Today, modern businesses can not achieve their market presence without having a well-built market... more Today, modern businesses can not achieve their market presence without having a well-built marketing strategy. The constant revision, supplementation and modification of the strategy are part of the work of the international company. When it comes to information technology, ie the rapid growth and development of this industry requires companies that are part of it to constantly compete with the powerful and widespread competition. Companies like Huawei are in a constant race against time, competition from all over the world and of course most importantly the desires of consumers. In order to achieve good financial results, it is necessary to constantly develop your strategy and invest in marketing tools. Through marketing, the company will be able to reach the consumer, attract him and of course keep him. In that way the profit will increase and the financial results will be in a good direction
In the face of intense business competition in the global market, transport and logistics compani... more In the face of intense business competition in the global market, transport and logistics companies often do not sufficiently analyze the detailed accounting statements for the incurred costs of individual processes, nor do they pay attention to certain scenarios for more successful management of certain unnecessary costs. Numerous scientific analyzes made by the academic and business sector indicate that companies would realize significant financial benefits, if they had full insight into the financial statements structured through multiple scenario simulations, which will see possible gains and losses over a period of analysis. The subject of this paper is to analyze the potential of logistic companies and their performance capacity though the Monte Carlo simulation of the net income values. We present the case of Macedonian logistic companies with the challenge of using the interactive testing environment in Power Bi for goal testing. For the purpose of testing,we generate 1 million data units in two scenarios of 10% increased and decreased net income value. This case was tested on data from year 2020 for Fershped, Kuehne & Nagel and Quehenberger Logistics as a part of Macedonian logistic industry.The results suggest that results of the simulations are in small favor of the values lessthan in the 2020. However, if we know that the values in 2020 are continuing a good result from 2019 we can conclude that the results expected for 2021 will results in strong positive values.
Kew words: Macedonian logistic companies, Net income, Monte Carlo scenario, Power BI
Center for Innovation and Development INOS Prilep, 2021
Општеството денес е сè повеќе дигитализирано и поврзано, преку компјутерите и другите уреди кои п... more Општеството денес е сè повеќе дигитализирано и поврзано, преку компјутерите и другите уреди кои посредуваат во животот на индивидуата на еден или друг начин. Тоа е апстрактна појава која тешко се разбира, а степенот на дигитализација претставува предизвик кој е предмет на анализа во секое општество. Почетокот на пандемијата предизвикана од Ковид-19, во почетокот на 2020година, принуди милиони луѓе да ги променат нивните дневни навики и да ја применуваат дигиталната технологија. Големи промени настанале во рамки на каналите на маркетингот, односно преминот од традиционални кон дигитални, модерни канали на поврзување со потрошувачите. Денешниот потрошувач бара многу повеќе внимание, личен однос од страна на претпријатието, почесто известување и пласирање информации кои се лесно достапни за него. Иновациите во маркетинг каналите претставуваат прв чекор во креирањето дигитално општество во периодот на пандемијата, но и после неа. Креирањето на дигитално општество подразбира поголемо поврзување, синхронизирање и адаптирање на светските пазари и создавање поголеми вредности за потрошувачите. Покрај изедначувачкиот потенцијалот кој дигитализацијата како процес го има, сепак дигиталното општество е далеку од утопично со оглед на тоа што сеуште може да се видат социјалните и економски нееднаквости помеѓу потрошувачите.
Клучни зборови: дигитализација; канали на маркетинг; информации; потенцијал; нееднаквости
This paper analyzes the habits of media usage by the consumers in the period during the Covid-19 ... more This paper analyzes the habits of media usage by the consumers in the period during the Covid-19 pandemic on one side, and the trends of investment in different media for marketing purposes, on the other. The analysis was conducted through online questionnaires (via Google forms) on a sample of 284 respondents from the generation Z (emerging adults). This paper puts accent on two types of media-television as traditional media and Facebook as social media. The results show that most of the respondents have used both media-TV as well as Facebook for communication with companies, in the last six months in the pandemic. Regarding the relative importance of the media for advertising, the respondents consider social media to be more important media for advertising when compared to TV. Usage characteristics show that 57.4% of emerging adults use TV on daily basis, mostly an hour per day, while 89.9% use Facebook every day, at least two hours per day. On the other side, according to the existing empirical data, during the pandemic, most of the companies have invested more in social vs. traditional media for their marketing activities, thus keeping in line with current market trends. Considering the analysis of consumers' preferences, this paper can assist the companies in making informed and better marketing investment decisions in the ongoing and future crisis.
The importance of marketing in terms of globalization is enormous, especially if seen as a tool w... more The importance of marketing in terms of globalization is enormous, especially if seen as a tool without which the company cannot survive on the market. Today, international marketing is intensified and is adapted to all aspects of the daily life of the consumer. This is particularly true for companies that operate in more markets, that is, the work in more fragmented segments of domestic and foreign markets. Creating and formulating a marketing strategy is of great importance and requires a lot of resources and time in order to achieve the set goals. The strategy dedicated to targeting consumers is part of the work of most of the companies in both the sacred and the Republic of Macedonia. The need for segmentation of markets according to different crises, then their targeting and grouping in different groups is necessary. The enterprises in the new millennium are faced with the challenge of finding the right way to consumers.
Macedonian International Journal of marketing, 2019
Globalization as a concept is basically the integration and mixing of cultural diversity, economi... more Globalization as a concept is basically the integration and mixing of cultural diversity, economic and infrastructural benefits, through the expansion of transnational investments, information and communication technologies. Countries around the world are continually making efforts to deal with global marketing trends by delivering their products and services outside their countries. Globalization has rolled its roots in all spheres of marketing operations, ranging from production to modernization of distribution channels. Logistic systems, as part of the supply chain, are continually influenced by innovation and global challenges. Logistics, in addition to the process of moving, storing and flowing goods, services and information inside and outside the organization today is a much wider and more complex concept. The globalization process has also imposed structural changes in logistics systems, supply chain management, transport regulations, company organizational structures, value systems, and competitive vibrations in markets. The range of emergent forms through which globalization appears and affects logistics are numerous, starting from Internet technology, collaboration between different companies and the forms of their association, the entry of new companies and of course perhaps the most important form of influence is the expectations of consumers.
In recent decades, ones of the significant problem which cope each contemporizing society concern... more In recent decades, ones of the significant problem which cope each contemporizing society concern about environment. Emissions of air pollutants from transport have generally declined over the past two decades, but not sufficient to accomplish strength healthy standards. Transport is still responsible for 25% of EU greenhouse gas emissions, and contributes significantly to air pollution, noise and habitat fragmentation. The transport sector (including bunker fuels) accounted for 24.3% of total EU GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions. The European Commission's target of a 60% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 will require significant additional measures. Ones of these measures are built and expand bicycles infrastructure, pedestrian zones, sport and park areas which stimulates healthy and recreative customs. From a spatial planning aspect, regions that have invested in bicycling have seen tangible economic impacts. Studies show that the bicycle industry, bicycle tourism, and the health benefits from bicycling create a healthy population, new job positions, alternative forms of economic activity, and cost savings. Cities with an efficient transport network and high level of convenience for cyclists have significant benefits for each community. Usually it is considered that cycling is considered something that the administrative authorities could do, easily and quickly. This common mode of transport is used for every type of trip: work, shopping, schools, recreational or health reasons. Cyclists can more accurately predict travel time to desired destinations, while ensuring healthy habits in daily routines. Only by providing the appropriate bicycle infrastructure can these benefits be achieved.
Keywords: bicycle transport, alternative transport, greenhouse gas emissions, spatial planning
Macedonian International Journal of marketing, 2018
No country in the world has grown on a sustained basis in recent times without successfully integ... more No country in the world has grown on a sustained basis in recent times without successfully integrating into global markets. Globalization has melted national borders, free trade has enhanced economic integration and the information and communications technology has made geography and time irrelevant, boosted by transport ability. More efficient transport infrastructures enable a better mobility for people and goods as well as a better connection between regions. Transport infrastructure influences both the economic growth and the social cohesion. Road transport is characterized by the capillarity of its infrastructure. Competitiveness itself has been a central preoccupation of the policy of EU. It is obvious that stronger role and bigger contribution of the transport sector in the improvement of European economic growth and competitiveness are highly expected. Transport was seen as a crucial element in the establishment of the Common Market, whose rules, especially those governing international transport, made possible the free trade of goods and the free movement of persons. Effective and efficient transportation systems are vital to the prosperity of regions because they link residents with employment, public services, shopping and supplier markets. Because transportation facilities extend beyond local jurisdictions, it is essential to include them in regional development strategies. System, able to conjugate urban and extra-urban mobility in a continuous flow based on individual planning. A region cannot be competitive without an efficient transport network. To enforce global competition EU must investigate on research and innovative transport development. Innovative solutions, comprising innovative technologies, suitable infrastructures and organizational improvements, are one important means in implementing these goals.
