Pruning coupled with learning aims to optimize the neural network (NN) structure for solving spec... more Pruning coupled with learning aims to optimize the neural network (NN) structure for solving specific problems. This optimization can be used for various purposes: to prevent overfitting, to save resources for implementation and training, to provide explainability of the trained NN, and many others. The minimal structure that cannot be pruned further is not unique. Ensemble of minimal structures can be used as a committee of intellectual agents that solves problems by voting. Each minimal NN presents an "empirical knowledge" about the problem and can be verbalized. The non-uniqueness of such knowledge extracted from data is an important property of data-driven Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this work, we review an approach to pruning based on the principle: What controls training should control pruning. This principle is expected to work both for artificial NN and for selection and modification of important synaptic contacts in brain. In back-propagation artificial NN learning is controlled by the gradient of loss functions. Therefore, the first order sensitivity indicators are used for pruning and the algorithms based on these indicators are reviewed. The notion of logically transparent NN was introduced. The approach was illustrated on the problem of political forecasting: predicting the results of the US presidential election. Eight minimal NN were produced that give different forecasting algorithms. The non-uniqueness of solution can be utilised by creation of expert panels (committee). Another use of NN pluralism is to identify areas of input signals where further data collection is most useful. In conclusion, we discuss the possible future of widely advertised XAI program.
Automated hand gesture recognition has been a focus of the AI community for decades. Traditionall... more Automated hand gesture recognition has been a focus of the AI community for decades. Traditionally, work in this domain revolved largely around scenarios assuming the availability of the flow of images of the operator's/user's hands. This has partly been due to the prevalence of camera-based devices and the wide availability of image data. However, there is growing demand for gesture recognition technology that can be implemented on low-power devices using limited sensor data instead of high-dimensional inputs like hand images. In this work, we demonstrate a hand gesture recognition system and method that uses signals from capacitive sensors embedded into the etee hand controller. The controller generates real-time signals from each of the wearer's five fingers. We use a machine learning technique to analyse the time-series signals and identify three features that can represent 5 fingers within 500 ms. The analysis is composed of a two-stage training strategy, including dimension reduction through principal component analysis and classification with K-nearest neighbour. Remarkably, we found that this combination showed a level of performance which was comparable to more advanced methods such as supervised variational autoencoder. The base system can also be equipped with the capability to learn from occasional errors by providing it with an additional adaptive error correction mechanism. The results showed that the error corrector improve the classification performance in the base system without compromising its performance. The system requires no more than 1 ms of computing time per input sample, and is smaller than deep neural networks, demonstrating the feasibility of agile gesture recognition systems based on this technology.
This work is driven by a practical question: corrections of Artificial Intelligence (AI) errors. ... more This work is driven by a practical question: corrections of Artificial Intelligence (AI) errors. These corrections should be quick and non-iterative. To solve this problem without modification of a legacy AI system, we propose special 'external' devices, correctors. Elementary correctors consist of two parts, a classifier that separates the situations with high risk of error from the situations in which the legacy AI system works well and a new decision that should be recommended for situations with potential errors. Input signals for the correctors can be the inputs of the legacy AI system, its internal signals, and outputs. If the intrinsic dimensionality of data is high enough then the classifiers for correction of small number of errors can be very simple. According to the blessing of dimensionality effects, even simple and robust Fisher's discriminants can be used for one-shot learning of AI correctors. Stochastic separation theorems provide the mathematical basis for this one-short learning. However, as the number of correctors needed grows, the cluster structure of data becomes important and a new family of stochastic separation theorems is required. We refuse the classical hypothesis of the regularity of the data distribution and assume that the data can have a rich fine-grained structure with many clusters and corresponding peaks in the probability density. New stochastic separation theorems for data with fine-grained structure are formulated and proved. On the basis of these theorems, the multi-correctors for granular data are proposed. The advantages of the multi-corrector technology were demonstrated by examples of correcting errors and learning new classes of objects by a deep convolutional neural network on the CIFAR-10 dataset. The key problems of the non-classical high-dimensional data analysis are reviewed together with the basic preprocessing steps including the correlation transformation, supervised Principal Component Analysis (PCA), semi-supervised PCA, transfer component analysis, and new domain adaptation PCA.
