Social information retrieval systems, such as recommender systems, would benefit from sharable an... more Social information retrieval systems, such as recommender systems, would benefit from sharable and reusable evaluations of online resources. For example, in distributed repositories with rich collections of learning resources, users may benefit from evaluations (ratings, reviews, annotations, etc.) that previous users have provided. Moreover, sharing evaluations could help attain the critical mass of data required for social information retrieval systems to be effective and efficient. This kind of interoperability requires a common data model that could be used to describe in a reusable manner which evaluation approach has been applied, as well as the results of that evaluation. In this chapter, we discuss this need, focusing on the rationale for a data model that can be used to facilitate the representation, management and reuse of evaluation results of learning resources in an interoperable manner. For this purpose, we review a variety of evaluation approaches for learning resourc...
Vuorikari, R., & Koper, R. (2009). Tags and self-organisation in a multilingual educational conte... more Vuorikari, R., & Koper, R. (2009). Tags and self-organisation in a multilingual educational context. In R. Vuorikari, H. Drachsler, N. Manouselis & R. Koper (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Social Information Retrieval for Technology-Enhanced Learning ‘SIRTEL09’. August, 21, 2009, Aachen, Germany: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, online
Abstract This chapter provides an overview into policies in the area of e-learning that ten Europ... more Abstract This chapter provides an overview into policies in the area of e-learning that ten European countries, all members of European Schoolnet, have taken regarding open content and free and open source software (FOSS) to be used to support and enhance learning. Additionally, it elaborates on European Schoolnet's initiatives to support open learning resources exchange in Europe. European Schoolnet (EUN) promotes the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in European schools, acting as a ...
RÉSUMÉ: European Learning Resources (ELR f Ressources d) apprentissage europ* ennes) offre des se... more RÉSUMÉ: European Learning Resources (ELR f Ressources d) apprentissage europ* ennes) offre des services destin* s-deux types de publics: enseignants et d* pôts de ressources d) apprentissage num* riques. Le service ELR est offert par European Schoolnet, r* seau europ* en et international de plus de 25 minist res de lVÉducation qui re6oit le soutien de la Commission europ* enne.
Social information retrieval systems, such as recommender systems, would benefit from sharable an... more Social information retrieval systems, such as recommender systems, would benefit from sharable and reusable evaluations of online resources. For example, in distributed repositories with rich collections of learning resources, users may benefit from evaluations (ratings, reviews, annotations, etc.) that previous users have provided. Moreover, sharing evaluations could help attain the critical mass of data required for social information retrieval systems to be effective and efficient. This kind of interoperability requires a common data model that could be used to describe in a reusable manner which evaluation approach has been applied, as well as the results of that evaluation. In this chapter, we discuss this need, focusing on the rationale for a data model that can be used to facilitate the representation, management and reuse of evaluation results of learning resources in an interoperable manner. For this purpose, we review a variety of evaluation approaches for learning resourc...
Vuorikari, R., & Koper, R. (2009). Tags and self-organisation in a multilingual educational conte... more Vuorikari, R., & Koper, R. (2009). Tags and self-organisation in a multilingual educational context. In R. Vuorikari, H. Drachsler, N. Manouselis & R. Koper (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Social Information Retrieval for Technology-Enhanced Learning ‘SIRTEL09’. August, 21, 2009, Aachen, Germany: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, online
Abstract This chapter provides an overview into policies in the area of e-learning that ten Europ... more Abstract This chapter provides an overview into policies in the area of e-learning that ten European countries, all members of European Schoolnet, have taken regarding open content and free and open source software (FOSS) to be used to support and enhance learning. Additionally, it elaborates on European Schoolnet's initiatives to support open learning resources exchange in Europe. European Schoolnet (EUN) promotes the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in European schools, acting as a ...
RÉSUMÉ: European Learning Resources (ELR f Ressources d) apprentissage europ* ennes) offre des se... more RÉSUMÉ: European Learning Resources (ELR f Ressources d) apprentissage europ* ennes) offre des services destin* s-deux types de publics: enseignants et d* pôts de ressources d) apprentissage num* riques. Le service ELR est offert par European Schoolnet, r* seau europ* en et international de plus de 25 minist res de lVÉducation qui re6oit le soutien de la Commission europ* enne.
Papers by Riina Vuorikari