Key words: transport policy, globalization, competitiveness, innovation, business facility, economic growth
Blockchain is a public, decentralized, and distributed book that records transactions in a secure... more Blockchain is a public, decentralized, and distributed book that records transactions in a secure way. Transactions are cryptographic, permanently stored on the blockchain and validated permanently by consensus without the need for additional security and safety costs. It is a relatively new technology whose emergence is associated with the emergence of cryptocurrency-bitcoin. There are records in the literature that indicate that blockchain technology will be the future. That is, it is expected that in the future this way of working will be everyday for business entities. A blockchain is a chain made up of blocks, and each of those blocks contains data-a set of transactions and the corresponding information contained in those transactions. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is electronic cash that enables online transactions from one side to the other without any involvement of any third party such as banks. Transactions take place on a network called a blockchain network, where storage space is provided that is secure and unchanged. This means that the database can be imported or updated, but cannot be edited once it has entered the blockchain system. By combining blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency bitcoin, in the future it is expected to create a distribution market where there will be no intermediaries. The main purpose of the blockchain, which evolved with bitcoin, was to provide a secure network in order to transfer digital currency. Because of benefits such as data immutability, transparency, traceability and more, blochchain technology has begun to revolutionize commerce and industry. The great advantage offered by this technology is the high level of transparency and accountability. A particularly important aspect for any participantentity in the blockchain network is the fact that the data is encrypted, and thus protected from hacking. Data cannot be lost in the event of a fire, natural disaster or failure even on many drives or servers. The impact of this technology on the work of logistics companies is seen in several aspects, starting from reducing the time required to complete the required transactions. Another aspect through which the impact of this new technology on the logistics sector is perceived is the connection to the apparatus for monitoring the devices for transporting goods. It greatly influences to act at high altitude, ie to know in which period which activities to be undertaken. From here you can see the impact and performance improvement that enables the implementation of blockchain technology in its operation. In logistics companies, the changes caused by the emergence of information technology give a positive direction, ie they help these companies to achieve better performance, saving costs and time and improving in certain aspects. Reducing costs has a positive effect on the performance of the company, which consequently leads to higher profits that can be targeted. Another aspect is the reduction of time which is very useful in dynamic working conditions. Reduced time and increased funds can help the company invest in further development.
Keywords: blockchain technology; logistics; information technology; cost reduction; computer network
Modern technological trends as a concept of every living and working environment imposes major ch... more Modern technological trends as a concept of every living and working environment imposes major changes in companies, which must include in their operations strategies that would be in step with the changed everyday life. The process of globalization changes is naturally a continuation of the development of science, modern technologies, markets, societies, etc. This extension allows the free movement of products, capital, labor, information. The new dynamics of international trade in goods, services, capital and technology creates a growing interdependence of countries, which contributes to the movement of production and market opportunities. The growing market globalization, increasing global competition, and more complex products results application of new technologies, methods and business processes. Fast changing market environment and fluctuating customer demands require efficient operation of logistical processes. The main goal of globalization is profit, then creating new markets, conquering new markets, finding new and cheaper raw materials, reducing operational risk, domination of international markets by multinational companies. Transport and logistics companies are also part of this change that is happening every day around us. Logistics play a key role in the economy in two important ways. First, logistics is one of the biggest costs for a business, hence it is affected and it affects other economic activities. Second, logistics supports the movement and flow of many economic transactions; it plays an important role in the sale of all goods and services. Logistics is a fast growing industry that has an impact and offers solutions in other areas, ie there is synergy with other industries. It implies conditionality and connection with other sectorsindustries. Looking at the bigger picture, it can be said that logistics companies perform three key activities: order processing; inventory management; freight transport. All these activities are interrelated and interact with each other. There can be no changes in one of them without affecting the others. The performance of all these activities changes from day to day, because the environment and all the changes in the market affect them. In the literature and practice, there are several trends that are caused by globalization and have a great impact on the work of the modern logistics company. The first and most important market trends are automation and robotization. Leading trends that have created the basis for creating and applying all other trends that help large logistics companies. The most important trends that have an impact on the logistics industry are: the Internet of Things; artificial intelligence; blockchain technology. All these and many more trends in logistics affect its improvement and helping to provide quality services. These trends cost companies a lot, ie the financial resources that need to be set aside to appropriate these benefits and innovations are huge. Emerging trends form the path that modern logistics companies need to take to survive in international markets. The logistics company will improve its performance. It stems from the ability to improve many aspects of operations such as: sustainability, flexibility, compliance, multichannel resources, partnership. trends that have their roots in globalization actually help to create different tools (instruments) that are used every day in logistics.
Keywords: global competition; quality services; new technologies; economic activities
Nowadays, culture identification is consequently subject to many geopolitical considerations suc... more Nowadays, culture identification is consequently subject to many geopolitical considerations such a competition, regionalization, transportation and globalization. Globalization processes have extended considerably the need for international transportation, notably because of economic integration, which grew on par with the fragmentation of production systems and the expansion of international trade and transportation. The maxima “Via Vita”, or “the road is life” said the ancient Romans. The whole meaning of this truly “strengths” words is meaning of road construction likewise the main life arteries of the empire. Global transportation is vital component to achieving the “four freedoms” (the free movement of people, goods, services and capital) and crucial factor to the mixing of world cultures through different ethnicities, religions and nationalities has increased with advanced transportation, communication, and road technology. Today’s global world is a mosaic of many cultural communities. Cultural differences exist within countries as well as between them. Culture diversity, the total way of life, customs, religion, language that characterizes a group of people, is one of the most important things that culture geography study. There are literally thousands of cultures on Earth today and each contributes to global diversity. The mixing of world cultures shades through different ethnicities, religions and nationalities has increased with advanced transportation and internet communication technology. In global world, today, is particularly evident processes to spread new cultural phenomenon throughout migration, as the epitome of globalization. Or more dramatically: European countries face a new challenge: youth migration phenomenon. Because of cultural globalization, the movement of youths from Balkans from to European setting has caused a significant depopulation. Balkan border had a fatal effect and almost mythical dimension. Europe, as well as Balkans today is in the focus of attention because again live the tragic period of its history. Balkan countries cope with the problem of losing vital human resources because educated young people emigrating from the region in EU and USA. Macedonia faces what is called a “white plague”, the process of emigration of young people from the country. Hundreds of thousands of young people aged between 25 and 35 have left Balkan countries over the past couple of decades in search of a better life abroad. History again create new cultural landscape of the new global challenges.
Key words: global transportation, culture, globalization, brain drain, white plague
In the last few decades in the Republic of Macedonia, and especially in some parts, there have be... more In the last few decades in the Republic of Macedonia, and especially in some parts, there have been significant changes in the population, especially in areas with primarily agricultural population. Bearing in mind the total knowledge of the influence of the wider geographical area on the development of the larger urban agglomerations, it is quite certain that the development policy so far in our country regarding the construction of the road network in the village was not sufficiently in accordance with real needs and opportunities, i.e. did not rest on wider and longer-term perceptions and processes. According to the dynamics of the movement of the structure of the non-agricultural population, which is expected to continue in the future, the issue of building, expanding and modernizing the road network in the villages is an inevitable need. Local authorities have an important role in regulating most of transport strategies that contribute towards facilitations and integrations of local needs and services. Take into consideration that this issue is part of Cohesion Policy of EU, Macedonian authorities must keep abreast with regional policy of rural development. Transport policy is not some miraculous tool with which to solve some rural development problems. It must work in unison with national development programs, physical planning, investment, region and economic policy, legal regulations and other areas. It must move in step with the implementation of these programs and respond with vitality and responsibility to the changes taking place in society. We must all acknowledge that, in many respects, our quality of life depends on the success of our transport policy.
Keywords: business environment; market analysis; business entities; logistics infrastructure
Location is perhaps the most important factor on which the success of a business depends. It depe... more Location is perhaps the most important factor on which the success of a business depends. It depends on what the business relationship will be with the business environment without which the business can not be imagined. Transport-logistics companies, as an economic entity encountered in the markets of the world, need a good location. Most important is their connection to the traffic and communication network. The vehicles that are part of the operations of these companies require a good logistics infrastructure, which will serve the good segments to achieve the best results.