One major problem in Natural Language Processing is the automatic analysis and representation of ... more One major problem in Natural Language Processing is the automatic analysis and representation of human language. Human language is ambiguous and deeper understanding of semantics and creating human-to-machine interaction have required an effort in creating the schemes for act of communication and building common-sense knowledge bases for the 'meaning' in texts. This paper introduces computational methods for semantic analysis and the quantifying the meaning of short scientific texts. Computational methods extracting semantic feature are used to analyse the relations between texts of messages and 'representations of situations' for a newly created large collection of scientific texts, Leicester Scientific Corpus. The representation of scientific-specific meaning is standardised by replacing the situation representations, rather than psychological properties, with the vectors of some attributes: a list of scientific subject categories that the text belongs to. First, this paper introduces 'Meaning Space' in which the informational representation of the meaning is extracted from the occurrence of the word in texts across the scientific categories, i.e., the meaning of a word is represented by a vector of Relative Information Gain about the subject categories. Then, the meaning space is statistically analysed for Leicester Scientific Dictionary-Core and we investigate 'Principal Components of the Meaning' to describe the adequate dimensions of the meaning. The research in this paper conducts the base for the geometric representation of the meaning of texts.
Domain adaptation is a popular paradigm in modern machine learning which aims at tackling the pro... more Domain adaptation is a popular paradigm in modern machine learning which aims at tackling the problem of divergence (or shift) between the labeled training and validation datasets (source domain) and a potentially large unlabeled dataset (target domain). The task is to embed both datasets red into a common space in which the source dataset is informative for training while the divergence between source and target is minimized. The most popular domain adaptation solutions are based on training neural networks that combine classification and adversarial learning modules, frequently making them both data-hungry and difficult to train. We present a method called Domain Adaptation Principal Component Analysis (DAPCA) that identifies a linear reduced data representation useful for solving the domain adaptation task. DAPCA algorithm introduces positive and negative weights between pairs of data points, and generalizes the supervised extension of principal component analysis. DAPCA is an iterative algorithm that solves a simple quadratic optimization problem at each iteration. The convergence of the algorithm is guaranteed, and the number of iterations is small in practice. We validate the suggested algorithm on previously proposed benchmarks for solving the domain adaptation task. We also show the benefit of using DAPCA in analyzing the single-cell omics datasets in biomedical applications. Overall, DAPCA can serve as a practical preprocessing step in many machine learning applications leading to reduced dataset representations, taking into account possible divergence between source and target domains.
Artificial Neural Networks (NN) are widely used for solving complex problems from medical diagnos... more Artificial Neural Networks (NN) are widely used for solving complex problems from medical diagnostics to face recognition. Despite notable successes, the main disadvantages of NN are also well known: the risk of overfitting, lack of explainability (inability to extract algorithms from trained NN), and high consumption of computing resources. Determining the appropriate specific NN structure for each problem can help overcome these difficulties: Too poor NN cannot be successfully trained, but too rich NN gives unexplainable results and may have a high chance of overfitting. Reducing precision of NN parameters simplifies the implementation of these NN, saves computing resources, and makes the NN skills more transparent. This paper lists the basic NN simplification problems and controlled pruning procedures to solve these problems. All the described pruning procedures can be implemented in one framework. The developed procedures, in particular, find the optimal structure of NN for each task, measure the influence of each input signal and NN parameter, and provide a detailed verbal description of the algorithms and skills of NN. The described methods are illustrated by a simple example: the generation of explicit algorithms for predicting the results of the US presidential election.
