Elsayed A H M E D Elnashar
ELSAYED AHMED ELNASHAR, Full-Professor of textiles Apparel, Kaferelsheikh University, Egypt. Born in 19 /8/1965. Have Ph.D. 2000, Msc.1995, Bsc.1989, Helwan University. Diploma1985advanced industrial textiles institute. He holds several academic administrative positions: Dean, Vice Dean, Head of Department, He has many textiles patents, Member of international scientific committees. Development of Faculties of Education, commissioned of Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities. Has design books published in Germany and Ukraine. Has published over 190 scientific Articles. Editorial board member & Reviewer for more 105 journals, organizer for more than 85 conference and workshop over the world, Founder and editor two scientific journals. And Smartex Conference Egypt. Member of the editorial board of several international journals and conferences, He has made many scientific agreements with European &Africa universities
Research interest
-Antimicrobial Throw Volume Porosity
-Membrane Technology for Filtrations: Water/Wastewater, Air Conditions, Cement Factory, Gas And Petroleum
- Solar textiles (SOLATEX) of composite fabrics structures as alternative energy.
- Functional Nano biodegradable
- Computational Mathematics
- Fluid Mechanics
- Composites fabrics structures
-Automotive of - Composites fabrics structures so airbags systems
- Energy Effective Method of Modeling and Manufacturing
- Composites made of multilayered
- Nanoart, and Nanotechnology in textiles and apparel branch.
-improved simulating fitting cloth model of apparel surfaces.
-the influence of the bulky woven fabrics on thermal insulation properties of clothing.
-Design curtains fringe and passementerie strips of lace design elements in current high fashion.
-Representative volume of design elements and mathematical of pile and velvets woven fabrics.
-Volume porosity and permeability in fabrics.
-Porosity and permeability in multi-layer woven fabrics.
-The influence of weave and the method of stitching on some mechanical properties of woven double fabrics.
-Effect the design and materials of eyes swathe dressing and diapers clothes for infant’s incubator.
-The effective of some difference between the methods of the embroidery on some performance properties to the clothing product.
-The effective of some difference structures on quality of pilling cloth
-Effect of some different care systems process on dyeing cotton fabrics
-Effect of some fabric constructional on comfort and the aesthetic properties for kid clothes
-Using remote sensing technology for monitoring of chemical pollutions and bioremediation of chemical -contaminated water
-Automatic pattern unwrapping technology
-Energy saving and improving stretch properties
-Spring-mass based modeling for fabrics physics to 3D garment
-Cloth design and application
-Clothing simulation and animation
-Body shape analysis of Hispanic women
Tires and rubber industry
ELSAYED AHMED ELNASHAR, Full-Professor of textiles Apparel, Kaferelsheikh University, Egypt. Born in 19 /8/1965. Have Ph.D. 2000, Msc.1995, Bsc.1989, Helwan University. Diploma1985advanced industrial textiles institute. He holds several academic administrative positions: Dean, Vice Dean, Head of Department, He has many textiles patents, Member of international scientific committees. Development of Faculties of Education, commissioned of Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities. Has design books published in Germany and Ukraine. Has published over 190 scientific Articles. Editorial board member & Reviewer for more 105 journals, organizer for more than 85 conference and workshop over the world, Founder and editor two scientific journals. And Smartex Conference Egypt. Member of the editorial board of several international journals and conferences, He has made many scientific agreements with European &Africa universities
Research interest
-Antimicrobial Throw Volume Porosity
-Membrane Technology for Filtrations: Water/Wastewater, Air Conditions, Cement Factory, Gas And Petroleum
- Solar textiles (SOLATEX) of composite fabrics structures as alternative energy.
- Functional Nano biodegradable
- Computational Mathematics
- Fluid Mechanics
- Composites fabrics structures
-Automotive of - Composites fabrics structures so airbags systems
- Energy Effective Method of Modeling and Manufacturing
- Composites made of multilayered
- Nanoart, and Nanotechnology in textiles and apparel branch.
-improved simulating fitting cloth model of apparel surfaces.
-the influence of the bulky woven fabrics on thermal insulation properties of clothing.
-Design curtains fringe and passementerie strips of lace design elements in current high fashion.
-Representative volume of design elements and mathematical of pile and velvets woven fabrics.
-Volume porosity and permeability in fabrics.
-Porosity and permeability in multi-layer woven fabrics.
-The influence of weave and the method of stitching on some mechanical properties of woven double fabrics.
-Effect the design and materials of eyes swathe dressing and diapers clothes for infant’s incubator.
-The effective of some difference between the methods of the embroidery on some performance properties to the clothing product.