Keywords: business environment; market analysis; business entities; logistics infrastructure
No human activity has improved so much well-being and life standard contributing most to the deve... more No human activity has improved so much well-being and life standard contributing most to the development of civilization, as well as "traffic convenience", along with the alphabet and the printing. But at the same time no human activity has taken as many human lives in peace-time conditions, as traffic. According to reports from the World Health Organization, traffic accidents on the roads are among the leading causes of death globally, taking the eighth place on the list of causes of death, but in the first place as the main cause of the deaths of the population aged 15-29 . They are not only an appropriate personal tragedy for the families themselves, but also have a major impact on the productivity of the population as a whole, the amount of economic expenditures and appropriate implications in the health sector. Estimates of traffic accidents globally range from about 1.2 million fatalities, from 20-50 million injured or disabled persons and about $ 518 billion a year to material damage. Traffic road accidents in low- and middle-income countries are particularly high, where they range between 1% and 2% of their gross national product - more than the total development aid received in these countries. The magnitude of this important social problem has forced numerous international institutions and bodies, including the United Nations, to pay special attention to the conditions and consequences of traffic. Following the European Union Road Traffic Safety Program, the National Strategy of the Republic of Macedonia envisages reducing the number of victims in traffic accidents because the security conditions in the road traffic in the Republic of Macedonia are quite serious and the situation is really worrying. If we make an analysis of the causes of traffic accidents, we will see that in 95% of cases, the human factor is the cause most of all. For these reasons, as an imperative and one of the very high priorities of each country, the causes and measures of road safety are set as a major issue in each country's public policies.
Key words: road traffic, traffic accidents, human losses, material damages, prevention
8th International Scientific Conference Technics and Informatics in Education, 2020
In this paper has outlined and discusses the need for the application of logistics and logistics ... more In this paper has outlined and discusses the need for the application of logistics and logistics information systems in the academic programs at the Universities. One of the inherent characteristics of the global society is a continuous change in area of education. In practice, universities must keep abreast of business and entrepreneurialism. However, within a university's own portfolio, how they design and deliver practical education programs can differ. Only academic programs with productive and valuable educations form can be competitive and relevant to market offer. What real change can occur, dependent of symbiose of study programs and business needs. Logistics is critical for economic activities as it entails the physical movement of people, goods and services. The logistics system is just one of the segments of the information flow of the Supply Chain Management from suppliers and manufacturers to consumers. In the process of globalization, such activities today are unthinkable and unsustainable without information systems. At the heart of economic science is the host's attitude toward resources, and the need to study logistics and supply chain management is considered imperative.
Keywords: study program, academic practice, information system, logistics, supply chain management
Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries with an annual average growth rate about 5%. Tou... more Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries with an annual average growth rate about 5%. Tourism today accounts for 10 % of the world's economic activity and is one of the main generators of employment. If it is managed well, tourism can contribute significantly to regional development, if not, it can have devastating effects on nature and society. On the other hand, the more important logistical requirements related to industrial zones and urban centers, as carriers of logistics services with short and strict delivery deadlines, accuracy and flexibility are a obstacle and a collision for tourist guests.А growing number of demands for the rational business of industrial entities in the context of greater economic development, are seeking a quality logistics service, which implies, above all, faster and more reliable movement of goods, transport, financial and information flows, through and within these areas. In order to eliminate the negative effects in the realization of the logistics flows and not to disturb the natural-geographic and ambient conditions in the tourist zones, the idea for the improvement of the existing distribution system solutions is impinged, which would lead to a win-win situation for all participants in the appropriate geographical region.
Keywords: logistic services; regional development; tourist zones; economic development
Athens: ATINER'S Conference Paper Series, No: TRA2019-2694., 2019
The creation of a United Europe continues to evolve. For the complete mosaic image called Europea... more The creation of a United Europe continues to evolve. For the complete mosaic image called European Union (EU), the part of the Western Balkans still remains to be assembled. Last but not so simple step to attain final stage. This region is characterized as historically vulnerable, sensitive, mixed with many nationalities, similar but still different. Economically underdeveloped and vulnerable, socially unstable and politically aroused, the Western Balkans are still far from a stable European core. Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in the Western Balkans, adjusted for purchasing power parity, is half that of eastern European EU countries, one-third that of southern EU members and a mere quarter of the richest EU members in western Europe. The question that imposes itself is: how to overcome those differences among Balkans countries, to complete the historical vision and final mosaic puzzle of European Union? We should look for the solution historically for several decades back when creating the United Europe model. Prosperous and contemporizing Europe began its vision with the creation of a common market. And the market gives its benefits only with its physical ties i.e. transport and communication links. Transport links between the countries of the Western Balkans, with all accompanying economic, political and administrative adjustments, can contribute to realizing the single market as crucial phase of development of a United Europe. Future hopes and views are focused on finalizing Pan-European transport corridors in the Western Balkan countries, through which the trade peaks will be strengthened, overcoming the decades-long problems and conflicts in this part of Europe, and to achieve the long-awaited model for a Common European Union. But we must be realistic enough to see that transport infrastructure is not some miraculous tool with which to solve a society's development problems. It is only one part of the story. Transport must work in union with national development programmes, physical planning, investment, economic and monetary policy, custom and legal regulations. But we must acknowledge that, in many respects, the quality and success of life of Balkan‟s citizens depends on the vitality and responsibility of implementation many structural changes. One of the crucial factors is still transport infrastructure.
Keywords: Western Balkan, Regional cooperation, Common market, Transport policy, Transport corridor.
Resource allocation is increasing as an global issue, because resources (natural
resources, ores... more Resource allocation is increasing as an global issue, because resources (natural resources, ores, oil resources) are in limited quantities worldwide, as opposed to everincreasing human needs. Therefore, resource allocation is the deployment and optimal utilization of a defined resource. In the economic arena, allocation is usually controlled by the pricing mechanism: if the demand for a resource is high, then the cost of the resources used will be high; due to such high prices, this resource will be used for limited needs. When the price of natural resources and materials rises, in response to volatile markets and increased competition, developed nations are looking at possible alternatives as a promising economic model. In that regard, the circular economy is considered as an expected solution. As one of the objectives of the circular economy is the need of resources, improving resource efficiency or the need for resource efficiency targets remains equally relevant for circular economy policies. The challenges in the circular economy are long-standing and crucial in tackling resource depletion and the new environmental problems facing humanity. The fundamental and comprehensive structural changes are in the complete redesign of the existing linear economic system and the acceptance and comprehensive inclusion of the circular economy as a new economic hope. A circular economy is one in which products are recycled, repaired or reused rather than thrown away, and in which waste from one process becomes an input into other processes. Based on the general concern that the world is entering an intensified period of resource stress, a commitment to urgent behavioral research to identify the most important natural resource trends affecting the human environment is more than necessary. The identified trends - which will include patterns of demand, supply, availability, price levels, and price volatility - are shaped and influenced by emerging climate changes, evolving demographic patterns, increasing economic development, and human induced environmental degradation.
Globalization as a concept basically represents the integration and democratization of world cult... more Globalization as a concept basically represents the integration and democratization of world culture, economy and infrastructure through the expansion of transnational investments, information and communication technologies. Countries around the world are continually making efforts to deal with global marketing trends by delivering their products and services outside their countries. Globalization has rolled its roots in all areas of marketing operations, ranging from production to distribution. Logistics systems as part of the supply chain are influenced by globalization and its innovations. The logistic system refers to planning, implementing and controlling the flow of goods and services from the place of production to the point of use. Logistics refers to the movement, storage and flow of goods, services and information within and outside the organization. Through various forms of expression, globalization has a continuous impact on logistics systems. The range of emergent forms through which globalization appears and affects logistics are numerous, starting from Internet technology, collaboration between different companies and the forms of their association, the entry of new companies and of course perhaps the most important form of influence is the expectations of consumers.
Today, modern businesses can not achieve their market presence without having a well-built market... more Today, modern businesses can not achieve their market presence without having a well-built marketing strategy. The constant revision, supplementation and modification of the strategy are part of the work of the international company. When it comes to information technology, ie the rapid growth and development of this industry requires companies that are part of it to constantly compete with the powerful and widespread competition. Companies like Huawei are in a constant race against time, competition from all over the world and of course most importantly the desires of consumers. In order to achieve good financial results, it is necessary to constantly develop your strategy and invest in marketing tools. Through marketing, the company will be able to reach the consumer, attract him and of course keep him. In that way the profit will increase and the financial results will be in a good direction
In the face of intense business competition in the global market, transport and logistics compani... more In the face of intense business competition in the global market, transport and logistics companies often do not sufficiently analyze the detailed accounting statements for the incurred costs of individual processes, nor do they pay attention to certain scenarios for more successful management of certain unnecessary costs. Numerous scientific analyzes made by the academic and business sector indicate that companies would realize significant financial benefits, if they had full insight into the financial statements structured through multiple scenario simulations, which will see possible gains and losses over a period of analysis. The subject of this paper is to analyze the potential of logistic companies and their performance capacity though the Monte Carlo simulation of the net income values. We present the case of Macedonian logistic companies with the challenge of using the interactive testing environment in Power Bi for goal testing. For the purpose of testing,we generate 1 million data units in two scenarios of 10% increased and decreased net income value. This case was tested on data from year 2020 for Fershped, Kuehne & Nagel and Quehenberger Logistics as a part of Macedonian logistic industry.The results suggest that results of the simulations are in small favor of the values lessthan in the 2020. However, if we know that the values in 2020 are continuing a good result from 2019 we can conclude that the results expected for 2021 will results in strong positive values.
