[編集]entertain (三単現: entertains, 現在分詞: entertaining, 過去形: entertained, 過去分詞: entertained )
- (他動詞) ...を楽しませる。
- (他動詞) ...を接待する。...をもてなす。
- During their married life Mr. and Mrs. Leslie made their summer home in "Interlaken Villa," Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and there they entertained Emperor Dom Pedro, of Brazil, and the Empress. (Frances E. Willard; Mary A. Livermore. A Woman Of The Century.)〔1893年〕[1]
- レスリー夫妻は、結婚生活中に避暑用の別荘をニューヨークのサラトガ・スプリングスの「インターラーケン・ヴィラ」に設けると、ブラジルの皇帝ドン・ペドロとその皇后をそこでもてなした。
- During their married life Mr. and Mrs. Leslie made their summer home in "Interlaken Villa," Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and there they entertained Emperor Dom Pedro, of Brazil, and the Empress. (Frances E. Willard; Mary A. Livermore. A Woman Of The Century.)〔1893年〕[1]
- (他動詞) ...を考慮する。...という考えを抱く。
- He could not entertain such a thought. You certainly must have misunderstood him. (Voltaire. The Huron; or, Pupil of Nature. William F. Fleming, Trans.)〔1901年〕[2]
- 彼がそのような考えを抱くはずがない。おまえは彼のことを誤解している。
- The samurai or nobles of Japan entertained the highest respect for truth. "A bushi has no second word" was one of their mottoes. ("Bushido". The Encyclopaedia Britannica.)〔1910年〕[3]
- 日本の貴紳である侍は、誠実さに対して最大限の敬意を払うことを考えていた。「武士に二言はない」は彼らの座右の銘の一つであった。
- He could not entertain such a thought. You certainly must have misunderstood him. (Voltaire. The Huron; or, Pupil of Nature. William F. Fleming, Trans.)〔1901年〕[2]
[編集]- 語義1:amuse
- 語義2:invite
- 語義3:think about, take into consideration
[編集]- ↑ Frances E. Willard; Mary A. Livermore (1893). A Woman Of The Century. Charles Wells Moulton. pp. 459–460. https://archive.org/details/womanofthecentur002516mbp
- ↑ Voltaire. (1901). "The Huron; or, Pupil of Nature". (William F. Fleming, Trans.) The works of Voltaire; a contemporary version;. 11th ed. Volume III. Paris : Du Mont. p. 136. https://archive.org/details/worksofvoltaire03voltiala
- ↑ "Bushido". The Encyclopaedia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, literature and general information. 11th ed. Volume IV. New York : Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1910. p. 870. https://archive.org/details/encyclopaediabri04chisrich