-The effective of some difference structures on quality of pilling cloth
-Effect of some different care systems process on dyeing cotton fabrics
-Effect of some fabric constructional on comfort and the aesthetic properties for kid clothes
-Using remote sensing technology for monitoring of chemical pollutions and bioremediation of chemical -contaminated water
-Automatic pattern unwrapping technology
-Energy saving and improving stretch properties
-Spring-mass based modeling for fabrics physics to 3D garment
-Cloth design and application
-Clothing simulation and animation
-Body shape analysis of Hispanic women
Tires and rubber industry
Drafts by Elsayed A H M E D Elnashar
An infant incubator is a piece of equipment common to pediatric
hospitals, birthing centers and neonatal intensive care units. While the
unit may serve several specific functions, it is generally used to provide a
safe and stable environment for newborn infants, often those who were
born prematurely or with an illness or disability that makes them especially
vulnerable for the first several months of life. The objective of this research
was to gain a better understanding of New Approach for a Bio-Nonwoven
fabrics and infant's incubator in terms of the specific materials as MaterBi®
/PCL® as Bioplastic and the elements of comfort, drivers associated
with it and its waste biodegradation by different methods. Shortly after
birth, the beginning in first hours of life babies with neonatal, a byproduct
of the red blood cells decomposition. Many convenient features
to consider with two basic disposable eyes' swathe and diapers on infant’s
incubator options: cloth of basic disposable eyes' swathe and diapers, with
their end use properties. The form design of eyes' swathe® and diapers®
shapes, for infant’s incubator stage then consider convenience, cost, and
environmental waste.
Msc. (1995): Faculty of applied arts, University of Helwan, Cairo, Egypt. Entitle: "Effect of warp-ends densities distributions on some esthetical and physical properties of multi- layers woven fabric".
Bsc. (1989): With a very good, "spinning, weaving &knitting Branch", from Helwan University, faculty of applied arts, Cairo, Egypt.
Diploma. (1985): of the advanced of an industrial technical five years institute, weaving department.
An infant incubator is a piece of equipment common to pediatric
hospitals, birthing centers and neonatal intensive care units. While the
unit may serve several specific functions, it is generally used to provide a
safe and stable environment for newborn infants, often those who were
born prematurely or with an illness or disability that makes them especially
vulnerable for the first several months of life. The objective of this research
was to gain a better understanding of New Approach for a Bio-Nonwoven
fabrics and infant's incubator in terms of the specific materials as MaterBi®
/PCL® as Bioplastic and the elements of comfort, drivers associated
with it and its waste biodegradation by different methods. Shortly after
birth, the beginning in first hours of life babies with neonatal, a byproduct
of the red blood cells decomposition. Many convenient features
to consider with two basic disposable eyes' swathe and diapers on infant’s
incubator options: cloth of basic disposable eyes' swathe and diapers, with
their end use properties. The form design of eyes' swathe® and diapers®
shapes, for infant’s incubator stage then consider convenience, cost, and
environmental waste.
Msc. (1995): Faculty of applied arts, University of Helwan, Cairo, Egypt. Entitle: "Effect of warp-ends densities distributions on some esthetical and physical properties of multi- layers woven fabric".
Bsc. (1989): With a very good, "spinning, weaving &knitting Branch", from Helwan University, faculty of applied arts, Cairo, Egypt.
Diploma. (1985): of the advanced of an industrial technical five years institute, weaving department.
cities and villages. Natural gas is found near fuels because of other geological processes, and its use as fuel.
Petroleum or crude oil due to geological processes, and as a flammable liquid, used for fuel such as gasoline,
and possibly found in the pharmaceutical, plastic, and kerosene components.
Ancient egyptian ornaments for the contemporary fashion. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/308028478_Ancient_egyptian_ornaments_for_the_contemporary_fashion [accessed Jun 20, 2017].
The report "Microfluidics Market by application (genomics,
proteomics, capillary electrophoresis, IVD (POC, clinical
diagnostics), drug delivery, microreactor, lab tests),
component (chips, pump, needle), material (polymer, glass,
silicon) - Global Forecast to 2023", The microfluidics market is
expected to reach USD 27.91 Billion by 2023 from an
estimated USD 10.06 Billion in 2019, at a CAGR of 22.6%.
The growing use of polymers is expected to lower the price of
microfluidic products. In addition to this, growing investments,
favourable regulatory policies, and growth in healthcare and
biotechnology industries in emerging Asian markets are
expected to provide potential growth opportunities for players
operating in the microfluidics market.
