Planning of suburban areas in Sweden between 1930-80 followed a strong sociopolitical program and modernist planning doctrine. An initial analysis in 2007 identified patches of open space in such areas that are neither public, nor common,... more
Planning of suburban areas in Sweden between 1930-80 followed a strong sociopolitical program and modernist planning doctrine. An initial analysis in 2007 identified patches of open space in such areas that are neither public, nor common, nor private. Preliminary ...
”Medborgardialoger” är ett samlingsbegrepp för olika former av inbjudet medborgardeltagande, där offentliga organisationer bjuder in allmänheten för att delta i planering eller genomförande av offentlig politik. Syftet är ofta att... more
”Medborgardialoger” är ett samlingsbegrepp för olika former av inbjudet medborgardeltagande, där offentliga organisationer bjuder in allmänheten för att delta i planering eller genomförande av offentlig politik. Syftet är ofta att fördjupa demokratin genom att stärka legitimiteten för politiken och dess förmåga att lösa samhällsproblem. Många kommuner har mångårig erfarenhet av medborgardialoger, vilket av olika skäl har blivit en praktik som genomsyrar samhällsplaneringen i Sverige. Om syftet med medborgardialoger är att öka legitimiteten för den rådande politiken kan den forskning som presenteras i detta specialnummer förhoppningsvis läsas som en kritisk reflektion över denna ambition. Risken är givetvis att fler frågor väcks, och att analyserna väcker frustration då vi inte presenterar några definitiva rekommendationer för hur praktiken bör gå till väga. Vi hoppas ändå att detta specialnummer ska öka insikterna om relationen mellan planering och demokrati.
De fyra inledande texterna i numret är resultatet av ett forskningsprojekt om medborgardialoger som finansierat av Formas, Mistra urban futures: Centrum för hållbar stadsutveckling, och Trafikverket. Övriga texter är resultatet av seminarier med projektets två referensgrupper bestående av dels praktiker, dels forskare. Montin, Tunström och Tahvilzadeh skriver texter utifrån forskningsprojektet, men de andra forskarnas bidrag är självständiga reflektioner grundade i deras egen forskning. Vissa har bidragit med resultat från färska studier medan andra bidrag kommer ur en en lång karriär av forskning kring dessa frågor. Vi är mycket glada att Tinna Harling, tidigare verksam i Tjörns kommun, bidrar med reflektioner, som en av de deltagande praktikerna i referensgruppen för forskningsprojektet Medborgardeltagandets effekter.
Within Nordic cities, residential segregation is high on the agenda and a hotly debated topic, often discussed alongside concerns relating to socioeconomic inequality, welfare provision, immigratio ...
Is the city – or its categories – dissolving? The contemporary western society is often designated as urban in the sense that more and more people and activities are concentrated to the cities. In addition, contemporary phenomena such as... more
Is the city – or its categories – dissolving? The contemporary western society is often designated as urban in the sense that more and more people and activities are concentrated to the cities. In addition, contemporary phenomena such as environmental problems, citizen participation and democracy, the social climate in society or the economic development, can all be put in an urban context, and interpreted as part of “the urban” in some sense (Elander (ed.) 2001, Lidskog 2006, Amin & Thrift 2002). But, what urban specifically means is increasingly contested. And what is the role of the city in contemporary society? The western, and Swedish, city a hundred years ago was considered as a centre of industrial production and trade, but today the importance of the city for industrial production and as trade centre is challenged by outsourcing, flexible systems and ICT. This does however not mean that the city is considered as without purpose. It is for instance considered as an important ...
The urban development in Stockholm, Sweden is an obvious example of the materialisation of the idea of a compact and traditional city as the sustainable city. This paper develops on this theme using the ongoing planning and development of... more
The urban development in Stockholm, Sweden is an obvious example of the materialisation of the idea of a compact and traditional city as the sustainable city. This paper develops on this theme using the ongoing planning and development of the area Arstafaltet in the south of Stockholm as example. With the central planning documents as empirical material, this paper investigates urban discourses that construct and give meaning to an area as urban/suburban, including the role of green space. The city and the urban are today better understood as ideological constructions than descriptions of a place or lifestyle. However, the city/country (or urban/suburban) division still lives on in planning. Arstafaltet, on the edge of the inner city is interesting in this context, since it is currently being transformed from a typical Swedish post-war suburb into a post-modern 'urban area'. Its green space is also being re-conceptualised as a "world class park". At the same time a...
In this paper we discuss findings of our case study on the making and implementation of the exhibition 'Experiment Stockholm' in 2015, which, based on artistic exhibits as well as a number of forums, aimed at generating creative... more
In this paper we discuss findings of our case study on the making and implementation of the exhibition 'Experiment Stockholm' in 2015, which, based on artistic exhibits as well as a number of forums, aimed at generating creative narratives for the sustainable urban future in the Swedish capital city-region. Our analytical framework is informed by the emerging notion of 'urban living labs' across Europe as well as 'communicative' and 'actor-relational' planning theory', which is discussed in another paper within the poceedings of this conference (cf. Schmitt et al. 2016). We argue that the exhibition 'Experiment Stockholm' and the activities around it can be characterised as a soft mode of urban governance that can help to unlock creativity and to open up avenues for experimentation and alternative solutions in urban planning. However, caution must be taken to not overvalue such approaches, as our example implies a rather exclusive expert f...
In this dissertation constructions of contemporary urban ideals are in focus, starting from the understanding that they are constructed in relation to both an idea of an urban renaissance and one o ...