Meziad Cave is known and studied since the late nineteenth century and has been developed for tou... more Meziad Cave is known and studied since the late nineteenth century and has been developed for tourism at the beginning of the twentieth century. Today, part of its natural and cultural heritage revealed by scientists and cavers can be visited by tourists along a 1500 m path. Most of its chambers and passages are restricted to research for protection and conservation purposes. Meziad Cave is a landmark of the Pădurea Craiului Mountains (Apuseni Mountains, northwestern Romania) due to its diversity of scientific, aesthetic, and recreational values, such as: particular morphology characterized by huge voids, rare phosphate minerals related to the guano deposits, massive wind-controlled stalactites, some of the largest bat colonies in Romania, diverse and endemic subterranean fauna, and valuable paleontological and archeological remains.
From prehistoric times, caves have been used as shelters and places for cultural, religious, and ... more From prehistoric times, caves have been used as shelters and places for cultural, religious, and ceremonial manifestation. There is no ancient culture that does not mention in its history at least once “the afterlife,” “the other world,” or “the underground world.” Starting with the eighteenth century, cave exploration and research began to reveal the subterranean beauty in all its elements: geology, biology, paleontology, archeology, and hydrology. In the last century, people started to use the caves for touristic purposes. Over the past decades, the concept of sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage has been introduced in show caves management to protect and preserve their heritage for future generations. In Romania, more than 12,500 caves have been discovered and explored. The first cave that opened its gates for tourism was Meziad Cave in 1903. Today, Romania has seventeen show caves, all included into a national protected area network. Apuseni Mountains and South Carpa...
FABER Studies in Honour of Sorin Cociș at his 65th Anniversary, 2022
The micro area where today’s city Săcueni lies, namely the southern part
of the Ér / Eriu / Ier P... more The micro area where today’s city Săcueni lies, namely the southern part of the Ér / Eriu / Ier Plain, was extensively inhabited over the course of time. In the site located at the spot the locals call “Horó” and from certain point onwards, “Horó Farm” etc., various stray finds were repeatedly reported in the past, subsequent to sand exploitation and various development works entailed by the construction of a farm. Following the discovery of an Early Avar burial, archaeological sondages were conducted in 1965–1966, which yielded finds belonging to the Neolithic, Bronze Age, Late Roman Imperial, and Early Medieval habitation. They also yielded an interesting Neolithic burial. The aim of the 1996 sondage was the same, namely the possibility to identify a cemetery or a more restricted group of burials dating to the Early Avar period, and possibly their associated settlement. Beside confirming the site’s simple stratigraphy, the archaeological excavation also pinned down a few prehistoric structures, together with the remains of an Early Medieval house, an inhumation, datable with the aid of a bronze brooch to the Late Roman Imperial period being also investigated. With respect to the Early Avar horizon, together with the burial discovered by chance in 1964, whose grave goods also included an interesting bow brooch, it is likely that other finds are also indicative of a warrior’s grave, and also of another female grave. The entire on‑site situation suggests the presence there of a small group of burials, dated by the turn of the 6th–7th centuries or the first half of the 7th century AD. Keywords: multi‑period inhabitancies, north‑western Romania, burial finds, Late Roman period, the Early Avar period.
THE SICA-TYPE D... more THE MISSING LINK. PADEA-PANAGJURSKI KOLONII DISCOVERIES IN NORTH-WESTERN ROMANIA. THE SICA-TYPE DAGGER FROM SIGHIȘTEL, BIHOR COUNTY CĂTĂLIN BORANGIC, CĂLIN GHEMIȘ, ȘTEFAN LIPOT (ROMÂNIA) Keywords: sica dagger, jasper, Dacians, poaching, military elite. Abstract This article presents a recent discovery of a curved sica-type dagger. These weapons were part of the panoply of the warriors who built a cultural phenomenon known today, conventionally, as Padea-Panagjurski Kolonii, which began at the end of the 4th century BC and lasted until the conquest of the Dacian Kingdom by the legions of Emperor Trajan (106 AD). The dagger was discovered with a metal detector in the radius of Sighiștel village, Câmpani commune, Bihor County. The artifact belongs to type “C” of these daggers, and it is exceptional both in its manner of manufacture and in its place of discovery. On the blade of the dagger there was engraved an ornamentation specific to this type of weapon, namely the heads of a couple of facing birds, decorated with circles. Small pieces of semi-precious stone, most likely red jasper, were set into these recessed circles. The discovery of this dagger in the region signals the presence, sometime between the 2nd century BC and the beginning of the 1st century AD of a powerful warrior leader. It is the first discovery of its kind in a region very rich in hoards of Dacian silver coins and ornaments. The dagger completes the local landscape with the political, military and social landmarks existing in the rest of the Dacian Kingdom, being a real link between the center of the kingdom and the lands to the north.
