Recent authors have pioneered the use of single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) for umbilica... more Recent authors have pioneered the use of single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) for umbilical cholecystectomy. The SILS approach has the potential of reducing the trauma of the surgical access and postoperative pain. Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) greatly reduces patient postoperative pain compared with traditional thoracotomy incisions. The current trend is to use fewer working ports to reduce even more postoperative pain, chest wall paresthesia, and hospital stay. No reports have described using a SILS port in VATS. From September 2009 to March 2010, 13 patients had surgery for primary spontaneous pneumothorax. The patients underwent single-lung ventilation. A 2.5-cm-long incision was made at the sixth intercostal space in the median axillary line. The pleural space was entered by blunt dissection for placement of a single flexible port. A 5-mm 0° videothoracoscope, a roticulating grasper, and an endoGIA stapler were introduced through port channels. Apical lung blebs were stapled, and pleurodesis by pleural abrasion with Marlex mesh was performed. The study enrolled nine men (69.2%) and four women with a median age of 26.3 years. No complications were recorded. The postoperative pain was mild for 10 patients (76.9%) and moderate for 3 patients. Mild chest wall paresthesia (numbness) was observed in three patients (23.07%). The postoperative hospital stay was 2.15 days. Although the SILS port is for laparoscopic use, it allowed an adequate lineup of the instruments along the intercostal space and adequate instrument maneuverability for stapling and resecting of apical lung bullae or blebs. The procedure was accomplished successfully for 92.3% of the patients. This is the first report on the use of a SILS port in VATS. Further work and development of a proper thoracic single port are needed to define the uses and advantages of this uniportal technique.
Machine learning (ML) presents new challenges for reproducible software engineering, as the artif... more Machine learning (ML) presents new challenges for reproducible software engineering, as the artifacts required for repeatably training models are not just versioned code, but also hyperparameters, code dependencies, and the exact version of the training data. Existing systems for tracking the lineage of ML artifacts, such as TensorFlow Extended or MLFlow, are invasive, requiring developers to refactor their code that now is controlled by the external system. In this paper, we present an alternative approach, we call implicit provenance, where we instrument a distributed file system and APIs to capture changes to ML artifacts, that, along with file naming conventions, mean that full lineage can be tracked for TensorFlow/Keras/Pytorch programs without requiring code changes. We address challenges related to adding strongly consistent metadata extensions to the distributed file system, while minimizing provenance overhead, and ensuring transparent eventual consistent replication of ext...
Die pro-angiogene Kapazität des durch HIV-1 exprimierten multifunktionellen Proteins Tat ist beka... more Die pro-angiogene Kapazität des durch HIV-1 exprimierten multifunktionellen Proteins Tat ist bekannt. Das Tat-Protein induziert Angiogenese, bekannt ist die Ausbildung des Kaposi Sarkoms während der AIDS-Erkrankung. Das Anliegen des Projektes bestand in der Identifizierung von Tat-Peptiden, die Angiogenese induzieren, aber keinen Effekt auf das Immunsystem haben. Solche Peptide könnten für die Therapie schwer heilbarer vaskulärer Erkrankungen dienen. Das Tat-Protein hemmt die Antigenpräsentation mittels MHC Klasse I Molekülen. Der Mechanismus dieses Effekts wurde im Labor aufgeklärt und bei der Synthese und Auswahl pro-angiogener Tat-Peptide berücksichtigt. Ausgehend von der essentiellen Sequenz des Tat-Peptides wurden verschiedene Peptide synthetisiert. HUVEC wurden mit diesen Tat-Peptiden behandelt. Hierbei wurde deren Einfluss auf das Ubiquitin/Proteasom-System analysiert. Kriterien für die Auswahl potenzieller pro-angiogener Eigenschaften der Tat-Peptide waren die Induktion der ...
