I completed my Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation training in 2013. My master's thesis topic is about mechanical low back pain, and my doctoral thesis topic is about diabetes. I am a lecturer at Karamanoğlu Mehemtbey University. Address: Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksek Okulu 2. kat
Objectives: The frequency of smartphone usage is increasing day by day in Turkey. This study was ... more Objectives: The frequency of smartphone usage is increasing day by day in Turkey. This study was planned to reveal the level of smartphone addiction and the factors affecting smartphone addiction in young adults in Turkey. Design: In the study, how long the young people had been using the smartphone and their daily usage times were recorded. The Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS), Neck Disability Index (NDI), Body Awareness Scale (BAS), and Sedentary Behavior Questionnaire (SBQ) scales were employed as data collection tools. Results: The study was conducted with 1000 participants aged 18-45, and 807 were female. 85.6% of the participants have been using smartphones for at least 3 years and 77.3% of all participants use smartphones for more than 4 hours a day. According to the SAS scale, 34.8% of the participants had smartphone addiction. Smartphone addiction is higher especially in those who have a sedentary life or individuals with neck disabilities (p = 0.005; p < 0.001 respectively). No significant difference was found between body awareness and smartphone addiction (p = 0.380). However, body awareness scores were higher in the group without smartphone addiction. There was a significant difference between the groups in terms of the SAS, BAS, NDI, and SBQ scores in the participants classified by smartphone usage time. Conclusion: Female gender, daily usage of a smartphone for more than 4 hours a day, having a smartphone for at least 3 years, presence of sedentary behavior, and neck disability were the factors affecting smartphone addiction in young people. No relationship was found between body awareness and smartphone addiction. Further studies on the awareness of the effects of intensive smartphone usage on the body should be conducted among young people in Turkey.
Aşil, vücudumuzun en güçlü ve büyük kuvvetlere karşı koyabilen tendonudur. Günlük yaşam ve spor a... more Aşil, vücudumuzun en güçlü ve büyük kuvvetlere karşı koyabilen tendonudur. Günlük yaşam ve spor aktiviteleri sırasında görülen aşil tendon yaralanmaları, tendonun yapışma noktası olan kalkeneusun 2-6 cm proksimalindeki nispeten avasküler bölgesinde gerçekleşmektedir. Yaralanmada cerrahi veya konservatif tedavi tercihleri hastanın yaşı, yırtığın tipi ve lokalizasyonu, hastanın mesleği, kronik hastalık gibi durumlardan etkilenmektedir. Özellikle uzun süreli atel veya alçı ile gerçekleştirilen immobilizasyonun cerrahi sonrası tercih edilmemesi ve uzun bacak alçılamasından kaçınılması gerekmektedir. İmmobilizasyonun kaslarda atrofi, adhezyon, eklem sertliği, tendonda kısalıklara neden olması fonksiyonel rehabilitasyona olan ilgiyi artırmıştır. Erken fonksiyonel rehabilitasyon cerrahi olsun veya olmasın erken dönemde ağırlık aktarma, kontrollü eklem hareket açıklığı ve her ikisinin kombinasyonu egzersizlerle dinamik bir rehabilitasyonu ve mobilizasyon sürecini içermektedir. İmmobilizasyo...
Amac: Bu calisma kamuda calisan bireylerin fizyoterapistlik meslegi ile ilgili bilgi duzeylerini ... more Amac: Bu calisma kamuda calisan bireylerin fizyoterapistlik meslegi ile ilgili bilgi duzeylerini ortaya koymak amaciyla planlanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismamiz, kamu kurumlarinda calisan, fizyoterapist olmayan ve calismaya katilmak icin gonullu olan kisiler ile gerceklestirildi. Arastirmaci tarafindan literatur taranarak olusturulan 18 soruluk anket formu hazirlandi. Tanimlayici turde tasarlanan calismada olcumle belirlenen degiskenler icin ortalama ±standart sapma, sayimla belirlenen degiskenler icin yuzde(%) ve frekans degerler hesaplandi. Bulgular: Calismamiza yas ortalamasi 35,53±7,44 yil olan 109 (%34,7) kadin, 205(%65,3) erkek olmak uzere toplam 314 kamu personeli katildi. Kamu calisanlari ulkemizde fizyoterapistlik mesleginin bagimsiz bir meslek grubu olmadigini, meslegin yeterince taninmadigini, yeterli itibari ve sayginligi gormedigini ve fizyoterapistlerin ozluk haklarini savunan bir sivil toplum kurulusunun bulunmadigini ifade etmislerdir. Katilimcilarin buyuk cogunlug...
Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021
2019 Aralık ayının son günlerinde Çin’de nedeni açıklanamayan ve solunum yollarında ciddi harabiy... more 2019 Aralık ayının son günlerinde Çin’de nedeni açıklanamayan ve solunum yollarında ciddi harabiyete neden olan bir hastalık tespit edilmiş ve Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından hastalığa COVID-19 adı verilmiştir. COVID-19 hastalığı sadece enfekte olanları değil, karantina uygulamaları nedeniyle evlerinde kalan her kesimden insanı fiziksel ve psikolojik yönden olumsuz etkilemiştir. Sağlık hizmeti veren kuruluşlarda yoğunluk yaşanmasına ve sağlık hizmetlerinin sunumunda güçlüklerin yaşanmasına neden olmuştur. Bu nedenle COVID-19 hastalığı; telesağlık/ tele-tıp veya telerehabilitasyon gibi web tabanlı uygulamalara olan ilgiyi artırmıştır. Fizyoterapistler, tedavi sırasında hastalarıyla yakın temas içerisinde uygulamalarını gerçekleştirdikleri için enfeksiyon açısından riskli meslek grubundadır. Böyle bir dönemde araştırmacılar fizyoterapistlerin acil durumlar dışında tedavilerine ara vermeleri gerektiğini, zorunlu tedavilerde ise enfeksiyon kurallarına uyumun önemli olduğunu bildirmiştir....