Background: Identifying clusters of physical activity (PA) from accelerometer data is important t... more Background: Identifying clusters of physical activity (PA) from accelerometer data is important to identify levels of sedentary behaviour and physical activity associated with risks of serious health conditions and time spent engaging in healthy PA. Unsupervised machine learning models can capture PA in everyday free-living activity without the need for labelled data. However, there is scant research addressing the selection of features from accelerometer data. The aim of this systematic review is to summarise feature selection techniques applied in studies concerned with unsupervised machine learning of accelerometer-based device obtained physical activity, and to identify commonly used features identified through these techniques. Feature selection methods can reduce the complexity and computational burden of these models by removing less important features and assist in understanding the relative importance of feature sets and individual features in clustering. Method: We conducted a systematic search of Pubmed, Medline, Google Scholar, Scopus, Arxiv and Web of Science databases to identify studies published before January 2021 which used feature selection methods to derive PA clusters using unsupervised machine learning models. Results: A total of 13 studies were eligible for inclusion within the review. The most popular feature selection techniques were Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and correlation-based methods, with k-means frequently used in clustering accelerometer data. Cluster quality evaluation methods were diverse, including both external (e.g. cluster purity) or internal evaluation measures (silhouette score most frequently). Only four of the 13 studies had more than 25 participants and only four studies included two or more datasets. Conclusion: There is a need to assess multiple feature selection methods upon large cohort data consisting of multiple (3 or more) PA datasets. The cutoff criteria e.g. number of components, pairwise correlation value, explained variance ratio for PCA etc. should be expressly stated along with any hyperparameters used in clustering. Feature Selection v3.1
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The curse of dimensionality causes well-known and widely discussed problems for machine learning ... more The curse of dimensionality causes well-known and widely discussed problems for machine learning methods. There is a hypothesis that usage of Manhattan distance and even fractional quasinorms lp (for p less than 1) can help to overcome the curse of dimensionality in classification problems. In this study, we systematically test this hypothesis for 37 binary classification problems on 25 databases. We confirm that fractional quasinorms have greater relative contrast or coefficient of variation than Euclidean norm l2, but we demonstrate also that the distance concentration shows qualitatively the same behaviour for all tested norms and quasinorms and the difference between them decays while dimension tends to infinity. Estimation of classification quality for kNN based on different norms and quasinorms shows that the greater relative contrast does not mean the better classifier performance and the worst performance for different databases was shown by the different norms (quasinorms). A systematic comparison shows that the difference in performance of kNN based on lp for p=2, 1, and 0.5 is statistically insignificant.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems sometimes make errors and will make errors in the future, fr... more Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems sometimes make errors and will make errors in the future, from time to time. These errors are usually unexpected, and can lead to dramatic consequences. Intensive development of AI and its practical applications makes the problem of errors more important. Total re-engineering of the systems can create new errors and is not always possible due to the resources involved. The important challenge is to develop fast methods to correct errors without damaging existing skills. We formulated the technical requirements to the 'ideal' correctors. Such correctors include binary classifiers, which separate the situations with high risk of errors from the situations where the AI systems work properly. Surprisingly, for essentially high-dimensional data such methods are possible: simple linear Fisher discriminant can separate the situations with errors from correctly solved tasks even for exponentially large samples. The paper presents the probabilistic basis for fast non-destructive correction of AI systems. A series of new stochastic separation theorems is proven. These theorems provide new instruments for fast non-iterative correction of errors of legacy AI systems. The new approaches become efficient in high-dimensions, for correction of high-dimensional systems in high-dimensional world (i.e. for processing of essentially high-dimensional data by large systems). We prove that this separability property holds for a wide class of distributions including log-concave distributions and distributions with a special 'SMeared Absolute Continuity' (SmAC) property defined through relations between the volume and probability of sets of vanishing volume. These classes are much wider than the Gaussian distributions. The requirement of independence and identical distribution of data is significantly relaxed. The results are supported by computational analysis of empirical data sets.
medRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), Jul 23, 2021
Number of references: 26 Number of tables and figures: 1 table and 2 figures. CC-BY-NC 4.0 Intern... more Number of references: 26 Number of tables and figures: 1 table and 2 figures. CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
In Natural Language Processing, automatic extracting the meaning of texts constitutes an importan... more In Natural Language Processing, automatic extracting the meaning of texts constitutes an important problem. Our focus is the computational analysis of meaning of short scientific texts (abstracts or brief reports). In this paper, a vector space model is developed for quantifying the meaning of words and texts. We introduce the Meaning Space, in which the meaning of a word is represented by a vector of Relative Information Gain (RIG) about the subject categories that the text belongs to, which can be obtained from observing the word in the text. This new approach is applied to construct the Meaning Space based on Leicester Scientific Corpus (LSC) and Leicester Scientific Dictionary-Core (LScDC). The LSC is a scientific corpus of 1,673,350 abstracts and the LScDC is a scientific dictionary which words are extracted from the LSC. Each text in the LSC belongs to at least one of 252 subject categories of Web of Science (WoS). These categories are used in construction of vectors of information gains. The Meaning Space is described and statistically analysed for the LSC with the LScDC. The usefulness of the proposed representation technique is evaluated through top-ranked words in each category. The most informative n words are ordered. We demonstrated that RIG-based word ranking is much more useful than ranking based on raw word frequency in determining the science-specific meaning and importance of a word. The proposed model based on RIG is shown to have ability to stand out topic-specific words in subject categories. The most informative words are presented for 252 subject categories. The new scientific dictionary and the 103, 998 Ă— 252 Word-Category RIG Matrix are available online. Analysis of the Meaning Space provides us with a tool to further explore quantifying the meaning of a text using more complex and context-dependent meaning models that use co-occurrence of words and their combinations.