This research aims to study the impact of the integration between the capital adequacy ratio (CAR... more This research aims to study the impact of the integration between the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) and financial leverage on enhancing the financial stability of banks, in addition to verifying the importance of adding the financial leverage ratio in the Basel Ш. An empirical study was conducted on a sample of (25) banks registered with the Central Bank of Egypt during the period (2016-2020). The results showed that there is no relationship between the CAR and the financial stability, but there is a significant positive relationship between the leverage and the financial stability, and there is no relationship between the integration between the CAR and financial leverage and the financial stability. These results indicate that the CAR alone is not sufficient to enhance the financial stability of banks, and the financial leverage ratio in the Basel Ш is the most influential factor in achieving financial stability for banks.
Machine learning (ML) presents new challenges for reproducible software engineering, as the artif... more Machine learning (ML) presents new challenges for reproducible software engineering, as the artifacts required for repeatably training models are not just versioned code, but also hyperparameters, code dependencies, and the exact version of the training data. Existing systems for tracking the lineage of ML artifacts, such as TensorFlow Extended or MLFlow, are invasive, requiring developers to refactor their code that now is controlled by the external system. In this paper, we present an alternative approach, we call implicit provenance, where we instrument a distributed file system and APIs to capture changes to ML artifacts, that, along with file naming conventions, mean that full lineage can be tracked for TensorFlow/Keras/Pytorch programs without requiring code changes. We address challenges related to adding strongly consistent metadata extensions to the distributed file system, while minimizing provenance overhead, and ensuring transparent eventual consistent replication of ext...
Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches
The aim of the present study was to study the effects of different doses of gamma rays from Cobal... more The aim of the present study was to study the effects of different doses of gamma rays from Cobalt-60 on Cyperus alternifolius L. plants Rhizomes of Cyprus plants were irradiated with six doses of gamma irradiation (0.0,20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 Gray). The results showed that irradiation of rhizomes with 20 Gray caused the highest increase in sprouting percentage and rate while the 100 gray treatment caused the lowest survival percentage in M1-generation. The 100 Gray treatment caused the lowest significant decrease in all studied vegetative growth parameters in M1 and M2 generations. As for the vegetative growth abnormalities, the application of gamma rays at the dose of 100 Gray resulted in dwarf plants in M1 and M2 generations. While using 40 Gray caused 3 regenerated small plants from leaves internode and 60 Gray caused 1 regenerated small plant from leaves internodes in M1-generation , this abnormality disappeared in the M2-generation. Application of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis on three Cyperus alternifolius generations stressed with 60 and 100 Gray comparing with un-irradiated Cyperus alternifolius cleared that radiation dose (100 Gray) reflected the dramatic increase of genetic polymorphism and first generation reflected the highest radiation influence on polymorphism.
Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things
Optimization is a more important field of research. With increasing the complexity of real-world ... more Optimization is a more important field of research. With increasing the complexity of real-world problems, the more efficient and reliable optimization algorithms vital. Traditional methods are unable to solve these problems so, the first choice for solving these problems becomes meta-heuristic algorithms. Meta-heuristic algorithms proved their ability to solve more complex problems and giving more satisfying results. In this paper, we introduce the more popular meta-heuristic algorithms and their applications in addition to providing the more recent references for these algorithms.
2017 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC)
The automotive industry is currently experiencing a paradigm shift from conventional, diesel and ... more The automotive industry is currently experiencing a paradigm shift from conventional, diesel and gasoline-propelled vehicles into the second generation hybrid and electric vehicles. Since the battery pack represents the most important and expensive component in the electric vehicle powertrain, extensive monitoring and control is required. Therefore, extensive research is being conducted in the field of electric vehicle battery condition monitoring and control. In this paper, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is used for Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) battery state-of-charge (SOC) estimation. When properly trained using the random current profile described in this paper, a single-layered Neural Network is capable of capturing the non-linear characteristics of a battery. The ANN is able to estimate a non-measurable parameter such as battery SOC level based on battery measurable parameters such as voltage and current. The ANN in this paper is trained using experimental data generated from an experimental battery using a R-RC model with SOC/OCV relationship. The SOC/OCV relationship was derived from a commercial 3.6V 3.4Ah Li-Ion battery cell. The network is trained using current, and voltage as inputs and SOC as the output. The trained network is tested using benchmark driving cycles to be capable of estimating the battery SOC with a relatively high degree of accuracy.
Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. Imaging and Modelling Challenges
This work presents our approach for modelling the CFD challenge example of the aortic coarctation... more This work presents our approach for modelling the CFD challenge example of the aortic coarctation of an 8 year old child. The three-dimensional fluid domain was modeled as described in the challenge as an incompressible Newtonian fluid. A residual-based variational multiscale finite element method is used to solve the 3D fluid field. The boundaries were treated with 3-element windkessel models. The windkessel elements were tuned using an adjoint based method to fit the pressure and flowrate values reported by the challenge. A mesh refinement was performend to ensure the spatial convergence of the presented results. Finally, pressure values at π1 and π2 slices are reported.
Background: In the field of refractive surgery, femtosecond laser has gained favorable results fo... more Background: In the field of refractive surgery, femtosecond laser has gained favorable results for use in the creation of corneal flaps, with much more decrease of flap complications. Being a flapless procedure, FS-SMILE was introduced to avoid the flap complications. Aim of the work: To evaluate Fs-LASIK and SMILE in phrases of efficacy, safety, predictability. Also, an assessment the impact of each technique in high-order corneal aberrations, corneal asphericity and eye dryness. Patients and Methods: prospective, non-randomized, comparative clinical trial was done from June 2018 to November 2019 on myopic patient. This test consists of 60-eyes that were operated at El Mashreq Eye Hospital. Fs-LASIK group covered 30-eyes and SMILE group covered 30-eyes. Results: No-statistically significant difference between both maneuvers in efficacy, safety and predictability. 86.61% in the SMILE group, and 93.32% eyes in the FS-LASIK group, respectively, had 20/20 or better UDVA. Dry eye was manifested in less degree after SMILE procedure compared with Fs-LASIK. Both Fs-LASIK and Fs-SMILE increased total corneal coma aberration and spherical aberrations, but there has been a non-statistically large extension between each strategy. Smile possibly brought on a higher coma aberration due to decentration and fs-LASIK resulted in more spherical aberration. Conclusion: The results in both procedures are matching and comparable but a further contralateral eye studies is needed to have a homogenous preoperative matching and avoid bias.
This article proposes a new method to overcome the sparse data problem of the collaborative filte... more This article proposes a new method to overcome the sparse data problem of the collaborative filtering models (CF models) by considering the homologous relationship between users or items calculated on contextual attributes when we build the CF models. In the traditional CF models, the results are built only based on data from the user's ratings for items. The results of the proposed models are calculated on two factors: (1) the similar factors based on rating values; (2) the similar factors based on contextual attributes. The findings from the experimentation on two datasets DePaulMovie and InCarMusic, show that the proposed models have higher accuracy than the traditional CF models. INDEX TERMS CIBCF models, contextual attributes, context-similarity matrix, CUBCF models.
This paper proposes a new scientific decision framework (SDF) under interval valued intuitionisti... more This paper proposes a new scientific decision framework (SDF) under interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy (IVIF) environment for supplier selection (SS). The framework consists of two phases, where, in the first phase, criteria weights are estimated in a sensible manner using newly proposed IVIF based statistical variance (SV) method and, in the second phase, the suitable supplier is selected using ELECTRE (ELimination and Choice Expressing REality) ranking method under IVIF environment. This method involves three categories of outranking, namely, strong, moderate, and weak. Previous studies on ELECTRE ranking reveal that scholars have only used two categories of outranking, namely, strong and weak, in the formulation of IVIF based ELECTRE, which eventually aggravates fuzziness and vagueness in decision making process due to the potential loss of information. Motivated by this challenge, third outranking category, called moderate, is proposed, which considerably reduces the loss of i...
