Political system changes and economic changes that were taking place towards the end of the twent... more Political system changes and economic changes that were taking place towards the end of the twentieth century in Poland and other Middle and Eastern European countries have resulted in a dynamic development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). At the same time various entrepreneurship support mechanisms have appeared, aimed at implementation of postulates voiced by the political and economic circles, referring to the support for SME sector companies. These institutions, operating in the small and medium-sized businesses’ environment in many countries, offer a selection of support mechanisms available to entrepreneurs, who intend to operate on a larger scale and expand their operation capabilities. The ability and effectiveness in using such instruments becomes a crucial factor determining not only the development of enterprises, but also their creative and innovative potential, and as a result their competitive position and capability of responding to market changes. Taking this into account, the aim of this paper is the presentation of scope, benefits and barriers related to the use of entrepreneurship support instruments by small and medium-sized enterprises. To achieve the aim research has been conducted in 2001-2010 by means of a questionnaire, among the sample of 97 SMEs in total, operating in the Lodz region and using in their business activities the support mechanisms offered by the institutions within their business environment.
The development of small and medium-sized enterprises, which occurs under distinctive circumstan... more The development of small and medium-sized enterprises, which occurs under distinctive circumstances of resource shortages, is strongly determined by the ability to absorb the external instruments offered by commercial and non-commercial organizations supporting small business. Such instruments include those based on finance, capital, consulting, training, information, law, innovation or general business. The absorption of these instruments by SMEs depends on many factors of which strategic importance is given to intangible resources (knowledge and inter-organizational relations) as well as to skills and abilities (operational flexibility and the implementation of changes in an organization). With this in mind, the goal of the paper is to identify and assess the influence of these strategic factors on the use of development-support instruments by small and medium-sized enterprises. The study presents the author’s own model of strategic resources and skills determining the use of development-support instruments in the management of SMEs. The goal of the paper was also pursued through empirical studies conducted on a sample of three-hundred small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the European Union.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important economic and social role in most coun... more Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important economic and social role in most countries of the world. Despite the significant internal diversity of the SME sector, a considerable part of this group consists of entities oriented towards development and growth. Because of their characteristic features, they are often unable to achieve their developmental goals based exclusively on their own resources. There then exists the alternative of using external development-supporting instruments offered by commercial and non-commercial small-business-related organisations in various regions of the world. Absorption of these instruments depends on many factors, in particular the needs and limitations characteristic of a specific stage in an organisation's life cycle. With this in mind, the goal of this paper is to identify and assess the scope of use and factors determining the use of development-supporting instruments in the life cycle of small and medium-sized enterprises. The study includes a review of international literature on the subject, as well as a presentation of the author's own model of the SME life cycle, composed of eight developmental stages. The work also includes empirical research conducted on a sample of 377 micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises operating in the European Union.
Modern enterprises operate in a more and more turbulent business environment. On one hand it is t... more Modern enterprises operate in a more and more turbulent business environment. On one hand it is the said environment that constantly creates new opportunities, and on the other poses continuously increasing demands. Unfortunately such state significantly complicates the processes of effective management and development of many organizations. It is small and medium-sized enterprises that are affected in a particular way. Due to the specificity and development barriers, characteristic to this group of enterprises and widely discussed in the literature, as well as increasing intensity of external influence on SMEs, many of the small and medium-sized enterprises do not cope with the day-to-day interaction with the wide range of environmental relations. This monograph has been prepared in order to support businesses in this sphere. The monograph consist of twenty three papers. The paper authors are active researchers, belonging not only to the Polish academia but also the international one (five of the papers present results of research conducted by authors from Great Britain, Egipt, Latvia, Slovakia). The papers have been divided into four, thematically consistent parts. Part one contains the papers attempting to characterise the influence of modern business environment on the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Part two consists of seven papers discussion the problems of SMEs’ functioning in the modern market environment. Part three is the attempt to fit the issues of SMEs’ functioning in the institutional and legal environment. Finally part four is a synthetic review of SMEs’ functioning in the financial environment.
The increased awareness of the meaning of qualitative parameters and unmeasurable features of con... more The increased awareness of the meaning of qualitative parameters and unmeasurable features of contemporary organizations caused that the role of organizational culture as essential force forming the potential and possibilities of functioning of contemporary enterprises is more and more often perceived as vital. This dimension of organization is also of great significance in small companies whose cultural environment is strongly determined by qualitative features of these entities. The formation of organizational culture allows realizing certain functions related to flexibility of functioning and ability to realize assigned organizational aims. Taking this into account, identification and evaluation of the role of organizational culture in small enterprises was set as the aim of this article. Empirical research conducted with the use of survey research method in 4 small enterprises on the sample of 4 owners and 26 employees of these entities were devoted to realize the aim of the work. Types of organizational cultures preferred by the respondents were identified in the research process, afterwards, organizational cultures of the researched companies were subject to identification. In further part the degree of realization of particular functions by organizational culture was analyzed. The author’s research tools inspired by classic theoretical considerations on organizational culture were used in the research.
