This study discusses the relation of sexual division of domestic labor with gender equality under... more This study discusses the relation of sexual division of domestic labor with gender equality under effect of social policies of different welfare regime types which followed through Germany, Sweden and Turkey. In this paper, the relationship between gender equality and gender division of housework is analyzed. Since, housework, chores have been mostly described as tasks of women whereas men are related within paid labor. Yet, rates of gender equality and sequences of countries have been measured due to public institutions and public politics towards gender relations to the exclusion of division of labor. Gender Inequality Index (GII) which is a report of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to measure gender inequality of countries is used to evaluate gender inequality by using three important aspects of human development: reproductive health, empowerment and economic status, expressed as labor market participation. This study tries to associate GII with OECD statistics in...
From the beginning of the Syrian civil war, Syrian citizens have started to flee to Turkey with t... more From the beginning of the Syrian civil war, Syrian citizens have started to flee to Turkey with the hope and expectation of protection because of Turkey’s open door policy. In time, with the increase in the number of the Syrian population in the country, interest of Turkish media towards the situation of Syrian refugees has also increased. This study aims to underline the news coverage specifically focusing on the image of Syrian women to answer the question in mind: “what does the image of Syrian women tell us about the gender-differentiated approaches of media?” This study uses citizen theories on refugees to emphasis the suspension of their rights due to their status as “not being citizen” or “not having a state of their own” while pointing out the gender-based discrimination as well as the refugee-based discrimination together. Therefore, this paper argues that Syrian women have been holding double burden as being both woman and refugee in Turkey and this burden to be traced in ...
From the beginning of the Syrian civil war, Syrian citizens have started to flee to Turkey with t... more From the beginning of the Syrian civil war, Syrian citizens have started to flee to Turkey with the hope and expectation of protection because of Turkey's open door policy. In time, with the increase in the number of the Syrian population in the country , interest of Turkish media towards the situation of Syrian refugees has also increased. This study aims to underline the news coverage specifically focusing on the image of Syrian women to answer the question in mind: " what does the image of Syrian women tell us about the gender-differentiated approaches of media? " This study uses citizen theories on refugees to emphasis the suspension of their rights due to their status as " not being citizen " or " not having a state of their own " while pointing out the gender-based discrimination as well as the refugee-based discrimination together. Therefore, this paper argues that Syrian women have been holding double burden as being both woman and refugee in Turkey and this burden to be traced in the newspapers' coverage of Syrian women's image. Öz Suriye iç savaşının başlangıcından itibaren Suriye vatandaşları, Türkiye'nin açık kapı politikası nedeniyle koruma beklenti ve umuduyla Türkiye'ye kaçmaya başla-dı. Zamanla, ülkedeki Suriyeli nüfusun artışıyla birlikte, Türk medyasının Suriyeli mültecilerin durumuna olan ilgisi de arttı. Bu çalışma, özellikle Suriyeli kadınların medyada yer alan haberlere odaklanarak, "Suriyeli kadınların görüntülerinin med-yanın cinsiyete dayalı farklılaşmış yaklaşımları hakkında ne dediğini" anlamayı amaçlıyor. Bu çalışma, mülteci temelli ayrımcılığın yanı sıra cinsiyete dayalı ay-rımcılığa işaret ederken, bununla birlikte vatandaş teorilerini kullanarak mültecile-rin "vatandaş olmama" veya "kendi devletine sahip olmama" statüsünden dolayı haklarının askıya alınmasını vurgulamaktadır. Dolayısıyla, bu çalışma, Suriyeli ka-dınların Türkiye'de hem kadın hem de mülteci olarak çifte yük taşıdığını ve bunun izlerinin gazetelerin Suriyeli kadın görüntülerinde bulunabileceğini savunmaktadır.
AK Parti Döneminde (2002'den Günümüze) Türkiye'de Siyaset ve Muhafazakar Siyasetin Serencamını, A... more AK Parti Döneminde (2002'den Günümüze) Türkiye'de Siyaset ve Muhafazakar Siyasetin Serencamını, AK Parti'nin Ortaya Çıkışı, Siyasi Kimlik Arayışları ve Toplumsal Dönüşümü, AK Parti'nin gevşek, duruma göre salınımcı ve sistemi tahkim edici yönelimi, Muhafazakar Liberalizm/Demokrat Aparatı ile Sisteme Entegrasyon Çabası, Pan-İslamist Populizm Aparatı ile "İslamileştirici Dil"in Sisteme Arzı, Pan-İslamist Populizm'den İslam Soslu Ulusal Milliyetçiliğe Evrilme, Kürt Açılımı ve Çatışması, Referandum ve Seçimler, Gezi Parkı Olayları, Hizmet-AK Parti Çatışması, Tetikçi Hizmet'kar' Şebekenin 15 Temmuz Darbe Girişimi ve AK Parti döneminde Muhafazakarlığın dönüşümü bağlamları ve başlıklarında gerçekleştirilen çalışma, süreci eleştirel analize tabi tutmaktadır.