, on behalf of the Uniportal VATS Interest Group (UVIG) of the European Society of Thoracic Surge... more , on behalf of the Uniportal VATS Interest Group (UVIG) of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS)
To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the Kelman Duet phakic intraocular lens (PIOL) for correct... more To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the Kelman Duet phakic intraocular lens (PIOL) for correction of moderate and high myopia. Kelman Duet PIOLs were implanted in 169 eyes of 110 patients with moderate or high myopia. In all cases, implantation of the lens was feasible through an incision of less than 2.5 mm without complications. Uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA), manifest refraction, best spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BSCVA), intraocular pressure, central corneal endothelial change, and complications were recorded preoperatively and during 12 months of follow-up. Following PIOL implantation, 23 (13.61%) eyes required LASIK retreatment for the correction of residual astigmatic refractive error and were excluded from the refractive analysis. Best spectacle-corrected visual acuity remained the same or improved in 95.04% of eyes, 81.30% of eyes (100) were within +/-1.00 diopter (D) of emmetropia, and 57.72% (71) were within +/-0.50 D. Intraocular pressure increased slightly in the first 4 weeks postoperatively but stabilized to the preoperative level by 3 months. Mean endothelial cell loss at 12 months was 5.43%. Oval pupils developed in 10.1% of eyes. Haptic exchange or reposition was performed in 7.76% of cases. The Kelman Duet PIOL was safe and effective for the correction of moderate to high myopia in this study with 1-year follow-up and offered the advantage of using a 2.5-mm or less incision width. Accurate haptic sizing remains a challenge and haptic exchange to correct haptic size mismatching is possible.
Prolonged air leaks (PAL) are the most frequent complication after lobectomy for non-small cell l... more Prolonged air leaks (PAL) are the most frequent complication after lobectomy for non-small cell lung cancer, even in case of minimally invasive approaches. We developed a novel score to identify high-risk patients for PAL during minimally invasive lobectomy. A dedicated database was created. We investigated preoperative candidate features and specific intraoperative variables. Univariate and subsequent logistic regression analysis with bootstrap resampling have been used. Model performance has been assessed by reckoning the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve and the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit. PAL (>5 days) occurred in 72 (15.69%) patients. Five variables emerged from the model. Each one was assigned a score to provide a cumulative scoring system: forced expiratory volume in 1 second below 86% (P = 0.004, 1.5 points), body mass index <24 ( P = 0.002, 1 point), active smoking ( P = 0.001, 1.5 points), incomplete fissures ( P = 0.004, 1.5 points), and adhesions ( P = 0.0001, 1 point). The new score provided a stratification into four risk classes. The risk score incorporates either general or more specific variables, providing a risk stratification that could be readily applied intra- and postoperatively. Henceforth, specific technical and management measures could be properly allocated to curb PAL.
Most guidelines on ultrasound examinations during pregnancy do not recommend routine early pregna... more Most guidelines on ultrasound examinations during pregnancy do not recommend routine early pregnancy scan in uncomplicated and asymptomatic pregnancies (ie, before 10 weeks based on last menstrual period). There is, however, a growing patient's expectation to have an early scan to confirm dating and verify the pregnancy is intrauterine and viable. We present three well‐documented cases of patients who had an early (7‐8 weeks) dating transvaginal scan revealing pleural effusion in the embryo. In all cases cytogenetic analysis confirmed monosomy for the X chromosome, consistent with a clinical diagnosis of Turner syndrome.
The Society for Translational Medicine and The Chinese Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Su... more The Society for Translational Medicine and The Chinese Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery conducted a systematic review of the literature in an attempt to improve our understanding in the postoperative management of chest tubes of patients undergoing pulmonary lobectomy. Recommendations were produced and classified based on an internationally accepted GRADE system. The following recommendations were extracted in the present review: (I) chest tubes can be removed safely with daily pleural fluid of up to 450 mL (non-chylous and non-sanguinous), which may reduce chest tube duration and hospital length of stay (2B); (II) in rare instances, e.g., persistent abundant fluid production, the use of PrRP/B <0.5 when evaluating fluid output to determine chest tube removal might be beneficial (2B); (III) it is recommended that one chest tube is adequate following pulmonary lobectomy, except for hemorrhage and space problems (2A); (IV) chest tube clearance by milking and strippin...