The development of small and medium-sized enterprises is subject to numerous restrictions stemmin... more The development of small and medium-sized enterprises is subject to numerous restrictions stemming both from their external environments, internal weaknesses and lack of resources in smaller business entities. On the other hand, these companies often have rich and strong potential which in appropriate conditions can become a powerful element of competitive advantage and the development factor of these companies. This monograph is devoted to the above-mentioned issues. Its aim is to present the areas and concepts of managing the potential of small and mediumsized enterprises. It concentrates mainly on the issues of social potential management, knowledge management, technical potential management and financial management in the companies of SMES sector. This monograph consists of thirteen chapters divided into three parts. In the first part the concepts of social potential management in small and medium-sized enterprises are presented. The second part is devoted to knowledge management and technical potential management in the companies of SMES sector. In the third part the examples of managing the potential of small and medium-sized enterprises in business practice are presented.
Współczesne przedsiębiorstwa stają w obliczu zmieniających się warunków gospodarowania na które s... more Współczesne przedsiębiorstwa stają w obliczu zmieniających się warunków gospodarowania na które składa się szereg procesów, przede wszystkim o globalnym charakterze. Można do nich zaliczyć między innymi: unifikację standardów i homogenizację zachowań konsumentów, liberalizację wymiany handlowej w wymiarze międzynarodowym, postęp w sferze informatyzacji oraz transformację w kierunku społeczeństwa informacyjnego i gospodarki opartej na wiedzy.
Recenzenci: prof. zw. dr hab. Józef Penc dr hab. Wanda Błaszczyk, prof. UŁ dr hab. Janusz Czekaj,... more Recenzenci: prof. zw. dr hab. Józef Penc dr hab. Wanda Błaszczyk, prof. UŁ dr hab. Janusz Czekaj, prof. AE w Krakowie dr hab. Andrzej Szablewski, prof. PŁ dr hab. Maciej Urbaniak, prof. UŁ dr Anna Adamik dr inŜ. Remigiusz Kozłowski dr inŜ. Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska KOMITET REDAKCYJNY WYDAWNICTWA POLITECHNIKI ŁÓDZKIEJ Przewodniczący: prof. dr hab. Piotr Wodziński Redaktor Naukowy Wydziału: prof. dr hab.
The issue of functioning of SMEs has been essential in recent years as far as considerations in t... more The issue of functioning of SMEs has been essential in recent years as far as considerations in the field of economic sciences, including management sciences, are concerned. Experience of countries with developed market economy plays vital role and in Polish sector, interest in SMEs is mainly caused by the effects of system and structural transformation of the 80s and 90s.
Abstract Technology entrepreneurship is becoming one of the solutions resulting in increased inno... more Abstract Technology entrepreneurship is becoming one of the solutions resulting in increased innovativeness and competitiveness of enterprises in the conditions of the so called new economy. It is the process of transformation of an idea into innovation, and it covers the conversion of scientific knowledge into products and services aimed directly at the commercial market.
Różnorodnie formułowane definicje outsourcingu podkreślają, że jest to metoda, która sprowadza si... more Różnorodnie formułowane definicje outsourcingu podkreślają, że jest to metoda, która sprowadza się do zawężenia zakresu zadań przedsiębiorstwa i powierzenia ich wykonywania partnerowi zewnętrznemu [J. Lichtarski (red.) 1997, s. 228]. Idea outsourcingu zakłada, że dla prawie każdego działania realizowanego w strukturze organizacyjnej przedsiębiorstwa można znaleźć alternatywę w postaci usług oferowanych przez zewnętrzne, wyspecjalizowane podmioty [J. Matejuk 2003, s. 62].
W opracowaniu przedstawiono podstawowe zagrożenia wynikające z outsourcingu rachunkowości i dorad... more W opracowaniu przedstawiono podstawowe zagrożenia wynikające z outsourcingu rachunkowości i doradztwa podatkowego przez małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa. Na tle ogólnej charakterystyki outsourcingu oraz korzyści i słabości tej metody zwrócono uwagę na ocenę obaw i zagrożeń formułowanych przez przedsiębiorców z sektora MSP, którzy stosują wydzielenie funkcji dotyczących rachunkowości na rzecz zewnętrznych biur rachunkowych.
Wraz z postępującą złożonością i dynamiką procesów gospodarczych znaczenia nabierają coraz bardzi... more Wraz z postępującą złożonością i dynamiką procesów gospodarczych znaczenia nabierają coraz bardziej skuteczne formy realizacji zadań stawianych przed organizacjami.