KÕBE ZÁRT TÖRTÉNELEM Tanulmányok Emõdi János 80. születésnapjára ISTORIA ÎNCHISÃ ÎN PIATRÃ Studii în onoarea lui János Emõdi, la 80 de ani, 2022
The History and Present Stage of
Archaeological Researches in the Endokarst of
Pãdurea Craiului M... more The History and Present Stage of Archaeological Researches in the Endokarst of Pãdurea Craiului Mountains (abstract) Keywords: historiography, cave archaeology, Paleolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Middle Age The archaeological researches in the caves from Pãdurea Craiului Mountains can be divided in three stages. First is represented by the researches of Roska Márton, Kormos Tivadar or Mozsolics Amália, between 1913 and 1943, the second stage placed between 1965 – 1980 is represented by the researches and field discoveries from several caves situated mostly in the Criºul Repede valley. The third stage is represented by the researches made after 1990 by Florin Gogâltan, Doru Marta and Cãlin Ghemiº. Except Middle Bronze Age in the caves all the prehistoric and historical epochs are represented. Due to the complexity and the variety of archaeological materials of these caves we can talk about an anthropology approache of the Pãdurea Craiului Mountains caves.
this paper presents the first radiocarbon dates from Izbucu Tolitei cave belonging to Rosia group... more this paper presents the first radiocarbon dates from Izbucu Tolitei cave belonging to Rosia group, dated in Early Bronze age
The discovery of a new hoard consisting of Roman republican denarii has led to the reopening of a... more The discovery of a new hoard consisting of Roman republican denarii has led to the reopening of an old debate on the copying/imitation phenomenon of Republican denarii in pre-Roman Dacia. A case study is presented in this study on one piece from this hoard. At first sight, the coin looks as a genuine denarius, but at a closer look reveals not only that the piece is a hybrid but also that between the two prototypes of obverse and reverse was a period of 25 years. Despite the widespread phenomenon of copying Roman republican denarii in pre-Roman Dacia, the metal analyses of this coin revealed the absence of the lead (Pb) from its composition. A metal that is always present in the other cases of copies or imitations of Roman republican denarii found in Dacia.
Oradea 1703-1710-Blockade Coins Abstract The article aims to present a few currency of necessity/... more Oradea 1703-1710-Blockade Coins Abstract The article aims to present a few currency of necessity/notgeld, issued in the period of Rakoczian war, known as Liberation War in hungarian literature. Started in 1703 the the conflict leaded by Francisc Rakoczi the II-nd, put the city of Oradea under an blockade until 1710. Due to its geopolitical and economical position Oradea was an important city for both of the beligerants: the Habsburgs and the Principate of Transilvania. In the period of Oradea blockade were issued some currencies, in the following years: 1706, 1707, 1708 and 1710, the last ones belonging to two tipes. The most common type have the averse containig the imperial cypher I (after Iosif I) with the imperial crown, and the year (1706, 1707, 1708, 1710) while the obverse contain the legend: IN/NECES/ SITATE/VARADI/ENSI. Second type is represented by small coins of unifacies type, the averse contains the imperial cypher I, with crown and the letters GW (G(ross) W(ardein)). From an numismatic point of wiew these currencies ar not very beautiful but they are an important historical source for knowing the local events in the period of rakoczian war. Context politic Cucerirea de catre Habsburgi a oraşului Oradea a însemnat, fără indoială, cel mai important moment din istoria premodernă a acestuia. Stricăciunile produse de asediul din 1692 1 sunt consemnate în documentele vremii, iar amploarea lor se reflectă cel mai bine în patenta imperială din 4 decembrie 1691 emisă înca în timpul operaţiunilor militare, prin care se ofereau o serie de privilegii si scutiri celor care se vor stabili în oraş şi în imprejurimile acestuia 2. Aşezările satelit ale oraşului erau şi ele pustiite, iar politica de repopulare a acestora va da în scurt timp roadele aşteptate mai ales datorită colonizărilor organizate făcute de imperiali 3 în mai multe etape pe parcursul secolului al XVIII-lea. Importanţa strategică şi politică a Oradiei, văzută ca Poartă a Ardealului, a fost nu odată subliniată atât în istoriografia maghiară cât şi în cea românească 4 , cele două istoriografii fiind, cum era de aşteptat, părtinitoare în legătură cu istoria acestei aşezări. Un alt factor, aşezarea geografică a oraşului,-veritabilă cheie a Principatului Transilvaniei-a contribuit substanţial la dezvoltarea urbei, dar în aproape egală măsură a generat pretenţii ale puterilor vremii şi implicit conflicte care au afectat-o uneori pentru lungi perioade de timp. Răscoala antihabsburgică a lui Francisc Rakoczi al ll-lea este unul dintre conflictele care după asediul din 1692 şi invazia turcescă din anul următor au afectat grav oraşul care abia îşi revenea. Personaj ambiţios, Rakoczi, se ridică împotriva expansiunii austriece antrenând mai ales după 7 iulie 1704 când în Dieta de la Alba Iulia este ales Principe al Transilvaniei, mai