The microfluidics advertises gives viable use of little liquid
volumes for outline of frameworks and development of
solutions. The worldwide human services innovations
advertise is assessed to came to $53 billion by 2014 at a
CAGR of 16%. Microfluidics is an up growing innovation with
high agreeableness in medicinal services applications. The
key driver for the microfluidics advertises is the ―great (or
rising) request in purpose of-mind (POC) and in-vitro
Clothing for garments, upholstery and geotextiles are designed through integration factor construction (IFC) are differentiated
the system of reed denting; the decrease in the (IFC) means that the open porosity for double-layer fabrics increases and at the same
time the air permeability also increases. The properties of fabrics were analyzed by determining the efficiency of fabric integration
factor construction (IFC). The woven fabric multi-layer structure, the warp and weft densities, and the type of weave are factors of
a woven fabric, which as porous material enables to transmit air, heat energy, and liquid perspiration. Several methods considering
thread distributions have been developed to determine the woven fabric’s aesthetic, physical and mechanical properties. A
mathematical model based on an ideal geometry of the porous structure of a multi-layer woven fabric has been developed.
Keywords: Multi-layer structure; Mechanical and physical; Aesthetic properties
Design and Trends of Fashion Dresses.... Performance and Psychology
Philosophy - Elements and Principals of Design - Drawing the Human body of Fashion
Збірник тез доповідей Всеукраїнської
науково-практичної Інтернет-конференції
молодих вчених та студентів
16-17 листопада 2017 р.
Ресурсозберігаючі технології легкої, текстильної і харчової промисловості
Ресурсозберігаючі технології легкої, текстильної і харчової
промисловості: збірник тез доповідей Всеукраїнської науково-практичної
Інтернет-конференції молодих вчених та студентів, 16-17 листопада 2017 р. –
Хмельницький : ХНУ, 2017. – 240 с.
У збірнику подані тези наукових доповідей вчених, які розглядались на
науково-практичній Інтернет-конференції молодих вчених та студентів
«Ресурсозберігаючі технології легкої, текстильної і харчової промисловості»
(16-17 листопада 2017 р.).
Тези наукових доповідей подано в авторській редакції з дотриманням
індивідуального стилю. За фактичний матеріал і його інтерпретацію
відповідальність несуть автори.
Славінська Алла Людвигівна – д-р техн. наук, професор, зав.
кафедри технології та конструювання швейних виробів Хмельницького
національного університету
Elsayed Ahmed Elnashar – PhD, Full-Professor of Textiles & Apparel
Faculty of Specific Education, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt
Кущевський Микола Олександрович – канд. техн. наук, професор,
професор кафедри технології та конструювання швейних виробів
Хмельницького національного університету
Закора Оксана Василівна – канд. техн. наук, доцент, в. о. зав. кафедри
експертизи, технології і дизайну текстилю Херсонського національного
технічного університету
Хісамієва Люція Габдулхаківна – канд. пед. наук, доцент, доцент
кафедри «Моди і технології» Казанського національного дослідницького
технологічного університету
Славінська А.Л., д-р техн. наук, професор, ХНУ
Захаркевич О.В, канд. техн. наук, доцент, ХНУ
Балабанов В.В., ХНУ
Відповідальний за випуск: д.т.н., проф. Славінська А.Л.
Технічний редактор: к.т.н., доц. Захаркевич О.В.
Комп’ютерний набір і верстка: Балабанов В.В.
ISSN 2308-6718
© «Хмельницький національний університет», 2017
والأدبية والمسرحية )الموسيقي والمسرح والرقص والسينما( وغيرها، ويعود تاريخ الفنون إلى أوائل عصر
ما قبل التاريخ، ومنذ العصر الإغريقي ومحاولات الفنانين لا تنقطع من أجل خلق عمل فني شامل
يجمع الفنون كلها. وقد تجسد هذا العمل أولاً في الد ا رما الإغريقية التي جمعت بين الشعر والغناء
والموسيقى والرقص الايمائي أمام خلفية من المناظر التي رسمها الفنانون التشكيليون، وقد تلاقت
الفنون جميعها في كل من نموذجي الأوب ا ر والباليه، غير أنها لم تصل إلى مرتبة التوازن والتكامل .
واليوم تتصدر السينما لتجمع بين الفنون جميعاً محققة العمل الفني المتسق الشامل. ولم تكن السينما
في بدايتها غير فنٍ مرئي صامت يعرض صو ا رً متحركة لا تنبض بصوت، كأفلام " بولا نيجري"
و"رودولف فالنتينو" "تشارلي تشابلن" في أيامه الأولى. حتى إذا اكتشفت مادة "السالينيوم" التي تحيل
الموجات الصوتية إلى موجات ضوئية ثم تحيل هذه إلى صوتية، بدأت السينما خطوتها الجبارة في
تجميع الفنون المرئية والمسموعة، وأخذت تقدم المسرح والموسيقى والفنون التشكيليّة كلها في عمل
واحد ا رئع التناسق، وأصبحت السينما وسيلة إلى بلوغ الكمال لجميع الفنون، كما حطمت حواجز الزمان
والمكان حاملة أروع الأعمال الفنية بين ربوع العالم بما لا يستطيعه فن الباليه ولا الأوب ا ر .
