The goal of this study was to explore how victims of cyberbullying perceive online aggressive att... more The goal of this study was to explore how victims of cyberbullying perceive online aggressive attacks and when they see them as harmful. Interviews were carried out with 16 cybervictimised participants aged 15–17 years. The findings showed differences in the perception of online victimisation when perpetrated by an anonymous Internet user versus by a known person from the real world. The tendency of unknown online aggressors to threaten to hurt their victims offline increased the victims' feelings of harm. Where cyberbullying interconnected with the school environment, the feeling of harm was intensified by collective perpetration, and by onlookers being personally identifiable. Where cyberbullying was a part of traditional bullying, online victimisation being discussed at school reproduced the bullying and thus the trauma. The results showed that the link between cyberbullying and the physical environment is significant with respect to the victim's perception of its severity.
Prace se zabýva problematikou kybersikany u dospivajicich a psychologickými jevy z pohledu oběti.... more Prace se zabýva problematikou kybersikany u dospivajicich a psychologickými jevy z pohledu oběti. Autorka v teoreticke casti uvadi charakteristiky sikany a kybersikany jako jeji nove formy dane zneužitim informacnich a komunikacnich technologii se zaměřenim na prostředi internetu. Výzkumna cast se soustředi na psychologicke souvislosti a situaci oběti, jejich proživani a vnimani dane zkusenosti, dale na okolnostech vzniku, vývoje a řeseni kybersikany. Ve kvalitativnim explorativnim výzkumu autorka ziskala data pomoci techniky online polostrukturovaneho rozhovoru. Data nasledně zpracovala metodou zakotvene teorie. Zakladni kategorie, ktera z výzkumu vyplynula, jsou způsoby zvladani kybersikany, ke ktere se vztahuji dalsi kategorie jako jsou negativni reakce na kybersikanu, socialni opora, formy kybersikany a vztah agresora a oběti. Výsledek výzkumu lze shrnout tak, že u participantů převažovala snaha aktivně řesit problem, což se projevilo změnou chovani na internetu, komunikaci s ag...
The goal of this study was to explore how victims of cyberbullying perceive online aggressive att... more The goal of this study was to explore how victims of cyberbullying perceive online aggressive attacks and when they see them as harmful. Interviews were carried out with 16 cybervictimised participants aged 15–17 years. The findings showed differences in the perception of online victimisation when perpetrated by an anonymous Internet user versus by a known person from the real world. The tendency of unknown online aggressors to threaten to hurt their victims offline increased the victims' feelings of harm. Where cyberbullying interconnected with the school environment, the feeling of harm was intensified by collective perpetration, and by onlookers being personally identifiable. Where cyberbullying was a part of traditional bullying, online victimisation being discussed at school reproduced the bullying and thus the trauma. The results showed that the link between cyberbullying and the physical environment is significant with respect to the victim's perception of its severity.
Prace se zabýva problematikou kybersikany u dospivajicich a psychologickými jevy z pohledu oběti.... more Prace se zabýva problematikou kybersikany u dospivajicich a psychologickými jevy z pohledu oběti. Autorka v teoreticke casti uvadi charakteristiky sikany a kybersikany jako jeji nove formy dane zneužitim informacnich a komunikacnich technologii se zaměřenim na prostředi internetu. Výzkumna cast se soustředi na psychologicke souvislosti a situaci oběti, jejich proživani a vnimani dane zkusenosti, dale na okolnostech vzniku, vývoje a řeseni kybersikany. Ve kvalitativnim explorativnim výzkumu autorka ziskala data pomoci techniky online polostrukturovaneho rozhovoru. Data nasledně zpracovala metodou zakotvene teorie. Zakladni kategorie, ktera z výzkumu vyplynula, jsou způsoby zvladani kybersikany, ke ktere se vztahuji dalsi kategorie jako jsou negativni reakce na kybersikanu, socialni opora, formy kybersikany a vztah agresora a oběti. Výsledek výzkumu lze shrnout tak, že u participantů převažovala snaha aktivně řesit problem, což se projevilo změnou chovani na internetu, komunikaci s ag...
Articles by Mlada Otavová
Papers by Mlada Otavová