Thesis by Albeniz Tuğçe Ezme Gürlek
MCP Gradute Thesis, DAAP, University of Cincinnati, OH, USA, Feb 19, 2014
""Sulukule was one of the most famous neighborhoods in Istanbul because of the Romani culture and... more ""Sulukule was one of the most famous neighborhoods in Istanbul because of the Romani culture and historic identity. In 2006, the Fatih Municipality knocked on the residents’ doors with an urban renovation project. The community really did not know how they could retain their residence in the neighborhood; unfortunately everybody knew that they would not prosper in another place without their community connections. They were poor and had many issues impeding their livelihoods, but there should have been another solution that did not involve eviction. People, associations, different volunteer groups, universities in Istanbul, and also some trade associations were supporting the people of Sulukule. The Sulukule Platform was founded as this predicament began and fought against government eviction for years. In 2009, the area was totally destroyed, although the community did everything possible to save their neighborhood through the support of the Sulukule Platform. I cannot say that they lost everything in this process, but I also cannot say that anything was won. I can only say that the Fatih Municipality soiled its hands. No one will forget Sulukule, but everybody will remember the Fatih Municipality with this unsuccessful project.
Sulukule stands out as a symbolic case for social justice groups that promote the expansion of civil rights and defend neighborhoods that struggle for their rights. Therefore, the Sulukule Platform shows that another form of transformation which involves public participation in the decision-making phase of planning is possible in the cities. This study aims to demonstrate how the advocacy planning method is significant in planning for communities.
This thesis proposes to present a full report of the Sulukule Platform case. It also provides a historical background that works to contextualize Sulukule and their struggle into the broader context of socio-economic inequalities in Istanbul and the fight of inhabitants in urban transformation areas for their civil rights. The study focuses on one of the less experimented planning models, advocacy planning, and analyzes its first incidence in Turkey through the Sulukule Platform. Also it examines public participation and its place in the urban planning profession.
This thesis, first, will help to show how Turkish public officials failed to learn from the mistakes of the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s; second, it will look at how the urban renewal is being implemented in developing countries especially in Turkey. I will argue that because globalizing-cities like Istanbul are being pressured to implement urban renewal but are often failing to learn lessons from American and European urban renewal.""
Lisans Tezi, Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Bölümü, Mimarlık Fakültesi, MSGSU, İstanbul, TR, Jan 10, 2009
"Bu çalışma, gündelik yaşam ve yoksulluk kavramlarının etkileşimini ve yoksulluğun gündelik yaşam... more "Bu çalışma, gündelik yaşam ve yoksulluk kavramlarının etkileşimini ve yoksulluğun gündelik yaşama nasıl yansıdığını incelemektedir. Yoksulluğun sadece ekonomik bir sonuç olmadığını ve yoksulluğa dair çözümlerin gündelik yaşamdaki ayrıntılarda saklı olduğunu savunan çalışmada, yoksulluk yaklaşımlarının üzerinde durulmuş ve yoksulluk sorununa bakarken aslında sadece yoksul alanlar üzerinden bir araştırmanın yetersiz olduğu düşüncesi savunulmuştur. Bu nedenle, toplumun yoksulluğa bakışı farklı gözler üzerinden değerlendirmeye alınmıştır.
Çalışmada, öncelikle yoksulluk kavramı üzerinde durulmuş, dünyada yoksulluğun tarihi özetlenmeye ve ardından da Türkiye'de ve dünyadaki yoksulluğun boyutları ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. İkinci olarak ise Lefebvre, Heller ve De Certau üzerinden bir gündelik yaşam okuması gerçekleştirilmiş ve gündelik yaşamın yoksullukla olan ilişkisi açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır.
Gündelik yaşam ve yoksulluk arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koymak için yapılan bu çalışmanın ardından, iki kavramın etkileşimi Sulukule özelinde incelemiştir. Sulukule'nin konumuna, tarihine ve kırılma noktalarına değindikten sonra, bunların 2006'da gündeme gelen yenileme projesini ne kadar etkilediği üzerinde durulmuştur. Sulukule'deki yoksulluk farklı çalışmaların verileri ile ortaya konmuş, bu yoksulluk hallerinin süreç içinde nasıl bir hal aldığı izlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Ardından da gündelik yaşam üzerinden yoksulluğun nasıl anlaşılır kılınabileceği, “fotoğraf” gündelik yaşama dair bir belge olarak kullanılarak göstermek istenmiştir.
Çalışma boyunca, tepeden inme kararların kente nasıl yaralar açtığı, bir müdahale öncesinde yaşayanların kültürünün, sorunlarının ve isteklerinin ortaya konmasının gerekliliği, kentte fırsatların eşit dağıtılmasının önemi üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu önemli noktalar ve gereklilikler uygulanmadığı takdirde gerçekleştirilen projelerin her zaman eleştirileceği, eşitsizliklere ve dolaylı olarak “yoksulluğa” sebep olacağı ve bu yoksulluk halini sürekli kılacağı, Sulukule özelinde ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır."
Book Chapters by Albeniz Tuğçe Ezme Gürlek
Routledge eBooks, Sep 20, 2022
Urban Politics of Human Rights (Online Pulished), 2022
The Routledge series Cities and Global Governance is composed of contributed volumes covering key... more The Routledge series Cities and Global Governance is composed of contributed volumes covering key areas of study at the intersection of urbanism and global governance. Each title explores dimensions of the relationship between the local and the global, between urban landscapes and global dynamics. Authors in the series make empirical and theoretical contributions that advance our understanding of the role of cities as sites and actors in global governance.
3. Global Cities and Climate Change
The Translocal Relations of Environmental Governance
Taedong Lee
4. The Urban Climate Challenge
Rethinking the Role of Cities in the Global Climate Regime
Edited by Craig Johnson, Noah Toly, and Heike Schroeder
5. The Global City 2.0
From Strategic Site to Global Actor
Kristin Ljungkvist
6. Greening Post-Industrial Cities
Growth, Equity, and Environmental Governance
Corina McKendry
7. The Globalisation of Urban Governance
Legal Perspectives on Sustainable Development Goal 11
Edited by Helmut Philipp Aust and Anél du Plessis
8. Urban Politics of Human Rights
Edited by Janne E. Nijman, Barbara Oomen, Elif Durmuş,
Sara Miellet & Lisa Roodenburg
Kemal Ahmet Aru: Urban Planning and Design , 2016
UNESCO, 25 Ekim-10 Kasım 2011 tarihleri arasında Paris’te gerçekleştirdiği 36. Genel Konferansı’n... more UNESCO, 25 Ekim-10 Kasım 2011 tarihleri arasında Paris’te gerçekleştirdiği 36. Genel Konferansı’nda oybirliği ile 2012 yılında Mimar ve Şehir Plancısı Prof. Kemal Ahmet Arû’nun (1912-2005) doğumunun 100. yılının UNESCO’nun katılımı ile uluslararası düzeyde kutlanmasına karar vermiştir. Kutlama kararında, Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Bilim Alanının ülkemizdeki öncülerinden, mimar ve şehir plancısı Prof. Kemal Ahmet Arû’nun “bütün dünya mimarları ve şehircileri için de bir referans olduğu” vurgulanmıştır.
Prof. Kemal Ahmet Arû’nun 1940-1982 yılları arasında 42 yıl kesintisiz görev yaptığı İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi de, bu anma ve kutlamalara, Şehir ve Bölge Planlaması Bölümü ve Çevre ve Şehircilik Uygulama Araştırma Merkezi ile birlikte ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde düzenleyeceği çeşitli etkinliklerle katılma kararı almıştır. Bu etkinliklerden biri de Prof. Kemal Ahmet Arû’nun mimarlık, planlama ve kentsel tasarım bilim alanına kuramsal ve uygulama alanındaki katkılarının çağdaş bir bakış açısı ile değerlendirildiği “Uluslararası Kentsel Planlama ve Kentsel Tasarım Sempozyumu”dur. Sempozyumda sunulan bildirilerin bir bölümü yeniden düzenlenerek bir kitapta toplanmış ve bu kitap İTÜ Vakfı yayını olarak basılmıştır.
At the 36th meeting of the General Conference of the UNESCO, held in Paris between October 25th and November 10th 2011, it was unanimously agreed to commemorate in the year 2012, the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor Kemal AhmetArû, architect, and urban planner. A resolution was passed to emphasize his status as a pioneer of urban and regional planning in Turkey and as “an important reference for architects and urban planners worldwide.”
Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture, where Professor Arû served between 1940 and 1982, organized several national and international events in collaboration with the Urban and Regional Planning Department and the Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center.
In this regard, an “International Urban Planning and Design Symposium” was held to evaluate and promote in contemporary perspectives Professor Arû’s theoretical and professional contributions to architecture, urban planning, and urban design disciples. The papers presented at this Symposium are reviewed and compiled into this book and published by the ITU Foundation.
Articles by Albeniz Tuğçe Ezme Gürlek
In the US, number of Muslim people increased 2.6 million to 6.2 million in 2010 where 64.5% were ... more In the US, number of Muslim people increased 2.6 million to 6.2 million in 2010 where 64.5% were born abroad. In Great Cincinnati region, more than 15,000 Muslims live; and they face several problems due to different culture, religion and life style. There is a mutual sharing of perceptions and values between Muslim groups and other strata of society but the main difference exists in their food culture because of their habitual food taste and religious principles. They do not eat all or any kind of food available in markets, and prefer to do shopping from international markets which sell food close to their own countries’ food culture. For this reason, you can find many different kinds of international restaurants and markets in the USA; generally not only Muslim immigrants but also Americans use these. But the basic question of this study, how these preferences change for Muslim people? Do they use the other international markets or not? How they chose their location, according to ...
