Catarina Pombo Nabais
Catarina Pombo Nabais is Graduated in Philosophy by the Faculty of Letters of Lisbon University (1998), she obtained her Diplôme d'Études Approfondies in Philosophy at the University of Amiens, France, (1999) and concluded her PhD in Philosophy by the University of Paris VIII, under the supervision of the philosopher Jacques Rancière (2007) with the highest distinction for a PhD dissertation in France. In 2013, she published her first book titled Gilles Deleuze: Philosophie et Littérature, by the French editor L'Harmattan, Paris, with a Preface from Jacques Rancière. Ronald Bogue, a worldwide reference in Deleuze studies, decided to translate and to preface the book into English and her book was published in the USA by the publisher Roman & Littlefield (2020). More recently, she organized the book Creative Processes in Science and Arts. The issue of public participation, by the publisher Afrontamento, which has, among her own study, articles by several scientists and artists with work carried out in Portugal in the area of public participation. Her next book, in co-authorship with the philosopher, art critic and media theorist Boris Groys, entitled Towards Self-Design. Philosophical conversations, edited by the University of Coimbra Press is in press and expected to be published soon.
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