Abstract: Ditrichum gracile was recorded in the locality Samarske stijene in the Velika Kapela Mt... more Abstract: Ditrichum gracile was recorded in the locality Samarske stijene in the Velika Kapela Mt for first time in Croatia. Ditrichum gracile occured within forests of common spruce belonging to the community Hyperico grisebachii-Piceetum on the forest floor, forming distinct patches of several square decimetres. The plants were of typical appearance, medium to robust, in reddish green to purplish black, rarely green patches.
... Ignatov MS, Ivanova EI, Ignatova EA, Krivoshapkin KK. 2001. On the moss flora of Ust-Maya Dis... more ... Ignatov MS, Ivanova EI, Ignatova EA, Krivoshapkin KK. 2001. On the moss flora of Ust-Maya District (Republic Sakha/Yakutia, East Siberia). Arctoa 10: 165184. Podpera J. 1906. ... London: Chapman & Hall, 191227. Syed H. 1973. A taxonomic study of Bryum capillare Hedw. ...
Bryologické publikace z České a Slovenské republiky [Bryological publications issued in the Czech... more Bryologické publikace z České a Slovenské republiky [Bryological publications issued in the Czech Republic and Slovakia] 1. Články a knižní publikace [Papers and books] Blanár D. & Petrášová A. (2007): Desmatodon cernuus (Huebener) Bruch et Schimp. -a new species in the bryoflora of Slovakia. -Reussia 4: 79-106. Hájková P., Jiroušek M. & Shaw B. (2010): Sphagnum rubellum, extrémně vzácný druh na jesenických vrchovištích: výsledky terénního průzkumu a revize herbářových položek [Sphagnum rubellum, extremely rare species in bogs of the Hrubý Jeseník Mts: results of field research and revision of herbarium specimens]. -Bryonora 45: 12-18.
Two larger-scaled bryofloristic excursions and inventories occurred in 2011 in the Tińnov region,... more Two larger-scaled bryofloristic excursions and inventories occurred in 2011 in the Tińnov region, Southern Moravia. These events that brought together a greater-than-usual density of bryologists into the interesting region at the edge of Ĉeskomoravská vrchovina foothills and the warm region of Southern Moravia yielded a total of 233 recorded bryophyte taxa. The earlier relatively well-documented area is notable for the occurrence of both montane and dealpine elements, as well as many thermophilous species. Plagiopus oederianus, Saelania glaucescens, Scapania aspera or S. gymnostomophila belong to the most interesting confirmed species of the montane character, whereas Asterella saccata, Didymodon cordatus, Seligeria calcarea and Trichostomum caespitosum were the notable thermophilous bryophytes recorded (T. caespitosum rediscovered at the locality after 64 years!), while Philonotis capillaris might represent the rare element of middle to lower altitudes. The region seems to suffer most severely from degradation of xero-thermophilous vegetation, mostly caused by the gradual succession of woods.
Abstrakt Během exkurzí konaných v rámci podzimního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce České... more Abstrakt Během exkurzí konaných v rámci podzimního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce České botanické společnosti v roce 2011 bylo ve vrcholové části západních Krkonoš a Labském dole zaznamenáno 193 druhů mechorostů a 2 další infraspecifi cké taxony. Játrovky Cephaloziella grimsulana a Tetralophozia setiformis byly nalezeny na nové krkonošské lokalitě Mužské kameny. V Pančavské jámě se podařilo po téměř 60 letech znovu nalézt velmi vzácný druh mechu Lescuraea radicosa. Počet recentně známých druhů z Pančavské jámy se zvýšil o třináct na celkem 214 a celkový počet druhů známých z Labského dolu se zvětšil o jedenáct na celkem 294. Abstract Altogether 193 bryophyte species and two additional infraspecifi c taxa were recorded in the course of the excursions of the Bryological and Lichenological Section of the Czech Botanical Society in the summit region of the western Krkonoše/Karkonosze Mts (Giant Mts) and the Labský důl valley. The liverworts Cephaloziella grimsulana and Tetralophozia setiformis were found on a new locality Mužské kameny. Lescuraea radicosa was re-discovered after nearly 60 years in the glacier cirque Pančavská jáma in Labský důl. The number of recently known species from Pančavská jáma grew to 214 and the species number recorded from the whole valley of Labský důl grew to 294.
