Dariusz Pachocki (1976). Lives and works in Lublin, Poland.1996-2001 – Polish philology in Catholic University of Lublin2001 – MA (Catholic University of Lublin)2006 – PhD (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin)2006-2007 – assistant in Department of Textual criticism and Schlarly editing2007 – Assistant professor in Department of Textual criticism and Schlarly Editing.
«pl.it / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi», 2023
L’intervista di Włodzimierz Bolecki, Quindici anni con Gustaw Herling-Grudziński nella forma di c... more L’intervista di Włodzimierz Bolecki, Quindici anni con Gustaw Herling-Grudziński nella forma di conversazione con Dariusz Pachocki è uscita sul mensile “Nowe Książki” di dicembre 2022. Per il duplice profilo che ci offre, dello studioso e curatore delle Opere di Herling, da una parte, e dello scrittore, dall’altra, nel profondo legame di amicizia e collaborazione che li unì – è una testimonianza preziosa della quale abbiamo ritenuto opportuno pubblicare la traduzione italiana. Molte sono le ragioni e le rivelano i temi e contenuti dell’intervista. In primo luogo i quindici anni ai quali fa riferimento il titolo corrispondono al lavoro compiuto per la edizione critica integrale delle Opere, curata da Bolecki e pubblicata da Wydawnictwo Literackie di Cracovia.
In the article issues are tackled connected with establishing the authorship and correctness of J... more In the article issues are tackled connected with establishing the authorship and correctness of Jozef Czechowicz's texts. Typescripts of his poems that he had left unsigned, and that are now among the signed manuscripts and typescripts, gave a lot of trouble to editors of the poet's works. A lack of his signature caused hesitations as to the authorship; however, sometimes there was a possibility of completely ruling out the authorship of the Lublin poet. The problem of authorship is also complicated because of other poets' poems that Czechowicz copied himself. New prospects connected with establishing the authorship of the texts are offered by reaching to the poet's surviving original poems. Owing to this method – in several cases – it was possible to reconstruct their correct shape.
Tworczośc literacka Leopolda Tyrmanda doczekala sie wielu omowien. Jednak dotychczasowe analizy m... more Tworczośc literacka Leopolda Tyrmanda doczekala sie wielu omowien. Jednak dotychczasowe analizy mialy najcześciej charakter literaturoznawczy, badano takze biografie. Prace filologiczne nie byly podejmowane. Trudno byloby tu winic uczonych, gdyz dlugo brakowalo odpowiednich materialow źrodlowych. Badanie procesu tworczego, analizowanie kolejnych etapow formowania sie tekstu czy problemy związane z wariantywnością dotąd praktycznie nie istnialy. W tym kontekście ciekawa jest wspolpraca Tyrmanda z Jerzym Giedroyciem. Na lamach paryskiej „Kultury” publikowal on utwory wielu polskich pisarzy. W przypadku dziel Tyrmanda Redaktor „oczyszczal” je z wszelkiego rodzaju fraz, ktore uwazal za niewlaściwe, zbedne lub niepoprawne politycznie. W taki sposob Życie towarzyskie i uczuciowe zostalo skrocone o trzydzieści procent. Dzieki listom wiemy, ze wiele ingerencji rozmijalo sie z autorską intencją. Leopold Tyrmand’s works have been extensively analyzed, usually from the perspective of literary studies or with a focus on biography. However, no philological analysis has been made so far due to the lack of source materials. The process of creation, the stages of forming the text, or the problems connected with various versions have not been examined yet. In this respect, it is interesting to look into the collaboration between Tyrmand and Jerzy Giedroyc, who published the works of Polish writers in Paris-based “Kultura.” Giedroyc “cleared” Tyrmand’s texts of any phrases he considered indecent, redundant, or politically incorrect. In this way, Życie towarzyskie i uczuciowe (The Social and Emotional Life) was shortened by thirty percent; as we know from the letters, many of the revisions did not follow the author’s intention.
«pl.it / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi», 2023
L’intervista di Włodzimierz Bolecki, Quindici anni con Gustaw Herling-Grudziński nella forma di c... more L’intervista di Włodzimierz Bolecki, Quindici anni con Gustaw Herling-Grudziński nella forma di conversazione con Dariusz Pachocki è uscita sul mensile “Nowe Książki” di dicembre 2022. Per il duplice profilo che ci offre, dello studioso e curatore delle Opere di Herling, da una parte, e dello scrittore, dall’altra, nel profondo legame di amicizia e collaborazione che li unì – è una testimonianza preziosa della quale abbiamo ritenuto opportuno pubblicare la traduzione italiana. Molte sono le ragioni e le rivelano i temi e contenuti dell’intervista. In primo luogo i quindici anni ai quali fa riferimento il titolo corrispondono al lavoro compiuto per la edizione critica integrale delle Opere, curata da Bolecki e pubblicata da Wydawnictwo Literackie di Cracovia.
In the article issues are tackled connected with establishing the authorship and correctness of J... more In the article issues are tackled connected with establishing the authorship and correctness of Jozef Czechowicz's texts. Typescripts of his poems that he had left unsigned, and that are now among the signed manuscripts and typescripts, gave a lot of trouble to editors of the poet's works. A lack of his signature caused hesitations as to the authorship; however, sometimes there was a possibility of completely ruling out the authorship of the Lublin poet. The problem of authorship is also complicated because of other poets' poems that Czechowicz copied himself. New prospects connected with establishing the authorship of the texts are offered by reaching to the poet's surviving original poems. Owing to this method – in several cases – it was possible to reconstruct their correct shape.
Tworczośc literacka Leopolda Tyrmanda doczekala sie wielu omowien. Jednak dotychczasowe analizy m... more Tworczośc literacka Leopolda Tyrmanda doczekala sie wielu omowien. Jednak dotychczasowe analizy mialy najcześciej charakter literaturoznawczy, badano takze biografie. Prace filologiczne nie byly podejmowane. Trudno byloby tu winic uczonych, gdyz dlugo brakowalo odpowiednich materialow źrodlowych. Badanie procesu tworczego, analizowanie kolejnych etapow formowania sie tekstu czy problemy związane z wariantywnością dotąd praktycznie nie istnialy. W tym kontekście ciekawa jest wspolpraca Tyrmanda z Jerzym Giedroyciem. Na lamach paryskiej „Kultury” publikowal on utwory wielu polskich pisarzy. W przypadku dziel Tyrmanda Redaktor „oczyszczal” je z wszelkiego rodzaju fraz, ktore uwazal za niewlaściwe, zbedne lub niepoprawne politycznie. W taki sposob Życie towarzyskie i uczuciowe zostalo skrocone o trzydzieści procent. Dzieki listom wiemy, ze wiele ingerencji rozmijalo sie z autorską intencją. Leopold Tyrmand’s works have been extensively analyzed, usually from the perspective of literary studies or with a focus on biography. However, no philological analysis has been made so far due to the lack of source materials. The process of creation, the stages of forming the text, or the problems connected with various versions have not been examined yet. In this respect, it is interesting to look into the collaboration between Tyrmand and Jerzy Giedroyc, who published the works of Polish writers in Paris-based “Kultura.” Giedroyc “cleared” Tyrmand’s texts of any phrases he considered indecent, redundant, or politically incorrect. In this way, Życie towarzyskie i uczuciowe (The Social and Emotional Life) was shortened by thirty percent; as we know from the letters, many of the revisions did not follow the author’s intention.
Papers by Dariusz Pachocki