COVID-19 pandemic may be disastrous for the global economy and may result in a prolonged economic recession. The Virus incorporates negative shocks to the economy. Consumer demand shock might be one of the largest and longest lasting shocks to the global economy.