Lafayette College
Geology & Environmental Geosciences
Significant advances have been made in hydrofluoric acid solution calorimetry at Lafayette College in the past 15 years. To determine the degree to which these developments enable the reduction of sample size, calorimetric experiments... more
Apatite Ca 5 (PO 4 ) 3 (F,Cl,OH,CO 3 ) occurs widely as an accessory mineral in many igneous and metamorphic rocks and in nature displays a wide range of F-Cl-OH-CO 3 mixtures (e.g., O'Reilly and Griffin, 2000) that have been used to... more
Apatite Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH,CO3) occurs widely as an accessory mineral in many igneous and metamorphic rocks and in nature displays a wide range of F-Cl-OH-CO3 mixtures (e.g., O'Reilly and Griffin, 2000) that have been used to... more