TEZ6637Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2008.Kaynakça (s.105-115) var.xi, 142 s. ; ... more TEZ6637Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2008.Kaynakça (s.105-115) var.xi, 142 s. ; 29 cm.One of the major obstacles of economic development is that women are not getting their fair share in economic opportunities. Several obstacles that prevent women from reaching desired occupational positions are known as glass ceiling. Glass ceiling despite efforts, has not been eliminated in any society completely yet. The purpose of this study is to investigate the most efficient strategy used by women to break the glass ceiling. Among the strategies included in this study are such as level of education and training, networking, career tracking, mentoring and demonstration higher performance. Women working in 11 Turkish companies that are listed in the FT 500 in 2005 constituted the population of the study.Nüfusun yarısını olu?turan kadın emeğinin hak ettiği yere ula?mamı? olması makro düzeyde kalkınmanın önündeki ciddi engellerden birisidir. Kadınların hak ettikleri pozisyonlara ...
The paper considers the features of forensic exper tise as one the ways of investigating crimes. ... more The paper considers the features of forensic exper tise as one the ways of investigating crimes. The basic properties of expert investigation techniques using computers are analyzed. The main areas of application of computer technology in forensic expertise are examined. The possibilities of some s oftware and hardware systems used in forensic work are describe d.
Yonetim Bilgi Sistemleri (YBS), yonetimin gereksinimlerini karsilamak icin ust duzeyden alt duzey... more Yonetim Bilgi Sistemleri (YBS), yonetimin gereksinimlerini karsilamak icin ust duzeyden alt duzeye dogru isletmenin amaclari goz onune alinarak gelistirilen her turlu donanim ve yazilimdan olusmaktadir. Bu calisma temelde, lojistik sektorunde calisan 120 yoneticinin demografik ozellikleri (cinsiyet, yas, egitim duzeyi, sektor, pozisyon, tecrube, sorumlu olunan kisi sayisi gibi) ile YBS kullanim amaci ve YBS kullanim sikligi arasindaki iliskileri belirlemeyi amaclamaktadir. Calisma sonucunda, kullanicinin cinsiyeti ile kullanim amaci, kullanicinin cinsiyeti ile kullanim sikligi, kullanicinin egitim duzeyi ile kullanim sikligi, sorumlu olan ast sayisi ile kullanim amaci, sorumlu olan ast sayisi ile kullanim sikligi, kullanim amaci ile kullanim sikligi arasindaki iliskiler anlamli bulunmustur. Boylece YBS kullanicilarinin profili belirlenmis olup, gereksinim duyulan hususlarda mesleki egitimler duzenlenerek profilin guclenmesi saglanabilecektir
As an undeniable reality of the century, emotional labor is required spesifically in the caring s... more As an undeniable reality of the century, emotional labor is required spesifically in the caring services, where face to face contact is main characteristic of the provided service quality. It is a certain fact that hospitals in need of nurses with high commitment and low burnout more than ever to survive in the chaotic competition market. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the mediating role of the emotional labor on the relationship among nurses? commitment and burnout level. To get the required data, Emotional Labor Scale, The Maslach Burnout Inventory and Allen and Meyer?s Organizational Commitment Scale were used. 500 nurses in Turkey in March 2015-April 2015 were reached. For the analysis of the gathered data, AMOS program, Structural Equation Modeling analysis was employed. In this study it is found that there is a partial mediating role of the emotional labor on the relationship between commitment and burnout. And it is found that there is a negative and moderate im...
Cesitliliklerin yonetimi; calisanlarin farkliliklarina saygi duyulmasini ve bu farkliliklarin, is... more Cesitliliklerin yonetimi; calisanlarin farkliliklarina saygi duyulmasini ve bu farkliliklarin, isletmeye rekabetci ustunluk saglamak uzere benimsenmesini gerektirmektedir. Cesitliliklere karsi saygi, farkindalik konusudur ve beyaz yakali personelin bu konuda daha duyarli olmasi beklenirken mavi yakali personelin daha az duyarli olmasi beklenmektedir. Bu arastirmanin temel amaci, calisanlarin cesitliliklerin yonetimine iliskin algisinin tekstil ve maden gibi mavi yakalilarin yogun oldugu sektorlerde belirlenmesidir. Arastirma sorularinin cevaplanmasi icin, kolaydalik metodu ile secilen 294 mavi yakali calisana anket yolu ile ulasilmistir. Toplanan verilerin analizi sonucunda; iyi egitimli olmanin calisanlar tarafindan en onemli cesitlilik olarak algilandigi ve katilimcilarin cinsel yonelimi farkli olan kisilerle birlikte calismak istemedikleri bulunmustur. "Isyerinde daha az iletisim sorunu " homojen bir grupla calismanin en onemli avantaji olarak belirlenirken, calisma ort...