EZME A. T. (2016). "Muslim Immigrants' Food Culture and Its Effects on Location Preference," Ulus... more EZME A. T. (2016). "Muslim Immigrants' Food Culture and Its Effects on Location Preference," Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari Persfektifler Kongresi: Yeni Bölgesel Vizyonlar (Congress on International Economic and Administrative Perspectives: New Regional Visions), Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (Journal of Suleyman Demirel University Institute of Social Sciences), Sayı: CİEP Özel Sayısı (Special Edition), ISSN NO: 1305-7774, ss: 735- 759.
Aksümer, G. & Ezme, A. T. (2014). "Kentsel Dönüşüm Çıkmazında İyi Örnek Arayışları," Güney Mimarlık Dergisi, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Adana Şubesi Yayını, Nisan (15), 29-24., 2014
Papers by Albeniz Tuğçe Ezme Gürlek
6. Uluslararası İnsan, Toplum ve Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Araştırmaları Sempozyumu Tam Metinler Kitabı, 2023
This study conducts a Turkish urbanization reading by examining five literary novels that reveal ... more This study conducts a Turkish urbanization reading by examining five literary novels that reveal the unplanned urbanization adventure of Turkey, which both realized industrial investments and aimed at the rapid modernization of rural origin citizens with the development-oriented policies of the Early Republican Period. The study carried out this reading over five different periods: (1) creating a capital city in Ankara from a town (modernization); (2) creation of a working class out of agrarian society (industrialisation); (3) the phenomenon of slums (unurbanization), a concept whose first traces are seen in the peripheries of big cities and then entered the world literature; (4) Istanbul, the city that has no borders on the way to becoming a global city (globalization); and (5) urban spaces that become synonymous with “TOKİ: Housing Development Administration of Turkey” (tokilisation). Thus, it aims to reveal a history of Turkish urbanization.
In many parts of the world, in countries like Turkey that industrialized late and fast and tried to integrate into capitalism, the process took place differently from Western experiences. Industrialization experience, modernization movement and urbanization breakthrough, which are built on current problems, have caused significant breaks in social codes and produced their own local practices. While the experienced change affects the social in every aspect; capitalism has also been shaped around society-specific characters within this effectivity. In summary, it has been painful for capitalism to establish the structural dominance of the economy in these developing geographies. This domination has not only caused the change of material reproduction, but also caused the transformation of symbolic and cultural structures by causing a series of conflicts. As a result, changes in material reproduction triggered symbolic and cultural reproduction and even paved the way for the reproduction of power. With the neoliberal policies imposed after 1980, the space has also turned into a reproducible object and has lost its sociality. It is not possible to consider all these reproduction mechanisms independently of each other. In this context, the study is built on five novels that allow us to follow the urbanization of Turkey and help us read this urbanization adventure in five stages: Beş Şehir (Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, 1946), Ölmeye Yatmak (Adalet Ağaoğlu, 1973), Emperor (Erol Toy, 1974) , Berci Kristin Garbage Tales (Latife Tekin, 1984) and Skyscraper (Tahsin Yücel, 2006).
Toplumsal Cinsiyet Kent ve Mekan 2021 Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 2023
13 Temmuz 2010 tarihinde, TOKİ ve Kırşehir Belediyesi arasında gerçekleştirilen protokol ile Kırş... more 13 Temmuz 2010 tarihinde, TOKİ ve Kırşehir Belediyesi arasında gerçekleştirilen protokol ile Kırşehir’in Bağbaşı Mahallesindeki 48 hektarlık
bir alanda kentsel dönüşüm projesi planlanmıştır. 2011’de başlayan proje,
toplam 2712 konuttan oluşmaktadır. Projenin 768 konuttan oluşan üçüncü
etabı 2013’te, 760 konuttan oluşan ikinci etabı 2016’da ve 1184 konuttan
oluşan ilk etap konutları ise 2021 yılında tamamlanarak hak sahiplerine
teslim edilmiştir. Bağbaşı’nın dönüşümü, gerek yaşayan topluluğun katılım
talebinin düşük olması gerekse yerel yönetimin proje sürecinde katılımcı bir yaklaşım sergilememesi nedeniyle, mahallenin büyük bir kısmının sessiz yıkımıyla sonuçlanmış ve geleneksel mahalle dokusu apartmanlaşmıştır. Belediyenin mahalledeki fiziki değişimi “Bağbaşı’nı modernleştirdik” şeklinde övünçle sunduğu ve eski mahallelilerin yaşam standardını yükselttiğine inandığı projenin sonuçları, maalesef bunu doğrulamamaktadır. Eski mahalle sakinlerinin yoğunlukta yaşadığı ilk inşa edilen üçüncü etapta gerçekleştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış derinlemesine görüşmelerde 10 mahalleli kadın ile görüşülmüş, eski mahalle sakinlerinin evlerinin fiziksel durumu ve apartman yaşantısının sunduğu kimi fiziki olanaklardan (oda sayısı, asansörlü ev, vb.) memnun olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Fakat bunun yanı sıra, inşaat kalitesi, asansörlerin sürekli bozulması, ses yalıtımı gibi bazı durumlardan da yoğun şikâyet söz konusudur. Bunun yanı sıra yapılan görüşmelerde, eski mahalle sakinlerinin büyük çoğunluğunun kentsel dönüşüm öncesi mahalle ortamına dair özlem duyduğu, yeni apartmanlarda eskisi kadar komşuluk ilişkilerinin olmamasından zaman zaman sitem ettiği, toplumsal dayanışmanın azaldığına dair genel bir kanı olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Ayrıca, yapılan görüşmelerde eski mahalle sakini kadınların yıllardır eski evlerinin bahçesinde ve sokakta gerçekleştirdikleri birçok gündelik yaşam pratiğini ve dayanışma faaliyetini, bugün halen TOKİ bloklarında devam ettirmeye çalıştıkları gözlemlenmiştir. Bu çalışma, Bağbaşı’nda bulunan eski mahalle dokusu, sokak kültürü ve bahçeli müstakil ev üçlü mekân geçişkenliğindeki kadın dayanışmasının, bugün TOKİ bloklarının apartman boşluğuna sığdırılmaya çalışıldığının tespiti üzerine inşa edilmiş ve bu kadın dayanışması içinde saklı eski mahalleye dair özlemin anlatısını sunmaktadır.
Public spaces are related to our social life and they are areas created by individuals in society... more Public spaces are related to our social life and they are areas created by individuals in society. Squares, streets and parks that can be used freely by all segments of society constitute public space. Parks, one of the most important public spaces, are also read in the literature as a step for people to return to nature in the face of urbanization after the Industrial Revolution.
According to Project for Public Spaces (PPS), parks are public spaces that improve the environment in which they are located and provide economic development, and they appear at different scales: neighborhood park, district park and city park. City parks are green areas that add importance to the city due to intense interaction and enable people to socialize. In addition, parks have many positive effects on people. For example, it is seen that there is an increase in individuals' free time and a decrease in their physical mobility with age, so parks are places where these individuals can spend their time productively. Parks also serve as playgrounds for children and support their social and mental development. It would not be wrong to say that these places strengthen the society's relationships with nature and animals in general, regardless of age. Of course, the location of the parks is important in order to fulfill all these functions. In this context, location selection for city parks is really important, and this study conducted on two important city parks of Kırşehir has revealed this importance.
In this context, Tabiat Park and Masal Park in Kırşehir were analized according to four parameters in the Space Quality Diagram of PPS: sociability, uses & activities, comfort & image, and access & connections. During field visits, participatory observation was carried out on many sub-criteria, and these observations were photographed to reveal the publicity analysis of the parks. As a result of these analyses, it has been revealed that the location of the city parks is important as the reason for the most important separation of the two parks that make up the field and the differences between the criterion results.
This study aims to determine what kind of complaints the residents of a small size city have disc... more This study aims to determine what kind of complaints the residents of a small size city have discovered about the city with the Covid-19 pandemic and what kind of city they want to live in after the pandemic experience, and to offer solutions on how the current urban policies should be shaped after this measurement. In the research, which was built on the mixed method, a survey was conducted with the residents of Kirsehir, and the survey results were analyzed to reveal the changing city perception of the city residents after the pandemic. In addition, a focus group meeting was held with a group of ten city residents and the results of the survey were detailed with open-ended questions. As a result of these, it is seen that people started to criticize their living city more, by experiencing the Covid-19. They started to think about sustainable cities much more than in the past and thought more about the problems in the cities. Many people who used to want to live in a metropolitan area began to think that life in quitter and less crowded cities was safer. But even this study, which was carried out in the small city, showed that we are faced with many urban problems that have been noticed with the pandemic and need to be solved such as much more greener areas, more parks, walkable public buildings, accessible urban services, urban justice for everyone, and less urban loneliness and crowded urban public spaces.
