Kentlerin canlılığının, içinde bulunan birey ve onun eylemlerinden kazanıldığı düşünüldüğünde söz... more Kentlerin canlılığının, içinde bulunan birey ve onun eylemlerinden kazanıldığı düşünüldüğünde söz konusu "canlı" olma durumuna ilişkin anlamın dönüşmekte olduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Bu anlam dönüşümünün başlangıcı yeni değildir. Ancak günümüzde eriştiği konum itibari ile bir kırılma süreci yaşanmaktadır. Kırılma; içe dönük, kendi hâlinde, duyulmayan hatta gündelik hayatın aktifliği nedeniyle kimi zaman duyulamayan bir biçimde gerçekleşebilmektedir. Her anlamda abartılmış ve gerçek dışı bir ölçek içerisinde yer edinmeye çalışan birey, kimi zaman kendini kentten yalıtarak özgür alanını oluşturmak istemekte; kimi zaman ise bu aşkın ölçeğe karşı, yine benzer özgürlük arayışı içinde, kendini ifade etmeye çalışmaktadır. Ölçekler arası iletişim kaybı ile bireysel, mekânsal, kültürel ve toplumsal bağlamda karşılaşılabilmektedir. Kentbirey döngüsünde yaşanan karşılıklı iletişimsizlik durumu, kent içinin boş kütleler bütünü olmasına neden olabilmekte; kentin canlılığı da bu anlamda kendisini sorgulatabilmektedir. Bu döngüde birey de kentin canlı ya da cansız olma durumundan etkilenmektedir. Çalışma kapsamında bu ana yaklaşım doğrultusunda bir eleştirel okuma, durum çalışması deseni çerçevesinde hazırlanmıştır. İletişimsizliğin özündeki "yalıtmak" ve bununla ilişkili olarak "yalıtılmak" eylemlerini çözümleyebilmenin, kenti, mekânı, bireyi anlamlandırmada zorunlu bir gereksinime dönüştüğü düşünülmektedir. Araştırma bu eylemlerin kamusal mekândaki yansımaları üzerinden geliştirilerek sınırlandırılmıştır. Yeni anlamların oluşumuna yönelik potansiyel durumlar, bu temelde kent üzerinden tartışılmıştır. Bu bütüncül durum içerisinde mekân üretimine yönelik olarak oluşan kendine özgü dilin, psikolojiden sosyolojiye birçok disiplinde tartışılabileceği düşünülmektedir.
The gap between idea and design outcomes can be accepted as a major problem in design education. ... more The gap between idea and design outcomes can be accepted as a major problem in design education. This gap can be defined as the problem of transforming knowledge into the design. There are many different formulas and supporting ways in this process such as extracurricular activities: workshops, exhibitions, reading and research groups, conferences, seminars, cultural tours, etc... Students gain valuable experience from these improvisation exercises and more importantly, these experiences may help them to attain their personal professional viewpoints different from the general frame. Therefore, the main focus of these extra activities is not only the acquisition of information but also its transformation. This transformation process by experiencing becomes the first step of a new and original design. This study is based on a workshop which proposes one and improves it by observing the outcomes. It aims to help the students to discover their own ways of transforming the ideas into des...