This brief note aims to present an recent discovered Copper Axe discovered in 21.10.2019 in the v... more This brief note aims to present an recent discovered Copper Axe discovered in 21.10.2019 in the village of Loranta, the spot was verified in 27.10.2019 but unfortunately no other archaeological material apeared in the field research. Based on the morfo-typological caracteristics, the axe belongs to the Dumbrăvioara type who s evolution is placed in the second part of the Early Bronze Age. Taking account the analogies from Izbucu Topliţei cave the axe from Loranta is linked whith the Roşia Type discoveries. In conclusion we deal whith an sigle item deposit, who can be put into relation whith the intense traffic on the Criş Valley who links Transilvania whith the Hungarian Plain. Satul Loranta este situat în limitele administrative ale comunei Brusturi, aşezare atestată documentar la 1360 ca "locus sessionalis Tatarpatak" 1. Din punct de vedere arheologic, din hotarul comunei, până în anul 2019 nu au fost cunoscute descoperiri arheologice 2. Localitatea Loranta este situată la limita sudică a Dealurilor Plopişului. Zona este drenată de valea Ghepeşului (Gepiş sau valea Fânaţelor, care alături de valea Peştişului costituie principalii afluenţi de drepta ai Crişului Repede, însă cu un aport nesemnificativ la principalul colector, Crişul 3. Amplasarea localităţii în culoarul larg al Crişului Repede a favorizat stabilirea aici a unor comunităţi umane încă din cele mai vechi timpuri. Deşi puţine, descoperirile întîmplătoare jalonează un parcurs istoric ale cărui rădăcini se plasează din preistorie până în prezent. Datorită rarităţii descoperirilor aparţinând Bronzului Timpuriu, am ales prezentarea acestei piese înaintea tuturor celorlalte deoarece introducerea ei în circuitul ştiinţific este extrem de importantă pentru contribuţia pe care o aduce la jalonarea evoluţiei perioadei de început a Epocii Bronzului în Crişana. Condiţiile descoperirii Piesa a fost descoperită cu detectorul de metale, la est de localitate, şi la aproximativ 500 de metri sud de fostul conac Zichy/Mateescu de la Poiana Florilor, actual schit ortodox de maici, într-o zonă împădurită 4. Artefactul a fost predat Direcţiei Judeţene pentru Cultură-Bihor, care la rândul său a predat-o în custodia Muzeului Țării Crişurilor. Locul descoperirii se află pe o terasă, mărginită pe latura de est de un drum forestier şi o vale cu debit temporar. (Fig.1a-b) La faţa locului am constatat că piesa a fost descoperită la o adâncime de aproximativ-0,25 m., într-un sol gălbui foarte acid. Pământul de aruncătură al gropii excavate nu conţinea pigment sau alte indicii care ar fi putut sugera existenţa aici a vreunui complex arheologic. De altfel cercetarea de suprafaţă pe toată terasa respectivă, nu a dus la descoperirea * Complexul Muzeul Ţării Crişurior, 1 Cf. Țărău, A.,-Sfragistica rurală din Crişana, Oradea, 2009, p. 128. 2 Dintre noile descoperiri care vorbesc despre preistoria şi istoria acestui areal amintesc aici un denar imperial din argint, un celt din bronz decoperite în diferite puncte de pe raza satului, dar şi alte materiale, identificate de Preda şi Tudor Balaiban, pasionaţi ai istoriei acestor pitoreşti locuri. 3 Podoleanu, D.,-Dealurile şi culoarul Crişului Repede. Studiu geografic privind organizarea şi utilizarea funciară pe bază de elemente cartografice, rez. T.D., Bucureşti, 2008, p. 11. 4 Descoperirea a fost făcută în timpul activităţilor de detecţie, locul descoperirii a fost verificat în data de: 27.10. 2019 împreună cu Tudor Balaiban descoperitorul piesei.
In 30 January 1911, was found in the eastern side of Oradea town, the treasure known in the archa... more In 30 January 1911, was found in the eastern side of Oradea town, the treasure known in the archaeological literature as: Oradea III (Fig. 1 a), which contains 4 gold bracelets of diferent types (Fig. 2 a-b., Fig. 3 a-b., Fig. 4 a-b) and 20 rings/bracelets with quadrangular section (Fig.4 c), in total weight of 1,463 kg. The aim of this short note is to present a number of eight photographies taken in 1911 showing the entire treasure and some of the most important items who compose it. After an breif presentation of the archaeological literature regarding this discovery, the conclusion is that the photographies kept in the Archive of Criş County Museum from Oradea costitutes an veritable documents for knowing the conditions and the initial composition of this treasure, which was not modified in time. In the same time, analizing old maps (1890.1898, 1907) is established the real place of the discovery, which was: Wolf erdo/ Wolf forest (Fig 5). These kind of informations are important in my opinion because as it is know most of the gold treasures are not preserved as they were discovered-regarding the number of the initial items.