This paper aims to disclose the reasons of displacement of the Mary Parker Follett and understand... more This paper aims to disclose the reasons of displacement of the Mary Parker Follett and understand the reasons of relegation of her name to the dark and dusty attic. The reasons for the changing popularity of Follett’s ideas will be explored through the paper by her biography and views. There is an urgent need to understand her philosophy to explore her curative approach to humanistic side of organization and management.
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2015
The only way for the organization, to become more innovative is to capitalize on their employees’... more The only way for the organization, to become more innovative is to capitalize on their employees’ ability to create and to innovate. The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of demographic factors on innovative work behavior of engineers, working for 5 th Highway Directorate in Turkey. The seven-item scale was used to assess employee innovative behaviors at the workplace. As a result most rated item by engineers, “I try to follow new techniques related to my job” is found. Furthermore, it is tested whether there are differences in the level of innovative work behaviors that can be attributed to demographic characteristics such as age, gender, experience, foreign language skills and found no significant differences according to demographic variables. The only significant difference has been found between positions of engineers and innovative work behavior.
This paper aims to disclose the reasons of displacement of the Mary Parker Follett and understand... more This paper aims to disclose the reasons of displacement of the Mary Parker Follett and understand the reasons of relegation of her name to the dark and dusty attic. The reasons for the changing popularity of Follett’s ideas will be explored through the paper by her biography and views. There is an urgent need to understand her philosophy to explore her curative approach to humanistic side of organization and management.
In many studies, found that EI is directly or indirectly associated with job satisfaction and per... more In many studies, found that EI is directly or indirectly associated with job satisfaction and performance (EI) is a topic of growing interest among academics and researchers in the field of organizational behaviorist. Although EI was discussed principally within the discipline of psychology until 1990s, it has subsequently been studied intensively in the field of OB and management (.Main purpose of this study is to investigate the role of the demographic factors (both personal and job related) on EI with five sub dimension in food and beverage sector where performance and effectiveness of the employees is very important but not studied a lot, yet. Thus, based on the 64 participants from Mersin (Turkey), the effects of personal attributes (gender, age, education) and job-related attributes (experience, position, company type, company experience level, number of people responsible for) of workers in the food and beverage sector on their emotional intelligence levels (self-motivation, self-awareness, social skills, self-regulations, empathy and overall emotional intelligence) were examined. To assess the emotional intelligence level Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire is used which developed by Golemans's with 35 items in 5 categories. Data were analyzed by SPSS 22 version. As a result it is found that gender is a significant factor on employees' self-awareness levels while education level is significant on employees' social skills and self-regulation levels. Age is not found to be significant for none of the sub emotional intelligence levels at the 95% confidence level for employees. It is found that in the food and beverage sector, female employees have higher levels of self-awareness compared to male employees while employees with a university graduation degree have the highest mean of social skills score while employees with a high school graduation degree have the highest mean of self-regulation score. Employees' position is found a significant factor on their overall emotional intelligence level and company type is found significant on employees' self-motivation levels in detail, the managers of companies have the highest level of mean emotional intelligence scores compared to the rest of the workers. Moreover, it is found thatemployees who work for restaurants have the highest level of mean self-motivation while those work for fast-food cafeterias have the lowest level of self-motivation mean which is strongly related with the quality of the working place.