In today’s world, where everything is easily and frequently replicated, that which is unique is d... more In today’s world, where everything is easily and frequently replicated, that which is unique is disappearing. These circumstances change the point of view of the individual regarding design and create a society that seeks and prefers uniformity,
devalues what is unusual or different, and does not encourage or develop original, distinctive ideas. The environment is a reflection of the architectural approach and prevailing thinking. The present study examines this scenario in the context of the educational dimension of architectural design and assesses these issues using a discovery process of constant change. Generation, experience, and meaning given to difference, space, place, atmosphere, and their components were examined to analyze the effect of cognitive differences and the value of originality in relation to the environment. An inverted approach was used, focused on alternative learning environments and participant interaction. To contrast a process with structured, stratified views, contemporary learning approaches were applied as the foundation of this study: a constructivist, embedded, qualitative research formula. The issues were explored from within the architectural design studio experience. An “active studio” concept based on experiences was used, incorporating personalized and constructivist ideas generated using blended learning and an inverted methodology. In this approach, the hypothesis of the study is not a static problem. Instead, it is flexible and organic, renewed in every new environment. The network of relationships
among studio members, which reveals the field of experience, generates the initial formulation. The questions and problems identified in the first studio experience are the basis for new hypotheses and create a different, second studio environment. The active studio experience, because it is dynamic and involves questioning what currently exists, is an environment that animates and inspires individual exploration. It fosters the ability to genuinely be involved in the flow of the moment and, without force, do what the moment requires, rather than simple, directed activity that does not explore beyond the present standard. In order to see the comprehensive, long-lasting experience environment, all three of these studio experiences were evaluated, including consideration of:
- Sharing
- Suggestion development
- Responsibility
- Volunteering
- Communication
These elements were measured after the studio experience according to the analysis of the structure and findings, including participant interaction. The active studio should be seen as an environment that adapts to the present and continues to flow with it, not as a differentiated environment. This could be considered a process of recovery. Given the increasing number of architecture students and the growth of academic departments, blended media provide a valuable addition or alternative. The rigid structure of today’s environment and architectural design studios have the potential to be active and truly creative in essence.
The study aims to discuss how the learning problematic and the relation between learning and perc... more The study aims to discuss how the learning problematic and the relation between learning and perception should be interpreted in the process of architectural education. The issues like “individual, experience, perception, and image” will have been handled related with the concept of “filtering,” while the problems are being discussed on the question of “How the environment impacts on human and what level is it.” Learning can be defined as a process of comprehension which should be collected by an individual with so many different components. Subjects’ way of thinking or seeing is seen very important at this process. At these stages, there is an intense production which has emerged with blended “new” and “old.” Individual and his/her own components play a leading role at the movement that between being “new” and “old.” These components are not static. They can be changed according to daily life, environment, and individuals. Therefore, it can be seen as a far expectation for the original aim of learning, which comprehending any focus issue in the same way or style by listeners. In this context, a case study has been interpreted between these concepts at the end of the study.
Mimarlığın eğitim alanı, sürekli sorgulanmakta, nasıl olması gerektiğine dair değerlendirmeler ya... more Mimarlığın eğitim alanı, sürekli sorgulanmakta, nasıl olması gerektiğine dair değerlendirmeler yapılmaktadır. Denemelerin ve değerlen-dirmelerin yapılması, tartışmaların güncel kalabilmesi; paylaşımın sağlanabilmesi açısından önemli görülmektedir. Çalışma, sorular ve onların aracılığıyla yenilenen kavramlarla çeperini genişletirken, birçok yeni soruyu da beraberinde getirmektedir. "Eleştirel düşünme" becerisi eksenindeki tartışma, sözü edilen çeperi, mimari tasarım eğitiminden, stüdyo kültürüne ve birinci yıl tasarım eğitimine kadar genişletmektedir. Yorumbilimden de yararlanılarak bir durum çalışması yapılmış; stüdyo yürütücüleri, öğrenciler ve mezunlar ile yapılan görüşmelerle çalışma desteklenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonunda, mimari tasarım stüdyosuna yönelik görüşler, eleştirel düşünme becerisinin kazanımına ilişkin görüşler ile bir araya getirilmiştir. Görüşlerde, eleştirel düşünme becerisinin kazanımında stüdyo ortamının yeni/farklı kurgulara gereksinimi olabileceği ve bu ortamın özellikle ilk yıl tasarım stüdyolarından itibaren oluşabilmesinin önem taşıdığı vurgulan-mıştır. Çalışmanın, gündelik yaşam koşulları içerisinde, sorgulamanın, eleştirel düşünmenin, yaratıcı düşünmenin, farkındalık kazanmanın önemini vurgulayabilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Anahtar sözcükler: Bütüncül yaklaşım; düşünme becerileri; eleştirel düşünme; mimari tasarım eğitimi; stüdyo kültürü.