Meziad Cave is known and studied since the late nineteenth century and has been developed for tou... more Meziad Cave is known and studied since the late nineteenth century and has been developed for tourism at the beginning of the twentieth century. Today, part of its natural and cultural heritage revealed by scientists and cavers can be visited by tourists along a 1500 m path. Most of its chambers and passages are restricted to research for protection and conservation purposes. Meziad Cave is a landmark of the Pădurea Craiului Mountains (Apuseni Mountains, northwestern Romania) due to its diversity of scientific, aesthetic, and recreational values, such as: particular morphology characterized by huge voids, rare phosphate minerals related to the guano deposits, massive wind-controlled stalactites, some of the largest bat colonies in Romania, diverse and endemic subterranean fauna, and valuable paleontological and archeological remains.
From prehistoric times, caves have been used as shelters and places for cultural, religious, and ... more From prehistoric times, caves have been used as shelters and places for cultural, religious, and ceremonial manifestation. There is no ancient culture that does not mention in its history at least once “the afterlife,” “the other world,” or “the underground world.” Starting with the eighteenth century, cave exploration and research began to reveal the subterranean beauty in all its elements: geology, biology, paleontology, archeology, and hydrology. In the last century, people started to use the caves for touristic purposes. Over the past decades, the concept of sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage has been introduced in show caves management to protect and preserve their heritage for future generations. In Romania, more than 12,500 caves have been discovered and explored. The first cave that opened its gates for tourism was Meziad Cave in 1903. Today, Romania has seventeen show caves, all included into a national protected area network. Apuseni Mountains and South Carpa...
FABER Studies in Honour of Sorin Cociș at his 65th Anniversary, 2022
The micro area where today’s city Săcueni lies, namely the southern part
of the Ér / Eriu / Ier P... more The micro area where today’s city Săcueni lies, namely the southern part of the Ér / Eriu / Ier Plain, was extensively inhabited over the course of time. In the site located at the spot the locals call “Horó” and from certain point onwards, “Horó Farm” etc., various stray finds were repeatedly reported in the past, subsequent to sand exploitation and various development works entailed by the construction of a farm. Following the discovery of an Early Avar burial, archaeological sondages were conducted in 1965–1966, which yielded finds belonging to the Neolithic, Bronze Age, Late Roman Imperial, and Early Medieval habitation. They also yielded an interesting Neolithic burial. The aim of the 1996 sondage was the same, namely the possibility to identify a cemetery or a more restricted group of burials dating to the Early Avar period, and possibly their associated settlement. Beside confirming the site’s simple stratigraphy, the archaeological excavation also pinned down a few prehistoric structures, together with the remains of an Early Medieval house, an inhumation, datable with the aid of a bronze brooch to the Late Roman Imperial period being also investigated. With respect to the Early Avar horizon, together with the burial discovered by chance in 1964, whose grave goods also included an interesting bow brooch, it is likely that other finds are also indicative of a warrior’s grave, and also of another female grave. The entire on‑site situation suggests the presence there of a small group of burials, dated by the turn of the 6th–7th centuries or the first half of the 7th century AD. Keywords: multi‑period inhabitancies, north‑western Romania, burial finds, Late Roman period, the Early Avar period.
THE SICA-TYPE D... more THE MISSING LINK. PADEA-PANAGJURSKI KOLONII DISCOVERIES IN NORTH-WESTERN ROMANIA. THE SICA-TYPE DAGGER FROM SIGHIȘTEL, BIHOR COUNTY CĂTĂLIN BORANGIC, CĂLIN GHEMIȘ, ȘTEFAN LIPOT (ROMÂNIA) Keywords: sica dagger, jasper, Dacians, poaching, military elite. Abstract This article presents a recent discovery of a curved sica-type dagger. These weapons were part of the panoply of the warriors who built a cultural phenomenon known today, conventionally, as Padea-Panagjurski Kolonii, which began at the end of the 4th century BC and lasted until the conquest of the Dacian Kingdom by the legions of Emperor Trajan (106 AD). The dagger was discovered with a metal detector in the radius of Sighiștel village, Câmpani commune, Bihor County. The artifact belongs to type “C” of these daggers, and it is exceptional both in its manner of manufacture and in its place of discovery. On the blade of the dagger there was engraved an ornamentation specific to this type of weapon, namely the heads of a couple of facing birds, decorated with circles. Small pieces of semi-precious stone, most likely red jasper, were set into these recessed circles. The discovery of this dagger in the region signals the presence, sometime between the 2nd century BC and the beginning of the 1st century AD of a powerful warrior leader. It is the first discovery of its kind in a region very rich in hoards of Dacian silver coins and ornaments. The dagger completes the local landscape with the political, military and social landmarks existing in the rest of the Dacian Kingdom, being a real link between the center of the kingdom and the lands to the north.