Cognitive neuroscience as a multidisciplinary field, seeks to understand human behavior at the in... more Cognitive neuroscience as a multidisciplinary field, seeks to understand human behavior at the intersection of social, cognitive, and neural spheres of science. Neuroscience can help organizations become more effective by support productivity and employee satisfaction. With this paper, it is aimed to contribute to literature with the potential promise of cognitive side of organizational behavior as synergic young field. The main aim of this paper is to discuss neuroscience techniques and ongoing studies with ethical perception that already existed in the organizational behavior field. This new field has emerged to investigate the cognitive neuroscience of organizational behavior and so, organizational scholars have begun to take note of the potential implications of neuroscience at workplace research, the popularity of new field is attested by recent conferences, special issues of journals. But the theoretical codes of this new science derive from an uneasy embracing of two different field of social behavior: sociobiology and evolutionary psychology on the one hand, and social psychology on the other. Öz Bilişsel sinirbilim, çok disiplinli bir alan olarak, insan davranışlarını sosyal, bilişsel ve sinirsel açıdan anlamaya çalışmaktadır. Sinirbilim alanında yapılan çalışmalar, işletmelere verimlilik ve çalışan tatminini arttırarak destek olabilir. Bu çalışma ile, sinerjik genç bir bilim dalı olarak, örgütsel davranışın bilişsel tarafının yaratacağı fırsatlardan bahsedilerek literatüre katkıda bulunulması hedeflenmiştir. Çalışmanın temel amacı, halihazırda kullanılan nörobilim tekniklerini etik bakış açıs ile tartışmaktır. Konunun artan popularitesi, örgütsel nörobilim alanında düzenlenen konferans, kongre ve dergilerin bu konuya ayrılmış özel sayılarından ileri gelmektedir. Ancak sosyal davranışın bu iki displininin teorik kodları bir yandan sosyo biyolji ile evrimsel psikolojinin diğer yandan ise sosyal psikolojinin hiç de kolay olmayan kucaklaşmasından türetilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Nörobilim, örgütsel nöro bilim teknikleri, sosyal bilişsel nöro bilim, örgütsel davranış, etik sıkıntılar.
TEZ6637Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2008.Kaynakça (s.105-115) var.xi, 142 s. ; ... more TEZ6637Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2008.Kaynakça (s.105-115) var.xi, 142 s. ; 29 cm.One of the major obstacles of economic development is that women are not getting their fair share in economic opportunities. Several obstacles that prevent women from reaching desired occupational positions are known as glass ceiling. Glass ceiling despite efforts, has not been eliminated in any society completely yet. The purpose of this study is to investigate the most efficient strategy used by women to break the glass ceiling. Among the strategies included in this study are such as level of education and training, networking, career tracking, mentoring and demonstration higher performance. Women working in 11 Turkish companies that are listed in the FT 500 in 2005 constituted the population of the study.Nüfusun yarısını olu?turan kadın emeğinin hak ettiği yere ula?mamı? olması makro düzeyde kalkınmanın önündeki ciddi engellerden birisidir. Kadınların hak ettikleri pozisyonlara ...
The paper considers the features of forensic exper tise as one the ways of investigating crimes. ... more The paper considers the features of forensic exper tise as one the ways of investigating crimes. The basic properties of expert investigation techniques using computers are analyzed. The main areas of application of computer technology in forensic expertise are examined. The possibilities of some s oftware and hardware systems used in forensic work are describe d.
Yonetim Bilgi Sistemleri (YBS), yonetimin gereksinimlerini karsilamak icin ust duzeyden alt duzey... more Yonetim Bilgi Sistemleri (YBS), yonetimin gereksinimlerini karsilamak icin ust duzeyden alt duzeye dogru isletmenin amaclari goz onune alinarak gelistirilen her turlu donanim ve yazilimdan olusmaktadir. Bu calisma temelde, lojistik sektorunde calisan 120 yoneticinin demografik ozellikleri (cinsiyet, yas, egitim duzeyi, sektor, pozisyon, tecrube, sorumlu olunan kisi sayisi gibi) ile YBS kullanim amaci ve YBS kullanim sikligi arasindaki iliskileri belirlemeyi amaclamaktadir. Calisma sonucunda, kullanicinin cinsiyeti ile kullanim amaci, kullanicinin cinsiyeti ile kullanim sikligi, kullanicinin egitim duzeyi ile kullanim sikligi, sorumlu olan ast sayisi ile kullanim amaci, sorumlu olan ast sayisi ile kullanim sikligi, kullanim amaci ile kullanim sikligi arasindaki iliskiler anlamli bulunmustur. Boylece YBS kullanicilarinin profili belirlenmis olup, gereksinim duyulan hususlarda mesleki egitimler duzenlenerek profilin guclenmesi saglanabilecektir
As an undeniable reality of the century, emotional labor is required spesifically in the caring s... more As an undeniable reality of the century, emotional labor is required spesifically in the caring services, where face to face contact is main characteristic of the provided service quality. It is a certain fact that hospitals in need of nurses with high commitment and low burnout more than ever to survive in the chaotic competition market. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the mediating role of the emotional labor on the relationship among nurses? commitment and burnout level. To get the required data, Emotional Labor Scale, The Maslach Burnout Inventory and Allen and Meyer?s Organizational Commitment Scale were used. 500 nurses in Turkey in March 2015-April 2015 were reached. For the analysis of the gathered data, AMOS program, Structural Equation Modeling analysis was employed. In this study it is found that there is a partial mediating role of the emotional labor on the relationship between commitment and burnout. And it is found that there is a negative and moderate im...
