This paper provides an analysis of honor killings as violations of human rights and discusses the legal approaches used by the Syrian government to amend the article 548 in response to the public campaigns demanded these amendments, and... more
This paper provides an analysis of honor killings as violations of human rights and discusses the legal approaches used by the Syrian government to amend the article 548 in response to the public campaigns demanded these amendments, and the religious and social reactions about this articles before and after the two amendments of 2009 and later in 2011. It is argued that in the domestic law there was discrimination against women. The paper speaks about the origin of this article and how the Syrian law dealt with this case before and after the amendments and the outcomes of these amendments.
There are different concepts of security in the Persian Gulf-according to the perspective of each country-which generate also different blows of wind on the shores of this lake. The paper discusses in some details these perspectives, from... more
There are different concepts of security in the Persian Gulf-according to the perspective of each country-which generate also different blows of wind on the shores of this lake. The paper discusses in some details these perspectives, from the international to the local ones, then trying to measure the milestone changes in these stances, then trying to answer the most frequent question in the Middle East nowadays-apart from Iranian-American war which its drum beaten every now and then-Is there any return of the Prodigal Son (Qatar) to the GCC's umbrella soon? Then the paper raises another hypothetical question, after those calls to enlarge the GCC (with Morocco or Jordan), could we witness the day of GCC+ Iran one day? Emad ALAHMAD
This paper argues that despite all claims about cooperation and coordination, Syria and Lebanon had different paths since WWI. The paper gives a historical background about the two countries then describes the interdependence of Syria and... more
This paper argues that despite all claims about cooperation and coordination, Syria and Lebanon had different paths since WWI. The paper gives a historical background about the two countries then describes the interdependence of Syria and Lebanon throughout a timeline divided into specific periods from 1915 till now. The paper includes also a review of two points of view: one asking for total independence paths, and the other which demanding cooperation and even unity in sometimes.
This paper argues that entrepreneurship thrives in the Islamic economy in compliance with Islamic business ethics. The paper considers the traditional entrepreneurship in the conventional economy then goes in details to the principles and... more
This paper argues that entrepreneurship thrives in the Islamic economy in compliance with Islamic business ethics. The paper considers the traditional entrepreneurship in the conventional economy then goes in details to the principles and contemporary applications of this concept in the Islamic context. Then considering Dubai as a case study as the Government of Dubai adopting Islamic Economy.
Remembering Tolkien, the British literary icon who redefined the fantasy genre The impact of this fantasy series has been awe-inspiring. Selling over 150 million copies and translated into more than 40 languages globally, it reigns as a... more
Remembering Tolkien, the British literary icon who redefined the fantasy genre
The impact of this fantasy series has been awe-inspiring. Selling over 150 million copies and translated into more than 40 languages globally, it reigns as a cultural phenomenon.
كتب مارياس 14رواية وأربع مجموعات قصصية، والعديد من المقالات وترجمت أعماله إلى أكثر من 45لغة، وباعت رواياته أكثر من 7 ملايين نسخة حول العالم، وامتلك مقعدا دائما في دكّة المنافسين والمرشحين الدائمين لجائزة نوبل للآداب. توفي الروائي الإسباني... more
كتب مارياس 14رواية وأربع مجموعات قصصية، والعديد من المقالات وترجمت أعماله إلى أكثر من 45لغة، وباعت رواياته أكثر من 7 ملايين نسخة حول العالم، وامتلك مقعدا دائما في دكّة المنافسين والمرشحين الدائمين لجائزة نوبل للآداب. توفي الروائي الإسباني عن عمر ناهز السبعين العام الماضي في مستشفى في مدريد.
تحوّلت فلسطين إلى مختبر نموذجي لتطوير منتجات المجمع التكنولوجي العسكري الإسرائيلي، الذي يطور أجهزة وبرمجيات المراقبة، وحيث تمارس الدولة هدم المنازل، والسجن الاحتياطي لأجل غير مسمى، وتطوير أدوات التكنولوجيا الفائقة.
انتقد جيجك فكرة عدم السماح للفلسطينيين بأن يقرروا ويقولوا بالفم الملآن من الذي سرق أرضهم وحرمهم من أبسط حقوقهم الإنسانية، واستغرب أن غالبية الكلمات التي سبقته في افتتاح المعرض لم تتحدث سوى عن إسرائيل و"حماس" وحسب، ولا ذكر للفلسطينيين كشعب... more
انتقد جيجك فكرة عدم السماح للفلسطينيين بأن يقرروا ويقولوا بالفم الملآن من الذي سرق أرضهم وحرمهم من أبسط حقوقهم الإنسانية، واستغرب أن غالبية الكلمات التي سبقته في افتتاح المعرض لم تتحدث سوى عن إسرائيل و"حماس" وحسب، ولا ذكر للفلسطينيين كشعب على الإطلاق
After the Gaza war broke out on 7 October, the popular German literary event "indefinitely postponed" an event that was set to recognise Palestinian author Adania Shibli. Meanwhile, Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek was celebrated at the... more
After the Gaza war broke out on 7 October, the popular German literary event "indefinitely postponed" an event that was set to recognise Palestinian author Adania Shibli. Meanwhile, Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek was celebrated at the fair for his take on the same topic.
The extent to which politics can enter a learning environment is still a hot topic more than 100 years after the first debates With politics never far from the classroom or lecture hall, Prof. Daniel Gordon's new book offers a historical... more
The extent to which politics can enter a learning environment is still a hot topic more than 100 years after the first debates With politics never far from the classroom or lecture hall, Prof. Daniel Gordon's new book offers a historical peek into the debate on academic freedom in the US from 1915 to the present day.