Koronavirüs hastalığı (COVID-19), bireylerde solunum ve fiziksel fonksiyonlar ile hastalığa bağlı... more Koronavirüs hastalığı (COVID-19), bireylerde solunum ve fiziksel fonksiyonlar ile hastalığa bağlı gelişen korku, panik ve endişe gibi nedenlerle psikolojik işlevlerde bozukluğa sebep olan oldukça bulaşıcı ve sistemik bir hastalıktır. Önlenemeyen hızda yayılım gösteren COVID-19 salgını nedeniyle birçok ülke kısmi ve genel karantina uygulamasına giderek, vatandaşlarının evde kalmalarını tavsiye etmiştir. Bulaş riskini azaltmak amacıyla uygulanan kısıtlamaların fiziksel aktiviteye katılımı olumsuz etkilediği, bireylerin sedanter yaşam biçimini benimsemesine neden olabileceği belirtilmektedir. Salgın sürecinde alınan zorunlu tedbirler, fiziksel aktivite seçeneklerinin sınırlı olması veya fiziksel aktivitenin tümüyle ortadan kaldırılması anlamına gelmemelidir. Mevcut istikrarsız bir çevrede sağlıklı kalmak ve bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirmek amacıyla evde fiziksel aktivite güçlü bir sağlık için gereklidir. Herhangi bir nedenle hareketsiz kalmak, kalp sağlığını zayıflatır ve uzun dönemde...
Journal of Adnan Menderes University Health Sciences Faculty , 2024
Athletes with lower extremity injuries are at the stage of returning to sports after the completi... more Athletes with lower extremity injuries are at the stage of returning to sports after the completion of rehabilitation; exhibits significant deficits in balance, proprioception, muscle strength and neuromuscular control. Especially, the presence of balance disorder increases the risk of lower extremity injury of the athletes during the return to sports. The purpose of this systematic review is to present a summary of the available evidence by evaluating balance tests used after lower extremity injuries. The review was performed according to the guidelines of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) with a literature review covering three databases. The methodological quality of the studies was assessed using the Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-sectional Studies. A total of 1259 articles were reviewed at the beginning of the study, and 8 of them were included in the study. The full text of 8 studies consisting of 1575 athletes, 1515 of whom were female, with a mean age of 20.03±2.88 years, with and without a history of lower extremity injury, were analyzed. All studies were methodologically classified according to the Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross sectional Studies. It was determined that the athletes in the included study had a history of injury involving the knee and ankle joint. It was seen that the Star Excursion Balance Test was more preferred in the evaluation of the balance of the athletes. In this review, four Star Shaped Balance Tests, one Lower Extremity Quarter-Y Balance Test, one Dynamic Postural Stability Index, one Postural Stability Balance Test on One Leg, and one pressure center, which are performed for returning to sports after lower extremity injury. It was determined that there is no definite information in the literature regarding the balance criteria required for returning to sports of athletes with lower extremity injuries. As a result, we determined that the balance criterion changed depending on the sports performed after the lower extremity injury, the time of the injury, the form of the evaluation, and whether there was a previous injury history. Key Words: Athlete, Balance, Lower extremity, Injury, Return to sports.
Health Effects of Smartphone Use: An Overview, 2022
Teknolojik gelişmeler son yıllarda oldukça hızlı bir gelişim göstermektedir. Bu alanda en dikkat ... more Teknolojik gelişmeler son yıllarda oldukça hızlı bir gelişim göstermektedir. Bu alanda en dikkat çekici gelişmeler de cep telefonlarında gerçekleşmiştir. Özellikle genç nesillerde kullanımı oldukça yaygın olmakla birlikte her yaştan kesimin kullandığı akıllı telefonlar yaşamın ayrılmaz bir parçası haline gelmiştir. Bireylerin yaşamlarında sağladığı yararlar ve kolaylıklar elbette göz ardı edilemez, ancak bilinçli kullanım sağlanmadığında bağımlılık gibi bir tehlikeye de zemin hazırlamaktadır. Aşırı kullanım alışkanlıkları nedeniyle kullanım sırasında edinilen postürün bireylerde oluşturacağı fiziksel problemler ile bağımlılık nedeniyle uyku kalitesinde bozulmalar meydana gelmekte, bireylerin yaşamları olumsuz etkilenmektedir. Aşırı akıllı telefon kullanımının neden olduğu düşünülen sosyal kaygı, anksiyete, depresyon, güvensizlik, telefonundan ayrılamama, yalnızlık ve izolasyon, nomofobi gibi psikolojik ve davranışsal sorunların yanı sıra yoğun akıllı telefon kullanımının öğrenme güçlüğü, bellek performansını ve karar verme becerisini olumsuz etkilemesi nedeniyle bireylerin hem iş hem de akademik performanslarında düşüş gözlemlenmektedir. Günümüzde akıllı telefon kullanımının çok küçük yaşlara kadar gerilediği düşünüldüğünde bireylerde akıllı telefon bağımlılığına karşı duyarlılık oluşturulması, bilinçli akıllı telefon kullanım tekniklerinin öğretilmesi ve bu bağlamda sağlık otoritelerinin, eğitim kurumlarının ve ebeveynlerin de bağımlılıkla mücadelede bir araya gelerek kapsamlı bir çalışma yapması önem arz etmektedir. Kullanıcılardaki bu bağımlılık riskinin ortadan kaldırılması ile akıllı telefon kullanımının neden olacağı fiziksel ve psikolojik problemlerde azalma, akademik performansta artış olacağı kanısındayız.