Accessibility is a very significant criteria in the lives of individuals with disabilities, and i... more Accessibility is a very significant criteria in the lives of individuals with disabilities, and it is possible by providing equal opportunities for all individuals in the built environment. It ensures spatial justice, and public spaces are where policy makers can play the most active role in this justice. Barrier-free campuses are among the primary public areas where this justice is achieved. The concept of "barrierfree campus", which emerged with the concern of designing educational spaces in a way that facilitates all users and takes precautions for the use of disabled individuals, is the most important keyword of this study. Nowadays, "accessible campus units" have been established in almost every university in Turkey. The universities develop projects in this circumstance but not all their campuses have all of the barrierfree campus criterias. At the same time, it should be highlighted that the barrier-free campus process is not a complete period. It is a continuous process because campuses must be reviewed repeatedly according to technological initiations and updated necessities. Administrators in the campus settlements must fulfill the requirements according to these new needs. In recent years, concepts such as "accessibility for all" and "design for all" have been used in campuses, and necessities have been recognized through more participatory processes. International standards are provided through the determined student needs, sometimes updates are made, and sometimes new projects are implemented.
This study compares and comparisons the accessibility of Ahi Evran University in Kırşehir and Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Türkiye. As a result, accessibility problems in campus areas were revealed and accessibility maps were created. This reseacr targets to create a resource on the accessibility problems in the two university settlements, to offer suggestions for the transformation of the campuses into “handicapped campuses”, to highlight the importance of accessibility for everyone, but especially for the disabled, and to produce attention to the benefits of creating an accessibility map on these campuses.
Even though the concept of accessibility has a wide scope, this study uses the concept of accessibility as a definition of spatial/physical accessibility on campus campuses of students with disabilities. In this background, two unversity campuses were analyzed by participant observation technique for wheelchair and visually impaired users. The two authors of this study conducted two separate observation walks on their campuses for a week to identify barrier-free campus features and existing barriers for the disabled, and photographed their findings. In the first of these walks, the authors explored life on campus with the physically disabled and in a wheelchair. In the second walks, they determined the accessibility level of the campus for a visually impaired individual. As a consequence, accessibility maps of the campuses were created based on the findings that increase the comfort of the physically and visually impaired users, transform the level of accessibility, make it easier to find directions and provide timely access. Nevertheless, solution suggestions were developed by making use of international practices for the problems related through the existing findings. In the situation analysis carried out with the participatory method on campuses, entrances, roads, pavements, open areas, parking lots, public transportation points, sports & health facilities, toilets, libraries, ATMs, and student cafeterias were examined. It was consequently determined that both campuses were not in the "handicapped-free campus" status even they had good practices in certain aspects. They still had many shortcomings in the use of the disabled.
9. Türkiye Şehircilik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı: Planlamanın Birikimi Zemini Ufku, 2022
"This study analyzes the distribution, adequacy, and accessibility of the Disaster AssemblyAreas,... more "This study analyzes the distribution, adequacy, and accessibility of the Disaster AssemblyAreas, which specied under the e-government Disaster and Emergency ManagementPresidency and queried through the e-government system, over 14 neighborhoodsin the Central district of Kirsehir, a small-scale Anatolian city. At the same time, theawareness of the residents of Kirsehir about this service offered in e-government andthe awareness of the disaster assembly areas in their neighborhood are measured. Theresearch was built based on the mixed method. The disaster assembly areas in the city ofKirsehir, which considered within the scope of the study, drawn over the e-governmentsystem and visualized with Adobe programs. The awareness of the Kirsehir citizensabout the application of search the disaster assembly areas offered by e-Government,was measured by a snowball sampling survey conducted in 14 neighborhoods inthe city. Expectations from this e-government application were determined throughsemi-structured interviews. After all these data collection processes carried out, itwas determined that the disaster use areas in Kirsehir are insufcient in most of theneighborhoods, their accessibility is below the standard in many neighborhoods and theawareness of the assembly areas is very low."
World Children Conference-III Proceedings Book Volume-II, 2022
"According to Principle-7 of the United Nations (UN) Declaration of the Rights of the Child dated... more "According to Principle-7 of the United Nations (UN) Declaration of the Rights of the Child dated 20 November 1959: “Playing and entertainment opportunities are provided with the aim of education of the child; society and public authorities endeavor to increase the enjoyment of this right by the child.” Also, Article-31 in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) defines "the child's free participation in cultural and artistic life, to have rest, leisure, play and activities appropriate for his age". For this reason, well-designed playgrounds not only provide a playground for children, but also contribute to their personal development, physical self-development, increasing communication skills, development of brain functions and gaining social skills. In this direction, while designing and planning urban spaces and especially open public spaces, it is important to give importance to children's playgrounds, to ensure the adequacy of these areas, to determine their capacities correctly, to be accessible and to meet the requirements.
In Turkey, children's playgrounds, city parks, neighborhood parks, green areas and sports fields are calculated to meet the condition of 10 m2 per person. However, children's playgrounds are also insufficient as they are located within this 10 m2 area. It has been determined that Housing Development Administration of Turkey (TOKI) projects, which were carried out especially after 2010, have relatively more (square meters) children's playgrounds compared to other settlements of the city. However, it is possible to detect deficiencies in these children's playgrounds in terms of physical conditions, educational functions and accessibility. In this context, this study presents an analysis on the children's playgrounds of the TOKI campus, which was built with the urban transformation project decided to be made in 2011 in Kirsehir Bağbaşı District and whose delivery to the beneficiaries was completed as of 2022. In this study, a total of fifteen children's playgrounds in Bağbaşı TOKI settlement were discussed and after the physical condition of each of them was determined, adequacy, capacity, usage characteristics, accessibility and needs analysis were carried out. In the research, participant observation method was used, and two-time schedules were used for each playground, as weekdays and weekends. The determinations regarding children's playgrounds were photographed, and the data obtained were analyzed through the tables and the visuals created.
As a result, it has been determined that the existing children's playgrounds in Kırşehir Bağbaşı TOKI settlement are insufficient to support the psychological, mental, physical and social development of children in terms of their physical characteristics, landscaping, and structural design."
I. ISERCS: International Social and Economic Research Student Congress Full Paper Proceedings Book, 2017
"Kentsel yoksulluk, günümüz kentlerinin en önemli sorunlarından biri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır... more "Kentsel yoksulluk, günümüz kentlerinin en önemli sorunlarından biri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Son yıllarda hemen hemen her ölçekten kentimizi bir şekilde etkilemiş olan Ortadoğu’dan göç dalgası; aynı zamanda da kentsel yoksulluğu daha da baskın bir şekilde gözler önüne sermiştir.
Bu çalışma, Ortadoğu’dan göç almış iki orta ölçek kent merkezinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Karşılaştırmalı olarak biri Doğu Marmara diğeri Orta Anadolu kenti olan Bilecik ve Kırşehir’de kent merkezlerinde ikamet eden Ortadoğulu Göçmenlerin, (Irak, Afganistan, İran ve Suriye) kente ve yaşama tutunmak adına, gündelik yaşamda üretmiş oldukları dayanışma pratiklerini incelemektedir.
Yoksulluk, gündelik yaşam ve dayanışma arasındaki güçlü bağı Ortadoğulu göçmenler üzerinden ortaya koymaya çalışan bu çalışmada; kartopu yöntemi ile belirlenmiş olan yaklaşık 10’ar hane ile açık uçlu derinlemesine mülakatlar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma, gündelik yaşamın yanı sıra mülteci sorunsalının birçok farklı noktasına dair de ipuçlarına işaret etmektedir."
"Urban poverty emerges as one of the most important problems of today's cities. In recent years, the wave of migration from the Middle East has affected our city in almost every scale; at the same time, the urban poverty became even more dominant.
This study has implemented in two medium-size urban centers with migration from the Middle East. In comparison, Middle Eastern immigrants living in urban centers of Bilecik in the Eastern Marmara region and Kırşehir in the Central Anatolian area have been compared and contrasted with their solidarity practices produced in everyday (Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt and Syria).
In this study, which aims to reveal the strong link between poverty, everyday life and solidarity through Middle Eastern immigrants, open-ended in-depth interviews were done with approximately 10 families determined by the snowball method. The study points to clues to many different points of refugee problem as well as everyday life."
II. International Urban Studies Congress: Cities Between Local and Global Proceedings Book , 2016
"In this study, global effects on small cities will be examined based on Kirsehir which is acase ... more "In this study, global effects on small cities will be examined based on Kirsehir which is acase in point of Middle Anatolian city. Even though Kirsehir is not a good sample to be analyzed based on national policies and also it seems utopic to develop a hypothesis for a reading of globalization on this small perdu city; possibility of this reading has become visible after accelerated developments in the recent period of Kirsehir. Kirsehir has been located in central Turkey, between two metropolitan area Ankara and Kayseri. Also, the city has served as an access to the gate for both Eastearn and Western Turkey, for years. Inrecent years, the city changed radically by the effect of “a new university to every city” project started by the government; in this period, public spaces and trading areas were rapidly transformed. While the city grew away from Historical Ahi Community, it adopted a new local economy based onuniversity and university students. This new economic development method was also supported bynew urban transformation movement and TOKI (Housing Development Administration of Turkey) projects. While all these new enterprises increased residential rent and sale prices, city-dwellers’ space sense and socio-cultural structure of the city were tranformed. In addition to this, Middle Eaastern refugess --especially from Syria-- who migrated to the city in the last ten years and gastarbeiterswhich come to the city only summertime can be read as another significant point to understand thistransformation period of the city. In other respects, many different development strategies such as green space regulation, branding city dream, etc. by taking samples from other Turkish cities or global flows are implemented on the city at the same time. Meanwhile, tendency of local government hassupported congregation trend at times, and in parallel with increasing population, bystander effect against urban crime phenomenon has increased. This study aims to compare and contrast all these periods and their effects on the city of Kirsehir by reviewing the literature, analyzing local statistical data and scaning the local newspapers. Finally, this study purposes to show the relationship betweenurban processes and socio-political challenges in the city by the effect of globalization."