In this paper, we present a scientific corpus of abstracts of academic papers in English-Leiceste... more In this paper, we present a scientific corpus of abstracts of academic papers in English-Leicester Scientific Corpus (LSC). The LSC contains 1,673,824 abstracts of research articles and proceeding papers indexed by Web of Science (WoS) in which publication year is 2014. Each abstract is assigned to at least one of 252 subject categories. Paper metadata include these categories and the number of citations. We then develop scientific dictionaries named Leicester Scientific Dictionary (LScD) and Leicester Scientific Dictionary-Core (LScDC), where words are extracted from the LSC. The LScD is a list of 974,238 unique words (lemmas). The LScDC is a core list (sub-list) of the LScD with 104,223 lemmas. It was created by removing LScD words appearing in not greater than 10 texts in the LSC. LScD and LScDC are available online. Both the corpus and dictionaries are developed to be later used for quantification of meaning in academic texts. Finally, the core list LScDC was analysed by comparing its words and word frequencies with a classic academic word list 'New Academic Word List (NAWL)' containing 963 word families, which is also sampled from an academic corpus. The major sources of the corpus where NAWL is extracted are Cambridge English Corpus (CEC), oral sources and textbooks. We investigate whether two dictionaries are similar in terms of common words and ranking of words. Our comparison leads us to main conclusion: most of words of NAWL (99.6%) are present in the LScDC but two lists differ in word ranking. This difference is measured.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'97), Nov 22, 2002
Neural networks based on construction of orthogonal projectors in the tensor power of space of si... more Neural networks based on construction of orthogonal projectors in the tensor power of space of signals are described. A sharp estimate of their ultimate information capacity is obtained. The number of stored prototype patterns (prototypes) can many times exceed the number of neurons. A comparison with the error control codes is made.
Domain adaptation is a popular paradigm in modern machine learning which aims at tackling the pro... more Domain adaptation is a popular paradigm in modern machine learning which aims at tackling the problem of divergence (or shift) between the labeled training and validation datasets (source domain) and a potentially large unlabeled dataset (target domain). The task is to embed both datasets into a common space in which the source dataset is informative for training while the divergence between source and target is minimized. The most popular domain adaptation solutions are based on training neural networks that combine classification and adversarial learning modules, frequently making them both data-hungry and difficult to train. We present a method called Domain Adaptation Principal Component Analysis (DAPCA) that identifies a linear reduced data representation useful for solving the domain adaptation task. DAPCA algorithm introduces positive and negative weights between pairs of data points, and generalizes the supervised extension of principal component analysis. DAPCA is an iterat...
2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)
Finding best architectures of learning machines, such as deep neural networks, is a well-known te... more Finding best architectures of learning machines, such as deep neural networks, is a well-known technical and theoretical challenge. Recent work by Mellor et al [1] showed that there may exist correlations between the accuracies of trained networks and the values of some easily computable measures defined on randomly initialised networks which may enable to search tens of thousands of neural architectures without training. Mellor et al [1] used the Hamming distance evaluated over all ReLU neurons as such a measure. Motivated by these findings, in our work, we ask the question of the existence of other and perhaps more principled measures which could be used as determinants of success of a given neural architecture. In particular, we examine, if the dimensionality and quasi-orthogonality of neural networks' feature space could be correlated with the network's performance after training. We showed, using the setup as in Mellor et al [1], that dimensionality and quasi-orthogonality may jointly serve as network's performance discriminants. In addition to offering new opportunities to accelerate neural architecture search, our findings suggest important relationships between the networks' final performance and properties of their randomly initialised feature spaces: data dimension and quasiorthogonality.
