Automatic polyp detection in endoscopy (or colonoscopy) images is challenging because the types of polyp and their appearances are diverse, and the colors and textures of polyps are quite similar to those of normal tissues in many cases. It is thus often very difficult to distinguish polyps from normal tissues using conventional methodology. To effectively resolve these challenges, we propose a framework based on multi-classifier learning and a contour intensity difference (CID) measure. To detect polyps of diverse appearances, we first classify polyps into K types according to their shape via unsupervised learning. We then train K classifiers to detect the K types of polyp. This multi-classifier learning improves the polyp detection rate. However, false positives also increase because colon structures look similar to polyps. To reduce false positives while preserving the high detection rate, we propose a CID measure. Experimental results using public and our own datasets show that the proposed methods are promising for detecting polyps with diverse appearances.
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We aim to train multiple classifiers that can detect specific shapes of polyps against the background. Therefore, in this paper, we do not cluster the negative samples.
In order to find the CID probability densities, we performed the following process. First, we manually detected all polyps and the FP factors in the datasets. Second, we extracted all CID measures of polyps and FP factors in the test dataset and found the CID probability densities. For example, when we conducted fivefold cross-validation, we have five test datasets, and obtain five CID probability densities of polyps and FP factors, respectively. In practice, we set the CID distributions from the first fold test dataset as the representatives since the five distributions from each fold are very similar to each other.
Test scenario 3 is challenging because ODB contains more diverse polyps and complex scenes than those in CVC and the numbers of training and test samples are not balanced (training: 300 ≪ test: 1432).
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Cho, YJ., Bae, SH. & Yoon, KJ. Multi-Classifier-Based Automatic Polyp Detection in Endoscopic Images. J. Med. Biol. Eng. 36, 871–882 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40846-016-0190-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40846-016-0190-4