Investigation of Graduate Studies Conducted by Physiotherapists in Turkey with Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes in Terms of Balance and Exercise Parameters: A Descriptive Study, 2022
Aim This study was planned to examine the postgraduate studies conducted by physiotherapists in ... more Aim This study was planned to examine the postgraduate studies conducted by physiotherapists in our country with individuals with Type 2 diabetes in terms of balance and exercise parameters. Material and Method: In the study, one of the qualitative research methods was designed in a descriptive type using the document review technique. In February 2022, postgraduate studies carried out by physiotherapists were reached by using the keywords "Type 2 diabetes" and "Type II diabetes" in the database of the Thesis Center of the Presidency of Higher Education. The 5 graduate studies that provided the inclusion criteria were examined in terms of balance and exercise parameters. Results: Between 2014-2021, 5 postgraduate thesis studies, including 2 master's and 3 doctoral theses, were determined by physiotherapists on balance and exercise parameters in individuals with Type 2 diabetes. It has been observed that physiotherapists use clinical and laboratory balance tests in their studies in parallel with the literature. In addition, it has been found that they provide a wide range of exercise training from simple, easily applicable exercises to computerized systems in order to improve balance. Conclusion: Considering the role of physiotherapists in preventive rehabilitation, it is thought that more studies with high evidential value are needed in the national and international literature to be conducted with individuals with Type 2 diabetes
Achilles Tendon Injuries and Early Functional Rehabilitation Practices, 2022
Achilles is the tendon of our body that is the most powerful and capable of resisting great force... more Achilles is the tendon of our body that is the most powerful and capable of resisting great forces. Achilles tendon injuries observed during daily life and sports activities occur in the relatively avascular area 2-6 cm proximal to the calcaneus, the sticking point of the tendon Surgical or conservative treatment preferences in injury are affected by conditions such as the age of the patient, the type and localization of the tear, the profession of the patient, chronic disease. Especially immobilization performed with a long-term splint or plaster should not be preferred after surgery and longleg plaster should be avoided. The fact that immobilization causes atrophy of muscles, adhesion, joint stiffness, shortening of tendons has increased the interest in functional rehabilitation. Early functional rehabilitation with early surgical or weight transfer, controlled range of motion, and a combination of both rehabilitation and the process involves dynamic mobilization exercises. In contrast to immobilization practices, early mobilization trainings (ankle exercises, early weight bearing activities, etc.) provide a rapid functional improvement and positively affect return to work, quality of life and patient satisfaction. Correctly planned and structured rehabilitation programs are important for maintaining and maintaining health and preventing diseases. Early functional rehabilitation practices that will be carried out with multidisciplinary approaches under the supervision of physiotherapists who demonstrate their clinical skills in accordance with the needs of the patient and closely follow the literature are very important in the return of the patient to quality of life and activities.
COVID-19 Process and Telerehabilitation Applications in Physiotherapy: Review, 2021
In late 2019, an unexplained disease was detected in China, causing severe respiratory damage, an... more In late 2019, an unexplained disease was detected in China, causing severe respiratory damage, and the World Health Organization named the disease COVID-19. COVID-19 has negatively affected people from all walks of life who remain in their homes due to quarantine practices, not just those who are infected. It has led to an intensity in health care organizations and difficulties in the delivery of Health Services. Physical therapists are at risk for infection, as they practice in close contact with their patients during treatment. Researchers reported that physical therapists should decongest their treatment except in emergencies, and compliance with infection rules is important in mandatory treatments. In addition, telerehabilitation applications have been recommended by scientists with the idea that it can reduce the rate of infection spread. Telerehabilitation has been defined by physiotherapists using a range of technology-based tools as remote provision of rehabilitation services to improve the health of individuals. Physiotherapists can perform individuals ' exercises, evaluate their patients and reduce the rate of infection spread by remotely offering health services with telerehabilitation during the COVID-19 period. Research has shown that telerehabilitation applications can be as effective as conventional treatment protocols. It is important to acquire a web-based system in which sufficient personnel and technical infrastructure are provided for the dissemination of telerehabilitation practices during the epidemic period. We believe that with the dissemination of permanent practices, the quality of telerehabilitation studies, which are found in a limited number of literature in our country, may increase.
Koronavirü s hastalığ ı (COVID-19), bireylerde solünüm ve fiziksel fonksiyonlar ile hastalığ a ba... more Koronavirü s hastalığ ı (COVID-19), bireylerde solünüm ve fiziksel fonksiyonlar ile hastalığ a bağ lı ğelişen korkü, panik ve endişe ğibi nedenlerle psikolojik işlevlerde bozüklüğ a sebep olan oldükça bülaşıcı ve sistemik bir hastalıktır. O nlenemeyen hızda yayılım ğo steren COVID-19 salğını nedeniyle birçok ü lke kısmi ve ğenel karantina üyğülamasına ğiderek, vatandaşlarının evde kalmalarını tavsiye etmiştir. Bülaş riskini azaltmak amacıyla üyğülanan kısıtlamaların fiziksel aktiviteye katılımı olümsüz etkilediğ i, bireylerin sedanter yaşam biçimini benimsemesine neden olabileceğ i belirtilmektedir. Salğın sü recinde alınan zorünlü tedbirler, fiziksel aktivite seçeneklerinin sınırlı olması veya fiziksel aktivitenin tü mü yle ortadan kaldırılması anlamına ğelmemelidir. Mevcüt istikrarsız bir çevrede sağ lıklı kalmak ve bağ ışıklık sistemini ğü çlendirmek amacıyla evde fiziksel aktivite ğü çlü bir sağ lık için ğereklidir. Herhanği bir nedenle hareketsiz kalmak, kalp sağ lığ ını zayıflatır ve üzün do nemde koroner arter hastalığ ı ve ani kardiyak o lü m riskini artırır. Ev temelli fiziksel aktivitelerin, kısıtlamalardan dolayı evde kalan kişiler için bir eğzersiz eğ itimi olmasının yanı sıra, salğın sü recinde sağ lıklı kalmak ve salğının ortaya çıkarabileceğ i mühtemel olümsüz dürümların azaltılması için de o nem arz etmektedir. Hem fiziksel hem de bilişsel sağ lığ ımızı ğeliştirmek ve sü reci daha sağ lıklı atlatabilmemiz, sağ lığ ın korünması ve ğü çlendirilmesi ile bağ ışıklığ ın devamı için ev temelli eğzersizler tavsiye edilmektedir.