The education of architecture is constantly questioned and how it should be done is evaluated. These studies and evaluations are viewed as important for keeping the discussions up to date and sharing them. While the studies expand with the questions and the concepts renewed through them, they also raise many new questions. The discussion along the axis of "critical thinking" extends from the problem of the mentioned peripheral architectural education, the studio culture and the first year design education. A case study using hermeneutics and supported by interviews with instructors, students, and graduates has been conducted. At the end of the study, views on the studio approach were combined with those on acquiring critical thinking. The results emphasized that the studio environment needs new/different narrative to achieve critical thinking, and it is important that this environment exists for design studios particularly in the first year. The importance of questioning, critical thinking, creative thinking, and awareness of everyday life conditions was emphasized.
Sürdürülebilirlik kavramı günümüzde birçok farklı ortamda tartışılmaktadır. Tartışmalar farklı di... more Sürdürülebilirlik kavramı günümüzde birçok farklı ortamda tartışılmaktadır. Tartışmalar farklı disiplinlerde ele alınmakta ve konu sürekli olarak güncel kalmaktadır. Konunun farklı disiplinler açısından nasıl ele alındığını gözlemlemek, disiplinlerin birbirleri arasındaki ortak/farklı noktaları görebilmelerini de sağlamaktadır. Çalışmada yapılan sürdürülebilirlik konusunun belirlenen iki ortam bağlamında tartışılmasıdır. Sözü edilen farklı iki ortam yarışma ve eğitim ortamıdır. Değerlendirme aracı olarak yarışmada da istenildiği şekilde, LEED derecelendirme sistemi kullanılmıştır. Kavram “mimarlık” disiplini kapsamında ele alınmakla beraber, konunun farklı disiplinler ile birlikte ortak çalışmalar yapılarak sorgulanmasının gerekliliği vurgulanmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sürdürülebilirlik, LEED, Mimari proje yarışmaları, Mimarlık eğitimi.
Kentlerin canlılığının, içinde bulunan birey ve onun eylemlerinden kazanıldığı düşünüldüğünde söz... more Kentlerin canlılığının, içinde bulunan birey ve onun eylemlerinden kazanıldığı düşünüldüğünde söz konusu "canlı" olma durumuna ilişkin anlamın dönüşmekte olduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Bu anlam dönüşümünün başlangıcı yeni değildir. Ancak günümüzde eriştiği konum itibari ile bir kırılma süreci yaşanmaktadır. Kırılma; içe dönük, kendi hâlinde, duyulmayan hatta gündelik hayatın aktifliği nedeniyle kimi zaman duyulamayan bir biçimde gerçekleşebilmektedir. Her anlamda abartılmış ve gerçek dışı bir ölçek içerisinde yer edinmeye çalışan birey, kimi zaman kendini kentten yalıtarak özgür alanını oluşturmak istemekte; kimi zaman ise bu aşkın ölçeğe karşı, yine benzer özgürlük arayışı içinde, kendini ifade etmeye çalışmaktadır. Ölçekler arası iletişim kaybı ile bireysel, mekânsal, kültürel ve toplumsal bağlamda karşılaşılabilmektedir. Kentbirey döngüsünde yaşanan karşılıklı iletişimsizlik durumu, kent içinin boş kütleler bütünü olmasına neden olabilmekte; kentin canlılığı da bu anlamda kendisini sorgulatabilmektedir. Bu döngüde birey de kentin canlı ya da cansız olma durumundan etkilenmektedir. Çalışma kapsamında bu ana yaklaşım doğrultusunda bir eleştirel okuma, durum çalışması deseni çerçevesinde hazırlanmıştır. İletişimsizliğin özündeki "yalıtmak" ve bununla ilişkili olarak "yalıtılmak" eylemlerini çözümleyebilmenin, kenti, mekânı, bireyi anlamlandırmada zorunlu bir gereksinime dönüştüğü düşünülmektedir. Araştırma bu eylemlerin kamusal mekândaki yansımaları üzerinden geliştirilerek sınırlandırılmıştır. Yeni anlamların oluşumuna yönelik potansiyel durumlar, bu temelde kent üzerinden tartışılmıştır. Bu bütüncül durum içerisinde mekân üretimine yönelik olarak oluşan kendine özgü dilin, psikolojiden sosyolojiye birçok disiplinde tartışılabileceği düşünülmektedir.
