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Minn Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija l-ħielsa
Iljun tal-baħar Zalophos spp. eżempju ta' mammiferu Pixxivoru
Garjal Gavialis spp. eżempju ta' rettilu Pixxivoru
Pelikan Pelecanus spp. eżempju ta' għasfur Pixxivoru

Fiż-Żooloġija, Pixxivoru (mil-Latin "piscis" - "pixxi-" li tfisser ħuta u "vorare" - "-voru" li tfisser tibla u taħtaf l-ikel), ħafna drabi hija definita bħala kwalunkwe organiżmu li jiekol il-ħut u hija dieta karrnivora speċċjalizzata. Dawn l-annimali normalment huma selettivi ħafna jew jagħżlu bir-reqqa u jkunu jieklu ftit speċi biss.

Eżempji ta' Annimali Pixxivori

[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]
  • Bonner, N. (1994). Seals and Sea Lions of the World. New York: Facts on File.
  • Rice, D. W. (1998). Marine Mammals of the World: Systematics and Distribution. In Special Publications of the Society for Marine Mammals no. 4. Lawrence: The Society for Marine Mammalogy. ISBN 1-891276-03-4
  • Altenbach, J. Scott. "Prey Capture by the Fishing Bats Noctilio leporinus and Myotis vivesi." Journal of Mammalogy 70 (1989): 421–424.
  • Brooke, Anne P. "Diet of the Fishing Bat, Noctilio leporinus (Chiroptera: Noctilionidae)." Journal of Mammalogy 75 (1994): 212–218.
  • Fish, Frank E., Brad R. Blood, and Brian D. Clark. "Hydrodynamics of the Feet of Fish-catching Bats: Influence of the Water Surface on Drag and Morphological Design." The Journal of Experimental Zoology 258 (1991): 164–173.
  • Lewis-Oritt, Nicole, Ronald A. Van Den Bussche, and Robert J. Baker. "Molecular Evidence for Evolution of Piscivory in Noctilio (Chiroptera: Noctilionidae)." Journal of Mammalogy 82 (2001): 748–759.

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