The Relationship Between Academic Performance and Physical Activity, Smart Phone Use and Sleep Quality in University Students, 2023
Objective: Our study was planned to examine the academic achievement, physical activity, smart ph... more Objective: Our study was planned to examine the academic achievement, physical activity, smart phone use and sleep quality of university students. Methods: Young individuals between the ages of 18-25 studying at a vocational school were included in the study. While recording the demographic information of the participants, individuals were classified as "heavy users" and "light users", taking into account the duration of smartphone use during the day. In addition, the physical activity levels of the individuals were evaluated with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form (IPAQ-SF), the smartphone usage level with the Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Form (SAS-SF), and the sleep quality with the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Results: A total of 424 people, 326 of whom were women, with a mean age of 20.30±1.34 years, participated in the study. It was determined that 70.3% of the participants used smartphones for more than 4 hours a day. It was determined that there was a weak negative correlation between the academic success of the students and their physical activity levels, and that their academic success was not affected by smart phone use and sleep quality. However, it was determined that there was a weak positive correlation between the sleep quality of the students and their smartphone use. It was observed that the physical activity levels of male students were higher, while the academic success and sleep quality of normal education students were better. Conclusion: We think that active life, adequate and conscious smartphone use and quality sleep habits can affect academic success in university students.
Investigation of sleep quality and musculoskeletal pain of university students during the pandemic period, 2023
The study was approved by Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University ethics committee (Date/no:08.12.2020... more The study was approved by Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University ethics committee (Date/no:08.12.2020/65). All procedures in this study involving human participants were performed in accordance with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments.
The Relationship Between Core Endurance and Flexibility, Balance and Lower Extremity Performance in Individuals with Mechanical Low Back Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study, 2022
Mekanik bel ağrısı (MBA); omurga, intervertebral diskler ve etrafındaki dokulardan kaynaklanan ağ... more Mekanik bel ağrısı (MBA); omurga, intervertebral diskler ve etrafındaki dokulardan kaynaklanan ağrı olarak tanımlanmaktadır. 1 Lumbal bölgeyi ilgi-lendiren problemler, ağır çalışma şartları, vücut mekaniğinin yanlış kullanımı, kötü postür, karın ve sırt kasları ile kardiyovasküler enduransta ve esneklikte
An examınatıon of the anxıety states of Turkısh health care workers durıng the COVID-19 pandemıc: a cross-sectıonal study, 2022
The aim of this study was to evaluate the anxiety experienced by health care workers in different... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the anxiety experienced by health care workers in different branches during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: The cross-sectional study included 373 health care workers. Data were collected using an online questionnaire consisting of the Sociodemographic Form (32 items related to the working conditions of health care professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic) and the Penn State Concern Questionnaire. RESULTS: The anxiety levels of the female workers were significantly higher (p<0.001). The total Penn State Concern Questionnaire points were determined to be statistically significantly higher in those who need to protect the family during the pandemic (p=0.03), who were dissatisfied with their profession (p<0.001), and those whose workload had increased during the pandemic (p=0.007). CONCLUSIONS: The study results demonstrated that the levels of anxiety of health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic could be increased by young age, low level of experience, female gender, increased workload, and dissatisfaction with the profession.
Objectives: The frequency of smartphone usage is increasing day by day in Turkey. This study was ... more Objectives: The frequency of smartphone usage is increasing day by day in Turkey. This study was planned to reveal the level of smartphone addiction and the factors affecting smartphone addiction in young adults in Turkey. Design: In the study, how long the young people had been using the smartphone and their daily usage times were recorded. The Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS), Neck Disability Index (NDI), Body Awareness Scale (BAS), and Sedentary Behavior Questionnaire (SBQ) scales were employed as data collection tools. Results: The study was conducted with 1000 participants aged 18-45, and 807 were female. 85.6% of the participants have been using smartphones for at least 3 years and 77.3% of all participants use smartphones for more than 4 hours a day. According to the SAS scale, 34.8% of the participants had smartphone addiction. Smartphone addiction is higher especially in those who have a sedentary life or individuals with neck disabilities (p = 0.005; p < 0.001 respectively). No significant difference was found between body awareness and smartphone addiction (p = 0.380). However, body awareness scores were higher in the group without smartphone addiction. There was a significant difference between the groups in terms of the SAS, BAS, NDI, and SBQ scores in the participants classified by smartphone usage time. Conclusion: Female gender, daily usage of a smartphone for more than 4 hours a day, having a smartphone for at least 3 years, presence of sedentary behavior, and neck disability were the factors affecting smartphone addiction in young people. No relationship was found between body awareness and smartphone addiction. Further studies on the awareness of the effects of intensive smartphone usage on the body should be conducted among young people in Turkey.
Aşil, vücudumuzun en güçlü ve büyük kuvvetlere karşı koyabilen tendonudur. Günlük yaşam ve spor a... more Aşil, vücudumuzun en güçlü ve büyük kuvvetlere karşı koyabilen tendonudur. Günlük yaşam ve spor aktiviteleri sırasında görülen aşil tendon yaralanmaları, tendonun yapışma noktası olan kalkeneusun 2-6 cm proksimalindeki nispeten avasküler bölgesinde gerçekleşmektedir. Yaralanmada cerrahi veya konservatif tedavi tercihleri hastanın yaşı, yırtığın tipi ve lokalizasyonu, hastanın mesleği, kronik hastalık gibi durumlardan etkilenmektedir. Özellikle uzun süreli atel veya alçı ile gerçekleştirilen immobilizasyonun cerrahi sonrası tercih edilmemesi ve uzun bacak alçılamasından kaçınılması gerekmektedir. İmmobilizasyonun kaslarda atrofi, adhezyon, eklem sertliği, tendonda kısalıklara neden olması fonksiyonel rehabilitasyona olan ilgiyi artırmıştır. Erken fonksiyonel rehabilitasyon cerrahi olsun veya olmasın erken dönemde ağırlık aktarma, kontrollü eklem hareket açıklığı ve her ikisinin kombinasyonu egzersizlerle dinamik bir rehabilitasyonu ve mobilizasyon sürecini içermektedir. İmmobilizasyo...