KÕBE ZÁRT TÖRTÉNELEM Tanulmányok Emõdi János 80. születésnapjára ISTORIA ÎNCHISÃ ÎN PIATRÃ Studii în onoarea lui János Emõdi, la 80 de ani, 2022
The History and Present Stage of
Archaeological Researches in the Endokarst of
Pãdurea Craiului M... more The History and Present Stage of Archaeological Researches in the Endokarst of Pãdurea Craiului Mountains (abstract) Keywords: historiography, cave archaeology, Paleolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Middle Age The archaeological researches in the caves from Pãdurea Craiului Mountains can be divided in three stages. First is represented by the researches of Roska Márton, Kormos Tivadar or Mozsolics Amália, between 1913 and 1943, the second stage placed between 1965 – 1980 is represented by the researches and field discoveries from several caves situated mostly in the Criºul Repede valley. The third stage is represented by the researches made after 1990 by Florin Gogâltan, Doru Marta and Cãlin Ghemiº. Except Middle Bronze Age in the caves all the prehistoric and historical epochs are represented. Due to the complexity and the variety of archaeological materials of these caves we can talk about an anthropology approache of the Pãdurea Craiului Mountains caves.
this paper presents the first radiocarbon dates from Izbucu Tolitei cave belonging to Rosia group... more this paper presents the first radiocarbon dates from Izbucu Tolitei cave belonging to Rosia group, dated in Early Bronze age
The discovery of a new hoard consisting of Roman republican denarii has led to the reopening of a... more The discovery of a new hoard consisting of Roman republican denarii has led to the reopening of an old debate on the copying/imitation phenomenon of Republican denarii in pre-Roman Dacia. A case study is presented in this study on one piece from this hoard. At first sight, the coin looks as a genuine denarius, but at a closer look reveals not only that the piece is a hybrid but also that between the two prototypes of obverse and reverse was a period of 25 years. Despite the widespread phenomenon of copying Roman republican denarii in pre-Roman Dacia, the metal analyses of this coin revealed the absence of the lead (Pb) from its composition. A metal that is always present in the other cases of copies or imitations of Roman republican denarii found in Dacia.
Oradea 1703-1710-Blockade Coins Abstract The article aims to present a few currency of necessity/... more Oradea 1703-1710-Blockade Coins Abstract The article aims to present a few currency of necessity/notgeld, issued in the period of Rakoczian war, known as Liberation War in hungarian literature. Started in 1703 the the conflict leaded by Francisc Rakoczi the II-nd, put the city of Oradea under an blockade until 1710. Due to its geopolitical and economical position Oradea was an important city for both of the beligerants: the Habsburgs and the Principate of Transilvania. In the period of Oradea blockade were issued some currencies, in the following years: 1706, 1707, 1708 and 1710, the last ones belonging to two tipes. The most common type have the averse containig the imperial cypher I (after Iosif I) with the imperial crown, and the year (1706, 1707, 1708, 1710) while the obverse contain the legend: IN/NECES/ SITATE/VARADI/ENSI. Second type is represented by small coins of unifacies type, the averse contains the imperial cypher I, with crown and the letters GW (G(ross) W(ardein)). From an numismatic point of wiew these currencies ar not very beautiful but they are an important historical source for knowing the local events in the period of rakoczian war. Context politic Cucerirea de catre Habsburgi a oraşului Oradea a însemnat, fără indoială, cel mai important moment din istoria premodernă a acestuia. Stricăciunile produse de asediul din 1692 1 sunt consemnate în documentele vremii, iar amploarea lor se reflectă cel mai bine în patenta imperială din 4 decembrie 1691 emisă înca în timpul operaţiunilor militare, prin care se ofereau o serie de privilegii si scutiri celor care se vor stabili în oraş şi în imprejurimile acestuia 2. Aşezările satelit ale oraşului erau şi ele pustiite, iar politica de repopulare a acestora va da în scurt timp roadele aşteptate mai ales datorită colonizărilor organizate făcute de imperiali 3 în mai multe etape pe parcursul secolului al XVIII-lea. Importanţa strategică şi politică a Oradiei, văzută ca Poartă a Ardealului, a fost