Recent authors have pioneered the use of single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) for umbilica... more Recent authors have pioneered the use of single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) for umbilical cholecystectomy. The SILS approach has the potential of reducing the trauma of the surgical access and postoperative pain. Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) greatly reduces patient postoperative pain compared with traditional thoracotomy incisions. The current trend is to use fewer working ports to reduce even more postoperative pain, chest wall paresthesia, and hospital stay. No reports have described using a SILS port in VATS. From September 2009 to March 2010, 13 patients had surgery for primary spontaneous pneumothorax. The patients underwent single-lung ventilation. A 2.5-cm-long incision was made at the sixth intercostal space in the median axillary line. The pleural space was entered by blunt dissection for placement of a single flexible port. A 5-mm 0° videothoracoscope, a roticulating grasper, and an endoGIA stapler were introduced through port channels. Apical lung blebs were stapled, and pleurodesis by pleural abrasion with Marlex mesh was performed. The study enrolled nine men (69.2%) and four women with a median age of 26.3 years. No complications were recorded. The postoperative pain was mild for 10 patients (76.9%) and moderate for 3 patients. Mild chest wall paresthesia (numbness) was observed in three patients (23.07%). The postoperative hospital stay was 2.15 days. Although the SILS port is for laparoscopic use, it allowed an adequate lineup of the instruments along the intercostal space and adequate instrument maneuverability for stapling and resecting of apical lung bullae or blebs. The procedure was accomplished successfully for 92.3% of the patients. This is the first report on the use of a SILS port in VATS. Further work and development of a proper thoracic single port are needed to define the uses and advantages of this uniportal technique.
Machine learning (ML) presents new challenges for reproducible software engineering, as the artif... more Machine learning (ML) presents new challenges for reproducible software engineering, as the artifacts required for repeatably training models are not just versioned code, but also hyperparameters, code dependencies, and the exact version of the training data. Existing systems for tracking the lineage of ML artifacts, such as TensorFlow Extended or MLFlow, are invasive, requiring developers to refactor their code that now is controlled by the external system. In this paper, we present an alternative approach, we call implicit provenance, where we instrument a distributed file system and APIs to capture changes to ML artifacts, that, along with file naming conventions, mean that full lineage can be tracked for TensorFlow/Keras/Pytorch programs without requiring code changes. We address challenges related to adding strongly consistent metadata extensions to the distributed file system, while minimizing provenance overhead, and ensuring transparent eventual consistent replication of ext...
Die pro-angiogene Kapazität des durch HIV-1 exprimierten multifunktionellen Proteins Tat ist beka... more Die pro-angiogene Kapazität des durch HIV-1 exprimierten multifunktionellen Proteins Tat ist bekannt. Das Tat-Protein induziert Angiogenese, bekannt ist die Ausbildung des Kaposi Sarkoms während der AIDS-Erkrankung. Das Anliegen des Projektes bestand in der Identifizierung von Tat-Peptiden, die Angiogenese induzieren, aber keinen Effekt auf das Immunsystem haben. Solche Peptide könnten für die Therapie schwer heilbarer vaskulärer Erkrankungen dienen. Das Tat-Protein hemmt die Antigenpräsentation mittels MHC Klasse I Molekülen. Der Mechanismus dieses Effekts wurde im Labor aufgeklärt und bei der Synthese und Auswahl pro-angiogener Tat-Peptide berücksichtigt. Ausgehend von der essentiellen Sequenz des Tat-Peptides wurden verschiedene Peptide synthetisiert. HUVEC wurden mit diesen Tat-Peptiden behandelt. Hierbei wurde deren Einfluss auf das Ubiquitin/Proteasom-System analysiert. Kriterien für die Auswahl potenzieller pro-angiogener Eigenschaften der Tat-Peptide waren die Induktion der ...