Pruning coupled with learning aims to optimize the neural network (NN) structure for solving spec... more Pruning coupled with learning aims to optimize the neural network (NN) structure for solving specific problems. This optimization can be used for various purposes: to prevent overfitting, to save resources for implementation and training, to provide explainability of the trained NN, and many others. The minimal structure that cannot be pruned further is not unique. Ensemble of minimal structures can be used as a committee of intellectual agents that solves problems by voting. Each minimal NN presents an "empirical knowledge" about the problem and can be verbalized. The non-uniqueness of such knowledge extracted from data is an important property of data-driven Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this work, we review an approach to pruning based on the principle: What controls training should control pruning. This principle is expected to work both for artificial NN and for selection and modification of important synaptic contacts in brain. In back-propagation artificial NN learning is controlled by the gradient of loss functions. Therefore, the first order sensitivity indicators are used for pruning and the algorithms based on these indicators are reviewed. The notion of logically transparent NN was introduced. The approach was illustrated on the problem of political forecasting: predicting the results of the US presidential election. Eight minimal NN were produced that give different forecasting algorithms. The non-uniqueness of solution can be utilised by creation of expert panels (committee). Another use of NN pluralism is to identify areas of input signals where further data collection is most useful. In conclusion, we discuss the possible future of widely advertised XAI program.
Automated hand gesture recognition has been a focus of the AI community for decades. Traditionall... more Automated hand gesture recognition has been a focus of the AI community for decades. Traditionally, work in this domain revolved largely around scenarios assuming the availability of the flow of images of the operator's/user's hands. This has partly been due to the prevalence of camera-based devices and the wide availability of image data. However, there is growing demand for gesture recognition technology that can be implemented on low-power devices using limited sensor data instead of high-dimensional inputs like hand images. In this work, we demonstrate a hand gesture recognition system and method that uses signals from capacitive sensors embedded into the etee hand controller. The controller generates real-time signals from each of the wearer's five fingers. We use a machine learning technique to analyse the time-series signals and identify three features that can represent 5 fingers within 500 ms. The analysis is composed of a two-stage training strategy, including dimension reduction through principal component analysis and classification with K-nearest neighbour. Remarkably, we found that this combination showed a level of performance which was comparable to more advanced methods such as supervised variational autoencoder. The base system can also be equipped with the capability to learn from occasional errors by providing it with an additional adaptive error correction mechanism. The results showed that the error corrector improve the classification performance in the base system without compromising its performance. The system requires no more than 1 ms of computing time per input sample, and is smaller than deep neural networks, demonstrating the feasibility of agile gesture recognition systems based on this technology.
This work is driven by a practical question: corrections of Artificial Intelligence (AI) errors. ... more This work is driven by a practical question: corrections of Artificial Intelligence (AI) errors. These corrections should be quick and non-iterative. To solve this problem without modification of a legacy AI system, we propose special 'external' devices, correctors. Elementary correctors consist of two parts, a classifier that separates the situations with high risk of error from the situations in which the legacy AI system works well and a new decision that should be recommended for situations with potential errors. Input signals for the correctors can be the inputs of the legacy AI system, its internal signals, and outputs. If the intrinsic dimensionality of data is high enough then the classifiers for correction of small number of errors can be very simple. According to the blessing of dimensionality effects, even simple and robust Fisher's discriminants can be used for one-shot learning of AI correctors. Stochastic separation theorems provide the mathematical basis for this one-short learning. However, as the number of correctors needed grows, the cluster structure of data becomes important and a new family of stochastic separation theorems is required. We refuse the classical hypothesis of the regularity of the data distribution and assume that the data can have a rich fine-grained structure with many clusters and corresponding peaks in the probability density. New stochastic separation theorems for data with fine-grained structure are formulated and proved. On the basis of these theorems, the multi-correctors for granular data are proposed. The advantages of the multi-corrector technology were demonstrated by examples of correcting errors and learning new classes of objects by a deep convolutional neural network on the CIFAR-10 dataset. The key problems of the non-classical high-dimensional data analysis are reviewed together with the basic preprocessing steps including the correlation transformation, supervised Principal Component Analysis (PCA), semi-supervised PCA, transfer component analysis, and new domain adaptation PCA.
One major problem in Natural Language Processing is the automatic analysis and representation of ... more One major problem in Natural Language Processing is the automatic analysis and representation of human language. Human language is ambiguous and deeper understanding of semantics and creating human-to-machine interaction have required an effort in creating the schemes for act of communication and building common-sense knowledge bases for the 'meaning' in texts. This paper introduces computational methods for semantic analysis and the quantifying the meaning of short scientific texts. Computational methods extracting semantic feature are used to analyse the relations between texts of messages and 'representations of situations' for a newly created large collection of scientific texts, Leicester Scientific Corpus. The representation of scientific-specific meaning is standardised by replacing the situation representations, rather than psychological properties, with the vectors of some attributes: a list of scientific subject categories that the text belongs to. First, this paper introduces 'Meaning Space' in which the informational representation of the meaning is extracted from the occurrence of the word in texts across the scientific categories, i.e., the meaning of a word is represented by a vector of Relative Information Gain about the subject categories. Then, the meaning space is statistically analysed for Leicester Scientific Dictionary-Core and we investigate 'Principal Components of the Meaning' to describe the adequate dimensions of the meaning. The research in this paper conducts the base for the geometric representation of the meaning of texts.