Cesitliliklerin yonetimi; calisanlarin farkliliklarina saygi duyulmasini ve bu farkliliklarin, is... more Cesitliliklerin yonetimi; calisanlarin farkliliklarina saygi duyulmasini ve bu farkliliklarin, isletmeye rekabetci ustunluk saglamak uzere benimsenmesini gerektirmektedir. Cesitliliklere karsi saygi, farkindalik konusudur ve beyaz yakali personelin bu konuda daha duyarli olmasi beklenirken mavi yakali personelin daha az duyarli olmasi beklenmektedir. Bu arastirmanin temel amaci, calisanlarin cesitliliklerin yonetimine iliskin algisinin tekstil ve maden gibi mavi yakalilarin yogun oldugu sektorlerde belirlenmesidir. Arastirma sorularinin cevaplanmasi icin, kolaydalik metodu ile secilen 294 mavi yakali calisana anket yolu ile ulasilmistir. Toplanan verilerin analizi sonucunda; iyi egitimli olmanin calisanlar tarafindan en onemli cesitlilik olarak algilandigi ve katilimcilarin cinsel yonelimi farkli olan kisilerle birlikte calismak istemedikleri bulunmustur. "Isyerinde daha az iletisim sorunu " homojen bir grupla calismanin en onemli avantaji olarak belirlenirken, calisma ort...
This paper aims to disclose the reasons of displacement of the Mary Parker Follett and understand... more This paper aims to disclose the reasons of displacement of the Mary Parker Follett and understand the reasons of relegation of her name to the dark and dusty attic. The reasons for the changing popularity of Follett’s ideas will be explored through the paper by her biography and views. There is an urgent need to understand her philosophy to explore her curative approach to humanistic side of organization and management.
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2015
The only way for the organization, to become more innovative is to capitalize on their employees’... more The only way for the organization, to become more innovative is to capitalize on their employees’ ability to create and to innovate. The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of demographic factors on innovative work behavior of engineers, working for 5 th Highway Directorate in Turkey. The seven-item scale was used to assess employee innovative behaviors at the workplace. As a result most rated item by engineers, “I try to follow new techniques related to my job” is found. Furthermore, it is tested whether there are differences in the level of innovative work behaviors that can be attributed to demographic characteristics such as age, gender, experience, foreign language skills and found no significant differences according to demographic variables. The only significant difference has been found between positions of engineers and innovative work behavior.
This paper aims to disclose the reasons of displacement of the Mary Parker Follett and understand... more This paper aims to disclose the reasons of displacement of the Mary Parker Follett and understand the reasons of relegation of her name to the dark and dusty attic. The reasons for the changing popularity of Follett’s ideas will be explored through the paper by her biography and views. There is an urgent need to understand her philosophy to explore her curative approach to humanistic side of organization and management.