This research aims to study the impact of the integration between the capital adequacy ratio (CAR... more This research aims to study the impact of the integration between the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) and financial leverage on enhancing the financial stability of banks, in addition to verifying the importance of adding the financial leverage ratio in the Basel Ш. An empirical study was conducted on a sample of (25) banks registered with the Central Bank of Egypt during the period (2016-2020). The results showed that there is no relationship between the CAR and the financial stability, but there is a significant positive relationship between the leverage and the financial stability, and there is no relationship between the integration between the CAR and financial leverage and the financial stability. These results indicate that the CAR alone is not sufficient to enhance the financial stability of banks, and the financial leverage ratio in the Basel Ш is the most influential factor in achieving financial stability for banks.
Machine learning (ML) presents new challenges for reproducible software engineering, as the artif... more Machine learning (ML) presents new challenges for reproducible software engineering, as the artifacts required for repeatably training models are not just versioned code, but also hyperparameters, code dependencies, and the exact version of the training data. Existing systems for tracking the lineage of ML artifacts, such as TensorFlow Extended or MLFlow, are invasive, requiring developers to refactor their code that now is controlled by the external system. In this paper, we present an alternative approach, we call implicit provenance, where we instrument a distributed file system and APIs to capture changes to ML artifacts, that, along with file naming conventions, mean that full lineage can be tracked for TensorFlow/Keras/Pytorch programs without requiring code changes. We address challenges related to adding strongly consistent metadata extensions to the distributed file system, while minimizing provenance overhead, and ensuring transparent eventual consistent replication of ext...
Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches
The aim of the present study was to study the effects of different doses of gamma rays from Cobal... more The aim of the present study was to study the effects of different doses of gamma rays from Cobalt-60 on Cyperus alternifolius L. plants Rhizomes of Cyprus plants were irradiated with six doses of gamma irradiation (0.0,20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 Gray). The results showed that irradiation of rhizomes with 20 Gray caused the highest increase in sprouting percentage and rate while the 100 gray treatment caused the lowest survival percentage in M1-generation. The 100 Gray treatment caused the lowest significant decrease in all studied vegetative growth parameters in M1 and M2 generations. As for the vegetative growth abnormalities, the application of gamma rays at the dose of 100 Gray resulted in dwarf plants in M1 and M2 generations. While using 40 Gray caused 3 regenerated small plants from leaves internode and 60 Gray caused 1 regenerated small plant from leaves internodes in M1-generation , this abnormality disappeared in the M2-generation. Application of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis on three Cyperus alternifolius generations stressed with 60 and 100 Gray comparing with un-irradiated Cyperus alternifolius cleared that radiation dose (100 Gray) reflected the dramatic increase of genetic polymorphism and first generation reflected the highest radiation influence on polymorphism.
Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things
Optimization is a more important field of research. With increasing the complexity of real-world ... more Optimization is a more important field of research. With increasing the complexity of real-world problems, the more efficient and reliable optimization algorithms vital. Traditional methods are unable to solve these problems so, the first choice for solving these problems becomes meta-heuristic algorithms. Meta-heuristic algorithms proved their ability to solve more complex problems and giving more satisfying results. In this paper, we introduce the more popular meta-heuristic algorithms and their applications in addition to providing the more recent references for these algorithms.
2017 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC)
The automotive industry is currently experiencing a paradigm shift from conventional, diesel and ... more The automotive industry is currently experiencing a paradigm shift from conventional, diesel and gasoline-propelled vehicles into the second generation hybrid and electric vehicles. Since the battery pack represents the most important and expensive component in the electric vehicle powertrain, extensive monitoring and control is required. Therefore, extensive research is being conducted in the field of electric vehicle battery condition monitoring and control. In this paper, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is used for Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) battery state-of-charge (SOC) estimation. When properly trained using the random current profile described in this paper, a single-layered Neural Network is capable of capturing the non-linear characteristics of a battery. The ANN is able to estimate a non-measurable parameter such as battery SOC level based on battery measurable parameters such as voltage and current. The ANN in this paper is trained using experimental data generated from an experimental battery using a R-RC model with SOC/OCV relationship. The SOC/OCV relationship was derived from a commercial 3.6V 3.4Ah Li-Ion battery cell. The network is trained using current, and voltage as inputs and SOC as the output. The trained network is tested using benchmark driving cycles to be capable of estimating the battery SOC with a relatively high degree of accuracy.
Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. Imaging and Modelling Challenges
This work presents our approach for modelling the CFD challenge example of the aortic coarctation... more This work presents our approach for modelling the CFD challenge example of the aortic coarctation of an 8 year old child. The three-dimensional fluid domain was modeled as described in the challenge as an incompressible Newtonian fluid. A residual-based variational multiscale finite element method is used to solve the 3D fluid field. The boundaries were treated with 3-element windkessel models. The windkessel elements were tuned using an adjoint based method to fit the pressure and flowrate values reported by the challenge. A mesh refinement was performend to ensure the spatial convergence of the presented results. Finally, pressure values at π1 and π2 slices are reported.
Background: In the field of refractive surgery, femtosecond laser has gained favorable results fo... more Background: In the field of refractive surgery, femtosecond laser has gained favorable results for use in the creation of corneal flaps, with much more decrease of flap complications. Being a flapless procedure, FS-SMILE was introduced to avoid the flap complications. Aim of the work: To evaluate Fs-LASIK and SMILE in phrases of efficacy, safety, predictability. Also, an assessment the impact of each technique in high-order corneal aberrations, corneal asphericity and eye dryness. Patients and Methods: prospective, non-randomized, comparative clinical trial was done from June 2018 to November 2019 on myopic patient. This test consists of 60-eyes that were operated at El Mashreq Eye Hospital. Fs-LASIK group covered 30-eyes and SMILE group covered 30-eyes. Results: No-statistically significant difference between both maneuvers in efficacy, safety and predictability. 86.61% in the SMILE group, and 93.32% eyes in the FS-LASIK group, respectively, had 20/20 or better UDVA. Dry eye was manifested in less degree after SMILE procedure compared with Fs-LASIK. Both Fs-LASIK and Fs-SMILE increased total corneal coma aberration and spherical aberrations, but there has been a non-statistically large extension between each strategy. Smile possibly brought on a higher coma aberration due to decentration and fs-LASIK resulted in more spherical aberration. Conclusion: The results in both procedures are matching and comparable but a further contralateral eye studies is needed to have a homogenous preoperative matching and avoid bias.
This article proposes a new method to overcome the sparse data problem of the collaborative filte... more This article proposes a new method to overcome the sparse data problem of the collaborative filtering models (CF models) by considering the homologous relationship between users or items calculated on contextual attributes when we build the CF models. In the traditional CF models, the results are built only based on data from the user's ratings for items. The results of the proposed models are calculated on two factors: (1) the similar factors based on rating values; (2) the similar factors based on contextual attributes. The findings from the experimentation on two datasets DePaulMovie and InCarMusic, show that the proposed models have higher accuracy than the traditional CF models. INDEX TERMS CIBCF models, contextual attributes, context-similarity matrix, CUBCF models.
This paper proposes a new scientific decision framework (SDF) under interval valued intuitionisti... more This paper proposes a new scientific decision framework (SDF) under interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy (IVIF) environment for supplier selection (SS). The framework consists of two phases, where, in the first phase, criteria weights are estimated in a sensible manner using newly proposed IVIF based statistical variance (SV) method and, in the second phase, the suitable supplier is selected using ELECTRE (ELimination and Choice Expressing REality) ranking method under IVIF environment. This method involves three categories of outranking, namely, strong, moderate, and weak. Previous studies on ELECTRE ranking reveal that scholars have only used two categories of outranking, namely, strong and weak, in the formulation of IVIF based ELECTRE, which eventually aggravates fuzziness and vagueness in decision making process due to the potential loss of information. Motivated by this challenge, third outranking category, called moderate, is proposed, which considerably reduces the loss of i...
