David Kalhous
Personal data:
- Name and surname: David Kalhous
- Home address: Botanická 483/51, 602 00 Brno
- Tel.: +420 733 189 645
- Email: david.kalhous@phil.muni.cz / dkalhous@gmail.com
- Citizenship: Czech Republic
Education and qualification:
- Study:
2015/2016 “Habilitation” Bohemi: Zu den Identitätsbildungsprozessen in den Přemyslidischen Ländern submitted, Faculty of Arts, Palacký-University, Olomouc
2001-2006 Ph.D. in Medieval History on Faculty of Arts, Masaryk-University, Brno (Legenda Christiani and its context, published 2012 by Brill; M. Wihoda)
1996-2001 MA. in History and Auxiliary historical sciences on Faculty of Arts, Masaryk-University (suma cum laude), Brno (King Vratislav II of Bohemia (1061-1092) and his policy; M. Wihoda)
Work experience:
2019- Assoc.-Prof., Department of Auxiliary historical Sciences and Archive Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk-University, Brno, Czech Republic
2017-2018 Senior research fellow, Institute for medieval studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences (Lise-Meitner Sen. Post-Doc fellowship in cooperation with W. Pohl)
1/11/2015-30/4/2016, Senior research fellow, Institute for medieval studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences (participation on ERC Advanced Project, W. Pohl)
1/2/2015-12/2018 Senior research fellow in Medieval History, Department of Auxiliary historical sciences, Faculty of arts, Brno (P. Elbel)
1/3/2014-23/2/2016: Assistant-Professor, Faculty of arts and sciences, Silesian University, Opava
1/2/ 2012-31/12/2015: Senior research fellow in Early Medieval History, Institute of archeology, Faculty of arts, Brno (Z. Měřínský)
1/2/2010-30/6/2010: Research fellow, Interdisciplinary Centre for study of social structures from primeval ages to the high middle age, MSM0021622427 (Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic) (Z. Měřínský)
1/1/2005-31/12/2009: Research fellow, Centre for Studies in Central European History: Sources, Countries, Culture MSM 0021622426 (Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic) (M. Wihoda/J. Malíř)
1/7/2004-30/6/2005: Research fellow, Institute of Archeology Brno, Czech Academy of sciences (P. Kouřil)
1/1/2001-30/6/2001: Archivist in former District record office Czech Republic (I. Navrátil)
Academical Stays:
2015-2016, 2017-2018 Institute for Medieval Research, Austrian Academy of Science (Identitätsforschung)
14/6/2011-19/6/2011 GWZO, Leipzig
1/10/2006-31/3/2007: Universität Konstanz
Participation on Projects:
2018-until now Royal Power in Action: Přemysl Ottokar II of Bohemia and his government (1247-1278) (Czech Science Foundation GA 18-09231S)
2017-2018: Identity, Cohesion, Inclusion: Přemyslid regnum as a part of the post-Carolingian world (Austrian Science Fund FWF Lise-Meitner 2120-G28; with Prof. Dr. Walter Pohl)
2015-2017 The role of center in society in transition: Moravia in 10th-11th c. (GA ČR 15-22658S)
2015-2016 Emperor Sigismund and his party in Bohemia (1420-1437) (GA ČR 15-14758S)
2014 University Grant for support of international visibility
2012-2015 Magnae Moraviae Fontes Historici I (GA ČR P405/12/0625)
2010-2014 Archeology of Přemyslid Bohemia (cooperation with Institute of archeology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University)
2008-2010 Hinterland of early medieval hillfort as an economical system (GA ČR, 404/08/1696; in cooperation with ArÚ AV ČR Praha)
2005-2007 Nonresidential parts of central agglomerations in Bohemia and Moravia in early middle ages (800-1200 A.D.) (GA ČR 404/05/2671; with Institutes for archeology Prague and Brno, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic)
2002 Hillfort Stará Boleslav (900-1300 A.D.): its position in early state (GA ČR 404/99/1060; GA404/03/0365; with Instituts for archeology Prague and Brno, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic)
2001-2004 German medieval historians researching in Bohemia and Moravia to 1945 (LN00A041; with Center for medieval studies, Prague)
Appreciation of Science Community
Member of the Scientific board for Archeology and Pre-Modern History until 1780, Czech Science Foundation (since 2019)
Fellow of the Center for Medieval Studies, Prague
Member of the board of trustees of the Institute for Slavic studies, Czech Academy of Sciences (since 2017)
Reviewer for different scientific journals (Studia medievalia historica, Historia Slavorum Occidentis, Historica Olomucensia, Časopis Matice moravské) and publishing houses (Veduta, Nakladatelství University Palackého Olomouc, Paseka), reviewing PhD. thesis and projects for ERC (Marie-Curie, since 2016; Horizon, 2017)