In many studies, found that EI is directly or indirectly associated with job satisfaction and per... more In many studies, found that EI is directly or indirectly associated with job satisfaction and performance (EI) is a topic of growing interest among academics and researchers in the field of organizational behaviorist. Although EI was discussed principally within the discipline of psychology until 1990s, it has subsequently been studied intensively in the field of OB and management (.Main purpose of this study is to investigate the role of the demographic factors (both personal and job related) on EI with five sub dimension in food and beverage sector where performance and effectiveness of the employees is very important but not studied a lot, yet. Thus, based on the 64 participants from Mersin (Turkey), the effects of personal attributes (gender, age, education) and job-related attributes (experience, position, company type, company experience level, number of people responsible for) of workers in the food and beverage sector on their emotional intelligence levels (self-motivation, self-awareness, social skills, self-regulations, empathy and overall emotional intelligence) were examined. To assess the emotional intelligence level Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire is used which developed by Golemans's with 35 items in 5 categories. Data were analyzed by SPSS 22 version. As a result it is found that gender is a significant factor on employees' self-awareness levels while education level is significant on employees' social skills and self-regulation levels. Age is not found to be significant for none of the sub emotional intelligence levels at the 95% confidence level for employees. It is found that in the food and beverage sector, female employees have higher levels of self-awareness compared to male employees while employees with a university graduation degree have the highest mean of social skills score while employees with a high school graduation degree have the highest mean of self-regulation score. Employees' position is found a significant factor on their overall emotional intelligence level and company type is found significant on employees' self-motivation levels in detail, the managers of companies have the highest level of mean emotional intelligence scores compared to the rest of the workers. Moreover, it is found thatemployees who work for restaurants have the highest level of mean self-motivation while those work for fast-food cafeterias have the lowest level of self-motivation mean which is strongly related with the quality of the working place.
Cognitive neuroscience as a multidisciplinary field, seeks to understand human behavior at the in... more Cognitive neuroscience as a multidisciplinary field, seeks to understand human behavior at the intersection of social, cognitive, and neural spheres of science. Neuroscience can help organizations become more effective by support productivity and employee satisfaction. With this paper, it is aimed to contribute to literature with the potential promise of cognitive side of organizational behavior as synergic young field. The main aim of this paper is to discuss neuroscience techniques and ongoing studies with ethical perception that already existed in the organizational behavior field. This new field has emerged to investigate the cognitive neuroscience of organizational behavior and so, organizational scholars have begun to take note of the potential implications of neuroscience at workplace research, the popularity of new field is attested by recent conferences, special issues of journals. But the theoretical codes of this new science derive from an uneasy embracing of two different field of social behavior: sociobiology and evolutionary psychology on the one hand, and social psychology on the other. Öz Bilişsel sinirbilim, çok disiplinli bir alan olarak, insan davranışlarını sosyal, bilişsel ve sinirsel açıdan anlamaya çalışmaktadır. Sinirbilim alanında yapılan çalışmalar, işletmelere verimlilik ve çalışan tatminini arttırarak destek olabilir. Bu çalışma ile, sinerjik genç bir bilim dalı olarak, örgütsel davranışın bilişsel tarafının yaratacağı fırsatlardan bahsedilerek literatüre katkıda bulunulması hedeflenmiştir. Çalışmanın temel amacı, halihazırda kullanılan nörobilim tekniklerini etik bakış açıs ile tartışmaktır. Konunun artan popularitesi, örgütsel nörobilim alanında düzenlenen konferans, kongre ve dergilerin bu konuya ayrılmış özel sayılarından ileri gelmektedir. Ancak sosyal davranışın bu iki displininin teorik kodları bir yandan sosyo biyolji ile evrimsel psikolojinin diğer yandan ise sosyal psikolojinin hiç de kolay olmayan kucaklaşmasından türetilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Nörobilim, örgütsel nöro bilim teknikleri, sosyal bilişsel nöro bilim, örgütsel davranış, etik sıkıntılar.
This panel is dedicated to the analysis of the development of historical, sociological, political... more This panel is dedicated to the analysis of the development of historical, sociological, political and economic approaches both in public policies and private initiatives for supporting refugees and displaced scientists. Our purpose is to stimulate an exchange of ideas on the issue of displaced academics on a historical, theoretical as well as public policy-level. Offering a multidisciplinary platform for discussion, this panel aims to analyze the conditions on the policy and practical level, as well as the causes and consequences of various challenges currently facing endangered scholars. It aims at contributing to the discourse on displaced academics on several interrelated levels. All paper proposals welcome that reflect a wide variety of perspectives on endangered scholars and practice, especially those that deal with theoretical and practical issues. This panel seeks to stimulate an exchange of ideas on the issue of displaced academics on a historical, theoretical as well as public policy-level local or national. For this purpose, we encourage paper proposals exploring the limits of the existing coping mechanisms such as the short-termed philanthropic initiatives or at-risk-fellowship grants to endangered scholars. Research questions in this panel include but are not limited to the following topics:
Papers by esmeray yogun