2013 Autumn Meeting of the Bryological and Lichenological Section of the Czech Botanical Society ... more 2013 Autumn Meeting of the Bryological and Lichenological Section of the Czech Botanical Society took place in the northeast-Moravian Beskydy Mts. The total of 221 bryophytes (60 liverworts and 161 moss species) recorded and/or collected during the Meeting’s excursions is listed in this contribution. The most important records included endangered taxa Bryum cyclophyllum, Pseudobryum cinclidioides, and Scorpidium revolvens, and vulnerable taxa Riccia warnstorfii, Syzygiella autumnalis, Buxbaumia viridis, Callicladium haldanianum, Hamatocaulis vernicosus, and Physcomitrium sphaericum.
Patterns of genetic variation and spatial genetic structure (SGS) were investigated in Crossocaly... more Patterns of genetic variation and spatial genetic structure (SGS) were investigated in Crossocalyx hellerianus, a strictly epixylic dioicous liverwort (Scapaniaceae s.l., Marchantiophyta). Studied populations were located in Fennoscandia and Central Europe, with localities differing in availability of substrate and the population connectivity, and their populations consequently different in size, density, and prevailing reproductive mode. A set of nine polymorphic microsatellites was successfully developed and used. Identical individuals were only found within populations. Especially in large populations, the majority of the individuals were genetically unique. Resampled number of genotypes, mean number of observed alleles per locus after rarefaction, and Nei's gene diversity in large populations reached high values and ranged between 4.41-4.97, 3.13-4.45, and 0.94-0.99, respectively. On the contrary, the values in small populations were lower and ranged between 1.00-4.42, 1.00-2.73, and 0.00-0.95, respectively. As expected, large populations were found to be more genetically diverse than small populations but relatively big diversity of genotypes was also found in small populations. This indicated that even small populations are important sources of genetic variation in bryophytes and processes causing loss of genetic variation might be compensated by other sources of variability, of which somatic mutations might play an important role. The presence of SGS was discovered in all populations. Large populations possessed less SGS, with individuals showing a pronounced decrease in kinship over 50 cm of distance. Apparent SGS of small populations even at distances up to 16 meters suggests the aggregation of similar genotypes, caused predominantly by the deposition of asexually formed gemmae. Although no strong kinship was detectable at the distances over 16 meters in both small and large populations, identical genotypes were occasionally detected at longer distances (20-80 m), suggesting effective dispersal of asexual propagules.
ABSTRACT Eight fen moss species (Aulacomnium palustre, Bryum pseudotriquetrum, Calliergonella cus... more ABSTRACT Eight fen moss species (Aulacomnium palustre, Bryum pseudotriquetrum, Calliergonella cuspidata, Campylium stellatum, Climacium dendroides, Hamatocaulis vernicosus, Plagiomnium elatum and Tomentypnum nitens) were studied in order to assess their ability to survive long-term drought. The mosses differed significantly in their desiccation resistance. The highest survival rate was shown in the hummock moss species Climacium dendroides, Aulacomnium palustre and Tomentypnum nitens, with more than 10% of stems surviving after 20 weeks of desiccation. On the other hand, in Campylium stellatum and Plagiomnium elatum, almost no stem survived after 6 weeks without water supply. The remaining mosses (Hamatocaulis vernicosus, Calliergonella cuspidata and Bryum pseudotriquetrum) showed medium desiccation resistance, which differed little among species. After 12 weeks of desiccation, less than 10% of their stems were able to restore their growth. In general, most species displayed remarkable desiccation resistance, unexpected for species from permanently wet fen habitats.
Hamatocaulis vernicosus, a rare moss, has been investigated in detail for its habitat preferences... more Hamatocaulis vernicosus, a rare moss, has been investigated in detail for its habitat preferences, ecology and population dynamics in the Czech Republic. At all its known sites plant species composition was described and relationships with environmental factors investigated (water table, pH, water conductivity). Experiments that included mowing and gap cutting were investigated at three sites over two years.
Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants, 2011
The extent and seasonal pattern of asexual reproduction and ability to germinate in the rare live... more The extent and seasonal pattern of asexual reproduction and ability to germinate in the rare liverwort Lophozia ascendens and the common liverworts L. ventricosa and L. longiflora were studied in the Boubínský prales National Nature Reserve inŠumava Mts. (Bohemian Forest), South Bohemia, Czech Republic. Asexual reproduction was quantified as the number of gemmae produced per individual shoot. Numbers of gemmae per shoot among sampling months differed significantly; increase of gemma production was delayed in L. ascendens in comparison with gemma production of L. ventricosa and L. longiflora. We suggest that gemma production is influenced by environmental factors, mainly air humidity. Germinability of gemmae was low in early spring, highest in August and September and slightly depressed in October. This pattern suggests that rather mild winters in the Czech Republic cause the lower mortality of shoots during winter and the environmental pressure towards the production of dormant gemmae is not a prominent factor affecting the population dynamics of the species under study.