Domain adaptation is a popular paradigm in modern machine learning which aims at tackling the pro... more Domain adaptation is a popular paradigm in modern machine learning which aims at tackling the problem of divergence (or shift) between the labeled training and validation datasets (source domain) and a potentially large unlabeled dataset (target domain). The task is to embed both datasets red into a common space in which the source dataset is informative for training while the divergence between source and target is minimized. The most popular domain adaptation solutions are based on training neural networks that combine classification and adversarial learning modules, frequently making them both data-hungry and difficult to train. We present a method called Domain Adaptation Principal Component Analysis (DAPCA) that identifies a linear reduced data representation useful for solving the domain adaptation task. DAPCA algorithm introduces positive and negative weights between pairs of data points, and generalizes the supervised extension of principal component analysis. DAPCA is an iterative algorithm that solves a simple quadratic optimization problem at each iteration. The convergence of the algorithm is guaranteed, and the number of iterations is small in practice. We validate the suggested algorithm on previously proposed benchmarks for solving the domain adaptation task. We also show the benefit of using DAPCA in analyzing the single-cell omics datasets in biomedical applications. Overall, DAPCA can serve as a practical preprocessing step in many machine learning applications leading to reduced dataset representations, taking into account possible divergence between source and target domains.
Artificial Neural Networks (NN) are widely used for solving complex problems from medical diagnos... more Artificial Neural Networks (NN) are widely used for solving complex problems from medical diagnostics to face recognition. Despite notable successes, the main disadvantages of NN are also well known: the risk of overfitting, lack of explainability (inability to extract algorithms from trained NN), and high consumption of computing resources. Determining the appropriate specific NN structure for each problem can help overcome these difficulties: Too poor NN cannot be successfully trained, but too rich NN gives unexplainable results and may have a high chance of overfitting. Reducing precision of NN parameters simplifies the implementation of these NN, saves computing resources, and makes the NN skills more transparent. This paper lists the basic NN simplification problems and controlled pruning procedures to solve these problems. All the described pruning procedures can be implemented in one framework. The developed procedures, in particular, find the optimal structure of NN for each task, measure the influence of each input signal and NN parameter, and provide a detailed verbal description of the algorithms and skills of NN. The described methods are illustrated by a simple example: the generation of explicit algorithms for predicting the results of the US presidential election.
Background: Identifying clusters of physical activity (PA) from accelerometer data is important t... more Background: Identifying clusters of physical activity (PA) from accelerometer data is important to identify levels of sedentary behaviour and physical activity associated with risks of serious health conditions and time spent engaging in healthy PA. Unsupervised machine learning models can capture PA in everyday free-living activity without the need for labelled data. However, there is scant research addressing the selection of features from accelerometer data. The aim of this systematic review is to summarise feature selection techniques applied in studies concerned with unsupervised machine learning of accelerometer-based device obtained physical activity, and to identify commonly used features identified through these techniques. Feature selection methods can reduce the complexity and computational burden of these models by removing less important features and assist in understanding the relative importance of feature sets and individual features in clustering. Method: We conducted a systematic search of Pubmed, Medline, Google Scholar, Scopus, Arxiv and Web of Science databases to identify studies published before January 2021 which used feature selection methods to derive PA clusters using unsupervised machine learning models. Results: A total of 13 studies were eligible for inclusion within the review. The most popular feature selection techniques were Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and correlation-based methods, with k-means frequently used in clustering accelerometer data. Cluster quality evaluation methods were diverse, including both external (e.g. cluster purity) or internal evaluation measures (silhouette score most frequently). Only four of the 13 studies had more than 25 participants and only four studies included two or more datasets. Conclusion: There is a need to assess multiple feature selection methods upon large cohort data consisting of multiple (3 or more) PA datasets. The cutoff criteria e.g. number of components, pairwise correlation value, explained variance ratio for PCA etc. should be expressly stated along with any hyperparameters used in clustering. Feature Selection v3.1
