Sambhu Nath Halder, M.L.I.Sc., M.A., G.D.C.A., Ph.D., is an accomplished academician and researcher with over 20 years of experience in higher education. He is currently the Coordinator of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Nodal Officer of PMU of RUSA 2 at Shimurali Sachinandan College of Education (SSCE). He also serves as the Editor of the journal entitled IGNITE: A Peer-Reviewed Multi-Disciplinary Research Journal published by SSCE, and as Associate Editor of the International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research. Additionally, he is a member of the National Editorial Advisory Board for IP Indian Journal of Library Science and Information Technology.
He is passionate about promoting academic integrity and fostering innovation in education. His research contributions and scholarly publications have earned him recognition in the field, and he continues to engage in initiatives that strengthen institutional quality and research output. Phone: 7908434804 Address: Kolkata, India
This paper covers a use study of the Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) at the University Li... more This paper covers a use study of the Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) at the University Libraries of West Bengal. Highlights the subject access for Bengali documents in OPACs. It finds that most of the users are postgraduate students and that the majority of users are male. The result reveals that the search experience using subject headings was not satisfactory. Keyword search rather performs better, but due to the redundancy of search, it is hard to retrieve required documents in the least possible time. It is also revealed that fewer perform known-item searches and their success rates for these searches are generally good. Thus, the findings demand a standardised and uniform vocabulary control device for making subject headings for Bengali documents in OPACs.
Digital data is easy to create, alter, and manipulate. It is also easy to share widely over the i... more Digital data is easy to create, alter, and manipulate. It is also easy to share widely over the internet. Advocates of the open access movement have been working within an intricate framework. It has been rigged toward publishers for quite a while, not users or (often) even content creators. Open access to resources has become an issue of immense interest and debate among the library, publisher, and scholarly communities. This paper discusses various issues of open access initiatives and assesses them from the librarians’ point of view, indeed, the present condition of legitimate open access faces challenges from distributors and administrative foundations. Nowadays, additional legitimate record sharing is rising day by day. Library professionals are now effectively utilising these resources, tools, and services in an integrated way to improve the existing services and design new-generation library services. It concludes that important issues like open archiving must be emphasised by policymakers to cope with the changing paradigm.
International Journal of Management and Sustainability, Oct 17, 2012
This paper examines the user-aware of institutional repositories in Jadavpur University. The main... more This paper examines the user-aware of institutional repositories in Jadavpur University. The main objective of this study is to investigate the awareness of Institutional Repository (IR) in an academic institution and different aspects associated with it, such as, software, sources for user’s awareness, motivators for developing a repository, demand of the users in changing paradigms from traditional to digital environment, etc. In the present days, libraries are also adopting the latest technologies to provide best possible services in user friendly form. This paper also describes the potential role of institutional repositories and its easiness and simplicity of use are attracting more patrons in the use of institutional repositories. Only a wide range of user awareness is needed for proper usage of its beauty. Entirely this paper is based on a critical study, which measures the utility of institutional repositories in users’ point of view.
The present paper reflects the gradual change in the need and use of the marketing concepts in li... more The present paper reflects the gradual change in the need and use of the marketing concepts in libraries and information centres (LICs) and its fruitful effects in the service to the library users, and studies marketing of information products/services in LICs of R&D institutions of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) of India. The paper discusses the role of these LICs including marketing approach, need and application of a marketing program with the help of a survey. For the survey, data were collected through a detailed mailed questionnaire along with interviews. The findings reveal that librarians have a positive attitude towards the different aspects of marketing of a library's information products/services. The study recommends that currently efforts for increasing user‐awareness and separate financial support are requisite for efficient marketing. Instead of scattered approaches and different styles, a coherent view must be taken.
Study investigates the performances of Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) in retrieval of Be... more Study investigates the performances of Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) in retrieval of Bengali documents by subject. Traces general search functionalities, subject retrieval, subject display in the bibliographic record, merits and demerits of the systems. Emphasises on the search fields, labelling of the fields, complexity of subject searching and customised display format of the OPACs. The comparative performances of the OPACs in retrieval of Bengali documents by subject are assessed using the scores calculated in terms of binary code, i.e. 0 and J. Findings suggest the scope for multilingual retrieval capability ill the software for the OPACs need to be utilised fully for retrieval of Bengali documents by subject. Besides, implementation of cluster subject browsing facility in OPACs may overcome the complexity of subject searching. Customised display format and uniform labelling of the fields are to be considered as pre-requisites for optimal use of the OPACs. The user int...
