Rhinoplasty merupakan prosedur bedah besar terakhir yang dilakukan pada kasus celah, dengan ciri-ciri tertentu dari celah hidung. Prosedur pembedahan berupa insisi jaringan akan menstimulasi ujung syaraf bebas dan nosiseptor dan... more
Rhinoplasty merupakan prosedur bedah besar terakhir yang dilakukan pada kasus celah, dengan ciri-ciri tertentu dari celah hidung. Prosedur pembedahan berupa insisi jaringan akan menstimulasi ujung syaraf bebas dan nosiseptor dan melepaskan mediator kimia yang ditransmisikan melalui neospinothalamic dan menimbukan persepsi nyeri. Salah satu penanganan non farmakologi pada pasien bedah plastik post operasi rhinoplasty adalah hipnosis. Hipnosis merupakan metode interaktif yang digunakan oleh hipnotis untuk merangsang sensasi, persepsi, pemahaman, dan aktivitas motorik volunter dalam individu dan memfasilitasi pengalihan perhatian dari gangguan rangsangan pada pasien dan membantu mereka merasa lebih baik. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui, pengaruh hypnosis terhadap nyeri pada pasien bedah bedah plastik post operasi rhinoplasty berdasarkan studi 10 tahun terkahir. Metode: Desain penelitian menggunakan Preferred Reporting Items for Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) Guidelines dengan strategi pencarian literature online menggunakan google chrome search engine Scopus, Science Direct, PubMed dan Proquest. Tahun sumber literature yang diambil mulai tahun 2011 sampai dengan 2021. Hasil: Penelitian dari 15 jurnal yang direview menunjukkan hasil bahwa terapi hipnosis efektif dalam menurunkan nyeri pada pasien post op bedah plastik rhynoplasty. Hypnosis diberikan 2-15 menit atau rata-rata 10 menit dalam setiap sesi yang dibagi menjadi 3 sesi dengan karakteristik responden minimal usia 18 tahun. Hypnosis atau terapi sugesti menjadi salah satu terapi komplementer yang dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi penggunaan obat farmakologis yang akan berdampak pada penurunan rasa sakit pasca operasi.
Introduction: Patient with nasopharynx cancer may experience emotional distres. Emotional distres and anxiety may lead to decrease self-effi cacy. Clients with a negative perception of the health or low self-effi cacy would become... more
Introduction: Patient with nasopharynx cancer may experience emotional distres. Emotional distres and anxiety may lead to decrease self-effi cacy. Clients with a negative perception of the health or low self-effi cacy would become apathetic and disability in soluns problem as compensation of getting that disease. The purpose of this study was the relaxation affi rmations techniques in order to increase self-effi cacy patient with nasopharynx cancer. Methode: This study used pra-experiment pre-post test design. Population was taken from patient with nasopharynx cancer of Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) Patient Departement Dr. Soetomo Hospital at Surabaya. Sample comprised of 19 respondents who selected based on inclusion criteria. Independent variable was the relaxation affi rmations. Dependent variable was self effi cacy of nasopharyngeal cancer patients. Data were collected using the observation sheet. Result: The results showed that there was a signi fi cant in fl uence of relaxation af...
Introduction: HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a typical lymphotropic retrovirus that infects cells of the immune system, destroys or destroys specific white blood cells called Thelper lymphocytes or T4 factor carrier lymphocytes... more
Introduction: HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a typical lymphotropic retrovirus that infects cells of the immune system, destroys or destroys specific white blood cells called Thelper lymphocytes or T4 factor carrier lymphocytes (CD4). Vitamin D is a major regulator of host defense against infection by activating genes and pathways that enhance acquired innate immunity. A study in Uganda reported that the CD4 cell count of HIV patients with vitamin D deficiency was consistently lower than that of HIV patients with normal vitamin D levels. This study also stated that HIV patients with low vitamin D levels had lower survival rates than other HIV patients. Method: Literature review is a method used to collect data or sources related to a particular topic that can be obtained from various sources such as journals, books, internet and other libraries. The strategy used to find articles using PEOS. Exposure related to this study is the effect of vitamin D on people living with HIV. The exclusion criteria consisted of non-people living with HIV/AIDS with the topic not focusing on administering vitamin D therapy to PLWHA. Journals or articles published in 2016 and above use Indonesian and English. Using The Joanna Brigg Institute (JBI) for several types of studies randomized control trial, cross sectional study, retrospective cohort study, and prospective cohort study. Results : HIV patients suffer from vitamin D deficiency which causes the infection rate to increase. Vitamin D is very effective against the immunity of HIV patients, especially vitamin D3. Vitamin D can function to increase the immunity of HIV patients who are in the healing period after being exposed to the disease. HIV patients who regularly consume vitamin D, recover 3 times faster than patients who do not take vitamin D. Discussion: Active vitamin D has a significant immunomodulatory effect as an important determinant of CD4 effector T cell differentiation. Vitamin D deficiency contributes to the pathogenesis of HIV infection by interfering with innate and adaptive immune responses. Vitamin D has strong immunomodulatory and antimicrobial effects in HIV infection.