Directions for prevention (3) Avoid going to rice fields and irrigation canals
Due to the effects of a stationary front, a record-breaking heavy rainfall occurred in mid-August, particularly in western Japan. There were long spells of rain as if the rainy season returned, and many rivers in various areas flooded, causing inundation damage.
When rivers overflow, low-lying areas become like rivers covered in murky water. Not only is it difficult to differentiate between roads and ditches, but you also cannot tell what lies under your feet. Getting stuck or falling over in deep water can be life-threatening.
On the 14th of the same month in Hiroshima Prefecture, a man in his 80’s left home telling his family, “I’m going to check on the water level in the rice field.” He was reported missing and his body was found 4 days later.
In heavy rainfall, it is natural to be worried about the crops we worked hard to raise. However, your family would be beside themselves with worry if you were to go out to check on the rice field in heavy rain. Please put safety first, not just for yourself, but also for your family.
宮城県警 みやぎセキュリティメールより
- オレオレ詐欺の特殊詐欺注意報(白石市)
- オレオレ詐欺の特殊詐欺注意報(亘理郡亘理町)
- 女子小学生らに対する下半身露出事案の発生【塩竃市】
- 特殊詐欺の予兆電話について(登米市)
- 特殊詐欺の予兆電話について(白石市)
- 女子小学生に対するつきまとい事案の発生【泉区】
- 女子小学生に対するつきまとい事案の発生【泉区】
- 特殊詐欺の予兆電話について【白石市】
- オレオレ詐欺の特殊詐欺注意報(角田市)
- オレオレ詐欺の特殊詐欺注意報(伊具郡丸森町)
- 特殊詐欺の予兆電話について(塩竃市)
- オレオレ詐欺の特殊詐欺注意報(亘理郡亘理町)
- オレオレ詐欺の特殊詐欺注意報(仙台市泉区)
- 女子中学生に対するつきまとい事案の発生【亘理町】
- 特殊詐欺の予兆電話について【丸森町】
- 特殊詐欺の予兆電話について【大崎市】
- 女子中学生に対する下半身露出事案の発生【若林区】
- オレオレ詐欺の特殊詐欺注意報(仙台市宮城野区)
- 特殊詐欺の予兆電話について(白石市)
- 女子小学生に対する声かけ事案の発生【太白区】
- 特殊詐欺の予兆電話について(白石市)
- 特殊詐欺の予兆電話について(角田市)
- オレオレ詐欺の特殊詐欺注意報(仙台市太白区)
- 女子中学生に対する容姿撮影事案の発生【富谷市】
- 特殊詐欺の予兆電話について(仙台市宮城野区)
- オレオレ詐欺の特殊詐欺注意報(仙台市泉区)
- 特殊詐欺の予兆電話について(石巻市)
- 特殊詐欺の予兆電話について(仙台市泉区)