The purpose of this study was to explore the trends of publication patterns in Library and Inform... more The purpose of this study was to explore the trends of publication patterns in Library and Information Science research using bibliometric review. The areas of the Bibliometrics review are contributions of current research, use of citations, length of articles, use of illustrations, authorship patterns, geographical and chronological distribution of contributions, etc. Two national journals were selected as source journals, i.e. IASLlC Bulletin and Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS). A structured schedule had been prepared to record data through content analysis of the articles published during the years 2010-2014. All issues of the journals have been collected and examined methodically. The remit of the study can help the stakeholders in this field to understand the patterns of current research.
International Journal of Knowledge Content Development and Technology, 2020
The library provides its services to satisfy the user’s approach. This study is done to assess us... more The library provides its services to satisfy the user’s approach. This study is done to assess users’ attitudes towards the retrieval of the Bengali document in OPAC through subject headings. It also traces users’ perceptions regarding subject access highlighting the problems in the retrieval of Bengali documents by subject in OPACs. It can be inferred that some features are required to be incorporated to improve the functionality of the OPACs and thereby to satisfy users’ requirements. Results revealed that search experience using subject headings is not satisfactory. Keywords search rather performs better but due to redundancy of search, it is hard to retrieve required documents in the least possible time. It is also revealed that fewer perform known-item searches and their success rates for these searches are generally good. Thus, the findings demand standard principles and rules for the construction of Bengali Subject Headings. As per the need of new-age users, an efficient OPAC...
In the Context of rapid increase in electronic resources the reading habits of the public library... more In the Context of rapid increase in electronic resources the reading habits of the public library user community are examined. A representative sample was drawn from a large and heterogeneous population following a stratified sampling technique. The reading habits of the users were identified using several parameters adopted to achieve the objectives of the study. Findings of the study revealed that 41.82% of respondents visit the library 2-4 times per month, followed by 22.05% used to visit it 2-3 times per week, while only 16.82% of the respondents visit the library almost regularly. However, the study indicated that electronic documents have an important role in enhancing people's reading habits. It is recommended that the library needs to emphasize on collecting both printed as well as digital resources. While reading habits of public library users are stable, they were quite comfortable reading in a digital environment.
Library and Information Science professionals portrayed as the bridge between clients and informa... more Library and Information Science professionals portrayed as the bridge between clients and information. Keeping in mind the end goal to assume the part of an extension, LIS professionals have a clear understanding of the needs of the users and the knowledge of relevant information resources of the bridge. Library functions as an knowledge organization i.e., purchasing knowledge resources after these are suitably identified and located, organised and disseminated, analysed, interpreted and granted the outcomes to its users or clients in the way they like other than exhibiting the units of the knowledge resource as they may need, demand and require. Information produced finds its way to the marketplace. The tusk of "Putting knowledge to work" is dealt with as a task of marketing of a service. Knowledge emerges from information. Thus, the term information has been used from this point forward. Role of marketing manager can be link with the job performing by LIS professionals l...
Present research covers a systematic study of Institutional Digital Repository in Jadavpur Univer... more Present research covers a systematic study of Institutional Digital Repository in Jadavpur University. This study has shown that the large number of people needs a global awareness and understanding of institutional digital repository and different aspects associated with it, such as, software, sources for user’s awareness, motivators for developing a repository, demand of the users in changing paradigm from traditional to digital environment, etc. In the present days, libraries are also adopting the latest technologies to provide best possible services in user friendly form. This paper also describes the potential role of institutional repositories and its easiness and simplicity of use are attracting more patrons to the use of institutional repositories. Only a wide range of user awareness is needed to proper usage of its beauty. Eventually, it is recommended that the library authority should continue to organise seminars, workshops and user awareness programme to educate potentia...
Research study encompasses the library facilities provided by the engineering colleges to its sta... more Research study encompasses the library facilities provided by the engineering colleges to its stakeholders. To pursue this study, combination of methods was adopted step by step. The survey method was employed to collect the required data. A structured questionnaire was prepared and a sample study has been done for this purpose. Besides these, relevant data are collected from observation of the libraries, annual report of the libraries, etc. Quantitative data collected in this study were analyzed, using descriptive statistics. It also highlights the gaps between available library services and information demand of the users. Basically, the entire paper summarizes different areas associated with the library services, such as, the frequency of library use, type of library material used, standard of
This paper highlights the growth patterns of Library and Information Science literature on the ba... more This paper highlights the growth patterns of Library and Information Science literature on the basis of bibliometric study. Effort have been made to analyze the articles of IASLIC Bulletin published from the year 2003 to 2007. The investigation focuses on distribution of contributions, authorship pattern of contributions, distribution of references, analysis of length of literature, distribution of illustrations used, state wise distribution of contributions and subject trends of the articles, etc. Different graphical representations have been used as and when needed to reveal the real field scenarios. It contains details findings of the entire study and ends with conclusion.