Amac: Bu calisma kamuda calisan bireylerin fizyoterapistlik meslegi ile ilgili bilgi duzeylerini ... more Amac: Bu calisma kamuda calisan bireylerin fizyoterapistlik meslegi ile ilgili bilgi duzeylerini ortaya koymak amaciyla planlanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismamiz, kamu kurumlarinda calisan, fizyoterapist olmayan ve calismaya katilmak icin gonullu olan kisiler ile gerceklestirildi. Arastirmaci tarafindan literatur taranarak olusturulan 18 soruluk anket formu hazirlandi. Tanimlayici turde tasarlanan calismada olcumle belirlenen degiskenler icin ortalama ±standart sapma, sayimla belirlenen degiskenler icin yuzde(%) ve frekans degerler hesaplandi. Bulgular: Calismamiza yas ortalamasi 35,53±7,44 yil olan 109 (%34,7) kadin, 205(%65,3) erkek olmak uzere toplam 314 kamu personeli katildi. Kamu calisanlari ulkemizde fizyoterapistlik mesleginin bagimsiz bir meslek grubu olmadigini, meslegin yeterince taninmadigini, yeterli itibari ve sayginligi gormedigini ve fizyoterapistlerin ozluk haklarini savunan bir sivil toplum kurulusunun bulunmadigini ifade etmislerdir. Katilimcilarin buyuk cogunlug...
Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021
2019 Aralık ayının son günlerinde Çin’de nedeni açıklanamayan ve solunum yollarında ciddi harabiy... more 2019 Aralık ayının son günlerinde Çin’de nedeni açıklanamayan ve solunum yollarında ciddi harabiyete neden olan bir hastalık tespit edilmiş ve Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından hastalığa COVID-19 adı verilmiştir. COVID-19 hastalığı sadece enfekte olanları değil, karantina uygulamaları nedeniyle evlerinde kalan her kesimden insanı fiziksel ve psikolojik yönden olumsuz etkilemiştir. Sağlık hizmeti veren kuruluşlarda yoğunluk yaşanmasına ve sağlık hizmetlerinin sunumunda güçlüklerin yaşanmasına neden olmuştur. Bu nedenle COVID-19 hastalığı; telesağlık/ tele-tıp veya telerehabilitasyon gibi web tabanlı uygulamalara olan ilgiyi artırmıştır. Fizyoterapistler, tedavi sırasında hastalarıyla yakın temas içerisinde uygulamalarını gerçekleştirdikleri için enfeksiyon açısından riskli meslek grubundadır. Böyle bir dönemde araştırmacılar fizyoterapistlerin acil durumlar dışında tedavilerine ara vermeleri gerektiğini, zorunlu tedavilerde ise enfeksiyon kurallarına uyumun önemli olduğunu bildirmiştir....
Koronavirüs hastalığı (COVID-19), bireylerde solunum ve fiziksel fonksiyonlar ile hastalığa bağlı... more Koronavirüs hastalığı (COVID-19), bireylerde solunum ve fiziksel fonksiyonlar ile hastalığa bağlı gelişen korku, panik ve endişe gibi nedenlerle psikolojik işlevlerde bozukluğa sebep olan oldukça bulaşıcı ve sistemik bir hastalıktır. Önlenemeyen hızda yayılım gösteren COVID-19 salgını nedeniyle birçok ülke kısmi ve genel karantina uygulamasına giderek, vatandaşlarının evde kalmalarını tavsiye etmiştir. Bulaş riskini azaltmak amacıyla uygulanan kısıtlamaların fiziksel aktiviteye katılımı olumsuz etkilediği, bireylerin sedanter yaşam biçimini benimsemesine neden olabileceği belirtilmektedir. Salgın sürecinde alınan zorunlu tedbirler, fiziksel aktivite seçeneklerinin sınırlı olması veya fiziksel aktivitenin tümüyle ortadan kaldırılması anlamına gelmemelidir. Mevcut istikrarsız bir çevrede sağlıklı kalmak ve bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirmek amacıyla evde fiziksel aktivite güçlü bir sağlık için gereklidir. Herhangi bir nedenle hareketsiz kalmak, kalp sağlığını zayıflatır ve uzun dönemde...
Journal of Adnan Menderes University Health Sciences Faculty , 2024
Athletes with lower extremity injuries are at the stage of returning to sports after the completi... more Athletes with lower extremity injuries are at the stage of returning to sports after the completion of rehabilitation; exhibits significant deficits in balance, proprioception, muscle strength and neuromuscular control. Especially, the presence of balance disorder increases the risk of lower extremity injury of the athletes during the return to sports. The purpose of this systematic review is to present a summary of the available evidence by evaluating balance tests used after lower extremity injuries. The review was performed according to the guidelines of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) with a literature review covering three databases. The methodological quality of the studies was assessed using the Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-sectional Studies. A total of 1259 articles were reviewed at the beginning of the study, and 8 of them were included in the study. The full text of 8 studies consisting of 1575 athletes, 1515 of whom were female, with a mean age of 20.03±2.88 years, with and without a history of lower extremity injury, were analyzed. All studies were methodologically classified according to the Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross sectional Studies. It was determined that the athletes in the included study had a history of injury involving the knee and ankle joint. It was seen that the Star Excursion Balance Test was more preferred in the evaluation of the balance of the athletes. In this review, four Star Shaped Balance Tests, one Lower Extremity Quarter-Y Balance Test, one Dynamic Postural Stability Index, one Postural Stability Balance Test on One Leg, and one pressure center, which are performed for returning to sports after lower extremity injury. It was determined that there is no definite information in the literature regarding the balance criteria required for returning to sports of athletes with lower extremity injuries. As a result, we determined that the balance criterion changed depending on the sports performed after the lower extremity injury, the time of the injury, the form of the evaluation, and whether there was a previous injury history. Key Words: Athlete, Balance, Lower extremity, Injury, Return to sports.