nu odată subliniată atât în istoriografia maghiară cât şi în cea românească 4 , cele două istoriografii fiind, cum era de aşteptat, părtinitoare în legătură cu istoria acestei aşezări. Un alt factor, aşezarea geografică a oraşului,-veritabilă cheie a Principatului Transilvaniei-a contribuit substanţial la dezvoltarea urbei, dar în aproape egală măsură a generat pretenţii ale puterilor vremii şi implicit conflicte care au afectat-o uneori pentru lungi perioade de timp. Răscoala antihabsburgică a lui Francisc Rakoczi al ll-lea este unul dintre conflictele care după asediul din 1692 şi invazia turcescă din anul următor au afectat grav oraşul care abia îşi revenea. Personaj ambiţios, Rakoczi, se ridică împotriva expansiunii austriece antrenând mai ales după 7 iulie 1704 când în Dieta de la Alba Iulia este ales Principe al Transilvaniei, mai
This brief note aims to present an recent discovered Copper Axe discovered in 21.10.2019 in the v... more This brief note aims to present an recent discovered Copper Axe discovered in 21.10.2019 in the village of Loranta, the spot was verified in 27.10.2019 but unfortunately no other archaeological material apeared in the field research. Based on the morfo-typological caracteristics, the axe belongs to the Dumbrăvioara type who s evolution is placed in the second part of the Early Bronze Age. Taking account the analogies from Izbucu Topliţei cave the axe from Loranta is linked whith the Roşia Type discoveries. In conclusion we deal whith an sigle item deposit, who can be put into relation whith the intense traffic on the Criş Valley who links Transilvania whith the Hungarian Plain. Satul Loranta este situat în limitele administrative ale comunei Brusturi, aşezare atestată documentar la 1360 ca "locus sessionalis Tatarpatak" 1. Din punct de vedere arheologic, din hotarul comunei, până în anul 2019 nu au fost cunoscute descoperiri arheologice 2. Localitatea Loranta este situată la limita sudică a Dealurilor Plopişului. Zona este drenată de valea Ghepeşului (Gepiş sau valea Fânaţelor, care alături de valea Peştişului costituie principalii afluenţi de drepta ai Crişului Repede, însă cu un aport nesemnificativ la principalul colector, Crişul 3. Amplasarea localităţii în culoarul larg al Crişului Repede a favorizat stabilirea aici a unor comunităţi umane încă din cele mai vechi timpuri. Deşi puţine, descoperirile întîmplătoare jalonează un parcurs istoric ale cărui rădăcini se plasează din preistorie până în prezent. Datorită rarităţii descoperirilor aparţinând Bronzului Timpuriu, am ales prezentarea acestei piese înaintea tuturor celorlalte deoarece introducerea ei în circuitul ştiinţific este extrem de importantă pentru contribuţia pe care o aduce la jalonarea evoluţiei perioadei de început a Epocii Bronzului în Crişana. Condiţiile descoperirii Piesa a fost descoperită cu detectorul de metale, la est de localitate, şi la aproximativ 500 de metri sud de fostul conac Zichy/Mateescu de la Poiana Florilor, actual schit ortodox de maici, într-o zonă împădurită 4. Artefactul a fost predat Direcţiei Judeţene pentru Cultură-Bihor, care la rândul său a predat-o în custodia Muzeului Țării Crişurilor. Locul descoperirii se află pe o terasă, mărginită pe latura de est de un drum forestier şi o vale cu debit temporar. (Fig.1a-b) La faţa locului am constatat că piesa a fost descoperită la o adâncime de aproximativ-0,25 m., într-un sol gălbui foarte acid. Pământul de aruncătură al gropii excavate nu conţinea pigment sau alte indicii care ar fi putut sugera existenţa aici a vreunui complex arheologic. De altfel cercetarea de suprafaţă pe toată terasa respectivă, nu a dus la descoperirea * Complexul Muzeul Ţării Crişurior, 1 Cf. Țărău, A.,-Sfragistica rurală din Crişana, Oradea, 2009, p. 128. 2 Dintre noile descoperiri care vorbesc despre preistoria şi istoria acestui areal amintesc aici un denar imperial din argint, un celt din bronz decoperite în diferite puncte de pe raza satului, dar şi alte materiale, identificate de Preda şi Tudor Balaiban, pasionaţi ai istoriei acestor pitoreşti locuri. 3 Podoleanu, D.,-Dealurile şi culoarul Crişului Repede. Studiu geografic privind organizarea şi utilizarea funciară pe bază de elemente cartografice, rez. T.D., Bucureşti, 2008, p. 11. 4 Descoperirea a fost făcută în timpul activităţilor de detecţie, locul descoperirii a fost verificat în data de: 27.10. 2019 împreună cu Tudor Balaiban descoperitorul piesei.