Innovation and development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and different lib... more Innovation and development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and different library software and its application in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS) create changes in entire library management system. The present study highlights the present scenarios of LIS profession and the professionals in this changing environment. The new roles of LIS professionals especially as advocate, consortia manager, consultant, content manager, facilitator, guide/teacher, intermediary, knowledge manager, researcher, sifter, web designer are discussed. Roles of government bodies, professional organizations and LIS schools to upgrade the managerial skills of LIS professionals to be fit for the changed situation are discussed. The study reveals the prospects and opportunities to cope with the changes in Library world from traditional to digital environment.
Pearl : A Journal of Library and Information Science, 2012
This paper presents the current scenario of library and information science (LIS) education in In... more This paper presents the current scenario of library and information science (LIS) education in India, with special reference to open and distance mode. In the centenary year of LIS education in India, it is important to evaluate the existing system. SWOT analysis is a tool to evaluate the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats of Indigenous LIS education in distance mode. The analysis is carried out in the light of national-level practices and perspective. Analysis of SWOT results in few strategies, which can be useful for contemporary open and distance education centres in India. This investigation points out that the curriculum of LIS education in India definitely needs to be based on the traditional library practices as well as modern trends for library functioning and services by adopting the information and communication technology application. Overall, uniformity and quality maintained in LIS education is very much necessary without consideration of formal or informal mode of education. Finally, all stakeholders should be aware that the changing paradigm of LIS profession is to cope with the challenges in the present era. As a whole, this paper canvases all together the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of LIS education in distance mode for potential learner as well as distance education centres.
This paper covers a use study of the Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) at the University Li... more This paper covers a use study of the Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) at the University Libraries of West Bengal. Highlights the subject access for Bengali documents in OPACs. It finds that most of the users are postgraduate students and that the majority of users are male. The result reveals that the search experience using subject headings was not satisfactory. Keyword search rather performs better, but due to the redundancy of search, it is hard to retrieve required documents in the least possible time. It is also revealed that fewer perform known-item searches and their success rates for these searches are generally good. Thus, the findings demand a standardised and uniform vocabulary control device for making subject headings for Bengali documents in OPACs.
Digital data is easy to create, alter, and manipulate. It is also easy to share widely over the i... more Digital data is easy to create, alter, and manipulate. It is also easy to share widely over the internet. Advocates of the open access movement have been working within an intricate framework. It has been rigged toward publishers for quite a while, not users or (often) even content creators. Open access to resources has become an issue of immense interest and debate among the library, publisher, and scholarly communities. This paper discusses various issues of open access initiatives and assesses them from the librarians’ point of view, indeed, the present condition of legitimate open access faces challenges from distributors and administrative foundations. Nowadays, additional legitimate record sharing is rising day by day. Library professionals are now effectively utilising these resources, tools, and services in an integrated way to improve the existing services and design new-generation library services. It concludes that important issues like open archiving must be emphasised by policymakers to cope with the changing paradigm.
International Journal of Management and Sustainability, Oct 17, 2012
This paper examines the user-aware of institutional repositories in Jadavpur University. The main... more This paper examines the user-aware of institutional repositories in Jadavpur University. The main objective of this study is to investigate the awareness of Institutional Repository (IR) in an academic institution and different aspects associated with it, such as, software, sources for user’s awareness, motivators for developing a repository, demand of the users in changing paradigms from traditional to digital environment, etc. In the present days, libraries are also adopting the latest technologies to provide best possible services in user friendly form. This paper also describes the potential role of institutional repositories and its easiness and simplicity of use are attracting more patrons in the use of institutional repositories. Only a wide range of user awareness is needed for proper usage of its beauty. Entirely this paper is based on a critical study, which measures the utility of institutional repositories in users’ point of view.
