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Simple. Built on open source. The responsive front-end library based on Material Design from Google.

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Ultra Fast

Using VanillaJS and as less dependecies as possible to keep it fast and simple. We use TypeScript since it builds upon JavaScript and it enhances the type- and code safety.

Quick integration

You dont have to learn or integrate any new or crappy stuff. Goal here is to stick to the roots. Just copy and paste from the documentation and you are good to go!

Responsive and accessible

Most of the Features which work event without JavaScript. Components should be useable by mobile devices and easily accessible by keyboard too. Try it out!

Simple and clean Design

User centric approach with established design principles mainly from Googles Material guidelines. Our Components should work on nearly every device with a monitor.

Awesome Community

User centric approach with many members all around the world, which help bring Materialize forward and improve usability for everyone on the web. You can be a part too!


Component cutsomization should be possible by yourself. To help growing this project, you can join the community and ask for support or you can easily create an issue to move Materialize forward.

Materialize is free and open-source. This is made possible by our awesome sponsors.

Materialize development is provided by an international team. Thanks for supporting us! ❤️