In 30 January 1911, was found in the eastern side of Oradea town, the treasure known in the archa... more In 30 January 1911, was found in the eastern side of Oradea town, the treasure known in the archaeological literature as: Oradea III (Fig. 1 a), which contains 4 gold bracelets of diferent types (Fig. 2 a-b., Fig. 3 a-b., Fig. 4 a-b) and 20 rings/bracelets with quadrangular section (Fig.4 c), in total weight of 1,463 kg. The aim of this short note is to present a number of eight photographies taken in 1911 showing the entire treasure and some of the most important items who compose it. After an breif presentation of the archaeological literature regarding this discovery, the conclusion is that the photographies kept in the Archive of Criş County Museum from Oradea costitutes an veritable documents for knowing the conditions and the initial composition of this treasure, which was not modified in time. In the same time, analizing old maps (1890.1898, 1907) is established the real place of the discovery, which was: Wolf erdo/ Wolf forest (Fig 5). These kind of informations are important in my opinion because as it is know most of the gold treasures are not preserved as they were discovered-regarding the number of the initial items.
This Book presents the Roman denarii treasure found in October 2018 at Valea Morii point, in Pes... more This Book presents the Roman denarii treasure found in October 2018 at Valea Morii point, in Pestis Village. The hoard consists of 379 silver coins of which: 275 republican denarii, 87 imperial denarii, 4 denarii the Numidian kingdom (Juba I), 1 faithful copy hybrid denarius and 12 imitations of denarii – barbarous style (table; catalogue). Among the republican denarii, 52 coins belong to the serrati category (catalogue). On the same line, it must be mentioned here that all the imperial denarii were issued during the reign of Augustus. The earliest coin was minted in Rome in 211 BC while the most recent one was produced in Lugdunum in 9 BC (table; graph 1; catalogue). The 379 coins weights 1,417.95 g.
this study presents the history, evolution and present stege of archaeological researches in Padu... more this study presents the history, evolution and present stege of archaeological researches in Padurea Craiului Mountains
Papers by calin ghemis
of the Ér / Eriu / Ier Plain, was extensively inhabited over the course of time. In the
site located at the spot the locals call “Horó” and from certain point onwards, “Horó
Farm” etc., various stray finds were repeatedly reported in the past, subsequent to sand
exploitation and various development works entailed by the construction of a farm.
Following the discovery of an Early Avar burial, archaeological sondages were conducted
in 1965–1966, which yielded finds belonging to the Neolithic, Bronze Age, Late Roman
Imperial, and Early Medieval habitation. They also yielded an interesting Neolithic
burial. The aim of the 1996 sondage was the same, namely the possibility to identify
a cemetery or a more restricted group of burials dating to the Early Avar period, and
possibly their associated settlement. Beside confirming the site’s simple stratigraphy,
the archaeological excavation also pinned down a few prehistoric structures, together
with the remains of an Early Medieval house, an inhumation, datable with the aid of a
bronze brooch to the Late Roman Imperial period being also investigated. With respect
to the Early Avar horizon, together with the burial discovered by chance in 1964, whose
grave goods also included an interesting bow brooch, it is likely that other finds are
also indicative of a warrior’s grave, and also of another female grave. The entire on‑site
situation suggests the presence there of a small group of burials, dated by the turn of the
6th–7th centuries or the first half of the 7th century AD.
Keywords: multi‑period inhabitancies, north‑western Romania, burial finds, Late
Roman period, the Early Avar period.
Keywords: sica dagger, jasper, Dacians, poaching, military elite.
This article presents a recent discovery of a curved sica-type dagger. These
weapons were part of the panoply of the warriors who built a cultural phenomenon
known today, conventionally, as Padea-Panagjurski Kolonii, which began at the
end of the 4th century BC and lasted until the conquest of the Dacian Kingdom by
the legions of Emperor Trajan (106 AD).
The dagger was discovered with a metal detector in the radius of Sighiștel village,
Câmpani commune, Bihor County. The artifact belongs to type “C” of these
daggers, and it is exceptional both in its manner of manufacture and in its place of
discovery. On the blade of the dagger there was engraved an ornamentation
specific to this type of weapon, namely the heads of a couple of facing birds,
decorated with circles. Small pieces of semi-precious stone, most likely red jasper,
were set into these recessed circles.
The discovery of this dagger in the region signals the presence, sometime between
the 2nd century BC and the beginning of the 1st century AD of a powerful warrior
leader. It is the first discovery of its kind in a region very rich in hoards of Dacian
silver coins and ornaments. The dagger completes the local landscape with the
political, military and social landmarks existing in the rest of the Dacian Kingdom,
being a real link between the center of the kingdom and the lands to the north.