The present paper reflects the gradual change in the need and use of the marketing concepts in li... more The present paper reflects the gradual change in the need and use of the marketing concepts in libraries and information centres (LICs) and its fruitful effects in the service to the library users, and studies marketing of information products/services in LICs of R&D institutions of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) of India. The paper discusses the role of these LICs including marketing approach, need and application of a marketing program with the help of a survey. For the survey, data were collected through a detailed mailed questionnaire along with interviews. The findings reveal that librarians have a positive attitude towards the different aspects of marketing of a library's information products/services. The study recommends that currently efforts for increasing user‐awareness and separate financial support are requisite for efficient marketing. Instead of scattered approaches and different styles, a coherent view must be taken.
Study investigates the performances of Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) in retrieval of Be... more Study investigates the performances of Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) in retrieval of Bengali documents by subject. Traces general search functionalities, subject retrieval, subject display in the bibliographic record, merits and demerits of the systems. Emphasises on the search fields, labelling of the fields, complexity of subject searching and customised display format of the OPACs. The comparative performances of the OPACs in retrieval of Bengali documents by subject are assessed using the scores calculated in terms of binary code, i.e. 0 and J. Findings suggest the scope for multilingual retrieval capability ill the software for the OPACs need to be utilised fully for retrieval of Bengali documents by subject. Besides, implementation of cluster subject browsing facility in OPACs may overcome the complexity of subject searching. Customised display format and uniform labelling of the fields are to be considered as pre-requisites for optimal use of the OPACs. The user int...
The purpose of this study was to explore the trends of publication patterns in Library and Inform... more The purpose of this study was to explore the trends of publication patterns in Library and Information Science research using bibliometric review. The areas of the Bibliometrics review are contributions of current research, use of citations, length of articles, use of illustrations, authorship patterns, geographical and chronological distribution of contributions, etc. Two national journals were selected as source journals, i.e. IASLlC Bulletin and Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS). A structured schedule had been prepared to record data through content analysis of the articles published during the years 2010-2014. All issues of the journals have been collected and examined methodically. The remit of the study can help the stakeholders in this field to understand the patterns of current research.
International Journal of Knowledge Content Development and Technology, 2020
The library provides its services to satisfy the user’s approach. This study is done to assess us... more The library provides its services to satisfy the user’s approach. This study is done to assess users’ attitudes towards the retrieval of the Bengali document in OPAC through subject headings. It also traces users’ perceptions regarding subject access highlighting the problems in the retrieval of Bengali documents by subject in OPACs. It can be inferred that some features are required to be incorporated to improve the functionality of the OPACs and thereby to satisfy users’ requirements. Results revealed that search experience using subject headings is not satisfactory. Keywords search rather performs better but due to redundancy of search, it is hard to retrieve required documents in the least possible time. It is also revealed that fewer perform known-item searches and their success rates for these searches are generally good. Thus, the findings demand standard principles and rules for the construction of Bengali Subject Headings. As per the need of new-age users, an efficient OPAC...
In the Context of rapid increase in electronic resources the reading habits of the public library... more In the Context of rapid increase in electronic resources the reading habits of the public library user community are examined. A representative sample was drawn from a large and heterogeneous population following a stratified sampling technique. The reading habits of the users were identified using several parameters adopted to achieve the objectives of the study. Findings of the study revealed that 41.82% of respondents visit the library 2-4 times per month, followed by 22.05% used to visit it 2-3 times per week, while only 16.82% of the respondents visit the library almost regularly. However, the study indicated that electronic documents have an important role in enhancing people's reading habits. It is recommended that the library needs to emphasize on collecting both printed as well as digital resources. While reading habits of public library users are stable, they were quite comfortable reading in a digital environment.
Library and Information Science professionals portrayed as the bridge between clients and informa... more Library and Information Science professionals portrayed as the bridge between clients and information. Keeping in mind the end goal to assume the part of an extension, LIS professionals have a clear understanding of the needs of the users and the knowledge of relevant information resources of the bridge. Library functions as an knowledge organization i.e., purchasing knowledge resources after these are suitably identified and located, organised and disseminated, analysed, interpreted and granted the outcomes to its users or clients in the way they like other than exhibiting the units of the knowledge resource as they may need, demand and require. Information produced finds its way to the marketplace. The tusk of "Putting knowledge to work" is dealt with as a task of marketing of a service. Knowledge emerges from information. Thus, the term information has been used from this point forward. Role of marketing manager can be link with the job performing by LIS professionals l...