Health Effects of Smartphone Use: An Overview, 2022
Teknolojik gelişmeler son yıllarda oldukça hızlı bir gelişim göstermektedir. Bu alanda en dikkat ... more Teknolojik gelişmeler son yıllarda oldukça hızlı bir gelişim göstermektedir. Bu alanda en dikkat çekici gelişmeler de cep telefonlarında gerçekleşmiştir. Özellikle genç nesillerde kullanımı oldukça yaygın olmakla birlikte her yaştan kesimin kullandığı akıllı telefonlar yaşamın ayrılmaz bir parçası haline gelmiştir. Bireylerin yaşamlarında sağladığı yararlar ve kolaylıklar elbette göz ardı edilemez, ancak bilinçli kullanım sağlanmadığında bağımlılık gibi bir tehlikeye de zemin hazırlamaktadır. Aşırı kullanım alışkanlıkları nedeniyle kullanım sırasında edinilen postürün bireylerde oluşturacağı fiziksel problemler ile bağımlılık nedeniyle uyku kalitesinde bozulmalar meydana gelmekte, bireylerin yaşamları olumsuz etkilenmektedir. Aşırı akıllı telefon kullanımının neden olduğu düşünülen sosyal kaygı, anksiyete, depresyon, güvensizlik, telefonundan ayrılamama, yalnızlık ve izolasyon, nomofobi gibi psikolojik ve davranışsal sorunların yanı sıra yoğun akıllı telefon kullanımının öğrenme güçlüğü, bellek performansını ve karar verme becerisini olumsuz etkilemesi nedeniyle bireylerin hem iş hem de akademik performanslarında düşüş gözlemlenmektedir. Günümüzde akıllı telefon kullanımının çok küçük yaşlara kadar gerilediği düşünüldüğünde bireylerde akıllı telefon bağımlılığına karşı duyarlılık oluşturulması, bilinçli akıllı telefon kullanım tekniklerinin öğretilmesi ve bu bağlamda sağlık otoritelerinin, eğitim kurumlarının ve ebeveynlerin de bağımlılıkla mücadelede bir araya gelerek kapsamlı bir çalışma yapması önem arz etmektedir. Kullanıcılardaki bu bağımlılık riskinin ortadan kaldırılması ile akıllı telefon kullanımının neden olacağı fiziksel ve psikolojik problemlerde azalma, akademik performansta artış olacağı kanısındayız.
Investigation of Graduate Studies Conducted by Physiotherapists in Turkey with Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes in Terms of Balance and Exercise Parameters: A Descriptive Study, 2022
Aim This study was planned to examine the postgraduate studies conducted by physiotherapists in ... more Aim This study was planned to examine the postgraduate studies conducted by physiotherapists in our country with individuals with Type 2 diabetes in terms of balance and exercise parameters. Material and Method: In the study, one of the qualitative research methods was designed in a descriptive type using the document review technique. In February 2022, postgraduate studies carried out by physiotherapists were reached by using the keywords "Type 2 diabetes" and "Type II diabetes" in the database of the Thesis Center of the Presidency of Higher Education. The 5 graduate studies that provided the inclusion criteria were examined in terms of balance and exercise parameters. Results: Between 2014-2021, 5 postgraduate thesis studies, including 2 master's and 3 doctoral theses, were determined by physiotherapists on balance and exercise parameters in individuals with Type 2 diabetes. It has been observed that physiotherapists use clinical and laboratory balance tests in their studies in parallel with the literature. In addition, it has been found that they provide a wide range of exercise training from simple, easily applicable exercises to computerized systems in order to improve balance. Conclusion: Considering the role of physiotherapists in preventive rehabilitation, it is thought that more studies with high evidential value are needed in the national and international literature to be conducted with individuals with Type 2 diabetes
Achilles Tendon Injuries and Early Functional Rehabilitation Practices, 2022
Achilles is the tendon of our body that is the most powerful and capable of resisting great force... more Achilles is the tendon of our body that is the most powerful and capable of resisting great forces. Achilles tendon injuries observed during daily life and sports activities occur in the relatively avascular area 2-6 cm proximal to the calcaneus, the sticking point of the tendon Surgical or conservative treatment preferences in injury are affected by conditions such as the age of the patient, the type and localization of the tear, the profession of the patient, chronic disease. Especially immobilization performed with a long-term splint or plaster should not be preferred after surgery and longleg plaster should be avoided. The fact that immobilization causes atrophy of muscles, adhesion, joint stiffness, shortening of tendons has increased the interest in functional rehabilitation. Early functional rehabilitation with early surgical or weight transfer, controlled range of motion, and a combination of both rehabilitation and the process involves dynamic mobilization exercises. In contrast to immobilization practices, early mobilization trainings (ankle exercises, early weight bearing activities, etc.) provide a rapid functional improvement and positively affect return to work, quality of life and patient satisfaction. Correctly planned and structured rehabilitation programs are important for maintaining and maintaining health and preventing diseases. Early functional rehabilitation practices that will be carried out with multidisciplinary approaches under the supervision of physiotherapists who demonstrate their clinical skills in accordance with the needs of the patient and closely follow the literature are very important in the return of the patient to quality of life and activities.
COVID-19 Process and Telerehabilitation Applications in Physiotherapy: Review, 2021
In late 2019, an unexplained disease was detected in China, causing severe respiratory damage, an... more In late 2019, an unexplained disease was detected in China, causing severe respiratory damage, and the World Health Organization named the disease COVID-19. COVID-19 has negatively affected people from all walks of life who remain in their homes due to quarantine practices, not just those who are infected. It has led to an intensity in health care organizations and difficulties in the delivery of Health Services. Physical therapists are at risk for infection, as they practice in close contact with their patients during treatment. Researchers reported that physical therapists should decongest their treatment except in emergencies, and compliance with infection rules is important in mandatory treatments. In addition, telerehabilitation applications have been recommended by scientists with the idea that it can reduce the rate of infection spread. Telerehabilitation has been defined by physiotherapists using a range of technology-based tools as remote provision of rehabilitation services to improve the health of individuals. Physiotherapists can perform individuals ' exercises, evaluate their patients and reduce the rate of infection spread by remotely offering health services with telerehabilitation during the COVID-19 period. Research has shown that telerehabilitation applications can be as effective as conventional treatment protocols. It is important to acquire a web-based system in which sufficient personnel and technical infrastructure are provided for the dissemination of telerehabilitation practices during the epidemic period. We believe that with the dissemination of permanent practices, the quality of telerehabilitation studies, which are found in a limited number of literature in our country, may increase.