Kew words: Macedonian logistic companies, Net income, Monte Carlo scenario, Power BI
Center for Innovation and Development INOS Prilep, 2021
Општеството денес е сè повеќе дигитализирано и поврзано, преку компјутерите и другите уреди кои п... more Општеството денес е сè повеќе дигитализирано и поврзано, преку компјутерите и другите уреди кои посредуваат во животот на индивидуата на еден или друг начин. Тоа е апстрактна појава која тешко се разбира, а степенот на дигитализација претставува предизвик кој е предмет на анализа во секое општество. Почетокот на пандемијата предизвикана од Ковид-19, во почетокот на 2020година, принуди милиони луѓе да ги променат нивните дневни навики и да ја применуваат дигиталната технологија. Големи промени настанале во рамки на каналите на маркетингот, односно преминот од традиционални кон дигитални, модерни канали на поврзување со потрошувачите. Денешниот потрошувач бара многу повеќе внимание, личен однос од страна на претпријатието, почесто известување и пласирање информации кои се лесно достапни за него. Иновациите во маркетинг каналите претставуваат прв чекор во креирањето дигитално општество во периодот на пандемијата, но и после неа. Креирањето на дигитално општество подразбира поголемо поврзување, синхронизирање и адаптирање на светските пазари и создавање поголеми вредности за потрошувачите. Покрај изедначувачкиот потенцијалот кој дигитализацијата како процес го има, сепак дигиталното општество е далеку од утопично со оглед на тоа што сеуште може да се видат социјалните и економски нееднаквости помеѓу потрошувачите.
Клучни зборови: дигитализација; канали на маркетинг; информации; потенцијал; нееднаквости
This paper analyzes the habits of media usage by the consumers in the period during the Covid-19 ... more This paper analyzes the habits of media usage by the consumers in the period during the Covid-19 pandemic on one side, and the trends of investment in different media for marketing purposes, on the other. The analysis was conducted through online questionnaires (via Google forms) on a sample of 284 respondents from the generation Z (emerging adults). This paper puts accent on two types of media-television as traditional media and Facebook as social media. The results show that most of the respondents have used both media-TV as well as Facebook for communication with companies, in the last six months in the pandemic. Regarding the relative importance of the media for advertising, the respondents consider social media to be more important media for advertising when compared to TV. Usage characteristics show that 57.4% of emerging adults use TV on daily basis, mostly an hour per day, while 89.9% use Facebook every day, at least two hours per day. On the other side, according to the existing empirical data, during the pandemic, most of the companies have invested more in social vs. traditional media for their marketing activities, thus keeping in line with current market trends. Considering the analysis of consumers' preferences, this paper can assist the companies in making informed and better marketing investment decisions in the ongoing and future crisis.
The importance of marketing in terms of globalization is enormous, especially if seen as a tool w... more The importance of marketing in terms of globalization is enormous, especially if seen as a tool without which the company cannot survive on the market. Today, international marketing is intensified and is adapted to all aspects of the daily life of the consumer. This is particularly true for companies that operate in more markets, that is, the work in more fragmented segments of domestic and foreign markets. Creating and formulating a marketing strategy is of great importance and requires a lot of resources and time in order to achieve the set goals. The strategy dedicated to targeting consumers is part of the work of most of the companies in both the sacred and the Republic of Macedonia. The need for segmentation of markets according to different crises, then their targeting and grouping in different groups is necessary. The enterprises in the new millennium are faced with the challenge of finding the right way to consumers.
Macedonian International Journal of marketing, 2019
Globalization as a concept is basically the integration and mixing of cultural diversity, economi... more Globalization as a concept is basically the integration and mixing of cultural diversity, economic and infrastructural benefits, through the expansion of transnational investments, information and communication technologies. Countries around the world are continually making efforts to deal with global marketing trends by delivering their products and services outside their countries. Globalization has rolled its roots in all spheres of marketing operations, ranging from production to modernization of distribution channels. Logistic systems, as part of the supply chain, are continually influenced by innovation and global challenges. Logistics, in addition to the process of moving, storing and flowing goods, services and information inside and outside the organization today is a much wider and more complex concept. The globalization process has also imposed structural changes in logistics systems, supply chain management, transport regulations, company organizational structures, value systems, and competitive vibrations in markets. The range of emergent forms through which globalization appears and affects logistics are numerous, starting from Internet technology, collaboration between different companies and the forms of their association, the entry of new companies and of course perhaps the most important form of influence is the expectations of consumers.
In recent decades, ones of the significant problem which cope each contemporizing society concern... more In recent decades, ones of the significant problem which cope each contemporizing society concern about environment. Emissions of air pollutants from transport have generally declined over the past two decades, but not sufficient to accomplish strength healthy standards. Transport is still responsible for 25% of EU greenhouse gas emissions, and contributes significantly to air pollution, noise and habitat fragmentation. The transport sector (including bunker fuels) accounted for 24.3% of total EU GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions. The European Commission's target of a 60% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 will require significant additional measures. Ones of these measures are built and expand bicycles infrastructure, pedestrian zones, sport and park areas which stimulates healthy and recreative customs. From a spatial planning aspect, regions that have invested in bicycling have seen tangible economic impacts. Studies show that the bicycle industry, bicycle tourism, and the health benefits from bicycling create a healthy population, new job positions, alternative forms of economic activity, and cost savings. Cities with an efficient transport network and high level of convenience for cyclists have significant benefits for each community. Usually it is considered that cycling is considered something that the administrative authorities could do, easily and quickly. This common mode of transport is used for every type of trip: work, shopping, schools, recreational or health reasons. Cyclists can more accurately predict travel time to desired destinations, while ensuring healthy habits in daily routines. Only by providing the appropriate bicycle infrastructure can these benefits be achieved.
Keywords: bicycle transport, alternative transport, greenhouse gas emissions, spatial planning
Macedonian International Journal of marketing, 2018
No country in the world has grown on a sustained basis in recent times without successfully integ... more No country in the world has grown on a sustained basis in recent times without successfully integrating into global markets. Globalization has melted national borders, free trade has enhanced economic integration and the information and communications technology has made geography and time irrelevant, boosted by transport ability. More efficient transport infrastructures enable a better mobility for people and goods as well as a better connection between regions. Transport infrastructure influences both the economic growth and the social cohesion. Road transport is characterized by the capillarity of its infrastructure. Competitiveness itself has been a central preoccupation of the policy of EU. It is obvious that stronger role and bigger contribution of the transport sector in the improvement of European economic growth and competitiveness are highly expected. Transport was seen as a crucial element in the establishment of the Common Market, whose rules, especially those governing international transport, made possible the free trade of goods and the free movement of persons. Effective and efficient transportation systems are vital to the prosperity of regions because they link residents with employment, public services, shopping and supplier markets. Because transportation facilities extend beyond local jurisdictions, it is essential to include them in regional development strategies. System, able to conjugate urban and extra-urban mobility in a continuous flow based on individual planning. A region cannot be competitive without an efficient transport network. To enforce global competition EU must investigate on research and innovative transport development. Innovative solutions, comprising innovative technologies, suitable infrastructures and organizational improvements, are one important means in implementing these goals.
Key words: transport policy, globalization, competitiveness, innovation, business facility, economic growth
Blockchain is a public, decentralized, and distributed book that records transactions in a secure... more Blockchain is a public, decentralized, and distributed book that records transactions in a secure way. Transactions are cryptographic, permanently stored on the blockchain and validated permanently by consensus without the need for additional security and safety costs. It is a relatively new technology whose emergence is associated with the emergence of cryptocurrency-bitcoin. There are records in the literature that indicate that blockchain technology will be the future. That is, it is expected that in the future this way of working will be everyday for business entities. A blockchain is a chain made up of blocks, and each of those blocks contains data-a set of transactions and the corresponding information contained in those transactions. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is electronic cash that enables online transactions from one side to the other without any involvement of any third party such as banks. Transactions take place on a network called a blockchain network, where storage space is provided that is secure and unchanged. This means that the database can be imported or updated, but cannot be edited once it has entered the blockchain system. By combining blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency bitcoin, in the future it is expected to create a distribution market where there will be no intermediaries. The main purpose of the blockchain, which evolved with bitcoin, was to provide a secure network in order to transfer digital currency. Because of benefits such as data immutability, transparency, traceability and more, blochchain technology has begun to revolutionize commerce and industry. The great advantage offered by this technology is the high level of transparency and accountability. A particularly important aspect for any participantentity in the blockchain network is the fact that the data is encrypted, and thus protected from hacking. Data cannot be lost in the event of a fire, natural disaster or failure even on many drives or servers. The impact of this technology on the work of logistics companies is seen in several aspects, starting from reducing the time required to complete the required transactions. Another aspect through which the impact of this new technology on the logistics sector is perceived is the connection to the apparatus for monitoring the devices for transporting goods. It greatly influences to act at high altitude, ie to know in which period which activities to be undertaken. From here you can see the impact and performance improvement that enables the implementation of blockchain technology in its operation. In logistics companies, the changes caused by the emergence of information technology give a positive direction, ie they help these companies to achieve better performance, saving costs and time and improving in certain aspects. Reducing costs has a positive effect on the performance of the company, which consequently leads to higher profits that can be targeted. Another aspect is the reduction of time which is very useful in dynamic working conditions. Reduced time and increased funds can help the company invest in further development.