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The curse of dimensionality causes well-known and widely discussed problems for machine learning ... more The curse of dimensionality causes well-known and widely discussed problems for machine learning methods. There is a hypothesis that usage of Manhattan distance and even fractional quasinorms lp (for p less than 1) can help to overcome the curse of dimensionality in classification problems. In this study, we systematically test this hypothesis for 37 binary classification problems on 25 databases. We confirm that fractional quasinorms have greater relative contrast or coefficient of variation than Euclidean norm l2, but we demonstrate also that the distance concentration shows qualitatively the same behaviour for all tested norms and quasinorms and the difference between them decays while dimension tends to infinity. Estimation of classification quality for kNN based on different norms and quasinorms shows that the greater relative contrast does not mean the better classifier performance and the worst performance for different databases was shown by the different norms (quasinorms). A systematic comparison shows that the difference in performance of kNN based on lp for p=2, 1, and 0.5 is statistically insignificant.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems sometimes make errors and will make errors in the future, fr... more Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems sometimes make errors and will make errors in the future, from time to time. These errors are usually unexpected, and can lead to dramatic consequences. Intensive development of AI and its practical applications makes the problem of errors more important. Total re-engineering of the systems can create new errors and is not always possible due to the resources involved. The important challenge is to develop fast methods to correct errors without damaging existing skills. We formulated the technical requirements to the 'ideal' correctors. Such correctors include binary classifiers, which separate the situations with high risk of errors from the situations where the AI systems work properly. Surprisingly, for essentially high-dimensional data such methods are possible: simple linear Fisher discriminant can separate the situations with errors from correctly solved tasks even for exponentially large samples. The paper presents the probabilistic basis for fast non-destructive correction of AI systems. A series of new stochastic separation theorems is proven. These theorems provide new instruments for fast non-iterative correction of errors of legacy AI systems. The new approaches become efficient in high-dimensions, for correction of high-dimensional systems in high-dimensional world (i.e. for processing of essentially high-dimensional data by large systems). We prove that this separability property holds for a wide class of distributions including log-concave distributions and distributions with a special 'SMeared Absolute Continuity' (SmAC) property defined through relations between the volume and probability of sets of vanishing volume. These classes are much wider than the Gaussian distributions. The requirement of independence and identical distribution of data is significantly relaxed. The results are supported by computational analysis of empirical data sets.
medRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), Jul 23, 2021
Number of references: 26 Number of tables and figures: 1 table and 2 figures. CC-BY-NC 4.0 Intern... more Number of references: 26 Number of tables and figures: 1 table and 2 figures. CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
In Natural Language Processing, automatic extracting the meaning of texts constitutes an importan... more In Natural Language Processing, automatic extracting the meaning of texts constitutes an important problem. Our focus is the computational analysis of meaning of short scientific texts (abstracts or brief reports). In this paper, a vector space model is developed for quantifying the meaning of words and texts. We introduce the Meaning Space, in which the meaning of a word is represented by a vector of Relative Information Gain (RIG) about the subject categories that the text belongs to, which can be obtained from observing the word in the text. This new approach is applied to construct the Meaning Space based on Leicester Scientific Corpus (LSC) and Leicester Scientific Dictionary-Core (LScDC). The LSC is a scientific corpus of 1,673,350 abstracts and the LScDC is a scientific dictionary which words are extracted from the LSC. Each text in the LSC belongs to at least one of 252 subject categories of Web of Science (WoS). These categories are used in construction of vectors of information gains. The Meaning Space is described and statistically analysed for the LSC with the LScDC. The usefulness of the proposed representation technique is evaluated through top-ranked words in each category. The most informative n words are ordered. We demonstrated that RIG-based word ranking is much more useful than ranking based on raw word frequency in determining the science-specific meaning and importance of a word. The proposed model based on RIG is shown to have ability to stand out topic-specific words in subject categories. The most informative words are presented for 252 subject categories. The new scientific dictionary and the 103, 998 Ă— 252 Word-Category RIG Matrix are available online. Analysis of the Meaning Space provides us with a tool to further explore quantifying the meaning of a text using more complex and context-dependent meaning models that use co-occurrence of words and their combinations.