Present research covers a systematic study of Institutional Digital Repository in Jadavpur Univer... more Present research covers a systematic study of Institutional Digital Repository in Jadavpur University. This study has shown that the large number of people needs a global awareness and understanding of institutional digital repository and different aspects associated with it, such as, software, sources for user’s awareness, motivators for developing a repository, demand of the users in changing paradigm from traditional to digital environment, etc. In the present days, libraries are also adopting the latest technologies to provide best possible services in user friendly form. This paper also describes the potential role of institutional repositories and its easiness and simplicity of use are attracting more patrons to the use of institutional repositories. Only a wide range of user awareness is needed to proper usage of its beauty. Eventually, it is recommended that the library authority should continue to organise seminars, workshops and user awareness programme to educate potentia...
Research study encompasses the library facilities provided by the engineering colleges to its sta... more Research study encompasses the library facilities provided by the engineering colleges to its stakeholders. To pursue this study, combination of methods was adopted step by step. The survey method was employed to collect the required data. A structured questionnaire was prepared and a sample study has been done for this purpose. Besides these, relevant data are collected from observation of the libraries, annual report of the libraries, etc. Quantitative data collected in this study were analyzed, using descriptive statistics. It also highlights the gaps between available library services and information demand of the users. Basically, the entire paper summarizes different areas associated with the library services, such as, the frequency of library use, type of library material used, standard of
This paper highlights the growth patterns of Library and Information Science literature on the ba... more This paper highlights the growth patterns of Library and Information Science literature on the basis of bibliometric study. Effort have been made to analyze the articles of IASLIC Bulletin published from the year 2003 to 2007. The investigation focuses on distribution of contributions, authorship pattern of contributions, distribution of references, analysis of length of literature, distribution of illustrations used, state wise distribution of contributions and subject trends of the articles, etc. Different graphical representations have been used as and when needed to reveal the real field scenarios. It contains details findings of the entire study and ends with conclusion.
Innovation and development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and different lib... more Innovation and development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and different library software and its application in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS) create changes in entire library management system. The present study highlights the present scenarios of LIS profession and the professionals in this changing environment. The new roles of LIS professionals especially as advocate, consortia manager, consultant, content manager, facilitator, guide/teacher, intermediary, knowledge manager, researcher, sifter, web designer are discussed. Roles of government bodies, professional organizations and LIS schools to upgrade the managerial skills of LIS professionals to be fit for the changed situation are discussed. The study reveals the prospects and opportunities to cope with the changes in Library world from traditional to digital environment.
Pearl : A Journal of Library and Information Science, 2012
This paper presents the current scenario of library and information science (LIS) education in In... more This paper presents the current scenario of library and information science (LIS) education in India, with special reference to open and distance mode. In the centenary year of LIS education in India, it is important to evaluate the existing system. SWOT analysis is a tool to evaluate the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats of Indigenous LIS education in distance mode. The analysis is carried out in the light of national-level practices and perspective. Analysis of SWOT results in few strategies, which can be useful for contemporary open and distance education centres in India. This investigation points out that the curriculum of LIS education in India definitely needs to be based on the traditional library practices as well as modern trends for library functioning and services by adopting the information and communication technology application. Overall, uniformity and quality maintained in LIS education is very much necessary without consideration of formal or informal mode of education. Finally, all stakeholders should be aware that the changing paradigm of LIS profession is to cope with the challenges in the present era. As a whole, this paper canvases all together the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of LIS education in distance mode for potential learner as well as distance education centres.
Academic integrity and innovation: Bridging ethics, rights, and artificial intelligence, 2024
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are being integrated into research and edu... more Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are being integrated into research and education with never-before-seen opportunities but come with several intricate ethical challenges. With these technologies playing a greater role in knowledge production, it becomes increasingly important to address issues of algorithmic bias and data privacy, as well as the ethical implications accompanying AI-driven decision-making. While AI and ML are becoming more prominent in academic research, there is a noticeable lack of clear-cut ethical guidelines to address their deployment. Ethical considerations on AI and ML in academia analysis of a guidance document. This article is focused on the ethical dimensions. It highlights the significance of responsible usage and the necessity of explicit rules while using AI or ML tools. Examining present methods as well as possible dangers from unrestricted AI applications, like prejudice persistence and degradation of academic integrity are all part of the discussion. The study suggests a set of moral standards that are adapted to the particular requirements of the academic community, emphasising the values of openness, responsibility, and equity. The goal of the study is to promote a more moral and knowledgeable approach to AI and ML by addressing these issues. It ensures that the fundamental principles of education and research are upheld rather than compromised by their assimilation into academia.