Koronavirü s hastalığ ı (COVID-19), bireylerde solünüm ve fiziksel fonksiyonlar ile hastalığ a ba... more Koronavirü s hastalığ ı (COVID-19), bireylerde solünüm ve fiziksel fonksiyonlar ile hastalığ a bağ lı ğelişen korkü, panik ve endişe ğibi nedenlerle psikolojik işlevlerde bozüklüğ a sebep olan oldükça bülaşıcı ve sistemik bir hastalıktır. O nlenemeyen hızda yayılım ğo steren COVID-19 salğını nedeniyle birçok ü lke kısmi ve ğenel karantina üyğülamasına ğiderek, vatandaşlarının evde kalmalarını tavsiye etmiştir. Bülaş riskini azaltmak amacıyla üyğülanan kısıtlamaların fiziksel aktiviteye katılımı olümsüz etkilediğ i, bireylerin sedanter yaşam biçimini benimsemesine neden olabileceğ i belirtilmektedir. Salğın sü recinde alınan zorünlü tedbirler, fiziksel aktivite seçeneklerinin sınırlı olması veya fiziksel aktivitenin tü mü yle ortadan kaldırılması anlamına ğelmemelidir. Mevcüt istikrarsız bir çevrede sağ lıklı kalmak ve bağ ışıklık sistemini ğü çlendirmek amacıyla evde fiziksel aktivite ğü çlü bir sağ lık için ğereklidir. Herhanği bir nedenle hareketsiz kalmak, kalp sağ lığ ını zayıflatır ve üzün do nemde koroner arter hastalığ ı ve ani kardiyak o lü m riskini artırır. Ev temelli fiziksel aktivitelerin, kısıtlamalardan dolayı evde kalan kişiler için bir eğzersiz eğ itimi olmasının yanı sıra, salğın sü recinde sağ lıklı kalmak ve salğının ortaya çıkarabileceğ i mühtemel olümsüz dürümların azaltılması için de o nem arz etmektedir. Hem fiziksel hem de bilişsel sağ lığ ımızı ğeliştirmek ve sü reci daha sağ lıklı atlatabilmemiz, sağ lığ ın korünması ve ğü çlendirilmesi ile bağ ışıklığ ın devamı için ev temelli eğzersizler tavsiye edilmektedir.
The Relationship Between Academic Performance and Physical Activity, Smart Phone Use and Sleep Quality in University Students, 2023
Objective: Our study was planned to examine the academic achievement, physical activity, smart ph... more Objective: Our study was planned to examine the academic achievement, physical activity, smart phone use and sleep quality of university students. Methods: Young individuals between the ages of 18-25 studying at a vocational school were included in the study. While recording the demographic information of the participants, individuals were classified as "heavy users" and "light users", taking into account the duration of smartphone use during the day. In addition, the physical activity levels of the individuals were evaluated with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form (IPAQ-SF), the smartphone usage level with the Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Form (SAS-SF), and the sleep quality with the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Results: A total of 424 people, 326 of whom were women, with a mean age of 20.30±1.34 years, participated in the study. It was determined that 70.3% of the participants used smartphones for more than 4 hours a day. It was determined that there was a weak negative correlation between the academic success of the students and their physical activity levels, and that their academic success was not affected by smart phone use and sleep quality. However, it was determined that there was a weak positive correlation between the sleep quality of the students and their smartphone use. It was observed that the physical activity levels of male students were higher, while the academic success and sleep quality of normal education students were better. Conclusion: We think that active life, adequate and conscious smartphone use and quality sleep habits can affect academic success in university students.
Investigation of sleep quality and musculoskeletal pain of university students during the pandemic period, 2023
The study was approved by Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University ethics committee (Date/no:08.12.2020... more The study was approved by Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University ethics committee (Date/no:08.12.2020/65). All procedures in this study involving human participants were performed in accordance with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments.
The Relationship Between Core Endurance and Flexibility, Balance and Lower Extremity Performance in Individuals with Mechanical Low Back Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study, 2022
Mekanik bel ağrısı (MBA); omurga, intervertebral diskler ve etrafındaki dokulardan kaynaklanan ağ... more Mekanik bel ağrısı (MBA); omurga, intervertebral diskler ve etrafındaki dokulardan kaynaklanan ağrı olarak tanımlanmaktadır. 1 Lumbal bölgeyi ilgi-lendiren problemler, ağır çalışma şartları, vücut mekaniğinin yanlış kullanımı, kötü postür, karın ve sırt kasları ile kardiyovasküler enduransta ve esneklikte
An examınatıon of the anxıety states of Turkısh health care workers durıng the COVID-19 pandemıc: a cross-sectıonal study, 2022
The aim of this study was to evaluate the anxiety experienced by health care workers in different... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the anxiety experienced by health care workers in different branches during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: The cross-sectional study included 373 health care workers. Data were collected using an online questionnaire consisting of the Sociodemographic Form (32 items related to the working conditions of health care professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic) and the Penn State Concern Questionnaire. RESULTS: The anxiety levels of the female workers were significantly higher (p<0.001). The total Penn State Concern Questionnaire points were determined to be statistically significantly higher in those who need to protect the family during the pandemic (p=0.03), who were dissatisfied with their profession (p<0.001), and those whose workload had increased during the pandemic (p=0.007). CONCLUSIONS: The study results demonstrated that the levels of anxiety of health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic could be increased by young age, low level of experience, female gender, increased workload, and dissatisfaction with the profession.
Papers by Ali CEYLAN
whom were female, with a mean age of 20.03±2.88 years, with and without a history of lower extremity injury, were analyzed. All studies were methodologically classified according to the Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross sectional Studies. It was determined that the athletes in the included study had a history of injury involving the knee and ankle joint. It was seen that the Star Excursion Balance Test was more preferred in the evaluation of the balance of the athletes. In this review, four Star Shaped Balance Tests, one Lower Extremity Quarter-Y Balance Test, one Dynamic Postural Stability Index, one Postural Stability Balance Test on One Leg, and one pressure center, which are performed for returning to sports after lower extremity injury. It was determined that there is no definite information in the literature regarding the balance
criteria required for returning to sports of athletes with lower extremity injuries. As a result, we determined that the balance criterion changed depending on the sports performed after the lower extremity injury, the time of the injury, the form of the evaluation, and whether there was a previous injury history.
