In this Issue
Modern Judaism provides a distinctive, interdisciplinary forum for discussion of the modern Jewish experience since the Haskalah, the Jewish Enlightenment. Its contributors address topics pertinent to the understanding of Jewish life today and the forces that have shaped that experience, including the Zionist movement and the establishment of the State of Israel, the socio-political role assumed by literary works of art, and the rise of modern anti-Semitism and its devastating climax in the Holocaust.
published by
Oxford University Pressviewing issue
Volume 37, Number 2, May 2017Editorial Board
Professor Steven T. Katz, Boston University
Editorial Assistant
Rebecca Anne Katz, Boston University
Editorial Board
Leora Batnitzky
Princeton UniversityMichael Brenner
American UniversityArnold Eisen
Jewish Theological Seminary of AmericaSander Gilman
University of ChicagoIrving Greenberg
New York CityDeborah Lipstadt
Emory UniversityPaul Mendes-Flohr
University of ChicagoMichael A. Meyer
Hebrew Union CollegeSamuel Moyn
Columbia UniversityJehuda Reinharz
Brandeis University