Keywords: blockchain technology; logistics; information technology; cost reduction; computer network
Modern technological trends as a concept of every living and working environment imposes major ch... more Modern technological trends as a concept of every living and working environment imposes major changes in companies, which must include in their operations strategies that would be in step with the changed everyday life. The process of globalization changes is naturally a continuation of the development of science, modern technologies, markets, societies, etc. This extension allows the free movement of products, capital, labor, information. The new dynamics of international trade in goods, services, capital and technology creates a growing interdependence of countries, which contributes to the movement of production and market opportunities. The growing market globalization, increasing global competition, and more complex products results application of new technologies, methods and business processes. Fast changing market environment and fluctuating customer demands require efficient operation of logistical processes. The main goal of globalization is profit, then creating new markets, conquering new markets, finding new and cheaper raw materials, reducing operational risk, domination of international markets by multinational companies. Transport and logistics companies are also part of this change that is happening every day around us. Logistics play a key role in the economy in two important ways. First, logistics is one of the biggest costs for a business, hence it is affected and it affects other economic activities. Second, logistics supports the movement and flow of many economic transactions; it plays an important role in the sale of all goods and services. Logistics is a fast growing industry that has an impact and offers solutions in other areas, ie there is synergy with other industries. It implies conditionality and connection with other sectorsindustries. Looking at the bigger picture, it can be said that logistics companies perform three key activities: order processing; inventory management; freight transport. All these activities are interrelated and interact with each other. There can be no changes in one of them without affecting the others. The performance of all these activities changes from day to day, because the environment and all the changes in the market affect them. In the literature and practice, there are several trends that are caused by globalization and have a great impact on the work of the modern logistics company. The first and most important market trends are automation and robotization. Leading trends that have created the basis for creating and applying all other trends that help large logistics companies. The most important trends that have an impact on the logistics industry are: the Internet of Things; artificial intelligence; blockchain technology. All these and many more trends in logistics affect its improvement and helping to provide quality services. These trends cost companies a lot, ie the financial resources that need to be set aside to appropriate these benefits and innovations are huge. Emerging trends form the path that modern logistics companies need to take to survive in international markets. The logistics company will improve its performance. It stems from the ability to improve many aspects of operations such as: sustainability, flexibility, compliance, multichannel resources, partnership. trends that have their roots in globalization actually help to create different tools (instruments) that are used every day in logistics.
Keywords: global competition; quality services; new technologies; economic activities
Nowadays, culture identification is consequently subject to many geopolitical considerations suc... more Nowadays, culture identification is consequently subject to many geopolitical considerations such a competition, regionalization, transportation and globalization. Globalization processes have extended considerably the need for international transportation, notably because of economic integration, which grew on par with the fragmentation of production systems and the expansion of international trade and transportation. The maxima “Via Vita”, or “the road is life” said the ancient Romans. The whole meaning of this truly “strengths” words is meaning of road construction likewise the main life arteries of the empire. Global transportation is vital component to achieving the “four freedoms” (the free movement of people, goods, services and capital) and crucial factor to the mixing of world cultures through different ethnicities, religions and nationalities has increased with advanced transportation, communication, and road technology. Today’s global world is a mosaic of many cultural communities. Cultural differences exist within countries as well as between them. Culture diversity, the total way of life, customs, religion, language that characterizes a group of people, is one of the most important things that culture geography study. There are literally thousands of cultures on Earth today and each contributes to global diversity. The mixing of world cultures shades through different ethnicities, religions and nationalities has increased with advanced transportation and internet communication technology. In global world, today, is particularly evident processes to spread new cultural phenomenon throughout migration, as the epitome of globalization. Or more dramatically: European countries face a new challenge: youth migration phenomenon. Because of cultural globalization, the movement of youths from Balkans from to European setting has caused a significant depopulation. Balkan border had a fatal effect and almost mythical dimension. Europe, as well as Balkans today is in the focus of attention because again live the tragic period of its history. Balkan countries cope with the problem of losing vital human resources because educated young people emigrating from the region in EU and USA. Macedonia faces what is called a “white plague”, the process of emigration of young people from the country. Hundreds of thousands of young people aged between 25 and 35 have left Balkan countries over the past couple of decades in search of a better life abroad. History again create new cultural landscape of the new global challenges.
Key words: global transportation, culture, globalization, brain drain, white plague
In the last few decades in the Republic of Macedonia, and especially in some parts, there have be... more In the last few decades in the Republic of Macedonia, and especially in some parts, there have been significant changes in the population, especially in areas with primarily agricultural population. Bearing in mind the total knowledge of the influence of the wider geographical area on the development of the larger urban agglomerations, it is quite certain that the development policy so far in our country regarding the construction of the road network in the village was not sufficiently in accordance with real needs and opportunities, i.e. did not rest on wider and longer-term perceptions and processes. According to the dynamics of the movement of the structure of the non-agricultural population, which is expected to continue in the future, the issue of building, expanding and modernizing the road network in the villages is an inevitable need. Local authorities have an important role in regulating most of transport strategies that contribute towards facilitations and integrations of local needs and services. Take into consideration that this issue is part of Cohesion Policy of EU, Macedonian authorities must keep abreast with regional policy of rural development. Transport policy is not some miraculous tool with which to solve some rural development problems. It must work in unison with national development programs, physical planning, investment, region and economic policy, legal regulations and other areas. It must move in step with the implementation of these programs and respond with vitality and responsibility to the changes taking place in society. We must all acknowledge that, in many respects, our quality of life depends on the success of our transport policy.
Keywords: business environment; market analysis; business entities; logistics infrastructure
Location is perhaps the most important factor on which the success of a business depends. It depe... more Location is perhaps the most important factor on which the success of a business depends. It depends on what the business relationship will be with the business environment without which the business can not be imagined. Transport-logistics companies, as an economic entity encountered in the markets of the world, need a good location. Most important is their connection to the traffic and communication network. The vehicles that are part of the operations of these companies require a good logistics infrastructure, which will serve the good segments to achieve the best results.
Keywords: business environment; market analysis; business entities; logistics infrastructure
No human activity has improved so much well-being and life standard contributing most to the deve... more No human activity has improved so much well-being and life standard contributing most to the development of civilization, as well as "traffic convenience", along with the alphabet and the printing. But at the same time no human activity has taken as many human lives in peace-time conditions, as traffic. According to reports from the World Health Organization, traffic accidents on the roads are among the leading causes of death globally, taking the eighth place on the list of causes of death, but in the first place as the main cause of the deaths of the population aged 15-29 . They are not only an appropriate personal tragedy for the families themselves, but also have a major impact on the productivity of the population as a whole, the amount of economic expenditures and appropriate implications in the health sector. Estimates of traffic accidents globally range from about 1.2 million fatalities, from 20-50 million injured or disabled persons and about $ 518 billion a year to material damage. Traffic road accidents in low- and middle-income countries are particularly high, where they range between 1% and 2% of their gross national product - more than the total development aid received in these countries. The magnitude of this important social problem has forced numerous international institutions and bodies, including the United Nations, to pay special attention to the conditions and consequences of traffic. Following the European Union Road Traffic Safety Program, the National Strategy of the Republic of Macedonia envisages reducing the number of victims in traffic accidents because the security conditions in the road traffic in the Republic of Macedonia are quite serious and the situation is really worrying. If we make an analysis of the causes of traffic accidents, we will see that in 95% of cases, the human factor is the cause most of all. For these reasons, as an imperative and one of the very high priorities of each country, the causes and measures of road safety are set as a major issue in each country's public policies.
