Nasz Język ojczysty - różne oblicza tożsamości, 2019
The aim of this article is to analyze the language and imaging typical for advertising found in m... more The aim of this article is to analyze the language and imaging typical for advertising found in messages promoting religious vocations. The material taken from websites promoting vocation shows that such messages are examples not only of recruitment marketing, but also church marketing. Their goal is to advertise vocation to the priesthood and consecrated life and to promote a positive image of priests, priesthood and the Church. Advertising messages present the Church as a modern institution and an attractive employer, by showing life in the priesthood (and consecrated life) as an attractive way of spiritual and personal development. At the same time these types messages emphasize the fact that the vocation is connected with the choice, and the action needs to be taken by recipient.
Nasz język ojczysty - etyka i estetyka słowa, 2018
The paper attempts to analyze the marketing chrematonym on the example of Polish craft beers, pay... more The paper attempts to analyze the marketing chrematonym on the example of Polish craft beers, paying particular attention to the persuasive labeling of these names. Although the constitutive function of chrematonym as proper name is to perform the function of identification and differentiation, for analyzed onyms at least equally important is to perform the advertising function. The emotive nature of beer names seems to be obvious – through positive associations and connotations, that are reflecting the expectations and expectations of the audience, the beers have an impact on the desire to try and, consequently, buy a drink. The semantic domain of names plays a particularly important role in advertising communications – it facilitates the identification of the product and influences the creation of a positive attitude of the client to the product.
Nasz język ojczysty- humor i karnawalizacja w komunikacji, 2020
The aim of the present study was to investigate use of persuasive strategies in polish election s... more The aim of the present study was to investigate use of persuasive strategies in polish election songs. The article examines 39 songs lyrics used as promotional tool during the polish local elections in 2014 and 2018 for the following parameters: candidate presentation, electoral program, description of political opponents, ways to connect with voters, reasons to vote for particular candidate. The findings revealed that while there are many other methods of political advertising, election songs that uses humoristic convention, repetitions and catchy melody let politicians to both convey political message and appeal to voters by acting on their emotions.
Celem artykułu jest opis narracji medialnej skandalu obyczajowego na przykładzie sprawy redaktora... more Celem artykułu jest opis narracji medialnej skandalu obyczajowego na przykładzie sprawy redaktora „Faktów” Kamila Durczoka, oskarżonego przez „Wprost” o mobbing i molestowanie dziennikarek. Materiał badawczy obejmuje teksty opublikowane w tygodnikach „Wprost” i „Newsweek”, dziennikach „Fakt” i „Super Express” oraz zamieszczone na portalu i W artykule wskazano różnice znaczeniowe pomiędzy, służącymi do przedstawienia określonej wizji wydarzeń, leksemami sprawa, afera, skandal oraz derywatami sufiksalnymi zawierającymi cząstkę -gate. Wskazane zostały charakterystyczne dla skandalu struktury narracyjne. Przedstawiono także schemat narracyjny skandalu obyczajowego z uwzględnieniem kreacji bohatera, jego działań i intencji oraz przeszkód, jakie napotyka podczas realizacji tych intencji. Analiza materiału pozwoliła na wyodrębnienie dwóch przeciwstawnych strategii retorycznych: agresywnej i defensywnej, których celem jest kolejno: atak i obrona osób zamieszanych w skandal. W oparciu o przedstawiony schemat narracyjny wskazano, w jaki sposób te strategie mogą być wykorzystywane do kreowania odrębnych wizji rzeczywistości.
This paper presents the results of research based on the analysis
of Polish Internet surveys’ con... more This paper presents the results of research based on the analysis of Polish Internet surveys’ content and structure. Particular attention was paid to the function of Internet surveys in media discourse. The study examined the construction of questions which include presuppositions and implicatures. The analysis also encompassed language tools which perpetuate political divisions leading to the formation of consolidated web communities. Attention was also paid to persuasion and manipulation associated with the use of rhetorical mechanisms during the presentation of survey results.
Nasz Język ojczysty - różne oblicza tożsamości, 2019
The aim of this article is to analyze the language and imaging typical for advertising found in m... more The aim of this article is to analyze the language and imaging typical for advertising found in messages promoting religious vocations. The material taken from websites promoting vocation shows that such messages are examples not only of recruitment marketing, but also church marketing. Their goal is to advertise vocation to the priesthood and consecrated life and to promote a positive image of priests, priesthood and the Church. Advertising messages present the Church as a modern institution and an attractive employer, by showing life in the priesthood (and consecrated life) as an attractive way of spiritual and personal development. At the same time these types messages emphasize the fact that the vocation is connected with the choice, and the action needs to be taken by recipient.