This study discusses the relation of sexual division of domestic labor with gender equality under... more This study discusses the relation of sexual division of domestic labor with gender equality under effect of social policies of different welfare regime types which followed through Germany, Sweden and Turkey. In this paper, the relationship between gender equality and gender division of housework is analyzed. Since, housework, chores have been mostly described as tasks of women whereas men are related within paid labor. Yet, rates of gender equality and sequences of countries have been measured due to public institutions and public politics towards gender relations to the exclusion of division of labor. Gender Inequality Index (GII) which is a report of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to measure gender inequality of countries is used to evaluate gender inequality by using three important aspects of human development: reproductive health, empowerment and economic status, expressed as labor market participation. This study tries to associate GII with OECD statistics in...
From the beginning of the Syrian civil war, Syrian citizens have started to flee to Turkey with t... more From the beginning of the Syrian civil war, Syrian citizens have started to flee to Turkey with the hope and expectation of protection because of Turkey’s open door policy. In time, with the increase in the number of the Syrian population in the country, interest of Turkish media towards the situation of Syrian refugees has also increased. This study aims to underline the news coverage specifically focusing on the image of Syrian women to answer the question in mind: “what does the image of Syrian women tell us about the gender-differentiated approaches of media?” This study uses citizen theories on refugees to emphasis the suspension of their rights due to their status as “not being citizen” or “not having a state of their own” while pointing out the gender-based discrimination as well as the refugee-based discrimination together. Therefore, this paper argues that Syrian women have been holding double burden as being both woman and refugee in Turkey and this burden to be traced in ...
From the beginning of the Syrian civil war, Syrian citizens have started to flee to Turkey with t... more From the beginning of the Syrian civil war, Syrian citizens have started to flee to Turkey with the hope and expectation of protection because of Turkey's open door policy. In time, with the increase in the number of the Syrian population in the country , interest of Turkish media towards the situation of Syrian refugees has also increased. This study aims to underline the news coverage specifically focusing on the image of Syrian women to answer the question in mind: " what does the image of Syrian women tell us about the gender-differentiated approaches of media? " This study uses citizen theories on refugees to emphasis the suspension of their rights due to their status as " not being citizen " or " not having a state of their own " while pointing out the gender-based discrimination as well as the refugee-based discrimination together. Therefore, this paper argues that Syrian women have been holding double burden as being both woman and refugee in Turkey and this burden to be traced in the newspapers' coverage of Syrian women's image. Öz Suriye iç savaşının başlangıcından itibaren Suriye vatandaşları, Türkiye'nin açık kapı politikası nedeniyle koruma beklenti ve umuduyla Türkiye'ye kaçmaya başla-dı. Zamanla, ülkedeki Suriyeli nüfusun artışıyla birlikte, Türk medyasının Suriyeli mültecilerin durumuna olan ilgisi de arttı. Bu çalışma, özellikle Suriyeli kadınların medyada yer alan haberlere odaklanarak, "Suriyeli kadınların görüntülerinin med-yanın cinsiyete dayalı farklılaşmış yaklaşımları hakkında ne dediğini" anlamayı amaçlıyor. Bu çalışma, mülteci temelli ayrımcılığın yanı sıra cinsiyete dayalı ay-rımcılığa işaret ederken, bununla birlikte vatandaş teorilerini kullanarak mültecile-rin "vatandaş olmama" veya "kendi devletine sahip olmama" statüsünden dolayı haklarının askıya alınmasını vurgulamaktadır. Dolayısıyla, bu çalışma, Suriyeli ka-dınların Türkiye'de hem kadın hem de mülteci olarak çifte yük taşıdığını ve bunun izlerinin gazetelerin Suriyeli kadın görüntülerinde bulunabileceğini savunmaktadır.
AK Parti Döneminde (2002'den Günümüze) Türkiye'de Siyaset ve Muhafazakar Siyasetin Serencamını, A... more AK Parti Döneminde (2002'den Günümüze) Türkiye'de Siyaset ve Muhafazakar Siyasetin Serencamını, AK Parti'nin Ortaya Çıkışı, Siyasi Kimlik Arayışları ve Toplumsal Dönüşümü, AK Parti'nin gevşek, duruma göre salınımcı ve sistemi tahkim edici yönelimi, Muhafazakar Liberalizm/Demokrat Aparatı ile Sisteme Entegrasyon Çabası, Pan-İslamist Populizm Aparatı ile "İslamileştirici Dil"in Sisteme Arzı, Pan-İslamist Populizm'den İslam Soslu Ulusal Milliyetçiliğe Evrilme, Kürt Açılımı ve Çatışması, Referandum ve Seçimler, Gezi Parkı Olayları, Hizmet-AK Parti Çatışması, Tetikçi Hizmet'kar' Şebekenin 15 Temmuz Darbe Girişimi ve AK Parti döneminde Muhafazakarlığın dönüşümü bağlamları ve başlıklarında gerçekleştirilen çalışma, süreci eleştirel analize tabi tutmaktadır.
Papers by Melike Argıt