Key words: road traffic, traffic accidents, human losses, material damages, prevention
8th International Scientific Conference Technics and Informatics in Education, 2020
In this paper has outlined and discusses the need for the application of logistics and logistics ... more In this paper has outlined and discusses the need for the application of logistics and logistics information systems in the academic programs at the Universities. One of the inherent characteristics of the global society is a continuous change in area of education. In practice, universities must keep abreast of business and entrepreneurialism. However, within a university's own portfolio, how they design and deliver practical education programs can differ. Only academic programs with productive and valuable educations form can be competitive and relevant to market offer. What real change can occur, dependent of symbiose of study programs and business needs. Logistics is critical for economic activities as it entails the physical movement of people, goods and services. The logistics system is just one of the segments of the information flow of the Supply Chain Management from suppliers and manufacturers to consumers. In the process of globalization, such activities today are unthinkable and unsustainable without information systems. At the heart of economic science is the host's attitude toward resources, and the need to study logistics and supply chain management is considered imperative.
Keywords: study program, academic practice, information system, logistics, supply chain management
Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries with an annual average growth rate about 5%. Tou... more Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries with an annual average growth rate about 5%. Tourism today accounts for 10 % of the world's economic activity and is one of the main generators of employment. If it is managed well, tourism can contribute significantly to regional development, if not, it can have devastating effects on nature and society. On the other hand, the more important logistical requirements related to industrial zones and urban centers, as carriers of logistics services with short and strict delivery deadlines, accuracy and flexibility are a obstacle and a collision for tourist guests.А growing number of demands for the rational business of industrial entities in the context of greater economic development, are seeking a quality logistics service, which implies, above all, faster and more reliable movement of goods, transport, financial and information flows, through and within these areas. In order to eliminate the negative effects in the realization of the logistics flows and not to disturb the natural-geographic and ambient conditions in the tourist zones, the idea for the improvement of the existing distribution system solutions is impinged, which would lead to a win-win situation for all participants in the appropriate geographical region.
Keywords: logistic services; regional development; tourist zones; economic development
Athens: ATINER'S Conference Paper Series, No: TRA2019-2694., 2019
The creation of a United Europe continues to evolve. For the complete mosaic image called Europea... more The creation of a United Europe continues to evolve. For the complete mosaic image called European Union (EU), the part of the Western Balkans still remains to be assembled. Last but not so simple step to attain final stage. This region is characterized as historically vulnerable, sensitive, mixed with many nationalities, similar but still different. Economically underdeveloped and vulnerable, socially unstable and politically aroused, the Western Balkans are still far from a stable European core. Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in the Western Balkans, adjusted for purchasing power parity, is half that of eastern European EU countries, one-third that of southern EU members and a mere quarter of the richest EU members in western Europe. The question that imposes itself is: how to overcome those differences among Balkans countries, to complete the historical vision and final mosaic puzzle of European Union? We should look for the solution historically for several decades back when creating the United Europe model. Prosperous and contemporizing Europe began its vision with the creation of a common market. And the market gives its benefits only with its physical ties i.e. transport and communication links. Transport links between the countries of the Western Balkans, with all accompanying economic, political and administrative adjustments, can contribute to realizing the single market as crucial phase of development of a United Europe. Future hopes and views are focused on finalizing Pan-European transport corridors in the Western Balkan countries, through which the trade peaks will be strengthened, overcoming the decades-long problems and conflicts in this part of Europe, and to achieve the long-awaited model for a Common European Union. But we must be realistic enough to see that transport infrastructure is not some miraculous tool with which to solve a society's development problems. It is only one part of the story. Transport must work in union with national development programmes, physical planning, investment, economic and monetary policy, custom and legal regulations. But we must acknowledge that, in many respects, the quality and success of life of Balkan‟s citizens depends on the vitality and responsibility of implementation many structural changes. One of the crucial factors is still transport infrastructure.
Keywords: Western Balkan, Regional cooperation, Common market, Transport policy, Transport corridor.
Resource allocation is increasing as an global issue, because resources (natural
resources, ores... more Resource allocation is increasing as an global issue, because resources (natural resources, ores, oil resources) are in limited quantities worldwide, as opposed to everincreasing human needs. Therefore, resource allocation is the deployment and optimal utilization of a defined resource. In the economic arena, allocation is usually controlled by the pricing mechanism: if the demand for a resource is high, then the cost of the resources used will be high; due to such high prices, this resource will be used for limited needs. When the price of natural resources and materials rises, in response to volatile markets and increased competition, developed nations are looking at possible alternatives as a promising economic model. In that regard, the circular economy is considered as an expected solution. As one of the objectives of the circular economy is the need of resources, improving resource efficiency or the need for resource efficiency targets remains equally relevant for circular economy policies. The challenges in the circular economy are long-standing and crucial in tackling resource depletion and the new environmental problems facing humanity. The fundamental and comprehensive structural changes are in the complete redesign of the existing linear economic system and the acceptance and comprehensive inclusion of the circular economy as a new economic hope. A circular economy is one in which products are recycled, repaired or reused rather than thrown away, and in which waste from one process becomes an input into other processes. Based on the general concern that the world is entering an intensified period of resource stress, a commitment to urgent behavioral research to identify the most important natural resource trends affecting the human environment is more than necessary. The identified trends - which will include patterns of demand, supply, availability, price levels, and price volatility - are shaped and influenced by emerging climate changes, evolving demographic patterns, increasing economic development, and human induced environmental degradation.
Globalization as a concept basically represents the integration and democratization of world cult... more Globalization as a concept basically represents the integration and democratization of world culture, economy and infrastructure through the expansion of transnational investments, information and communication technologies. Countries around the world are continually making efforts to deal with global marketing trends by delivering their products and services outside their countries. Globalization has rolled its roots in all areas of marketing operations, ranging from production to distribution. Logistics systems as part of the supply chain are influenced by globalization and its innovations. The logistic system refers to planning, implementing and controlling the flow of goods and services from the place of production to the point of use. Logistics refers to the movement, storage and flow of goods, services and information within and outside the organization. Through various forms of expression, globalization has a continuous impact on logistics systems. The range of emergent forms through which globalization appears and affects logistics are numerous, starting from Internet technology, collaboration between different companies and the forms of their association, the entry of new companies and of course perhaps the most important form of influence is the expectations of consumers.
Papers by Monika Arsova
Key words: competition; consumers; financial results; profit; strategy
The subject of this paper is to analyze the potential of logistic companies and their performance capacity though the Monte Carlo simulation of the net income values. We present the case of Macedonian logistic companies with the challenge of using the interactive testing environment in Power Bi for goal testing. For the purpose of testing,we generate 1 million data units in two scenarios of 10% increased and decreased net
income value. This case was tested on data from year 2020 for Fershped, Kuehne & Nagel and Quehenberger Logistics as a part of Macedonian logistic industry.The results suggest that results of the simulations are in small favor of the values lessthan in the 2020. However, if we know that the values in 2020 are continuing a good result from 2019 we can conclude that the results expected for 2021 will results in strong positive values.
Kew words: Macedonian logistic companies, Net income, Monte Carlo scenario, Power BI
Големи промени настанале во рамки на каналите на маркетингот, односно преминот од традиционални кон дигитални, модерни канали на поврзување со потрошувачите. Денешниот потрошувач бара многу повеќе внимание, личен однос од страна на претпријатието, почесто известување и пласирање информации кои се лесно достапни за него. Иновациите во маркетинг каналите претставуваат прв чекор во креирањето дигитално општество во периодот на пандемијата, но и после неа. Креирањето на дигитално општество подразбира поголемо поврзување, синхронизирање и адаптирање на светските пазари и создавање поголеми вредности за потрошувачите. Покрај изедначувачкиот потенцијалот кој дигитализацијата како процес го има, сепак дигиталното општество е далеку од утопично со оглед на тоа што сеуште може да се видат социјалните и економски нееднаквости помеѓу потрошувачите.
Клучни зборови: дигитализација; канали на маркетинг; информации; потенцијал; нееднаквости
Keywords: marketing, investment, consumers, media, respondents, TV, Facebook
Keywords: market segments, marketing strategy, goals, targeting, consumers
distribution channels.
Logistic systems, as part of the supply chain, are continually influenced by innovation and global challenges. Logistics, in addition to
the process of moving, storing and flowing goods, services and information inside and outside the organization today is a much
wider and more complex concept. The globalization process has also imposed structural changes in logistics systems, supply chain management, transport regulations, company organizational structures, value systems, and competitive vibrations in markets. The range of emergent forms through which globalization appears and affects logistics are numerous, starting from Internet technology, collaboration between different companies and the forms of their association, the entry
of new companies and of course perhaps the most important form of influence is the expectations of consumers.
Key words: market challenges; globalization; logistics systems; internet
technology; consumer expectations
and contributes significantly to air pollution, noise and habitat fragmentation. The transport sector (including bunker fuels) accounted for 24.3% of total EU GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions. The European Commission's target of a 60% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 will require significant additional measures. Ones of these measures are built and expand bicycles infrastructure, pedestrian zones, sport and park areas which stimulates healthy and recreative customs. From a spatial planning aspect, regions that have invested in bicycling have seen tangible economic impacts. Studies show that the bicycle industry, bicycle tourism, and the health benefits from bicycling create a healthy population, new job positions, alternative forms of economic activity, and cost savings. Cities with an efficient transport network and high level of convenience for cyclists have significant benefits for each community.
