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In this Issue

Editorial Board


David S. Shields

Book Review Editor

Sandra Gustafsen

Advisory Editor

Philip F. Gura

Editorial Board

Douglas Anderson University of Georgia
Cristine Levenduski Emory University
Elisa New Harvard University
Jeffrey Richards Old Dominion College
Nancy Ruttenberg New York University
Shirley Samuels Cornell University
Reiner Smolinski Georgia State University

Editorial Associate Daphne O'Brien

Early American Literature, published three time a year, is the journal of the Modern Languange Association's American Literature Division I. Its province is American literature through the early national period (about 1830).
Annual subscription rates (volume 35):Individual, $24; Institutions, $36. Canada and foreign addresses, add $6 postage. Single issues: US, $12; Canada and foreign addresses, $14.
For orders, subscription inquiries, and address changes, contact UNC Press, Journals Division, PO Box 2288, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2288. Phone: 919-966-3561x256. Fax: 800-272-6817. Email: uncpress_journals@unc.edu
Reprints and back volumes available from Bell & Howell.
Contributors are asked to adopt the new MLA style described in The MLA Style Manual(1985) in the preparation of manuscripts and to omit their name from the body of the essay. Send submissions and editorial correspondence to Department of English, The Citadel, PO Box 85, Charleston, SC 29409.