هناك أنواع عديدة للفن، منها ما ا زل عبر التاريخ، ومنها ما ظهر حديث اً. اليوم هناك فنون جميلة مثل
التصوير والنحت والحفر والعمارة والتصميم الداخلي والرسم وهو أبرزها. وهناك فنون كالموسيقى الأدب
والشعر والرقص والمسرح . وجاء تطوي ا ر على المسرح السينما ورسوم متحركة وفن الصورة والفن إن
جاز التعبير شيء هلامي متغير يرجع إلى وجهات النظر أحياناً وللثقافة أحياناً وللعصور أحيان اً .
Full-Professor of Textiles &Apparel, Faculty of Specific Education, Kaferelsheikh University, Egypt.
ORCID iD Scopus Author ID: 11638930300
Editor in chief “SmarTex Research Journal”
Print: (2090-634x) , Online: (2090-6358)
Full-Professor of Textiles &Apparel, Faculty of Specific Education, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt.
ORCID iD Scopus Author ID: 11638930300
Full-Professorof textiles&Apparel ,Faculty of Specific Education, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt.
Ivanovo State Polytechnic University , Institute of Chemistry of Solutions named after G.A. Krestov of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Moscow State University Lomonosov, Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology
Full-Professor of textiles & Apparel , Faculty of Specific Education, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt.
Decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences about your membership in the Academy." Decision on membership in the Academy of Natural Sciences. Professor ". Russian scientist
Prof.Dr. ELSAYED AHMED ELNASHAR, Ph.D.( Эльнашар Эльсайед Ахмед)
Full-Professor of textiles & Apparel
РОССИЙСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ ЕСТЕСТВОЗНАНИЯ Международная ассоциация ученых, преподавателей и специалистов
THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY . NATURAL SCIENCES, International Association of Scientists, teachers and specialists
الأكاديمية الروسية , العلوم الطبيعية , الرابطة الدولية للعلماء، والمعلمين والمتخصصين
Решением Президиума Российской Академии Естествознания (РАЕ) (от 01 февраля 2018 г.) утверждено заключение Аттестационной комиссии РАЕ , о присуждении Вам ученого звания профессор Российской Академии Естествознания.
Decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural History (RAE) (from February 1, 2018) approved the conclusion of the Certification Commission RAE on awarding you a scientific title of professor of the Russian Academy Natural science.
الحشو والبطانات فى الملابس الجاهزة
Fabrics of Interlining Lining Interfacing
المصطلحات لأنماط ملابس السيدات فى القرن الحادى والعشرين
• Need colleges of education to development and modernization of language and technology in terms of processing factories and workshops equipped, introducing language and education technology and employ them in various educational activities.
• A gap between theory and practice in the area (language and technology) both for the teacher in pre service, or at his training during the service, where attention to theoretical aspects and psychological and educational philosophies more applications in everyday situations.
• Absence of the institutional role of the colleges of education in the processes of development of education and tools (language and technology), this may be due to the many burdens and responsibilities and pressures on both students and faculty and staff of these colleges, which may entail a reduction (language and technology) and their teaching activity and reverse and the related processes of exams and correct and the announcement of the results.
• Lack of communication between education faculties and directorates of education and education departments, and then wasting opportunities that will help develop (language and technology) general education teacher.
The current setting for the teacher does not contribute to the achievement of educational scientific outputs specifically for alumni, training does not meet the needs of the labour market for teachers with high efficiency at a time when global standards-based teacher preparation: • inadequate language and technology in academic preparation for labour market needs
• Inefficient professional preparation in light of language and advanced technology and how to use optimal
• Inefficient training on how to employ the information through language and technology free activities using technological innovations • inefficient teacher on being a mentor, coordinated and directed education
The current setting for the teacher does not contribute to the achievement of educational scientific outputs specifically for alumni, training does not meet the needs of the labour market for teachers with high efficiency at a time when global standards-based teacher preparation: • inadequate language and technology in academic preparation for labour market needs
• Inefficient professional preparation in light of language and advanced technology and how to use optimal
• Inefficient training on how to employ the information through language and technology free activities using technological innovations • inefficient teacher on being a mentor, coordinated and directed education