Usually it is considered that cycling is considered something that the administrative authorities could do, easily and quickly. This common mode of transport is used for every type of trip: work, shopping, schools, recreational or health reasons.
Cyclists can more accurately predict travel time to desired destinations, while ensuring healthy habits in daily routines. Only by providing the appropriate bicycle infrastructure can these benefits be achieved.
Keywords: bicycle transport, alternative transport, greenhouse gas emissions, spatial planning
melted national borders, free trade has enhanced economic integration and the information and communications technology has made geography and time irrelevant, boosted by transport ability.
More efficient transport infrastructures enable a better mobility for people and goods as well as a better connection between regions. Transport
infrastructure influences both the economic growth and the social cohesion. Road transport is characterized by the capillarity of its infrastructure.
Competitiveness itself has been a central preoccupation of the policy of EU. It is obvious that stronger role and bigger contribution of the
transport sector in the improvement of European economic growth and competitiveness are highly expected. Transport was seen as a crucial element in the establishment of the Common Market, whose rules, especially those governing international transport, made possible the free trade of goods and the free movement of persons. Effective and
efficient transportation systems are vital to the prosperity of regions because they link residents with employment, public services, shopping and supplier markets. Because transportation facilities extend beyond local jurisdictions, it is essential to include them in regional development
strategies. System, able to conjugate urban and extra-urban
mobility in a continuous flow based on individual planning. A region cannot be competitive without an efficient transport network.
To enforce global competition EU must investigate on research and innovative transport development. Innovative solutions, comprising
innovative technologies, suitable infrastructures and organizational improvements, are one important means in implementing these goals.
Key words: transport policy, globalization, competitiveness, innovation, business facility, economic growth
Keywords: blockchain technology; logistics; information technology; cost reduction; computer network
Keywords: global competition; quality services; new technologies; economic activities
fatal effect and almost mythical dimension. Europe, as well as Balkans today is in the focus of attention because again live the tragic period of its history. Balkan countries cope with the problem of losing vital human resources because educated young people emigrating from the region in EU and USA. Macedonia faces what is called a “white plague”, the process of emigration of young people from the country. Hundreds of thousands of young people aged between 25 and 35 have left Balkan countries over the past couple of decades in search of a better life abroad. History again create new cultural landscape of the new global challenges.
Key words: global transportation, culture, globalization, brain drain, white plague
Keywords: business environment; market analysis; business entities; logistics infrastructure
Keywords: business environment; market analysis; business entities; logistics infrastructure
According to reports from the World Health Organization, traffic accidents on the roads are among the leading causes of death globally, taking the eighth place on the list of causes of death, but in the first place as the main cause of the deaths of the population aged 15-29 . They are not only an appropriate personal tragedy for the families
themselves, but also have a major impact on the productivity of the population as a whole, the amount of economic expenditures and appropriate implications in the health sector. Estimates of traffic accidents globally range from about 1.2 million fatalities, from 20-50 million injured or disabled persons and about $ 518 billion a year to material damage. Traffic road accidents in low- and middle-income countries are particularly high, where they range between 1% and 2% of their gross national product - more than the total development aid received in these countries. The magnitude of this important social problem has forced numerous international institutions and bodies, including the United Nations, to pay special attention to the conditions and consequences of traffic. Following the European Union Road Traffic
Safety Program, the National Strategy of the Republic of Macedonia envisages reducing the number of victims in traffic accidents because the security conditions in the road traffic in the Republic of Macedonia are quite serious and the situation is really worrying. If we make an analysis of the causes of traffic accidents, we will see that in 95% of cases, the human factor is the cause most of all. For these reasons, as an imperative and one of the very high priorities of each country, the causes and measures of road safety are set as a major issue in each country's public policies.
Key words: road traffic, traffic accidents, human losses, material damages, prevention
Keywords: study program, academic practice, information system, logistics, supply chain management
demands for the rational business of industrial entities in the context of greater economic development, are seeking a quality logistics service, which implies, above all, faster and more reliable movement of goods, transport, financial and information flows, through and within these areas. In order to eliminate the negative effects in the realization of the logistics flows and not to disturb the natural-geographic and ambient conditions in the tourist zones, the idea for the improvement of the existing distribution system solutions is impinged, which would lead to a
win-win situation for all participants in the appropriate geographical region.
Keywords: logistic services; regional development; tourist zones; economic development
European core. Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in the Western Balkans, adjusted for purchasing power parity, is half that of eastern European EU countries, one-third that of southern EU members and a mere quarter of the richest EU members in western Europe. The question that imposes itself is: how to overcome those differences among Balkans countries, to complete the historical vision and final mosaic puzzle of European Union? We should look for the solution historically for several decades back when creating the United Europe model. Prosperous and contemporizing Europe began its vision with the creation of a common market. And the market gives its benefits only with its physical ties i.e. transport and communication links. Transport links between the countries of the Western Balkans, with all accompanying economic, political and administrative adjustments, can contribute to realizing the single market as crucial phase of development of a United Europe. Future hopes and views are focused on finalizing Pan-European transport corridors in the Western Balkan countries,
through which the trade peaks will be strengthened, overcoming the decades-long problems and conflicts in this part of Europe, and to achieve the long-awaited model for a Common European Union. But we must be realistic enough to see that transport infrastructure is not some miraculous tool with which to solve a society's development problems. It is only one part of the story. Transport must work in union with national development programmes, physical planning, investment, economic and monetary policy, custom and legal regulations. But we must acknowledge that, in many respects, the quality and success of life of Balkan‟s citizens depends on the vitality and responsibility of implementation many structural changes. One of the crucial factors is still transport infrastructure.
Keywords: Western Balkan, Regional cooperation, Common market, Transport policy, Transport corridor.
resources, ores, oil resources) are in limited quantities worldwide, as opposed to everincreasing human needs. Therefore, resource allocation is the deployment and optimal utilization of a defined resource. In the economic arena, allocation is usually controlled by the pricing mechanism: if the demand for a resource is high, then the cost of the resources used will be high; due to such high prices, this resource will be used for limited needs. When the price of natural resources and materials rises, in response to volatile markets and increased competition, developed nations are looking at possible alternatives as a promising economic model. In that regard, the circular economy is considered as an expected solution.
As one of the objectives of the circular economy is the need of resources, improving
resource efficiency or the need for resource efficiency targets remains equally relevant for circular economy policies. The challenges in the circular economy are long-standing and crucial in tackling resource depletion and the new environmental problems facing humanity. The fundamental and comprehensive structural changes are in the complete redesign of the existing linear economic system and the acceptance and comprehensive inclusion of the circular economy as a new economic hope. A circular economy is one in which products are recycled, repaired or reused rather than thrown away, and in which waste from one process becomes an input into other processes. Based on the general concern that the world is entering an intensified period of resource stress, a commitment to urgent behavioral research to identify the most important natural resource trends affecting the human environment is more than necessary. The identified trends - which will include patterns of demand, supply, availability, price levels, and price volatility - are shaped and influenced by emerging climate changes, evolving demographic patterns, increasing economic development, and human induced environmental degradation.
Keywords: resources, environment, circular economy, policymakers
Key words: competition; consumers; financial results; profit; strategy
The subject of this paper is to analyze the potential of logistic companies and their performance capacity though the Monte Carlo simulation of the net income values. We present the case of Macedonian logistic companies with the challenge of using the interactive testing environment in Power Bi for goal testing. For the purpose of testing,we generate 1 million data units in two scenarios of 10% increased and decreased net
income value. This case was tested on data from year 2020 for Fershped, Kuehne & Nagel and Quehenberger Logistics as a part of Macedonian logistic industry.The results suggest that results of the simulations are in small favor of the values lessthan in the 2020. However, if we know that the values in 2020 are continuing a good result from 2019 we can conclude that the results expected for 2021 will results in strong positive values.
Kew words: Macedonian logistic companies, Net income, Monte Carlo scenario, Power BI
Големи промени настанале во рамки на каналите на маркетингот, односно преминот од традиционални кон дигитални, модерни канали на поврзување со потрошувачите. Денешниот потрошувач бара многу повеќе внимание, личен однос од страна на претпријатието, почесто известување и пласирање информации кои се лесно достапни за него. Иновациите во маркетинг каналите претставуваат прв чекор во креирањето дигитално општество во периодот на пандемијата, но и после неа. Креирањето на дигитално општество подразбира поголемо поврзување, синхронизирање и адаптирање на светските пазари и создавање поголеми вредности за потрошувачите. Покрај изедначувачкиот потенцијалот кој дигитализацијата како процес го има, сепак дигиталното општество е далеку од утопично со оглед на тоа што сеуште може да се видат социјалните и економски нееднаквости помеѓу потрошувачите.