Key Words: Athlete, Balance, Lower extremity, Injury, Return to sports.
Education. The 5 graduate studies that provided the inclusion criteria were examined in terms of balance and exercise parameters. Results: Between 2014-2021, 5 postgraduate thesis studies, including 2 master's and 3
doctoral theses, were determined by physiotherapists on balance and exercise parameters in individuals with Type 2 diabetes. It has been observed that physiotherapists use clinical and laboratory balance tests in their studies in parallel with the literature. In addition, it has been found that they provide a wide range of exercise training from
simple, easily applicable exercises to computerized systems in order to improve balance. Conclusion: Considering the role of physiotherapists in preventive rehabilitation, it is thought that more studies with high evidential value are needed in the national and international literature to be conducted with individuals with Type 2 diabetes
2-6 cm proximal to the calcaneus, the sticking point of the tendon
Surgical or conservative treatment preferences in injury are affected by conditions such as the age of the patient, the type and localization of the tear, the profession of the patient, chronic disease. Especially immobilization performed with a long-term splint or plaster should not be preferred after surgery and longleg plaster should be avoided. The fact that immobilization causes atrophy of muscles, adhesion, joint stiffness, shortening of tendons has increased the interest in functional rehabilitation. Early functional rehabilitation with early surgical or weight transfer, controlled range of motion, and a combination of both rehabilitation and the process involves dynamic mobilization exercises. In contrast to immobilization practices, early mobilization trainings (ankle
exercises, early weight bearing activities, etc.) provide a rapid functional improvement and positively affect return to work, quality of life and patient satisfaction. Correctly planned and structured rehabilitation
programs are important for maintaining and maintaining health and preventing diseases. Early functional rehabilitation practices that will be carried out with multidisciplinary approaches under the supervision of physiotherapists who demonstrate their clinical skills in accordance with the needs of the patient and closely follow the literature are very
important in the return of the patient to quality of life and activities.
improve the health of individuals. Physiotherapists can perform individuals ' exercises, evaluate their patients and reduce the rate of infection spread by remotely offering health services with telerehabilitation during the COVID-19 period. Research has shown that telerehabilitation applications can be as effective as conventional treatment protocols. It is important to acquire a web-based system in which sufficient personnel and technical infrastructure are provided for the dissemination of telerehabilitation practices during the epidemic period. We believe that with the dissemination of permanent practices, the quality of telerehabilitation studies, which are found in a limited number of literature in our country, may increase.
whom were female, with a mean age of 20.03±2.88 years, with and without a history of lower extremity injury, were analyzed. All studies were methodologically classified according to the Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross sectional Studies. It was determined that the athletes in the included study had a history of injury involving the knee and ankle joint. It was seen that the Star Excursion Balance Test was more preferred in the evaluation of the balance of the athletes. In this review, four Star Shaped Balance Tests, one Lower Extremity Quarter-Y Balance Test, one Dynamic Postural Stability Index, one Postural Stability Balance Test on One Leg, and one pressure center, which are performed for returning to sports after lower extremity injury. It was determined that there is no definite information in the literature regarding the balance
criteria required for returning to sports of athletes with lower extremity injuries. As a result, we determined that the balance criterion changed depending on the sports performed after the lower extremity injury, the time of the injury, the form of the evaluation, and whether there was a previous injury history.
Key Words: Athlete, Balance, Lower extremity, Injury, Return to sports.
Education. The 5 graduate studies that provided the inclusion criteria were examined in terms of balance and exercise parameters. Results: Between 2014-2021, 5 postgraduate thesis studies, including 2 master's and 3
doctoral theses, were determined by physiotherapists on balance and exercise parameters in individuals with Type 2 diabetes. It has been observed that physiotherapists use clinical and laboratory balance tests in their studies in parallel with the literature. In addition, it has been found that they provide a wide range of exercise training from
simple, easily applicable exercises to computerized systems in order to improve balance. Conclusion: Considering the role of physiotherapists in preventive rehabilitation, it is thought that more studies with high evidential value are needed in the national and international literature to be conducted with individuals with Type 2 diabetes
2-6 cm proximal to the calcaneus, the sticking point of the tendon
Surgical or conservative treatment preferences in injury are affected by conditions such as the age of the patient, the type and localization of the tear, the profession of the patient, chronic disease. Especially immobilization performed with a long-term splint or plaster should not be preferred after surgery and longleg plaster should be avoided. The fact that immobilization causes atrophy of muscles, adhesion, joint stiffness, shortening of tendons has increased the interest in functional rehabilitation. Early functional rehabilitation with early surgical or weight transfer, controlled range of motion, and a combination of both rehabilitation and the process involves dynamic mobilization exercises. In contrast to immobilization practices, early mobilization trainings (ankle
exercises, early weight bearing activities, etc.) provide a rapid functional improvement and positively affect return to work, quality of life and patient satisfaction. Correctly planned and structured rehabilitation
programs are important for maintaining and maintaining health and preventing diseases. Early functional rehabilitation practices that will be carried out with multidisciplinary approaches under the supervision of physiotherapists who demonstrate their clinical skills in accordance with the needs of the patient and closely follow the literature are very
important in the return of the patient to quality of life and activities.
improve the health of individuals. Physiotherapists can perform individuals ' exercises, evaluate their patients and reduce the rate of infection spread by remotely offering health services with telerehabilitation during the COVID-19 period. Research has shown that telerehabilitation applications can be as effective as conventional treatment protocols. It is important to acquire a web-based system in which sufficient personnel and technical infrastructure are provided for the dissemination of telerehabilitation practices during the epidemic period. We believe that with the dissemination of permanent practices, the quality of telerehabilitation studies, which are found in a limited number of literature in our country, may increase.