II. Uluslararası Kent Araştırmaları Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı , 2016
"Bu çalışmada, tipik bir Orta Anadolu kenti olan Kırşehir örneğinden hareketle, küresel etkilerin... more "Bu çalışmada, tipik bir Orta Anadolu kenti olan Kırşehir örneğinden hareketle, küresel etkilerin küçük kentlere yansımaları irdelenecektir. Ulusal politikalar çerçevesinde bile hayli “eksen dışı” sayılabilecek bu “silik” kentin, küresel etkiler ile buluşması savı, gerçeküstücü bir yaklaşım gibi dursa da, son dönem hız kazanan kimi gelişimlere dikkat yöneltildiğinde, süreç görünürlük kazanmaktadır. Ülkenin ortasında konuşlanmış iki metropol olan Ankara ve Kayseri ulaşım hattında “sıkışmış” görünen kent, önce “Her kente bir üniversite” modeli çerçevesinde bazı değişimler yaşamış; kentsel kamusal ve tüketim alanlarının hızlı dönüşümü gerçekleşmiştir. Ahilik geleneğinin mirasçısı söyleminden, ekonomisinde “öğrenci”yi odağa alan yaklaşımları ve buradan üniversite yönetimine yönelik beklentilerin dile getirilebildiği bir kentsel biriktirim mekanizmasına odaklanılmış; benzer gerekçelerle ivmelenen “kentsel dönüşüm” ve TOKİ uygulamaları ve metropol kentlerle yarışır düzeye ulaşan konut fiyatları ile değişen fizik mekan algıları, kentsel sosyo-politik dönüşümün çekirdek kav-ramları olmuştur. Bunun yanı sıra kentin tarihinde var olan “göçmen yerleştirme” politikalarının çağdaş ayağı olan, Suriyeli Mülteci Eğitim Kampı ve kentten IŞİD’e katılan gençlere dair veriler ile kentteki mülteci varlığı yine küresel etkilerin, kentte görünürlük kazanma alanlarıdır. Öte yandan son dönemlerde kimi başarılı örnekler üzerinden tüm kentlerimize yayılacakmış gibi görünen, kent merkezinde dere/nehir düzenlemeleri ve masal parkları uygulamaları ile “yeşil Kırşehir” modelinin “modern” veçheleri geliştirilmiş ve “marka kent” sırasına girilmiş görünmektedir. Yerel hizmetler-deki yönelim, kentin cemaatleşme eğilimine kimi destekler sunmuş, artan nüfusa paralel olarak kent-sel suç olgusu karşısında açığa çıkan “seyirci etkisi” yoğunlaşmıştır. Bütün bu süreçlerin karşılıklı etkilerinin değerlendirileceği çalışma, literatür taraması yanı sıra, yerel istatistiki verilerin derlenip değerlendirilmesi ve yerel basın taraması ile gerçekleştirilecek olup; küresel etkilerden kaçınamayan kentte yaşanan sosyo-politik değişimlerin kentsel süreçlerle ilgisi ve kimlikli bir kentte yaşanan bu değişimlerle sürdürülebilir bir kentli vizyonu kurgulamanın olanaklılığı sorgulanacaktır."
Methodological Approaches to Social Sciences, AGP Research, ISBN 978-605-82949-0-5, 2016
"All cities have an image. The images owned by cities form their physical and social structures.H... more "All cities have an image. The images owned by cities form their physical and social structures.Historical processes, through which a city passes, create characteristic features of that city. Therefore, the cities are initially divided as historical and newly found cities. Historical cities contain castles/rampart, central sanctuary and market place, inn-covered bazaar in their physical features while their social features contain accent-dialect, unique cuisine culture, folklore and traditions. Newly found cities lack these features and their traditions have not completely emerged. The images laid by the dwellers of the city on the region have been analysed and the characteristic features of the city shall be revealed in the study we have conducted in Kirsehir Province under aforementioned information."
Methodological Approaches to Social Sciences, AGP Research, ISBN 978-605-82949-0-5, 2016
"Globalization causes political, social, economic, cultural and ecological challenges to cities a... more "Globalization causes political, social, economic, cultural and ecological challenges to cities around theworld. Concordantly, as a result of different influxes of migration, money, tourism and investment, urban population rapidly increases; and this situation brings along many issues into the cities such as unemployment, insufficient housing, etc. These kinds of issues push local and state governments tofind contemporary solutions and think about new development approaches such as sister city agreements, competitive cities theme and/or branding city idea. All these new development paths are based on similarities and differences of the cities. With the globalization effect, some successful examples are implemented in other cities around the world by globetroting. From these new urban development concepts, “branding city” which can be implemented on different scale of cities became useful for local governments. Every single city has started to think about its unique characteristics and how they could use these as a potential for local development. The idea of branding was discovered inthe 1950’s; businesses found themselves in a marketplace by producing similar goods and realized thatin order to increase their profits they had to differentiate their offering from the competitors. Today, the cities find themselves in a similar situation. Globalization has highlighted that today’s world is a market where cities are getting in increasing global competition to attract investments and tourists.This study sets out to examine how Kirsehir (Turkey) is perceived by its inhabitants and how Kirsehir should position its brand in order to raise its city break destination appeal in regards to the chosen target group. The study aims to explore a brand identity for Kirsehir, based on its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; and to write a strategic plan by benefiting from surveys with Kirsehir inhabitants and observations of the authors."
Thesis by Albeniz Tuğçe Ezme Gürlek
Sulukule stands out as a symbolic case for social justice groups that promote the expansion of civil rights and defend neighborhoods that struggle for their rights. Therefore, the Sulukule Platform shows that another form of transformation which involves public participation in the decision-making phase of planning is possible in the cities. This study aims to demonstrate how the advocacy planning method is significant in planning for communities.
This thesis proposes to present a full report of the Sulukule Platform case. It also provides a historical background that works to contextualize Sulukule and their struggle into the broader context of socio-economic inequalities in Istanbul and the fight of inhabitants in urban transformation areas for their civil rights. The study focuses on one of the less experimented planning models, advocacy planning, and analyzes its first incidence in Turkey through the Sulukule Platform. Also it examines public participation and its place in the urban planning profession.
This thesis, first, will help to show how Turkish public officials failed to learn from the mistakes of the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s; second, it will look at how the urban renewal is being implemented in developing countries especially in Turkey. I will argue that because globalizing-cities like Istanbul are being pressured to implement urban renewal but are often failing to learn lessons from American and European urban renewal.""
Çalışmada, öncelikle yoksulluk kavramı üzerinde durulmuş, dünyada yoksulluğun tarihi özetlenmeye ve ardından da Türkiye'de ve dünyadaki yoksulluğun boyutları ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. İkinci olarak ise Lefebvre, Heller ve De Certau üzerinden bir gündelik yaşam okuması gerçekleştirilmiş ve gündelik yaşamın yoksullukla olan ilişkisi açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır.
Gündelik yaşam ve yoksulluk arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koymak için yapılan bu çalışmanın ardından, iki kavramın etkileşimi Sulukule özelinde incelemiştir. Sulukule'nin konumuna, tarihine ve kırılma noktalarına değindikten sonra, bunların 2006'da gündeme gelen yenileme projesini ne kadar etkilediği üzerinde durulmuştur. Sulukule'deki yoksulluk farklı çalışmaların verileri ile ortaya konmuş, bu yoksulluk hallerinin süreç içinde nasıl bir hal aldığı izlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Ardından da gündelik yaşam üzerinden yoksulluğun nasıl anlaşılır kılınabileceği, “fotoğraf” gündelik yaşama dair bir belge olarak kullanılarak göstermek istenmiştir.
Çalışma boyunca, tepeden inme kararların kente nasıl yaralar açtığı, bir müdahale öncesinde yaşayanların kültürünün, sorunlarının ve isteklerinin ortaya konmasının gerekliliği, kentte fırsatların eşit dağıtılmasının önemi üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu önemli noktalar ve gereklilikler uygulanmadığı takdirde gerçekleştirilen projelerin her zaman eleştirileceği, eşitsizliklere ve dolaylı olarak “yoksulluğa” sebep olacağı ve bu yoksulluk halini sürekli kılacağı, Sulukule özelinde ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır."