Lise-Meitner Post-Doc (since 2017)
Lecture 15th June 2011 GWZO, Leipzig
2011 Otto Gruendeler Award (Congress of medieval studies, Kalamazoo)
Address: david.kalhous@phil.muni.cz/dkalhous@gmail.com
- Name and surname: David Kalhous
- Home address: Botanická 483/51, 602 00 Brno
- Tel.: +420 733 189 645
- Email: david.kalhous@phil.muni.cz / dkalhous@gmail.com
- Citizenship: Czech Republic
Education and qualification:
- Study:
2015/2016 “Habilitation” Bohemi: Zu den Identitätsbildungsprozessen in den Přemyslidischen Ländern submitted, Faculty of Arts, Palacký-University, Olomouc
2001-2006 Ph.D. in Medieval History on Faculty of Arts, Masaryk-University, Brno (Legenda Christiani and its context, published 2012 by Brill; M. Wihoda)
1996-2001 MA. in History and Auxiliary historical sciences on Faculty of Arts, Masaryk-University (suma cum laude), Brno (King Vratislav II of Bohemia (1061-1092) and his policy; M. Wihoda)
Work experience:
2019- Assoc.-Prof., Department of Auxiliary historical Sciences and Archive Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk-University, Brno, Czech Republic
2017-2018 Senior research fellow, Institute for medieval studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences (Lise-Meitner Sen. Post-Doc fellowship in cooperation with W. Pohl)
1/11/2015-30/4/2016, Senior research fellow, Institute for medieval studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences (participation on ERC Advanced Project, W. Pohl)
1/2/2015-12/2018 Senior research fellow in Medieval History, Department of Auxiliary historical sciences, Faculty of arts, Brno (P. Elbel)
1/3/2014-23/2/2016: Assistant-Professor, Faculty of arts and sciences, Silesian University, Opava
1/2/ 2012-31/12/2015: Senior research fellow in Early Medieval History, Institute of archeology, Faculty of arts, Brno (Z. Měřínský)
1/2/2010-30/6/2010: Research fellow, Interdisciplinary Centre for study of social structures from primeval ages to the high middle age, MSM0021622427 (Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic) (Z. Měřínský)
1/1/2005-31/12/2009: Research fellow, Centre for Studies in Central European History: Sources, Countries, Culture MSM 0021622426 (Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic) (M. Wihoda/J. Malíř)
1/7/2004-30/6/2005: Research fellow, Institute of Archeology Brno, Czech Academy of sciences (P. Kouřil)
1/1/2001-30/6/2001: Archivist in former District record office Czech Republic (I. Navrátil)
Academical Stays:
2015-2016, 2017-2018 Institute for Medieval Research, Austrian Academy of Science (Identitätsforschung)
14/6/2011-19/6/2011 GWZO, Leipzig
1/10/2006-31/3/2007: Universität Konstanz
Participation on Projects:
2018-until now Royal Power in Action: Přemysl Ottokar II of Bohemia and his government (1247-1278) (Czech Science Foundation GA 18-09231S)
2017-2018: Identity, Cohesion, Inclusion: Přemyslid regnum as a part of the post-Carolingian world (Austrian Science Fund FWF Lise-Meitner 2120-G28; with Prof. Dr. Walter Pohl)
2015-2017 The role of center in society in transition: Moravia in 10th-11th c. (GA ČR 15-22658S)
2015-2016 Emperor Sigismund and his party in Bohemia (1420-1437) (GA ČR 15-14758S)
2014 University Grant for support of international visibility
2012-2015 Magnae Moraviae Fontes Historici I (GA ČR P405/12/0625)
2010-2014 Archeology of Přemyslid Bohemia (cooperation with Institute of archeology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University)
2008-2010 Hinterland of early medieval hillfort as an economical system (GA ČR, 404/08/1696; in cooperation with ArÚ AV ČR Praha)
2005-2007 Nonresidential parts of central agglomerations in Bohemia and Moravia in early middle ages (800-1200 A.D.) (GA ČR 404/05/2671; with Institutes for archeology Prague and Brno, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic)
2002 Hillfort Stará Boleslav (900-1300 A.D.): its position in early state (GA ČR 404/99/1060; GA404/03/0365; with Instituts for archeology Prague and Brno, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic)
2001-2004 German medieval historians researching in Bohemia and Moravia to 1945 (LN00A041; with Center for medieval studies, Prague)
Appreciation of Science Community
Member of the Scientific board for Archeology and Pre-Modern History until 1780, Czech Science Foundation (since 2019)
Fellow of the Center for Medieval Studies, Prague
Member of the board of trustees of the Institute for Slavic studies, Czech Academy of Sciences (since 2017)