, on behalf of the Uniportal VATS Interest Group (UVIG) of the European Society of Thoracic Surge... more , on behalf of the Uniportal VATS Interest Group (UVIG) of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS)
To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the Kelman Duet phakic intraocular lens (PIOL) for correct... more To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the Kelman Duet phakic intraocular lens (PIOL) for correction of moderate and high myopia. Kelman Duet PIOLs were implanted in 169 eyes of 110 patients with moderate or high myopia. In all cases, implantation of the lens was feasible through an incision of less than 2.5 mm without complications. Uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA), manifest refraction, best spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BSCVA), intraocular pressure, central corneal endothelial change, and complications were recorded preoperatively and during 12 months of follow-up. Following PIOL implantation, 23 (13.61%) eyes required LASIK retreatment for the correction of residual astigmatic refractive error and were excluded from the refractive analysis. Best spectacle-corrected visual acuity remained the same or improved in 95.04% of eyes, 81.30% of eyes (100) were within +/-1.00 diopter (D) of emmetropia, and 57.72% (71) were within +/-0.50 D. Intraocular pressure increased slightly in the first 4 weeks postoperatively but stabilized to the preoperative level by 3 months. Mean endothelial cell loss at 12 months was 5.43%. Oval pupils developed in 10.1% of eyes. Haptic exchange or reposition was performed in 7.76% of cases. The Kelman Duet PIOL was safe and effective for the correction of moderate to high myopia in this study with 1-year follow-up and offered the advantage of using a 2.5-mm or less incision width. Accurate haptic sizing remains a challenge and haptic exchange to correct haptic size mismatching is possible.
Prolonged air leaks (PAL) are the most frequent complication after lobectomy for non-small cell l... more Prolonged air leaks (PAL) are the most frequent complication after lobectomy for non-small cell lung cancer, even in case of minimally invasive approaches. We developed a novel score to identify high-risk patients for PAL during minimally invasive lobectomy. A dedicated database was created. We investigated preoperative candidate features and specific intraoperative variables. Univariate and subsequent logistic regression analysis with bootstrap resampling have been used. Model performance has been assessed by reckoning the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve and the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit. PAL (&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;5 days) occurred in 72 (15.69%) patients. Five variables emerged from the model. Each one was assigned a score to provide a cumulative scoring system: forced expiratory volume in 1 second below 86% (P = 0.004, 1.5 points), body mass index &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;24 ( P = 0.002, 1 point), active smoking ( P = 0.001, 1.5 points), incomplete fissures ( P = 0.004, 1.5 points), and adhesions ( P = 0.0001, 1 point). The new score provided a stratification into four risk classes. The risk score incorporates either general or more specific variables, providing a risk stratification that could be readily applied intra- and postoperatively. Henceforth, specific technical and management measures could be properly allocated to curb PAL.
Most guidelines on ultrasound examinations during pregnancy do not recommend routine early pregna... more Most guidelines on ultrasound examinations during pregnancy do not recommend routine early pregnancy scan in uncomplicated and asymptomatic pregnancies (ie, before 10 weeks based on last menstrual period). There is, however, a growing patient's expectation to have an early scan to confirm dating and verify the pregnancy is intrauterine and viable. We present three well‐documented cases of patients who had an early (7‐8 weeks) dating transvaginal scan revealing pleural effusion in the embryo. In all cases cytogenetic analysis confirmed monosomy for the X chromosome, consistent with a clinical diagnosis of Turner syndrome.
The Society for Translational Medicine and The Chinese Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Su... more The Society for Translational Medicine and The Chinese Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery conducted a systematic review of the literature in an attempt to improve our understanding in the postoperative management of chest tubes of patients undergoing pulmonary lobectomy. Recommendations were produced and classified based on an internationally accepted GRADE system. The following recommendations were extracted in the present review: (I) chest tubes can be removed safely with daily pleural fluid of up to 450 mL (non-chylous and non-sanguinous), which may reduce chest tube duration and hospital length of stay (2B); (II) in rare instances, e.g., persistent abundant fluid production, the use of PrRP/B <0.5 when evaluating fluid output to determine chest tube removal might be beneficial (2B); (III) it is recommended that one chest tube is adequate following pulmonary lobectomy, except for hemorrhage and space problems (2A); (IV) chest tube clearance by milking and strippin...
Papers by Mahmoud Ismail