Political system changes and economic changes that were taking place towards the end of the twent... more Political system changes and economic changes that were taking place towards the end of the twentieth century in Poland and other Middle and Eastern European countries have resulted in a dynamic development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). At the same time various entrepreneurship support mechanisms have appeared, aimed at implementation of postulates voiced by the political and economic circles, referring to the support for SME sector companies. These institutions, operating in the small and medium-sized businesses’ environment in many countries, offer a selection of support mechanisms available to entrepreneurs, who intend to operate on a larger scale and expand their operation capabilities. The ability and effectiveness in using such instruments becomes a crucial factor determining not only the development of enterprises, but also their creative and innovative potential, and as a result their competitive position and capability of responding to market changes. Taking this into account, the aim of this paper is the presentation of scope, benefits and barriers related to the use of entrepreneurship support instruments by small and medium-sized enterprises. To achieve the aim research has been conducted in 2001-2010 by means of a questionnaire, among the sample of 97 SMEs in total, operating in the Lodz region and using in their business activities the support mechanisms offered by the institutions within their business environment.
The development of small and medium-sized enterprises, which occurs under distinctive circumstan... more The development of small and medium-sized enterprises, which occurs under distinctive circumstances of resource shortages, is strongly determined by the ability to absorb the external instruments offered by commercial and non-commercial organizations supporting small business. Such instruments include those based on finance, capital, consulting, training, information, law, innovation or general business. The absorption of these instruments by SMEs depends on many factors of which strategic importance is given to intangible resources (knowledge and inter-organizational relations) as well as to skills and abilities (operational flexibility and the implementation of changes in an organization). With this in mind, the goal of the paper is to identify and assess the influence of these strategic factors on the use of development-support instruments by small and medium-sized enterprises. The study presents the author’s own model of strategic resources and skills determining the use of development-support instruments in the management of SMEs. The goal of the paper was also pursued through empirical studies conducted on a sample of three-hundred small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the European Union.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important economic and social role in most coun... more Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important economic and social role in most countries of the world. Despite the significant internal diversity of the SME sector, a considerable part of this group consists of entities oriented towards development and growth. Because of their characteristic features, they are often unable to achieve their developmental goals based exclusively on their own resources. There then exists the alternative of using external development-supporting instruments offered by commercial and non-commercial small-business-related organisations in various regions of the world. Absorption of these instruments depends on many factors, in particular the needs and limitations characteristic of a specific stage in an organisation's life cycle. With this in mind, the goal of this paper is to identify and assess the scope of use and factors determining the use of development-supporting instruments in the life cycle of small and medium-sized enterprises. The study includes a review of international literature on the subject, as well as a presentation of the author's own model of the SME life cycle, composed of eight developmental stages. The work also includes empirical research conducted on a sample of 377 micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises operating in the European Union.
Modern enterprises operate in a more and more turbulent business environment. On one hand it is t... more Modern enterprises operate in a more and more turbulent business environment. On one hand it is the said environment that constantly creates new opportunities, and on the other poses continuously increasing demands. Unfortunately such state significantly complicates the processes of effective management and development of many organizations. It is small and medium-sized enterprises that are affected in a particular way. Due to the specificity and development barriers, characteristic to this group of enterprises and widely discussed in the literature, as well as increasing intensity of external influence on SMEs, many of the small and medium-sized enterprises do not cope with the day-to-day interaction with the wide range of environmental relations. This monograph has been prepared in order to support businesses in this sphere. The monograph consist of twenty three papers. The paper authors are active researchers, belonging not only to the Polish academia but also the international one (five of the papers present results of research conducted by authors from Great Britain, Egipt, Latvia, Slovakia). The papers have been divided into four, thematically consistent parts. Part one contains the papers attempting to characterise the influence of modern business environment on the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Part two consists of seven papers discussion the problems of SMEs’ functioning in the modern market environment. Part three is the attempt to fit the issues of SMEs’ functioning in the institutional and legal environment. Finally part four is a synthetic review of SMEs’ functioning in the financial environment.
The increased awareness of the meaning of qualitative parameters and unmeasurable features of con... more The increased awareness of the meaning of qualitative parameters and unmeasurable features of contemporary organizations caused that the role of organizational culture as essential force forming the potential and possibilities of functioning of contemporary enterprises is more and more often perceived as vital. This dimension of organization is also of great significance in small companies whose cultural environment is strongly determined by qualitative features of these entities. The formation of organizational culture allows realizing certain functions related to flexibility of functioning and ability to realize assigned organizational aims. Taking this into account, identification and evaluation of the role of organizational culture in small enterprises was set as the aim of this article. Empirical research conducted with the use of survey research method in 4 small enterprises on the sample of 4 owners and 26 employees of these entities were devoted to realize the aim of the work. Types of organizational cultures preferred by the respondents were identified in the research process, afterwards, organizational cultures of the researched companies were subject to identification. In further part the degree of realization of particular functions by organizational culture was analyzed. The author’s research tools inspired by classic theoretical considerations on organizational culture were used in the research.