Book Chapters by Albeniz Tuğçe Ezme Gürlek
3. Global Cities and Climate Change
The Translocal Relations of Environmental Governance
Taedong Lee
4. The Urban Climate Challenge
Rethinking the Role of Cities in the Global Climate Regime
Edited by Craig Johnson, Noah Toly, and Heike Schroeder
5. The Global City 2.0
From Strategic Site to Global Actor
Kristin Ljungkvist
6. Greening Post-Industrial Cities
Growth, Equity, and Environmental Governance
Corina McKendry
7. The Globalisation of Urban Governance
Legal Perspectives on Sustainable Development Goal 11
Edited by Helmut Philipp Aust and Anél du Plessis
8. Urban Politics of Human Rights
Edited by Janne E. Nijman, Barbara Oomen, Elif Durmuş,
Sara Miellet & Lisa Roodenburg
Prof. Kemal Ahmet Arû’nun 1940-1982 yılları arasında 42 yıl kesintisiz görev yaptığı İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi de, bu anma ve kutlamalara, Şehir ve Bölge Planlaması Bölümü ve Çevre ve Şehircilik Uygulama Araştırma Merkezi ile birlikte ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde düzenleyeceği çeşitli etkinliklerle katılma kararı almıştır. Bu etkinliklerden biri de Prof. Kemal Ahmet Arû’nun mimarlık, planlama ve kentsel tasarım bilim alanına kuramsal ve uygulama alanındaki katkılarının çağdaş bir bakış açısı ile değerlendirildiği “Uluslararası Kentsel Planlama ve Kentsel Tasarım Sempozyumu”dur. Sempozyumda sunulan bildirilerin bir bölümü yeniden düzenlenerek bir kitapta toplanmış ve bu kitap İTÜ Vakfı yayını olarak basılmıştır.
At the 36th meeting of the General Conference of the UNESCO, held in Paris between October 25th and November 10th 2011, it was unanimously agreed to commemorate in the year 2012, the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor Kemal AhmetArû, architect, and urban planner. A resolution was passed to emphasize his status as a pioneer of urban and regional planning in Turkey and as “an important reference for architects and urban planners worldwide.”
Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture, where Professor Arû served between 1940 and 1982, organized several national and international events in collaboration with the Urban and Regional Planning Department and the Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center.
In this regard, an “International Urban Planning and Design Symposium” was held to evaluate and promote in contemporary perspectives Professor Arû’s theoretical and professional contributions to architecture, urban planning, and urban design disciples. The papers presented at this Symposium are reviewed and compiled into this book and published by the ITU Foundation.
Articles by Albeniz Tuğçe Ezme Gürlek
Papers by Albeniz Tuğçe Ezme Gürlek
In many parts of the world, in countries like Turkey that industrialized late and fast and tried to integrate into capitalism, the process took place differently from Western experiences. Industrialization experience, modernization movement and urbanization breakthrough, which are built on current problems, have caused significant breaks in social codes and produced their own local practices. While the experienced change affects the social in every aspect; capitalism has also been shaped around society-specific characters within this effectivity. In summary, it has been painful for capitalism to establish the structural dominance of the economy in these developing geographies. This domination has not only caused the change of material reproduction, but also caused the transformation of symbolic and cultural structures by causing a series of conflicts. As a result, changes in material reproduction triggered symbolic and cultural reproduction and even paved the way for the reproduction of power. With the neoliberal policies imposed after 1980, the space has also turned into a reproducible object and has lost its sociality. It is not possible to consider all these reproduction mechanisms independently of each other. In this context, the study is built on five novels that allow us to follow the urbanization of Turkey and help us read this urbanization adventure in five stages: Beş Şehir (Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, 1946), Ölmeye Yatmak (Adalet Ağaoğlu, 1973), Emperor (Erol Toy, 1974) , Berci Kristin Garbage Tales (Latife Tekin, 1984) and Skyscraper (Tahsin Yücel, 2006).
bir alanda kentsel dönüşüm projesi planlanmıştır. 2011’de başlayan proje,
toplam 2712 konuttan oluşmaktadır. Projenin 768 konuttan oluşan üçüncü
etabı 2013’te, 760 konuttan oluşan ikinci etabı 2016’da ve 1184 konuttan
oluşan ilk etap konutları ise 2021 yılında tamamlanarak hak sahiplerine
teslim edilmiştir. Bağbaşı’nın dönüşümü, gerek yaşayan topluluğun katılım
talebinin düşük olması gerekse yerel yönetimin proje sürecinde katılımcı bir yaklaşım sergilememesi nedeniyle, mahallenin büyük bir kısmının sessiz yıkımıyla sonuçlanmış ve geleneksel mahalle dokusu apartmanlaşmıştır. Belediyenin mahalledeki fiziki değişimi “Bağbaşı’nı modernleştirdik” şeklinde övünçle sunduğu ve eski mahallelilerin yaşam standardını yükselttiğine inandığı projenin sonuçları, maalesef bunu doğrulamamaktadır. Eski mahalle sakinlerinin yoğunlukta yaşadığı ilk inşa edilen üçüncü etapta gerçekleştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış derinlemesine görüşmelerde 10 mahalleli kadın ile görüşülmüş, eski mahalle sakinlerinin evlerinin fiziksel durumu ve apartman yaşantısının sunduğu kimi fiziki olanaklardan (oda sayısı, asansörlü ev, vb.) memnun olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Fakat bunun yanı sıra, inşaat kalitesi, asansörlerin sürekli bozulması, ses yalıtımı gibi bazı durumlardan da yoğun şikâyet söz konusudur. Bunun yanı sıra yapılan görüşmelerde, eski mahalle sakinlerinin büyük çoğunluğunun kentsel dönüşüm öncesi mahalle ortamına dair özlem duyduğu, yeni apartmanlarda eskisi kadar komşuluk ilişkilerinin olmamasından zaman zaman sitem ettiği, toplumsal dayanışmanın azaldığına dair genel bir kanı olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Ayrıca, yapılan görüşmelerde eski mahalle sakini kadınların yıllardır eski evlerinin bahçesinde ve sokakta gerçekleştirdikleri birçok gündelik yaşam pratiğini ve dayanışma faaliyetini, bugün halen TOKİ bloklarında devam ettirmeye çalıştıkları gözlemlenmiştir. Bu çalışma, Bağbaşı’nda bulunan eski mahalle dokusu, sokak kültürü ve bahçeli müstakil ev üçlü mekân geçişkenliğindeki kadın dayanışmasının, bugün TOKİ bloklarının apartman boşluğuna sığdırılmaya çalışıldığının tespiti üzerine inşa edilmiş ve bu kadın dayanışması içinde saklı eski mahalleye dair özlemin anlatısını sunmaktadır.
According to Project for Public Spaces (PPS), parks are public spaces that improve the environment in which they are located and provide economic development, and they appear at different scales: neighborhood park, district park and city park. City parks are green areas that add importance to the city due to intense interaction and enable people to socialize. In addition, parks have many positive effects on people. For example, it is seen that there is an increase in individuals' free time and a decrease in their physical mobility with age, so parks are places where these individuals can spend their time productively. Parks also serve as playgrounds for children and support their social and mental development. It would not be wrong to say that these places strengthen the society's relationships with nature and animals in general, regardless of age. Of course, the location of the parks is important in order to fulfill all these functions. In this context, location selection for city parks is really important, and this study conducted on two important city parks of Kırşehir has revealed this importance.
In this context, Tabiat Park and Masal Park in Kırşehir were analized according to four parameters in the Space Quality Diagram of PPS: sociability, uses & activities, comfort & image, and access & connections. During field visits, participatory observation was carried out on many sub-criteria, and these observations were photographed to reveal the publicity analysis of the parks. As a result of these analyses, it has been revealed that the location of the city parks is important as the reason for the most important separation of the two parks that make up the field and the differences between the criterion results.
This study compares and comparisons the accessibility of Ahi Evran University in Kırşehir and Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Türkiye. As a result, accessibility problems in campus areas were revealed and accessibility maps were created. This reseacr targets to create a resource on the accessibility problems in the two university settlements, to offer suggestions for the transformation of the campuses into “handicapped campuses”, to highlight the importance of accessibility for everyone, but especially for the disabled, and to produce attention to the benefits of creating an accessibility map on these campuses.
Even though the concept of accessibility has a wide scope, this study uses the concept of accessibility as a definition of spatial/physical accessibility on campus campuses of students with disabilities. In this background, two unversity campuses were analyzed by participant observation technique for wheelchair and visually impaired users. The two authors of this study conducted two separate observation walks on their campuses for a week to identify barrier-free campus features and existing barriers for the disabled, and photographed their findings. In the first of these walks, the authors explored life on campus with the physically disabled and in a wheelchair. In the second walks, they determined the accessibility level of the campus for a visually impaired individual. As a consequence, accessibility maps of the campuses were created based on the findings that increase the comfort of the physically and visually impaired users, transform the level of accessibility, make it easier to find directions and provide timely access. Nevertheless, solution suggestions were developed by making use of international practices for the problems related through the existing findings. In the situation analysis carried out with the participatory method on campuses, entrances, roads, pavements, open areas, parking lots, public transportation points, sports & health facilities, toilets, libraries, ATMs, and student cafeterias were examined. It was consequently determined that both campuses were not in the "handicapped-free campus" status even they had good practices in certain aspects. They still had many shortcomings in the use of the disabled.