Reviewer for different scientific journals (Studia medievalia historica, Historia Slavorum Occidentis, Historica Olomucensia, Časopis Matice moravské) and publishing houses (Veduta, Nakladatelství University Palackého Olomouc, Paseka), reviewing PhD. thesis and projects for ERC (Marie-Curie, since 2016; Horizon, 2017)
Lise-Meitner Post-Doc (since 2017)
Lecture 15th June 2011 GWZO, Leipzig
2011 Otto Gruendeler Award (Congress of medieval studies, Kalamazoo)
Address: david.kalhous@phil.muni.cz/dkalhous@gmail.com
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Books by David Kalhous
Furthermore, an analysis of “otherness” in Saxon chronicles and a comparison of different traditions of St. Wenceslas and Great Moravia reveals the importance of the “Identitätsbildung”-process and “ideology” as stabilising factors in the new Přemyslid "regnum".
Papers by David Kalhous
Therefore, this paper will be split into four parts. First, the beginnings of the Prague and Olomouc bishoprics will be discussed. The analysis of the foundations of these bishoprics also enables us to demonstrate the importance of princely power, contacts
with the papacy and, finally, the influence of the head of the Holy Roman Empire on the high medieval Bohemian and Moravian Church. Second, a short overview of the written evidence for the local churches in Bohemia and Moravia will follow. Third, we will focus on the analysis of the existing written evidence. This will be confronted with other sources of information to determine to what extent this evidence is representative. Additionally, we will briefly discuss the relationship between the patrons and their churches, the beginnings of territorialization of the local churches, and the possible impact of the local churches on rural communities. Finally, this paper will briefly examine the embeddedness of three Benedictine monasteries, Vilémov, Kladruby, and Opatovice, and the Benedictine priories of Police and Broumov, subject to Břevnov Monastery, into the local and wider regional structures. Our analysis, based primarily on contemporary deeds and charters, will focus primarily on three issues. First, the evidence will be examined to demonstrate how exactly the newly established ecclesiastical foundations could have become foci for local elites of the Přemyslid
realm. Second, the analysis results will also be used as a basis for reflections on how these institutions could have helped to establish the links between the local elites and princely power. Third, the proposed sample of ecclesiastical institutions will help us consider the dynamics of the integrating process.
Furthermore, an analysis of “otherness” in Saxon chronicles and a comparison of different traditions of St. Wenceslas and Great Moravia reveals the importance of the “Identitätsbildung”-process and “ideology” as stabilising factors in the new Přemyslid "regnum".
Therefore, this paper will be split into four parts. First, the beginnings of the Prague and Olomouc bishoprics will be discussed. The analysis of the foundations of these bishoprics also enables us to demonstrate the importance of princely power, contacts
with the papacy and, finally, the influence of the head of the Holy Roman Empire on the high medieval Bohemian and Moravian Church. Second, a short overview of the written evidence for the local churches in Bohemia and Moravia will follow. Third, we will focus on the analysis of the existing written evidence. This will be confronted with other sources of information to determine to what extent this evidence is representative. Additionally, we will briefly discuss the relationship between the patrons and their churches, the beginnings of territorialization of the local churches, and the possible impact of the local churches on rural communities. Finally, this paper will briefly examine the embeddedness of three Benedictine monasteries, Vilémov, Kladruby, and Opatovice, and the Benedictine priories of Police and Broumov, subject to Břevnov Monastery, into the local and wider regional structures. Our analysis, based primarily on contemporary deeds and charters, will focus primarily on three issues. First, the evidence will be examined to demonstrate how exactly the newly established ecclesiastical foundations could have become foci for local elites of the Přemyslid
realm. Second, the analysis results will also be used as a basis for reflections on how these institutions could have helped to establish the links between the local elites and princely power. Third, the proposed sample of ecclesiastical institutions will help us consider the dynamics of the integrating process.