Archaeological Researches in the Endokarst of
Pãdurea Craiului Mountains
Keywords: historiography, cave archaeology, Paleolithic, Neolithic, Bronze
Age, Middle Age
The archaeological researches in the caves from Pãdurea Craiului Mountains
can be divided in three stages. First is represented by the researches of Roska
Márton, Kormos Tivadar or Mozsolics Amália, between 1913 and 1943, the
second stage placed between 1965 – 1980 is represented by the researches and
field discoveries from several caves situated mostly in the Criºul Repede
valley. The third stage is represented by the researches made after 1990 by
Florin Gogâltan, Doru Marta and Cãlin Ghemiº. Except Middle Bronze Age
in the caves all the prehistoric and historical epochs are represented. Due to
the complexity and the variety of archaeological materials of these caves we
can talk about an anthropology approache of the Pãdurea Craiului Mountains caves.
of the Ér / Eriu / Ier Plain, was extensively inhabited over the course of time. In the
site located at the spot the locals call “Horó” and from certain point onwards, “Horó
Farm” etc., various stray finds were repeatedly reported in the past, subsequent to sand
exploitation and various development works entailed by the construction of a farm.
Following the discovery of an Early Avar burial, archaeological sondages were conducted
in 1965–1966, which yielded finds belonging to the Neolithic, Bronze Age, Late Roman
Imperial, and Early Medieval habitation. They also yielded an interesting Neolithic
burial. The aim of the 1996 sondage was the same, namely the possibility to identify
a cemetery or a more restricted group of burials dating to the Early Avar period, and
possibly their associated settlement. Beside confirming the site’s simple stratigraphy,
the archaeological excavation also pinned down a few prehistoric structures, together
with the remains of an Early Medieval house, an inhumation, datable with the aid of a
bronze brooch to the Late Roman Imperial period being also investigated. With respect
to the Early Avar horizon, together with the burial discovered by chance in 1964, whose
grave goods also included an interesting bow brooch, it is likely that other finds are
also indicative of a warrior’s grave, and also of another female grave. The entire on‑site
situation suggests the presence there of a small group of burials, dated by the turn of the
6th–7th centuries or the first half of the 7th century AD.
Keywords: multi‑period inhabitancies, north‑western Romania, burial finds, Late
Roman period, the Early Avar period.
Keywords: sica dagger, jasper, Dacians, poaching, military elite.
This article presents a recent discovery of a curved sica-type dagger. These
weapons were part of the panoply of the warriors who built a cultural phenomenon
known today, conventionally, as Padea-Panagjurski Kolonii, which began at the
end of the 4th century BC and lasted until the conquest of the Dacian Kingdom by
the legions of Emperor Trajan (106 AD).
The dagger was discovered with a metal detector in the radius of Sighiștel village,
Câmpani commune, Bihor County. The artifact belongs to type “C” of these
daggers, and it is exceptional both in its manner of manufacture and in its place of
discovery. On the blade of the dagger there was engraved an ornamentation
specific to this type of weapon, namely the heads of a couple of facing birds,
decorated with circles. Small pieces of semi-precious stone, most likely red jasper,
were set into these recessed circles.
The discovery of this dagger in the region signals the presence, sometime between
the 2nd century BC and the beginning of the 1st century AD of a powerful warrior
leader. It is the first discovery of its kind in a region very rich in hoards of Dacian
silver coins and ornaments. The dagger completes the local landscape with the
political, military and social landmarks existing in the rest of the Dacian Kingdom,
being a real link between the center of the kingdom and the lands to the north.
Archaeological Researches in the Endokarst of
Pãdurea Craiului Mountains
Keywords: historiography, cave archaeology, Paleolithic, Neolithic, Bronze
Age, Middle Age
The archaeological researches in the caves from Pãdurea Craiului Mountains
can be divided in three stages. First is represented by the researches of Roska
Márton, Kormos Tivadar or Mozsolics Amália, between 1913 and 1943, the
second stage placed between 1965 – 1980 is represented by the researches and
field discoveries from several caves situated mostly in the Criºul Repede
valley. The third stage is represented by the researches made after 1990 by
Florin Gogâltan, Doru Marta and Cãlin Ghemiº. Except Middle Bronze Age
in the caves all the prehistoric and historical epochs are represented. Due to
the complexity and the variety of archaeological materials of these caves we
can talk about an anthropology approache of the Pãdurea Craiului Mountains caves.
4 denarii the Numidian kingdom (Juba I), 1 faithful copy hybrid denarius and 12 imitations of
denarii – barbarous style (table; catalogue). Among the republican denarii, 52 coins belong to the
serrati category (catalogue). On the same line, it must be mentioned here that all the imperial
denarii were issued during the reign of Augustus.
The earliest coin was minted in Rome in 211 BC while the most recent one was produced in
Lugdunum in 9 BC (table; graph 1; catalogue).
The 379 coins weights 1,417.95 g.