Клучни зборови: дигитализација; канали на маркетинг; информации; потенцијал; нееднаквости
Keywords: marketing, investment, consumers, media, respondents, TV, Facebook
Keywords: market segments, marketing strategy, goals, targeting, consumers
distribution channels.
Logistic systems, as part of the supply chain, are continually influenced by innovation and global challenges. Logistics, in addition to
the process of moving, storing and flowing goods, services and information inside and outside the organization today is a much
wider and more complex concept. The globalization process has also imposed structural changes in logistics systems, supply chain management, transport regulations, company organizational structures, value systems, and competitive vibrations in markets. The range of emergent forms through which globalization appears and affects logistics are numerous, starting from Internet technology, collaboration between different companies and the forms of their association, the entry
of new companies and of course perhaps the most important form of influence is the expectations of consumers.
Key words: market challenges; globalization; logistics systems; internet
technology; consumer expectations
and contributes significantly to air pollution, noise and habitat fragmentation. The transport sector (including bunker fuels) accounted for 24.3% of total EU GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions. The European Commission's target of a 60% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 will require significant additional measures. Ones of these measures are built and expand bicycles infrastructure, pedestrian zones, sport and park areas which stimulates healthy and recreative customs. From a spatial planning aspect, regions that have invested in bicycling have seen tangible economic impacts. Studies show that the bicycle industry, bicycle tourism, and the health benefits from bicycling create a healthy population, new job positions, alternative forms of economic activity, and cost savings. Cities with an efficient transport network and high level of convenience for cyclists have significant benefits for each community.
Usually it is considered that cycling is considered something that the administrative authorities could do, easily and quickly. This common mode of transport is used for every type of trip: work, shopping, schools, recreational or health reasons.
Cyclists can more accurately predict travel time to desired destinations, while ensuring healthy habits in daily routines. Only by providing the appropriate bicycle infrastructure can these benefits be achieved.
Keywords: bicycle transport, alternative transport, greenhouse gas emissions, spatial planning
melted national borders, free trade has enhanced economic integration and the information and communications technology has made geography and time irrelevant, boosted by transport ability.
More efficient transport infrastructures enable a better mobility for people and goods as well as a better connection between regions. Transport
infrastructure influences both the economic growth and the social cohesion. Road transport is characterized by the capillarity of its infrastructure.
Competitiveness itself has been a central preoccupation of the policy of EU. It is obvious that stronger role and bigger contribution of the
transport sector in the improvement of European economic growth and competitiveness are highly expected. Transport was seen as a crucial element in the establishment of the Common Market, whose rules, especially those governing international transport, made possible the free trade of goods and the free movement of persons. Effective and
efficient transportation systems are vital to the prosperity of regions because they link residents with employment, public services, shopping and supplier markets. Because transportation facilities extend beyond local jurisdictions, it is essential to include them in regional development
strategies. System, able to conjugate urban and extra-urban
mobility in a continuous flow based on individual planning. A region cannot be competitive without an efficient transport network.
To enforce global competition EU must investigate on research and innovative transport development. Innovative solutions, comprising
innovative technologies, suitable infrastructures and organizational improvements, are one important means in implementing these goals.
Key words: transport policy, globalization, competitiveness, innovation, business facility, economic growth
Keywords: blockchain technology; logistics; information technology; cost reduction; computer network
Keywords: global competition; quality services; new technologies; economic activities
fatal effect and almost mythical dimension. Europe, as well as Balkans today is in the focus of attention because again live the tragic period of its history. Balkan countries cope with the problem of losing vital human resources because educated young people emigrating from the region in EU and USA. Macedonia faces what is called a “white plague”, the process of emigration of young people from the country. Hundreds of thousands of young people aged between 25 and 35 have left Balkan countries over the past couple of decades in search of a better life abroad. History again create new cultural landscape of the new global challenges.
Key words: global transportation, culture, globalization, brain drain, white plague
Keywords: business environment; market analysis; business entities; logistics infrastructure
Keywords: business environment; market analysis; business entities; logistics infrastructure
According to reports from the World Health Organization, traffic accidents on the roads are among the leading causes of death globally, taking the eighth place on the list of causes of death, but in the first place as the main cause of the deaths of the population aged 15-29 . They are not only an appropriate personal tragedy for the families
themselves, but also have a major impact on the productivity of the population as a whole, the amount of economic expenditures and appropriate implications in the health sector. Estimates of traffic accidents globally range from about 1.2 million fatalities, from 20-50 million injured or disabled persons and about $ 518 billion a year to material damage. Traffic road accidents in low- and middle-income countries are particularly high, where they range between 1% and 2% of their gross national product - more than the total development aid received in these countries. The magnitude of this important social problem has forced numerous international institutions and bodies, including the United Nations, to pay special attention to the conditions and consequences of traffic. Following the European Union Road Traffic
Safety Program, the National Strategy of the Republic of Macedonia envisages reducing the number of victims in traffic accidents because the security conditions in the road traffic in the Republic of Macedonia are quite serious and the situation is really worrying. If we make an analysis of the causes of traffic accidents, we will see that in 95% of cases, the human factor is the cause most of all. For these reasons, as an imperative and one of the very high priorities of each country, the causes and measures of road safety are set as a major issue in each country's public policies.
Key words: road traffic, traffic accidents, human losses, material damages, prevention
Keywords: study program, academic practice, information system, logistics, supply chain management
demands for the rational business of industrial entities in the context of greater economic development, are seeking a quality logistics service, which implies, above all, faster and more reliable movement of goods, transport, financial and information flows, through and within these areas. In order to eliminate the negative effects in the realization of the logistics flows and not to disturb the natural-geographic and ambient conditions in the tourist zones, the idea for the improvement of the existing distribution system solutions is impinged, which would lead to a
win-win situation for all participants in the appropriate geographical region.
Keywords: logistic services; regional development; tourist zones; economic development
European core. Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in the Western Balkans, adjusted for purchasing power parity, is half that of eastern European EU countries, one-third that of southern EU members and a mere quarter of the richest EU members in western Europe. The question that imposes itself is: how to overcome those differences among Balkans countries, to complete the historical vision and final mosaic puzzle of European Union? We should look for the solution historically for several decades back when creating the United Europe model. Prosperous and contemporizing Europe began its vision with the creation of a common market. And the market gives its benefits only with its physical ties i.e. transport and communication links. Transport links between the countries of the Western Balkans, with all accompanying economic, political and administrative adjustments, can contribute to realizing the single market as crucial phase of development of a United Europe. Future hopes and views are focused on finalizing Pan-European transport corridors in the Western Balkan countries,
through which the trade peaks will be strengthened, overcoming the decades-long problems and conflicts in this part of Europe, and to achieve the long-awaited model for a Common European Union. But we must be realistic enough to see that transport infrastructure is not some miraculous tool with which to solve a society's development problems. It is only one part of the story. Transport must work in union with national development programmes, physical planning, investment, economic and monetary policy, custom and legal regulations. But we must acknowledge that, in many respects, the quality and success of life of Balkan‟s citizens depends on the vitality and responsibility of implementation many structural changes. One of the crucial factors is still transport infrastructure.
Keywords: Western Balkan, Regional cooperation, Common market, Transport policy, Transport corridor.
resources, ores, oil resources) are in limited quantities worldwide, as opposed to everincreasing human needs. Therefore, resource allocation is the deployment and optimal utilization of a defined resource. In the economic arena, allocation is usually controlled by the pricing mechanism: if the demand for a resource is high, then the cost of the resources used will be high; due to such high prices, this resource will be used for limited needs. When the price of natural resources and materials rises, in response to volatile markets and increased competition, developed nations are looking at possible alternatives as a promising economic model. In that regard, the circular economy is considered as an expected solution.
As one of the objectives of the circular economy is the need of resources, improving
resource efficiency or the need for resource efficiency targets remains equally relevant for circular economy policies. The challenges in the circular economy are long-standing and crucial in tackling resource depletion and the new environmental problems facing humanity. The fundamental and comprehensive structural changes are in the complete redesign of the existing linear economic system and the acceptance and comprehensive inclusion of the circular economy as a new economic hope. A circular economy is one in which products are recycled, repaired or reused rather than thrown away, and in which waste from one process becomes an input into other processes. Based on the general concern that the world is entering an intensified period of resource stress, a commitment to urgent behavioral research to identify the most important natural resource trends affecting the human environment is more than necessary. The identified trends - which will include patterns of demand, supply, availability, price levels, and price volatility - are shaped and influenced by emerging climate changes, evolving demographic patterns, increasing economic development, and human induced environmental degradation.
Keywords: resources, environment, circular economy, policymakers