The development of small and medium-sized enterprises is subject to numerous restrictions stemmin... more The development of small and medium-sized enterprises is subject to numerous restrictions stemming both from their external environments, internal weaknesses and lack of resources in smaller business entities. On the other hand, these companies often have rich and strong potential which in appropriate conditions can become a powerful element of competitive advantage and the development factor of these companies. This monograph is devoted to the above-mentioned issues. Its aim is to present the areas and concepts of managing the potential of small and mediumsized enterprises. It concentrates mainly on the issues of social potential management, knowledge management, technical potential management and financial management in the companies of SMES sector. This monograph consists of thirteen chapters divided into three parts. In the first part the concepts of social potential management in small and medium-sized enterprises are presented. The second part is devoted to knowledge management and technical potential management in the companies of SMES sector. In the third part the examples of managing the potential of small and medium-sized enterprises in business practice are presented.
Współczesne przedsiębiorstwa stają w obliczu zmieniających się warunków gospodarowania na które s... more Współczesne przedsiębiorstwa stają w obliczu zmieniających się warunków gospodarowania na które składa się szereg procesów, przede wszystkim o globalnym charakterze. Można do nich zaliczyć między innymi: unifikację standardów i homogenizację zachowań konsumentów, liberalizację wymiany handlowej w wymiarze międzynarodowym, postęp w sferze informatyzacji oraz transformację w kierunku społeczeństwa informacyjnego i gospodarki opartej na wiedzy.
Recenzenci: prof. zw. dr hab. Józef Penc dr hab. Wanda Błaszczyk, prof. UŁ dr hab. Janusz Czekaj,... more Recenzenci: prof. zw. dr hab. Józef Penc dr hab. Wanda Błaszczyk, prof. UŁ dr hab. Janusz Czekaj, prof. AE w Krakowie dr hab. Andrzej Szablewski, prof. PŁ dr hab. Maciej Urbaniak, prof. UŁ dr Anna Adamik dr inŜ. Remigiusz Kozłowski dr inŜ. Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska KOMITET REDAKCYJNY WYDAWNICTWA POLITECHNIKI ŁÓDZKIEJ Przewodniczący: prof. dr hab. Piotr Wodziński Redaktor Naukowy Wydziału: prof. dr hab.
The issue of functioning of SMEs has been essential in recent years as far as considerations in t... more The issue of functioning of SMEs has been essential in recent years as far as considerations in the field of economic sciences, including management sciences, are concerned. Experience of countries with developed market economy plays vital role and in Polish sector, interest in SMEs is mainly caused by the effects of system and structural transformation of the 80s and 90s.
Abstract Technology entrepreneurship is becoming one of the solutions resulting in increased inno... more Abstract Technology entrepreneurship is becoming one of the solutions resulting in increased innovativeness and competitiveness of enterprises in the conditions of the so called new economy. It is the process of transformation of an idea into innovation, and it covers the conversion of scientific knowledge into products and services aimed directly at the commercial market.
Różnorodnie formułowane definicje outsourcingu podkreślają, że jest to metoda, która sprowadza si... more Różnorodnie formułowane definicje outsourcingu podkreślają, że jest to metoda, która sprowadza się do zawężenia zakresu zadań przedsiębiorstwa i powierzenia ich wykonywania partnerowi zewnętrznemu [J. Lichtarski (red.) 1997, s. 228]. Idea outsourcingu zakłada, że dla prawie każdego działania realizowanego w strukturze organizacyjnej przedsiębiorstwa można znaleźć alternatywę w postaci usług oferowanych przez zewnętrzne, wyspecjalizowane podmioty [J. Matejuk 2003, s. 62].
W opracowaniu przedstawiono podstawowe zagrożenia wynikające z outsourcingu rachunkowości i dorad... more W opracowaniu przedstawiono podstawowe zagrożenia wynikające z outsourcingu rachunkowości i doradztwa podatkowego przez małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa. Na tle ogólnej charakterystyki outsourcingu oraz korzyści i słabości tej metody zwrócono uwagę na ocenę obaw i zagrożeń formułowanych przez przedsiębiorców z sektora MSP, którzy stosują wydzielenie funkcji dotyczących rachunkowości na rzecz zewnętrznych biur rachunkowych.
Wraz z postępującą złożonością i dynamiką procesów gospodarczych znaczenia nabierają coraz bardzi... more Wraz z postępującą złożonością i dynamiką procesów gospodarczych znaczenia nabierają coraz bardziej skuteczne formy realizacji zadań stawianych przed organizacjami.
Papers by Marek Matejun