Nasz język ojczysty - etyka i estetyka słowa, 2018
The paper attempts to analyze the marketing chrematonym on the example of Polish craft beers, pay... more The paper attempts to analyze the marketing chrematonym on the example of Polish craft beers, paying particular attention to the persuasive labeling of these names. Although the constitutive function of chrematonym as proper name is to perform the function of identification and differentiation, for analyzed onyms at least equally important is to perform the advertising function. The emotive nature of beer names seems to be obvious – through positive associations and connotations, that are reflecting the expectations and expectations of the audience, the beers have an impact on the desire to try and, consequently, buy a drink. The semantic domain of names plays a particularly important role in advertising communications – it facilitates the identification of the product and influences the creation of a positive attitude of the client to the product.
Nasz język ojczysty- humor i karnawalizacja w komunikacji, 2020
The aim of the present study was to investigate use of persuasive strategies in polish election s... more The aim of the present study was to investigate use of persuasive strategies in polish election songs. The article examines 39 songs lyrics used as promotional tool during the polish local elections in 2014 and 2018 for the following parameters: candidate presentation, electoral program, description of political opponents, ways to connect with voters, reasons to vote for particular candidate. The findings revealed that while there are many other methods of political advertising, election songs that uses humoristic convention, repetitions and catchy melody let politicians to both convey political message and appeal to voters by acting on their emotions.
Celem artykułu jest opis narracji medialnej skandalu obyczajowego na przykładzie sprawy redaktora... more Celem artykułu jest opis narracji medialnej skandalu obyczajowego na przykładzie sprawy redaktora „Faktów” Kamila Durczoka, oskarżonego przez „Wprost” o mobbing i molestowanie dziennikarek. Materiał badawczy obejmuje teksty opublikowane w tygodnikach „Wprost” i „Newsweek”, dziennikach „Fakt” i „Super Express” oraz zamieszczone na portalu i W artykule wskazano różnice znaczeniowe pomiędzy, służącymi do przedstawienia określonej wizji wydarzeń, leksemami sprawa, afera, skandal oraz derywatami sufiksalnymi zawierającymi cząstkę -gate. Wskazane zostały charakterystyczne dla skandalu struktury narracyjne. Przedstawiono także schemat narracyjny skandalu obyczajowego z uwzględnieniem kreacji bohatera, jego działań i intencji oraz przeszkód, jakie napotyka podczas realizacji tych intencji. Analiza materiału pozwoliła na wyodrębnienie dwóch przeciwstawnych strategii retorycznych: agresywnej i defensywnej, których celem jest kolejno: atak i obrona osób zamieszanych w skandal. W oparciu o przedstawiony schemat narracyjny wskazano, w jaki sposób te strategie mogą być wykorzystywane do kreowania odrębnych wizji rzeczywistości.
This paper presents the results of research based on the analysis
of Polish Internet surveys’ con... more This paper presents the results of research based on the analysis of Polish Internet surveys’ content and structure. Particular attention was paid to the function of Internet surveys in media discourse. The study examined the construction of questions which include presuppositions and implicatures. The analysis also encompassed language tools which perpetuate political divisions leading to the formation of consolidated web communities. Attention was also paid to persuasion and manipulation associated with the use of rhetorical mechanisms during the presentation of survey results.
Papers by Rafal Mazur
of Polish Internet surveys’ content and structure. Particular attention
was paid to the function of Internet surveys in media discourse.
The study examined the construction of questions which include
presuppositions and implicatures. The analysis also encompassed
language tools which perpetuate political divisions leading to the formation of consolidated web communities. Attention was also paid
to persuasion and manipulation associated with the use of rhetorical
mechanisms during the presentation of survey results.
of Polish Internet surveys’ content and structure. Particular attention
was paid to the function of Internet surveys in media discourse.
The study examined the construction of questions which include
presuppositions and implicatures. The analysis also encompassed
language tools which perpetuate political divisions leading to the formation of consolidated web communities. Attention was also paid
to persuasion and manipulation associated with the use of rhetorical
mechanisms during the presentation of survey results.