In this paper, we present a scientific corpus of abstracts of academic papers in English-Leiceste... more In this paper, we present a scientific corpus of abstracts of academic papers in English-Leicester Scientific Corpus (LSC). The LSC contains 1,673,824 abstracts of research articles and proceeding papers indexed by Web of Science (WoS) in which publication year is 2014. Each abstract is assigned to at least one of 252 subject categories. Paper metadata include these categories and the number of citations. We then develop scientific dictionaries named Leicester Scientific Dictionary (LScD) and Leicester Scientific Dictionary-Core (LScDC), where words are extracted from the LSC. The LScD is a list of 974,238 unique words (lemmas). The LScDC is a core list (sub-list) of the LScD with 104,223 lemmas. It was created by removing LScD words appearing in not greater than 10 texts in the LSC. LScD and LScDC are available online. Both the corpus and dictionaries are developed to be later used for quantification of meaning in academic texts. Finally, the core list LScDC was analysed by comparing its words and word frequencies with a classic academic word list 'New Academic Word List (NAWL)' containing 963 word families, which is also sampled from an academic corpus. The major sources of the corpus where NAWL is extracted are Cambridge English Corpus (CEC), oral sources and textbooks. We investigate whether two dictionaries are similar in terms of common words and ranking of words. Our comparison leads us to main conclusion: most of words of NAWL (99.6%) are present in the LScDC but two lists differ in word ranking. This difference is measured.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'97), Nov 22, 2002
Neural networks based on construction of orthogonal projectors in the tensor power of space of si... more Neural networks based on construction of orthogonal projectors in the tensor power of space of signals are described. A sharp estimate of their ultimate information capacity is obtained. The number of stored prototype patterns (prototypes) can many times exceed the number of neurons. A comparison with the error control codes is made.
Domain adaptation is a popular paradigm in modern machine learning which aims at tackling the pro... more Domain adaptation is a popular paradigm in modern machine learning which aims at tackling the problem of divergence (or shift) between the labeled training and validation datasets (source domain) and a potentially large unlabeled dataset (target domain). The task is to embed both datasets into a common space in which the source dataset is informative for training while the divergence between source and target is minimized. The most popular domain adaptation solutions are based on training neural networks that combine classification and adversarial learning modules, frequently making them both data-hungry and difficult to train. We present a method called Domain Adaptation Principal Component Analysis (DAPCA) that identifies a linear reduced data representation useful for solving the domain adaptation task. DAPCA algorithm introduces positive and negative weights between pairs of data points, and generalizes the supervised extension of principal component analysis. DAPCA is an iterat...
2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)
Finding best architectures of learning machines, such as deep neural networks, is a well-known te... more Finding best architectures of learning machines, such as deep neural networks, is a well-known technical and theoretical challenge. Recent work by Mellor et al [1] showed that there may exist correlations between the accuracies of trained networks and the values of some easily computable measures defined on randomly initialised networks which may enable to search tens of thousands of neural architectures without training. Mellor et al [1] used the Hamming distance evaluated over all ReLU neurons as such a measure. Motivated by these findings, in our work, we ask the question of the existence of other and perhaps more principled measures which could be used as determinants of success of a given neural architecture. In particular, we examine, if the dimensionality and quasi-orthogonality of neural networks' feature space could be correlated with the network's performance after training. We showed, using the setup as in Mellor et al [1], that dimensionality and quasi-orthogonality may jointly serve as network's performance discriminants. In addition to offering new opportunities to accelerate neural architecture search, our findings suggest important relationships between the networks' final performance and properties of their randomly initialised feature spaces: data dimension and quasiorthogonality.
Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies, University of Bologna, 7th July 2015.
The problem of identification of pair of loci associated with heat tolerance in yeasts is conside... more The problem of identification of pair of loci associated with heat tolerance in yeasts is considered. Interactions of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) in heat selected yeast are analysed by comparing them to an unselected pool of random individuals. Data on individual F12 progeny selected for heat tolerance, which have been genotyped at 25 locations identified by sequencing a selected pool, are re-examined. 960 individuals were genotyped at these locations and multi-locus genotype frequencies were compared to 172 sequenced individuals from the original unselected pool. We use Relative Information Gain (RIG) for analysis of associations between loci. Correlation analysis in many pairs of loci requires multi testing methods. Two multi testing approaches are applied for selection of associations: False Discovery Rate (FDR) method in the version suggested by J.D. Storey and R. Tibshirani and specially developed Bootstrap Test of ordered RIG (BToRIG). BToRIG demonstrates slightly higher sensitivity than FDR approach does for FDR=1. The statistical analysis of entropy and RIG in genotypes of a selected population reveals further interactions than previously seen. Importantly this is done in comparison to the unselected population’s genotypes to account for inherent biases in the original population.
Papers by Evgeny Mirkes