Abstract: Ditrichum gracile was recorded in the locality Samarske stijene in the Velika Kapela Mt... more Abstract: Ditrichum gracile was recorded in the locality Samarske stijene in the Velika Kapela Mt for first time in Croatia. Ditrichum gracile occured within forests of common spruce belonging to the community Hyperico grisebachii-Piceetum on the forest floor, forming distinct patches of several square decimetres. The plants were of typical appearance, medium to robust, in reddish green to purplish black, rarely green patches.
... Ignatov MS, Ivanova EI, Ignatova EA, Krivoshapkin KK. 2001. On the moss flora of Ust-Maya Dis... more ... Ignatov MS, Ivanova EI, Ignatova EA, Krivoshapkin KK. 2001. On the moss flora of Ust-Maya District (Republic Sakha/Yakutia, East Siberia). Arctoa 10: 165184. Podpera J. 1906. ... London: Chapman & Hall, 191227. Syed H. 1973. A taxonomic study of Bryum capillare Hedw. ...
Bryologické publikace z České a Slovenské republiky [Bryological publications issued in the Czech... more Bryologické publikace z České a Slovenské republiky [Bryological publications issued in the Czech Republic and Slovakia] 1. Články a knižní publikace [Papers and books] Blanár D. & Petrášová A. (2007): Desmatodon cernuus (Huebener) Bruch et Schimp. -a new species in the bryoflora of Slovakia. -Reussia 4: 79-106. Hájková P., Jiroušek M. & Shaw B. (2010): Sphagnum rubellum, extrémně vzácný druh na jesenických vrchovištích: výsledky terénního průzkumu a revize herbářových položek [Sphagnum rubellum, extremely rare species in bogs of the Hrubý Jeseník Mts: results of field research and revision of herbarium specimens]. -Bryonora 45: 12-18.
Two larger-scaled bryofloristic excursions and inventories occurred in 2011 in the Tińnov region,... more Two larger-scaled bryofloristic excursions and inventories occurred in 2011 in the Tińnov region, Southern Moravia. These events that brought together a greater-than-usual density of bryologists into the interesting region at the edge of Ĉeskomoravská vrchovina foothills and the warm region of Southern Moravia yielded a total of 233 recorded bryophyte taxa. The earlier relatively well-documented area is notable for the occurrence of both montane and dealpine elements, as well as many thermophilous species. Plagiopus oederianus, Saelania glaucescens, Scapania aspera or S. gymnostomophila belong to the most interesting confirmed species of the montane character, whereas Asterella saccata, Didymodon cordatus, Seligeria calcarea and Trichostomum caespitosum were the notable thermophilous bryophytes recorded (T. caespitosum rediscovered at the locality after 64 years!), while Philonotis capillaris might represent the rare element of middle to lower altitudes. The region seems to suffer most severely from degradation of xero-thermophilous vegetation, mostly caused by the gradual succession of woods.
Abstrakt Během exkurzí konaných v rámci podzimního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce České... more Abstrakt Během exkurzí konaných v rámci podzimního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce České botanické společnosti v roce 2011 bylo ve vrcholové části západních Krkonoš a Labském dole zaznamenáno 193 druhů mechorostů a 2 další infraspecifi cké taxony. Játrovky Cephaloziella grimsulana a Tetralophozia setiformis byly nalezeny na nové krkonošské lokalitě Mužské kameny. V Pančavské jámě se podařilo po téměř 60 letech znovu nalézt velmi vzácný druh mechu Lescuraea radicosa. Počet recentně známých druhů z Pančavské jámy se zvýšil o třináct na celkem 214 a celkový počet druhů známých z Labského dolu se zvětšil o jedenáct na celkem 294. Abstract Altogether 193 bryophyte species and two additional infraspecifi c taxa were recorded in the course of the excursions of the Bryological and Lichenological Section of the Czech Botanical Society in the summit region of the western Krkonoše/Karkonosze Mts (Giant Mts) and the Labský důl valley. The liverworts Cephaloziella grimsulana and Tetralophozia setiformis were found on a new locality Mužské kameny. Lescuraea radicosa was re-discovered after nearly 60 years in the glacier cirque Pančavská jáma in Labský důl. The number of recently known species from Pančavská jáma grew to 214 and the species number recorded from the whole valley of Labský důl grew to 294.
