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Church (5VP. Discard Village Church.) M132 教会

For upgrading the Village Church M009 to the Church, you receive 2 food. At the end of each round, you can tithe up to 1 fuel to earn 1 bonus point. 村の教会(M009)を改良すると教会になり、あなたは食糧2を得る。各ラウンドの終了時に、あなたは…

Moor Archaeology (1VP. Req clay hut.) M131 泥炭考古学

Whenever you use the "Cut Peat" special action, you can place 1 fence from your supply on the emptied farmyard space. You cannot use this farmyard space to hold anything, but it is counted as used, and is worth 1 additional bonus point at …

Family Burial Plot (1VP. Cost 1S. Req stone house.) M130 家の墓所

Immediately place the tombstone on an unused space in your farmyard. That space cannot be used to hold anything now, but is counted as used, and is worth 1 additional bonus point at the end of the game. ただちに、墓石マーカーを農場内の空き…

Stock-breeding Prize (Cost 1 grain. Req no unused spaces.) M129 繁殖手当

At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each other player in the game, as long as you have at least 1 animal of each of the 4 types. These points are doubled or tripled if you have 2 or 3 of each type of animal. ゲーム終了時…

Land Parcel (Req max 2 imp.) M128 耕作区画

When you play this card, you receive 1 forest tile that you must immediately place on an empty space in your farmyard. At the end of the game, you receive 2 bonus point if you have 1 unused farmyard space, you receive -1 bonus point if you…

Tree Nursery (Cost 1W. Req no imp.) M127 苗木畑

Place 1 forest tile on the spaces for rounds 12 and 13. At the start of these rounds, you can take the tile and place it on an empty space in your farmyard. (まだ始まっていない)ラウンド12と13のスペースに、それぞれ森タイルを1枚ずつ置く。こ…

Forest Swamp (Req 2 major imp.) M126 森の湿原

Whenever you use the "Cut Peat" special action, turn over the moor tile that you remove. Add 4 to the current round and place the tile on the corresponding round space. At the start of the round, you can place the forest tile on an empty s…

Bog Forest (Cost 1F. Req 3 imp.) M125 泥地森

Immediately place 1 forest tile on as many of your own moor tiles as you wish. You can only use the covered moor tiles once you have removed the forest tiles with the "Fell Trees" special action. You cannot use "Slash and Burn" on forest t…

Moor Enclosures (1VP. Cost 1S. Req clay hut.) M124 泥地開発

Place 2 Moor tiles on this card. The card represents 2 additional, normal farmyard spaces. Place it beside your farmyard. Each of the new spaces must border an existing farmyard space. This expands your farm by 2 spaces. このカードの上に泥…

Agricultural Implement (Cost 1W.) M123 畑用品

Whenever you use a person to take the "Plough fields" action, you can take a special action card immediately afterwards, as long as it has not already been used twice. あなたは、人を使って「畑を耕す」のアクションを行うたび、続けて、まだ(こ…

Peat-Cutting Rights (Req 1 horse.) M122 泥炭採掘権

Add 4 and 7 to the current round. Place 1 moor tile on each of the corresponding rounds. These tiles show that you can use the special action "Cut Peat" at the start of the round. 現在のラウンドに4と7を足す。それらのラウンドのスペースに、…

Routine Work (Cost 1F. Req no imp.) M121 いつもの仕事

Whenever you choose not to use a craftman's building to convert building resources to food during the harvest, you receive your choice of 1 food or 1 fuel instead. あなたは、収穫フェイズの間に職人の建物で建築資材を食糧に換えなかった場合、…

Chamber of Commerce (1VP. Cost 2C 1S.) M120 職人の小部屋

You immediately receive 1 wood and 1 reed. At the end of the game, each of these major improvements: Joinery A7, Pottery A8 and Basketmaker's Workshop A9 is worth 1 additional bonus point to you. あなたは、ただちに木材1と葦1を得る。ゲーム…

Out on the Wallaby M119 遍歴の旅

You receive goods if you own craftman's buildings. Joinery A7: 3 wood; Pottery A8: 3 clay; Basketmaker's Workshop A9: 2 reeds. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. 職人の建物を建てていれ…

Co-operative Store (1VP. Cost 2W 1C.) M118 組合のお店

Place 4 usage counters on this card. At any time, you can remove 1 of them to exchange any 1 building resource for any other building resource except stone. このカードの上にカウンター4枚を置く。いつでも、あなたはカウンター1枚を取り除くこと…

Pastoral Letter (Req 2 major imp.) M117 修道会の手紙

If the Well A10 has not yet been built, you can immediately place it under the Village Church M009. From next round, whenever you use a person to take an action, you can build the Village Church immediately afterwards by paying the require…

Hearth Brush (Cost 1R.) M116 暖炉ほうき

If the Stone Oven A6 has not yet been built, you can immediately place it underneath the Heating Stove M008. From next round, whenever you use a person to take an action, you can build the Heating Stove immediately afterwards by paying the…

Village Shop (Cost 1W 1R. Not after round 4.) M115 村のお店

Place 3 usage counters on this card. At any time, you can remove them to receive 1 other good or marker. The offer changes each round: 2: food, 3: grain, 4: fuel, 5: wood, 6: clay, 7: sheep, 8: reed, 9: wild boar, 10: stone, 11: cattle, 12…

Household Inventory (Cost 1F. Req 1 field, pasture, or stable.) M114 品物リスト

If you have 5/6/7/8/9/10 empty farmyard spaces, you receive the first 1/2/3/4/5/6 goods from the following list (in order): 1 reed, 1 grain, 1 cattle, 1 stone, 1 vegetable, 1 horse. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your l…

Peat Boat (3VP. Cost 3W 2R.) M113 泥炭船

At any time, you can exchange fuel for goods as follows: 3 fuel → 2 wood or 2 clay; 4 fuel → 2 reed or 2 stone; 2 fuel → 1 grain; 3 fuel → 1 vegetable. いつでも、あなたは燃料を以下の通りの品物に交換できる: 燃料3 → 木材2またはレンガ2、燃料4…

Wheelbarrow (Cost 2W. Req 1 major imp.) M112 手押し車

Whenever you take at least 4 of the same building resources from an action space, you also receive 1 fuel. Whenever you "Cut Peat", you also receive 1 building resource of your choice. あなたは、1つのアクションスペースから同じ建築資材を4つ…

Stone Wagon (Cost 2W.) M111 石材荷車

Whenever you use the "Day Labourer" action, you also receive 1 stone. あなたは「日雇い労働者」のアクションを行うたび、石材1を追加で得る。

Alder Swamp (1VP. Cost 2F. Req 2 imp.) M110 ハンノキの小枝

Whenever you use a "Fell Trees" special action, you also receive your choice of 1 reed or 1 wood. あなたは、特別アクション「木を切り倒す」を行うたび、葦1または木材1を追加で得る。

Loam (Req 1 imp.) M109 黄土レンガ

Whenever you have placed all except one of your people during the work phase and you use the "Hiring Fair" special action, you receive 1 additional clay. 労働フェイズで、あなたの人々のうち1人を除く全員が場に配置された状態であなたが特別アク…