This scholarly investigation examines the multifaceted legacy of the 19th-century Indian icon Ish... more This scholarly investigation examines the multifaceted legacy of the 19th-century Indian icon Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, covering his accomplishments as a scholar, philanthropist, and social reformer. Vidyasagar was born in 1820, and his existence unfolded amid the backdrop of colonial power, allowing him to alter history. The essay explores the historical relevance of Vidyasagar's accomplishments, highlighting his influence on colonial-era schooling, Sanskrit literature, and Bengali writing style. His support of women's education, the establishment of schools and his innovative work in encouraging widow remarriage demonstrate the philanthropic aspect of Vidyasagar's legacy. The kind of actions he took to challenge social conventions are traced in this part, which had a long-lasting effect on Bengal's sociocultural landscape of the 19th century. Protests against caste discrimination and widow remarriage serve as examples of Vidyasagar's unwavering position as a pioneer of social reform. His all-encompassing attempts to challenge social conventions placed him at the forefront of creating a more progressive and equal society in the 19th century. The conclusion summarises Vidyasagar's lasting relevance beyond national and regional boundaries, highlighting his contributions to Bengali literature and language as well as his development of primers like 'Barnaparichay'. The memory of Vidyasagar continues to be a powerful force, stimulating conversations about social justice, gender equality, and education. Future generations are encouraged by the article to carry on the quest for truth, equity, and the development of Bengali society and culture.
Subject metadata, a controlled vocabulary, is considered as an important element in a bibliograph... more Subject metadata, a controlled vocabulary, is considered as an important element in a bibliographic record to enhance the precision of information search results. Yet, the subject search is the most complicated searching task for end-users. However, the information scientists or institutions have endeavored to formulate language-specific subject headings according to their requirements, but due to lack of coordination among them, uniformity and consistency not sustained. This book uncovers the existing practice of assigning subject headings for Bengali documents to perform the subject search in online catalogs. Moreover, the suitability of subject headings for retrieval of resources has ascertained from the users' point of view. It also provides the framework compatible with international standards to accommodate the authority control in the multilingual systems. This book confirms that the principles and rules are a fundamental requirement for optimal use of subject headings in...
Academic Integrity and Innovation: Bridging Ethics, Rights and Artificial Intelligence serves as ... more Academic Integrity and Innovation: Bridging Ethics, Rights and Artificial Intelligence serves as a pragmatic resource for researchers, educators and prospective authors aiming to attain clarity and assurance in traversing the dynamic realm of academic publishing across print and digital formats. It emphasises the relationship between academics, ethics and technology innovation in the rapidly changing educational environment. The book addresses ethical implications of artificial intelligence in research and education, intellectual property rights and academic integrity. It also discusses topics like plagiarism, digital authorship, access to information and the future of open educational resources. The book, authored with expert input, offers strategies for promoting ethical scholarship and responsible technology usage in academia. It provides guidelines for writing, researching and teaching, respecting scholarship integrity and empowering a generation dedicated to maintaining ethical standards.
Subject metadata, a controlled vocabulary, is considered as an important element in a bibliograph... more Subject metadata, a controlled vocabulary, is considered as an important element in a bibliographic record to enhance the precision of information search results. Yet, the subject search is the most complicated searching task for end-users. However, the information scientists or institutions have endeavored to formulate language-specific subject headings according to their requirements, but due to lack of coordination among them, uniformity and consistency not sustained. This book uncovers the existing practice of assigning subject headings for Bengali documents to perform the subject search in online catalogs. Moreover, the suitability of subject headings for retrieval of resources has ascertained from the users' point of view. It also provides the framework compatible with international standards to accommodate the authority control in the multilingual systems. This book confirms that the principles and rules are a fundamental requirement for optimal use of subject headings in online catalogs. Thus the web-enabled subject authority control can be applied intelligently for the retrieval of knowledge resources.
New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications; ISBN: 978-81-7000-696-1, 2013
The book Library and Information Science in Changing Paradigm is not only a ready reference for a... more The book Library and Information Science in Changing Paradigm is not only a ready reference for all stakeholders in Library and Information Science profession but for those who are keen to know more about the Library and Information Centres and also about the discipline of Library and Information Science itself. The book focuses its attention on the multidimensional aspects of library in different contexts, versatile roles of librarians, education and career in Library and Information Science, recent developments in Library and Information Services, e-literacy and issues facing LIS professionals in changing paradigm. The book covers the prospects and opportunities to cope with the changes in library world from traditional to digital environment and also to bring forward a knowledge-based society.
Papers by Sambhu Nath Halder