In Turkey, children's playgrounds, city parks, neighborhood parks, green areas and sports fields are calculated to meet the condition of 10 m2 per person. However, children's playgrounds are also insufficient as they are located within this 10 m2 area. It has been determined that Housing Development Administration of Turkey (TOKI) projects, which were carried out especially after 2010, have relatively more (square meters) children's playgrounds compared to other settlements of the city. However, it is possible to detect deficiencies in these children's playgrounds in terms of physical conditions, educational functions and accessibility. In this context, this study presents an analysis on the children's playgrounds of the TOKI campus, which was built with the urban transformation project decided to be made in 2011 in Kirsehir Bağbaşı District and whose delivery to the beneficiaries was completed as of 2022. In this study, a total of fifteen children's playgrounds in Bağbaşı TOKI settlement were discussed and after the physical condition of each of them was determined, adequacy, capacity, usage characteristics, accessibility and needs analysis were carried out. In the research, participant observation method was used, and two-time schedules were used for each playground, as weekdays and weekends. The determinations regarding children's playgrounds were photographed, and the data obtained were analyzed through the tables and the visuals created.
As a result, it has been determined that the existing children's playgrounds in Kırşehir Bağbaşı TOKI settlement are insufficient to support the psychological, mental, physical and social development of children in terms of their physical characteristics, landscaping, and structural design."
Bu çalışma, Ortadoğu’dan göç almış iki orta ölçek kent merkezinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Karşılaştırmalı olarak biri Doğu Marmara diğeri Orta Anadolu kenti olan Bilecik ve Kırşehir’de kent merkezlerinde ikamet eden Ortadoğulu Göçmenlerin, (Irak, Afganistan, İran ve Suriye) kente ve yaşama tutunmak adına, gündelik yaşamda üretmiş oldukları dayanışma pratiklerini incelemektedir.
Yoksulluk, gündelik yaşam ve dayanışma arasındaki güçlü bağı Ortadoğulu göçmenler üzerinden ortaya koymaya çalışan bu çalışmada; kartopu yöntemi ile belirlenmiş olan yaklaşık 10’ar hane ile açık uçlu derinlemesine mülakatlar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma, gündelik yaşamın yanı sıra mülteci sorunsalının birçok farklı noktasına dair de ipuçlarına işaret etmektedir."
"Urban poverty emerges as one of the most important problems of today's cities. In recent years, the wave of migration from the Middle East has affected our city in almost every scale; at the same time, the urban poverty became even more dominant.
This study has implemented in two medium-size urban centers with migration from the Middle East. In comparison, Middle Eastern immigrants living in urban centers of Bilecik in the Eastern Marmara region and Kırşehir in the Central Anatolian area have been compared and contrasted with their solidarity practices produced in everyday (Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt and Syria).
In this study, which aims to reveal the strong link between poverty, everyday life and solidarity through Middle Eastern immigrants, open-ended in-depth interviews were done with approximately 10 families determined by the snowball method. The study points to clues to many different points of refugee problem as well as everyday life."
Sulukule stands out as a symbolic case for social justice groups that promote the expansion of civil rights and defend neighborhoods that struggle for their rights. Therefore, the Sulukule Platform shows that another form of transformation which involves public participation in the decision-making phase of planning is possible in the cities. This study aims to demonstrate how the advocacy planning method is significant in planning for communities.
This thesis proposes to present a full report of the Sulukule Platform case. It also provides a historical background that works to contextualize Sulukule and their struggle into the broader context of socio-economic inequalities in Istanbul and the fight of inhabitants in urban transformation areas for their civil rights. The study focuses on one of the less experimented planning models, advocacy planning, and analyzes its first incidence in Turkey through the Sulukule Platform. Also it examines public participation and its place in the urban planning profession.
This thesis, first, will help to show how Turkish public officials failed to learn from the mistakes of the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s; second, it will look at how the urban renewal is being implemented in developing countries especially in Turkey. I will argue that because globalizing-cities like Istanbul are being pressured to implement urban renewal but are often failing to learn lessons from American and European urban renewal.""
Çalışmada, öncelikle yoksulluk kavramı üzerinde durulmuş, dünyada yoksulluğun tarihi özetlenmeye ve ardından da Türkiye'de ve dünyadaki yoksulluğun boyutları ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. İkinci olarak ise Lefebvre, Heller ve De Certau üzerinden bir gündelik yaşam okuması gerçekleştirilmiş ve gündelik yaşamın yoksullukla olan ilişkisi açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır.
Gündelik yaşam ve yoksulluk arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koymak için yapılan bu çalışmanın ardından, iki kavramın etkileşimi Sulukule özelinde incelemiştir. Sulukule'nin konumuna, tarihine ve kırılma noktalarına değindikten sonra, bunların 2006'da gündeme gelen yenileme projesini ne kadar etkilediği üzerinde durulmuştur. Sulukule'deki yoksulluk farklı çalışmaların verileri ile ortaya konmuş, bu yoksulluk hallerinin süreç içinde nasıl bir hal aldığı izlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Ardından da gündelik yaşam üzerinden yoksulluğun nasıl anlaşılır kılınabileceği, “fotoğraf” gündelik yaşama dair bir belge olarak kullanılarak göstermek istenmiştir.
Çalışma boyunca, tepeden inme kararların kente nasıl yaralar açtığı, bir müdahale öncesinde yaşayanların kültürünün, sorunlarının ve isteklerinin ortaya konmasının gerekliliği, kentte fırsatların eşit dağıtılmasının önemi üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu önemli noktalar ve gereklilikler uygulanmadığı takdirde gerçekleştirilen projelerin her zaman eleştirileceği, eşitsizliklere ve dolaylı olarak “yoksulluğa” sebep olacağı ve bu yoksulluk halini sürekli kılacağı, Sulukule özelinde ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır."
3. Global Cities and Climate Change
The Translocal Relations of Environmental Governance
Taedong Lee
4. The Urban Climate Challenge
Rethinking the Role of Cities in the Global Climate Regime
Edited by Craig Johnson, Noah Toly, and Heike Schroeder
5. The Global City 2.0
From Strategic Site to Global Actor
Kristin Ljungkvist
6. Greening Post-Industrial Cities
Growth, Equity, and Environmental Governance
Corina McKendry
7. The Globalisation of Urban Governance
Legal Perspectives on Sustainable Development Goal 11
Edited by Helmut Philipp Aust and Anél du Plessis
8. Urban Politics of Human Rights
Edited by Janne E. Nijman, Barbara Oomen, Elif Durmuş,
Sara Miellet & Lisa Roodenburg
Prof. Kemal Ahmet Arû’nun 1940-1982 yılları arasında 42 yıl kesintisiz görev yaptığı İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi de, bu anma ve kutlamalara, Şehir ve Bölge Planlaması Bölümü ve Çevre ve Şehircilik Uygulama Araştırma Merkezi ile birlikte ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde düzenleyeceği çeşitli etkinliklerle katılma kararı almıştır. Bu etkinliklerden biri de Prof. Kemal Ahmet Arû’nun mimarlık, planlama ve kentsel tasarım bilim alanına kuramsal ve uygulama alanındaki katkılarının çağdaş bir bakış açısı ile değerlendirildiği “Uluslararası Kentsel Planlama ve Kentsel Tasarım Sempozyumu”dur. Sempozyumda sunulan bildirilerin bir bölümü yeniden düzenlenerek bir kitapta toplanmış ve bu kitap İTÜ Vakfı yayını olarak basılmıştır.
At the 36th meeting of the General Conference of the UNESCO, held in Paris between October 25th and November 10th 2011, it was unanimously agreed to commemorate in the year 2012, the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor Kemal AhmetArû, architect, and urban planner. A resolution was passed to emphasize his status as a pioneer of urban and regional planning in Turkey and as “an important reference for architects and urban planners worldwide.”
Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture, where Professor Arû served between 1940 and 1982, organized several national and international events in collaboration with the Urban and Regional Planning Department and the Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center.
In this regard, an “International Urban Planning and Design Symposium” was held to evaluate and promote in contemporary perspectives Professor Arû’s theoretical and professional contributions to architecture, urban planning, and urban design disciples. The papers presented at this Symposium are reviewed and compiled into this book and published by the ITU Foundation.
In many parts of the world, in countries like Turkey that industrialized late and fast and tried to integrate into capitalism, the process took place differently from Western experiences. Industrialization experience, modernization movement and urbanization breakthrough, which are built on current problems, have caused significant breaks in social codes and produced their own local practices. While the experienced change affects the social in every aspect; capitalism has also been shaped around society-specific characters within this effectivity. In summary, it has been painful for capitalism to establish the structural dominance of the economy in these developing geographies. This domination has not only caused the change of material reproduction, but also caused the transformation of symbolic and cultural structures by causing a series of conflicts. As a result, changes in material reproduction triggered symbolic and cultural reproduction and even paved the way for the reproduction of power. With the neoliberal policies imposed after 1980, the space has also turned into a reproducible object and has lost its sociality. It is not possible to consider all these reproduction mechanisms independently of each other. In this context, the study is built on five novels that allow us to follow the urbanization of Turkey and help us read this urbanization adventure in five stages: Beş Şehir (Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, 1946), Ölmeye Yatmak (Adalet Ağaoğlu, 1973), Emperor (Erol Toy, 1974) , Berci Kristin Garbage Tales (Latife Tekin, 1984) and Skyscraper (Tahsin Yücel, 2006).