2013 Autumn Meeting of the Bryological and Lichenological Section of the Czech Botanical Society ... more 2013 Autumn Meeting of the Bryological and Lichenological Section of the Czech Botanical Society took place in the northeast-Moravian Beskydy Mts. The total of 221 bryophytes (60 liverworts and 161 moss species) recorded and/or collected during the Meeting’s excursions is listed in this contribution. The most important records included endangered taxa Bryum cyclophyllum, Pseudobryum cinclidioides, and Scorpidium revolvens, and vulnerable taxa Riccia warnstorfii, Syzygiella autumnalis, Buxbaumia viridis, Callicladium haldanianum, Hamatocaulis vernicosus, and Physcomitrium sphaericum.
Patterns of genetic variation and spatial genetic structure (SGS) were investigated in Crossocaly... more Patterns of genetic variation and spatial genetic structure (SGS) were investigated in Crossocalyx hellerianus, a strictly epixylic dioicous liverwort (Scapaniaceae s.l., Marchantiophyta). Studied populations were located in Fennoscandia and Central Europe, with localities differing in availability of substrate and the population connectivity, and their populations consequently different in size, density, and prevailing reproductive mode. A set of nine polymorphic microsatellites was successfully developed and used. Identical individuals were only found within populations. Especially in large populations, the majority of the individuals were genetically unique. Resampled number of genotypes, mean number of observed alleles per locus after rarefaction, and Nei's gene diversity in large populations reached high values and ranged between 4.41-4.97, 3.13-4.45, and 0.94-0.99, respectively. On the contrary, the values in small populations were lower and ranged between 1.00-4.42, 1.00-2.73, and 0.00-0.95, respectively. As expected, large populations were found to be more genetically diverse than small populations but relatively big diversity of genotypes was also found in small populations. This indicated that even small populations are important sources of genetic variation in bryophytes and processes causing loss of genetic variation might be compensated by other sources of variability, of which somatic mutations might play an important role. The presence of SGS was discovered in all populations. Large populations possessed less SGS, with individuals showing a pronounced decrease in kinship over 50 cm of distance. Apparent SGS of small populations even at distances up to 16 meters suggests the aggregation of similar genotypes, caused predominantly by the deposition of asexually formed gemmae. Although no strong kinship was detectable at the distances over 16 meters in both small and large populations, identical genotypes were occasionally detected at longer distances (20-80 m), suggesting effective dispersal of asexual propagules.
ABSTRACT Eight fen moss species (Aulacomnium palustre, Bryum pseudotriquetrum, Calliergonella cus... more ABSTRACT Eight fen moss species (Aulacomnium palustre, Bryum pseudotriquetrum, Calliergonella cuspidata, Campylium stellatum, Climacium dendroides, Hamatocaulis vernicosus, Plagiomnium elatum and Tomentypnum nitens) were studied in order to assess their ability to survive long-term drought. The mosses differed significantly in their desiccation resistance. The highest survival rate was shown in the hummock moss species Climacium dendroides, Aulacomnium palustre and Tomentypnum nitens, with more than 10% of stems surviving after 20 weeks of desiccation. On the other hand, in Campylium stellatum and Plagiomnium elatum, almost no stem survived after 6 weeks without water supply. The remaining mosses (Hamatocaulis vernicosus, Calliergonella cuspidata and Bryum pseudotriquetrum) showed medium desiccation resistance, which differed little among species. After 12 weeks of desiccation, less than 10% of their stems were able to restore their growth. In general, most species displayed remarkable desiccation resistance, unexpected for species from permanently wet fen habitats.
Hamatocaulis vernicosus, a rare moss, has been investigated in detail for its habitat preferences... more Hamatocaulis vernicosus, a rare moss, has been investigated in detail for its habitat preferences, ecology and population dynamics in the Czech Republic. At all its known sites plant species composition was described and relationships with environmental factors investigated (water table, pH, water conductivity). Experiments that included mowing and gap cutting were investigated at three sites over two years.
Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants, 2011
The extent and seasonal pattern of asexual reproduction and ability to germinate in the rare live... more The extent and seasonal pattern of asexual reproduction and ability to germinate in the rare liverwort Lophozia ascendens and the common liverworts L. ventricosa and L. longiflora were studied in the Boubínský prales National Nature Reserve inŠumava Mts. (Bohemian Forest), South Bohemia, Czech Republic. Asexual reproduction was quantified as the number of gemmae produced per individual shoot. Numbers of gemmae per shoot among sampling months differed significantly; increase of gemma production was delayed in L. ascendens in comparison with gemma production of L. ventricosa and L. longiflora. We suggest that gemma production is influenced by environmental factors, mainly air humidity. Germinability of gemmae was low in early spring, highest in August and September and slightly depressed in October. This pattern suggests that rather mild winters in the Czech Republic cause the lower mortality of shoots during winter and the environmental pressure towards the production of dormant gemmae is not a prominent factor affecting the population dynamics of the species under study.
Papers by Jan Kucera