The gap between idea and design outcomes can be accepted as a major problem in design education. ... more The gap between idea and design outcomes can be accepted as a major problem in design education. This gap can be defined as the problem of transforming knowledge into the design. There are many different formulas and supporting ways in this process such as extracurricular activities: workshops, exhibitions, reading and research groups, conferences, seminars, cultural tours, etc... Students gain valuable experience from these improvisation exercises and more importantly, these experiences may help them to attain their personal professional viewpoints different from the general frame. Therefore, the main focus of these extra activities is not only the acquisition of information but also its transformation. This transformation process by experiencing becomes the first step of a new and original design. This study is based on a workshop which proposes one and improves it by observing the outcomes. It aims to help the students to discover their own ways of transforming the ideas into des...
In today’s world, where everything is easily and frequently replicated, that which is unique is d... more In today’s world, where everything is easily and frequently replicated, that which is unique is disappearing. These circumstances change the point of view of the individual regarding design and create a society that seeks and prefers uniformity,
devalues what is unusual or different, and does not encourage or develop original, distinctive ideas. The environment is a reflection of the architectural approach and prevailing thinking. The present study examines this scenario in the context of the educational dimension of architectural design and assesses these issues using a discovery process of constant change. Generation, experience, and meaning given to difference, space, place, atmosphere, and their components were examined to analyze the effect of cognitive differences and the value of originality in relation to the environment. An inverted approach was used, focused on alternative learning environments and participant interaction. To contrast a process with structured, stratified views, contemporary learning approaches were applied as the foundation of this study: a constructivist, embedded, qualitative research formula. The issues were explored from within the architectural design studio experience. An “active studio” concept based on experiences was used, incorporating personalized and constructivist ideas generated using blended learning and an inverted methodology. In this approach, the hypothesis of the study is not a static problem. Instead, it is flexible and organic, renewed in every new environment. The network of relationships
among studio members, which reveals the field of experience, generates the initial formulation. The questions and problems identified in the first studio experience are the basis for new hypotheses and create a different, second studio environment. The active studio experience, because it is dynamic and involves questioning what currently exists, is an environment that animates and inspires individual exploration. It fosters the ability to genuinely be involved in the flow of the moment and, without force, do what the moment requires, rather than simple, directed activity that does not explore beyond the present standard. In order to see the comprehensive, long-lasting experience environment, all three of these studio experiences were evaluated, including consideration of:
- Sharing
- Suggestion development
- Responsibility
- Volunteering
- Communication
These elements were measured after the studio experience according to the analysis of the structure and findings, including participant interaction. The active studio should be seen as an environment that adapts to the present and continues to flow with it, not as a differentiated environment. This could be considered a process of recovery. Given the increasing number of architecture students and the growth of academic departments, blended media provide a valuable addition or alternative. The rigid structure of today’s environment and architectural design studios have the potential to be active and truly creative in essence.
The study aims to discuss how the learning problematic and the relation between learning and perc... more The study aims to discuss how the learning problematic and the relation between learning and perception should be interpreted in the process of architectural education. The issues like “individual, experience, perception, and image” will have been handled related with the concept of “filtering,” while the problems are being discussed on the question of “How the environment impacts on human and what level is it.” Learning can be defined as a process of comprehension which should be collected by an individual with so many different components. Subjects’ way of thinking or seeing is seen very important at this process. At these stages, there is an intense production which has emerged with blended “new” and “old.” Individual and his/her own components play a leading role at the movement that between being “new” and “old.” These components are not static. They can be changed according to daily life, environment, and individuals. Therefore, it can be seen as a far expectation for the original aim of learning, which comprehending any focus issue in the same way or style by listeners. In this context, a case study has been interpreted between these concepts at the end of the study.