bir alanda kentsel dönüşüm projesi planlanmıştır. 2011’de başlayan proje,
toplam 2712 konuttan oluşmaktadır. Projenin 768 konuttan oluşan üçüncü
etabı 2013’te, 760 konuttan oluşan ikinci etabı 2016’da ve 1184 konuttan
oluşan ilk etap konutları ise 2021 yılında tamamlanarak hak sahiplerine
teslim edilmiştir. Bağbaşı’nın dönüşümü, gerek yaşayan topluluğun katılım
talebinin düşük olması gerekse yerel yönetimin proje sürecinde katılımcı bir yaklaşım sergilememesi nedeniyle, mahallenin büyük bir kısmının sessiz yıkımıyla sonuçlanmış ve geleneksel mahalle dokusu apartmanlaşmıştır. Belediyenin mahalledeki fiziki değişimi “Bağbaşı’nı modernleştirdik” şeklinde övünçle sunduğu ve eski mahallelilerin yaşam standardını yükselttiğine inandığı projenin sonuçları, maalesef bunu doğrulamamaktadır. Eski mahalle sakinlerinin yoğunlukta yaşadığı ilk inşa edilen üçüncü etapta gerçekleştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış derinlemesine görüşmelerde 10 mahalleli kadın ile görüşülmüş, eski mahalle sakinlerinin evlerinin fiziksel durumu ve apartman yaşantısının sunduğu kimi fiziki olanaklardan (oda sayısı, asansörlü ev, vb.) memnun olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Fakat bunun yanı sıra, inşaat kalitesi, asansörlerin sürekli bozulması, ses yalıtımı gibi bazı durumlardan da yoğun şikâyet söz konusudur. Bunun yanı sıra yapılan görüşmelerde, eski mahalle sakinlerinin büyük çoğunluğunun kentsel dönüşüm öncesi mahalle ortamına dair özlem duyduğu, yeni apartmanlarda eskisi kadar komşuluk ilişkilerinin olmamasından zaman zaman sitem ettiği, toplumsal dayanışmanın azaldığına dair genel bir kanı olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Ayrıca, yapılan görüşmelerde eski mahalle sakini kadınların yıllardır eski evlerinin bahçesinde ve sokakta gerçekleştirdikleri birçok gündelik yaşam pratiğini ve dayanışma faaliyetini, bugün halen TOKİ bloklarında devam ettirmeye çalıştıkları gözlemlenmiştir. Bu çalışma, Bağbaşı’nda bulunan eski mahalle dokusu, sokak kültürü ve bahçeli müstakil ev üçlü mekân geçişkenliğindeki kadın dayanışmasının, bugün TOKİ bloklarının apartman boşluğuna sığdırılmaya çalışıldığının tespiti üzerine inşa edilmiş ve bu kadın dayanışması içinde saklı eski mahalleye dair özlemin anlatısını sunmaktadır.
According to Project for Public Spaces (PPS), parks are public spaces that improve the environment in which they are located and provide economic development, and they appear at different scales: neighborhood park, district park and city park. City parks are green areas that add importance to the city due to intense interaction and enable people to socialize. In addition, parks have many positive effects on people. For example, it is seen that there is an increase in individuals' free time and a decrease in their physical mobility with age, so parks are places where these individuals can spend their time productively. Parks also serve as playgrounds for children and support their social and mental development. It would not be wrong to say that these places strengthen the society's relationships with nature and animals in general, regardless of age. Of course, the location of the parks is important in order to fulfill all these functions. In this context, location selection for city parks is really important, and this study conducted on two important city parks of Kırşehir has revealed this importance.
In this context, Tabiat Park and Masal Park in Kırşehir were analized according to four parameters in the Space Quality Diagram of PPS: sociability, uses & activities, comfort & image, and access & connections. During field visits, participatory observation was carried out on many sub-criteria, and these observations were photographed to reveal the publicity analysis of the parks. As a result of these analyses, it has been revealed that the location of the city parks is important as the reason for the most important separation of the two parks that make up the field and the differences between the criterion results.
This study compares and comparisons the accessibility of Ahi Evran University in Kırşehir and Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Türkiye. As a result, accessibility problems in campus areas were revealed and accessibility maps were created. This reseacr targets to create a resource on the accessibility problems in the two university settlements, to offer suggestions for the transformation of the campuses into “handicapped campuses”, to highlight the importance of accessibility for everyone, but especially for the disabled, and to produce attention to the benefits of creating an accessibility map on these campuses.
Even though the concept of accessibility has a wide scope, this study uses the concept of accessibility as a definition of spatial/physical accessibility on campus campuses of students with disabilities. In this background, two unversity campuses were analyzed by participant observation technique for wheelchair and visually impaired users. The two authors of this study conducted two separate observation walks on their campuses for a week to identify barrier-free campus features and existing barriers for the disabled, and photographed their findings. In the first of these walks, the authors explored life on campus with the physically disabled and in a wheelchair. In the second walks, they determined the accessibility level of the campus for a visually impaired individual. As a consequence, accessibility maps of the campuses were created based on the findings that increase the comfort of the physically and visually impaired users, transform the level of accessibility, make it easier to find directions and provide timely access. Nevertheless, solution suggestions were developed by making use of international practices for the problems related through the existing findings. In the situation analysis carried out with the participatory method on campuses, entrances, roads, pavements, open areas, parking lots, public transportation points, sports & health facilities, toilets, libraries, ATMs, and student cafeterias were examined. It was consequently determined that both campuses were not in the "handicapped-free campus" status even they had good practices in certain aspects. They still had many shortcomings in the use of the disabled.
In Turkey, children's playgrounds, city parks, neighborhood parks, green areas and sports fields are calculated to meet the condition of 10 m2 per person. However, children's playgrounds are also insufficient as they are located within this 10 m2 area. It has been determined that Housing Development Administration of Turkey (TOKI) projects, which were carried out especially after 2010, have relatively more (square meters) children's playgrounds compared to other settlements of the city. However, it is possible to detect deficiencies in these children's playgrounds in terms of physical conditions, educational functions and accessibility. In this context, this study presents an analysis on the children's playgrounds of the TOKI campus, which was built with the urban transformation project decided to be made in 2011 in Kirsehir Bağbaşı District and whose delivery to the beneficiaries was completed as of 2022. In this study, a total of fifteen children's playgrounds in Bağbaşı TOKI settlement were discussed and after the physical condition of each of them was determined, adequacy, capacity, usage characteristics, accessibility and needs analysis were carried out. In the research, participant observation method was used, and two-time schedules were used for each playground, as weekdays and weekends. The determinations regarding children's playgrounds were photographed, and the data obtained were analyzed through the tables and the visuals created.
As a result, it has been determined that the existing children's playgrounds in Kırşehir Bağbaşı TOKI settlement are insufficient to support the psychological, mental, physical and social development of children in terms of their physical characteristics, landscaping, and structural design."
Bu çalışma, Ortadoğu’dan göç almış iki orta ölçek kent merkezinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Karşılaştırmalı olarak biri Doğu Marmara diğeri Orta Anadolu kenti olan Bilecik ve Kırşehir’de kent merkezlerinde ikamet eden Ortadoğulu Göçmenlerin, (Irak, Afganistan, İran ve Suriye) kente ve yaşama tutunmak adına, gündelik yaşamda üretmiş oldukları dayanışma pratiklerini incelemektedir.
Yoksulluk, gündelik yaşam ve dayanışma arasındaki güçlü bağı Ortadoğulu göçmenler üzerinden ortaya koymaya çalışan bu çalışmada; kartopu yöntemi ile belirlenmiş olan yaklaşık 10’ar hane ile açık uçlu derinlemesine mülakatlar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma, gündelik yaşamın yanı sıra mülteci sorunsalının birçok farklı noktasına dair de ipuçlarına işaret etmektedir."
"Urban poverty emerges as one of the most important problems of today's cities. In recent years, the wave of migration from the Middle East has affected our city in almost every scale; at the same time, the urban poverty became even more dominant.
This study has implemented in two medium-size urban centers with migration from the Middle East. In comparison, Middle Eastern immigrants living in urban centers of Bilecik in the Eastern Marmara region and Kırşehir in the Central Anatolian area have been compared and contrasted with their solidarity practices produced in everyday (Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt and Syria).
In this study, which aims to reveal the strong link between poverty, everyday life and solidarity through Middle Eastern immigrants, open-ended in-depth interviews were done with approximately 10 families determined by the snowball method. The study points to clues to many different points of refugee problem as well as everyday life."
Planlama literatüründeki planlamaya dair tartışmaların, planlamanın bir bilimsel disiplin olarak görülmesi kadar eski olduğunu iddia etmek hiç de yanlış sayılmaz. Geleneksel planlamadan kapsamlı planlamaya, yenilikçi planlamadan mekansal planlamaya, müzakereci planlamadan katılımcı planlamaya, stratejik planlamadan savunucu planlamaya, etkileşimsel planlamadan işbirlikçi planlamaya, eşitlikçi planlamadan sayamayacağımız bir çok diğer farklı planlama yaklaşımının literatürde yer almasının nedeni de tam olarak bu çözümsüzlük halidir.
