In this paper, we propose a new approach for automated verification of informal proofs in Euclidean geometry using a fragment of first-order logic called coherent logic and a corresponding proof representation. We use a TPTP inspired language to write a semi-formal proof of a theorem, that fairly accurately depicts a proof that can be found in mathematical textbooks. The semi-formal proof is verified by generating more detailed proof objects expressed in the coherent logic vernacular. Those proof objects can be easily transformed to Isabelle and Coq proof objects, and also in natural language proofs written in English and Serbian. This approach is tested on two sets of theorem proofs using classical axiomatic system for Euclidean geometry created by David Hilbert, and a modern axiomatic system E created by Jeremy Avigad, Edward Dean, and John Mumma.
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We are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for the extremely helpful feedback on the first version of the paper.
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The author is partly supported by the grant ON174021 of the Ministry of Science of Serbia.
Appendix: Invocation of the system ArgoGeoChecker
Appendix: Invocation of the system ArgoGeoChecker
Detailed README.txt file can be found on the system’s web-page. Here we will give just one example of the invocation of the system. Input file should be named th_name_proof.txt and located in the folder theorems_and_proofs
System invocation: ./ArgoGeoChecker axiom_system th_name_proof.txt
The shortcut has been added for Hilbert’s axiomatic system:./ArgoGeoChecker I th_1_proof.txt The option “I” can be used when we want to use just the first group of Hilbert’s axioms for verification of the proof, and the option “II” can be used when we want to use the first and the second group of Hilbert’s axioms together (definitions are always used).
System will automatically generate (in the folder theorem_and_proofs) files for all target languages (with extensions *.thy, *.v, *.tex, *.pdf).
An example:
./ArgoGeoChecker I th_1_proof.txt th_1_01.p| vampire| 0.03| 0.13| ax_I3a | 0.00|| th_1_02.p| vampire| 0.27| 0.21| ax_sym_ncol ax_D1a | 0.01|| th_1_03.p| e| 0.28| 0.13| ax_I4a | 0.02|| th_1_04.p| vampire| 0.16| 0.41| ax_I6 | 0.00|| Seconds: 6
Here we can see: the name of the auxiliary lemma that is proved — resolution theorem prover that found the smallest axiom set that the lemma can be proved with — Vampire time — E time — set of axioms that was found — ArgoCLP time.
List of semi-formal proofs in Hilbert’s axiomatic system (with the shorcut for the specific set of Hilbert’s axioms):
./ArgoGeoChecker I th_1_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker I th_2_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker I th_3_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker I th_4_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker I th_5_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker I th_6_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker II th_7_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker II th_8_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker I th_9_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker I th_10_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker I th_11_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker I th_12_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker I th_13_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker I th_14_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker II th_15_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker II th_16_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker II th_17_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker II th_18_proof.txt
List of semi-formal proofs in the axiomatic system E:
./ArgoGeoChecker axiomatic_system/avigad_axioms.p th_prop1_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker axiomatic_system/avigad_axioms.p th_prop1aux1_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker axiomatic_system/avigad_axioms.p th_prop1aux2_proof.txt ./ArgoGeoChecker axiomatic_system/avigad_axioms.p th_prop2_proof.txt
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Stojanović-Ðurđević, S. From informal to formal proofs in Euclidean geometry. Ann Math Artif Intell 85, 89–117 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10472-018-9597-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10472-018-9597-7