Mimarlığın eğitim alanı, sürekli sorgulanmakta, nasıl olması gerektiğine dair değerlendirmeler ya... more Mimarlığın eğitim alanı, sürekli sorgulanmakta, nasıl olması gerektiğine dair değerlendirmeler yapılmaktadır. Denemelerin ve değerlen-dirmelerin yapılması, tartışmaların güncel kalabilmesi; paylaşımın sağlanabilmesi açısından önemli görülmektedir. Çalışma, sorular ve onların aracılığıyla yenilenen kavramlarla çeperini genişletirken, birçok yeni soruyu da beraberinde getirmektedir. "Eleştirel düşünme" becerisi eksenindeki tartışma, sözü edilen çeperi, mimari tasarım eğitiminden, stüdyo kültürüne ve birinci yıl tasarım eğitimine kadar genişletmektedir. Yorumbilimden de yararlanılarak bir durum çalışması yapılmış; stüdyo yürütücüleri, öğrenciler ve mezunlar ile yapılan görüşmelerle çalışma desteklenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonunda, mimari tasarım stüdyosuna yönelik görüşler, eleştirel düşünme becerisinin kazanımına ilişkin görüşler ile bir araya getirilmiştir. Görüşlerde, eleştirel düşünme becerisinin kazanımında stüdyo ortamının yeni/farklı kurgulara gereksinimi olabileceği ve bu ortamın özellikle ilk yıl tasarım stüdyolarından itibaren oluşabilmesinin önem taşıdığı vurgulan-mıştır. Çalışmanın, gündelik yaşam koşulları içerisinde, sorgulamanın, eleştirel düşünmenin, yaratıcı düşünmenin, farkındalık kazanmanın önemini vurgulayabilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Anahtar sözcükler: Bütüncül yaklaşım; düşünme becerileri; eleştirel düşünme; mimari tasarım eğitimi; stüdyo kültürü.
The education of architecture is constantly questioned and how it should be done is evaluated. These studies and evaluations are viewed as important for keeping the discussions up to date and sharing them. While the studies expand with the questions and the concepts renewed through them, they also raise many new questions. The discussion along the axis of "critical thinking" extends from the problem of the mentioned peripheral architectural education, the studio culture and the first year design education. A case study using hermeneutics and supported by interviews with instructors, students, and graduates has been conducted. At the end of the study, views on the studio approach were combined with those on acquiring critical thinking. The results emphasized that the studio environment needs new/different narrative to achieve critical thinking, and it is important that this environment exists for design studios particularly in the first year. The importance of questioning, critical thinking, creative thinking, and awareness of everyday life conditions was emphasized.
Sürdürülebilirlik kavramı günümüzde birçok farklı ortamda tartışılmaktadır. Tartışmalar farklı di... more Sürdürülebilirlik kavramı günümüzde birçok farklı ortamda tartışılmaktadır. Tartışmalar farklı disiplinlerde ele alınmakta ve konu sürekli olarak güncel kalmaktadır. Konunun farklı disiplinler açısından nasıl ele alındığını gözlemlemek, disiplinlerin birbirleri arasındaki ortak/farklı noktaları görebilmelerini de sağlamaktadır. Çalışmada yapılan sürdürülebilirlik konusunun belirlenen iki ortam bağlamında tartışılmasıdır. Sözü edilen farklı iki ortam yarışma ve eğitim ortamıdır. Değerlendirme aracı olarak yarışmada da istenildiği şekilde, LEED derecelendirme sistemi kullanılmıştır. Kavram “mimarlık” disiplini kapsamında ele alınmakla beraber, konunun farklı disiplinler ile birlikte ortak çalışmalar yapılarak sorgulanmasının gerekliliği vurgulanmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sürdürülebilirlik, LEED, Mimari proje yarışmaları, Mimarlık eğitimi.
Papers by bengi yurtsever
devalues what is unusual or different, and does not encourage or develop original, distinctive ideas. The environment is a reflection of the architectural approach and prevailing thinking. The present study examines this scenario in the context of the educational dimension of architectural design and assesses these issues using a discovery process of constant change. Generation, experience, and meaning given to difference, space, place, atmosphere, and their components were examined to analyze the effect of cognitive differences and the value of originality in relation to the environment. An inverted approach was used, focused on alternative learning environments and participant interaction. To contrast a process with structured, stratified views, contemporary learning approaches were applied as the foundation of this study: a constructivist, embedded, qualitative research formula. The issues were explored from within the architectural design studio experience. An “active studio” concept based on experiences was used, incorporating personalized and constructivist ideas generated using blended learning and an inverted methodology. In this approach, the hypothesis of the study is not a static problem. Instead, it is flexible and organic, renewed in every new environment. The network of relationships
among studio members, which reveals the field of experience, generates the initial formulation. The questions and problems identified in the first studio experience are the basis for new hypotheses and create a different, second studio environment. The active studio experience, because it is dynamic and involves questioning what currently exists, is an environment that animates and inspires individual exploration. It fosters the ability to genuinely be involved in the flow of the moment and, without force, do what the moment requires, rather than simple, directed activity that does not explore beyond the present standard. In order to see the comprehensive, long-lasting experience environment, all three of these studio experiences were evaluated, including consideration of:
- Sharing
- Suggestion development
- Responsibility
- Volunteering
- Communication
These elements were measured after the studio experience according to the analysis of the structure and findings, including participant interaction. The active studio should be seen as an environment that adapts to the present and continues to flow with it, not as a differentiated environment. This could be considered a process of recovery. Given the increasing number of architecture students and the growth of academic departments, blended media provide a valuable addition or alternative. The rigid structure of today’s environment and architectural design studios have the potential to be active and truly creative in essence.