Her planlama kuramı aslında içinden doğduğu toplumsal yapı ve bu yapıyı şekillendiren sosyo-ekonomik ve siyasal süreçler üzerinden okunmalı ve bu bağlamda anlamlandırılmalıdır. “Bu bağlamdan bağımsız teknik ölçütlerle şekillendirilebilecek bir planlama kurumundan söz edilemez” (Şengül, 2004: 20). Bunun yanı sıra, her planlama paradigması ve öngördüğü kurumsal yapılanma, mevcut sorunların çözümünden öte geleceğe dönük bir kent tahayyülünü ortaya koymaktadır (Şengül, 2004: 20). Her planlama yaklaşımı, temeline kentteki belli bir toplumsal yapıyı oturtur ve kuramı bunun üzerine kurar. Bu değişkenler çerçevesinde ortaya atılan her yeni kuramın aslında bir planlama sürecinden öte, toplumsal yapıyı şekillendirici hedefleri vardır; sadece planlama sürecine dair değil, kent yönetiminden, yönetilecek toplumsal yapının karakterine, kente nasıl müdahale edileceğinden, bu müdahale biçimlerinin neye göre şekilleneceğine kadar bir çok kritik noktaya dair çeşitli saptamalarda bulunur.
İşte tam da bu noktada aslında “kent” dediğimiz alanı nasıl tanımladığımız önem kazanmaktadır. De Landa’nın (2006: 6) tanımıyla kent heterojen bir bileşkedir. Bu heterojenlik, sadece toplum içindeki farklı etnik gruplar ya da mekansal bakıldığında farklı fiziksel özelliklere sahip mahalleler olarak okunmamalıdır. Kent; farklı etnik kökenler, kültürel değerler ve ekonomik sınıflardan gelen insanlar bir yana; bu insanların kente geliş süreçlerinden, bu süreçleri doğuran siyasi, toplumsal ya da ekonomik kırılma noktalarına; yaşadıkları mahallelerin soyo-kültürel yapılarından, bu mahallerin oluşum süreçleri ve hatta sosyo-ekonomik ve kültürel olarak kente katkılarına; yine aynı yerleşim alanlarının kente dair belirlenen sorunları içerip içermemesinden, sorunun kaynağı ya da kendisinin bu yaşam alanı ile özdeşleşmesine kadar bir çok farklı yatay ve dikey bileşkelerden oluşur. Bu her bir bileşke arasındaki farklı ilişkisel ağların, düzensiz bir şekilde çakışmalar ve paralellikler içererek oluşturduğu çözülmesi çok zor bir düğüm yaratmasıdır, kent. Bu düğümü çözmek ve ipi bir ağ gibi düzenli bir hale getirmek; düğümün dışında kalan iplikleri de katarak, çözülmesi çok daha zor, güçlü bir düğüme çevirmek; küçük düğümleri çözmek ve ağın ortasında güçlü bir düğüm bırakmak, vb. gibi pek çok farklı senaryo, önümüzde duran ve adına planlama kuramları denen külliyatı oluşturmuştur.
Dünya üzerinde daha önce deneyimlenmiş olan, savunucu, katılımcı, eşitlikçi, dayanışmacı gibi alternatif planlama örneklerinin Türkiye’de az rastlanır olduğu kabulü üzerinden inşa edilen bu çalışma; son yıllarda güncelliğini her daim korumuş olan kentsel dönüşüm süreci ve bu sürece karşı yıllardır verilen mücadelelerdeki kısır döngüyü kırmak adına, daha önce deneyimlenmiş bu alternatif planlama modellerini doğuran sürecin, Türkiye’de yaşanan planlama süreçleri ile benzerlikler içerdiğini savunur. Bu nedenle, yeni alternatif modeller üretmenin ya da mevcut üretilmiş olan alternatif yaklaşımların deneyimlenmesinin ne denli önemli olduğuna işaret eder. Çalışma, daha önce de belirtildiği üzere, her bir kuramın, ortaya çıkmış olduğu toplumsal yapı içindeki ihtiyaçtan doğduğunu kabul eder ve bunu değerli bulur; diğer kuramları eleştirmek ya da en ideal planlama kuramı şudur gibi bir tez ortaya atak niyetine sahip değildir.
Çalışma, günümüz uygulamalarındaki yanlışlıklar, planlamanın etik sorunsalı, son dönem projelerdeki katılım eksikliği ve katılım talebinin reddi, bilimden uzak uygulanan başarısız projeler ve kentsel dönüşüm projeleri karşısında birlik halinde hareket edemeyen ya da etse bile çoğunlukla başarısız olan mücadele alanlarını düşünerek; planlama etiğine sahip, planlamanın bilimsel doğrularını savunan bir camia ile bu kuramsal külliyat içinden “savunucu planlama” (advocacy planning) yaklaşımını masaya yatırmayı talep eder. Günümüz siyasi ve toplumsal yapısı içinde; yaşam alanlarımız bir bir dönüştürülüyor ve hatta yok ediliyorken, karar süreçlerinde söz alamayan bir kentli olarak; planlamada katılım, eşitlik, adalet, kent hakkı gibi kavramları her daim savunan bir plancı olarak; ve yaşanan süreçlerdeki “kent toprağını, kentsel dönüşüm adı altında rantsal bölüşümün en önemli sermayesi olarak görme halini en masum tanımlamayla—yönetimin adil olmayan yaklaşımı” olarak okuyan bir vatandaş olarak; savunucu planlamayı bir çıkış noktası olarak görebilir miyiz sorusunun cevabını aramaktadır.
Paul Davidoff, savunucu planlama modelini geliştirirken, yalnızca planlama sürecinin kendisine dair değil, aynı zamanda da plancılara ve planlama öğreticilerine dair de düşünmüş ve çeşitli eleştiriler getirmiştir. Bundan elli yıl önce gerçekleştirilmiş olan bu eleştirilere bugün halen Türkiye’den bir cevap verilemiyor olması ve elli yıl gecikmeli olarak aynı yanlışların Türkiye sınırları içinde tekrarlanıyor olması; savunucu planlama ve diğer alternatif planlama modellerini yeniden tartışılmaya açmanın ne kadar önemli olduğuna işaret etmektedir.
Üç bölümden oluşan bu çalışmada; birinci bölümde, savunucu planlama yaklaşımının temelleri; ikinci bölümde, bu yaklaşımın doğuşunda kentsel dönüşümün yeri; üçüncü bölümde ise, Türkiye’de yaşanan kentsel dönüşüm süreçleri içinde savunucu planlamanın gerekliliği üzerinden bir tartışma yürütülecektir."
Gezi Park Movement(s) were spontaneous, reactional, horizontal, multi-layered, andidiosyncratic. Gezi --as one of the occupy movements in the world-- where different groups of people having completely different requests about their daily life, their identities or their rights. The feature of this movement was to transform the Gezi Parkt to a common space assembling this unidentifiable multitude. Marxist social class perspective or "new social movements" literature is not sufficient to explain the Gezi Park Movements. Class perspective searches the class belonging to define a social movement, or aim to rule after undermining the government. Referring to the new social movements perspective, they describe a social movement as a movement which is not aiming to rule but they search a -more or less- continuing social organization. Gezi Park components/actors be belonged to a refined class, they did not aim to rule or come to power; components were people who were not know eachother before the movement and even after the Gezi Park movement.
From this perspective, Deleuze and Guattari's conceptional toolbox seems useful to analyze a multitude''s movement like Gezi. "Desire flows" conception of Deleuze and Guattari will be the main guide of this presentation. Deleuze and Guattari argue that desire is revolutionist and to understand the working principles of the social movements, they insist on we need to focus on "how desire moves in the social?" Additionally they conceptualize "everything" as a rhizomatic assemblage which allows to make connections with everything and to change every components of theearth. As we focus on the movement's working process, "Body without Organ (BwO)" term of Deleuze and Guattari will be our guide to understand this bottom-up organization style (Deleuze & Guattari, 1983) of the movement. According to Deleuze and Guattari "body without organ" belongs to the realm of antiproduction and this is a kind of assemblage which puts together all the organs but in a chaotic way.
This presentation does not aim to identify the actors of the Gezi Park Movement, ask what Gezi actually is, or comment on the consequences of Gezi incidents. On the contrary, this paper aims to understand how the "Gezi Park machine" operated as an ever changing mechanism on an everyday basis while at the same time collecting many different subjects (people, animals, plants, expressions, actions, and more...) in the same place. This research tries to understand the changing actors alongside visual, written and verbal productions created on the Park; most important of all, it will pay attention to the functions of irony and fun in the Gezi Park Movement's discourse.
This paper analyses newspaper headlines, photographs and graffiti produced duringthe occupation movement. The aim is to pursue the "flows of energy" and "desires" produced within Gezi Movement by tackling three time periods: (1) before the Gezi Park occupation, (2) during the occupation (3) after the occupation. In short, this paper seeks to analyze the operation principles of "nomad urban movement" (Deleuze and Guattari, 1980) and its spreading types: How do the desire flows work in Gezi Park? How does this machine work?"
This paper has been prepared from the Scientific Research Project (Project Code: IIB.A3.16.001) supported by Ahi Evran University in 2016; and it was presented in the 15th National Social Sciences Congress organized by TSBD, November 29, 2017, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Öğrenci Kongresinde sunulmak üzere hazırlanmıştır ve sunulmuştur.
Arguments to choose this case study can be explained with two reasons. First, the plan was developed and implemented without meaningful citizen participation and the government largely ignored the community, although the community and many experts, academics and activists in Sulukule Platform sought to take part in the planning process. Second, the project provides a unique opportunity to examine an (un)successful advocacy planning effort “The Sulukule Platform”, which became a form for opposing views, protests and alternative visions for the area.
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Address: Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Bağbaşı Yerleşkesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi 40100 Kırşehir/TURKEY