The education of architecture is constantly questioned and how it should be done is evaluated. These studies and evaluations are viewed as important for keeping the discussions up to date and sharing them. While the studies expand with the questions and the concepts renewed through them, they also raise many new questions. The discussion along the axis of "critical thinking" extends from the problem of the mentioned peripheral architectural education, the studio culture and the first year design education. A case study using hermeneutics and supported by interviews with instructors, students, and graduates has been conducted. At the end of the study, views on the studio approach were combined with those on acquiring critical thinking. The results emphasized that the studio environment needs new/different narrative to achieve critical thinking, and it is important that this environment exists for design studios particularly in the first year. The importance of questioning, critical thinking, creative thinking, and awareness of everyday life conditions was emphasized.
devalues what is unusual or different, and does not encourage or develop original, distinctive ideas. The environment is a reflection of the architectural approach and prevailing thinking. The present study examines this scenario in the context of the educational dimension of architectural design and assesses these issues using a discovery process of constant change. Generation, experience, and meaning given to difference, space, place, atmosphere, and their components were examined to analyze the effect of cognitive differences and the value of originality in relation to the environment. An inverted approach was used, focused on alternative learning environments and participant interaction. To contrast a process with structured, stratified views, contemporary learning approaches were applied as the foundation of this study: a constructivist, embedded, qualitative research formula. The issues were explored from within the architectural design studio experience. An “active studio” concept based on experiences was used, incorporating personalized and constructivist ideas generated using blended learning and an inverted methodology. In this approach, the hypothesis of the study is not a static problem. Instead, it is flexible and organic, renewed in every new environment. The network of relationships
among studio members, which reveals the field of experience, generates the initial formulation. The questions and problems identified in the first studio experience are the basis for new hypotheses and create a different, second studio environment. The active studio experience, because it is dynamic and involves questioning what currently exists, is an environment that animates and inspires individual exploration. It fosters the ability to genuinely be involved in the flow of the moment and, without force, do what the moment requires, rather than simple, directed activity that does not explore beyond the present standard. In order to see the comprehensive, long-lasting experience environment, all three of these studio experiences were evaluated, including consideration of:
- Sharing
- Suggestion development
- Responsibility
- Volunteering
- Communication
These elements were measured after the studio experience according to the analysis of the structure and findings, including participant interaction. The active studio should be seen as an environment that adapts to the present and continues to flow with it, not as a differentiated environment. This could be considered a process of recovery. Given the increasing number of architecture students and the growth of academic departments, blended media provide a valuable addition or alternative. The rigid structure of today’s environment and architectural design studios have the potential to be active and truly creative in essence.
The education of architecture is constantly questioned and how it should be done is evaluated. These studies and evaluations are viewed as important for keeping the discussions up to date and sharing them. While the studies expand with the questions and the concepts renewed through them, they also raise many new questions. The discussion along the axis of "critical thinking" extends from the problem of the mentioned peripheral architectural education, the studio culture and the first year design education. A case study using hermeneutics and supported by interviews with instructors, students, and graduates has been conducted. At the end of the study, views on the studio approach were combined with those on acquiring critical thinking. The results emphasized that the studio environment needs new/different narrative to achieve critical thinking, and it is important that this environment exists for design studios particularly in the first year. The importance of questioning, critical thinking, creative thinking, and awareness of everyday life conditions was emphasized.